View Full Version : Power Rangers

2017-01-19, 01:18 PM
So. The new trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0757ByXCIMo) dropped today.

And honestly. I think I am sold. I think I am actually looking forward to seeing this movie.

2017-01-19, 01:29 PM
It looks interesting. Just enough like the original but different enough to make it its own thing. Or at least I hope it is. It will be one of many movies I see this year.

2017-01-19, 01:36 PM
I was never a huge Power Rangers fan as a kid, though I did catch a little of the ninja one that was on when I was maybe six, and scattered bits of some others. This has piqued my interest, though. I hope it's good!

2017-01-19, 01:44 PM
So... this looks good and I think/hope they actually put effort into making it good but... I'm not sure the tone is what I look for at my age. I can take a dumb action movie once in a while but not a dumb action movie made for teenagers. I mean, I might give it a shot if the reviews are decent but as things are, I might have gotten too old for it.

2017-01-19, 01:44 PM
They're doing a good job with these trailers. When I saw the trailer before Rogue One, I was getting kinda into it - it looked like it might be another "teens find strange thing, get strange powers" movie, like Chronicle - and it's looking good enough that I'm actually interested in seeing it. And then, right at the end... "Power Rangers".

Don't get me wrong, I'm still interested in seeing it, but it shows that the people making it are aware of the problem this franchise has: namely, due to the campiness and low-quality the shows/movies tend to have, the franchise has a...I wanna say a 'reputation' of being cheap and campy and goofy, and while that's fine if you enjoy it, it can put off a lot of people; I enjoyed the shows growing up, but I still probably wouldn't watch a Power Rangers movie unless it had a really good trailer, and this did. If the "Power Rangers" had appeared before the awesome trailer, I would've taken the trailer less seriously because I would be constantly judging what I'm seeing under a "this is a Power Rangers movie" lens of criticism that's probably unfair.

As it stands, I'm actually kind of interested in seeing a movie that attempts to be Power Rangers while also attempting to be a relatively serious superhero movie. :smallsmile:

2017-01-19, 02:20 PM
Speaking as someone who had zero interest in this until now, I would say this is a very good trailer.

I wanna say a 'reputation' of being cheapNo kidding. Are the owners of, what's the name, the "Super Sentai" series getting money on this?

2017-01-19, 02:36 PM
They're doing a good job with these trailers. When I saw the trailer before Rogue One, I was getting kinda into it - it looked like it might be another "teens find strange thing, get strange powers" movie, like Chronicle - and it's looking good enough that I'm actually interested in seeing it. And then, right at the end... "Power Rangers".

Don't get me wrong, I'm still interested in seeing it, but it shows that the people making it are aware of the problem this franchise has: namely, due to the campiness and low-quality the shows/movies tend to have, the franchise has a...I wanna say a 'reputation' of being cheap and campy and goofy, and while that's fine if you enjoy it, it can put off a lot of people; I enjoyed the shows growing up, but I still probably wouldn't watch a Power Rangers movie unless it had a really good trailer, and this did. If the "Power Rangers" had appeared before the awesome trailer, I would've taken the trailer less seriously because I would be constantly judging what I'm seeing under a "this is a Power Rangers movie" lens of criticism that's probably unfair.

As it stands, I'm actually kind of interested in seeing a movie that attempts to be Power Rangers while also attempting to be a relatively serious superhero movie. :smallsmile:

Too be fair, it was a well earned reputation. But it looks like they are getting a bit of the transformers treatment here. New sleek design, a bit darker in tone, higher quality cgi instead of either terrible cgi like the ivan ooze film, or guys in rubber suits like the tv series. Also, they are leaving adam west hijnks behind for more modern amusing events, which is good. This film seems to have potential.

2017-01-19, 03:15 PM
Too be fair, it was a well earned reputation. But it looks like they are getting a bit of the transformers treatment here. New sleek design, a bit darker in tone, higher quality cgi instead of either terrible cgi like the ivan ooze film, or guys in rubber suits like the tv series. Also, they are leaving adam west hijnks behind for more modern amusing events, which is good. This film seems to have potential.

