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2017-01-24, 03:03 AM
Second Darkness
Welcome to Riddleport

7-13 Arodus, AR 4708

Several months ago, the appearance of the strange shadowy cloud over the town of Riddleport was talk of the moment; but as days, then weeks, passed, and peoples' lives were going on like they did before, most common folk mostly stopped paying attention. After all, the Blot, as the shadow was nicknamed, didn't seem to have any effect on them - and they, of course, coulnd't, even if they wanted, affect it.

That said, while the common folk payed the Blot less attention, explorers and scholars only grew more interested - and more and more of them gathered into the town, from places both near and far.

"One more thing", Mama Blavatsky called Magesh just as he was preparing to leave, "That funnily-dressed elf who came for harrowing recently; you might want to seek him out while you're at it - seemed a bright enough fellow, if not the most sociable one..."
Feel free to make any kind of information-gathering checks - Diplo, Knowledges, whatever makes sense.

She might have came to town to share Shelyn's beauty - and maybe earn some coin in the process - Elizabeth could never resist the allure of a good bet. Therefore, even before meeting the place's owner to ask about a job, she was now facing an attractive young woman across the table with a severed ghoul had mounted on it. "Place your bets, place your bets!" the croupier called with a charming smile, pointing at the table with a wheel divided into twelve sectors as she pushed the pedal sending the head spinning, "Guess what Dungo insuts next, get a shiny gold for every silver you bet!"

The journey wasn't easy, but of course Virran couldn't afford to admit to suffer any - after all, such trifles were surely beneath him. Virran took to research with his usual thoroughness...Feel free to make any kind of information-gathering checks - Diplo, Knowledges, whatever makes sense.

Riddleport is far from the safest place on Golarion - but for those with natural inclination for eavesdropping, it's also a gold mine of rumors. Lately, of course, more and more of those rumors concern the strange Blot in the skies...
Feel free to make any kind of information-gathering checks - Diplo, Knowledges, whatever makes sense.

While the Blot remained largely a mistery, tracking Elizabeth to the Gold Goblin gambling hall wasn't much of a challenge - and the large event planned was a perfect chance to get closer without raising suspicions... all for the low, low price of ten pieces of silver.

2017-01-25, 12:27 AM

Liz hadn't been in town very long. In fact, she'd come straight to the Gold Goblin without even stopping to secure shelter for the night first. She'd set aside the gold piece she'd needed to enter the gambling hall, but aside from that she only had one coin left, and that meant she'd need to use it to win big, or she'd be very disappointed. She wasn't one to dwell on unhappy outcomes, or even consider them at all, however, and the attractive young woman by the ghoul head had successfully lured her to the table. She had to give the proprietor credit, the outfits and girls he selected to work the floor were certainly beautiful, even this one was attractive while sitting next to a severed undead head.

In fact, the head itself made her happy. True it was a bit unorthodox, but turning something normally seen as vile like a ghoul into a source of mirth and entertainment for the common folk was exactly the sort of thing she loved doing. The fact that it was a gambling game only made it better. And so she flipped her last coin, the gold glinting in the air, before catching it and putting it on "race".

2017-01-25, 04:19 AM

"... and then the goblin drowwwwwwwned!"

Magesh stops his singing and performs and impromptu small dance in the mud-spattered streets of the town. His singing had been mediocre-not bad-just mediocre, but his dance was a bit better. Glancing at his side, he addresses the foreboding elf right next to him. His singing would probably elicit no reaction, but most things didn't from this elf. Nevertheless, Magesh had started to like the elf. He was dependable.

"So, here it is, Virran. A more wretched den of villainy you would hard forced to find in this part of Varisia."

Magesh had heard that phrase somewhere and liked to use it as often as possible. Looking at the blob at the sky, he sighs

"Now, if we only knew where to start"

2017-01-25, 07:02 AM
The ghoulette's spinning comes to a stop, and the undead head finds itself staring at the sector marked, "Appearance". "Fancy yourself a beauty, ain't ya? Sure, ain't hard when everyone only sees all the glitter and not what's behind it, ain't it?" the head laughs, and the croupier sweeps Liz's coin with a practiced motion. "If it's any consolation, miss, let me assure you Dungo's opinion in no way reflects that of the house", she says with a playful smile.
The Blot is roughly ovoid in shape, approximately 250 by 130 feet in size, and hovers at the altitude of about 2500 feet. It is solid enough to cast shadow, but still allows some light through, and the outlines of high-altitude clouds can be seen through it. Finally, the Blot moves with a tide, hanging over the town at high tide and retreating to the gulf as the water descends.

Such are the results of a full day of walking around the town, leading to having observed the Blot from every possible angle and in every time of day... unfortunately, there's little to learn from the locals - maybe it's a matter of how Magesh asks, or maybe it's a matter of who he asks, but it seems the people in the town care more about the gambling tournament due tomorrow then they are in a misterious object hanging above their heads; at least, they're much more willing to talk about the tournament - apparently the Gold Goblin gambling hall's proprietor, one Saul Vancaskerkin, prepared something special... now that Magesh hears the name, it sounds familiar - the man of such name was involved in some dealings with the caravan, long ago, when Magesh was still a boy...

2017-01-25, 01:49 PM

After half a day of walking around like a headless chicken, Magesh comes back to their meeting point with Virran.

"I found precious few, Virran. Apparently, The Blot is roughly ovoid in shape, approximately 250 by 130 feet in size. It also seems to hover at about 2500 feet and it is solid enough to cast shadow, but still allow some light through. Even some clouds can be seen through it. It also supposedly with the tide. Not sure how that could have worked.

But now, I am tired. It seems that an old acquaintance of my clan, a shady character named Saul Vancaskerkin, has a gambling inn here in town. Perhaps we could visit him and ask for work, or directions?"

I hope I am not pushing Virran here. I am trying to be as neutral as possible, but give passes for Virran to pursue course of action.

2017-01-25, 09:01 PM

Puffing out her lips and pouting as her last coin is taken, Liz glares at the rude little ghoul head, "That's not fair at all, the golden shine makes it look better," she complains before sighing and digging into her coin pouch before remembering it was all she had. Looking disappointed, she sighs again and starts to get up before stopping and smiling coyly at the croupier.

"Excuse me, miss, but is there any rule that says we can't make...alternative wagers? I've got a fair bit of value on me, but I'm afraid that was my last gold coin."

2017-01-25, 10:20 PM

It had been since she had taken this foreign land under her charge. Days spent idle, accompanied only by the breeze and the distant cry of beasts. She was a sentinel, a quiet and stoic guardian of these lands as she had been for many-many years. Her realm was quite wide despite the stretches of land with nothing save for stretches of woodland and dead-walderness. She would spend months on end patrolling the roiling hills and thick wooded thickets, nearly as far south as Sandpoint. There was some enjoyment to be found in the calm and quiet found out upon the road. It was a task which suited her fairly well.

It was a responsibility she could tend to far better than those duties she might find elsewhere, but she always held a dream of becoming a Chronicler for the Society. Traveling long and far, recording the adventures and deeds of brave souls and strange happenings to share with the world. As it was, her writing made it to no one, sending letters addressed to nothing. She didn't feel alone, but at times she missed the company she once shared. With nothing to send, and no one to receive them, at times she'd write letters to
Krendral. Though, he'd been dead for nearly seven decades, it felt good to have someone to write to again. Shalelu had told her it was another form of grieving to express the tears she had not shed, but she didn't know. The memories gave rise to a certain uncertainty in her heart, a lack of closure, an unhealed wound.

Her mind had never wandered seeking those to blame. Her heart had never cried for the hammer of justice, nor the flames of vengeance. There was only a longing and an empty space crying out to be filled. Like nearly all days, she spent the hours alone caught within her own thoughts while wandering the wild untamed fields. Some days she would patrol just within distant view of the roads and highways, keeping a watchful eye trained on those migratory souls that might find themselves under her gaze. Often she would follow the caravans of Varisian gypsies for days at a time. She would cherish their words, even if she could not understand them and listen to their songs as they played around the fire. Quietly watching the wandering families through the night.

It was by some measure of chance that one such caravan meandering towards the north caught her interest. The rugged men and woman smelled of salt and the stink of tar. Their hands were rough, but not from working a field. These were men of Riddleport, the largest settlement within her domain. A
shrewd and cunning lot who could measure the balance of gold in one hand and life in the other. Fishers, pirates and other such deck-hands made for a majority of those skilled crafts and laborers not found in the allies of Lubbertown. She had no love for their ilk, but their well-being still fell within her responsibilities. Though, curiously enough mingled in the old splintered wagons were the soft faces of foreign peoples; those far-removed from the reaches of her realm. Some wore cloths of color, yet were not Varisian. Others carried ethnic features normally unseen in her lands, with even a Shoanti among them. It was a spectacle which gave her reason to give pursuit.

With light steps and great distance, she followed them for the two-weeks it took the convoy to reach the city walls. Men came and left during the journey, yet seemingly progressed to increase in size until nearly double
the number of men found their way outside the gates. Many things had captured her attention along the way, the murderous Sczarni hiding under the tarp'ed bails of hay pulled by the rear-wagon, the fine cloths of a young Magnimarian merchant, even the ominous black clouds choking the sky and poisoning the wind. Even so, none of that captured her heart like the sight of the lone woman who had set off to venture into the miserable city late into the trip. She didn't know her name or origin, yet without so much as trading a word she was fascinated.

She followed the woman about town for days, quietly observing and listening. Walking the sullen streets filled with the muttering of indistinguishable chatter and movement would have filled her with unease, but the unsettling motions were little but an after thought. The hours seemed to dance by with little care. At times she would step and weave between the crowds, other times she would crouch and sit outside the second-floor window in hopes of catching a word or two. She often would write letters of those things she saw, so that she might recollect those times. The scrawling elvish words lay across pages, woven adjacent to numerous sketches. She gathered that some such event had brought the woman here, like many others; but this was not a place which gave. It was a city which took away. A cruel lesson many such hopeful souls came to learn at great expense.

This day, the woman made her way to a grungy establishment known as the Golden Goblin, or some such nonsensical name. She shrouded herself heavily this day, like all the others. The massive billowing crimson of her cloak was three sizes too large, its edges dragging along the ground and filth, leaving the ends torn and muddied. A half dozen scarves of varied designs between Varisian weave and Mackinaw wool in deep reds. The pile of scarves made something of a muffler and served to shroud her features further. Though the air was not still, it made no movement to disturb her garb as if it simply stilled about her giving her an aura of calm and mystery. She listened curiously to those about her as she went, stepping between crowds and the obscuring angles of the passersby to vanish amid the swell of peoples.

As she watched the dashing woman enter the establishment, she continued along with the group she had merged into, before stepping into another which moved back towards the way she had come. With a confident and fluid motion, she slunk behind a large bear of a man, split away and picked up the small wooden toy soldier the child next to her had dropped while taking a knee. She pat the young boy on the head, pausing only long enough to step into the flank of a Varisian man donned in bright colored shawls dyed in the oranges, reds and yellows of a dawning horizon who entered the suspicious establishment. She snaked her way through the entrance with him, nearly pressing herself against him yet concealing her presence as her served as a buffer to move unnoticed. With great control and cold-crisp emotions, she stilled the air about herself so that the unsuspecting soul did not feel her breath upon his neck. Once across the threshold she peeled away and paced the parameter until she caught sight of the woman yet again.

She skulled closer like some manner of serpentine creature, peering out curiously behind her cowl at the unusual attraction and the more unusual host. She didn't know what manner of game this was or how it was played, but she understood its purpose; to steal the wealth of the unsuspecting. There was little else she could do but shake her head dismissively and chuckle quietly to herself as her unsuspecting friend was put out of her gold. This was the worst kind of place, she couldn't see the draw in it, but it attracted many strange people and she did so love to listen to things which others preferred to keep hidden.

