View Full Version : Casters versus everything 3. Triangle spell! (IC thread)

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2017-01-20, 04:48 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 1. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

Everyone. Please roll init, knowledge checks, list the pre-buffs and roll spot checks.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map_zpslivdvtlj.pn g (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map_zpslivdvtlj.pn g.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1-S6 are the shadows, s 7 is the greenbound crocdile, s8 is the greenbound direwolf)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf, M (2) is the dwarf, M (3) is the orc. M (4) is the snake. M(5) is the Thoqqua
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

B (1) =40 feet
M (1) =30 feet
S (1-6) =35 feet

M (2) =13
M (1) =9

Gargoyles MM 1 p113 Hp 37 AC 16 To 12 FF 14

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-01-20, 05:06 PM
Cevt will start at N18, having pre-cast Familiar Pocket and Mage Armor at the start of the day (ECL is 9) via Versatile Spellcaster and wizard cantrips. To start, he'll burn a use of his Nerveskitter SLA for an extra +5 initiative. The Familiar Pocket will be open to permit the bonus.


Knowledge (Arcana)
[roll1] (an additional +3 if used to identify Dragon-type creatures)
Knowledge (Dungeeneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (The Planes)

(OoC: One weird thing about Versatile Spellcaster is you can technically use two separate class spell slots to ladder up as it only calls for two slots of the same level. You could probably make the case that, say Sorcerer Spell Level 1 =/= Wizard Spell Level 1, though. There's also the oddity in that it allows you to cast any spell you know. For prepared casters, that means anything they have scribed. For multiclass characters, that leads to Beguiler spells being used to cast wizard spells.)

2017-01-20, 05:13 PM
Jack will start in F18, having cast Mage armor then shield, then resistance prior to combat. He will also use his helpful nerveskitter.

[roll0] Init

[roll1] Know: Arcana

2017-01-20, 05:22 PM
Morgan will start in H15.

Initiative [roll0]
Spot check [roll1]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll2]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll3]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll4]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll5]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll6]
Knowledge (Local) [roll7]
Knowledge (Psionics) [roll8]

Snowsight x4 on self, Douglas, J-H, Razorback
Obscuring Snow on self
Luminous Armor on self [roll9] Str damage upon expiration
Primal Instinct on self
Heart of Water on self
Greater Resistance on self

For fun, I'll also blast Douglas with my Inflict Moderate Wounds Eye ray on the round before we start (after he's taken his backlash damage from Reserves of Strength)

Will save to use eye ray [roll10] vs DC 19
Ranged touch attack [roll11]
If successful, he takes (heals) [roll12] damage, Will save DC 14 for half

2017-01-20, 05:50 PM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22


Starting B-18







The Planes

Effects ~

2017-01-20, 06:34 PM

Dohl will start in G14.
His "stays around" shadow will start in G13. He will start with two summoned shadows in G11 and G12.

Init [roll0]
K: Arc [roll1]
K: Hist [roll2]
K: Relig [roll3]
K: Planes [roll4]

2017-01-20, 06:36 PM
Szivv will start in J-11 +40'
Thoqqua will start in L-11 -5' (burrowed 5' underground)
Owlbear Skeleton in M/N-11/12
Elf/Snake will sit this one out

T-8: Primal Instinct on Self
T-7: Sign on Self
T-6: Cast Nightshield on Self
T-5: Manifest Force Screen (1 PP) for +4 AC
T-4: Cast Fox's Cunning on self
T-3: Cast Fly on Self
T-2: Cast See Invisibility on Self
T-1: Cast Summon Undead II, Owlbear Skeleton

Initiative: [roll0]

Knowledge arcana [roll1]
Knowledge nature [roll2]
Knowledge religion [roll3]
Knowledge dungeoneering [roll4]
Knowledge Psionics [roll5]
Knowledge planes [roll6]

HP: 32/32
PP: 38/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 4/4
Abrupt Jaunt 10/10 (temporarily increased from 8 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 7, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
Fly (CL 7)
Nightshield (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)

2017-01-21, 12:28 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Spotcheck: [roll1]

Only buff is Mage armor on self and usage of 1 nerveskitter SLA.

Location T20

2017-01-21, 10:39 PM
Gendithor starts in J13.

Init: [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

T-half hour: Greater Magic Weapon CL 8 on my bow (7.5 hours remaining, 5 PP)
T-10: Touchsight CL 8 (70 rounds remaining, 5 PP) Reserves of Strength [roll4], healing over 10 rounds [roll5]
T-1: Mage Armor CL 1 from wand (599 rounds remaining, 3 charges left)
T-0: Haste CL 10 on party, permanent shadow, and the second summoned shadow (10 rounds remaining, 1 PP) Reserves of Strength [roll6], used Arcanist's Gloves

Power points: 29 current, of 40 max.

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

Touchsight 60' radius
60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 72/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: 3 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, 1 available

2017-01-22, 04:36 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 1. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

It is everyone's turn

These creatures are Gargoyles.

They are Monstrous humanoids with the earth subtype, this means. Darkvision out to 60 feet. Proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry. Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Monstrous humanoids not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Monstrous humanoids are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor. Monstrous humanoids eat, sleep, and breathe.

Gargoyle's have damage reduction 10/magic.

Gargoyle's have the freeze ability. A gargoyle can hold itself so still it appears to be a statue. An observer must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice the gargoyle is really alive.

A Gargoyle can move 40 feet and fly 60 feet a action.

A gargoyle can attack with 2 claws, a bite, and a gore.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsl2hom0ra.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsl2hom0ra.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf, M (2) is the dwarf, M (3) is the orc. M (4) is the snake. M(5) is the Thoqqua
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

Thoqqua =-5 feet

Thricedeadcat =37
Meemas =25
Archmage =22
Razorbeck =22
J-h =21
Duskranger =20
Kingfrog =19
Douglas =13 (1)
M (2) =13 (2)
M (1+3) =9
M (4) =3

Gargoyles MM 1 p113 Hp 37 AC 16 To 12 FF 14

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5399 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5400 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5399 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 90 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3592 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3593 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3594 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3595 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3596 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3597 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13398 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3599 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14400 rounds on his init.

Shadow 2 lasts for 8 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 9 rounds on J-h's init

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14993 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 85 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 86 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 87 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 88 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 899 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 2 for 9 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4800 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4500 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 70 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 599 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

2017-01-22, 04:45 AM
Kritk targets R8-S9 if possible, trying to hit M1, M3 and M4, and actively trying to not hit allies.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-01-22, 08:41 AM
Cevt will move to M13 and cast magic missile (CL 9) at M2.

CL for SR, if needed


2017-01-22, 08:47 AM
Assuming the clustered gargoyles still live after kritk's blast, Jack promptly follows it up with another one.

Scintillating sphere
[roll0] electricity damage, dc 18 for half. Targeting RS89

2017-01-22, 09:33 AM
Unless otherwise noted, all actions are done in order in my post.

I'll move forward to H9-I10

Free action: Third level Spellstalk: Cast Bite of the Wererat on myself.

Free action: Finger of Death Eye ray on M(2)
Will save [roll0] vs. DC 19 or failed
Touch Attack [roll1] vs M(2)
Fort save DC 14 or death. If successful, take [roll2] damage

Free action: Disintegrate Eye ray on M(2)
Will Save [roll3] vs. DC 19 or failed
Touch attack [roll4] vs M(2)
Fort Save DC 14, if failed, take [roll5] damage. If killed, disintegrated as the spell.

Free action: Fear Eye ray on M(1) if still alive. If dead, redirect to the next living gargoyle
Will save [roll6] vs. DC 19 or failed
Touch attack [roll7] vs M(1) or other target
Will save DC 14 or Feared as the spell Cause Fear (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/causeFear.htm) with no HD limit

Free action: Flesh to Stone Eye Ray on M(4) if still alive. If dead, redirect to the next living gargoyle
Will save [roll8] vs DC 19 or failed
Touch attack [roll9] vs M(4) or other target
Fort save DC 14 or turned to stone

Free action: Inflict Moderate Wounds Eye Ray on M(3) if still alive. If dead, redirect to the next living Gargoyle. If all are dead, redirect to Douglas.
Will save [roll10] vs DC 19 or failed
Touch attack [roll11] vs M(3) or other suitable target
Will Save DC 14, take (or heal, if Douglas) [roll12] damage, save for half

Standard action: If anything is still alive after all that, I will cast Orb of Force at it as a standard action (bypassing the three eye rays in a direction penalty that I assume applies to Spell stalks.)

Attack roll [roll13]
Damage [roll]6d6[roll] Force damage.

2017-01-22, 12:20 PM

Dohl advances out of the mist, while his shadows close and attack the lone gargoyle.

S1 (permanent) has 70' move due to haste, moves to F2; melee touch attack [roll0] including haste for [roll1] str damage
S2 (summoned) has 70' move due to haste, moves to F1; melee touch attack [roll2] including haste for [roll3] str damage
S3 (summoned) has 40' move and moves to G3
Dohl moves to C10

2017-01-22, 10:42 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

It has been 1 minute since the last battle.

J-h's two summoned shadows fade away, as well as Kingfrog's skeleton

Everyone roll knowledge checks, initiatives, place yourselves, and list any special senses you have access to.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map_zpskkmhw04l.pn g (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map_zpskkmhw04l.pn g.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf, M (2) is the dwarf, M (3) is the orc. M (4) is the snake. M(5) is the Thoqqua
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet

M (8) =20
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
M (7) =13
M (1) =12
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 AC 18 To 11 FF 17

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5388 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5389 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5388 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 79 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3582 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3594 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3584 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3585 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3586 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13387 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3588 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14399 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14983 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 77 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 78 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 889 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4790 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4490 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 60 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 589 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

2017-01-22, 10:51 PM
Dohl will start in G14.
His "stays around" shadow will start in G13. He will start with two summoned shadows in G11 and G12.

Init [roll0]
K: Arc [roll1]
K: Hist [roll2]
K: Relig [roll3]
K: Planes [roll4]

No special senses

2017-01-23, 05:59 AM
Jack will pre-buff with Resistance once more.

[roll0] Init
[roll1] Arcana
Start in F18
[roll2] Spot

2017-01-23, 09:26 AM

AC= 12; Current = 16
HP = 22 ; Current = 22


Starting B-18







The Planes

Effects ~
Cast Mage Armor just before the beginning of the round.

2017-01-23, 02:18 PM
Initiative: [roll0] using 1 more SLA use

Location: T20.

2017-01-23, 03:50 PM
Szivv: J-11 +40'
Thoqqua: L-11 -5' (burrowed)
Owlbear Skeleton 1: M/N-11/12
Owlbear Skeleton 2: F/G-11/12
Snake: D-14
Elf will sit out this fight

T-3: Cast Sign on self
T-2: Manifest Vigor, 5 PP from a sling bullet, 25 temp HP
T-1: Summon Undead III (2 owlbear skeletons)

Initiative: [roll0] including nerveskitter SLA

Knowledge arcana [roll1]
Knowledge psionic [roll2]
Knowledge dungeoneering [roll3]
Knowledge planes [roll4]
Knowledge religion [roll5]
Knowledge nature [roll6]

HP: 57/32
PP: 38/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 3/4
Abrupt Jaunt 10/10 (temporarily increased from 8 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 7, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
Fly (CL 7)
Nightshield (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)
Vigor (ML 7)
**No immediate/swift on 1st round due to nerveskitter

Special Senses: Szivv (See Invisibility, includes ethereal I think), Owlbear Skeletons (Darkvision 60'), Thoqqua (Tremorsense 60'). Snake (Scent)

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-01-23, 04:40 PM
Cevt will start in H15, has Darkvision 60 ft and low-light vision for special senses.


Knowledge (Arcana)
[roll1] (+3 more if to identify dragon-typed creatures)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (The Planes)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Local)

Familiar Pocket has 5389 rounds left (just shy of nine hours)
Mage Armor has 5388 rounds left
Heart of Air has 5387 rounds left
Heart of Earth has 5386 rounds left

2017-01-23, 05:58 PM
Morgan will start in H15.

Initiative [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll2]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll3]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll4]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll5]
Knowledge (Local) [roll6]
Knowledge (Psionics) [roll7]

For fun, I'll blast Douglas with my Inflict Moderate Wounds Eye ray on the round before we start (after he's taken his backlash damage from Reserves of Strength)

Will save to use eye ray [roll8] vs DC 19
Ranged touch attack [roll9]
If successful, he takes (heals) [roll10] damage, Will save DC 14 for half

I have no special senses to speak of. Just lots of eyes.

2017-01-24, 11:07 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

These creatures seem to be underground. But since no one with knowledge checks can see them you don't know what they are.

It is Kingfrog's, Duskranger's, Archmage, J-h, and Thricedeadcat's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map_zpsvhbulqym.pn g (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map_zpsvhbulqym.pn g.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
M (8) =20
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
M (7) =13
M (1) =12
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 AC 18 To 11 FF 17

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5388 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5385 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 78 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 9 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3582 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3594 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3584 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3585 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3586 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13387 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3588 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14399 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14983 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 77 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 888 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 87 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 8 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4789 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4490 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 60 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 589 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 7 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 8 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3600 rounds on his init.

2017-01-24, 11:18 PM

The two summoned shadows prepare to move and attack M6 when it surfaces. They have 70' move due to haste.
Melee incorporeal touch attack [roll0] for [roll1] str damage
Melee incorporeal touch attack [roll2] for [roll3] str damage

Dohl readies an action to cast Sanctuary (Will DC 16) if any enemy tries to attack him and Sanctuary would prevent it.

2017-01-25, 11:05 AM
Jask readies a lesser orb of acid, prepared to throw it if he sees an enemy taking an action.

[roll0] touch Attack(47.5 foot range)
[roll1] Acid damage

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-01-25, 04:50 PM
Cevt will ready a magic missile at the first enemy that survives both the Shadows' and Jask's attacks Cevt sees.


2017-01-26, 11:21 AM
Move to M/N-6/7, ready action to attack if anything surfaces or attacks it
[roll0] +1 for higher ground if whatever it is attacks from below
damage [roll1]
===crit stuff===
[roll2] +1 for higher ground if whatever it is attacks from below
damage [roll3]

Move to F/G-6/7, ready action to attack if anything surfaces or attacks it
[roll4] +1 for higher ground if whatever it is attacks from below
damage [roll5]
===crit stuff===
[roll6] +1 for higher ground if whatever it is attacks from below
damage [roll7]

Ready action to 5-foot step away if attacked

Charge to L-8, attack M2
damage [roll9] plus [roll10] fire damage
===crit stuff===
damage [roll12] plus [roll13] fire damage

Move to J-7+15'
Ready action to manifest psionic charm on one of the creatures if they surface or attack and are not attacked by other players
Psionic Charm -- 9 PP (affects most things, 13 day duration), DC 25 Will Save negates

HP: 57/32
PP: 29/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 3/4
Abrupt Jaunt 10/10 (temporarily increased from 8 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 7, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
Fly (CL 7)
Nightshield (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)
Vigor (ML 7)

2017-01-27, 01:22 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

Thoqqua's attack hit and damages M (2) but it doesn't seem affected by the fire damage.

It is Razorbeck's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Fire%20emblem%208%20lets%20play%2001/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsm5a7ytvb.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Fire%20emblem%208%20lets%20play%2001/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsm5a7ytvb.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5


M (8) Thoqqua

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
M (8) =20
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
M (7) =13
M (1) =12
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5388 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5385 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 78 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 9 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3582 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3594 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3584 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3585 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3586 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13387 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3588 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14399 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14983 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 77 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 888 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 87 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 8 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4789 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4490 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 60 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 589 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 7 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 8 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3599 rounds on his init.

Thoqqua is charging for 1 round on his init.

M (8) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

2017-01-27, 09:59 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Illven, didn't see him on the map but I have him as starting at B-18

Move Action
Move to B-12

Standard Action
Ray of Enfeeblement at #1 (B-4)
Ranged touch


Effects ~

2017-01-27, 09:28 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

It is Douglas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpszn4bisca.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpszn4bisca.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5


M (3) Thoqqua

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
M (8) =20
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
M (7) =13
M (1) =12
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5388 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5385 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 78 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 9 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3582 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3594 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3584 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3585 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3586 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13387 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3588 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14399 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14983 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 77 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 888 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 87 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 8 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4789 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4489 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 59 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 588 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 7 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 8 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3599 rounds on his init.

Thoqqua is charging for 1 round on his init.

M (3+8) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

2017-01-29, 07:29 PM
Gendithor moves to M12 and casts Haste CL 8 (1 PP) on himself and the three shadows.

Reserves of Strength damage: [roll0]

Power points: 28/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

Touchsight 60' radius
60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 68/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: 3 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, 1 available

2017-01-29, 08:29 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

It is Meemas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsmeuuicsb.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsmeuuicsb.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5


M (7) Thoqqua

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
M (8) =20
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
M (7) =13
M (1) =12
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5388 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5385 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 78 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 9 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3580 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3593 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3583 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3584 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3585 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13386 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3587 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14398 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14983 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 77 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 888 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 87 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 8 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4789 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4489 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 59 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 588 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 7 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 8 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3599 rounds on his init.

Thoqqua is charging for 1 round on his init.

M (3+8) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

Douglas and Shadows (1+3) are hasted for 8 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-01-30, 08:09 PM
I'll fly up 15 foot, and launch my Disintegrate Eye Ray at the square covering J8-K9

Will save [roll0] vs DC 19 (Failed)
Ranged Touch attack (if necessary) [roll1] vs inanimate object

If successful, this should destroy the 10x10 cube contained in that area, knocking all of the enemies hiding within to a more visible location.

2017-01-30, 08:43 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

It is Kingfrog's, Duskranger's, Archmage's, J-h's, and Thricedeadcat's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshp6ex7lv.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshp6ex7lv.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5


M (2) Thoqqua

M (4) Thoqqua

M (5) Thoqqua

Thoquua takes 4 points of damage.