Oh I'm not saying it's not deserved. I loved those shows for their cheap goofy camp, but they're a hard watch if you don't love that kind of thing (and the movies have generally been even worse). If this Power Rangers movie is as semi-serious and as good as the first Transformers movie (you know, back when it had potential to be more than "robots fight in city and/or desert while angsting about whether saving humanity is worth it or not" over and over), I will be pleased. :smallsmile:

Legato Endless
2017-01-19, 05:51 PM
I don't know...this film still looks like it's taking itself too seriously. I'm not saying go full cornball, but some self awareness of how cheesy the premise would help. Alpha screams annoying comic relief, and dialogue like, "We're all screw ups!" doesn't engender trust for me. Also, while the winged ape in golden armor was pretty 80s, redesigning him into a nondescript molten humanoid isn't the most entrancing visual for a Kaiju battle.

2017-01-19, 06:22 PM
I don't know...this film still looks like it's taking itself too seriously. I'm not saying go full cornball, but some self awareness of how cheesy the premise would help. Alpha screams annoying comic relief, and dialogue like, "We're all screw ups!" doesn't engender trust for me. Also, while the winged ape in golden armor was pretty 80s, redesigning him into a nondescript molten humanoid isn't the most entrancing visual for a Kaiju battle.

As someone who never was a massive Power Rangers fan, but loves Super Sentai (partially because it seems more willing to be more seriously), I'm not completely sold.

I mean, I love the idea of taking Power Rangers/Super Sentai and making it more modern, I personally loved all of the changes Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters made to the Super Sentai formula but even it was aware that it's premise was a bit weird. It also seems to be the kind of film that pushes the action over the relationships and such, which I'm not a big fan of anymore.

I'm also not liking how the main characters are presented. I mean, I'm not saying they should all be brilliant people or extremely competent, but it seems to be going for the 'loser gains superpowers' angle that bores me*. 'We're all screw ups' turns me off especially.

They're Superheroes, I'm never going to be able to take that idea completely seriously. It's got to have some fun in there, or I'll feel like I was cheated in the same way as if I'd picked up Foundation and characters punched their problems. No, battles aren't inherently fun, fun is why I adore the 60s Batman TV series (and even the Dark Knight trilogy managed to capture some fun).

* Spiderman gets away with it because I never considered Peter Parker a loser.

2017-01-19, 07:03 PM
I like how they seem to be inherently boosted without the costumes btw. I always felt like that was a bit of a plot hole in the tv series where half the time they put up a good fight against the putties or whatever without even bothering to suit up and it was like, "Um, ok, so any group of decent martial artists should be able to handle anything below big bad of the day then, right? Thats not very threatening" But if they are stronger and tougher than human norms even without the suits, that makes it better imo. It means even the basic mooks are a serious threat to the average joe. The rangers can do it because they are like buffy the vampire slayer now.

2017-01-20, 04:42 AM
I was too old for PR when it came around, yet not old enough to accept the silliness of it. I watched a few episodes and disliked them. Even when I got old enough to be more open minded it never seemed particularly interesting.

I want to see this movie.

2017-01-20, 06:57 AM
I like how they seem to be inherently boosted without the costumes btw.I think that "civilian powers" have been divisive among PR fans. However, those tended to be things like "he shoots lightning" or "she is a telepath". Or maybe I am thinking of Beetleborgs.

But if they are stronger and tougher than human norms even without the suits, that makes it better imo.At first it seems redundant, but the more I think about how Tony Stark shouldn't be able to withstand all those G's and collisions no matter how good the Iron Man armor is, while Steve Rogers' "peak of human ability" shouldn't allow him to keep up with aliens and robots... An augmented human in a power suit might be the more realistic superhero here.

2017-01-20, 07:05 AM
I wasn't much into Power Rangers, but my mom is so I had seen some of the series because she had it on all the time.

I kind of dig how they do the effect for Zordon here.

