View Full Version : The Adventures of an Unlikely Party

2017-01-20, 01:00 AM
Heyo Playgrounders,

So, after tonights D&D session, I have decided to start posting their adventures on the Playground. As always, feedback is loved and welcomed as long as it isn't hateful. Their will be an update roughly every Thursday around 9-10 EST. Now, onto character introductions!

Note: The first three characters are subject to change, as I made these up sort of. At my players request, I will change it.

Rold: Human Sorcerer. Subclass: Draconic (Ice). Rold is often known for giving people the cold shoulder. His draconic powers awakening early in his youth, he spent his life secretly honing his ice magick. Until he took up adventuring to seek fortune and ancient magicks. Obsessed with finding these lost powers, he devotes his life to pursuit of magic and growing stronger with it. He detests fires, takes cold baths (which always baffles innkeepers) and tries to keep his powers hidden until necessary. Of course, this leads to questions about why he has patches of scales on his skin.

Beldin: Dwarf Barbarian. Subclass: Path of Iron (Homebrew). Pirate, accountant, and possible alcoholic, Beldin thinks first, axes questions later. Known for his witty remarks and desperate attempts to sell tax plans to every potential customer, Beldin is a jolly dwarf (and often drunk). However, don't mistake his jovial disposition for complacency. He'll be quick to tear you a new one if you anger him. Growing up, all Beldin ever dreamed about was a nice house with six foot hedges. He took up pirating to try and make his fortune, but cast off that life after things started not working out. He's strong and hardy, and never thinks there's enough drink to go around.

Rynn Half-Elf Rogue. Subclass: Assassin. Not typically one for words, Rynn lets her Short sword and dagger speak for her. Her past is hidden in mystery, and her character is quiet at best. Her motives unknown, but generally benevolent, she works in the shadows.

Mahtan, of the Nine Human Warlock. Subclass: Pact of the Fiend (NPC). Mahtan was one of two survivors in an orc raid. Elves found him, and took him in. Showing an unnatural adeptness for magic, He quickly became renowned among them. Quickly becoming a master, he was asked to become the ambassador for the city of Quailin'Toth. He took this honor with pride, and set out to foster relations with other communities. But when he returned... he found ruins and demons. The city had been set to flames. They captured Mahtan and eight others. Binding them in service to the Lords of Hell. They became The Nine. Forced to do unspeakable acts in the name of their lords, they are forced to bring pain and agony unto people. Mahtan serves Baal, lord of Betrayal. Mahtan has to betray anyone he befriends. His weapon, a Curse Scythe forged in the fires of the Hells, harms foes as well as the wielder. He hates what he has to do, but he's compelled by his master. All he wants is a way to free himself and the rest of the Nine from this curse.

Now, with that out of the way, onto the story!