Stealth: Take 10 (21) - Stealth into the Golden Goblin
Perception: [roll0] - Listening/Looking for any interesting pieces of passing information

2017-01-26, 07:09 AM
The road, and with it the entire journey, came to the end. It was probably faster to come from Magnimar directly across the bay - but elves of the distant island had little trust for the men of the ships. Truth be told, they did not trust the men content with staying on land much more either; but as long as everybody could keep to themselves and to their own, proper civility could be maintained. At least, until something would cease being somebody's own thing and suddenly become everybody's business - like this ominous shadow, attracting scholars like flames attract moths. Scholars, and probably all other sort of men as well. "Moths", apparently, was a common comparison for the sort of travellers frequenting these roads; and, with their bright colours and incessant buzzing, it was quite apt. Nonetheless, amid that noise he received an ominous warning in tune with the island's whispers - and also aquired a companion for his travels. He still could not tell whether the latter arrangement drew the price he had to pay for the former up or down.

Virran patiently waited, watching the singing and the dancing from the side of the road. It was an unnecessary distraction, but he already was forced to acknowledge that even the urgency of his mission did not warrant rushing headlong into unknown. And, however strange the young halfblood could act, at least he seemingly knew the lay of the land, and it was worth it to have somebody like that at hand - especially if his description of the town ahead was any true. "I would never have guessed," - the elf responded for once, leaning on his spear and observing the sight before them. The fabled arc with ancient inscriptions was hard to miss; the new and just as indecipherable shadow was even harder. Surely, the local population took some notice of both.

"If we do not know, then we would have to trust the fate to guide us." As always, the words in elven tongue bewrayed no emotion, and the mask concealed any expression beneath it. In truth, Virran himself did not know how seriously was he going to take the predictions read in a deck of cards. But so far, seemingly random happenstances were all that he had to study - and it was a familiar task to find patterns in the present that would reveal the preordained future. He only needed more information, and that was easier to obtain separately. With a brief nod for a goodbye, the cloaked figure disappeared into the city streets, making the first evaluation of the puzzling phenomenon overhead and of the opinions of the locals living underneath it.

By the time of reuniting with Magesh, the elf was already done with his initial investigation, coming to one conclusion above all others: this was going to take some time. It was only to be expected, but it still meant the need for some proper preparation and organisation. With another short nod to the half-elf to indicate that he was listening, Virran was taking notes in his journal, summarising both his own findings and what he was told just now. "What makes the tide itself ebb and flow?" - he asked, masked face turning towards the sea. - "Same gust of wind bends trees, fills sails and drives clouds. Same breath of autumn withers leaves, brings winter snow and banishes summer birds. Same causes have many effects; our question may have any number of answers yet."

Ending the aside remark as abruptly as it was started, the elf closed his book and packed his writings. "Being shady in this place must be a remarkable feat," - he commented, standing up and once again taking his weapon as a walking stick. - "And a place where fortunes are drawn is the place that draws seekers of fortune. I can only assume that it would attract fortunetellers as well; in your land they seem to have a certain fondness for anything that involves cards. Whether it is coincidence or fate, having an acquaintance like that can only help. Lead the way, then."

I assume that Virran had some time for his own investigation as well. If any of the following is appropriate:
[roll0] - Perception for observing the Blot itself.
[roll1] - Knowledge (arcana/history/planes, whichever is appropriate) for any known phenomena of similar nature. If it needs separate rolls for each: [roll2], [roll3].
[roll4] - Diplomacy to gather information regarding public view of the Blot and any known studies of it.

2017-01-26, 02:49 PM
"Well, miss, it's not strictly in the rules, but as a matter of fact, we do accept most objects of value as bets, priced at the value we can reasonably expect to be able to sell them... but are you really sure of that? Surely you don't want to lose something you really treasure because of a single unwise bet, do you?" the croupier asks.
The croupier's a pro at this business; her words are most likely aimed to taunting Liz into making a bet. She might like Liz, but won't forgo a chance to strip her of anything valuable - nothing personal, it's a job.

2017-01-27, 12:48 AM

Frowning, at both the ghoul and the croupier, she quickly realizes what she was about to say and rewords it. She did, after all, have things with her that were too precious to wager. Her glaive was a gift from the temple, and it would be sacrilege to wager with her holy text and symbol, but her armor...that she paid for herself. "No, no, I know what I'm doing. I'll just go all in and wager what I'm wearing! My armor is worth plenty," she exclaims, "So put me down on clothing!"

Of course, when one is wagering their armor, they should perhaps be a little more careful with their choice of words.

2017-01-27, 02:01 AM
12 Arodus, 4708

"That's some fine garments indeed", the croupier nods with a smile, setting the shoulete aspin, "Accepted at the price of... 70 gold - bit I wonder if Dungo will have to say anything about it..."
The spin slows down... then stops completely, with the "Clothing" section in front of the head... and just a little to the right. Right in front of Dungo's eyes, though, is 'Skill' section. "Nah", the ghoul cackles, "Fine clothes, they are - wasted on someone that inept... For the bast, I'd say, for if she fights like she gambles, the first bandit would take both her armor and her life!" Dungo starts laughing hard.

"Sorry, miss", the croupier, tilts her head with the same mischievous smile, "It was close, but close doesn't cut it - want me to show you a private room so you change into something that still belongs to you? And regardless, I commend you on your daring and determination".

There isn't much going on in the Gold Goblin at this hour - mostly it's just, well, people playing games of chance and, occasionally, skill, and almost every conversation is about bets, betting strategies, wishful thinking of what one would do with the money they're sure to win real soon... and, more often than not, of the big event planned in this house two days from now, the "Cheat a Devil and Take his Gold" tournament - though pretty much all the conversations stop when the croupier at the unique roulette table declares, '70 gold' as the value of bet - and moments later offers Elizabeth a place to change out of the clothes she doesn't own anymore.

2017-01-27, 02:07 AM

Frowning, the Shelynite sighs and reaches back to begin to remove her armor, pausing only to **** her head as the croupier offers her a place to change, "What'd you mean? It's just my armor, it's not like I can't remove it without putting on a show," she says, briefly wondering if, perhaps, she should put on a show. It would certainly liven things up in the gambling hall after all.

2017-01-27, 02:17 AM
"Uh-uh-oh", the croupier shakes her raised index finger, "I'm sorry, miss, but a bet is a binding contarct, and when making contracts, precise wording is of importance... you might have mean your armor, but what you actually bet - and lost - was, I quote, 'what I'm' - that is, you - 'wearing'. Look, I'm really sorry, but I can't break the rules, or I'd be out of job in a whiff..."

2017-01-27, 03:48 AM

Blushing, "Oh...I...I did didn't I?" Looking around, she notices that her bet seems to have garnered a fair bit of attention when the value of it was announced, and she decides to try and make the best of it. "Well, I'm good for my wager, even if I fear I have nothing to change into and no money to even get a room, let alone a change of clothes...but if you wouldn't mind, could we perhaps defer my payment for a few minutes so that I might meet with your boss? You see I was hoping I might get a job after the tournament...but I suppose now I have an offer I can make him," she says with a charming smile.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2017-01-27, 04:53 AM
12 Arodus, 4708
"Well, it's the least I can do for you, isn't it? Everyone, give Dungo a minute to rest his throat, go play a round of bounders meanwhile" the croupier replies, talking to the crowd, the same playful smile still on her face - but that smile fades immediately once she leads Liz backstage and onto the second floor, replaced by a look of concern, "Look, I'm really sorry. With that fancy weapon and armor of yours, I had no idea... thought you were some rich diletante..." she bites her lip, "I can't go back on the bet, you understand... but I could at least lend you some spare clothes, and my room can fit two, if you want... that is, if your offer with the boss doesn't work out..."

The pair enters the room with a couple of coaches near the fire, and the croupier knocks at the door on the opposite wall, "Mr. Vancaskerkin, there's a situation..."

A minute later, the door opens and a short, plump, balding man with one hand replaced with a large gold (gilded, most likely) key appears in the doors.

"What kind of situation, Lixy?" the man asks, and after the croupier briefly explain what happened, the man turns towards Liz and says, "An offer, you say? Well, I'm listening..."

Should you decide to follow Elizabeth, yous Stealth result allows you to get into the backstage and listen to the whole conversation in her spoiler

14 Arodus, 4708
In the course of his observatons and interro… conversations, Virran manages to establish the following facts:

The Blot - often referred to as Blakely’s shadow, after the local cyphermage Argentus Blakely, who first discovered it before it was visible to the naked eye - is roughly ovoid in shape, approximately 250 by 130 feet in size, and hovers at the altitude of about 2500 feet. It is solid enough to cast shadow, but still allows some light through, and the outlines of high-altitude clouds can be seen through it. It first appeared somewhat over a month ago, and has disappeared several times over the course of that time, but never for longer than several hours at most. The town’s overlord offered a reward of five hundred gold for determining the nature of the Blot, but it has remained unclaimed until now.

You botched the Arcana check, unfortunately, and neither planes or history apply - but I applied the rest of the rolls as untrained on other relevant knowledges

All in all, it looks like a fruitful, but not particularly eventful day as the pair makes their way towards the Gold Goblin - until a pair of local, em, specialists in redistribution of propriety steps out of some shady corner in front of them. The men are wearing studded leather, and hold their short swords at the ready.

"You don't look like you're from around here", one of them speaks, "meaning you like have some spare coins on you right? So, my pal and I, we were thinking, if you could lend us some - see, there's this tournament coming up, and we only need ten gold each to make it in..."
Besides the fact that entrance fee to the "Cheat the Devil and take his gold" is a single gold coin, you can't help but notice he never mentioned anything about paying you back...

Virran 23
Magesh 14
Thugs 6

No surprise

The alley is 10 feel wide, and the thugs are 30 feet apart, with you in the middle. No real need for map here, I think

2017-01-27, 09:12 AM

The inquisitive sylph watched the spectacle unfold with genuine interest, wondering how it would all play out. She was sure the girl was playing a risky game, but she had no idea what it was called or what rules it was played by. Indeed, she was completely ignorant of such silly wagers, which supposedly offered entertainment all the while robbing those unsuspecting persons of their hard earned silver.

She had taken to producing her notebook and quietly penned down all those words and interactions about her under her cloak. Time had given her exceptional grace and accuracy in her literary abilities and penmanship, two functions suitable during days which she might have become a spy. Though she wasn't looking upon the pages her hands scrawled upon, she had a mental image within her mind which kept the elvish script neat and in-line. When the wager was announced like some show, she nearly staggered, 700 silver!? The girl was either greatly wealthy, or about to learn a difficult life-lesson.

Watching the expected exchange made her shake her head again, but after the finer-details of the contract were revealed, she nearly burst out in laughter. These men were worse than devils! This was not the kind of lesson she had imagined in her mind but... Her face blushed. She didn't mind, no, in-fact she couldn't deny the excitement welling within her at the proposition of seeing the object of her affection learn a hard lesson while parading about in the nude. Maybe she'd offer her a scarf just to leave a little to the imagination, but... Her hands were shaking. Yes, she wanted to see it, she'd sketch portraits of it. This woman was so fun!

The passing dialogue between the young woman and the shameless creature behind the counter caught her attention as well. She was sure to make a note upon her pages before fastening her journal and inkpen back unto her belt as they moved off away from the public grounds. A step behind a drunken man, a silent roll under an empty card table and a vault brought her quietly up to the railed balcony of the second floor which the two souls had come past. With a heave, she pulled herself up and fell into a tumble before ending on her feet with her back to the wall and a pen in hand, listening from the hall to the conversation being had. This job... She wondered what it was and why employment to so despicable an establishment was important. She recorded the exchange, and made ready to break away in the event they doubled back the way they had come.

2017-01-28, 02:14 AM
Magesh HP12 AC16

Magesh sees the ruffians at each point of the entrance. He hated people like that. He says quietly to Virrian

"Stay behind me."

and then takes out his falchion and charges the man closest to Virrian. As he goes he says

"That was not a very smart thing to do!"

The falchion whooshes through the air as he goes.