2017-01-20, 10:29 AM
I grew up watching the original series (well original for america) Iirc, I lasted through till around the clockwork empire or whatever the heck they were. Caught some random episodes after that, but I was mostly done by then. I was starting to get annoyed by the whole, "A new big bad showed up and stomped a mud hole in the rangers butts. Hey guys, turns out there are even MORE powerful coins/zords out there! Yeah, I was letting you get into tough fights all this time despite there being far superior weapons out there available for use. I figured you would like the challenge." I know there was more in universe justification than that, but I was a kid, I saw it more simply than that.

2017-01-20, 10:44 AM
I grew up watching the original series (well original for america) Iirc, I lasted through till around the clockwork empire or whatever the heck they were. Caught some random episodes after that, but I was mostly done by then. I was starting to get annoyed by the whole, "A new big bad showed up and stomped a mud hole in the rangers butts. Hey guys, turns out there are even MORE powerful coins/zords out there! Yeah, I was letting you get into tough fights all this time despite there being far superior weapons out there available for use. I figured you would like the challenge." I know there was more in universe justification than that, but I was a kid, I saw it more simply than that.

To be fair they stopped that back in Power Rangers in Space which was 21 years ago. They focused on simply having new characters going on journeys and developing over the course of a season. Then you get a new group. You get lots of characters to get to know, and it eliminates completely the power creep problem you get in other shows.

Power Rangers and villains are roughly all on par with each other to the point that you have rangers from seasons 10 or 20 years ago able to go toe to toe with the big bads of current seasons and have it all make sense.

2017-01-20, 10:46 AM
I like how they seem to be inherently boosted without the costumes btw. I always felt like that was a bit of a plot hole in the tv series where half the time they put up a good fight against the putties or whatever without even bothering to suit up and it was like, "Um, ok, so any group of decent martial artists should be able to handle anything below big bad of the day then, right? Thats not very threatening" But if they are stronger and tougher than human norms even without the suits, that makes it better imo. It means even the basic mooks are a serious threat to the average joe. The rangers can do it because they are like buffy the vampire slayer now.

Putties were never supposed to be superhuman. They overwhelmed people and forces by being a nearly infinite mass produced army. Normal humans are supposed to be able to fight them, not just the Rangers. It's only the Monsters that are the big threats.

Rogar Demonblud
2017-01-20, 12:21 PM
I grew up watching the original series (well original for america) Iirc, I lasted through till around the clockwork empire or whatever the heck they were. Caught some random episodes after that, but I was mostly done by then. I was starting to get annoyed by the whole, "A new big bad showed up and stomped a mud hole in the rangers butts. Hey guys, turns out there are even MORE powerful coins/zords out there! Yeah, I was letting you get into tough fights all this time despite there being far superior weapons out there available for use. I figured you would like the challenge." I know there was more in universe justification than that, but I was a kid, I saw it more simply than that.

Part of that problem is that the first four (?) seasons of MMPR are actually like three different Super Sentai series kind of mashed together. So that 'power up' thing is actually where they should switch casts.

2017-01-20, 01:42 PM
I don't know...this film still looks like it's taking itself too seriously. I'm not saying go full cornball, but some self awareness of how cheesy the premise would help. Alpha screams annoying comic relief, and dialogue like, "We're all screw ups!" doesn't engender trust for me. Also, while the winged ape in golden armor was pretty 80s, redesigning him into a nondescript molten humanoid isn't the most entrancing visual for a Kaiju battle.

I think the newer trailer does a good job of suggesting that they aren't so much going "grim and dark" as going "the themes for shows and movies aimed at young teenagers these days are allowed to be more mature and serious, so we're updating Power Rangers to a modern young to mid teen audience". The first trailer felt much more "super serious"; this one is full of ridiculous jokes (Trini's mom!) and explicit "This is a battle of Good Vs Evil" stuff.

The costumes and monsters are definitely more hit or miss. The new rocky-Putties are pretty cool, and a bit more menacing than the old goofy ones. Goldar is... well, he's something. The zords look neat, Rita looks terrible, and I'm still a touch annoyed that they gave the girls heels, but the Ranger costumes are sort of growing on me.

2017-01-20, 10:53 PM
I was a bit surprised by the trailer showing actor's faces while they're in the suits. Supposedly, this was an idea they had for MMPR: the Movie and it was rejected back then. Looking around online, I see that this was already known.