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
M (8) =20
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
M (7) =13
M (1) =12
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5384 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5384 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 77 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 8 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3580 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3593 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3583 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3584 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3585 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13386 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3587 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14398 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14982 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 73 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 887 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 88 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 7 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4788 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4489 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 59 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 588 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 6 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 7 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3599 rounds on his init.

M (3+4+8) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

Douglas and Shadows (1+2+3) are hasted for 8 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-01-30, 09:04 PM

"Down!" Dohl begins to summon another shadow.

The shadows submerge and move to attack M1.
(Move above ground - floating high enough to avoid AOOs, then dive to G10, G11, H11)
Melee touch attack [roll0] for [roll1] str damage
Melee touch attack [roll2] for [roll3] str damage
Melee touch attack [roll4] for [roll5] str damage

2017-01-30, 11:11 PM
Jack will blast the first enemy he can see.

[roll0] Touch
[roll]5d8[roll] acid damage.(Fail, but it doesn't matter)

2017-01-31, 10:31 AM
Kritk twiddles his thumps preaparing to fire a magic missile towards the first hostile opponent.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-01-31, 04:58 PM
Cevt will continue to ready his action to fire a magic missile at the first available monster that doesn't die to Kritk's own magic missile.

2017-01-31, 10:21 PM
Ready action to 5-foot step away if attacked

ready action to attack if anything surfaces or attacks it
[roll0] +1 for higher ground if whatever it is attacks from below
damage [roll1]
===crit stuff===
[roll2] +1 for higher ground if whatever it is attacks from below
damage [roll3]

Move to I/J-7/8, ready action to attack if anything surfaces or attacks it
[roll4] +1 for higher ground if whatever it is attacks from below
damage [roll5]
===crit stuff===
[roll6] +1 for higher ground if whatever it is attacks from below
damage [roll7]

I think the thoqqua can 5-foot step up out of the ground, if this is wrong then just withdraw 5 feet straight up.
attack M2 then 5-foot step directly up
damage [roll9], ignore fire damage apparently
===crit stuff===
damage [roll11], ignore fire damage apparently

Ready action to manifest psionic charm on one of the creatures if they surface or attack and are not attacked by other players
Psionic Charm -- 9 PP (affects most things, 13 day duration), DC 25 Will Save negates

HP: 57/32
PP: 29/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 3/4
Abrupt Jaunt 10/10 (temporarily increased from 8 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 7, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
Fly (CL 7)
Nightshield (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)
Vigor (ML 7)

2017-01-31, 10:47 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

Thoquua misses M (2).

Archmages lesser acid orb misses M (8)

Duskranger's magic missile. damage M (8)

Thricedeadcat's magic missile kills M (8)

Technically both owlbear's attack.

It is Razorbeck's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsd82bfldx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsd82bfldx.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
M (7) =13
M (1) =12
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10) (M1 Str 7)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5384 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5384 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 77 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 8 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3580 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3593 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3583 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3584 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3585 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13386 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3587 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14398 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14982 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 73 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 887 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 88 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 7 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4788 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4489 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 59 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 588 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 6 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 7 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3598 rounds on his init.

M (3+4+8) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

Douglas and Shadows (1+2+3) are hasted for 8 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-01-31, 11:02 PM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Cast Summon Monster III for a small earth elemental (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/elemental.htm) with Enhanced Summoning at J-12.

Size/Type: Small*Elemental*(Earth,*Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 2d8+6*(15 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, -1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10,*flat-footed*17
Base Attack/Grapple:
Attack: Slam*+7*melee (1d6+6)
Full Attack: Slam*+7*melee (1d6+6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Earth mastery, push
Special Qualities: Darkvision*60 ft., earth glide, elemental traits
Saves: Fort*+6, Ref*-1, Will*+0
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen*+3,*Spot*+2
Feats: Power Attack

Effects ~

2017-02-01, 02:02 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

These creatures are thoqquas.

These creatures are Elementals with the earth, extraplanar, and fire subtype. This means Darkvision out to 60 feet. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Unlike most other living creatures, an elemental does not have a dual nature—its soul and body form one unit. When an elemental is slain, no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection, don’t work on an elemental. It takes a different magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection, to restore it to life. Proficient with natural weapons only, unless generally humanoid in form, in which case profi cient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry. Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) that it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Elementals not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Elementals are proficient with shields if they are profi cient with any form of armor. Elementals do not eat, sleep, or breathe. This subtype usually is used for elementals and outsiders with a connection to the Elemental Plane
of Earth. Earth creatures usually have burrow speeds, and most earth creatures can burrow through solid rock. A creature with the fire subtype has
immunity to fire. It has vulnerability to cold, which means it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from cold, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure. Thoquua's have Heat (Ex): Merely touching or being touched by a thoqqua automatically deals 2d6 fire damage. Thoquua's have Burn (Ex): When a thoqqua hits with its slam attack, the opponent must succeed on a DC 12 Reflex save or catch fire. The save DC is Constitution-based. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds if not extinguished sooner. A burning creature can use a full-round
action to put out the flame. And tremor sense 60 feet

M (6) fails it's save versus Kingfrog's psionic charm.

It is Douglas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps5gtvtwx5.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps5gtvtwx5.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5


M (3) Thoqqua

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
M (7) =13
M (1) =12
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10) (M1 Str 7)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5384 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5384 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 77 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 8 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3580 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3593 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3583 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3584 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3585 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13386 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3587 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14398 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14982 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 73 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 887 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 88 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 7 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4788 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4488 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 58 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 587 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 6 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 7 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3598 rounds on his init.

M (3+4+8) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

Douglas and Shadows (1+2+3) are hasted for 8 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-02-02, 10:53 PM
Gendithor heals [roll0] and readies an action to blast the first hostile thoqqua without strength damage that he can (or more than one if revealed simultaneously) with Energy Missile (cold). Unaugmented, 3 PP cost.

Damage: [roll1] fort DC 18 half, times 1.5 for cold vulnerability.

Status (after Energy Missile):
Power points: 25/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

Touchsight 60' radius
60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 71/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, 1 available

2017-02-02, 11:18 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

M (7) is blasted by Douglas's energy missile, and dies.

M (1) steps back and coup de gracs itself.

It is Meemas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsk15msg8q.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsk15msg8q.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10) (M1 Str 7)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5384 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5384 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 77 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 8 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3579 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3580 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3592 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3582 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3583 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3584 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13385 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3586 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14397 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14982 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 73 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 76 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 887 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 88 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 7 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4788 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4488 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 58 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 587 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 6 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 7 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3598 rounds on his init.

M (3+4+8) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

Douglas and Shadows (1+2+3) are hasted for 8 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-02-03, 07:48 PM
Second Verse same as the First.

Disintegrate Eye Ray on K7-L8, hoping to annihilate it and let the rest do their thing.

Will save [roll0] vs DC 19 or failed
Attack roll (if necessary) [roll1] vs stationary object AC

2017-02-03, 08:39 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

It is Kingfrog's, Duskranger's, Archmage's, J-h's, Thricedeadcat, and razorbeck's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpspafevrie.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpspafevrie.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5


M (2) Thoquua

M (4) Thoqqua

M (5) Thoqqua 2

Thoqqua takes 4 points of damage.

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
Razorbeck =19
M (6) =16
M (3) =14
Douglas =13 (1)
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10) (M1 Str 7)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5384 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5383 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 76 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 7 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3579 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3580 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3592 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3582 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3583 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3584 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13385 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3586 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14397 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14981 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 72 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 73 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 886 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 87 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 6 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4787 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4488 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 58 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 587 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 5 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 6 rounds on J-h's init

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3597 rounds on his init.

M (3) is charging for 1 round

Douglas and Shadows (1+2+3) are hasted for 8 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-02-03, 08:42 PM
Jack advances to J15, before readying another orb of acid, to go off at the first enemy he sees.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

2017-02-03, 10:11 PM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Fire arrow at #5


Crit 20/x3

Effects ~

Small earth elemental with Enhanced Summoning

Charge to L-10

Power attack #5 for 1


Crit 20/x2

Size/Type: Small*Elemental*(Earth,*Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 2d8+6*(15 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, -1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10,*flat-footed*17
Base Attack/Grapple: 1/0
Attack: Slam*+7*melee (1d6+6)
Full Attack: Slam*+7*melee (1d6+6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Earth mastery, push
Special Qualities: Darkvision*60 ft., earth glide, elemental traits
Saves: Fort*+6, Ref*-1, Will*+0
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen*+3,*Spot*+2
Feats: Power Attack

Effects ~

2017-02-03, 10:37 PM
The shadows stick their heads up above the surface long enough to hear Dohl's next order. They move northeast (to J8, J9, K9) underground (thus not in the way of the large minion) and attack M3.

Dohl finishes his summoning, and a fourth shadow appears in H7, submerging and moving to J7 (underground). He begins to summon another, his last for the day.

Melee touch attack [roll0] for [roll1] str damage
Melee touch attack [roll2] for [roll3] str damage
Melee touch attack [roll4] for [roll5] str damage
Melee touch attack [roll6] for [roll7] str damage

2017-02-04, 07:38 AM
Magic Missile the first visible opponent seems like a good plan.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-02-04, 09:48 AM
Magic Missile the first visible opponent seems like a good plan.

It's such a good plan, Cevt will also do this (assuming the first Magic Missile doesn't murder the first enemy).

2017-02-05, 01:01 AM
Ready an action to attack the first available enemy
damage [roll1]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll3]

Ready an action to attack the first available enemy
damage [roll5]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll7]

Same as before

attack m3, if I can (since it has a burrow speed). If not, ready an action as the owlbear did
damage [roll9]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll11]

If I can control it, attack M3 then 5-foot step upward
damage [roll13]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll15]

pull a +1 manifesting sling bullet out, and ready an action to charm the first enemy that is attacks/surfaces but is not targeted by another ally.
Psionic charm 5 PP, affects elementals, 13 hour duration, DC 23 Will save negates

HP: 57/32
PP: 29/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 2/4
Abrupt Jaunt 10/10 (temporarily increased from 8 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 7, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
Fly (CL 7)
Nightshield (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)
Vigor (ML 7)

2017-02-06, 01:49 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

Earth elemental's attack misses M (5)

One shadow hits Thoqqua.

Thoquua 1 hits M (3)

Thoquua 2 refuses commands till you make a charisma check.

Archmage's lesser orb of acid misses.

Duskranger magic missile kills M (3)

It is Douglas and Meemas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsxcrzyjo0.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsxcrzyjo0.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
Razorbeck =19
Douglas =13 (1)
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M2 hp 10) (M3 Str 11)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5384 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5387 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5383 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 76 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 7 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3578 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3579 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3591 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3581 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3582 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3583 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13384 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3585 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14396 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14981 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 72 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 73 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 75 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 886 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 87 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 6 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4787 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4487 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 57 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 586 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 5 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 6 rounds on J-h's init

Shadow 4 lasts for 9 rounds on J-h's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3597 rounds on his init.

Razorbeck has summon monster 3 on himself for 6 rounds on his init.

M (3) is charging for 1 round

Douglas and Shadows (1+2+3) are hasted for 7 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-02-07, 08:54 PM
Gendithor heals [roll0] and tries to repeat his success, readying an action to blast the first hostile thoqqua without strength damage that he can (or more than one if revealed simultaneously) with Energy Missile (cold). Unaugmented, 3 PP cost.

Damage: [roll1] fort DC 18 half, times 1.5 for cold vulnerability.

Status (after Energy Missile):
Power points: 22/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

Touchsight 60' radius
60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 74/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, 1 available

2017-02-08, 09:49 AM
For the sake of moving forward, Morgan will just fly upwards 20 feet and stay out of the rest of the combat.

2017-02-16, 06:58 PM
Morgan will move up 20 feet, and ready an action to fire a Finger of Death Eye Ray at the first available target.

Will save [roll0] vs DC 19 or failed
Ranged Touch [roll1]
If successful, Fort Save DC 14 or die. If successful, [roll2] damage

2017-02-16, 09:06 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

M (2) dies to Douglas's energy missile.

Owlbear skeleton 2 hits and damages M (4). Owlbear skeleton takes [roll0] fire damage

It is everyone's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsqcprkdmt.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsqcprkdmt.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5


M (5)

M (4)

Thoquua 1 takes 5 points of damage.

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
Razorbeck =19
Douglas =13 (1)
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M3 Str 11) (M4 Hp 6)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5383 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5384 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5382 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 75 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 6 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3577 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3578 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3590 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3580 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3581 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3582 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13383 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3584 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14395 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14980 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 71 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 72 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 73 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 885 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 86 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 5 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4786 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4486 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 56 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 585 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 4 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 5 rounds on J-h's init

Shadow 4 lasts for 8 rounds on J-h's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3596 rounds on his init.

Razorbeck has summon monster 3 on himself for 5 rounds on his init.

Douglas and Shadows (1+2+3) are hasted for 6 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-02-16, 10:26 PM
Moving underground, the four shadows attack M4 (the two farthest from it go down if necessary to move adjacent).

Melee touch [roll0] for [roll1] str
Melee touch [roll2] for [roll3] str
Melee touch [roll4] for [roll5] str
Melee touch [roll6] for [roll7] str

2017-02-17, 07:01 AM
Jack continues his readied orb of acid, prepared to hurl it at any hostile Thoqqua he sees.

[roll0] touch attack
[roll1] acid damage

2017-02-17, 04:55 PM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Fire arrow at #5


Crit 20/x3

Effects ~

Small earth elemental with Enhanced Summoning

Power attack #5 for 1


Crit 20/x2

Size/Type: Small*Elemental*(Earth,*Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 2d8+6*(15 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, -1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10,*flat-footed*17
Base Attack/Grapple: 1/0
Attack: Slam*+7*melee (1d6+6)
Full Attack: Slam*+7*melee (1d6+6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Earth mastery, push
Special Qualities: Darkvision*60 ft., earth glide, elemental traits
Saves: Fort*+6, Ref*-1, Will*+0
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen*+3,*Spot*+2
Feats: Power Attack

Effects ~

2017-02-18, 07:12 AM
Kritk fiddles with his thumbs, knowing that the reast of the party under his superior supervision will defeat the opponent.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-02-18, 05:29 PM
Cevt will let the rest of the party mop up and pass turn.

2017-02-18, 06:52 PM
Ready action to attack an enemy if it surfaces
damage [roll1]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll3]

Ready action to attack an enemy if it surfaces
damage [roll5]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll7]

Attack M4
damage [roll9]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll11]

If charisma check is successful, move to L-6 and attack M4
damage [roll13]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll15]

Charisma check to try to convince it to Attack M4: [roll16]
Ready an action to cast lesser orb of cold at any enemy that surfaces and isn't killed by my minions/allies
[roll17] ranged touch, includes +1 for higher ground
damage [roll18] damage, multiplied by 1.5 for cold vulnerability

2017-02-18, 07:01 PM
Another readied action.

Finger of Death Eye Ray
Will save [roll0] vs DC 19 or failed
Ranged touch [roll1]
DC 14 Fort save or die, if successful, deal [roll2] damage instead.

2017-02-18, 08:27 PM
Gendithor heals [roll0] and readies to shoot anything that survives the rest of the party's efforts.

Attack [roll1] Damage [roll2]

Power points: 22/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

Touchsight 60' radius
60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 76/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, 1 available

2017-02-18, 09:53 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 2. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

2 of the shadows hit M (4), the other two miss.

Earth elemental misses.

Thoqqua 1 kills M (4)

Thoqqua 2 makes the charisma check.

Archmage's acid orb misses M (5)

Kingfrog, I rolled the crit confirm for you, it failed. But yours and Douglas's attacks together kill M (5)

Most people gain 450 xp

Kingfrog and Razorbeck gain 495 xp

Douglas and Meemas gain 562 xp

Would you like to use a rest?

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsqcprkdmt.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsqcprkdmt.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1-8) =-5 feet
Charmed creature 1 =-5


M (5)

M (4)

Thoquua 1 takes 5 points of damage.

Kingfrog =33
Duskranger =31
Archmage =24
J-h =21
Thricedeadcat =21
Razorbeck =19
Douglas =13 (1)
Memmas =10
M (2+5) =9
M (4) =8

Thoqqua MM 1 p242 Hp 16 AC 18 To 11 FF 17 (M4 Str 5)

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 5383 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 5384 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 5385 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 5386 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 5382 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up 75 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance for 6 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 3577 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 3578 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 3590 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 3580 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 3581 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 3582 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 13383 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 3584 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 14395 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14980 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has nightshield on himself for 71 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen on himself for 72 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning on himself for 73 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly on himself for 74 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 885 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has psionic vigor for 86 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons for 5 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4786 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 4486 rounds on his init.

douglas has touchsight on himself for 56 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor on himself for 585 rounds on his init. (CL 1)

Shadow 2 lasts for 4 rounds on J-h's init.

Shadow 3 lasts for 5 rounds on J-h's init

Shadow 4 lasts for 8 rounds on J-h's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3596 rounds on his init.

Razorbeck has summon monster 3 on himself for 5 rounds on his init.

Douglas and Shadows (1+2+3) are hasted for 6 rounds on Douglas's init

2017-02-19, 11:35 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 3. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

A big canine with yellow-brown fur and large ears appears completely ordinary. And then it disappears in the blink of an eye and instantly reappears in a different location.

Please place yourselves, roll knowledge checks, and roll init.

It has been 1 hour, since the last fight.

Archmage's shield fades

Archmage's resistance fades.

Kingfrog's nightshield, force screen, fox's cunning, psionic vigor, two summons, and fly fade away.

Douglas's touch sight and mage armor fade away.