After having killed everyone in Rivergarde Keep (and given a tip by a prisoner they eventually killed) Rold, Mahtan, Beldin, and Rynn headed towards the Sacred Stone Monastery. Forgetting their Hippogriff's they lit out walking... Feeling rather foolish around midday. Stopping for a quick lunch of dried meat and bread that was washed down with cheap wine. They made small talk and enjoyed the weather. Despite the fact that the fate of the world may very well lay in their hands, they were able to enjoy a few minutes of peace. Dusting off crumbs, they continued on their way. The day was oddly quiet, not that they were complaining. Overall, it was an easy journey. As the day came to an end however, the party noticed a dust cloud forming down the road. Not quite being able to tell what it was, they quickly hid in some nearby bushes. Unfortunately the cloud was a group of cultists they were familiar with, and had a mage among them. Able to detect the party through their cover, he calls them out. Beldin, seeing how everything had gone to ****, swore and became enraged. Charging out of a bush, he swings with his Greataxe. A solid strike, but this mage wasn't one to mess around. Using arcane magicks, he pulled a wall of energy in front of him, saving himself from an axe to the face. Rold, being quick on the attack, fired a shard of ice forth, exploding on contact. The cultists, members of Black Earth, began trying to kill Beldin. Mahtan leaped out of the bushes, summoning his scythe, and joined the battle. After a minute or so of fighting, the mage shouted "ENOUGH!. Time began to warp... and slow... until Rold countered it with his innate draconic power. Furious, the mage turned to Rold and threw a mote of fire at the bush he was hiding in, and set it ablaze. Rold caught fire as he scrambled to get out. Managing to put himself out, he stumbled to his feet, and turned towards the mage as he felt his blood being pulled out of his body. Screaming in agony, he fell to his knees in pain. Mahtan and Rynn were locked in combat with the other two cultists, and fought with vigor... Until Mahtan stabbed himself. Not entirely of his own control, he plunged the end of the scythe into his body; falling unconscious. Rold, seeing his fallen ally, rushed over to his aid, and poured a healing potion he bought from a traveling caravan.This potion was extremely potent, completely healing Mahtan's, who jolted up and swung his scythe in time to save Rold from a cultists morning star. Rold quickly thanked Mahtan, and turned to the mage to see Beldin tearing into him with his greataxe. Thrice Beldin sunk his axe into the mage's body, leaving little more than a pile of blood and gore. Rynn, quiet as a wraith, came up behind the cultist trying to kill Rold and Mahtan, and shoved her short sword through his spine. Coughing up blood, the cultist felt the life leave his body. Beldin decapitated the last two cultists. After that encounter, the party cleaned up themselves, and continued on their way. After another day of traveling, they finished making their way to the monastery. Beldin leading, and wearing the same armor as many warriors in the Monastery, was seen as one of them. When the rest of the party caught up, Mahtan was.. in a trance of sorts. Killing one of the guards instantly and nearly killing the other one, quickly finished off by Beldin. Rynn came forward, and Mahtan swung at her. Taken aback, Rold says "Mahtan? You okay?" At this Mahtan swung at Rold, cutting a gash across his chest. Beldin leapt into action, hitting Mahtan with the flat of his axe, followed by Rynn whacking him with the butt of her sword. Mahtan stumbled back and cast a curse on Rold, who tried to counter the magic only to be met by a counter of Mahtan's. A crown of wrought iron thorns twisted itself onto Rold's head. Screaming in pain, Rold lost his mind to this curse, and saw Mahtan as a friend. He cast detect thoughts, to figure out why Mahtan was attacking his allies. Inside Mahtan's fractured mind, Rold could hear a Demon speaking in Abyssal and controlling Mahtan's body. Mahtan was trying to wrest control from this demon, presumably Baal. Suddenly Rold was forced out as Rynn knocked Mahtan unconscious. The Crown disappeared, and Rold regained himself. In a furious rage he took his quarterstaff and crushed Mahtan's larynx. Mahtan awoke for a few brief seconds. Staring as Rold, a person he called friend, ended his life. He shook his head slightly, and the life left his eyes. The party heard an echo of laughter as Mahtan died. Beldin, seeing Mahtan's Curse Scythe, and figuring it would be a nice pickup if only to sell for gold later, grabbed it. As he did, He felt dark power enter his veins, and knew he had been cursed for taking this weapon.

Aaaand that's where we left off. What did you think? :D

EDITS: Cleaned up story, fixed some minor errors. Made it more pleasing to read.

2017-01-20, 03:38 PM
We don't impose "penalties" on warlock players, unless it's self imposed as part of their back story, or there is some type or agreement between the player and the DM. Why play a Warlock then :) as they are balanced to all other classes.

My take on it is, if Baal, lord of Betrayal, has invested time and effort into a mortal vassal, for some grand scheme that the arch-devil has foreseen/planned. He would be trying to position his pawn to interrupt/betray/kill/murder/death someone or something. Why waste the investment on guards? Devil's are planners and schemers, despite their portfolios. Mindless killing is a chaotic/demon tendency.

2017-01-21, 12:02 AM
We don't impose "penalties" on warlock players, unless it's self imposed as part of their back story, or there is some type or agreement between the player and the DM. Why play a Warlock then :) as they are balanced to all other classes.

My take on it is, if Baal, lord of Betrayal, has invested time and effort into a mortal vassal, for some grand scheme that the arch-devil has foreseen/planned. He would be trying to position his pawn to interrupt/betray/kill/murder/death someone or something. Why waste the investment on guards? Devil's are planners and schemers, despite their portfolios. Mindless killing is a chaotic/demon tendency.