I think the newer trailer does a good job of suggesting that they aren't so much going "grim and dark" as going "the themes for shows and movies aimed at young teenagers these days are allowed to be more mature and serious, so we're updating Power Rangers to a modern young to mid teen audience". The first trailer felt much more "super serious"; this one is full of ridiculous jokes (Trini's mom!) and explicit "This is a battle of Good Vs Evil" stuff.This second trailer naming Rita as "pure evil" definitely puts it in line with most of the shows. If they can ever ditch the concepts of absolute good and absolute evil, Rolling Bomber Special (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOR6yTNFHFo) is the bar I would judge Power Rangers against.
Supposedly, this version of Rita Repulsa was a ranger in the past. (http://www.thewrap.com/power-rangers-what-we-know-so-far-photos/7/) Sympathetic villains which aren't designed to turn instantly and join the rangers are pretty rare, so I'm guessing her contact with "pure evil" will probably make her completely unredeemable. Then her old powers get channeled into a new green ranger.

2017-01-21, 05:23 AM
we have mom freaking out and general combat gets some Micheal bay stuff added instead of cheap flares and joke explosives for effects looks good for me and before forgetting new rita looks some what more like an alien bigbad then old shows magical hag living in moon stuff

2017-01-21, 06:50 AM
we have mom freaking out and general combat gets some Micheal bay stuff added instead of cheap flares and joke explosives for effects looks good for me and before forgetting new rita looks some what more like an alien bigbad then old shows magical hag living in moon stuff

But I liked the magical hag living in the moon. Sure, it was a bit silly, but it's not like I see 'Power Rangers' and think 'this is going to make complete and utter sense'. Also it made a ton of sense in Zyuranger where the Zyurangers were implicitly magical as well.

Yes, the combat does look good, but honestly I'm likely going to be annoyed because when I've watched Power Rangers or Super Sentai the 'cheap flares and joke explosives' completely fit the tone I've come to expect. Heck, I don't watch five/six Japanese people in spandex doing martial arts because it's good action, I watch it because it doesn't matter if they have American or Japanese voices it's a bunch of laughs not taking itself too seriously.

The main reason I'm not interested is that it looks like they're trying to make it more like Kamen Rider but with a team, which while not bad isn't exactly what I expect. I mean I love Kamen Rider, and the current series is managing to be surprisingly mature while remaining funny, and I suspect that this film is going to be successful via a mixture of nostalgia and the fact it actually looks okay if you just want superheroes, but it's not the sort of thing I expect when I hear the words 'power rangers' and so I'm personally going to wait for a bit and see what my friends say. Maybe it manages to keep some of that charm which is why I even try to watch Power Rangers these days, or maybe it'll just be generic, I'm not interested enough to find out in person.

2017-01-23, 02:53 PM
I did a reaction video to the trailer and I have to say the only thing that turns me off or more so disappoints me is Goldar, he looks just stupid. Even the toy which I picked up in the Target set a few weeks back looks dump. Here is the thing, I'm still going to hold out. Because all I've seen of Goldar has been in his large form. For all, we know he could have speaking lines. He might have a closer look to the original show from when he smaller. We don't know.

Reading the thread, I have seen many people bring up the fact that the zords look like transformers and much of the film we have to see looks like something Michael Bay would do. Even know as far as I know nothing about him or his production company has anything to do with this film. I'm a big fan of Transformer, those who know me have seen my ever growing Transformer shelf. That being said, I loved the first film, I hated the rest beyond that.

I think they are bad films, story wise, acting wise. Look wise, other than the last one (I feel they got cheap this time) have all looked amazing. Not to get too far off the topic at hand, but let's all just face the fact here. Transformers as it stands now is the standard when it comes to making large robots that transform. Let's face it if we ever get say Gobots or Voltron live action they will look like Transformers.

This is why the zords have that look, it sells. Then you have the Megazord form which let's all be honest it looks like Pacific Rim. This is one thing I am happy with and I hope that no matter how long the fight is 20 or 30 mins of the film, that the Megazord fight vs Goldar looks like Pacific Rim in terms of the action cuts.