Charge and PA [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2017-01-28, 03:35 AM
"I take it that we are moving in the right direction towards your "shady character"..." - with a quiet sigh, Virran shifted his grip on the shaft on his weapon, holding it in a manner more appropriate for combat. Unlike his companion, the elf made no rush into the fighting yet; the gaze from behind the mask darting up and down the narrow alley, he considered the possibilities. There probably was little danger in taking the challenge, but any danger could be an impediment against the mission, and picking fights with local rabble did not assist it in any manner. But, of course, neither did submitting to their... requests.

In the end, the decision was not his to make - even though he was probably going to make the same choice anyway. For a moment, gloved hand slipped into the pouch on his belt, but not to procure any money; nodding to something that only he could hear, Virran turned around, leaving Magesh and his chosen opponent behind his back. And, pointing the weapon in his hands at the other thug, the elf did not deign to make another step or to speak a single word; the invitation to come was clear enough, and the alley was too narrow to let the human avoid him.

Move: "drawing" the spear.
Standard: readying a trip attempt if the thug tries to move through threatened area.
(Readied action is at CMB +4; AoO, if he provokes it, is the same maneuver at +6. With the same trigger, it is unclear whether one is required to happen before the other; obviously, if AoO is provoked and the choice of order is up to Virran, it is +6 first.)

2017-01-28, 10:39 PM

"No, no, I'm the one who said it, it's not your fault I didn't think it through," she replies with a smile, "But I might take you up on that offer to share a room."

Waiting while the croupier, Lixy, apparently, explains the situation to the owner, Liz finally speaks up when asked. "Well, I was hoping that I'd be able to get a temporary job here to hold me over while I'm in town, but...well, now I'm out of gold and clothes and haven't worked out a place to stay..." glancing toward Lixy she continues, "Long term. I was thinking that, since I'll have to leave without my clothes anyway, I could...perform for your patrons in exchange for a place on the staff and a room. At least until the tournament?"

2017-01-29, 05:18 AM

"Well, well", the casino's owner looks at Liz appreciatingly, "You understand, there's usually an audition to work as an entertainer... but I suppose I can make an exception for someone in your position - and besides, we could use some extra staff for the Cheat... Ah, what the heck, consider yourself hired."

Magesh and Virran

He didn't notice it before, it wasn't really apparent when simply walking around, but once Magesh dashes forward, sword drawn, he realizes there's something wrong with the way his equipment feels; it seems like something is pulling on his mail upwards, making every step slightly less stable - and, likewise, some unseen force tugs on the falchion, making a swing just a split second slower then it would be normally.

And that could've mattered, were the opponent better prepared to exploit that split second; but the thug is way out of his league here, and moment later, falls to the street, still alive, but - judging from the amount of blood - likely not for much longer.

His "pal", witnessing his partner's fate, eyes Virran's spear cautiously and decides his life's orth more than ten gold, turning around and disappearing in the maze of narrow streets...

Due to... reasons, Magesh got -1 attack and -1 AC; not that it mattered in the slightest. Thug 1 is at negative HP and dying.

2017-01-29, 07:03 AM
Chapter One
Shadow in the Sky
Cheat the Devil and Take his Gold

14 Arodus, AR 4708

Inside the Gold Goblin, everything's ready for the tournament; a great chest stands atop the podium at the centrer of the gambling hall, filled with silver; two bare-chested guards dressed in exotic garb drawn from some Kelesh tales stand beside it, arms crosed on their muscled chests, scimitars hanging on their waists.

Above the chest, a large gilded cage hangs from the ceiling, housing a small, bat-winged, pointy-tailed devilish creature that sulks as it gazes over the room and occasionally rattles the bars threateningly.

Over a hundred gamblers are spread across the floor, waiting for tournament to open officially; between them, near a dozen wairesses bring them drinks from a bar at the northern wall. For the event, they are dressed as succubi, with red leather boots, tiny skirts with faux tails attached, and horns attached to their hair - most are also wearing red leather corsets with bat wings, though a couple, attracted by the promised bonus, forwent that piece of their gear.

Finally, as the sun sets and the staff light several braziers set along the walls, doors at the back of the hall open and a short, balding man dressed in a formal suit appears in the hall and climbs the central podium, helped by two of the succubi as his left hand, ending in a large metal key rather than an arm, is obviously of a limited use. "Welcome, one and all, to the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall and your chance to cheat the Devil and win back not only your soul but all of his gold as well." He says this last as he pats the large chest before which he stands. "I hope you found your reception by the Devil’s lovely temptresses suitably entertaining."

After that, he proceeds to explain the rules of the tournament; finally, the speech ends and, as the owner calls, "Now, let's cheat the Devil and take his gold!", the tournament officially begins.
For now, feel free to interact, describe what you're up to in the hall, roll some Professsion (Gambling) (or Wisdom) checks if you want; also, please make a Perception and Sense Motive for the next part. And pick a place for yourself :-) Areas open to the public are painted red; there's the main gambling floor, the bar on the north, and the cashier counted on the south to excange coins for the chips.

2017-01-29, 12:40 PM

Wiping the blade clean, Magesh heaves a sigh of disappointment. He goes over the unconscious man and says "I told it was a bad idea". Muttering, he binds his wounds securely, and leaves him propped up in the wall. Then he swings his sword a bit to make sure that it is OK. Something strange happened as he fought. Perhaps he was just tired. Motioning to Virran, he says "Shall we go?"

Arriving at the gambling inn makes Magesh smile a silly grin. The women! The drinks! He says to Virran:

"Something tells me we will have to wait, if we are to see the owner of this place. Buy you a drink?"

He moves around distracted, taking in the sights.

I hope that is is excuse for failing so miserably the rolls. He will be around the central table in the Red square, getting drinks for him and Virran.

2017-01-30, 05:33 AM
"Is there any resemblance of a proper law and civic order in this town that would deal with him?" - not sounding particularly interested in the answer to his own question, the elf nonetheless waited and watched, standing nearby and leaning on his spear while Magesh was tending to the wound he himself inflicted. The city was far from a peaceful haven of scholars, and it certainly was going to be prudent to keep a weapon at hand; still, there was research to be done, and dealing with uninvited distractions like this did nothing to advance it. They had to continue on their way - so, not bothering to give the obvious answer, Virran once again followed his companion towards their mysterious destination.

And once the mystery and the trip came to the end, he could only roll his eyes behind the mask, both at the sight itself and at the Magesh's reaction to it. Was this supposed to be considered somehow entertaining? Perhaps even alluring, if the gazes towards the costumed waitresses were any indication? He could not see the appeal. Of course, there were many things about humans that he could not understand. "Your custom of making public display out of trivial nourishment would never cease to confuse me..." - the elf answered with a sigh, for a moment raising a gloved hand to his masked face. Even though the two of them travelled together for some time, Virran always seemed to prefer taking meals in privacy; the mask's design apparently allowed him some measure of eating and drinking without taking it off, but it clearly was not something that he enjoyed.

Of course, enjoyment was not the goal. Leaving his companion to his own devices, the elf, too, went to take a look at the sights. Waitresses interested him as little as the drinks that they were carrying; no matter the horns and tails, they were still regular humans. The being in the cage, on the other hand... Perhaps there actually was something genuine in this venture. Perhaps there truly was something worthwhile in coming to this place after all. Watching the winged creature, Virran pondered the next step - until a voice caught his attention. Was that the man whom Magesh sought? Now was probably not the time for talking to him, but something in his words sounded curious - or at least amusing for a bad joke. "Excuse me," - the elf turned to a waitress passing by, for once deigning to speak in Taldane and probably not actually intending to make any excuses beyond that, - "what is the matter of devil and souls here?"

KPlanes (creature in the cage): [roll0].
Perception: [roll1].
Sense Motive: [roll2].
Virran would walk around the main floor, watching the games and the gamblers.

2017-01-30, 05:43 PM

The last two days working at the Gold Goblin had been...eventful would be one way to put it, and the Shelynite had already largely adapted to her position, but was severely disappointed in the fact that she wasn't, in fact, allowed to participate in the tournament. Still, the outfits that Saul had made specially for this occasion were cute enough, and she'd managed to make a few modifications to her own to make it stand out even more, and of course she'd shared her suggestions with the rest of the staff though she wasn't convinced that all of them would take her advice. But such was life, and so Liz made her way around the gambling hall, offering drinks and compliments to the patrons before finally finding her way over to the caged creature.

At least, that was her plan, but she was stopped by a strange, masked man on route. An elf, maybe? It was hard to tell. Still, there was no harm in answering his question as best she could, at least not as long as he didn't go around blabbing. Still, the appeal of the mystique could be off-set by fear so it was probably in everyone's best interest if she assuaged any worries. "Actually I'm pretty new here, but apparently the poor thing owes Saul some kind of debt and agreed to put on the show. Don't worry though, all the soul stuff is just a gimmick, no one's actually in danger of anything more than an empty wallet," she says with a smile.

Assuming Virran had no more questions, Liz carries onward, heading toward the imp, listening in on the patrons to see if anything interesting was happening and enviously watching the gamblers here and there.

I'm sure you were looking for an NPC, but it was I, Des! Anyway, the info relayed IC is just what I know IC, it may or may not be factual and you may wish to seek out actual NPCs, I just wanted the chance to speak briefly before whatever is obviously going to go down and bring the party together happens lol

Heading toward the imp and intending to talk to it, but in the meantime...

K: Planes [roll0]
Perception [roll1]
Sense Motive [roll2]

2017-01-31, 09:57 AM
The answer was surprisingly straightforward and honest. As Virran listened to it, watching the creature in question with little interest in the person actually speaking to him, his earlier mood of a mix of boredom and confusion returned. That the entire affair was nothing but a bad joke was only to be expected; even humans and gamblers could not be so stupid as to put their very souls at risk. These wagers were meant to be made in coin, and not in anything more damning. Far less predictable was that the ruse would be so easily admitted; the woman said something mostly irrelevant about being new to the establishment, but was she not supposed to have her employer's best interests in heart nonetheless? After all, for this occasion even her very garb...

Virran briefly nodded to show that he received the answer that was actually requested and had no interest in making this conversation last any longer; and as he did, his eyes trailed off the caged creature over their heads - and onto something else. Of course, the pseudodemonic attire of the waitresses at this event was meant to elicit attention - and the woman's altered version probably attracted even more of it. Of course, her outstanding beauty probably drew forth gazes no matter what she was wearing - or how much. She probably was used to men of all kinds looking at her in all ways - perhaps some of them even used masks before to conceal their own faces and the exact direction of their gazes. But this elf in grey was different. He had no interest in her clothing, and even less in the body under that garb; it should had been hard to tell when he was looking down at her, but the eyeslits of his mask unmistakably locked onto nothing other than her own eyes.

"I regrettably misspoke..." - Virran muttered, his accented Taldane sounding surprised and almost apologetic, in a tone that he never expected to have to use outside of his home island. With a hand raised to his heart and his hooded head slightly bowed without losing eye contact, he spoke another phrase - far more fluently and in an entirely different tongue that few, if any, on this continent could comprehend in this age. The sentence sounded like a question, with the same tone of remorse in it. Despite the mask's lack of expression, the elf was obviously expecting an answer; and underneath that mask, he was scolding himself. Travelling through this land in a company of a man of its people was not without its toll. He became too lax; and if he intended to fulfill his mission, he should have been paying more attention to the world around him.

2017-01-31, 11:40 PM

The last two days had been, an unexpected and perplexing series of events. Days filled with a dizzying and intoxicating haze perpetuated by a few too many free drinks from sweaty old men. It was hard to understand what kind of trap this place was, until you had experienced it. ...And, oh. She had experienced it. After the eavesdropping which had brought into light the new appointment of Elizabeth as a new employee of The Golden Goblin, she had spent a short bout of time thinking how to best use the turn of events. Her final conclusive resolution was to return, as someone else, or under the guise of another who could participate in the absurdity of the place.

