View Full Version : Sky Knights: Romanticism in the Clouds

2017-01-24, 04:52 AM
Hey guys, hopefully I am posting this in the right spot. I was hoping I could get your advice and ideas on this campaign world I am building. After doing some research and playing games taking place during World War 1 I had the idea of creating a campaign based around the romanticism of aerial combat. How pilots were deemed to be the chivalrous knights of old and daring swashbucklers in the air. I plan to use Pathfinder for the campaign and potentially using some Third Party Publisher content to iron out things. Anyways, please tell me your thoughts! :)

The setting is in a fictional early 1900s where the world's powers or "Jewels" are at all out war with each other to claim the Mandate of the Heavens. This Mandate declares that the Heavenly Council has chosen a specific "Jewel" to rule over the world. After the assassination of the Alabaster Jewel's King, the other Jewels found themselves free from the Alabaster's grip. The assassination showed how weak the Alabaster were and thus launched the other Jewels in an all out war to claim this Mandate. Only when all other Jewels yeild before you, can you take the Mandate as yours. However this war has put the theater of war on a new stage with new machines of war to contend with. Out of this new era of war has come pilots who maneuver through the skies in the newly discovered aeroplanes. The skies capture a feeling of a by gone time where you challenge worthy foes to a grim battle of enlightenment. Where your skill truly shines and can be a beacon to rally those around you. In the clouds, these Sky Knights duel with their mettle and their wits. All to become known as an Ace. Ruby, Jade, Sapphire, Amethyst, Onyx, and Alabaster all have pilots that take to the clouds to prove their worth to one another. As a pilot you are respected by friend and for alike. This is Sky Knights: Romanticism in the Clouds.

I mainly need help and ideas with how I should set up the Jewels and the world. And any advice regarding the aerial combat portion and the right military vocabulary will be gratefully appreciated it. I also plan on there being land battles with tanks and armored trains while the PC pilots provide aerial support to the land troops. Also having naval based missions where the PC pilots may have to defend the warships from bombers. Probably throw in scenarios where you have to defend the airship carrier from enemy assasults. Although this game will have a heavy military action feel to it, I also want to put politics and intrigue into the game as well to help spice up the setting. Like maybe getting a telegram too late stating to hold off the bombing run a costal town due to there still being civilians being evacuated.

Again sorry for the long ramble, any help in making this idea flourish more and have a more stable foundation to stand on would be awesome. Also if you can point in the right direction for a good map maker that would be extremely helpful.