View Full Version : Player Help Magic Item Dilemma

Bobby Baratheon
2017-01-20, 06:21 PM
A little while ago there was a bit of a spat in my group involving pizza and delay times, of which I'll not get into specifics. Basically, a couple of players in the group (who are frequently late, it should be noted) demanded compensation for the inconvenience of waiting, and wanted it in the form of a rare magic item for each of them (all of the players except myself). This seemed like a fairly standard case of munchkin asshattery, and the DM grudgingly acceded in order to keep the game moving. We all forgot about it, mostly, until one of the players started showcasing his magic item, which let him apparantly both polymorph into a bat but also gave him advantage on all stealth checks. Not gamebreakingly bad, but it elevates one of the clear power players in the party even higher (his build is all about stealth and shadow walking and other stuff). However, in the course of the game it came up that they apparently thought I was also going to receive a magic item. I'm pretty content with the power level of my character, and I initially refused the offer. However, I'm wondering if it might be better to just accept the item both to smooth over any grudges and to keep in line with the rest of the party.

I guess I'm just trawling for advice at this point. I'm not especially sore about the reasons why the other players got rare magic items, and I'm really not looking to start a powergaming arms race. However, I am annoyed that the stealth player took a minmax approach to a free item he helped force the DM to give. Nothing wrong with optimizing a build, but it still doesn't quite hold up. Thoughts?

2017-01-20, 06:24 PM
The guys who demanded magic items are asshats. Your DM is a pushover. You should take the magic item.

2017-01-20, 08:00 PM
Clearly you should be given a Staff of the Magi and Robe of the Magi, or gauntlets of ogre power, a girdle of giant strength, and a hammer of thunderbolts.

More seriously, this whole situation sounds ridiculous. Good luck to you.

2017-01-20, 08:55 PM
Still an ass move to force the DM to give magic items, but it seems they wanted you to also get one, so you'd all be on equal footing.

It would probably be easier and best to just accept an item. It will make them happy cause the party is now stronger. Since you're content with your power level, you could check with the DM to get something that's flavorful/fun for your character instead of just min-maxing like the super stealth guy. Or get something that benefits the whole team.

2017-01-20, 08:56 PM
You should request a Moonblade or Orb or Dragonkind.