One thing I feel Transformers does horrible and many action films dealing with large monsters have done since is cut away from the action or try to go this realistic route in showing you the reactions to those around, hindering the fight at hand. Let's be honest, this is done for budget reasons, it's way more costly to show two full on CGI characters at that scale fighting for a long time vs showing small amounts and cutting away to showing just their feet, hands, of in the case of Godzilla, them on a small TV. I hope they go Pacific Rim way which showed you everything.

I have hope, I'm a fan of the old story of Power Rangers (from MMR to Lost Galaxy) those who aren't too away, the story arc was an ongoing story to about the midway into Lost Galaxy, with the overall arc ending with In Space were it all came full circle at the end. After that is when they went each season really being standalone with very little in terms of keeping track with what came before. But that is another topic altogether.

What I hope is they try to make a good film, it needs to be silly, it needs to be campy and I swear I will RIOT if they don't have Kim say "nice stereo" when she jumps in her zord. I think in fact it would be a great toss back, which I think they will do because it's campy and it's a toss back to those who might have watched the show. So far I'm split betweeen are they making this film for the fans of the show or are they making it to market to the new fans of the now horrible version of PR that they are currently doing.

We don't know and I going to say that within the next month we'll start getting more TV spots and maybe another trailer which I hope doesn't show too much. Which to be honest is a problem with a tone of films these days. Even Logan I feel they have shown too much.

Last to end my long reply here lol Let's just get it out there now, yes they will morph at the end, last 40mins and the zord battle will be about 20mins of the end of the film. Anyone who knows anything about Power Rangers, 90% of the time, the zords came out in the last 10-8mins of the show anyways so getting even 20mins of a battle would great. The budget of the film isn't massive like Transformers. I'm still gonna see it, I'm a fan of Super Sentai and the old series, so we'll see. At least it's gonna be better than the last two power ranger movies right?

Legato Endless
2017-01-23, 04:29 PM
The costumes and monsters are definitely more hit or miss. The new rocky-Putties are pretty cool, and a bit more menacing than the old goofy ones. Goldar is... well, he's something. The zords look neat, Rita looks terrible, and I'm still a touch annoyed that they gave the girls heels, but the Ranger costumes are sort of growing on me.

Yeah, I like the Putties too. The breastplates on the girls' costumes bothers me, but I think I've hit female fantasy armor saturation. Yeah, it's not metal, it's some super synthetic spandex, but still people. Come on.

Because all I've seen of Goldar has been in his large form. For all, we know he could have speaking lines. He might have a closer look to the original show from when he smaller. We don't know.

Goldar probably won't have anything in the way of characterization. In the economy of the film, I wouldn't expect much time developing anyone besides the five teens, Rita and maybe Zordon, in that order. Possibly one of the parent's gets developed as part of a Ranger's subplot. Goldar will either emerge giant sized as Rita's weapon, or he'll be a gestalt from her putties. I'd be surprised if he was anything other than a hulking third act monster considering his design.

Yes, the combat does look good, but honestly I'm likely going to be annoyed because when I've watched Power Rangers or Super Sentai the 'cheap flares and joke explosives' completely fit the tone I've come to expect. Heck, I don't watch five/six Japanese people in spandex doing martial arts because it's good action, I watch it because it doesn't matter if they have American or Japanese voices it's a bunch of laughs not taking itself too seriously.

Weirdly I actually think Power Rangers comes off...not terribly in terms of action compared to parts of Modern Hollywood. If one thing has declined in filmmaking over the last decade, it's competent editing. See here (https://youtu.be/Z1PCtIaM_GQ?t=327) contrasting Jackie Chan's elegance to Guardians of the Galaxy's sloppier action sequences. Granted, Power Rangers has never been that good, but I'm hoping the directing style borrows more from it's Sentai roots than current sensibilities. There's some Transformers 1 fans in the thread, but part of why I can't enjoy that film is the action sequences are incomprehensible garbage. That and the 'escapist' protagonist.

