View Full Version : Name my Lizard Folk Forge Domain Cleric

2017-01-19, 10:28 AM
This Saturday I am playing in one of my usual groups. Originally I was a wizard but since we kept getting incredably low on health and or kept getting knocked out I am bringing in this new Cleric. Lizard Folks tend to have names that are descriptive in some way, origianlly I was going to name him the Gaelic word for war which is 'Cogadh' I like it but it seems odd. It is pronuced like this Co-gah so its a little odd for a name, if anyone has some interesting names let please feel free to post them.

I apologize if this thread doesn't belong, wasn't exactly sure.

Sir cryosin
2017-01-19, 10:41 AM
Did he pick his name or was he givin it?

2017-01-19, 10:43 AM
Did he pick his name or was he givin it?

Since he is a Lizard Folk of the Forge Domain and that tends to be somewhat of an odd domain for a lizard folk (more of a dwarf race kind of thing) I wanted him to have grown up with Dwarvs but eventually he was kicked out since he was Chaotic Good and Dwarves tend to be more Lawful

So I'd most likley say that someone gave him his name.

2017-01-19, 10:57 AM
Beiste Scaleshaper

Beiste is a Scottish name that means "the beast". Seems fitting for a lizardfolk growing up among the dwarves.

2017-01-19, 11:08 AM
Beiste Scaleshaper

Beiste is a Scottish name that means "the beast". Seems fitting for a lizardfolk growing up among the dwarves.

How is that pronuced?

2017-01-19, 11:20 AM
How is that pronuced?

Oh sure, ask me a follow-up question that I have no clue about. I would say that it probably actually sounds a bit too much like "beast", so you might want to try to vary it up a bit. Maybe something like Bay-stah, or Bee-ice-te.

2017-01-19, 01:09 PM
Oh sure, ask me a follow-up question that I have no clue about. I would say that it probably actually sounds a bit too much like "beast", so you might want to try to vary it up a bit. Maybe something like Bay-stah, or Bee-ice-te.

The latter is close or about right.