View Full Version : Pathfinder 3 Charisma Bard: It's not useless!

2017-01-22, 09:08 PM
While reading through the Bard's abilities, it came to my attention that, stripped of anything resembling a likable personality or musical talent, a Bard can still function as a subpar support character. He will have absolutely no spells, very few rounds of bardic performance in a day, no face skills, horrible save DC's on offensive performances, etc., but hey, Inspire Courage and Inspire Competence work all the same. :smallbiggrin:

2017-01-22, 09:13 PM
This is a very, very strange idea, but I kinda like it. If rounds of performance per day is an issue, you can also add 6 from the Extra Performance feat at first level, which is pretty good, or 12 extra rounds if you're human!

2017-01-22, 10:24 PM
Extend that further with Lingering Performance. The most applicable use for the tidbit of rules trivia would be if the bard in question gets heavily damaged by charisma drain or damage.

2017-01-22, 10:50 PM
It's still in playtest, but a 3 Cha bard would really benefit from trading in their magic for Spheres of Might's (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pyLq03W2ju58PcKOUq5YXoFowf_weBNzuWtjCMdINXk/edit) combat talents.

2017-01-22, 11:20 PM
Or you could use the goblin favoured class bonus to gain extra rounds of performance. It even has a Cha penalty :smallwink: