View Full Version : Optimization Special Activities Division/ Political Action Group

2017-01-19, 05:53 PM
I am lokking to create a group, who's purpose is to conducts the deniable psychological operations, also known as black propaganda, as well as "Covert Influence" to effect political change as an important part of any Administration's foreign policy. This could involve financial support for favored candidates, media guidance, technical support for public relations, get-out-the-vote or political organizing efforts, legal expertise, advertising campaigns, assistance with poll-watching, and other means of direct action. Policy decisions could be influenced by assets, such as subversion of officials of the country, to make decisions in their official capacity that are in the furtherance of policy aims. In addition, mechanisms for forming and developing opinions involve the covert use of propaganda.

I want the NPC to be level 20 WBL, and may use any official content. I want the character to mundane as possible, or at least not full spellcasting!

Any ideas would be most welcome!!!