A small amount of makeup from her grooming kit to cover the runic circles distantly visible on her skin from her otherworldly origins, ditching the crimson clothes of her surname for the less distinct features of her fine white garb, and she had become someone else. She had returned as a traveling Pitaxian student, a young girl from the Academy of Arts, wild and curious. She called herself Emelia Rose, and left it at that. The dirty sailors and other generally unpleasant patrons were bothersome and proved to be a nuisance, but all that seemed an afterthought when her attention was drawn off to the stage.

The whole affair started off as nothing more than observing the woman's dance. She painted wonderful portraits across her pages with the dozen or so various brushes, quills and ink-applying applications her kit contained. Yet, it all quickly begun to spin out of hand. A few drinks and a word or two found her with the woman in a more private venue. It had started off as nothing more than a dance, then touching and a kiss. The rest... Well, she'd committed the exchange, and all subsequent exchanges to memory. She even spent a while painting out the sensual details in a few pages in the back of her book when she was alone. How quickly this place could spin everything on its head... Just thinking about the last two days brought a giggle to her tongue and a wide grin to her lips. The scent wouldn't go away, the air tasted differently around that one and sometimes she couldn't help but brush her by to take another whiff of that unusual intoxicating aroma. It wasn't something that the mundane souls of this world knew; every man's air carried with it a sensation unique to him, but hers was addictive and enrapturing. If she could have her way, she'd embrace her and never let go just to bask in that soothing presence.

Yet, the days had come and gone with not nearly close to the frequency which she did the same while out of her 'disguise'. She'd frequented the Golden Goblin as often as possible to visit the dancer named Elizabeth, but with the tournament beginning she abandoned her guise and returned to the ghostly appearance of her crimson shroud and mound of scarves. The place had been a den of lust and villainy during the day, she could only imagine what terrible delights would wait at so grand an event; She wouldn't have missed it for the world. Just as easily as the last three days, she slipped into the establishment, ignoring the toll, like a passing breeze.

The sights which waited inside accosted her senses. The interior was the same, yet completely different. The strange chest of silver, the danging festive garnish, the imp and of course the demon-hostesses. It wasn't so much the garb that caught her attention, but rather the lack of it. She could only wonder how much a host could make for agreeing to bare her breast publicly for the sake of entertainment. She almost didn't know where to look. Usually she would look to the ground or at someones chest rather than their eyes, looking someone in the face just conflicted far too much from her fleeting nature.

After resolving to not change her habits, she moved off along the corner of the wall. It was their choice to wear such revealing clothes, why should she have to act accommodating, where they not here to serve their guests? She dismissed the fact that she was not actually a paying guest. It wasn't as if her deep and billowing attire revealed much aside from her figure and the white of her hair. Whats more, she was a woman! She had nothing to be embarrassed about. She nodded to herself in reassurance as she found a corner to observe the main lobby from. It was quieter away from the tables, so she tried to simply blend in with the lack of motion and general stillness which did not draw the eyes in the mirage of motion and shouting. Beneath her cloak, one hand carried her baldric of belted quivers and other such arms. Though it was subtle, she couldn't deny the distant smell of danger in the air. Waiting, quietly, observing, her eyes finally caught sight the familiar face of Liz in the mingling crowd. Her face flushed a beat-red under her mufflers at the sight of her revealing attire. Though it was brief, impossibly brief, she felt like her gaze from beneath her massive cowl from across the room had met hers. It wasn't possible, was nearly impossible... There was no way...

Stealth Inside Golden Goblin: Take 10 (21)
Perception Inside [roll0]
Stealth In Corner [roll1] (Stealth behind crowd)


2017-02-01, 02:06 AM
The tournament goes on steadily, and for a good couple of hours, the gambling hall is filled with sounds of chips hitting the tables, gamblers swearing or - more seldom - celebrating, and Dungo's insults as Lixy runs her usual game - not willing to fully embrace the atmosphere, she only added fake horns to her normal attire, going for the cute, rather than sexy, look.

By this time, about half of the guests lost already, and left the house with nothing but the "Devil's Mark" (planted on their cheeks by one of the resident succubi's lips) to remind them of the night, and the owner, pleased with everything going smoothly, heads back to his office to tally the profit so far... which is just what some of the patrons were waiting for.

You notice a group on one side of the room suddenly tense up, as if waiting for something - something not related to the outcome of the game, judging by the fact they aren't looking at any of the tables. In fact, four of them - rather nondescript members of Riddleport's low society - are looking at the one-eyed woman standing between them.

Tracing the sight, of the woman, however, you see that she's looking at the door of one of the bathrooms - the door that isn't completely closed, and through the gap, yo manage to notice a robe-clad man unrolling a scroll of parchment.

You look back at the group just in time to see the woman giving a short nod, and all five of them close their eyes at the same time.

Elizabeth: 21
Magesh: 21 (Can't act in surprise round)
Enemies: 9
Rose: 7
Virran: 5
Bouncers: delay to 0 (don't act in surprise round anyway)

It is surprise round now.
The woman in charge wears leather and has a rapier hanging on her belt; her crew wears leather and saps.

B is for Bouncers, R is for Rogues, L is for their female leader. W is for someone Virran and Liz noticed.


2017-02-01, 02:35 AM

Without her weapon, armor, or any idea what's going on and not wanting to cause a panic for no reason, the young Shelynite does the only thing she can think to do in the brief moment she has and closes her eyes as well.

No weapon, no idea what's actually going on, not much else I can do really...

2017-02-01, 03:02 AM

The sylph carefully eyed the dwindling crowd. A congregation of people, were much like a living thing, a crowd lived and breathed in a sense, and so it was no surprise how much the small gathering of leather-bound miscreants stood out amid it all. Though easily 90ft away, it didn't take a wind-elemental to feel in sinister air emanating from their wind. With soft subtle motions, she clipped her baldric to her belt under her cloak, drawing her bow but keeping the weapon under the folds of her garment. Though she practically stood shoulder-to-shoulder to the large muscled man at her side, she doubted he'd even registered her silently lingering in the corner. She couldn't make out what Elizabeth was staring at, but after a short pause, she broke her gaze and tightly closed her eyes. The significance was lost on her, but she lowered he head to the floor to let her cowl mask her face, waiting for the time to act. She was sure it was coming... any moment now.

Move Action: Draw bow
Free Action: Avert gaze? (She kinda does that already, but whatever)

2017-02-01, 04:01 AM
In the loud gambling hall, words of the spell coming from are barely audible; it's effect, however, is blindingly obvious as one of the braziers lighting the hall explodes in a fountain of bright colors, sending the sight of everyone present into overload. No more than the third of the staff and patrons endure the display unharmed, including two of the bouncers - the rest stare into walls blindly as they see nothing but flashes of color in front of them.

With most of the guard effectively neutralized, the woman shouts, “All right, folks! Drop to the ground and don’t try anything stupid and we might let you live!”, as her gang draws their weapons.


Elizabeth: 21
Magesh: 21 (Can't act in surprise round)
Enemies: 9
Rose: 7
Virran: 5
Bouncers: delay to 0 (don't act in surprise round anyway)


Robber x4: Standart - draw weapon
Leader: Standart - Activate Bardic Performance to Inspire Courage
Wizard: Standart - cast spell from a scroll

Everyone who didn't close their eyes (averting doesn't count, I'm afraid), make Will save DC 13, or get blinded for [roll0] rounds.


Bouncers in purple circles are blinded

The crowd, despite the robber's command, rushes towards the exit - those who can see the exit, at least. Others... one of the gamblers, less than sober in the first place, searching for the exit blindly, hits the chest's pedestal and drops to the floor, a short, but sharp-looking blade on his belt gleaming right within Elizabeth's reach.

2017-02-01, 01:47 PM
His question been entirely ignored made Virran reevaluate the situation and this strange land once again. Yes, perhaps he was somewhat rude in assuming too much after a day of trying to talk to local population. But, apparently, there was no shortage of rudeness in this place even without him. He could even take it as an insult to the establishment's patrons - if not for utter lack of any interest in visiting the place per se anyway. What he was seeking was not the waitresses, no matter their apprarances, but other guests drawn by the search of luck and fortune. It was difficult to tell apart humans of all various kinds, but, perhaps, after some observation he could find somebody of interest to him. For example, that man with the scroll was certainly unlike other gamblers. The elf made a mental note to try making his acquaintance, but that note soon had to be erased - along with the entire world around him.

Normally, wearing a mask was no obstacle; it was carefully crafted to provide the proper field of view, and its eyeslits allowed enough light to pass through them. For once, Virran could wish that they had been somewhat less effective. Searing flash showed him way more brightness than any elf ever sought, and it was far from a serene philosophical concept. The following chaos was far from anything peaceful either; and until his vision could clear and make some sense out of it, the safest thing to do was going along with it. Not with the gang's orders, of course; if the prior encounter was any indication of the locals' thinking, they probably wanted the money, and he was standing too close to the greatest amount in vicinity. Instead deciding to follow the lead of the majority of guests, the elf carefully started moving away from the podium, his weapon once again coming more handy as a simple walking stick.

Movement: one square southwest, two squares south.

2017-02-01, 01:54 PM
Garnet Rose
AC 20 / FF 16 / Touch 14 / CMD 18
HP: 9/9
Fort +0 / Ref +7 / Will -2
⚔ Breeze-Kissed (Ex): +2 AC Vs Non-Magical Ranged Attacks

With the sudden flash of prismatic light her hand instinctively came up and covered her eyes from the blinding rays. She cursed under her breath at the ill-timing, such establishments that peddled debauchery and serviced such suspicious persons were prone to these sorts of incidents. She couldn't fault a few brigands for wanting to earn their silver by other means, but not while her Lovely Liz was about. Had they no shame, no appreciation for beauty!? The shameless vagrants were simply intruding now, but they wouldn't go unpunished.

Thoughts beckoned to the young spirits in the air, calling them out and sending them aflutter with a sharp breeze. An upturned draft became a re-surging wall pillar of air about her, though her attire remained deathly still, undisturbed by the cyclonic rift of near-invisible wind, but the wind threw about cards and chips left scattered on the floor while patrons fled. It was that woman. She was sure, that strange lady had orchestrated this farce and she had every intent to see her held responsible for her crime against love!

A sharp and practiced gesture freed the balric's metal clip from her belt and slung it over her shoulder, placing three quivers and her trusted blade across her back. She twirled with a fanciful whirling motion that sent her cloak out wide with a sudden choreographed breeze as a hand snatched an arrow from those upon her back. The ebon-black of her bow whipped out from under the folds as a nock fell into the thick waxed fibre of its powerful string. Though her hand drew back the missile, her body tensed and paused at full-draw. Her keen eyes searched, sensing for the subtle spirit-tracks within the air that shifted the current of wind and would guide her shot. Seeing none, she trained on the roguish-woman and summoning forth her command of the souls of air, she whispered a quite prayer.

"Lone is thy word which beckons the children of wind."
"From afar, over, and through to punish those who hath sinned."
"Our souls are left thinned."

"Carry mine bolt that all before it may be laid pinned."
...And steal thine peace of mind.

She let loose the green missile of leaf and ivy, a bud of crimson petals blooming as it whistled threw the air.

⚔ Swift Action: Activate Breeze-Kissed (Ex)
⚔ Move Action: Bullseye Shot
⚔ Standard Action: Fire Thistle Arrow @ Bandit Leader
⚔ Free Action: Dead-Aim (-1 Panache)

Ranged Touch Attack (Dead-Aim) @ Bandit Leader
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Thistle: 1 Point of Additional Damage for [roll2] Rounds (Negated if immune to Poison)
Special: DC12 Heal Check (Standard Action) required to remove arrow, or suffer 1d3 Points of Damage. The arrow can be removed without a Heal Check as a Move Action, incurring damage.

2017-02-01, 02:13 PM
Magesh AC 16 (13 when blinded), HP12

Everything happened very quickly for Magesh. One moment he was enjoying the sights, the next his eyesight deserts him. Cursing, Magesh tries to make sense of what happened.

