View Full Version : Player Help anwered

2017-01-22, 05:41 AM
thank you for the answers to all of you topic

2017-01-22, 07:09 AM
Is this at all related to this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?512764-is-it-me-or-the-DM-that-problem) thread?

2017-01-22, 11:10 AM
You need to have this conversation with your dm. The things you are trying to do are in the gray area of things a reasonable dm could accept, but whether they should is determined by setting.

Basically, if you can never expect to get to do exorcism work on a regular basis, even when looking for it, your dm should have warned you about that before you started the game.

As for the crimes and atonement, it sounds like you're being shoehorned into a party dynamic. If the dm wants you to take the plot hook of accepting responsibility for your party members and you don't want to (or don't feel like your character would under these circumstances), you should talk with him/her about the direction of your character in the campaign.

You should ask why they allowed an exorcist hero who can never do any exorcism and a priest who has no authority in the church.

A DM is supposed to help players accomplish theit own goals while keeping the obstacles challenging. They aren't supposed to be playing against the party (unless that's what everyone decided to do from the beginning, like in a tomb of horrors run). Try to figure out where your dm is guiding the story and see if you can work with it. Your dm should likewise be listening to your ideas about your character and the direction you want to see him go.

2017-01-22, 11:29 AM
You need to discuss things with your DM. Ultimately, it doesn't matter who is right. You can't argue him into agreeing if he is committed to this course. What you can do is ask him what his expectations are. You can outline what you hoped to do in the game. And then, if you're not enjoying the game and don't expect that to change, leave the game.

Don't make it personal. Sometimes, a DM and player just don't mesh, even if they're good friends out of game.

2017-01-22, 11:33 AM
Good advice I second but don't need to repeat

It does not seem to be targeting of you or really any player. Seems more like railroading to try to get you onto the plot train and take the plot hook.

It could seem like targeting, but really it is the DM trying to heavy hand correct actions that go against the plot or narrative.

Just talk to your DM, giving them the benefit of the doubt. They might not even realize, or they might no be comfortable or experienced enough to deal with players going against their plot.

2017-01-22, 11:38 AM
To be honest, from the OP's description, I can't tell what the intended rails are. So if he's railroading, he's doing it poorly, since how to follow the rails is unclear.

2017-01-22, 11:42 AM
The railroads seem to be leading into babysitting the thieving party member and making said party members atone for their crimes.