2017-01-23, 04:37 PM
Yeah, I like the Putties too. The breastplates on the girls' costumes bothers me, but I think I've hit female fantasy armor saturation. Yeah, it's not metal, it's some super synthetic spandex, but still people. Come on.

The breastplates bother me less than the heels because of the metal-sculpted pecs and codpieces on all the guys, and the fact that the ladies have sculpted abs along with the men. It makes the suits as a whole look like "this is supposed to look halfway between armor and a nude person". It's ridiculous, but it's mostly equal-opportunity ridiculous.

The wedge heels are just kind of frustrating, though, because it detracts from that aesthetic.

2017-01-23, 04:50 PM
When I saw the trailer -- which I think might have been the darker one out of multiple ones, if multiple ones exist -- I pictured it as "group of teenagers finds some weird thing (likely magical or alien tech)" and then start to change. I thought it might go in the manner of the humans were replaced by some Other that just thought it was human. Seemed really cool. Then "Power Rangers" appeared, and I had to stop from laughing in the theater at how unrelated the trailer seemed to what I knew of Power Rangers as a kid.

I do think it could be a cool movie. If I were one to go to movies often, I'd go see it. As is, I hope to borrow it from the library or see it on Netflix in a year or two after it comes out.

I would like it if there's some reason in-world that the Big Bad (Rita, I guess) doesn't just send a slew of monsters to kill them, instead of doing it one at a time, like they did almost every episode in the series.

2017-01-23, 05:30 PM
Weirdly I actually think Power Rangers comes off...not terribly in terms of action compared to parts of Modern Hollywood. If one thing has declined in filmmaking over the last decade, it's competent editing. See here (https://youtu.be/Z1PCtIaM_GQ?t=327) contrasting Jackie Chan's elegance to Guardians of the Galaxy's sloppier action sequences. Granted, Power Rangers has never been that good, but I'm hoping the directing style borrows more from it's Sentai roots than current sensibilities. There's some Transformers 1 fans in the thread, but part of why I can't enjoy that film is the action sequences are incomprehensible garbage. That and the 'escapist' protagonist.

That... actually explains a lot about my annoyances with both Guardians of the Galaxy and Civil War, but I have to agree that Hollywood Action is a bit poor lately.

On the subject of that awesome video and Power Rangers/Super Sentai, the fireworks in Super Sentai, while looking goofy, serve a practical purpose. With at potentially more than six characters fighting on screen it can be difficult to follow. The fact that anybody in a suit sparks when hit means you see it when someone gets hit. I know when something important happens, and so in those cases where it isn't so important that I know I forgive them.

2017-01-25, 04:10 PM
Agreed, you knew when a real hit was landed, you knew when someone got defeated. It was an excellent workaround for not being able to sell the hits normally because the costumes were too bulky and restrictive, (or they just werent skilled enough to do it) Maybe people wouldnt make fun of that one infamous kirk battle if he shot sparks off every time he got hit instead of reacting three seconds later due to his alien costume being incredibly terrible. On second thought, naah, that would have just made it worse. :p

2017-01-25, 10:35 PM
Agreed, you knew when a real hit was landed, you knew when someone got defeated. It was an excellent workaround for not being able to sell the hits normally because the costumes were too bulky and restrictive, (or they just werent skilled enough to do it)Sparks also made the actor's actions less replicable by children/made the toys they were selling seem much cooler.

Delicious Taffy
2017-01-26, 05:34 AM
"Pee in this cup!"

Okay, that's a little bit of an overreaction to a teenager being snarky. Alpha's new design and voice are strange, but I like Zordon. Also, I actually like Rita's new design. It reminds me of Trakeena and Scorpina, with just enough visual cues to make me suspect Green Ranger powers are happening. The only thing that could ruin my enjoyment of this is someone bitching in my ear while I'm trying to watch it.

2017-01-26, 08:38 AM
My problem with the trailer, is it kind of comes off as pandering. "See, the power rangers are 'troubled teens' too. So you can relate..right guys?" It all seemed a little to digrassi high for me. It's like the producers of the movie where like.. hey I don't know about the kids, how do we make them poplular. Breakfast club is still a thing? Right. .. So lets give them super powers.