Stupid, stupid fool! Is this the way you are going to act?

With an uncharacteristic roar, Magesh tries to charge and swing towards the sound of the drawn swords.

Yep, attack blindly anyone who could be identified as an enemy. Not sure if some kind of Perception is needed, the blinded condition does not seem to say so. Any way

Atk and PA [roll0] dmg [roll1]
If crit (18-20) [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Perception [roll4]

2017-02-02, 02:47 AM

Seeing the weapon dropped by the gambler, the hostess dives for it and quickly takes a stance to defend herself, "Everything is okay, don't panic!"

Doing her best to keep everyone calm, she jumps up onto the container with the chest and raises her voice, "We'll deal with these criminals, please stay calm!" Of course, she means it, and hops off the stage after getting everyone's attention, moving toward the woman who looked to be their leader.

Bah, have to burn my whole turn on move actions.

Move: Pick up nearby weapon (what is it?)
Move: Move to W of M

2017-02-02, 06:11 AM

Magesh swings wildly, but the robber, having the advantage of actually seeing his opponent, easily dodges the blade and swings his own weapon in return - but the sap only touches the half-elf's hair, failing to make a connection with the skull.
Robber attacks and misses


The sword doesn't feel quite as right in her hand as the glaive would, but it would do for now; Elizabeth hurries towards the robbers - which doesn't go unnoticed by their leader, who snaps a short phrase that clouds the waitress's mind with uncertainty momentarily... not to the point to stop her from almost instinctively raising her sword and blocking the hit from another robber, who immediately moves to intercept.

Robber attacks and misses. Make Will save DC 12 or dazed for 1 round.

Daze (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/daze) is daze, nothing special to it


Meanwhile, the ranger, unnoticed in the far corner of the floor, pulls a barbed arrow from a quiver and draws her bow, patiently waiting for the perfect moment...


The other two goons hurry towards the guard stationed at the entrance, the one who managed to retain his sight, and try to take him out before he can join the fray. But it seems they are ill-prepared to dealing with non-blind opponents, perhaps way too sure of the success of their diversion?

Speaking of diversions, the mage who summoned such an impressive display steps out of the bathroom and heads towards the chest, pulling another scroll from under his robes as we walks.

Meanwhile, the bandits' leader, believing Liz to be the main threat to their plan currently, steps between Magesh and the blinded guard, and reaches for the rapier...


..and the perfect moment occurs just a moment before the leader disappears behind the blinded bouncer. Thistle arrow flies true, and lodges itself in the woman's bare hand, causing her to let out a loud swear.


Meanwhile, bouncers, finally finding their bearings in the ensuing chaos, start to try to earn their wages, one standing guard near the chest circling the podium to stop the wizard. His arm reaches for the club - but at that moment, the imp in the cage creaks, "Kill him, you idiot!" Bouncer ignores the suggestion, though, and swings his club - which the wizard arrogantly ignores as the weapon is stopped by the glowing circle appearing in mid-air. meanwhile, his colleague does his best to stand against two attackers, bt they don't leave him an opening for a good hit.

Everyone but Rose can act; after this round, blindness ands, so you get beck your normal AC for the incoming attacks.


2017-02-02, 10:52 AM
Magesh AC 16 (13 when blinded), HP12

Magesh feels the whoop, but thankfully, it does not really connect. He has the few seconds he needed, to collect himself again. He pivots the sword, driving it horizontally and pushing with both hands, trying once again to hit his unseen opponent.

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]
If crit, [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2017-02-02, 11:31 AM
The commotion around him only grew stronger and louder. He still could not see anything but the blindingly bright light - and wished he could not see it too. But the sounds of clashing blades, sorcerous incantations and barked orders were telling enough. And if somebody was trying to tell the crowd to not panic, then even not a gambler could safely bet that there was going to be a lot of panic. Somebody? The elf winced behind his mask. He could recognise the voice. Was the reassurance as fake as the entire masquerade, or was there more than meets the eye to that human? Perhaps he could tell, if only his eyes were actually meeting anything at all. But at least for now, it was safer and far more sensible to keep moving away from the invisible danger.

And there was a lot of other hazards, just as invisible to him as any enemy. Was that body that almost made him trip a simple drunkard, or somebody wounded in a fight? He could not tell. But to anyone who'd see him stumble around, he'd look like an easy target - and that was not a good position to occupy. Using the butt of his spear to slowly find a safe way around, Virran made only a few more steps before stopping and shifting his grip. If somebody was going to come closer, they needed to see an armed fighter, not a terrified cripple with a stick. However... There was no reason to let them see him all that well at all. Nodding to his own thoughts, for a moment the elf let the shadow of his hood fall onto his concealed face. Grey mask shifted, losing its features, blurring with the grey cloak into a single shadow - for a blink of any watching eye. But once that momentary disturbance was over, his form still did not look just quite right.

Move: preparing the spear.
Standard: activating Distortion.
Fife feet step to southeast.

2017-02-02, 11:44 AM
HP 12/12
AC 13

There was little she could do but fight, but these were just thieves, well armed, perhaps, but outnumbered. Now that they've lost the element of surprise it was simply a matter of time until they lost so she didn't need to fight to kill them, only to distract, disable, and buy time for the bouncers to force them to surrender. And so the hostess deftly dodges the first brigand's blade and moves to strike his boss with the flat of the borrowed sword, striking to disorient and wound, not kill.

But she's quick to pull back as she notices the caster approaching the chest. Not having any idea what the plan might be, she's well aware that you cannot leave a wizard to act freely in a fight, and quickly hops away from the woman to block his path, "Hey, where do you think you're going? I won't let you near that chest!" Perhaps an ironic exclamation, given her attire, but she holds her blade at the ready.

Attack L (Nonlethal) [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

5ft Step West

Parry if L attacks (or if L doesn't attack but a mook does) [roll2]
Riposte if possible [roll3] (nonlethal)
Damage [roll4]

2017-02-04, 12:19 PM

Just as Viran finishes summoning his illusion, the flashing light covering his eyes faded


Another Magesh's bling swing goes astray - but so does his opponent's, as the shining in front of the warrior's eyes falls just in time for him to easily block the hit.


Hurrying to stop the wizard, Liz is a bit too hasty in attacking the bandits' leader - but, even distracted, she still easily - instinctively - parries the rapier the woman pulled out. One of the rogues tries to support their boss

The wizard, choosing the moment bouncer's club is away, launches a magical missile in the bouncer's chest. The man yells and swings back, but he's obviously off-balance; wizard doesn't even bother with dodging as he takes another step closer to the chest. But, at this point he's almost surrounded as the sight returns to all the patrons.

Meanwhile, at the doors, the bouncer gets reinforcement from his, now sighted, colleague, and the two of them land a couple of sound blows. Robbers try to escape, and one of them makes to the door - but the other drops, stopped by a club at the back of his head
Magesh misses.
Rogue attacks Magesh and misses.

Liz misses; L attacks Liz, but can't hit effective AC 22. Riposte misses.

W tries to cast on defensive: success. Spell deals 4 damage. Magic Missile

2 bouncers attacks wizard, both miss.

2 bouncers attack the rogues at the door, dealing 8 and 5 damage respectively; rogues try to escape. Bouncers AoO: first misses, second deals 5 damage.

Every PC can act.

Sorry for the messy map; if it turns out I lost if after all, will have to recreate - for now, though, that would be too much work :-)


2017-02-04, 11:40 PM
Garnet Rose
AC 20 / FF 16 / Touch 14 / CMD 18
HP: 9/9
Fort +0 / Ref +7 / Will -2
Panache 0/2
⚔ Breeze-Kissed (Ex): +2 AC Vs Non-Magical Ranged Attacks

The shrouded sniper grinned beneath her cowl as her missile found its mark. The useless bouncers finally found their senses and move into action. It was more than likely that the battle's outcome had already been decided if they did not have another surprise tucked up their sleeve. Regardless of that fact, the bandit-leader fought on swinging away at Liz, despite the profusely bleeding barbs of the plant-like arrow. Her hand swiftly moved back, snatching another green arrow from her quiver and nocking it upon her blackbow. With a pause, once again she called to the winds to steady her aim and carry the bolt to strike her enemy with a mental command.

⚔ Move Action: Bullseye Shot
⚔ Standard Action: Fire Thistle Arrow @ Bandit Leader
⚔ Free Action: Dead-Aim (-1 Panache)
(Penalty) Fire Into Melee: -4 Attack

Ranged Touch Attack (Dead-Aim) @ Bandit Leader
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Thistle: Extend Additional Damage Duration for [roll2] Rounds (Negated if immune to Poison)
Special: DC12 Heal Check (Standard Action) required to remove arrow, or suffer 1d3 Points of Damage. The arrow can be removed without a Heal Check as a Move Action, incurring damage.

Damage Duration Remaining: 2 Rounds + 1 on successful attack

2017-02-05, 01:39 AM
Magesh AC16 HP12

His eyes clearing, Magesh finds himself surrounded by attackers. But the leader seems to be within easy reach, and is one of the few that flanks him. He smiles

"That's it! No more blind dates for us!"

With that questionable display of humor, he turns and sends his falchion at the leader in a series of intricate swirls, his feet following

Atk and PA the leader [roll0] dmg [roll1]
If crit 18-20, [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2017-02-05, 03:48 AM
HP 12/12
AC 13

As the scarfed sylph's arrows bring down the obvious leader, Liz calls out, "It's over, you've already failed and your boss is bleeding out! Just surrender now and you won't get any more hurt!"

Of course, even she knows that people are prone to fighting past the point where they should stop, so she watches carefully as she focuses her attention on the magic user, waiting to see if he or any of the others will accept her offer of surrender before continuing her assault.

Talking is a free action, so if the wizard surrenders now, won't attack. If they opt to keep fighting...

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] nonlethal

3/4 Panache
Parry if attacked [roll2]
Riposte if possible [roll3]
Damage [roll4] nonlethal

2017-02-05, 04:05 AM
The blur of his own making passed through the elf's vision like a cloud across the sky. As clouds are wont to do, it cast a merciful shadow and washed away the insufferable brightness of too direct light. And as the light always does after the rain, it broke into full spectrum of colours, finally restoring his eyesight to a reasonable degree of perception. That is, if there was anything reasonable to perceive - but the surrounding image was that of utter chaos. He could have spent last several seconds trying to preserve some civility and dignity, but most in the room were far less scrupulous. Clashing blades, flying arrows and all other sorts of things that had no place in a gambling hall were still in abundance, and now the only choice was to flee it or to join it.

And flight was not an option. Matters of civic order and personal dignity aside, he was there at all for a reason, and, perhaps, something actually important for his mission could still be achieved once this unnecessary distraction would be over. And he had an obligation or two towards somebody in this fight - and it did not take long to divine just who was on which side. He could only hope that his own involvement would not be misinterpreted either - after all, the shortest way ahead lay through the very prize sought by the robbers. Of course, he was not going to rush straight ahead across any obstacle; yet even using stairs like befits a proper civilised person still put him quite close to it. But, more importantly, it also put him in range to do something in this fight.

By the time it took Virran to carefully find his way around the podium, another arrow already claimed the first target that he had in mind. Still, there was yet work to be done; and if going after the leader of those bandits was out of the question, he could indulge in a personal grudge. Of course, he remembered who started the entire affair in the first place; and he could only return the same kindness to the human. Not that he intended to do it via brute force, however sorcerous; the way the wizard was trying to fight his way through his opponents was so... messy. Elves preferred far more elegant methods; and being privy to arcane secrets only meant doing it in just the right way. Another spectrum of colours passed through his mind, images of the future overlapping on reality of the present just a moment before becoming it. A blade pierced through them, but not to spill any blood into the picture. Separating intended result from countless possibilities and ending his vision with a metallic flash, the elven spear struck down, aiming to take the man along with its point.