The summoned shadows, and earth elemental, and haste fade away.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpslyhep64v.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpslyhep64v.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow that stays around, S2+3 are the summoned ones)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the thoqqua, M (2) is the snake)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog


M (1) =20
M (8) =19
M (10) =13
M (4) =12
M (7) =11
M (6+9) =10
M (3) =9
M (5) =7
M (2) =6

Blinkdog MM 1 p28 AC 6 FF 13 To 13

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4783 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4784 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4785 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4786 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4782 rounds on his init

Memmas has snowsight up for 2977 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2978 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2990 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2980 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2981 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2982 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12783 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2984 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13795 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14380 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 285 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4186 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3886 rounds on his init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3596 rounds on his init.

2017-02-20, 12:19 AM
I will assume that during that hour, Douglas manifest a cure serious wounds for my injured thoqqua, using one of my manifesting sling bullets as the PP source. This would heal [roll0].

Thoqqua 1 will take my spot if we get a haste (and if Douglas allots a second space for me/my minions, Thoqqua 2)

T-4 Rounds: Sign on Self
T-3 Rounds:Fox's Cunning on Self
T-2 Rounds: Manifest Force Screen on self (1 PP)
T-1 Rounds: Summon Undead III (2x Owlbear Skeleton)

Initiative: [roll1] using nerveskitter

Knowledge arcana [roll2]
Knowledge religion [roll3]
Knowledge planes [roll4]
Knowledge nature [roll5]
Knowledge psionic [roll6]
Knowledge dungeoneering [roll7]

Szivv: E-11
Owlbear Skeleton 1: H/I-11/12
Owlbear Skeleton 2: J/K 11-12
Thoqqua 1: G-11
Thoqqua 2: M-11
Snake/Elf: Sitting this one out

HP: 57/32
PP: 29/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 1/4
Abrupt Jaunt 11/11 (temporarily increased from 9 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 6, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)

2017-02-20, 07:30 AM
Jack will hide in Q18.
[roll0] init

Recasting Shield, and resistance
[roll1] know: Arcana

2017-02-20, 09:11 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22


Starting B-18







The Planes

Effects ~

2017-02-20, 12:24 PM
Initiative: [roll0] using the last use of his SLA nerveskitter.

Placement: T20

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-02-20, 04:54 PM
Cevt will start at N18. The Familiar Pocket will be open to permit the bonus.


Knowledge (Arcana)
[roll1] (an additional +3 if used to identify Dragon-type creatures)
Knowledge (Dungeeneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (The Planes)

2017-02-21, 11:00 PM
Gendithor uses a borrowed Manifester sling bullet to cast Cure Serious Wounds on the thoqqua between battles as requested.

Gendithor will start in M11.

T-1: Wand of Mage Armor (599 rounds remaining)
T-0: cast Haste CL 10 with Reserves of Strength +3 and Arcanist's Gloves, targeting the party except KingFrog, plus the permanent shadow and both thoqqua. RoS damage: [roll0] (1 PP, 10 rounds remaining)

Initiative: [roll1]

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll2]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll3]

Power points: 21/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

Touchsight 60' radius
60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 69/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, Cure Serious Wounds

2017-02-22, 12:56 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 3. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

These creatures are blink dogs.

Blinkdogs are magical beasts which means Good Fortitude and Reflex saves. Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. Proficient with its natural weapons only. Proficient with no armor. Magical beasts eat, sleep, and breathe.

Blink (Su): A blink dog can use blink as the spell (caster level 8th), and can evoke or end the effect as a free action. (They are currently blinking)

Dimension Door (Su): A blink dog can teleport, as dimension door (caster level 8th), once per round as a free action. The ability affects only the blink dog, which never appears within a solid object and can act immediately after teleporting.

They also have scent This special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights. The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever the creature comes within 5 feet of the source, the creature pinpoints the source’s location. A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

It is Kingfrog, Meemas, and Duskranger's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpskknww54o.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpskknww54o.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeletons )
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua,)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the web
Blue line is the snowfog


Kingfrog =31
Duskranger =28
Meemas =26
M (1) =20
Archmage =19 (1)
M (8) =19 (2)
Thricedeadcat =18
Douglas =13
M (10) =13
J-h =12 (1)
M (4) =12 (2)
M (7) =11
Razorbeck =10 (1)
M (6+9) =10 (2)
M (3) =9
M (5) =7
M (2) =6

Blinkdog MM 1 p28 AC 16 FF 13 To 13

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4783 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4784 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4785 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4786 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4782 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 70 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 10 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2976 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2977 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2989 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2979 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2980 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2981 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12782 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2983 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13794 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14379 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 284 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 797 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 49 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 7 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4185 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3886 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 599 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 10 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3596 rounds on his init.

2017-02-22, 02:24 AM
Move to E-7
Manifest Psionic Charm on M-9 (7PP affects Magical Beasts, 13 day duration), DC 25 Will Save negates
Miss chance if blinking, low is a hit (I have see invisibility up, so that may reduce the miss chance): [roll0]
Attempt to command it to attack M1 if possible, charisma check [roll1]

move to I-8 avoiding AoO's, ready action to attack M-10 when it is flanked
Miss chance if blinking, low means hit: [roll2]
damage [roll4] plus [roll5] fire damage
===crit stuff===
damage [roll7] plus [roll8] fire damage

move to J-8, provokes an AoO if M-10 can do so while flatfooted, ready action to attack M-10 when it is flanked
Miss chance if blinking, low means hit: [roll9]
damage [roll11] plus [roll12] fire damage
===crit stuff===
damage [roll14] plus [roll15] fire damage

5-foot step to H/I-10/11
Full Attack M-10
Miss chance if blinking, low means hit: [roll16] [roll17] [roll18]
claw/claw/bite: [roll19],[roll20],[roll21]
damage: [roll22], [roll23], [roll24]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll25],[roll26],[roll27]
damage: [roll28], [roll29], [roll30]

5-foot step to J/K-10/11
Full Attack M-10
Miss chance if blinking, low means hit: [roll31] [roll32] [roll33]
claw/claw/bite: [roll34],[roll35],[roll36]
damage: [roll37], [roll38], [roll39]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll40],[roll41],[roll42]
damage: [roll43], [roll44], [roll45]

HP: 32/32
PP: 22/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 1/4
Abrupt Jaunt 11/11 (temporarily increased from 9 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 6, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)

2017-02-22, 10:39 AM
Move to O14/P15

Free action: First Level Spellstalk: Cast Magic Missile at M(3) in my Left side arc.
Damage [roll0] damage, auto hits.

Free action: Third Level Spellstalk: Cast Stinking Cloud at the centerpoint of N4/O5, which I believe should catch M(2, 4, 5, 6, 7) DC 20 Fort Save or Nauseated. Using my Front arc.

Standard action: Cast Bite of the Wererat on myself, not using any eyestalk to do so.

Free action: Finger of Death Eye Ray at M(5) in my Front arc.
Will save DC 19 or failed [roll1]
Attack roll [roll2] vs Touch.
Miss chance to Blinking [roll3]
If hit, DC 14 Fort save or die, if passed, take [roll4]

Free action: Disintegrate Eye Ray at M(7) in my Front arc.
Will save DC 19 or failed [roll5]
Attack roll [roll6] vs Touch.
Miss chance to Blinking [roll7]
If hit, DC 14 Fort save or take [roll8]

Free action: Flesh to Stone Eye Ray at M(1) in my Left side Arc
Will save DC 19 or failed [roll9]
Attack roll [roll10] vs Touch.
Miss chance to Blinking [roll11]
If hit, DC 14 Fort save or turned to stone

Free action: Inflict Moderate Wounds at Douglas in my Left side Arc
Will save DC 19 or failed [roll12]
Attack roll [roll13] vs Touch.
If hit, DC 14 Will save or heal [roll14]

2017-02-22, 01:44 PM
Kritk lobs a fireball at N4/O5

Damage: [roll0] reflex 18 for half

2017-02-24, 04:22 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 3. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

M (9) fails it's will save towards Kingfrog's psionic charm. But it doesn't seem to be willing to listen.

Owlbear 1 misses all three times.

Owlbear 2 misses with one claw, but the other claw and the bite hit.

Thoquua 1 hits and kills M (10)

Meemas's magic missile fails because as far as I'm aware you can't target an invisible creature.

M (2+4+5+6+7) fails it's save versus Meemas's stinking cloud.

M (5) resists the finger of death spell but dies anyway.

Meemas's disintegrate, and flesh to stone fail.

Meemas's ray does hit douglas. (I'm assuming he'd allow it) and heals him for 18 points of damage.

M (2+4) makes it's save versus fireball. M (6+7) fail their saves.

It is Archmage's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps4vpydeiq.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps4vpydeiq.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeletons s3 is the staying shadow)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua,)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog



M (1)
Miss chance low is good for the monster. [roll4]

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =31
Duskranger =28
Meemas =26
M (1) =20
Archmage =19 (1)
M (8) =19 (2)
Thricedeadcat =18
Douglas =13
M (10) =13
J-h =12 (1)
M (4) =12 (2)
M (7) =11
Razorbeck =10 (1)
M (6) =10 (2)
M (3) =9
M (2) =6

Blinkdog MM 1 p28 Hp 22 (M 2+4 Hp 13) (M6+7 Hp 4) AC 16 FF 13 To 13

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4783 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4784 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4785 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4786 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4781 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 69 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 9 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2976 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2977 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2989 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2979 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2980 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2981 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12782 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2983 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13794 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 8 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14379 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 284 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 797 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 49 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 7 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187200 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4185 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3886 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 599 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 10 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3596 rounds on his init.

M (2+4+5+6+7) are nauseated by Meemas's stinking cloud.

Meemas's stinking cloud exists for

2017-02-24, 04:27 PM
Seeing that the fireball hadn't done it's job, Jack follows it with a burst of electricity.

Casting Scintillating sphere, targetting NO45.
[roll0] Electricity damage.
DC 18 reflex for half.

2017-02-24, 04:44 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 3. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

M (1)'s AoO damages Archmage for 3 points of damage.

M (2+6+7) fails it's save versus Archmage's sphere. M (4) succeeds it's save. M (6+7) die.

It is Thricedeadcat, Douglas's, and J-h's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshtsnpc9g.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshtsnpc9g.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeletons s3 is the staying shadow)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua,)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog



M (8)
Miss chance low is good for the monster [roll4]

Archmage takes 5 points of damage.

Kingfrog =31
Duskranger =28
Meemas =26
M (1) =20
Archmage =19 (1)
M (8) =19 (2)
Thricedeadcat =18
Douglas =13
J-h =12 (1)
M (4) =12 (2)
Razorbeck =10 (1)
M (3) =9
M (2) =6

Blinkdog MM 1 p28 Hp 22 (M 2+4 Hp 1) (M4 Hp 7) AC 16 FF 13 To 13

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4782 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4783 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4784 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4785 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4781 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 69 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 9 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2976 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2977 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2989 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2979 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2980 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2981 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12782 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2983 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13794 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 8 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14379 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 284 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 797 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 49 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 7 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187200 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4185 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3885 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 598 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 10 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3596 rounds on his init.

M (2+4+5+6+7) are nauseated by Meemas's stinking cloud.

Meemas's stinking cloud exists for 8 rounds on his init.

2017-02-24, 04:57 PM

With the enemies reduced so much already, Dohl has his shadow stand in front of him as he steps up and casts a spell.

Dohl moves to L9, shadow moves to L8.
Dohl uses divine metamagic to cast a Fell Drain Sound Burst, hitting M4 and M2. It does [roll0] sonic damage, inflicts a negative level, and forces a DC 17 Fort save to prevent 1 round of being stunned.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-02-25, 04:09 PM
Cevt will fire a magic missile at M1 (if it's invisible or otherwise not target-able, then make that M8).


2017-02-26, 03:05 PM
Gendithor shoots twice at M(3).

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage [roll1] Miss chance (hi=good) [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3] Damage [roll4] Miss chance (hi=good) [roll5]

Power points: 21/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

Touchsight 60' radius
60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 88/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, Cure Serious Wounds

2017-02-26, 08:02 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 3. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

M (2+4) die to J-h's sound burst.

Thricedeadcat's magic missile hits M (1)

Douglas's second arrow hits M (3).

It is Razorbeck's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpse3kscpht.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpse3kscpht.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeletons s3 is the staying shadow)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua,)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog


Kingfrog =31
Duskranger =28
Meemas =26
M (1) =20
Archmage =19 (1)
M (8) =19 (2)
Thricedeadcat =18
Douglas =13
J-h =12 (1)
Razorbeck =10 (1)
M (3) =9

Blinkdog MM 1 p28 Hp 22 (M1 hp 7) (M3 hp 10) AC 16 FF 13 To 13

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4782 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4783 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4784 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4785 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4781 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 69 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 9 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2976 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2977 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2989 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2979 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2980 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2981 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12782 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2983 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13794 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 8 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14379 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 284 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 797 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 49 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 7 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187200 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4185 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3885 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 598 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 10 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3595 rounds on his init.

M (2+4+5+6+7) are nauseated by Meemas's stinking cloud.

Meemas's stinking cloud exists for 8 rounds on his init.

2017-02-27, 04:12 PM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Standard Action
Shoot at #3, miss % [roll0]


Crit 20/x3

Effects ~

2017-02-27, 04:27 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 3. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

Razorbeck's attack misses M (3). Please remove one arrow. I rolled and you won't be able to get it back.

It is Kingfrog, Duskranger, and Meemas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpstxkwuuw9.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpstxkwuuw9.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeletons s3 is the staying shadow)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua,)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog



M (3)
Miss chance low is good for monster [roll4]

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =31
Duskranger =28
Meemas =26
M (1) =20
Archmage =19 (1)
M (8) =19 (2)
Thricedeadcat =18
Douglas =13
J-h =12 (1)
Razorbeck =10 (1)
M (3) =9

Blinkdog MM 1 p28 Hp 22 (M1 hp 7) (M3 hp 10) AC 16 FF 13 To 13

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4782 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4783 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4784 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4785 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4781 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 69 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 9 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2975 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2976 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2988 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2978 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2979 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2980 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12781 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2982 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13793 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 7 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14378 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 283 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 796 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 48 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 6 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187199 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4184 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3885 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 598 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 10 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3595 rounds on his init.

M (2+4+5+6+7) are nauseated by Meemas's stinking cloud.

Meemas's stinking cloud exists for 8 rounds on his init.

2017-02-27, 04:59 PM
Move to Q-16 (I think he barely makes it, due to haste)
Attack M8, miss chance (50% low=hit) [roll0]
damage [roll2] plus [roll3] fire damage
===crit stuff===
damage [roll5]

Double move to P-17

Double move to O/P-17/18

Double move to S/T-16/17, this should provoke an AoO from M8

Move to H-10
Standard: cast magic missile, 2 missiles to M1, 2 missiles to M3 (See invisibility is still up)
M1: [roll6]
M3: [roll7]
Attempt to command my charmed blink dog to attack M3 if it's still up, M8 if M3 is down, charisma check [roll8]

Dimension Door into flanking position (S-20 or S-18 depending on target)
Miss chance, target's blink (50% low=hit) [roll9]
Miss chance, own blink (20% low = hit) [roll10]
attack M3, or M8 if M3 is down [roll11]
damage [roll12]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll14]

HP: 32/32
PP: 22/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 1/4
Abrupt Jaunt 11/11 (temporarily increased from 9 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 6, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)

2017-02-28, 11:00 AM
Morgan will move to be 10 feet up in O17-P18

Free action: Finger of Death Eye Ray in my Right Side Arc on M(8)
Will Save[roll0] vs DC 19 or failed
Ranged Touch Attack Roll [roll1]
Fort Save DC 14 or die, if passed, deal [roll2]
Miss chance [roll3]

Free action: Flesh to Stone Eye Ray in my Right Side Arc on M(8), if dead, target M(3)
Will Save[roll4] vs DC 19 or failed
Ranged Touch Attack Roll [roll5]
Fort Save DC 14 or turned to stone
Miss chance [roll6]

Free action: Inflict Light Wounds Eye Ray in my Right Side Arc on M(8), if already dead or stone, target M(3)
Will Save[roll7] vs DC 19 or failed
Ranged Touch Attack Roll [roll8]
Will Save DC 14 or take [roll9]
Miss chance [roll10]

Free action: Disintegrate Eye Ray in my Downward arc on M(1)
Will Save[roll11] vs DC 19 or failed
Ranged Touch Attack Roll [roll12]
Fort Save DC 14 take [roll13]
Miss chance [roll14]

Free action: Fear Eye Ray in my Downward arc on M(1)
Will Save[roll15] vs DC 19 or failed
Ranged Touch Attack Roll [roll16]
Will Save DC 14 or Feared as the spell
Miss chance [roll17]

Free action: 1st Level Spellstalk, Magic Missile in my Downward arc on M(1)
Damage [roll18]
Force Effects ignore blinking.

2017-02-28, 11:32 AM
Kritk readies a magic missile to fire it at the creatures standing after Kingfrogs and Meemas characters and charmed minions have gone.

Firing all at one target.

2017-02-28, 07:05 PM
You guys win.

Most of you gain 450 xp.

Kingfrog and Razorback gain 495 xp

Douglas and Meemas gain 562 xp.

All of you gain 500 gp.

Would you like to use a rest?

2017-03-01, 05:58 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 4. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

It has been 2 rounds since the last fight.

These creatures are four legged brown furred creatures, that start barking at your presence.

Please roll init, knowledge checks, and place yourselves.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpse6latw88.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpse6latw88.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeletons s3 is the staying shadow)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua,)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog


M (2+4) =21
M (3+12+14) =15
M (8) =14
M (1+5) =12
M (10) =11
M (13) =8
M (7+11) =6
M (9) =4
M (6) =3

Riding rog MM1 p270 HP 13 AC 16 To 12 FF 14

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4780 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4781 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4782 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4783 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4779 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 67 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 7 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2973 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2974 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2986 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2976 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2977 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2978 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12779 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2980 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13791 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 5 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14376 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 281 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 794 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 46 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187197 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4182 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3883 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 596 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 8 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3593 rounds on his init.