It's all a part of the plan, my friend ;)

Also, LORE TIME!!! The Nine Lords of Hell have changed to fit my world (despite it being Faerun) and in no particular order are:

1. Baal, Lord of Betrayal. Weapon: Curse Scythe (Properly Named Breaker Scythe)
2. Beelzebub, Lord of Flies. Weapon: Swarm Magicks
3. Leviathan & Behemoth, Twin Lords of Chaos and Destruction (But for all intents, count as one lord). Weapon: Twin Greatswords of Suffering and Sorrow
4. Murmur, Lord of Secrets. Weapon: Flute of Distrust
5. Zagan, Lord of Vengeance. Weapon: Sword of Wrath
6. Vapula, Lord of Darkness. Weapon: Gloom Staff
7. Raum, Lord of Pestilence and Fate. Weapon: ??
8. Stolas, Lord of Stars. Weapon: Dagger of Night
9. Avnas (or Amy, his other persona), Lord of Fire. Weapon: ??

Notable things:

In this world, The Nine Lords of Hell are near-godlike in power, and the world is their plaything. While they may not be direct in their methods (for reasons unknown) they are very much an active power.

First off, please for the love of dice don't you demonology experts chastise me. I found names, read a touch on them, and applied them how I wanted.

Baal and Murmur may seem interchangeable, and are often seen working in tandem with one another. By no means are they allies though. Baal is Lord of Betrayal. It doesn't have to be secret (as seen by Mahtan losing control). Murmur, however, only gives secrets. Whatever a person decides to do with it, is up to them (though, Murmur often picks people who can be easily corrupted or are likely to act on this information)

Raum and Beelzebub. These two, also associated with one another in some cases (Pestilence associated flies, flies symbolizing disease or rot) are polar opposites. Raum, being one of the less evil (But still thoroughly so compared to our "heroes") Lords, despises Beelzebub's method of disease and spread. In Raum's eyes, Beelzebub runs rampant, and would go completely unchecked if able. On the other Hand, Beelzebub thinks Raum is too slow to cause suffering.

Behemoth and Leviathan. Probably the only thing I kept from what I read in this world, Behemoth and Leviathan were one become two. But I didn't really find much more (mostly due to laziness and a 13 hour WoW binge. Not to mention Fencing Posture practice for my Stage Combat class leaving my legs like jello :( ) However, when I think leviathan or behemoth, I think massive, world devouring monsters of destruction and terror. Hence I made them twin lords of chaos and destruction.

More Lore coming soon. :D

2017-01-27, 12:40 AM
Heyo Playgrounders,

It's that time again! For a refresher, The (currently active) party consists of:

Rold: Human Sorcerer. Subclass: Draconic (Ice). Rold is often known for giving people the cold shoulder. His draconic powers awakening early in his youth, he spent his life secretly honing his ice magick. Until he took up adventuring to seek fortune and ancient magicks. Obsessed with finding these lost powers, he devotes his life to pursuit of magic and growing stronger with it. He detests fires, takes cold baths (which always baffles innkeepers) and tries to keep his powers hidden until necessary. Of course, this leads to questions about why he has patches of scales on his skin.

Beldin: Dwarf Barbarian. Subclass: Path of Iron (Homebrew). Pirate, accountant, and possible alcoholic, Beldin thinks first, axes questions later. Known for his witty remarks and desperate attempts to sell tax plans to every potential customer, Beldin is a jolly dwarf (and often drunk). However, don't mistake his jovial disposition for complacency. He'll be quick to tear you a new one if you anger him. Growing up, all Beldin ever dreamed about was a nice house with six foot hedges. He took up pirating to try and make his fortune, but cast off that life after things started not working out. He's strong and hardy, and never thinks there's enough drink to go around.

Rynn Half-Elf Rogue. Subclass: Assassin. Not typically one for words, Rynn lets her Short sword and dagger speak for her. Her past is hidden in mystery, and her character is quiet at best. Her motives unknown, but generally benevolent, she works in the shadows.

