View Full Version : Pathfinder Hunting down a PoW class

2017-01-20, 02:00 PM
Roomy showed it to me a while back, roughly just after PoW-E came out or so. I think it was an archetype for Harbinger or something. Gave the feeling of a very offensive undead vampire with two very distinct paths to choose from when leveling up. May be related to unquiet grave.

If anyone has any idea what the heck im talking about, any information at all would be helpful. I wanna give it a once over as our next game he is playing a Crimson Countess, so I may jump in with one of these if I can find it.

2017-01-20, 03:04 PM
as far as I can recall, crimson countess is the only vampire-like archetype in PoW...

Could be wrong though?

2017-01-20, 11:04 PM
I remember a couple of its class features.
At level 1 or so, you pick one of two paths for acquiring class features as you level. One was more defensive in nature, and the other more offensive in nature. One of the moves was effectively death grip from WOW. Dont know if this helps at all tho,

2017-01-21, 08:56 AM
Ok I found it!
Its an archetype of Harbinger as I thought, called Dread Prince. I happened to save the google doc to my drive so I had it all along, lol.