Spellcraft: [roll0].
Move: to the northeastern corner of the podium.
Swift: Sudden Insight (3/4 points of mental focus in sdivination remain).
Standard: trip on the W: [roll1] (high ground, Sudden Insight).

2017-02-08, 01:31 AM
Now that Magesh is able to see, the rogue stands no chance of avoiding the falchion, falling to the floor as swift as the one who tried to rob him on the streets did; meanwhile, Rose manages, even through the flashing of blades, to find an opening to send another arrow at the bandit's leader, and the woman, still bleeding from the first arrown, drops her blade and falls to her knees.

Seeeing that, the wizard, so far lucky at avoiding every attack not blocked by his magical shields, immediately drops the scroll he holds and raises his hands. "I give. Please, no need for more violence... just let me tend to my companion", he points at the woman who obviously struggles to remain conscious.

At that, the last rogue remining standing, realizing he;s outnumbered at least ten to one by this moment, drop the weapon as well... just in time for the back door to open and the figure of the casino's owner appear in it. "What the halls is going on here?" he asks, looking around with a mix of confusion and annoyance.

Combat over

2017-02-10, 04:50 AM

Glad that no more blood had to be shed, Liz looks around for the sword's owner but barely has time to turn her head before Saul bursts back in. She was working here so it was only expected that she help defend the place, and doesn't try to take much personal credit. "Er, armed robbery, I think, I don't think anyone got seriously injured except them though," she says, moving over to check on the wounded. "I seems like it caused a bit of a panic, but a few of the guests helped out when the fighting started."

I've been busy and haven't rebuilt the sheet yet, so I'm going to roll a "heal" check here to check on the injured but it's just an estimate and may not be accurate [roll0]

2017-02-12, 08:16 AM
"I see, I see..." Saul nods, looking around, then his sight falls on the wizard, who, swiftly, but making a very deliberate show of not being aggressive, pulls a small potion vial from the belt pouch and administers it to the fallen woman, stopping the worst of her bleeding at least.

"Angvar", the casino's owner says.

"Nothing personal, Saul", the wizard replies with steely resolve, "Just a job."

Meanwhile, in the casino, as the gamblers realize the threat disappeared, things start turning... sour. Some people complain that their chips had lessened in number while they were stumbling around blind; whether work of less-then-honest competition, a result of carelessness, or their own attempt to get some extra, no one can tell.

Very quickly, it becomes apparent that any attempts to return tournament to the state it was previously are useless; Saul climbs the podium and speaks, "My dear guests! I'm sorry to inform you that, due to the circumstances beyond my control, Gold Goblin is closed for tonight; I am sorry for that, and as a small compensation, you can exchange your current chips at a tenth of the price extra... and I hope to see you again in the future!"

That... doesn't cheer the gamblers up much, but, realizing that 110% of their chips' worth is better than nothing, they start gathering at the counter, allowing Rose a nice crowd to get lost in...

Saul, meanwhile, adds, "And you three" - as the other staff gives him a quick recount of the fight - "I take it was you who saved my silver, by and large... well, you three and whoever let those arrows fly... I've an offer for you. If you're interested, meet me in my office in, say, fifteen minutes?"

2017-02-12, 03:13 PM

Stepping away from the carnage, Magesh cleans his blade and shakes his head. That was a cheeky attempt. The fact that the owner seems to know the enemy wizard, is however unexpected. With a shake of his head, Magesh accepts the invitation. It seems he barely has the time to find and finish his drink.

2017-02-12, 11:52 PM
Stepping down from the podium once the fighting was over, Virran nonchalantly leaned against it, watching the human wizard's surrender and subsequent behaviour. Just in case, the spear in elf's hands did not disappear; perhaps it was not the most bloodied weapon in the room, but, to a certain degree, it seemed to work just fine as a deterrent nonetheless. And that was all that he really needed. Now that there was no longer any need for crude exchanges of blows, he could even hope for some civilised discussion - after all, his first impression of the man was more or less favourable. Of course, he already learned to not hope too much in this land - especially when humans were involved.

And, apparently, that pessimism was completely justified. Any explanations of what just happened he was glad to leave to those actually working for the establisbment - although it did not escape his attention exactly who was the first to provide any. Any displeasure among the gamblers was none of his concern - if the rabble was going to clear out somewhat, it only meant having to go through less of them until finding somebody who was not there for the money alone. But the fact that the owner and at least one of his assailants knew each other spoke poorly about both, and about the town in general. Wretched place indeed. Moving away from the podium to let the man speak without any spears too close to him, Virran approached Magesh, about to ask whether something like that was truly normal - but the voice from behind stopped him.

"You three" was not the most unambiguous way to refer to somebody in still crowded hall. In all honesty, Virran did not consider himself particularly a saviour of anything in this conflict beyond his own skin; but, perhaps, standing so close to the man's money with a weapon in hand counted for something in his eyes. How telling that his main concern was silver, not lives of his clients or even his own reputation. Perhaps the latter did not count for much in this town; nonetheless, the elf was not going to object to being thanked for his participation. If Magesh was looking for this man in the first place, the invitation only saved them time; and, with a brief nod, Virran decided to indulge both his companion and their host.

2017-02-15, 09:59 PM

Liz merely nods, there wouldn't be any point in not hearing the man out and he was, after all, her employer for the time being. There was no sense in offending the man for no reason anyway, and that meant going to the meeting. Still, she turns to the other two who'd helped fight, "I'm surprised anyone else was willing to help stop the theft, I didn't expect anyone who brought weapons would've done so for anything more than showing off," she says, offering a hand and smile in greeting "I'm Liz, working here part time."

2017-02-16, 01:21 AM

The nimble sylph silently crept back into the teller's room, letting the crowd wash her presence away without so much as leaving a trace. Coursing winds and trembling breeze died away with a brief thought, as she slipped around the corner making sure to stay close to the door to keep a careful eye outside on the lobby. The development of the return on the gambler's chips was enough to sooth some ill feelings and provided fine cover for the reclusive ranger.

Slowly, and with evident purpose those who had contributed during the conflict became evident. She didn't want to be like them, publicly addressed in front of so many watchful gazes. There was no way to be sure just who was watching after all. She honestly held no curiosity towards whatever relation existed between the proprietor and the troublesome magic-man. After watching him and visiting his establishment for the last few days, he impression of the greasy-human left much to be desired. Were it not for Liz, she would not have even considered giving the scoundrel her ear; but as it was, it looked like just as fine an opportunity as ever to get closer to the woman, without the need for disguises.

She patiently waited until those fifteen minutes had come and gone and all those invited had made their way towards the familiar office of the man named Saul. There was no sense of urgency or rush to make it there any faster then she could, as her interest was not with the man's words, but elsewhere. After giving her would-be compatriots time to put distance between them and herself, she leisurely stepped into one of the lines of customers leaving the teller's room. Once again, she followed a similar route while tailing the other combatants. A quick step and a vault brought her scaling over the railing once again on the second floor. Landing with a soft-fall and tumble, she immediately regained her footing with her back to the office's door, ready to spring away at a moments notice.

Rather than simply walk into the office, she lingered for a moment, letting the guests gather themselves or take seats. After they had all settled, and ensuring the door did not and could not completely close, she made her own move. She released her habitual hold on the interior of her cloak's seam, allowing the billowing red of the mantle to protrude slightly, giving enough to see while still completely behind the wall. Quite frequently this same gesture caused a fuss in more fearful persons, thinking her a Red Mantis Assassin due to her elusive behavior and choice of cloths. It could have very well been possible, if she had been wearing one of their grotesque insectoid masks, and as she was with her back firmly placed to the wall no one could confirm or deny that possibility. Her voice spoke out low, but with purpose making herself known from behind her place of cover. She spoke through her mufflers as much as possible to distort the sound of her voice further. "...It seems you've an interest in my arrows as well. I've come to hear your proposition, but due to certain... circumstances, I cannot reveal myself just yet. I trust you can respect this matter of privacy for now."

2017-02-16, 08:25 AM
Saul meets you in the same office Liz is already familiar with - but this time, the meeting includes an offer of the comfortable chair opposite his desk, and a request for "drinks for the guests". Nor does he openly object Rose's non-introduction, even though he's visibly unhappy about it.

"So..." he starts, "Let me thank you once again for saving my money... this time".

"Yes, I said this time", he adds after a small pause. "Because I'm afraid it wasn't the money at all they were after... That man, Angvar Thistlecrit, he's well enough known in the... certain circles; but he's a mercenary, not a planner. He pretty much admitted it when you took him... someone hired him to steal the prize. And I'm afraid whoever it was, it wasn't money they're after, it's me. My business. My reputation."

Saul's obviously getting angry as he speaks, forcing himself to refrain from raising his voice, "But I won't give up. This casino's the only thing I've left, and I'm going to see it prosper, whatever the Crimelords think of it."

"But I can't do it by myself", he visibly deflates, "And that's where the offer I'm talking about appears. I want to offer you - four of you - a job. A new job", he immediately adds, nodding towards Liz.

2017-02-17, 08:23 AM

Magesh 's ears literally perk up. At last, something to do here. He waits for the others, especially the elf to have their say, but a job near gorgeous women and qood liquor seems a good prospect.

And he hadn't needed to show his credentials yet!

2017-02-19, 10:11 AM
The masked elf listened to the woman's words with ostensible attention - at least as far as his faceless appearance could suggest. Any actual interest in her words, however, he kept to himself. They made little sense anyway - but arguing about the methods of armed robbers was about as far from being useful as conversation could possibly get. After considering her hand for somewhat longer than could reasonably be assumed to be polite, he finally came to a decision and repeated his earlier gesture, ignoring the offered exchange and only placing his hand over his heart. "Virran," - he tersely introduced himself, already moving away to their common destination. The name sounded the same in any tongue; and he still could not be certain whether the earlier lack of reply was a quirk of behaviour or a product of ordinary ignorance.

The owner's words were even more useless, impressing the elf at least by their ability to raise that estimate to a new level. Ignoring the understandable rudeness of calling for drinks as much as he was trying to ignore the much less forgivable method of... presence of some overly mysterious participant in the conversation, he tried to concentrate on finding some meaning in the human's little speech. He had enemies targeting him? That was his problem. He wanted to keep his establishment working? That was his business. He was offering a job? That was the only part which was relevant to his listeners - or which at least could be relevant, would he only bother to tell what the job actually was. Waiting for somebody to fill in the pause, Virran slowly realised that the man was not going to continue unprompted - and he could not possibly divine what prompt could be expected here.

After a brief glance to just as silent Magesh, the elf once again turned to the owner, his unchanging mask slightly lowered in what could, perhaps, be considered a questioning expression. The question itself, he hoped, was obvious.

2017-02-20, 12:07 AM

Happily taking the drink, she listens to Saul carefully. "I was actually enjoying entertaining, but if you've got another offer for me I'm all ears."

Well, maybe not as much as this guy, she adds as a mental aside with a glance toward Virran.

2017-02-20, 03:40 AM
"Of course, of course", Saul nods, "I should be more precise... what I'm offering is a job - at any position that would be to your liking, except mine, of course, he he, so you shouldn't worry about losing your current employment, miss Pareana - as well as a position of junior partners, and subsequent cut of the profits... Oh, now you're thinking there must be a catch. Well, of course there is. What I'm actually willing to pay you for, is dealing with any further attempts to harm my - excuse me, our - business. Dealing discretely and, if need arises, proactively."

2017-02-24, 10:05 PM

Thinking about it for a moment, she puts it in simpler terms to make sure there weren't any misunderstandings, "So, basically, we'll work for you in a normal position and work as bouncers with more authority that handle thieves or vandals rather than just rowdy patrons, and go deal with problems off the premises if they arise, right?"

If it was just a pay raise it might not be worth it, but it was a share of the gambling hall's profits, which meant it was in their best interest to make the place as profitable as possible, and gave them a bit of leeway in getting things changed, above all else though, it could be fun. "Well, I'd be happy to help, at least as long as I'm staying in Riddleport and I don't plan on going away any time soon."