Shakaroth (Temporary NPC (Consider this the voice of the DM for when the players get lost or have missed something.) Gold Dragon. Shakaroth is a benevolent dragon who has given his aid to the party. While not always around, he focuses on destroying evil wherever it may be found. The call of Elemental Evil caught his attention, and he encountered the party whilst they were traveling (Before they met Mahtan). He has a distrust for Rold (Because of his white draconic blood) but believes Rold doesn't have the worst of intentions. He finds Beldin a bit of a funny character, and Rynn a rather quiet type. All in all, he's entrusted the task of stopping the evil in the Sumber Hills to the party.


Mahtan, an ally who said he would be forced to betray them, was now dead. Rold kept a cold silence as the party retreated back and made camp. As they watched through the night, Rold saw some orcs heading down the road. Since they weren't coming towards them, he didn't bother to wake Beldin and Rynn. About midnight, Beldin took shift. As he kept watch, Beldin remembered his dream.

"You will submit..." A voice said in the darkness "This power you wield, you can destroy entire worlds with it" Beldin only cared about his six foot hedges though. If the scythe he picked up helped him reach that dream, okay!

"So, erm, Baal right? Cool story, but does this weapon come in axe form?" Beldin responded.


"Okay. Geez, so edgy" He thought to himself before being woke up. As he kept watch, he saw a couple of guards come out and discover the bodies of Mahtan and the two they killed earlier. In a panic, they went inside; a few short minutes later five more came back out. Two dragged the bodies inside, including Mahtan's, and returned. Rynn last shift, and saw nothing of interest. As the dawn came the party prepared to attack the monastery. Rynn sneaked up on the group, and loosed an arrow. Several minutes of fighting ensued, including a couple of earthen priests joining the battle. As this fight went on, Beldin could feel that presence. The Scythe was powerful, but it hurt. Drawing the life out of Beldin as it did so. He stumbled a bit, and kept fighting. Until it stabbed him, and he heard that voice again. Coughing up blood, he yanked it out, and popped a potion. As the battle continued, the party managed to overcome their foes. Capturing one, Beldin suggested interrogation. This cultist was delirious from pain, and mumbled mostly nonsense. However, they did hear the name "Marlos" repeated over and over. With a crazed look in his eye, the cultist stared at Rold and said "Your town will be reduced to rubble. All will return to the earth. You have one hour" Presuming the town in question was Red Larch, the party saw their hippogryphs come from overhead. Seizing the opportunity, they mounted and made a beeline for Red Larch. Upon their arrival... nothing. Going into the town hall to warn the constable, a rather rude man named Harbuk, they were yelled at and being blamed for causing all of this. Rold, not wanting to deal with this crap, suggested leaving Red Larch to it's fate. Rynn, however, argued that saving the town from a potential disaster would be a better course of action. Rold reluctantly agreed. As they left town hall, they heard a low chanting break out. In the center of town there were twelve cultists surrounding three orbs that glowed red. This was not good. Rold unleashed a blast of lightning, chaining six of them in a surge of electricity. Fortunately, they heard a roar overhead. Seeing a friend descend from the sky, Shakaroth joined them.

"Reckless" was all Shakaroth said as he turned into a humanoid form with draconic wings. Ascending into the air, he unleashed all manner of fiery hell upon the cultists. Leaving naught but ash to be swept away by the wind, Shakaroth turned to the party.

"You need to be more careful." He said in a voice more ancient than his appearance would suggest.

"I thought we killed the fire people!" Rold said in a confused tone.

"No... You only destroyed their surface outposts. The cultists are rooted deep within the city of Tyar Besil" Shakaroth responded.

Beldin piped in "Where's the nearest entrance then?"

"All of the outposts have entrances nearby. The Sacred Stone Monastery has the most direct one, however." Shakaroth answered.

"Will you come with us? We could use the help." Rold pleaded slightly.

"I would, but there is a much greater evil on the horizon. One that I need to address. You all are powerful in your own right, and that power will only grow in the years to come. I entrust the safety of the Sumber Hills to you. For if you do not stop the Elder Elemental Eye, Red Larch will only be the beginning" Rynn saw Shakaroth's eyes flicker to Beldin for an instant, implying the Nine had something to do with it. "Now, I suggest you take care of those orbs before they erupt" Rold and Beldin put one orb back in a box. Then, in a surge of energy (and possibly demonic influence) Beldin moved with ungodly speed and sealed the other two orbs in their respective boxes.