2017-03-01, 07:39 PM
[roll0] init
[roll1] Arcana

Jack will go for... M19

2017-03-01, 10:14 PM
G13 (shadow) & G14 (Dohl) as on the map is fine.

Init [roll0]
K: Arc [roll1]
K: Hist [roll2]
K: Relig [roll3]
K: Planes [roll4]

2017-03-02, 03:30 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Placement: T20

2017-03-02, 09:52 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22


Starting B-18







The Planes

Effects ~

2017-03-02, 07:36 PM
Morgan will start in H15/I16

Initiative [roll0]

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll2]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll3]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll4]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll5]
Knowledge (Local) [roll6]
Knowledge (Psionics) [roll7]

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-03-02, 10:21 PM
Cevt will start at N18. The Familiar Pocket will be open to permit the bonus.


Knowledge (Arcana)
[roll1] (an additional +3 if used to identify Dragon-type creatures)
Knowledge (Dungeeneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (The Planes)

2017-03-03, 12:23 AM
Thoqqua 1 will take my spot in a haste, if one is given. If there's another open slot, then thoqqua 2.

T-2: Cast Sign on self
T-1: Summon Undead III, 2 Owlbear Skeletons (#3, #4 given my assumption that my other two are still up)

Initiative: [roll0], no nerveskitter as I'm out of those.

Knowledge Arcana [roll1]
Knowledge Religion [roll2]
Knowledge Psionic [roll3]
Knowledge Planes [roll4]
Knowledge Nature [roll5]
Knowledge Dungeoneering [roll6]

Szivv: B-11
Thoqqua 1: F-11
Thoqqua 2: C-11
Owlbear 1: G/H-11/12
Owlbear 2:D/E-11/12
Owlbear 3: I/J-11/12
Owlbear 4:K/L-11/12
Blinkdog: A-11
Snake/Elf will sit this one out.

HP: 32/32
PP: 22/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 1/4
Abrupt Jaunt 11/11 (temporarily increased from 9 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 6, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)

2017-03-03, 03:56 PM
Gendithor heals [roll0] between battles is already at full hp.

I'll just let the existing Haste continue for now.

Start position M11.

Initiative: [roll1]

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll2]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll3]
Power points: 21/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 88/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, Cure Serious Wounds

2017-03-03, 05:52 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 4. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

These creatures are riding dogs

These creatures are animals, which means. An animal possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry). Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (no creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher can be an animal). Low-light vision. Alignment: Always neutral.

Riding dogs have the ability scent. This special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of
smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights. The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The
creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever the creature comes within 5 feet of the source, the creature pinpoints the source’s location. A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of creatures, and the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

Riding dogs have a +4 racial bonus on jump checks, and on survival checks when tracking by scent.

Riding dogs have a single attack action of bite.

It is Douglas, Duskranger, Thricedeadcat, and Razorbeck's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsy7auoqoj.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsy7auoqoj.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow, S2-S5 are the owlbear skeletons)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog


Douglas =27
Duskranger =25
Thricedeadcat =24
Razorbeck =22
M (2+4) =21
Kingfrog =19
Meemas =19
J-h =16
M (3+12+14) =15
M (8) =14
M (1+5) =12
M (10) =11
Archmage =8 (1)
M (13) =8 (2)
M (7+11) =6
M (9) =4
M (6) =3

Riding rog MM1 p270 HP 13 AC 16 To 12 FF 14

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4779 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4780 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4781 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4782 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4779 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 67 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 7 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2973 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2974 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2986 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2976 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2977 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2978 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12779 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2980 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13791 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 5 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14375 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 280 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 793 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 45 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 3 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 7 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187196 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4181 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3882 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 595 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 7 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3592 rounds on his init.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-03-04, 06:06 PM
(OOC: So here's where things get weird. As I can use Versatile Spellcaster to cast any spell I know, I can use Beguiler spells to cast non-Beguiler spells) Cevt will burn two Beguiler cantrips to cast magic missile at M5 and M1 (ECL 3).

Damage to M1

Damage to M5

2017-03-05, 10:44 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Cast Hail of Stone centered on Q/R-7/8 intersection, getting 1,5 and 6
Damage, no save or SR

Effects ~

2017-03-05, 04:02 PM
Gendithor shoots twice at M3.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Power points: 21/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 88/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, Cure Serious Wounds

2017-03-06, 02:11 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 4. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

The riding dogs are damaged by Thricedeadcat's spell.

Riding dogs 1+5 die to Razorbeck's spell. Riding dog 6 is disabled.

Douglas's two arrows kill M (3)

It is Kingfrog and Meemas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshzexwzib.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshzexwzib.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow, S2-S5 are the owlbear skeletons)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog



M (2) Kingfrog

M (2) deals 9 points of damage to Kingfrog.

Douglas =27
Duskranger =25
Thricedeadcat =24
Razorbeck =22
M (2+4) =21
Kingfrog =19
Meemas =19
J-h =16
M (12+14) =15
M (8) =14
M (10) =11
Archmage =8 (1)
M (13) =8 (2)
M (7+11) =6
M (9) =4
M (6) =3

Riding rog MM1 p270 HP 13 (M6 0 hp) AC 16 To 12 FF 14

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4779 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4780 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4781 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4782 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4779 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 67 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 7 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2972 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2973 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2985 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2975 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2976 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2977 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12778 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2979 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13790 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14374 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 279 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 792 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 44 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 2 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 6 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187195 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4181 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3882 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 595 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 7 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3592 rounds on his init.

2017-03-06, 03:06 AM
Charge to C-7, attack M14
damage [roll1] plus [roll2] fire damage
===crit stuff===
damage [roll4]

Charge to D/E-7/8, attack M14
damage [roll6]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll8]

Dimension Door to E-9, activating Blink after resolving Blink Dog's attack
Attack M10
damage [roll10]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll12]

--5-foot step to G/H-10/11 at the end of action if M10 is still up, or G/H-12/13 if M10 drops due to owlbear skeleton attacks
Full attack M10
claw/claw/bite: [roll13], [roll14], [roll15]
Damage: [roll16], [roll17], [roll18]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll19], [roll20], [roll21]
Damage: [roll22], [roll23], [roll24]

Move to K/L-7/8
Ready action to attack M7 when it has a flanking buddy
damage [roll26]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll28]

If M10 is still up, 5-foot step to E-11 and full attack M10. If M10 is down, charge to I-9, attack M7
[roll29] (add +2 if attacking M7, additional attack if attacking M10 [roll30] )
damage [roll31] plus [roll32] fire damage (extra if needed [roll33] plus [roll34] fire damage)
===crit stuff===
[roll35] (add +2 if attacking M7, additional attack if attacking M10 [roll36] )
damage [roll37] (extra if needed [roll38] )

Move to attack M7 if it is still up, flanking if possible. If M7 is down, move to H/I-6/7 and attack M11
[roll39] (+2 if flanking)
damage [roll40]
===crit stuff===
[roll41] (+2 if flanking)
damage [roll42]

5-foot step to B-12
Manifest Mind Thrust (5 PP) against M2, [roll43] damage, DC 24 Will Save negates
--Will abrupt jaunt if attacked

HP: 28/32
PP: 17/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 1/4
Abrupt Jaunt 11/11 (temporarily increased from 9 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 6, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)

2017-03-08, 08:57 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 4. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

Thqouua's attack misses.

M (10)'s AoO hits and damages Owlbear skeleton 3 for 5 points of damage, that goes through bludgeoning damage.

Owlbear skeleton's attack hits M (14)

Blinkdog's attack hits and damages M (10)

One of owlbear skeleton 1's attacks hit M (10), the other two miss.

Thoquua's attack hits M (10)

Owlbear skeleton 3 misses M (7)

Owlbear skeleton 4 hits and damages her M (7)

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsyh5aiyhc.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsyh5aiyhc.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow, S2-S5 are the owlbear skeletons)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog



M (8) Owlbear skeleton

M (14) Owlbear skeleton

Owlbear skelton takes 5 points of damage.

Douglas =27
Duskranger =25
Thricedeadcat =24
Razorbeck =22
M (2+4) =21
Kingfrog =19
Meemas =19
J-h =16
M (12+14) =15
M (8) =14
Archmage =8 (1)
M (13) =8 (2)
M (7+11) =6
M (9) =4
M (6) =3

Riding rog MM1 p270 HP 13 (M6 0 hp, M7 2 hp M14 6 hp) AC 16 To 12 FF 14

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4779 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4780 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4781 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4782 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4779 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 67 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 7 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2972 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2973 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2985 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2975 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2976 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2977 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12778 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2979 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13790 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14374 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 279 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 792 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 44 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 2 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 6 rounds on his init.

Thouqqa and Owlbear skeleton 3 are charging for 1 round on their init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187195 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4181 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3882 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 595 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 7 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3592 rounds on his init.

2017-03-08, 10:07 PM
Apologize for the late post. Will make this simple.

Free action: Cast Stinking Cloud at P5/Q6

Free action: Cast Magic Missile at M(12)
Damage: [roll0]

Gonna skip my eye rays. We probably don't need too much to kill these anyways.

2017-03-09, 05:52 AM
Seeing a comrade in trouble, Jack tries to touch M(4) with combust.(Casting, then stepping into O19 before attacking)

[roll0] melee touch
[roll1] fire damage
And a dc 15 reflex save to not catch on fire if it hits.

2017-03-09, 03:28 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 4. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

M (6) makes it's save versus Meemas's stinking cloud, m (9+13) fails.

Meemas's magic missile damages M (12)

Archmage fails to touch M (4)

It is Douglas, Duskranger, Thricedeadcat, and Razorbeck's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsf1bpukj0.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsf1bpukj0.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow, S2-S5 are the owlbear skeletons)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog



M (7)

No damage is taken.

Douglas =27
Duskranger =25
Thricedeadcat =24
Razorbeck =22
M (4) =21
Kingfrog =19
Meemas =19
J-h =16
M (12+14) =15
M (8) =14
Archmage =8 (1)
M (13) =8 (2)
M (7+11) =6
M (9) =4
M (6) =3

Riding rog MM1 p270 HP 13 (M6 0 hp, M7 2 hp, M 12 hp 4 M14 6 hp) AC 16 To 12 FF 14

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4778 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4779 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4780 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4781 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4779 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 67 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 7 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2971 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2972 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2984 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2974 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2975 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2976 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12777 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2978 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13789 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 3 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14374 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 279 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 792 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 44 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 2 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 6 rounds on his init.

Thouqqa and Owlbear skeleton 3 are charging for 1 round on their init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187195 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4181 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3881 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 595 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 7 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3591 rounds on his init.

Meemas has stinking cloud for 8 rounds on his init.

M (9) is hastened for 5 rounds on Meemas's init.

M (13) is nauseated for 3 rounds on Meemas's init

2017-03-09, 08:28 PM

Dohl's shadow moves northwest to attack M11. Melee incorporeal touch attack [roll0] for [roll1] str damage.

Dohl walks 10' east to I14,and uses Divine Metamagic to drop a Fell Drain Sound Burst (Will DC17 or stun + [roll2] sonic damage and a negative level) on M9 and M6.

2017-03-10, 09:53 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Cast Hail of Stone centered on O/P-13/14 intersection, getting 9 and 13
Damage, no save or SR

Effects ~

2017-03-10, 02:39 PM
Kritk Fireball, if correct, I can hit M6, M9 and M13 without hitting any allies (if correct this is O14/P15)

Fireball damage: [roll0] DC18 reflex for halve

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-03-10, 03:45 PM
Cevt will 5-ft. step to M19 and use another two Beguiler cantrips to cast magic missile at M4.


2017-03-11, 06:20 PM
Gendithor steps south to M12, and shoots twice.

Target M(12) until down, then M(11). Penalty for shooting into melee already included.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Power points: 21/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 88/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, Touchsight, Cure Serious Wounds

2017-03-11, 07:22 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 4. Rests left 3. Party wipes 3

J-h's shadow hits M (11) and damages their strength.

J-h's fell drain sound burst, kills M (6) and stuns M (9)

Razorbeck's hail of stone kills M (9) and damages M (13)

Duskranger's fireball kills M (13)

Thricedeadcat's magic missile damages M (4)

Douglas's arrows first arrow hits M (12) (Thricedeadcat moved out of melee). M (12) dies You lose both arrows.

It is Kingfrog's, J-h's and Meemas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshdujezic.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshdujezic.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow, S2-S5 are the owlbear skeletons)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog



M (4)

No damage is taken.

Douglas =27
Duskranger =25
Thricedeadcat =24
Razorbeck =22
M (4) =21
Kingfrog =19
Meemas =19
J-h =16
M (14) =15
M (8) =14
Archmage =8 (1)
M (13) =8 (2)
M (7+11) =6

Riding rog MM1 p270 HP 13 (M4 6 hp, M7 2 hp, M13 6 gp M14 6 hp) (M11 14 Str) AC 16 To 12 FF 14

Thricedeadcat has Heart of earth on himself for 4778 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has heart of air on himself for 4779 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket on himself for 4780 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor on himself for 4781 rounds on his init.

Archmage has mage armor on himself for 4779 rounds on his init

Archmage has shield up for 67 rounds on his init

Archmage has resistance up for 7 rounds on his init.

Memmas has snowsight up for 2970 rounds on himself.

Douglas has snowsight up for 2971 rounds on Memmas's init.

J-h has snowsight up for 2983 rounds on Memmas's init.

Razorbeck has snowsight up for 2973 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has obscuring snow up for 2974 rounds on Meemas's init.

Meemas has luminous armor up for 2975 rounds on his init. Will deal 1 point of strength damage at the end.

Meemas has primal instinct up for 12776 rounds on his init.

Meemas has heart of water up for 2977 rounds on his init.

Meemas has greater resistance up for 13788 rounds on his init.

Meemas's has bite of the wererat on himself for 2 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct on himself for 14373 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has see invisibility for 278 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning up on himself for 791 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has forcescreen up on himself for 43 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 1 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has 2 owlbear skeletons on himself for 5 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 187194 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has mage armor on himself for 4181 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon on his bow for 3881 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor for 595 rounds on his init (CL 1)

The entire party besides Kingfrog, and the shadow, and the Thqouua have haste for 7 rounds on Douglas's init.

Razorbeck has mage armor on himself for 3591 rounds on his init.

Meemas has stinking cloud for 7 rounds on his init.

M (13) is nauseated for 2 rounds on Meemas's init

2017-03-11, 10:13 PM
5-foot step to H/I-8/9
full attack M7
claw/claw/bite: [roll0],[roll1],[roll2]
damage [roll3],[roll4],[roll5]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll6],[roll7],[roll8]
damage [roll9],[roll10],[roll11]

move to D-5 (provokes)
attack M14
damage [roll13] plus [roll14] fire damage
===crit stuff===
damage [roll16]

Use free actions to turn off blink before attacking and to resume it afterwards
Dimension door to E-5, attack M8 (or M14 if M8 is down)
damage [roll18]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll20]

charge to F/G-7/8, attack M8
damage [roll22]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll24]

Full attack M14, switching to M8 if M14 drops (if both are down, move to attack M7, or failing that M11 and use first claw rolls with -2 to attack for loss of flanking)
claw/claw/bite [roll25], [roll26], [roll27]
damage [roll28],[roll29],[roll30]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll31],[roll32],[roll33]
damage [roll34],[roll35],[roll36]

full attack M7, if M7 is down move to F/G-4/5 and use rolls for first claw attack against M8
claw/claw/bite: [roll37],[roll38],[roll39]
damage [roll40],[roll41],[roll42]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll43],[roll44],[roll45]
damage [roll46],[roll47],[roll48]

5-foot step to B-12
Standard: If any of M7, M8, or M14 are still up after my minions act, manifest Mind Thrust (9 PP, [roll49] damage, DC 26 will save negates), targeting them with that order priority. If all three of those are down, ready an action to manifest Ego Whip (11 PP, [roll50] charisma damage with a DC 27 will save for half) on the nearest enemy still standing after Thoqqua 1 resolves its attacks.
**I will abrupt jaunt to B-10 to avoid the AoO if M11 is still up.

5-foot step to D-12, full attack M11
[roll51], [roll52]
damage [roll53], [roll54] plus [roll55],[roll56] fire damage
===crit stuff===
[roll57], [roll58]
damage [roll59], [roll60]

HP: 28/32
PP: 8 or 6/39
+1 Manifesting Sling Bullets: 1/4
Abrupt Jaunt 11/11 (temporarily increased from 9 due to Fox's Cunning)
Force Screen (ML 6, 1 PP)
Primal Instinct (CL 7)
See Invisibility (CL 7)
Fox's Cunning (CL 7)

2017-03-11, 11:07 PM
The shadow attacks M11 again.
Melee incorporeal touch [roll0] for [roll1] strength damage

Dohl moves to F11, and unleashes another DMM-powered Fell Drain Sound Burst, hitting M8 & M14. [roll2] sonic damage, 1 negative level, Will DC17 or stun for 1 round

2017-03-12, 06:56 PM
Free action: Magic Missile a random target that is still alive after J-H and Kingfrog have finished their moves. Damage [roll0]

Pass the rest of my turn. Can't hit squat in melee.

2017-03-12, 09:00 PM
Everyone dies thanks to meemas's action triggering.

Most people gain 450 xp.

Kingfrog and Razorbeck gain 495 xp

Douglas and meemas gain 562 xp

Everyone gains 500 gp

Do you want to use a rest?

2017-03-29, 07:57 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 5. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

This powerful, equine creature has a gleaming white coat and big, lively eyes. Long, silky white hair hangs down in a mane and forelock. A single ivory-colored horn, about 2 feet long, grows from the center of the forehead. The hooves are cloven.