2017-02-26, 10:16 AM
The elf kept listening just as attentively, but the rest of the owner's words were not much more helpful either. He was hardly fit to be called "junior" anything - although the human probably meant something beyond actual age. And "partnership", as far as his understanding of contemporary Taldane went, was supposed to imply a relationship between, more or less, equals - not that of a master and newly hired employees. Still, he could discern at least some understandable meaning in these words; what he could not divine was hidden in the very end of the speech - the part that was supposed to be the "catch". Whatever catching had to with business... But trying to understand all the ways in which humankind tormented its everchanging languages was a fool's errand.

And yet humans, apparently, had no problem with understanding each other. Giving a short grateful nod to the woman's direction, Virran pondered her translation for several moments. It made some sense per se - it was not her fault that in the context it was still just as confusing. "If bouncers are whom you seek, you seem to have a sufficient quantity already," - the elf finally spoke, slowly and carefully choosing his words. - "And they proved themselves competent at... handling thieves," - more competent, at least, than he was himself, but that was not a helpful point to make. - "Yet you do not give this offer of... partnership to them, but seek more and from others. Why? What attempts to do you expect? And just what... "proactive dealing" would they require?"

2017-02-26, 02:13 PM
"Competent? I hardly think so", Saul shrugs, "It was you who dealt with both Angvar and his lover. Thieves the boys can handle perhaps, but magic is besides them. Besides, let's be honest, they weren't exactly selected for being subtle. Or discerning. No offense; they do what I'm paying them for, but it would be naive of me to expect more... in you, on the other hand, I see potential! Oh, and if the word 'proactive' bothers you... let's put it this way - it seems you noticed the Angvar's gang was up to something before they acted; had you authority to remove them before they put the plan into action, nothing would've happened..."

2017-03-02, 04:03 PM

Nodding her head, Liz smiles, "That makes sense, and it's not like I couldn't use some more coin for supplies...I'll take you up on the offer, boss."

For those of you who aren't in the skype chat; My computer died last Thursday and I'm stuck on a ****ty laptop or mobile until I get a new motherboard, so my posts will be slowish and short for a week or two. Sorry.

2017-03-02, 09:41 PM

Hearing Liz's response, there was little doubt to be left in her mind. She had no intention of going anywhere despite the recent chaos below, and while she had no love for the gambling-hall's proprietor, she had no reason to refuse the offer to operate within its halls. In fact, it made doing what she already had been doing a much simpler task. Rather then offering a word, she merely gestured with her hand from the hall in acceptance of the position. The offer to be included on the pay-roll of so disreputable an individual was something unsavory, but it was just the means to an end and she didn't loose sight of the larger picture.

2017-03-03, 02:39 PM
Virran stayed silent for several moments, his mask concealing an unbecoming smirk that the voice could easily bewray. He could see potential? The human must had had impressively perspicacious eyesight, making it all the more questionable how did not he himself divine just what his unruly clients were intending to do. Or, perhaps, he was simply delusional and only saw what he wanted to see. Either way, any attempts to correct his misconceptions were unlikely to succeed - and there was little reason to even try. Whatever purpose Magesh could have to see this man, he did not raise his voice yet; was it something to be kept clandestine? The less the elf was to involve himself in such distractions, the better; he did not need to know. But he did need to spend undeterminable period of time in this town, and any other place was hardly going to be any better... "Fine," - he sighed, raising his gaze on the proprietor again. - "For now, it is a temporarily acceptable offer."

2017-03-07, 02:12 AM
"Perfect, perfect!" Saul nods, "In that case, let's get you all settled..."

The rest of the night - and the next day - passes as the staff removes the signs of the heist from the premises - blood is bad for business, after all, at least if one wants to keep the pretense of civility. Meanwhile, three newly-hired - and one promoted (with access to her gear restored, even though it is officially 'lent' to her from the place - in fact, when not in use, both armor and the glaive are displayed on the hall's wall as decorations... incidentally, within easy reach from the stage, should Liz find sudden need of them again) - partners get accustomed to the way things are run in the Goblin under the guidance of one Larur Feldin, casino's floor manager, a bald, stocky dwarf with a lush brown beard.


The PCs are provided with lodgings in area 19 for free should they need it, and are invited to dine with the owner in area 27; area 25 is Saul's office where he conducts the "hiring interviews", with black area below it being - assumedly - his personal quarters. Catwalks in area 30 provide clear view of the gambling floor.
Area 8 is the vault.

16 Arodus, 4708

It is the first night for the new crew - including the newly-appointed partners, but also several cooks, waitresses and bouncers, hastily hired after part of the staff resigned after the tournament went awry; and, even on the first day, it is already not everything calm in the hall.
Among the usual hustle and bustle of a gambling hall, there is some excess noise coming from the direction of entrance; four men, likely sailors from their dress, complain loudly about being cheated of their winnings after the tournament was cut short. So far, they don't go beyond comlpaints, but short blades are hanging from their belts, and they look drunk enough to escalate to using them, and still sober enough to do so proficiently, and bouncers certainly aren't willing to cause another bloodbath as long as another options exist...

2017-03-09, 12:01 AM

The young human had taken to her new role with gusto, though she tended to give her best effort to anything she attempted. Still, she did her best to make friends with the new staff and the patrons while performing her duties both as a partner and an entertainer, though the former wasn't much of an issue at first. It came up sooner than she expected though, and overhearing the sailors' complaints and seeing the weapons at their side, she made the executive decision to do something about it.

While it was entirely possible to simply cow them and scare them off, she did have a duty to ensure the Golden Goblin's prosperity, and scaring away customers was just bad publicity. So she approached with a disarming smile, "Gentleman! I'm really quite sorry to hear that the criminal attack here kept you from your certainly well-deserved coin, but if the four of you would be willing to join me in the back room I'd be happy to hold a private tournament until you're satisfied?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

OK, apparently I haven't gotten around to rebuilding the sheet yet, thought I did that. Luckily I rolled diplomacy earlier so I still have that number, and that will actually help me rebuild my sheet because it tells me how much Cha I had lol

2017-03-09, 10:40 AM
Virran considered himself an elf of his word. An agreement was an agreement, and it had to be upheld. But what that strange man wanted from them was so vague that any attempt at fulfilling the promise had to inevitably end in utter lack of mutual understanding. Besides, there were other binding oaths - made with far clearer purpose. At least the arrangement with young halfblood's matriarch was more or less completed; after arriving in this city, they each had their own venues to pursue. And for the elf it meant trying to comprehend the darkness in the sky, as commanded his far more important oath to his teacher.

Which, of course, was nowhere as easy to fulfill. Especially within such short time that passed yet; it was going to take long. And, perhaps, the deal with the human could be useful after all. Keeping an eye on his patrons was just as helpful as looking for somebody learned in arts of fate in any other random place; and, at the moment, Virran was watching the hall from a place not too far from the entrance, killing time by making notes of the little progress so far. In future, the journal could help keeping track of the truth; for now, it at least filtered out the usual noise. Which, at the moment, was growing a bit louder than usual.

Somebody was complaining about the lack of luck? Everybody did in that hall. Somebody could quit gambling over it, perhaps? Good for them, and maybe good for the establishment too. Was it such a big loss to the size of its clientele? Maybe a den of vice going out of business was not the worst end in the world. Regardless, he promised to help keeping order; and his spear was leaning against the wall right next to him. For some mysterious reason, humans in this city were rarely appreciative of civilised discussion, so he left talking to somebody else - if human customs even required any talking over such regular occasion as unruly customers. But, hearing familiar voice nearby, he nonetheless nodded to the woman, showing that he was listening - and ready to assist, if need be.

If there was some unfathomable way to provide assistance against nonexistent problem.

2017-03-09, 02:44 PM

Much like she always had, the nimble Sylph stayed out of the way and out of sight. She didn't feel any kind of particular way about the proposed agreement between herself and Mr. Biggs, or whatever his name was. Simply a means to an end. Verbal agreements and such had very little weight within her mind, it was simply a matter if she wanted to do something or if some moral obligation convinced her she should. There was no love of law or the toilsome posturing of men within her heart, and the greasy little man who sought her employ had spectacularly failed to convince her this dismal place was truly worth the effort. Behind the fancy lights and frill lace of the table covers, this was no better than a bandit's den. A hub of disguised sin and villainy, reeling in ever more victims while intoxicating them with dreams and an environment conductive to ensaring the feeble minded. No, she had no love for this place and knew well it's game and how it nearly captured her as well.

Much of the time was spent shadowing Liz from above, sometimes below, darting between patrons, shadow and out from behind the bends of halls and doors. She made every attempt to be present, yet remain unnoticed, a specter sauntering through the house of coin. The sight of the disgruntled men did little to capture her attention, but seeing Liz approach them, she readied measures of her own, keeping her long black bow tucked behind the billowing folds of her mantle. Looking out from the surging patrons, she could call the wind to guide her missile into the one of the sorry-fool's hands, or perhaps even a location even more wounding if the situation required. Though she was not above killing, fights under such circumstances could hardly be warranted as appropriate. After all, just by simple merit of entering this establishment full of drunkards, high tensions and short fuses one nearly gave formal invitation to invite conflict. Most men that walked through that door wouldn't even remember what transpired the next day. Fool's to be sure, but this was not a battle between men and monster, only simple minded fools. She almost couldn't fault the Golden Goblin for taking advantage of such poor clientele. After all, if not them, someone else would eagerly be willing to fill those shoes and line their purse.

Ready attack to shoot a sailor if one attacks Liz

2017-03-10, 07:23 AM
"Yeah sure!" one of the sailors replies, "So you could cheat us of what little we have left!" Perhaps alcohol clouds his mind, after all, making him miss a rather obvious implication of Liz's suggestion, "Now move aside and let us speak to the owner!" he steps towards the dancer, raising his hand - but not drawing his sword so far, his pals following closely behind. No strangers to drunken brawls, patrons shift aside, not wanting to get caught. Bouncers... are looming nearby, but unwilling to intervene so far; after all, it didn't go past words yet.

Sailors get [roll0] initiative; Rose gets a surprise round, so can ready attack even if she loses on init.

2017-03-12, 03:24 AM

From the distance, she couldn't quite make out all the dialogue between Liz and the group of sailors but after a brief pause and the sudden motion she resolved that the talk had fallen through. From her nook she unveiled the large black-bow from the folds of her crimson shawl, arrow nocked while another was already whistling through the air. Her immediate response left no time for a prayer to the wind spirits, but she figured two arrows would make up for the difference, steadying her aim before releasing a second missile.

Readied Attack @ Sailor near Liz
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Thistle Arrow - 1 additional point of damage for [roll2] rounds

(With the assumption my readied action goes off before initiative)
Initiative [roll3]
Initiative Attack [roll4] @ Same sailor if still left standing, or next closest to Liz
Damage [roll5]
Thistle Arrow - 1 additional point of damage for [roll6] rounds

2017-03-13, 11:46 AM
Rose's first arrow flies swift and hits the sailor right in the very arm he raised at Liz; that alone seems to only drive him angrier from pain, but barely a second later, another arrow strikes him - and this one hits right at the chest, dropping the man down. Sobering up instantly, the man's companions grab him and drag him away - should he survive until the nearest healer, he'll likely live... but, given, Rose's arrows only begin to hurt the moment they pierce their target, it doesn't seem very likely.

For a moment, it seems the gambling hall might fall into panic again, but Saul takes the opportunity and takes the center stage. "Ladies and gentlemen!" he proclaims, "Just now, you witnessed the example of the new order here at the Gold Goblin. No longer will anyone be allowed to raise their hand on either a member of staff or a fellow patron within these walls; those who break these rules would be dealt with, swiftly and efficiently. To ensure this, under the new policy no weapons are allowed in the hall; those who carry them are strongly encouraged to temporarily surrender them to the security." He waves at the bouncers... and very obviously includes Virran, Magesh, Liz and the seemingly empty piece of the ceiling in his gesture. "Please enjoy your meals, drinks and games without worrying!"