"Alright, now what?" Beldin asked.

"Hide them away. Return them to their native plane if possible. Until we next meet." With that, Shakaroth flew off.

Aaand... that's where we stopped.

Mo' Lore!

The Servants of the Nine:

Mahtan, Servant of Baal

Vaskjar, Servant of Beelzebub

Fras-Wren, Servant of Leviathan and Behemoth

Elnoth, Servant of Murmur

Aellara, Servant of Zagan

Beargen, Servant of Vapula

Fus-Tor-Gen, Servant of Raum

Kastar, Servant of Stolas

????, Servant of Avnas

The Nine are ancient. Rumored to be immortal, their lords bestowed power unimaginable upon them. But the cost they paid, whether willing or not, was too great.

2017-02-02, 05:49 PM
Heyo Playgrounders

I'm not sure if anyone actually reads these (They're terrible quality, I know). But for those of you who do, there won't be an update tonight. Things came up, and the party can't make it. I apologize. We will meet next week though. So if you still read these, look forward to it!

On the plus side, we might be getting a new player!!!

2017-02-02, 08:46 PM
No worries Rumocrytuf. Keep up the posting. It's always great to see someone's world actually living and breathing.

2017-02-10, 02:00 AM
WE'RE BAAACK! So, you know that extra player I mentioned? She caught Strep. But we know she's playing a druid, so that might be fun.

Also, UPDATE on character backstory. I had some time to talk with a couple of my players before the game began and now we have actual backstories for a couple. Not Rynn though. :( But we will sometime!

As always, characters.

Rold: Human Sorcerer. Subclass: Draconic (Ice). In his youth, Rold's father would take him to view the mountains. He grew up near Icewind Dale, and always had a natural affinity for the cold. On one such trip, a blizzard came in, and Rold and his father were forced to seek shelter in a cave. His father froze to death trying to keep his son warm... and that's when his powers awoke. Since that day, he's been learning to control his magic and to generally help others (There are a few exceptions). He detests fires, takes cold baths (which always baffles innkeepers) and keeps himself well covered. Of course, inevitably he get's questions about why he has patches of scales on his skin.

Beldin: Dwarf Barbarian. Subclass: Path of Iron (Homebrew). Pirate, accountant, and possible alcoholic, Beldin thinks first, axes questions later. Known for his witty remarks and desperate attempts to sell tax plans to every potential customer, Beldin is a jolly dwarf (and often drunk). However, don't mistake his jovial disposition for complacency. He'll be quick to tear you a new one if you anger him. Growing up, all Beldin ever dreamed about was a nice house with six foot hedges. He was kidnapped as a child from Mirabar, and taken to a port town. There he was bargained for among slavers. That is when his primal rage awoke. He became a stowaway on a ship, where the pirates (oddly enough) took him in as one of their own. He became their treasurer, but eventually left. He's strong and hardy, and never thinks there's enough drink to go around.

Rynn: Half-Elf Rogue. Subclass: Assassin. Not typically one for words, Rynn lets her Short sword and dagger speak for her. Her past is hidden in mystery, and her character is quiet at best. Her motives unknown, but generally benevolent, she works in the shadows.

Shakaroth (Temporary NPC (Consider this the voice of the DM for when the players get lost or have missed something.) Gold Dragon. Shakaroth is a benevolent dragon who has given his aid to the party. While not always around, he focuses on destroying evil wherever it may be found. The call of Elemental Evil caught his attention, and he encountered the party whilst they were traveling (Before they met Mahtan). He has a distrust for Rold (Because of his white draconic blood) but believes Rold doesn't have the worst of intentions. He finds Beldin a bit of a funny character, and Rynn a rather quiet type. All in all, he's entrusted the task of stopping the evil in the Sumber Hills to the party.


Having just saved the town from a disaster, the party stood in awe of the Dragon's fire. Rold turned to the Constable, who had come outside, with his mouth slightly agape.

"You're Welcome" Rold said ironically.

"I... I..." The Constable was in shock

"Perhaps a reward? Land or some such?" Beldin said hopefully. (The dream of six foot hedges was real)

"I... give me a minute" The Constable replied as he flustered back inside. The party went to the tavern for a free round of drinks. At the bar, Rold notified the barkeep that Beldin was on AA...

"What's AA?" The barkeep asked with an expression of genuine confusion.

"Alcoholics Anonymous" Rold replied.

Having never heard of such a thing, the Barkeep turned to Beldin and said "Is this true?"

Beldin stared at Rold furiously, and with a low growl responded "No"

The Barkeep whistled and snapped his fingers. A full keg of ale was brought out to Beldin, with a hose. "It's on the house. You've done us a favor" The Barkeep said with a grin. Shortly after this point, Rynn noticed the Constable standing outside, looking a little lost. She noted this to Rold, who quickly stepped out with mug in hand.

"Erm, I.. uh.. here." The Constable shoved some papers at Rold, who took them with a thin smile.

*Some time later, around nightfall. There is a celebration for the party in the tavern*

"These papers are for a plot of land worth around five hundred gold pieces. Do you know what this means?" Rold could barely contain his excitement.

"SIX FOOT HEDGES!!!" Beldin cried with glee. Rynn simply smiled.

"I have an idea, we build a guild on this land for novice adventurers to hang their heads in exchange for a cut of the profits. But it'll be expensive. Maybe 5000 gold pieces?"

"5000? We're not building a castle. It might take 1200 at most" Beldin corrected. Accounting comes in handy.

The partying continued, Shakaroth (in human form) stood in the corner keeping a silent vigil. Rold noticed him, and sauntered over.

"So, about these cults, how many entrances into Tyar-Besil are there? Would there be an advantage in pitting one element against another?"

Shakaroth grimaced "They may seem to oppose each other, but they all serve the Elder Elemental Eye. Each of the outposts has an entrance nearby." He looked at Rold "Listen to me foulblood, your dwarven friend has touched something dark. Make sure it does not consume him. If it does, I fear he may be the first of many-" Shakaroth paused "I must go." He left with haste, disappearing after he exited the tavern. With a little confusion, Rold gathered the Party and led them upstairs. After relaying the information Shakaroth gave to him, they rested. In the morning, they mounted their hippgryphs and flew off towards the Sacred Stone Monastery. It took about a days worth of travel, including the murder of a small party of bandits. Beldin insisted on falling 40 feet from his hippogryph onto one of them. Arriving at nightfall, they set up camp without a fire. During the Night, Beldin saw several figures emerge from the keep. After some time they went back inside. Just before dawn, the Party went to walk in. They tried pushing the door, but it didn't budge. Assuming it was locked, Rynn went to pick it... then she tried pulling.

The door opened.

Beldin walked in first, with his axe over his shoulder and whistling a merry little tune. After the first couple of steps, a rocky fist thing came down on his head with a nice solid "thwack". In a daze, Beldin retaliated with a furious series of swings from his axe, quickly killing the guard while Rynn dashed in with her shortsword and dagger and caught another one.

Now, before them stood a pair of two doors. One door went left, the other went right. In the back of Rold's head he could hear a tiny voice...

"Split the party. Split the Party... The voice said. Rold ignored it and they all went left. Wandering down the rest of the hallway and taking a sharp right, ignoring the doors along the way. They walked into a dining area, where they saw a familiar face... Hellenrae. She actually killed them once before, but a bargain with one of the lesser evils brought them back. Beldin walked in, and drew a lot of attention.

"Kill them" Hellenrae whispered. All hell broke loose. Nearly everyone swarming Beldin, pounding away at him with their morningstars. Rold took the opportunity to dash in, and throw not one, but two lightning bolts, killing seven in one fell swoop. Hellenrae sprung over the group, landing in front of Rold.

"You're... unfamiliar" She said as she jabbed Rold in the throat. Rold fell to the ground, gasping for air. She kicked him, and knocked him out.