Please roll init, knowledge checks, place yourselves, and list buffs.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpspukodlm0.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpspukodlm0.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is the shadow, S2-S5 are the owlbear skeletons)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog


M (3) =19
M (5+6) =15
M (1) =14
M (2) =12
M (4) =4

Unicorn MM1 p250 Hp 42 AC 18 FF 15 To 12

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 172794 rounds on his init.

2017-03-29, 08:22 PM
[roll0] init(Using Nerveskitter)

Buffs(CL 9):
Heart of Water
Mage Armor

2017-03-29, 10:48 PM
Skeletor will take my place in haste, if there is one.

T-10: Cast Mage Armor on Skeletor
T-9: Cast Sign on self
T-8: Cast Primal Instinct on self
T-4: Manifest Force Screen using a +1 manifesting sling bullet (+5 shield bonus to AC)
T-3: Cast Fox's Cunning on self
T-2: Cast Fly on self
T-1: Cast Summon Undead III (2 owlbear skeletons)

Szivv: G-11
Skeletor: P-11
Thoqqua 1: K-11
Thoqqua 2: L-11
Blink Dog: B-12
Owlbear Skeleton 1: N/O-11/12
Owlbear Skeleton 2: Q/R-11/12

Initiative: [roll0] including use of a nerveskitter SLA

Knowledge (arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll2]
Knowledge (Psionic) [roll3]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll4]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll5]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll6]

2017-03-30, 07:56 AM

Init [roll0]
K: Arc [roll1]
K: Hist [roll2]
K: Relig [roll3]
K: Planes [roll4]

Dohl will start in T16 with his permanent shadow hovering at 15' altitude in T17.
He will also start with Sanctuary cast (Will DC16 or cannot attack).

2017-03-30, 07:56 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22


Starting B-18







The Planes

Effects ~

2017-03-30, 11:48 AM
Initiative: [roll0] (1 use of nerveskitter SLA)

Location: T20

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-03-30, 03:50 PM
Cevt will start at N18, having pre-cast Familiar Pocket and Mage Armor at the start of the day (ECL is 9) via Versatile Spellcaster and wizard cantrips. To start, he'll burn a use of his Nerveskitter SLA for an extra +5 initiative. The Familiar Pocket will be open to permit the bonus.


Knowledge (Arcana)
[roll1] (an additional +3 if used to identify Dragon-type creatures)
Knowledge (Dungeeneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (The Planes)

2017-03-31, 07:29 PM
Gendithor starts at K12

Init: [roll0]

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll2]

T-30 minutes: Greater Magic Weapon CL 8 with Reserves of Strength +3 (5 PP)
T-1 round: Wand of Mage Armor CL 1
T-0: Haste CL 10 with Arcanist Gloves and Reserves of Strength +3 (1 PP)

Haste targets the party, the permanent shadow, and Skeletor.

Reserves of Strength damage: [roll3]

Power points: 34/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 72/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: 3 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 2 available

2017-04-01, 04:33 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 5. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

These creatures are Unicorns.

Unicorns are magical beasts, which means Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. Proficient with its natural weapons only. Proficient with no armor. Magical beasts eat, sleep, and breathe.

Unicorns exude a constant magic circle against evil.

Unicorns have the ability wild empathy. This power works like the druid’s wild empathy class feature, except that a unicorn has a +6 racial bonus on the check.

It is Archmage, Kingfrog, Duskranger, Thricedeadcat, and J-h's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsnvyhrkre.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsnvyhrkre.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeleton)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

Shadow 1 flying 15 feet up.

Archmage =26
Kingfrog =23
Duskranger =21
Thricedeadcat =20
J-h =20
M (3) =19
Douglas =18
Meemas =18
M (5+6) =15
Razorbeck =14 (1)
M (1) =14 (2)
M (2) =12
M (4) =4

Unicorn MM1 p250 Hp 42 AC 18 FF 15 To 12

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 172793 rounds on his init.

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5397 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5398 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 89 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4190 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14392 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 56 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 57 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 58 rounds on his init.

J-h has sanctuary CL 6 up for 5 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5398 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5399 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4500 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 599 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 10 on the entire party, the shadow, and skeletor for 10 rounds on his init.

2017-04-01, 04:41 PM

Dohl's shadow readies an action to block/disrupt any charge against Dohl by counter-charging (by moving into the path of the circle, the circle would be moving to him instead of him entering it).

Dohl uses DMM to cast a Fell Drain Sound Burst that hits Unicorns 1, 4, and 6 for [roll0] sonic damage, 1 negative level, and Fort DC 17 or stun.
Dohl is Lawful Neutral.

2017-04-01, 04:41 PM
Acting quickly, Jack throws a scintillating sphere to PQ67

[roll0] electricity damage, DC 18 reflex for half

2017-04-01, 06:59 PM
Charge to K-3, attack M2
damage [roll1] plus [roll2] fire damage
===crit stuff===
damage [roll4]

Charge to L-3, attack M2
damage [roll6] plus [roll7] fire damage
===crit stuff===
damage [roll9]

Move to G-7
Cast Phantasmal Killer on M3, Will Save DC 28 negates, Fort Save DC 28 or die, [roll10] damage if will fails and fort succeeds

Dimension door to L-1, attack M2
damage [roll12]
===crit stuff===
damage [roll14]

If M4 is still up, 5-foot step to M/N-10/11, full attack M4
If M4 is down, charge M2, use first claw attack
If M4 and M2 are down, charge M5, use first claw attack
claw/claw/bite: [roll15], [roll16], [roll17] **+2 attack if charging
damage [roll18], [roll19], [roll20]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll21], [roll22], [roll23] **+2 attack if charging
damage [roll24], [roll25], [roll26]

If M1 is still up, 5-foot step to Q/R/-10/11, full attack M1
If M1 is down, charge M6, use first claw attack
claw/claw/bite: [roll27], [roll28], [roll29] **+2 attack if charging
damage [roll30], [roll31], [roll32]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll33], [roll34], [roll35] **+2 attack if charging
damage [roll36], [roll37], [roll38]

If M1 or M4 is still up, 5-foot step to P-10 and full attack, prioritizing M1 and moving onto M4 when M1 drops
If M1 and M4 are down, move to R-7, attack M6, use bite attack, add +3 to bite damage roll (as it would get full STR bonus for being the only attack)
If M6 is also down, charge M5 and attempt to start a grapple if possible (move and attempt to grapple if not), I'll roll these separately from the attack attempts

touch attack [roll39]
grapple check [roll40]
claw/bite/wing/wing: [roll41], [roll42], [roll43], [roll44]
damage: [roll45], [roll46], [roll47], [roll48]
UAS (in addition to natural attacks): [roll49], [roll50], [roll51]
damage [roll52], [roll53], [roll54]
===Crit Stuff===
claw/bite/wing/wing: [roll55], [roll56], [roll57], [roll58]
damage: [roll59], [roll60], [roll61], [roll62]
UAS (in addition to natural attacks): [roll63], [roll64], [roll65]
damage [roll66], [roll67], [roll68]

2017-04-03, 01:30 PM
Kritk fireballs M2 and M5 without hitting allies.

[roll0] reflexsave DC 18 for half

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-04-04, 04:20 PM
Cevt will cast magic missile (CL9) at M5 (three missiles). If M5 is already dead before he can cast, then M6 will be the target of the full spell instead. Cevt is NG.

Caster Level Check


2017-04-04, 05:07 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 5. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

M (1+6) fails it's save versus J-h's sound burst, M (4) saves

M (1+6) makes it's save versus Archmage's sphere. M (4) fails. M (4) is disabled.

Kingfrog loses control of Thoquua 1 and 2.

Kingfrog's phantasmal killer kills M (3) (How are you getting DC 28? I'm getting 26)

Kingfrog loses control of Blinkdog 1 which coup de grac's itself failing it's fort save.

Owlbear skeleton 1 cannot approach M (4)

Owlbear skeleton 2 cannot approach M (6)

Skeletor's bite, claws, wings, and two of it's attacks hit M (1+4)

M (2+5) makes it's save versus Duskranger's fireball

Thricedeadcat's magic missile damages M (5)

It is Douglas's and Meemas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsqekt8r2w.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsqekt8r2w.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeleton)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

Shadow 1 flying 15 feet up.

Archmage =26
Kingfrog =23
Duskranger =21
Thricedeadcat =20
J-h =20
Douglas =18
Meemas =18
M (5+6) =15
Razorbeck =14 (1)
M (2) =12

Unicorn MM1 p250 Hp 42 (M2 Hp 27) (M5 hp 10) (M6 16/37) AC 18 FF 15 To 12

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 172793 rounds on his init.

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5397 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5398 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 89 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4190 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14392 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 56 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 57 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 58 rounds on his init.

J-h has sanctuary CL 6 up for 5 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5398 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5399 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4500 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 599 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 10 on the entire party, the shadow, and skeletor for 10 rounds on his init.

M (1+4+6) have one negative level for 3600 rounds on J-h's init.

M (1+6) are stunned for 1 round on J-h's init.

2017-04-06, 05:36 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 5. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

It is Razorbeck's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsy0vjtkp2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsy0vjtkp2.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeleton)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

Shadow 1 flying 15 feet up.

M (5) Skeletor

M (5) misses Skeletor

Archmage =26
Kingfrog =23
Duskranger =21
Thricedeadcat =20
J-h =20
Douglas =18
Meemas =18
M (5+6) =15
Razorbeck =14 (1)
M (2) =12

Unicorn MM1 p250 Hp 42 (M2 Hp 27) (M5 hp 10) (M6 16/37) AC 18 FF 15 To 12

Kingfrog's psionic charm on Blink dog has 172793 rounds on his init.

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5397 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5398 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 89 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4190 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14392 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 56 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 57 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 58 rounds on his init.

J-h has sanctuary CL 6 up for 5 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5398 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5399 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4499 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 598 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 10 on the entire party, the shadow, and skeletor for 9 rounds on his init.

M (1+4+6) have one negative level for 3600 rounds on J-h's init.

M (1+6) are stunned for 1 round on J-h's init.

M (5) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

2017-04-06, 06:48 PM
Missed turn, taking now.

Finger of Death Eye Ray on M(2)

Will Save [roll0] vs. DC 19 or failed
Ranged Touch [roll1]
Fort Save DC 14 or die, if passed, take [roll2]

2017-04-07, 04:09 PM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Fire Arrow at #5



Crit 20/x3

Effects ~

2017-04-07, 04:36 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 5. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Meemas's eye ray misses M (2)

Razorbeck's arrow misses M (5). You do keep the arrow though.

M (2) seems to be delaying.

The Thoquua's will coup de grac themselves and intentionally fail fortitude saves as soon as Kingfrog posts if they are not stopped somehow.

It is Archmage, Kingfrog, Duskranger, Thricedeadcat, J-h, Douglas's and Meemas's turn

M (6) is no longer stunned.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsy0vjtkp2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsy0vjtkp2.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeleton)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

Shadow 1 flying 15 feet up.

Archmage =26
Kingfrog =23
Duskranger =21
Thricedeadcat =20
J-h =20
Douglas =18
Meemas =18
M (5+6) =15
Razorbeck =14 (1)
M (2) =12

Unicorn MM1 p250 Hp 42 (M2 Hp 27) (M5 hp 10) (M6 16/37) AC 18 FF 15 To 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5396 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5397 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 88 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 8 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4189 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14391 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 55 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 56 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 57 rounds on his init.

J-h has sanctuary CL 6 up for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5397 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5398 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4498 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 597 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 10 on the entire party, the shadow, and skeletor for 8 rounds on his init.

M (1+4+6) have one negative level for 3599 rounds on J-h's init.

M (5) is charging for 1 round on it's init.

2017-04-07, 04:37 PM
Acting quickly, Jack throws an orb of force at M6.

[roll0] Touch
[roll1] Damage

2017-04-07, 05:01 PM
Kritk magic missiles M6 or M5 if M6 is dead: [roll0]

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-04-08, 02:45 PM
Cevt will fire another magic missile at M2.

CL check vs SR, if needed


2017-04-08, 02:54 PM
With the enemies almost dead, Dohl will pass.

2017-04-09, 12:35 PM
Waiting until after any allies in this initiative pack, just in case someone can drop M2.

5-foot step to h-6
Draw a +1 manifesting Sling Bullet
Manifest Mind thrust targeting self, use insane defiance to redirect to M2 (5 PP, [roll0] damage with DC 30 Will save to negate, includes -4 penalty from insane defiance)
the 1 point of ability damage is negated by Strongheart Vest.

If either M5 or M6 is still up, full attack prioritizing M5, 5-foot step to Q-9 to continue if at any point M5 drops and M6 is still up.
If M5 and m6 are already down, move to attack m2, using bite attack roll and adding 3 to bite damage.
[roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]
damage: [roll5], [roll6], [roll7], [roll8]
Unarmed Strike
[roll9], [roll10], [roll11]
damage [roll12], [roll13], [roll14]
===crit stuff===
[roll15], [roll16], [roll17], [roll18]
damage: [roll19], [roll20], [roll21], [roll22]
Unarmed Strike
[roll23], [roll24], [roll25]
damage [roll26], [roll27], [roll28]

Owlbear skeletons: Do nothing. Summons are kind of bunk in this fight.

2017-04-09, 01:43 PM
Gendithor magically appears in K12 where he was all along (you didn't put me on the map), heals [roll0] total for this round and the one I missed, and shoots a bolt of fire at M2, hoping to end its Magic Circle before the Thoqquas kill themselves.

Energy Missile (Fire) at M2, augmented to 5 PP.
Damage: [roll1] fire, reflex DC 19 half

Power points: 29/40

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 77/88

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 2 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 2 available

2017-04-10, 05:24 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 5. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Archmage's orb of force misses M (6)

Duskranger's magic missile and makes M (6) dying

Thricedeadcat's magic missile damages M (2)

M (2) fails it's save versus Douglas's energy missile and starts dying.

The thqouua's coup de grac themselves and intentionally fail their fort saves.

M (2) dies to Kingfrog's mind thrust.

Skeletor kills M (5)

You guys win!

Most of you gain 450 xp.

Kingfrog, and Razorbeck gain 495 xp

Douglas and Meemas gain 562 xp. As far as my notes say, that's a level up for Douglas.

Would you like to use a rest?

2017-04-11, 07:53 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

It has been 2 minutes since the last fight.

Archmage's resistance disappears.

J-h's sanctuary disappears

Douglas's group haste disappears.

Ahead is a small troupe of tiny humanoid-shaped creatures dressed in garments made from leaves, their petallike wings keeping them aloft. Their beautifully colored skin makes one think of flowers come to life. They sing a soft, delightful song.

Please place yourselves, list any new spells you want to cast, roll knowledge checks, and roll init.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpszdsn0pn8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpszdsn0pn8.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1+S2 are the owlbear skeleton)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1+2) is the thoqqua, M (3) is the blink dog)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (13+16) flying 15 feet up.
M (1) flying 30 feet up.
M (14) flying 35 feet up.
M (2) flying 40 feet up.
M (10) flying 50 feet up.
M (4+6) flying 60 feet up.
M (12) flying 70 feet up.
M (3+5) flying 80 feet up.
M (8+15) flying 85 feet up.
M (11) flying 90 feet up.
M (9) flying 95 feet up.
M (7) flying 100 feet up.

M (8) =29
M (2) =28
M (16) =27
M (11+14) =25
M (1) =23
M (13) =22
M (5+10) =20
M (7) =19
M (4+15) =18
M (12) =16
M (6) =14
M (9) =11
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5377 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 68 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4169 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14371 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 36 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 37 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5378 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4478 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 577 rounds on his init.

2017-04-11, 08:30 PM
Jack will start in S18.
[roll0] Init(With Nerveskitter)
Recast Resistance.

2017-04-11, 10:02 PM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22


Starting B-18







The Planes

Effects ~

2017-04-11, 10:07 PM
Dohl will start in K18, with his permashadow in I13, and 5 summoned shadows in JKLMN12. Prior to summoning the Shadows, he will cast Entropic Shield.

Init [roll0]
K: Arc [roll1]
K: Hist [roll2]
K: Relig [roll3]
K: Planes [roll4]

2017-04-12, 01:01 PM
Initiative: [roll0] (using one use of his nerveskitter SLA)

Placement: A20

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-04-12, 04:05 PM
Cevt will start at N18. He'll burn a use of his Nerveskitter SLA for an extra +5 initiative. The Familiar Pocket will be open to permit the bonus.


Knowledge (Arcana)
[roll1] (an additional +3 if used to identify Dragon-type creatures)
Knowledge (Dungeeneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (The Planes)

Buff Durations:
Familiar Pocket: 5377 rounds left
Mage Armor: 5378 rounds left

2017-04-13, 02:02 AM
Before fight, give Douglas one +1 Manifesting Sling Bullet to cast GMW on Charmed Elf's Longbow, if he is willing. Elf will take Szivv's place in the party Haste if one is given.

T-3: Cast Sign on self
T-2: Cast Fly on Skeletor
T-1: Activate Evil's Blessing feat (+3 to saves for 5 rounds, doubled in any round I damage a good outsider)

Szivv: J-11
Skeletor: K-11 +50'
Elf: G-11

Initiative: [roll0], not using a nerveskitter this time

Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]
Knowledge Religion: [roll2]
Knowledge Nature: [roll3]
Knowledge Planes: [roll4]
Knowledge Psionic: [roll5]
Knowledge Dungeoneering: [roll6]

2017-04-13, 05:44 PM
Gendithor starts in K11

GMW CL 8 on the Elf's bow using Szivv's sling bullet and Reserves of Strength +2 (5 PP, all from the sling bullet)
Damage [roll0]
Healing before other buffing [roll1]

T-1: Extended Haste CL 11 with Reserves of Strength +3 and Arcanist's Gloves on the party and all permanent minions (permashadow, Skeletor, elf) (3 PP)
T-0: Extended Haste CL 9 with Reserves of Strength +3 on all minions (3 PP)

RoS damage: [roll2]
1 round of healing: [roll3]

Initiative: [roll4]

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll5]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll6]

Power points: 37/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 76/104

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 3 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-04-14, 06:32 PM
Morgan will start in D15-E16.

