View Full Version : 3rd Ed Proposed sneak attack buff (3.5e)

2017-01-19, 02:52 AM

2017-01-19, 05:17 AM
I added this to my Vecin homebrew class at the end of sneak attack:

If a rogue got this added on to their sneak attack what effects would it have on balance?
+Even if your sneak attack doesn't work, this does (such as not being in range of 30 feet with a weapon, target immunity, vital organs problems, etc.).

Since the ability ignores that qualifier of sneak attack, would it also work against enemies who arent/cannot be flanked, and/or are not denied their dex to AC? Basically, can this ability be used at any time regardless of circumstances?

2017-01-19, 06:36 AM
Since the ability ignores that qualifier of sneak attack, would it also work against enemies who arent/cannot be flanked, and/or are not denied their dex to AC? Basically, can this ability be used at any time regardless of circumstances?

Yes. It's a solid bonus to damage as long as you take a standard action to make an attack. It will combine with sneak attack if it applies, but it will work under any circumstance.

Mr Adventurer
2017-01-19, 06:58 AM
Negligible effect on balance.

2017-01-19, 08:50 AM
Negligible effect on balance.
Agree. Damage is too small to be significant' especially once you get to the point that it requires giving up your iteratives.

2017-01-19, 10:56 AM
Or even earlier, of the character users two weapons or Rapid Shot. If I had this ability I would only use it in cases where I couldn't use a full attack action, which means it would apply once per combat, on average.

If you are looking for ways to buff sneak attack I suggest giving sneak attackers the Penetrating Strike ACF for free. You can houserule it to also allow half sneak attack at longer range if you like. Even if you did all of this, it still wouldn't imbalance the game.