Meanwhile, The Scythe Beldin had looted from Mahtan's Corpse appeared in his hand. He began to fight with unnatural fury. Almost as if he had no control. It was a terrible sight to behold, both for the enemy as well as his allies. He slaughtered through most of them, losing a little more of himself with every kill (not that he's aware, of course)

"Oi. You." He said as he appeared behind Hellenrae. She turned in time to see Beldin, now having switched to his axe, swung at her. Knocking her against the wall. Rold, struggled to his feet, chugged a potion, and fired off another lightning bolt. Not as effective this time, he still managed a good shock and killed a couple more. Rynn flashed up and shanked another two. There were now two, backed against the wall. Having been quiet the entire fight, they unleashed two of the same spell, Shatter, and racked the party with pain. Beldin roared with fury, and rushed at them. Rold, unable to withstand the agony, fell unconscious. Rynn immediately started tending to Rold's wounds, making sure he was okay. Beldin kept up his reckless assault, trying (and failing) to finish these two off. Rynn fed Rold another potion, and he got back up... in time to get knocked down again. He drank another potion, and stood up. Shaking it off, he fired an Ice Knife at one of the priests, who responded with a shield.

"Are you kidding me?!" Rold said under his breath. Then, he felt sluggish.... extremely sluggish. He saw Rynn reacting the same way. Beldin was fine though. Rold stumbled and fumbled his words as he tried to cast an Eldritch Blast. But to no avail. Rynn, moving almost as if through molasses, slowly tried making her way across the room. She got about halfway.

Beldin came down again, and again, and again... To meet a Shield warding off his attacks.

"RAAAHHH!!!!" Beldin bellowed in rage. About this time Rynn had finally caught up, and also managed to break free of the spell. As she was getting ready to stab one of them, the Scythe appeared out of nowhere. It stabbed her. Nothing fatal, but a stab nonetheless. Gritting her teeth through the pain, she lunged forward with her sword and dagger. Landing a good, solid strike against one of the priests. Rold, after much effort, finally got his Eldritch Blast right, and fired it off... to hit another Shield. Almost ready to tear his hair out, Rold sighed. Beldin, drawing upon all his anger and fury, took his axe and beat down on the cultists and their Shields. A little to his surprise, it actually worked. He managed to cleave one down the middle as Rynn stabbed the other one with her dagger. The spells wearing off, Rold marched over to the corpses and pulled out his quarterstaff. In a furious rage he started smashing the corpses with this quarterstaff. Then he heard a cough. Looking over, he saw Hellenrae, barely alive.

He grabbed her by the throat "Where is Tyar-Besil's entrance?" He growled

"All will return... to the earth." She said with wheezing breath. Rold slammed her head against the wall and asked again. As she opened her mouth to speak, the Scythe impaled her. Beldin was just as surprised as they were. He had no control over that action.

Aaand that's where we left off. What'd you think? :D

2017-03-02, 01:59 PM
So, we're back. Gained a new player. Unfortunately I haven't asked for a backstory, so I made one up.

Also, apologies for the lack of posts. There have been some issues (Namely the next campaign) and I've been slacking... Also, I have come into possession of knowledge that one of my players stalks the playground. Should you find him, send him my regards :P

I'm also going to gloss over a lot of the recent happenings to catch you all up to speed.
As always, characters.

Rold: Human Sorcerer. Subclass: Draconic (Ice). In his youth, Rold's father would take him to view the mountains. He grew up near Icewind Dale, and always had a natural affinity for the cold. On one such trip, a blizzard came in, and Rold and his father were forced to seek shelter in a cave. His father froze to death trying to keep his son warm... and that's when his powers awoke. Since that day, he's been learning to control his magic and to generally help others (There are a few exceptions). He detests fires, takes cold baths (which always baffles innkeepers) and keeps himself well covered. Of course, inevitably he get's questions about why he has patches of scales on his skin.

Beldin: Dwarf Barbarian. Subclass: Path of Iron (Homebrew). Pirate, accountant, and possible alcoholic, Beldin thinks first, axes questions later. Known for his witty remarks and desperate attempts to sell tax plans to every potential customer, Beldin is a jolly dwarf (and often drunk). However, don't mistake his jovial disposition for complacency. He'll be quick to tear you a new one if you anger him. Growing up, all Beldin ever dreamed about was a nice house with six foot hedges. He was kidnapped as a child from Mirabar, and taken to a port town. There he was bargained for among slavers. That is when his primal rage awoke. He became a stowaway on a ship, where the pirates (oddly enough) took him in as one of their own. He became their treasurer, but eventually left. He's strong and hardy, and never thinks there's enough drink to go around.