Initiative [roll0]

Pre-fight buffs: Luminous Armor on self [roll1] Str damage
Snowsight on self, J-H, Douglas, and Razorback
Obscuring Snow on self
Primal Instinct on self
Heart of Water on self
Greater Resistance on self

2017-04-14, 06:53 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

These creatures are known as Petals.

Petals are fey which means they have low light vision.

Sleep Songs (Su): Petals can sing two kinds of songs that deal no damage but can lull a creature into a state of relaxation or sleep. Lullaby: Any creature within a 20-foot-radius that fails a DC 14 Will save is affected as though by a lullaby spell. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by that petal’s lullaby song for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. Sleep: This song requires two or more petals separated by no more than 100 feet to be singing in unison. Any creature within 100 feet of either singer that hears the song must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be affected as though by a sleep spell. Additional petals within 100 feet of a target can lend their voices to the song, strengthening it and increasing the save DC by 1 per additional singer. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by those petals’ sleep song for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Petals have damage reduction 5 that is overcome by cold iron.

Petals attack with daggers.

Petals can fly 60 feet per move action.

It is Thricedeadcat's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsrcnxvdt9.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsrcnxvdt9.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (13+16) flying 15 feet up.
M (1) flying 30 feet up.
M (14) flying 35 feet up.
M (2) flying 40 feet up.
M (10) flying 50 feet up.
M (4+6) flying 60 feet up.
M (12) flying 70 feet up.
M (3+5) flying 80 feet up.
M (8+15) flying 85 feet up.
M (11) flying 90 feet up.
M (9) flying 95 feet up.
M (7) flying 100 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (8) =29
M (2) =28
M (16) =27 (1)
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
M (11+14) =25 (2)
Duskranger =24
M (1) =23
M (13) =22
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
M (5+10) =20 (2)
Archmage =19 (1)
M (7) =19 (2)
M (4+15) =18
M (12) =16
M (6) =14
M (9) =11
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5377 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 68 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4169 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14371 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 36 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 37 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 59 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 5 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4478 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 577 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 22 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 18 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 54 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 9 rounds on his init.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-04-14, 08:58 PM
Since it's worked so well recently, Cevt will fire a magic missile at M16.


2017-04-16, 03:34 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Thricedeadcat's magic missile kills M (16)

It is Douglas and Kingfrog's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpscxb6vmy5.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpscxb6vmy5.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (2) flying 10 feet up.
M (13+16) flying 15 feet up.
M (8) flying 25 feet up
M (1) flying 30 feet up.
M (14) flying 35 feet up.
M (10) flying 50 feet up.
M (4+6) flying 60 feet up.
M (12) flying 70 feet up.
M (3+5) flying 80 feet up.
M (15) flying 85 feet up.
M (11) flying 90 feet up.
M (9) flying 95 feet up.
M (7) flying 100 feet up.


M (2) Elf

M (16) Elf

Elf takes 2 points of damage.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (8) =29
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
M (11+14) =25 (2)
Duskranger =24
M (1) =23
M (13) =22
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
M (5+10) =20 (2)
Archmage =19 (1)
M (7) =19 (2)
M (4+15) =18
M (12) =16
M (6) =14
M (9) =11
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5377 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 68 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4168 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14370 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 36 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 58 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4477 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 578 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 21 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 17 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 54 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 9 rounds on his init.

2017-04-18, 12:12 AM
Gendithor heals [roll0] and fries two of the petals in the back.

Energy Missile (Fire) at M4 and M10, no augment. (3 PP)
Damage [roll1] reflex 18 half.

Power points: 34/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 79/104

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 3 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-04-18, 12:32 AM
move to H-5, manifest mind thrust 3 PP at M14 [roll0] damage, DC 25 will save negates.

charge to E-2 +35', bite attack m1 (or charge nearest enemy except 2/6/7/8, if there's a blockage I don't see)
[roll2], does not include DR
===crit stuff===
[roll3], does not include DR

Full attack M5
[roll5], [roll6]
damage [roll7], [roll8], does not include DR
===crit stuff===
[roll9], [roll10]
damage [roll11], [roll12], does not include DR

2017-04-18, 01:51 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Douglas's energy missile kills M (4+10)

Kingfrog mind thrusts M (14)

Skeletor kills M (1)

Elf's arrow damages M (5)

It is Duskranger's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshd8mc03d.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshd8mc03d.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (2) flying 10 feet up.
M (13+16) flying 15 feet up.
M (8) flying 25 feet up
M (10) flying 50 feet up.
M (4+6) flying 60 feet up.
M (12) flying 70 feet up.
M (3+5) flying 80 feet up.
M (15) flying 85 feet up.
M (11) flying 90 feet up.
M (9) flying 95 feet up.
M (7) flying 100 feet up.


M (11) Elf

No damage is taken.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (8) =29
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
M (11) =25 (2)
Duskranger =24
M (13) =22
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
M (5) =20 (2)
Archmage =19 (1)
M (7) =19 (2)
M (15) =18
M (12) =16
M (6) =14
M (9) =11
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 (m 5 hp 2) AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5377 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 68 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4168 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14370 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 36 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 58 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4477 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 578 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 21 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 17 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 54 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 9 rounds on his init.

2017-04-19, 02:33 PM
Kritk fires an fireball trying to hit M6, 7, 9, 12 and 13 (or if not possible most enemies possible from that group)

[roll0] DC 18 reflex save for half

2017-04-19, 03:15 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Duskranger's fireball kills M (7+9)

It is Razorbeck and Meemas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsr4ohyuoh.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsr4ohyuoh.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (2+13) flying 10 feet up.
M (16) flying 15 feet up.
M (8) flying 25 feet up
M (10) flying 50 feet up.
M (4+6) flying 60 feet up.
M (12) flying 70 feet up.
M (3+5) flying 80 feet up.
M (15) flying 85 feet up.
M (11) flying 90 feet up.


M (13) Elf

No damage is taken.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (8) =29
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
M (11) =25 (2)
Duskranger =24
M (13) =22
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
M (5) =20 (2)
Archmage =19 (1)
M (15) =18
M (12) =16
M (6) =14
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 (m 5 hp 2) AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5377 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 68 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4168 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14370 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 36 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 58 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4477 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 578 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 21 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 17 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 54 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 9 rounds on his init.

M (13) is total defensing for 1 round on his init.

2017-04-20, 09:02 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Move to H-17

Cast Hail of Stone on 10 & 4

Effects ~

2017-04-21, 06:22 PM
Standard action: Magic Missile on M(5) Damage [roll0]

Free action: Magic Missile on M(5) (if 5 is dead, target M(11) instead) Damage [roll1]

Free action: Stinking Cloud centered 10 feet up at I10. Should get M(3, 8, and 11) without getting the Charmed Elf. Text notes that it goes 20 feet high, but doesn't mention going down, similar to Obscuring Snow.

2017-04-22, 11:13 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Razorbeck's hail of stones kills M (8+13)

Meemas's magic missile kills M (5+11)

M (2) fails it's fort save against Meemas's stinking cloud,

It is Archmage's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsh0dhtnqe.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsh0dhtnqe.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (2+13) flying 10 feet up.
M (16) flying 15 feet up.
M (8) flying 25 feet up
M (10) flying 50 feet up.
M (4+6) flying 60 feet up.
M (12) flying 70 feet up.
M (3+5) flying 80 feet up.
M (15) flying 85 feet up.
M (11) flying 90 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
Duskranger =24
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
Archmage =19 (1)
M (15) =18
M (12) =16
M (6) =14
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 (m 5 hp 2) AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5377 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 68 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4168 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14370 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 36 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 58 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4477 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 578 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 21 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 17 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 54 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 9 rounds on his init.

M (13) is total defensing for 1 round on his init.

M (2) is nauseated until it leaves the stinking cloud.

2017-04-22, 11:19 PM
Jack quickly casts a scintilating sphere, detonating at ST45, at 75 feet.

[roll0] electricity damage, DC 18 reflex for half

2017-04-23, 02:29 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Archmage's scillanting sphere kills M (12+15)

It is J-h's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpstz71tzds.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpstz71tzds.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (2+13) flying 10 feet up.
M (16) flying 15 feet up.
M (8) flying 25 feet up
M (10) flying 50 feet up.
M (4+6) flying 10 feet up.
M (12) flying 70 feet up.
M (3+5) flying 80 feet up.
M (15) flying 85 feet up.
M (11) flying 90 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
Duskranger =24
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
Archmage =19 (1)
M (6) =14
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 (m 5 hp 2) AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5377 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 68 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4168 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14370 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 36 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 58 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4477 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 578 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 21 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 17 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 54 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 9 rounds on his init.

M (13) is total defensing for 1 round on his init.

M (2) is nauseated until it leaves the stinking cloud.

2017-04-23, 08:05 AM

"Forward!" The six shadows race forward, encircling and swiping at one of the enemies with their intangible claws.

S1 to M7
S2 to M5
S3 to M6
S4 to N7
S5 to O7
S6 to O6
All routed to avoid AOOs. All shadows are Hasted.

S1 [roll0] melee touch incorporeal for [roll1] str damage
S2 [roll2] melee touch incorporeal for [roll3] str damage
S3 [roll4] melee touch incorporeal for [roll5] str damage
S4 [roll6] melee touch incorporeal for [roll7] str damage
S5 [roll8] melee touch incorporeal for [roll9] str damage
S6 [roll10] melee touch incorporeal for [roll11] str damage

2017-04-23, 09:55 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

S1 misses it's attack.

S2 misses it's attack.

S3 misses it's attack.

S4 misses it's attack.

S5's attack kills M (6)

It is Thricedeadcat's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpskieufhfg.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpskieufhfg.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (1+5) are flying 5 feet up.
M (2+6) flying 10 feet up.
M (16) flying 15 feet up.
M (8) flying 25 feet up
M (10) flying 50 feet up.
M (4) flying 10 feet up.
M (12) flying 70 feet up.
M (3+5) flying 80 feet up.
M (15) flying 85 feet up.
M (11) flying 90 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
Duskranger =24
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
Archmage =19 (1)
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 (m 5 hp 2) AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5377 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 68 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4168 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14370 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 36 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 58 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4477 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 578 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 21 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 17 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 54 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 9 rounds on his init.

M (13) is total defensing for 1 round on his init.

M (2) is nauseated until it leaves the stinking cloud.

M (6) will raise as a shadow in 1 round.

M (3) is total defensing for 1 round.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-04-24, 04:48 PM
Seeing how the rest of the team is doing, Cevt will pass turn.

2017-04-24, 07:45 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

It is Douglas, Kingfrog, Duskranger, Razorbeck, Meemas's, Archmage and Jh's turn

Shadow 7 (perma shadow 2 spawns)

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps0dbro6t9.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps0dbro6t9.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (1+7) flying 5 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
Duskranger =24
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
Archmage =19 (1)
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5375 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 67 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4167 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14369 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 33 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 57 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 3 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5377 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4476 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 577 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 20 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 16 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 53 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 4 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

M (2) is nauseated until it leaves the stinking cloud.

M (6) will raise as a shadow in 1 round.

M (3) is total defensing for 1 round.

2017-04-24, 08:16 PM
The shadow that killed the petal commands the newly risen shadow to obey its master, Dohl. With ghostly screeches, the creatures descend on the two remaining petals.

The shadows all have 70' move except for S7, which has 40' move.

Attacking M3
S2, J1 melee incorporeal touch attack [roll0] for [roll1] str damage
S3, I3 melee incorporeal touch attack [roll2] for [roll3] str damage
S6, J2 melee incorporeal touch attack [roll4] for [roll5] str damage
S7, J3 melee incorporeal touch attack [roll6] for [roll7] str damage

Attacking M2
S1, F9 melee incorporeal touch attack [roll8] for [roll9] str damage miss chance [roll10]
S4, H10 melee incorporeal touch attack [roll11] for [roll12] str damage miss chance [roll13]
S5, H9 melee incorporeal touch attack [roll14] for [roll15] str damage miss chance [roll16]

2017-04-25, 12:54 AM
Kritk goed into full defense.

2017-04-25, 06:04 AM
Jack dances(Passing turn)

2017-04-25, 09:22 AM
Morker pulls his bow and arrow as he prepares to send off one.

2017-04-25, 11:36 AM
Is seriously lacking in medium and long range attack options. Move to G-9 and ready action to mind thrust for 3 PP in the unlikely event that an enemy enters range (55'), [roll0], DC 25 Will Save negates

Double Move to H-2 +80', can't attack this turn

No action, conserving arrows

2017-04-26, 06:22 PM
Gendithor heals [roll0] and shoots an energy missile at M3.

Energy Missile (Cold) at M3, no augment. (3 PP)
Damage [roll1] fort 18 half.

Power points: 31/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 82/104

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 3 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-04-27, 03:51 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Shadows 2, 3, 6, 7 cannot attack due to M (3) being 80 feet in the air.

Shadows 1, 4, and 5 cannot attack due to M (2) being 75 feet in the air.

Douglas's energy missile kills M (3).

It is Thricedeadcat's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsanbcsu4d.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsanbcsu4d.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
Duskranger =24
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
Archmage =19 (1)
J-h =10
M (3) =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5375 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5376 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 67 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4167 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14369 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 33 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 57 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 3 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5375 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5376 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4476 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 577 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 20 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 16 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 53 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 4 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 8 rounds on his init.

M (2) is nauseated until it leaves the stinking cloud.

M (6) will raise as a shadow in 1 round.

M (3) is total defensing for 1 round.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-04-27, 04:33 PM
Cevt will pass turn.

2017-04-27, 05:55 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 6. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

It is everyone's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsanbcsu4d.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsanbcsu4d.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =33
M (2) =28
Douglas =27 (2)
Kingfrog =25 (1)
Duskranger =24
Razorbeck =21
Memmas =20 (1)
Archmage =19 (1)
J-h =10

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5374 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5375 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 66 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4166 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14368 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 32 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 33 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 56 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has evil's blessing feat on himself for 2 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5374 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5375 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4475 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 576 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 11 on the entire party for 19 rounds on his init.

Douglas has haste CL 9 on the summoned minions for 15 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 52 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 3 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 4 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 5 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 6 rounds on his init.

Jh has a summoned shadow for 7 rounds on his init.

M (2) is nauseated for 4 rounds on Meemas's init.

2017-04-28, 08:07 AM
Jack continues to practice his dancing routine.

2017-04-28, 08:26 AM
Morker looks at Jack and ponders what he might be imbibing.

2017-04-28, 12:40 PM
Kritk thinks about killing Jake since he seems to be dieing of a brain parasite. But decides not to.

2017-04-29, 07:29 AM
Passing my turn.

2017-04-29, 01:48 PM
Dohl watches as his shadows pursue and kill the last enemy.

S7 (new, not hasted) moves up 10' and to J9.
The rest are hasted and have 70' move.

S1 rises to 75' (F9 75') and attacks (melee touch incorporeal) [roll0] for [roll1] str damage
S4 rises to 80', circling around widely to E11 and attacking [roll2] for [roll3] str damage
S5 rises to 80', circling around widely to F11 and attacking [roll4] for [roll5] str damage
S3, already at altitude, charges to G9(80') and attacks. [roll6] for [roll7] str damage
S6 moves to F9 (80') and attacks [roll8] for [roll9] str damage
S2 moves to E9 (80') and attacks [roll10] for [roll11] str damage

2017-04-29, 01:52 PM
You guys win.

Most of you gain 450 xp

Douglas, Kingfrog and Razorbeck gain 495 xp.

Meemas gains 562 xp, which I think levels him up.

Everyone gains 500 gp.

2017-04-29, 05:30 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

It has been 2 minutes since the last fight ended. J-h you have your third perma shadow.

King frog's evil blessing bonus disappears.

Douglas's hastes both disappear

All of the summons disappear.

This little lizard is about the size of a terrier, It has a bullet-shaped head sporting a large pair of horns that sweep back from the sides like spiky ears. A similar structure appears on the tip of the tail.

Please roll init, place yourselves, knowledge checks, and any buffs you might want to cast.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpslilfdvds.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpslilfdvds.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

M (11) =25
M (3) =21
M (8+12) =17
M (4) =14
M (5+9) =12
M (1+10) =11
M (2) =10
M (6+7) =9

Petal MM3 p120 Hp 5 AC 17 To 17 FF 12

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5354 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5355 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 46 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4146 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14348 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 12 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 13 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 14 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 36 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5354 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5355 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4455 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 556 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 32 rounds on his init.

2017-04-29, 05:34 PM
[roll0] init
Jack re-casts Resistance. Starting in R18

2017-04-29, 06:21 PM
Init [roll0]
K: Arc [roll1]
K: Hist [roll2]
K: Relig [roll3]
K: Planes [roll4]

Dohl in T20

Shadows in RST16

2017-04-29, 08:17 PM
T-10 Rounds: cast Sign on self
T-2: Evil Blessing on self
T-1: Cast Summon Undead III (2x Owlbear Skeleton)

Owlbear Skeleton 1: G/H-11/12
Owlbear Skeleton 2: J/K-11/12
Skeletor: O-11
Szivv: C-14
Elf: Sitting this one out

Initiative: [roll0] including nerveskitter SLA

Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]
Knowledge religion: [roll2]
Knowledge psionics: [roll3]
Knowledge planes: [roll4]
Knowledge nature: [roll5]
Knowledge dungeoneering: [roll6]

2017-04-30, 12:12 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22


Starting B-18







The Planes

Effects ~

2017-04-30, 09:26 AM
Initiative: [roll0] (including nerveskitter)

Placement: T20

2017-05-01, 11:05 AM
Morgan will start at O18-P19

Initiative [roll0]

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-05-01, 04:15 PM
Cevt will start at M18. The Familiar Pocket will be open to permit the bonus.