This declaration, as expected, causes a wave of uproar, but... the 'example of new order' made a strong impression; perhaps half a dozen patrons leave hastily, but the rest decide to follow the new policy, and after a couple minutes a couple of bouncers at the door end up guarding a decent collection of blades of every kind, as well as clubs, axes and so on. The hall gradually goes quiet - or, at least, filled with the regular assortment of sounds of a gambling hall. From the table at the wall, a large, powerfully-built man with a grizzled face wearing a simple suit slowly claps looking at Saul with completely flat face.

The man's suit might be simple looking, but it fits him perfectly, and the cloth is of highest quality; the outfit must be worth quite an amount

The man is, in fact, no one but Clegg Zincher, one of the Riddleport's Crimelords

2017-03-15, 02:31 AM

Frowning in Rose's direction as she looses an arrow, having thought she could keep the situation in hand, Liz simply sighs and returns to work as the sailors leave and Saul gives his short speech. Figuring that would've been the extent of the day's excitement she began to move back to entertaining only to briefly catch a glimpse of Clegg Zincher's face. Realizing that he could be either a great boon or problem for the Goblin, and being partly responsible for its success, Liz made an executive decision to approach the crimelord, smiling. "I hadn't expected to see such an important figure grace the halls so soon after last night's incident, Sir," she says, trying to be courteous. "I'd be happy to help, if you told me what brought you here."

I had a +12 diplomacy in the first post. I'm trying to figure out how I got that...masterwork tools for another +2, maybe? I must've had something because there's no way I had 22 Cha...

I'm still in the midst of rebuilding the sheet so I'm going to roll with that +12 for now, but Jamie as a heads up I only have a +10 at the moment so your call on if yo uwant to deduct the -2 unless I can quickly figure out where the extra is coming from. [roll0]

2017-03-15, 02:37 PM
"Don't mind me", Clegg replies calmly, ignoring Liz's charms, "I just came to check on Saul's latest pet project... and his newest pals. That is, you."

2017-03-22, 12:49 AM

Still smiling, "Oh, I see. Well, I'm here if you need me for anything, but if you're only here to observe..." she trails off, intending to go about her duties should he have no particular need of her. He was important, of course, but if he wasn't doing anything more than watching there was little point in toadying up to him.

2017-03-27, 08:43 AM
Clegg acknowledges Liz's offer with a nod, but doesn't act on it; nor does he stay much longer - the man heads to the Golem tables and plays several rounds, winning some, losing some and ultimately remaining with more or less his own, keeping formally polite all the while and leaving substantial tips before leaving.

Well, of course, "substantial" tips might not mean much for a would-be adventurer; still, for an average 1st level Expert with +7 or so in Profession, 4 GP is half the average week's earnings :-) So feel free to add them to your sheets.

Rest of the night passes uneventfully, but when the casino closes its doors and the staff starts cleaning the place up, a scream of pain sounds from the scullery, and moments later one of the cooks runs into the hall, her face pale from terror. "A snake! A giant snake!" she manages to scream, gaping for breath, "It bit Lily!"

2017-03-28, 03:54 PM
Just as it was to be expected, the incidents got resolved rather uneventfully. That is, on the scale of this city, of course; Virran slowly started getting used to just how crazy humans could be even when dealing with their own kin. If nobody was killed by such... timely display of archery, it probably counted as ordinary enough - at least, most patrons did not seem to mind it, accepting the new rules prohibiting weapons far calmer than the recent event when they were put to a lot of use. In some way, it even made sense; and, not bothering to ponder customs of humankind longer than it could be relevant, on that note the elf closed and stowed his journal. Watching over a stock of weaponry while also keeping an eye on the crowd in case somebody was hiding something despite the new rule did not need any distractions.

And, somehow, no distractions followed. Of course, there were occurrences worthy of attention. Like that man, matching a description that Virran heard somewhere during his initial exploration of the city. How did his simple questions even led to such discussions of local personages... he could not quite recall, nor did he really care. Humans sure liked wasting their short lives on irrelevant matters; he was not going to pay this visit too much mind. This den of vice attracted its specific kind of clientele, and such a visitor was probably not much different from the owner of the establishment. Dismissing the event from his thoughts, the elf turned his attention back to reality - just in time to hear somebody scream. For once, some human apparently managed to find something actually important to mention. And if somebody was hurt or needed help, he was not going to stand idly watching.

"Giant snake?" - grabbing his spear from its resting spot, Virran approached the cook and stopped just short of grabbing her arm, for once remembering the reaction some humans in the city used to have when addressed by his masked figure. - "How giant, exactly?" Still, unless he was going to shake some sense into her (the thought crossed his mind, but it was hardly going to work swiftly enough), a response was unlikely to be sufficiently coherent. And why bother deciphering screaming, if he could see it with his own eyes? Giving the cook only a brief pause to try to answer, the elf already was on his way towards the direction whence she came. "Are giant snakes normal around your city?" - he asked, passing by somebody and not even bothering to check whom exactly, but hoping that this interlocutor had better presence of mind.

2017-03-29, 04:56 AM
"Well, I mean, sir, it's big!" the cook utterly fails to disappoint Virran in his assumptions. "Not in the town, no!" the man Virran selected quidkly replies, "Well, baybe in the sewers, but certainly not in the buildings!"

Making his way to the scullery, elf would likely be somewhat disappointed; while no small specimen at about seven feet long, the snake in question hardly qualifies for 'giant'. On the other hand, unconscious young woman lying nearby, blood still dripping from her arm, is a sufficient experimental proof that even at this size, it's quite capable of harming a human - or, for that matter, elf - sized target.

2017-03-30, 03:27 PM

Hearing the scream alone would've been enough for Liz to grab her weapon and come running, though she didn't have time to don her armor and the appellation of "giant" meant she certainly wouldn't delay long enough for it. Once getting to the kitchen though, she breathes out a sigh of relief. It wasn't small, but it seemed to be an ordinary snake, not a monstrous one, and that meant it was easily dealt with...but there was little point in trying to kill it. The injured woman needed protecting though, so she had to act fast.

Doing her best to approach calmly, though with her golden glaive at the ready in case the snake lunged for her, Liz moves to position herself between the serpent and the girl, speaking in a commanding voice, "You don't belong here, get out before you get hurt."

I don't actually have wild empathy, but I'm planning on multiclassing into ranger next level so she might as well practice? Here's a charisma check in case it matters [roll0]

Anyway I figure we'll still have to fight it, but I don't have a map so I can't see where things are and we haven't rolled initiative yet, so....

2017-03-31, 11:01 AM
Humans definitely had a certain way of using their words. Not exactly the most reasonable way, of course, and surely not the most helpful, but... it was difficult to deny that the snake was big or that it bit somebody. Compared to her employer, the cook was a master of concise communication. If only there could be enough time to ask her some questions that could actually evoke useful answers - but time was running out, at least for the woman on the floor (and not in the usual sense of brevity of any human's life). Other matters had to wait. Of course, like so many other thoughts already, this one had to be revised too, as he was no longer alone in the room. (Or did unconscious person and big, but not too big, snake disqualify it from counting as being alone in first place? In the land of humans, every word he said or thought had to be chosen carefully to have at least a chance of being understood...)

"Pareana?.." - he turned to the woman who now was wielding a glaive, recalling her name not without some effort, but definitely remembering that she worked there before and probably knew the place and the surrounding city. - "Is there a healer nearby? Anybody who can help her? She needs it swift, but I doubt that talking to snakes is going to do any good..." His tone was quite sincere; he only doubted it, not going to be too much surprised if that strange woman was about to command a snake by voice alone. But just in case that it was not going to happen, he shifted his grip on his own weapon into ready stance and stepped towards the bitten woman and her attacker, trying to find some angle at which two polearms could have enough space to swing at once.

2017-04-01, 03:21 PM
Technically, Virran is right; it is possible to drive animals away with power of words alone... this, however, is most certainly not that case; the snake is certainly unwilling to listen, and only raises on its tail, hissing menacingly.


In case of a fight, snake gets [roll0] init.

2017-04-03, 03:43 PM

Seeing that discussion wasn't going to help, Liz opted instead to try and smack the snake with the flat of the glaive's blade, hoping to scare it away without needing to kill it, "Well, that didn't work. I'll keep its attention, get the girl!"

Shifting glaive to non-reach mode
Nonlethal Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-04-05, 07:04 AM
Glaives... aren't really made for flat strikes, air resistance trying to veer the blade off course constantly; but skill overcomes such obstacles, and the flat side of the blade connects with the snake's body with a thump; if Liz really hoped to scare the reptile away, well, that plan failed spectacularly - but if her aim was to attract the creature's attention, well, that succeeded brilliantly.

2017-04-06, 06:47 PM

The ranger had kept her distance, and remained impassive while idling her time off in the corners of the establishment. The time had mostly passed uneventfully with a handful of familiar faces making their way to-and-fro. There seemed to always be new persons who would find their way through those same boring wooden doors and she couldn't help but wonder how one would manage to keep their sanity here, languishing away to the same boring tune of dice and raucous clamor. She could no longer claim any fondness for the place, and secretly hoped the entire establishment would simply burn down; that way Liz would move on to a less toilsome endeavor.

Unfortunately that was not the case. The name of some 'big-shot' crimelord was lost upon her, as was the significance of his visit. Just another face in a sea of faces, just another neerdowell with too big a chip on his shoulder. The social happenings of the citizens had never been a concern for her, and it wasn't now. Her place was, and remained, with the wilds and wilderness, and so she paid it little mind. The endless rounds and posturing had grated on her last nerve. She had walked the perimeter of the gambling hall's interior nearly a thousand times, keeping her self on-guard and in motion, but that gesture had since taken flight and not returned. The time she had wasted in this place was both unforeseen and unprecedented. Never had she imagined the 'job' they had taken last for so long, or be so droll. The notion of protecting Liz was replaced with one of boredom. She lay face-down under an unused gambling table, like a red rug carelessly spread when the scream pierced the air.

At first she didn't move, taking a long breath before producing an exceptionally lazy sigh. After a moment she dragged herself up from the ground and sluggishly made her way towards the direction of the noisy chattering voices, dragging her feet with each step. Looking at the distressed cook and hearing of some giant snake, she slid her bow into hand. Beasts and animals almost never reacted well when placed in a strange foreign environment, she had enough experience to know many times such creatures would react even more violently when so displaced. As Liz went in one door, she resolved to circle about and watch from the other, non-occupied entrance. She cracked open the entrance to watch what might unfold. The strange sight did not disappoint; Liz was strange, but 'snake-whisperer' was a new direction entirely. Her eyes filled with wide awe and hopeful anticipation as she gestured and spoke to the creature. She had heard of druids and other masters of the wood who possessed a near-mystical bond with the creatures of the wilderlands.... but after the snake began to hiss and threateningly shake it's rattling tail, she came to the quick realization this was far from that. The girl was just acting a fool. Creatures such as this were fearsome, enemies worth respect; not fluffy innocents who knew no wrong. The natural world did not paint itself in slathering dyes of black or white, hunter and pray were the only distinctions worth mention here. A lesson best learned now, before the glaive wielding woman became the later.

As Liz stormed into the room after her failed act of diplomacy with the venomous serpent, the opposite door slammed open with a gust of wind as rose stood with blackbow leveled and drawn. She called upon the winds about her to surge and guide her shot once more. Her sight traced the small funnel of stillness where the wind divided, turning and bringing itself to touch the creature's head - an elemental path tracing where her will guided the missile. Without hesitation, she released the cruel bolt of twisted ivy and thorns.

Initi [roll0]

*Attacking Snake
Dead Aim - Ranged Touch Attack
Deadly Aim - (-1/+2)
Move Action - Bulls Eye Shot +4

Touch Attack [roll1] @ Snake
Damage [roll2]
Thistle Arrow - 1 additional point of damage for [roll3] rounds