I mean the 90s version was all a little too goody goody. But come on...

2017-01-29, 08:35 AM
I'm, on the fence. I don't much care for the civilian powers thing. The Putties, I have mixed feelings about.

I'm not loving the Zorde's or Goldar, and I'm not sure I'm thrilled with what were getting for the teens, but I don't hate them or anything. That goes to more of a wait and see category.

The two things that it NEEDS to sell me on is that it can be fun, and that the fight choreography can be fast, high energy, intricate, and comprehensible. That's a BIG part of what got kids attention about power rangers when it first came out. There just flat wasn't anyone DOING fight choreography that was anything like that at the time, and it's still kind of a rarity in the US for kids shows. Though the trailer doesn't sell me on that.

Also, Pee in the Cup. Yeah. As someone who was rather fond of Trini when the show first came out (she was bar none my favorite of the group, and when the green ranger first got on the team he tied, for that, didn't surpass until she was written off the show.) yeah, between that scene and that stupid, stupid STUPID *#(!ing poster awhile back, there on thin ice with me on her.

2017-01-29, 09:05 AM
The two things that it NEEDS to sell me on is that it can be fun, and that the fight choreography can be fast, high energy, intricate, and comprehensible. That's a BIG part of what got kids attention about power rangers when it first came out. There just flat wasn't anyone DOING fight choreography that was anything like that at the time, and it's still kind of a rarity in the US for kids shows. Though the trailer doesn't sell me on that.Since this will be a movie, I expect it won't be fair to compare the fights to a weekly action television series. What would be impressive to fit into one format is less so in a movie where we know they have some sort of budget and time.

Also, Pee in the Cup. Yeah. As someone who was rather fond of Trini when the show first came out (she was bar none my favorite of the group, and when the green ranger first got on the team he tied, for that, didn't surpass until she was written off the show.) yeah, between that scene and that stupid, stupid STUPID *#(!ing poster awhile back, there on thin ice with me on her.I wanted to like Trini more in MMPR, but I don't think she had any memorable development. Having an over-protective mother who, when told the truth, assumes her daughter must be on drugs is at least a place to start with showing the character's relationships with others. The parents of the rangers were almost completely absent from MMPR.

2017-01-29, 09:18 AM
Since this will be a movie, I expect it won't be fair to compare the fights to a weekly action television series. What would be impressive to fit into one format is less so in a movie where we know they have some sort of budget and time.

I think my potential problem with the action won't necessarily be that the fights don't have the budget of the original show fights (they'll have a much bigger budget, obviously), but that they won't have the right tone. A Power Rangers fight, even a cheap one where you can see the cheapness on screen, is still entertaining to watch. It's a fun fight sequence, even when the stakes are serious. I'm not really sure how to describe it, but it's like there's an energy to it that's missing from a lot of fight scenes in modern movies. The closest I could compare it to is maybe a Jackie Chan fight scene, which has a good budget and is well-choreographed, but everybody's clearly having fun and putting a lot of passion into making the fight look good. That feel-good kind of fighting is part of what sets the tone of the show, and not having it in the movie...well, it would suck. It's like a Spider-Man that isn't throwing out quips while he fights, it looks cool but it's not...not quite there, I guess.

2017-01-29, 12:24 PM
It looks okay, but I doubt it will be so great. After all, there's no sign of Bulk and Skull and those two were a big part of what made the series memorable.

2017-01-29, 02:34 PM
Since this will be a movie, I expect it won't be fair to compare the fights to a weekly action television series. What would be impressive to fit into one format is less so in a movie where we know they have some sort of budget and time.

Except that a lot of the time action in modern movies is relatively dull. I actually find the action in Super Sentai really entertaining and better done than say the action in Captain America: Civil War, it just feels more fluid and I know when someone gets hit even when they aren't flying backwards (on that not, I love how Super Sentai protagonists actually will cry out in pain when hit, although the damage effects can look a bit silly).

Plus what AvatarVecna says about PR/SS action being fun. It says something that I saw about 3 episodes of PR as a child, and yet I find myself loving the action and being able to take five people in spandex hitting a rubber monster seriously while it's happening.