Knowledge (Arcana)
[roll1] (an additional +3 if used to identify Dragon-type creatures)
Knowledge (Dungeeneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (The Planes)

2017-05-01, 05:27 PM
Gendithor heals to full over the 2 minutes.

Haste on all minions (I count six) and myself, CL 7 using Reserves of Strength +1 (1 PP)

RoS damage [roll0]

Position I12

Init: [roll1]

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll2]
Knowledge (The Planes) [roll3]

Power points: 30/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 102/104

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 3 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-05-01, 06:13 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

These creatures are shocker lizards.

These creatures are magical beasts which means Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. Proficient with its natural weapons only. Proficient with no armor. Magical beasts eat, sleep, and breathe

Electricity Sense (Ex): Shocker lizards automatically detect any electrical discharges within 100 feet

Shocker lizards have immunity to electricity.

It is Thricedeadcat, Meemas and Archmage's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpszgrojcuw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpszgrojcuw.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =28
Meemas =27
Archmage =25 (1)
M (11) =25 (2)
Kingfrog =21 (1)
M (3) =21 (2)
Douglas =18
M (8+12) =17
Duskranger =14 (1)
M (4) =14 (2)
M (5+9) =12
M (1+10) =11
M (2) =10
M (6+7) =9
J-h =6
Razorbeck =6

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5353 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5354 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 45 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4145 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14347 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 11 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 12 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 13 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 35 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has the evil blessing feat on himself for 3 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 3 for CL 7 for 6 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5353 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5354 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4455 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 556 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 32 rounds on his init.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-05-02, 03:44 PM
Cevt will do what's worked out so well thus far and fire a magic missile, aiming one missile each at M7, M4, M1, M8, and M11.

M7 Damage

M4 Damage

M1 Damage

M8 Damage

M11 Damage

2017-05-02, 03:59 PM
Jack advances to Q14, before casting lesser orb of acid at M11

[roll0] attack [roll1] acid damage.

2017-05-02, 09:19 PM
Cevt will do what's worked out so well thus far and fire a magic missile, aiming one missile each at M7, M4, M1, M8, and M11.
They're not tightly clustered enough for that.

Targets: Up to five creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicMissile.htm)

2017-05-04, 02:28 PM
Free action: 1st level Spell Stalk in rear arc. True Strike on self

Free action: 4th level Spell Stalk in forward arc. Orb of Force on M(9)
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Force

Free action: 3rd level Spell Stalk in forward arc. Stinking Cloud centered on O2, to lock down those two for the Shadows to kill. DC 20

Standard action: Entangle centered on O2, for the same purposes. DC 18

2017-05-04, 05:50 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Thricedeadcat please retarget your spell,

Archmage's lesser acid orb misses M (11) due to cover bonus.

Meemas's orb of force damages and kills M (9)

M (2+12) fail their save versus Meemas's nauseating cloud.

M (1+2+5+6+8+12) fail their saves meemas's entangle. M (11) succeeds.

It is Kingfrog's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsmmndea56.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsmmndea56.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =28
Meemas =27
Archmage =25 (1)
M (11) =25 (2)
Kingfrog =21 (1)
M (3) =21 (2)
Douglas =18
M (8+12) =17
Duskranger =14 (1)
M (4) =14 (2)
M (5) =12
M (1+10) =11
M (2) =10
M (6+7) =9
J-h =6
Razorbeck =6

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5353 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5354 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 45 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4145 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14346 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 10 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 11 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 12 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has the evil blessing feat on himself for 2 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 3 for CL 7 for 5 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5353 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5354 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4455 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 556 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 32 rounds on his init.

M (2+12) fail their saves versue Meemas stinking cloud.

2017-05-04, 07:04 PM
5-foot step to G/H-10/11, full attack M4
claw/claw/bite: , [roll1], [roll2]
damage: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll6], [roll7], [roll8]
damage: [roll9], [roll10], [roll11]

5-foot step to J/K-10/11, full attack M4
claw/claw/bite: [roll12], [roll13], [roll14]
damage: [roll15], [roll16], [roll17]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/bite: [roll18], [roll19], [roll20]
damage: [roll21], [roll22], [roll23]

5-foot step to P-10, full attack M11
claw/bite/wing/wing: [roll24], [roll25], [roll26], [roll27]
Unarmed Strike: [roll28], [roll29], [roll30]
damage NA's: [roll31], [roll32], [roll33], [roll34]
damage UAS: [roll35], [roll1d3+6,
=== crit stuff===
claw/bite/wing/wing: [roll37], [roll38], [roll39], [roll40]
Unarmed Strike: [roll41], [roll42], [roll43]
damage NA's: [roll44], [roll45], [roll46], [roll47]
damage UAS: [roll48], [roll1d3+6, [roll49]

manifest psionic charm vs. M7, 7 PP (affects magical beasts, 13 day duration), DC 27 will save negates
free action: attempt to order M7 to attack M5 if possible, charisma check [roll50]
Szivv will abrupt jaunt if attacked and an abrupt jaunt would get him out of range

EDIT: Edited to fix faulty spoiler tag placement
Double EDIT: Fixed Owlbear skeleton 2 location.

2017-05-05, 03:35 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Owlbear skeleton 1 kills M (4)

Skeletor kills M (11)

M (7) fails it's will save versus Kingfrog's psionic charm, but M (7) does not seem willing to listen.

It is Douglas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpspc4cfwzw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpspc4cfwzw.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =28
Meemas =27
Archmage =25 (1)
Kingfrog =21 (1)
M (3) =21 (2)
Douglas =18
M (8+12) =17
Duskranger =14 (1)
M (5) =12
M (1+10) =11
M (2) =10
M (6+7) =9
J-h =6
Razorbeck =6

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5353 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5354 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 45 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4145 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14346 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 10 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 11 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 12 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has the evil blessing feat on himself for 2 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 3 for CL 7 for 5 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5353 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5354 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4454 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 555 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 32 rounds on his init.

M (2+12) fail their saves versue Meemas stinking cloud.

2017-05-05, 07:12 PM
Gendithor heals [roll0] and shoots twice at the lizards he has a clear shot at due north.

Attack M5 first, M6 if it goes down.
Arrow 1: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Arrow 2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]

Power points: 30/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 102/104

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, 3 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-05-05, 07:39 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Douglas's first arrow strikes and injures M (5), his second arrow misses. Only remove 1 arrow, I rolled and you'll get the other one back.

M (8) fails to break free of the entangle.

It is Duskranger's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsswpamvne.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsswpamvne.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =28
Meemas =27
Archmage =25 (1)
Kingfrog =21 (1)
M (3) =21 (2)
Douglas =18
M (8+12) =17
Duskranger =14 (1)
M (5) =12
M (1+10) =11
M (2) =10
M (6+7) =9
J-h =6
Razorbeck =6

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 (M5 hp 2) AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5353 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5354 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 45 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4145 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14346 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 10 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 11 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 12 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 34 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has the evil blessing feat on himself for 2 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 3 for CL 7 for 5 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5353 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5354 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4454 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 555 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 32 rounds on his init.

M (2+12) fail their saves versue Meemas stinking cloud.

2017-05-07, 03:47 AM
Kritk casts magic missile: 2 on M12 and 3 on M2.

M12: [roll0]
M2: [roll1]

2017-05-07, 01:23 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Duskranger's magic missile damages M (2+3)

M (6) fails to break free.

It is J-h's Razorbeck, Thricedeadcat, Meemas, Archmage and Kingfrog's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsb7ajxr72.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsb7ajxr72.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Shocker lizards
Douglas's reflex save [roll1]
Owlbear 1 [roll2]
Owlbear 2 [roll3]

Owlbear skeleton takes 15 points of electricity damage. Douglas and owlbear skeleton 2 take 30.

Thricedeadcat =28
Meemas =27
Archmage =25 (1)
Kingfrog =21 (1)
M (3) =21 (2)
Douglas =18
M (8+12) =17
Duskranger =14 (1)
M (5) =12
M (1+10) =11
M (2) =10
M (6+7) =9
J-h =6
Razorbeck =6

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 (M2 hp 7), (M3 hp 1) (M5 hp 2) AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5352 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5353 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 44 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 8 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4144 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14345 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 9 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 10 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 11 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 33 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has the evil blessing feat on himself for 1 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 3 for CL 7 for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5352 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5353 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4453 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 554 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 31 rounds on his init.

M (2+12) fail their saves versue Meemas stinking cloud.

M (1+2+5+6+8+12) fail their saves meemas's entangle for 60 rounds.

2017-05-07, 01:24 PM
Jack moves over to L14, before throwing another lesser orb of acid at M10.

[roll0] Attack [roll1] acid damage

2017-05-07, 05:02 PM
5-foot step to F/G-9/10, full attack M10, switching to M3 if M10 drops before/on this turn
claw/claw/claw(haste)/bite: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]
damage: [roll4], [roll]1d6+5, [roll5], [roll6]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/claw(haste)/bite: [roll7], [roll8], [roll9], [roll10]
damage: [roll11], [roll]1d6+5, [roll12], [roll13]

If M3 is still up: 5-foot step to I/J-9/10, full attack M3, switching to M10 if M3 drops
claw/claw/claw(haste)/bite: [roll14], [roll15], [roll16], [roll17]
damage: [roll18], [roll]1d6+5, [roll19], [roll20]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/claw(haste)/bite: [roll21], [roll22], [roll23], [roll24]
damage: [roll25], [roll]1d6+5, [roll26], [roll27]

5-foot step to O-9 +5' if possible, O-9 if not, full attack M8 (all attacks at +1 if higher ground, -2 if Skeletor ends up entangled)
claw/bite/wing/wing: [roll]1d20+21[roll], [roll]1d20+21[roll], [roll]1d20+21[roll], [roll]1d20+21[roll]
UAS (inc. haste attack): [roll28], [roll]1d20+21[roll], [roll]1d20+16[roll], [roll]1d20+11[roll]
NA Damage: [roll29], [roll30], [roll31], [roll32]
UAS Damage: [roll33], [roll34], [roll35]
===crit stuff===
claw/bite/wing/wing: [roll]1d20+21[roll], [roll]1d20+21[roll], [roll]1d20+21[roll], [roll]1d20+21[roll]
UAS (inc. haste attack): [roll36], [roll]1d20+21[roll], [roll]1d20+16[roll], [roll]1d20+11[roll]
NA Damage: [roll37], [roll38], [roll39], [roll40]
UAS Damage: [roll41], [roll42], [roll43]

Move to H-11, manifest Mind Thrust (initial target = self, redirect to M5 via insane defiance), 2 PP for [roll44] damage, DC 28 Will save negates (this includes the penalty to the save from insane defiance)

2017-05-07, 05:57 PM
Dohl's 3 shadows move forward to attack. They are hasted, and thus have 70' move and +1 to hit.

S1-2-3 Move to MNO9
Attack [roll0] for [roll1] str damage
Attack [roll2] for [roll3] str damage
Attack [roll4] for [roll5] str damage

2017-05-08, 07:43 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Fire arrow at #6, as I think it might be one of the few things that wasn't attacked this round


Crit 20/x3

Effects ~

2017-05-16, 09:19 AM
Pass my turn. Anything I can kill would be more useful Charmed or turned into a Shadow, and with my spells in play, I don't see any need to force them to die faster.

2017-05-17, 08:21 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Jack's lesser acid orb misses M (10) thanks to cover.

Owlbear skeleton 1 only hits M (10) once. M (10) is injured but does not die.

Owlbear skeleton kills M (3)

Skeletor kills M (8)

M (5) fails it's save versus mind thrust and dies.

Dohl's shadows have no valid target.

Razorbeck's arrow misses M (6) Please remove the arrow you won't be able to get it back.

It is Douglas's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsevmsorip.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsevmsorip.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =28
Meemas =27
Archmage =25 (1)
Kingfrog =21 (1)
Douglas =18
M (12) =17
Duskranger =14 (1)
M (1+10) =11
M (2) =10
M (6+7) =9
J-h =6
Razorbeck =6

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 (M2 hp 7), (M3 hp 1) (M5 hp 2) (m10 hp 3) AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5352 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5353 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 44 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 8 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4144 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14345 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 9 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 10 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 11 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 33 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has the evil blessing feat on himself for 1 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 3 for CL 7 for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5352 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5353 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4453 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 554 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 31 rounds on his init.

M (2+12) fail their saves versue Meemas stinking cloud.

M (1+2+5+6+8+12) fail their saves meemas's entangle for 60 rounds.

2017-05-18, 08:00 PM
Gendithor heals [roll0], borrows creates a bit of extra time to walk to D4, and shoots the two nearby wounded lizards.

Swift action: Lesser Celerity (3 PP) to gain a move action (daze negated by dragonmark)
Celerity: Move to D4. With Haste I've got more than enough speed to stay out of enemy reach on the way.
Full attack:
Attack M10: [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Attack M6: [roll3] Damage [roll4]

Power points: 27/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 76/104

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, Lesser Celerity, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-05-19, 12:05 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Douglas's arrows kill M (10)

M (12) fails to break free.

It is Duskranger's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsdrifhxzw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsdrifhxzw.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =28
Meemas =27
Archmage =25 (1)
Kingfrog =21 (1)
Douglas =18
M (12) =17
Duskranger =14 (1)
M (1+10) =11
M (2) =10
M (6) =9
J-h =6
Razorbeck =6

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 (M2 hp 7), (M6 hp 8) AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5352 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5353 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 44 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 8 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4144 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14345 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 9 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 10 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 11 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 33 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has the evil blessing feat on himself for 1 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 3 for CL 7 for 4 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5352 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5353 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4453 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 554 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 31 rounds on his init.

M (2+12) fail their saves versue Meemas stinking cloud.

M (1+2+5+6+8+12) fail their saves meemas's entangle for 60 rounds.

2017-05-19, 12:12 AM
Kritk delays. Since he does not seem to be more usefull than other characters at this moment in time.

2017-05-19, 02:28 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 7. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

M (1+2+6) fail to break free.

It is J-h, Razorbeck, Thricedeadcat, Meemas, Archmage, Kingfrog, and Douglas's turn.

Kingfrog's evil blessing fades.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsdrifhxzw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsdrifhxzw.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

S (2+3+6+7) flying 80 feet up
M (2) flying 70 feet up.
M (3) flying 80 feet up.

Thricedeadcat =28
Meemas =27
Archmage =25 (1)
Kingfrog =21 (1)
Douglas =18
M (12) =17
Duskranger =14 (1)
M (1) =11
M (2) =10
M (6) =9
J-h =6
Razorbeck =6

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 (M2 hp 7), (M6 hp 8) AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5351 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5352 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 43 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 7 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4143 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14344 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 8 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 9 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for 10 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 32 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has summon undead 3 for CL 7 for 3 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5351 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5352 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4452 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 553 rounds on his init.

J-h has entropic shield CL 6 on himself for 30 rounds on his init.

M (2+12) fail their saves versue Meemas stinking cloud.

M (1+2+5+6+8+12) fail their saves meemas's entangle for 59 rounds.

2017-05-19, 03:56 AM
Move to G/H-3/4, attack m6
attack [roll0], damage [roll1]
===crit stuff===
attack [roll2], damage [roll3]

Move to I/J-7/8 avoiding the entangle until the final 5 feet of movement, attack m1
attack [roll4], damage [roll5]
===crit stuff===
attack [roll6], damage [roll7]

move to O-3 +5', attack M12, if not possible attack nearest possible enemy still up
claw attack [roll8]
damage [roll9]
===crit stuff===
claw attack [roll10]
damage [roll11]

move to I-8, manifest mind thrust for 2 PP at M12, switch to M2 then M6, then M1 if earlier targets are down.
[roll12] damage, DC 24 will save negates

EDIT: Just noticed the OOC thread where Szivv got moved out of turn. Switched destination from G-4 to I-8

Double EDIT: The owlbears will wait for Douglas's turn to occur, and if M6 drops, both will position to attack M1, flanking if possible.

2017-05-19, 12:10 PM
The three shadows advance in a line to attack M2, which is flying up high like they are.

Move to NOP3, which is the target's chance of dodging those rolls!
Hasted melee incorporeal touch attacks.
[roll0] for [roll1] str damage
[roll2] for [roll3] str damage
[roll4] for [roll5] str damage

2017-05-19, 06:07 PM
Morker pulls an arrow out and ponders whether to shoot if anything is left standing after the last assault.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-05-19, 08:57 PM
Cevt will delay.

2017-05-20, 10:26 PM
Gendithor waves for the owlbears to hold back a moment (let me go first so I don't get shooting-into-melee or cover penalties) heals [roll0], steps to E5, and shoots two more times.

Target M6 first, then M1 when it's down. The owlbear going for M6 can retarget on M1 if I kill M6.

Attack [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4]

Power points: 27/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 80/104

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, Lesser Celerity, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-05-21, 03:53 PM
You guys win! Most of you gain 450 xp

Douglas, Kingfrog, and Razorbeck gain 495 xp.

Everyone gains 500 gp.

Would you like to use a rest?

2017-05-22, 04:16 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 8. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

It has been 3 minutes since the end of the last battle.

Archmage's resistance ends.

Kingfrog what's the CL on your fox's cunning, forcescreen and fly spells.

J-h's entropic shield fails.

This map is in water. Enemy's may be below the sea line.

This being has the upper body, arms, and head of a fair-featured human. Instead of legs, however, it has the scaled tail of a great fish.

Please roll init, knowledge checks, and place yourselves.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsgv6lm8nx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsgv6lm8nx.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (6) -5 feet
M (1) -15 feet
M (3) -20 feet
M (10) -35 feet
M (5) -50 feet
M (9) -55 feet
M (8) -65 feet
M (2) -85 feet
M (4+7) -95 feet

M (1) =18
M (5+8) =17
M (6) =16
M (9) =15
M (7) =12
M (1+3) =8
M (2+4) =5

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 (M2 hp 7), (M6 hp 8) AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5321 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5322 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 13 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4113 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14314 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for -22 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for -21 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on himself for -20 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 2 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5321 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5322 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4422 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 523 rounds on his init.