Rynn: Half-Elf Rogue. Subclass: Assassin. Not typically one for words, Rynn lets her Short sword and dagger speak for her. Her past is hidden in mystery, and her character is quiet at best. Her motives unknown, but generally benevolent, she works in the shadows.

Telmara Halfling Druid. Telmara has no idea who she is, or where she came from. Her knowledge of the druidic arts is the only clue as to who she once was.

Anywho, onto the story!

Beldin awoke on a piece of shell floating in the caverns water. He was laying on his back with the Scythe laying next to him, staring up at the night sky... wait a minute... He was underground. How could he see the night sky? Then it all came flooding back to him. Yeah... the party was in the Sacred Stone Monastery. They killed everyone, looted their corpses, found a girl named Telmara, fought a flying baby, found the entrance to Tyar Besil, fought some gargoyles, Telmara dissappeared, fought a couple of Bullete-Men things, started construction on the Hedged Inn, kept going south far longer than was reasonable... Then here they were... Well, at least Beldin was. He wanted to look around, but laying there felt better. He was absolutely exhausted, and a little too close to death.

What happened:

The party had been continuing on, unsure of what had happened to Telmara, the druid they had met a short while ago. She had kind of just... disappeared. Not paying it too much mind (strange things happened often to them), they kept going southward through the Temple of Black Earth. They got into a couple of skirmishes with the residing cultists. Carrying on, they continued ever southward. Eventually coming upon a chasm roughly 100 feet deep with a couple of platforms still standing, Rold realized his sudden fear of heights.

"Hey.. uh.. guys.. do you want to go first?" Rold said a sheepishly. Rynn volunteered. Carrying some rope with her, she leapt across with relative ease. Beldin followed. Seeing his allies do it easily, Rold felt a tad confident. He jumped... and his foot slept. He felt his feet dangle over the edge of the abyss beneath him. The icy blood in his veins rushing to his skull, Rold barely pulled himself over the edge. He hugged the ground, not wanting to leave it. But he had to make another two jumps. Rynn finished clearing the chasm and secured the rope around a nearby pillar... then she noticed the sleeping bulettes. There were three of them, all big, and dangerous looking. She signaled to Beldin and pointed them out. He nodded and (by whatever miracle) landed quietly on his last jump. Rold, not having the darkvision of his allies, could not see the Bulettes, and made his jump. He tumbled and rolled (pun!) letting out a slight yelp as he did. This woke the Bulettes.

"GOOOOOD DAAAMNIIIT!!!" Beldin roared as he pulled out his axe. Charging straight at the beasts, he slammed his axe into one. Unhappy at being disturbed, the Bulette nudged Beldin back and snapped at him, biting his axe. The second Bulette, looking at Rynn and seeing a juicy morsel, opened it's jaws in an attempt to rend her flesh from bone. Rynn dodged uncannily and countered with a strike. It bounced futilely off of it's stony hide. Rold, seeing these, quickly jumped onto the platform he just came from in an attempt to get away from the monsters. However, the last Bulette crouched as it's muscles tensed in it's legs, and it leapt forward at Rold. Landing with a thunderous slam, Rold was nearly knocked off of the platform. He fired off a Lightning Bolt, shocking the Bulette. But this only made it angry. It roared in pain and crushed Rold between it's jaws. Rold crumpled and fell unconscious. The Bulette then turned to Rynn and Beldin, and leapt again. Landing on top of him, Beldin yelled as he physically picked up the bulette and pushed it towards the edge. Rynn dodged a bite from the one she was engaged with, and finished it with a solid stab to it's underbelly. Turning to the next one, she ran up to it, and kicked it off of the edge of the chasm. Rold awoke and sat up. Seeing the Bulettes dead, he sighed with relief and flopped back down. He fell asleep.

So, I'm going to post it here and come back to it later. Enjoy!