2017-05-22, 05:06 PM
Dohl will start in J14.

Init [roll0]
K: Arc [roll1]
K: Hist [roll2]
K: Relig [roll3]
K: Planes [roll4]

2017-05-22, 05:11 PM
[roll0] Init
Recasting resistance

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-05-22, 08:25 PM
Cevt will start at N18. The Familiar Pocket will be open to permit the bonus.


Knowledge (Arcana)
[roll1] (an additional +3 if used to identify Dragon-type creatures)
Knowledge (Dungeeneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (The Planes)

2017-05-22, 08:35 PM
CL for Fly, Fox's Cunning are 7, ML for Force Screen should be 6.

T-5: Cast Sign on self
T-4: Manifest Force Screen with +1 manifesting sling bullet (5 pp, +5 AC)
T-3: Cast Fox's Cunning on Self if needed
T-2: Activate Evil Blessing
T-1: Summon Undead III for 2 Owlbear Skeletons

Owlbear Skeleton 1: P/Q-11/12 -15'
Owlbear Skeleton 2: S/T-11/12 -15'
Skeletor: I-11 -35'
Szivv: C-11 -25'
Shocker Lizard + Elf: sit this one out

Initiative: [roll0]

knowledge arcana [roll1]
knowledge religion [roll2]
knowledge psionics [roll3]
knowledge nature [roll4]
knowledge dungeoneering [roll5]
knowledge planes [roll6]

2017-05-23, 07:54 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22


Starting B-18







The Planes

Effects ~

2017-05-25, 03:14 AM
Initiative: [roll0] using nerveskitter.

Placement: T20.

2017-05-25, 07:04 PM
Morgan will start in B18-C19

Initiative [roll0]

2017-05-25, 07:13 PM
Gendithor heals to full between battles.

Start position: L12, 20' under water
Initiative: [roll0]

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (The Planes) [roll2]

Right before battle, cast Haste CL 6 (1 PP) on myself, each of KingFrog's undead minions, and the first two other people to ask for it, if any.

Power points: 26/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 104/104

Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, Lesser Celerity, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-05-26, 01:52 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 8. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

These creature are merfolk

These creatures are aquatic humanoids. Aquatic means These creatures always have swim speeds and thus can move in water without making Swim checks. An aquatic creature can breathe underwater. It cannot also breathe air unless it has the amphibious special quality. Humanoid means Proficient with all simple weapons, or by character class. Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, or by character class. If a humanoid does not have a class and wears armor, it is proficient with that type of armor and all lighter types. Humanoids not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Humanoids are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor. Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.

These creatures have Amphibious (Ex): Merfolk can breathe both air and water, although they rarely travel more than a few feet from the water’s edge.

They have low light vision

It is Kingfrog, Duskranger, Meemas, Archmage, Thricedeadcat's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpshyrxodq8.png
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (6) -5 feet
M (1) -15 feet
M (3) -20 feet
M (10) -35 feet
M (5) -50 feet
M (9) -55 feet
M (8) -65 feet
M (2) -85 feet
M (4+7) -95 feet

Kingfrog =29
Duskranger =29
Meemas =26
Archmage =25
Thricedeadcat =20
M (1) =18
M (5+8) =17
M (6) =16
J-H =15 (1)
M (9) =15 (2)
Douglas =13
M (7) =12
Razorbeck =10
M (1+3) =8
M (2+4) =5

Shocker lizard MM1 p224 Hp 13 (M2 hp 7), (M6 hp 8) AC 16 To 13 FF 14

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5320 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5321 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 12 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4112 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14313 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 66 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 67 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's evil blessing has 3 rounds on it's init.

Kingfrog has summon owlbear skeletons for 5 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 1 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5320 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5321 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4422 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 523 rounds on his init.

Douglas, Skeletor the owlbear skeletons have haste on them for 6 rounds on Douglas's init.

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-05-26, 04:21 PM
"Is it fish fry Friday already?" Cevt will cast Haboob at J7-K8 hitting M2, M7, M9, M10, and M3 (Sandstorm page 117, 20ft radius, 20 ft high, which should avoid our friendly neighborhood dragon zombie, otherwise I'll hit K7-L8. As always, I am terrible with mentally overlaying spells), Ref DC 22 for half (initial damage only, full damage each round they remain in it with no save).


2017-05-26, 05:07 PM
Not seeing any useful targets, Jack casts true strike.

2017-05-27, 02:00 AM
Full attack M1
claw/claw/claw(haste)/bite: , [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]
damage: [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/claw(haste)/bite: [roll8], [roll9], [roll10], [roll11]
damage: [roll12], [roll13], [roll14], [roll15]

If M1 is still up, full attack M1. If M1 is dead at this point, attempt to swim to O/P-8/9 and claw M3, using first claw attack/damage roll
swim check if needed: [roll16]
claw/claw/claw(haste)/bite: [roll17], [roll18], [roll19], [roll20]
damage: [roll21], [roll22], [roll23], [roll24]
===crit stuff===
claw/claw/claw(haste)/bite: [roll25], [roll26], [roll27], [roll28]
damage: [roll29], [roll30], [roll31], [roll32]

Attack M10 with unarmed strike using first UAS roll below. If M10 is still up, continue with full attack. If M10 drops after first hit, attempt to swim to G-8 -50'
Unarmed Strike, inc haste: [roll33], [roll34], [roll35], [roll1d20+10
claw/bite/wing/wing: , [roll37], [roll38], [roll39],
Unarmed Strike damage: [roll40], [roll41], [roll42], [roll43]
NA damage: [roll44], [roll45], [roll46], [roll47]
===crit stuff===
Unarmed Strike, inc haste: [roll48], [roll49], [roll50], [roll1d20+10
claw/bite/wing/wing: [roll51], [roll52], [roll53], [roll54],
Unarmed Strike damage: [roll55], [roll56], [roll57], [roll58]
NA damage: [roll59], [roll60], [roll61], [roll62]

Standard: manifest Mind Thrust, 3 pp ( [roll63] damage, DC 25 Will save negates) on M8
Move: Swim check to try to move to D-8 -30', [roll64]
Immediate (on own turn, so I still have an immediate action to use for abrupt jaunt if attacked): abrupt jaunt to E-6 -35' if swim was successful,
D-9 -30' if swim was unsuccessful

EDIT: Fixed spoiler error

2017-05-28, 06:38 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 8. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Thricedeadcat's spell has no effect.

Archmage's spell works.

Owlbear skeleton 2's first attack kills M 1

Owlbear skeleton 1 needs a full round action to get to the listed space.

Skeletor's unarmed strike kills M (10)

Put skeletor's speed stats down. Luckily for you steel dragon's have a swim speed that skeletons don't lose, so he can move where you wanted him to.

Kingfrog's mindthrust kills M (8)

Kingfrog cannot move that far on a swim check. Moved you as far as you could go.

It is J-h's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsqikn4mun.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsqikn4mun.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (6) -5 feet
M (1)+S (1+2) -15 feet
M (3)+Douglas -20 feet
M (5)+Kingfrog -30 feet
Skeletor -40
M (9) -55 feet
M (2) -85 feet
M (4+7) -95 feet


M (5)

M (6)

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =29
Duskranger =29
Meemas =26
Archmage =25
Thricedeadcat =20
M (5) =17
M (6) =16
J-H =15 (1)
M (9) =15 (2)
Douglas =13
M (7) =12
Razorbeck =10
M (3) =8
M (2+4) =5

Merfolk MM 1 Hp 6 AC 13 FF 12 To 11

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5320 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5321 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 12 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Archmage's true strike CL 9 lasts for 1 round till the end of his turn on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4112 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14313 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 66 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 67 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's evil blessing has 3 rounds on it's init.

Kingfrog has summon owlbear skeletons for 5 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 1 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5320 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5321 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4422 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 523 rounds on his init.

Douglas, Skeletor the owlbear skeletons have haste on them for 6 rounds on Douglas's init.

2017-05-28, 08:30 PM
Dohl takes the total defense action.

2017-05-28, 09:11 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 8. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

It is Douglas's turn

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps7sucuvsa.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps7sucuvsa.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (6) -5 feet
M (1)+S (1+2) -15 feet
M (3)+Douglas -20 feet
M (5)+Kingfrog -30 feet
Skeletor -40
M (9) -50 feet
M (2) -85 feet
M (4+7) -95 feet


M (9) Archmage

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =29
Duskranger =29
Meemas =26
Archmage =25
Thricedeadcat =20
M (5) =17
M (6) =16
J-H =15 (1)
M (9) =15 (2)
Douglas =13
M (7) =12
Razorbeck =10
M (3) =8
M (2+4) =5

Merfolk MM 1 Hp 6 AC 13 FF 12 To 11

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5320 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5321 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 12 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Archmage's true strike CL 9 lasts for 1 round till the end of his turn on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4112 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14313 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 66 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 67 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's evil blessing has 3 rounds on it's init.

Kingfrog has summon owlbear skeletons for 5 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 1 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5320 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5321 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4422 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 523 rounds on his init.

Douglas, Skeletor the owlbear skeletons have haste on them for 6 rounds on Douglas's init.

2017-05-28, 11:28 PM
Ah, what the hell, I doubt I'll get a better time to use this.

Gendithor tries to swim a bit northwest to J10 and, for the first time ever, uses one of his 0-level powers.

Swim [roll0]
Power Word Pain (0 PP) on M9, or if I can't get in 40' range of that one then M6 instead.
Damage [roll1]
Duration [roll2] rounds.

Verbal component, but undead don't breathe so I can't drown.

Power points: 26/54

Attack/Damage: +11/1d8+4 with GMW

60' move speed from Haste

Reflex: +1 from Haste, total +8

AC: +4 armor from Mage Armor, +6 from dex, +1 dodge from Haste
Total AC: 21
Flatfooted: 14
Touch: 17
Hit points: 104/104

Cantrips remaining: 4
Unique spells level 1: Haste, 3 available
Unique spells level 2: Energy Missile, Lesser Celerity, 2 available
Unique spells level 3: Greater Magic Weapon, 3 available

2017-05-29, 12:00 AM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 8. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Douglas's power word pain damages M (6). Douglas also can't swim.

It is Razorbeck's turn. Someone bot him.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsrfzkxymi.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsrfzkxymi.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1)+S (1+2) -15 feet
M (3)+Douglas -20 feet
M (5)+Kingfrog -30 feet
Skeletor -40
M (7+9) -50 feet
M (2) -85 feet
M (4) -95 feet


M (7) Archmage

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =29
Duskranger =29
Meemas =26
Archmage =25
Thricedeadcat =20
M (5) =17
J-H =15 (1)
M (9) =15 (2)
Douglas =13
M (7) =12
Razorbeck =10
M (3) =8
M (2+4) =5

Merfolk MM 1 Hp 6 (m6 hp 5) AC 13 FF 12 To 11

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5320 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5321 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 12 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 9 rounds on his init.

Archmage's true strike CL 9 lasts for 1 round till the end of his turn on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4112 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14313 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 66 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 67 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's evil blessing has 3 rounds on it's init.

Kingfrog has summon owlbear skeletons for 5 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 1 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5320 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5321 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4422 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 523 rounds on his init.

Douglas, Skeletor the owlbear skeletons have haste on them for 6 rounds on Douglas's init.

Douglas has given M (6) power word pain for 7 rounds on his init.

2017-05-31, 06:48 AM

AC= 12; Current = 12
HP = 22 ; Current = 22

Cast Alter Self into Merfolk

Effects ~

2017-05-31, 02:50 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 8. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

It is Kingfrog's, Duskranger's, Meemas, Archmage, and Thricedeadcat's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps3svw3ziu.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zps3svw3ziu.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1)+S (1+2) -15 feet
Douglas -20 feet
M (5)+Kingfrog -30 feet
Skeletor -40
M (2+7+9) -50 feet
M (4) -55 feet
M (3) -105 feet


M (2)

M (4)

No damage is taken.

Kingfrog =29
Duskranger =29
Meemas =26
Archmage =25
Thricedeadcat =20
M (5) =17
J-H =15 (1)
M (9) =15 (2)
Douglas =13
M (7) =12
Razorbeck =10
M (3) =8
M (2+4) =5

Merfolk MM 1 Hp 6 (m6 hp 5) AC 13 FF 12 To 11

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5319 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5320 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 11 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 8 rounds on his init.

Archmage's true strike CL 9 lasts for 0 round till the end of his turn on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4111 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14312 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 65 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 66 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's evil blessing has 2 rounds on it's init.

Kingfrog has summon owlbear skeletons for 4 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 1 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5319 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5320 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4421 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 522 rounds on his init.

Douglas, Skeletor the owlbear skeletons have haste on them for 5 rounds on Douglas's init.

Douglas has given M (6) power word pain for 7 rounds on his init.

Razorbeck has alter self on himself for 3600 rounds on his init.

2017-05-31, 03:31 PM
Kritk polymorphs himself into a wyrmling black dragon (which fixes my swimming problem).

Moving as close towards M2 as possible without having an ally in front of him (swimspeed of 60' )

2017-05-31, 03:49 PM
Attempt double move to close with M9, swim check

Attempt to double move to K/L-11/12, swin check [roll1]

Move to F-9 -45' to attack M7
claw damage [roll]1d6+6]
===crit stuff===

claw damage [roll]1d6+6]

Manifest Mind Thrust on M4, 3 pp, [roll4] damage, DC 25 will save negates
move to E-9 -40', swim check [roll5], abrupt jaunt on szivv's turn if this fails

2017-06-01, 06:03 AM
Ignoring M6, Jack lobs a sphere of acid at one of the enemies shooting at him.

[roll0] Attack(Apply penalties from here) [roll1] Acid damage

Thrice Dead Cat
2017-06-01, 02:42 PM
Cevt will cast magic missile, aiming 2 bolts at M5 and 3 bolts at M2.

M5 Damage

M2 Damage

2017-06-02, 08:58 PM
Party level 6. Cr 6. Battle 8. Rests left 2. Party wipes 3

Owlbear skeleton 2 moves as far as it can.

Skeletor kills M (7)

Kingfrog's mind thrust kills M (4)

Kingfrog fails to swim, and I'm pretty sure fails to abrupt jaunt as you can't take immediates while flat footed.

The total cover from breaking the water line prevents Archmage from making a shot.

The total cover from breaking the water line prevents magic missile from working. (Neither spell was expended.)

It is J-h's turn.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsbyktcl2p.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/Casters%20versus%20everything%20map%20DM%20edition _zpsbyktcl2p.png.html)
The legend

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/ThokkSmashescharacter_zps17b6988e.png.html) Is JH's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Duskrangerscharacter_zps4f82671b.png.html) Is Duskranger's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Rosey_zps91c7cadf.png.html) Is Fleshy.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Blueseclipse_zpsff3accf2.png.html) Is Douglas's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Sairyuscharacter_zps50b8551b.png.html) Is Archmage's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Allyskeletons_zps487e3276.png.html) Are the summons. (S1 is perma shadow, s2-6 are summoned shadows)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Mishkov_zps9ba29296.png.html) Is Thricedeadcat's character
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Acanous_zps6ccda82f.png.html) Is razorback's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Morc_zpsda3e2aad.png.html) Is Kingfrog's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/meemasssprite_zps8de686d8.png.html) meemas's character.
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/Horsey_zpswoxdtw20.png.html) Is Sgt.Suitable's
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/CvE/dragon%20zombie_zpspt7rnkup.png.html) Is dragon zombie
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/Banditkin_zpskrgk0skm.png.html) Are charmed or dominated enemies. (M (1) is the elf)
Green lines are the Wall of thornes
Red line is the stinking cloud
Blue line is the snowfog

M (1)+S (1+2) -15 feet
Douglas -20 feet
Kingfrog -30 feet
Skeletor -40
Duskranger -45 feet
M (2+9) -50 feet
M (4) -55 feet
M (3) -105 feet
M (5) -230 feet

Kingfrog =29
Duskranger =29
Meemas =26
Archmage =25
Thricedeadcat =20
M (5) =17
J-H =15 (1)
M (9) =15 (2)
Douglas =13
Razorbeck =10
M (3) =8
M (2) =5

Merfolk MM 1 Hp 6 (m6 hp 5) AC 13 FF 12 To 11

Archmage's heart of water CL 9 lasts for 5319 rounds on his init.

Archmage's mage armor CL 9 lasts for 5320 rounds on his init.

Archmage's shield CL 9 lasts for 11 rounds on his init.

Archmage's resistance CL 9 lasts for 8 rounds on his init.

Archmage's true strike CL 9 lasts for 0 round till the end of his turn on his init.

Skeletal dragon has mage armor CL 6 on itself for 4111 rounds on Kingfrog's init.

Kingfrog has primal instinct CL 6 on himself for 14312 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has force screen CL 6 on himself for 65 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fox's cunning CL 6 on himself for 66 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog's evil blessing has 2 rounds on it's init.

Kingfrog has summon owlbear skeletons for 4 rounds on his init.

Kingfrog has fly CL 6 on Skeletor for 1 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has familiar pocket CL 9 up for 5319 rounds on his init.

Thricedeadcat has mage armor CL 9 up for 5320 rounds on his init.

Douglas has greater magic weapon CL 8 on his bow for 4421 rounds on his init.

Douglas has mage armor CL 1 on himself for 522 rounds on his init.

Douglas, Skeletor the owlbear skeletons have haste on them for 5 rounds on Douglas's init.

Douglas has given M (6) power word pain for 7 rounds on his init.

Razorbeck has alter self on himself for 3600 rounds on his init.

Duskranger has polymorph on himself for 90 rounds on his init.

M (5) is running for one round on his init.

2017-06-02, 09:26 PM
Dohl takes the total defense action. It's better than sinking.