View Full Version : Outfitting A Giant Undead Monster Made up of T-Rexes

2017-01-24, 10:20 AM
So recently we came across a forest full of dinosaurs, and ended up with a lot of T-Rex Corpses. As a Necromancer it seemed like a waste to just leave them lying around, and so I decided that building a Necrocraft would be a good idea! Because why the hell not, I've always wanted a massive undead monster to ride around on.

We also have a trainload of adamantine, it might have at one point been a train. And so, since we have all this excess, turning that from just metal we have in our pockets, to some armor for the Undead Monster seems like a good idea.

The question is, what is the best way to go about doing this? I was thinking some Full Plate, the Necrocraft is not really intended for combat, given its size it is unlikely to fit into any dungeons, so making him all defensive seems like a good idea.

Also while I am at it, are there rules for making armor that is several sizes too big for you?

Morphic tide
2017-01-24, 12:51 PM
Well, if you have the feats and GP for it, you should have +5 Defending Armor Spikes, and if you want to go full cheese, then you can have the gauntlets of the spiked armor also be spiked with +5 and Defending. IIRC, each spiked gauntlet counts as a separate weapon for enhancements, so you can get +15 AC from weapon enhancements on the set of armor, which is silly, but strong.

Uncle Pine
2017-01-24, 01:37 PM
If you're going to make defending spikes, make them +1 Defending ones and cast Greater Magic Weapon on them. Saves a ton of gp.

Where are the statistics of a necrocraft? And does it have proficiency in any armor?

There are no rules against crafting items not of your size. You just can't wear a Colossal armor if you craft it. Crafting works of the base cost of the item, not its size (of course giant armors are going to cost more than Medium ones).

Morphic tide
2017-01-24, 01:40 PM
If you're going to make defending spikes, make them +1 Defending ones and cast Greater Magic Weapon on them. Saves a ton of gp

Or you can do both, as you gain gold for upgrading. Granted, dumping all that gold into something that situational in use is not exactly a good idea.

2017-01-24, 03:00 PM
If you're going to make defending spikes, make them +1 Defending ones and cast Greater Magic Weapon on them. Saves a ton of gp.

Where are the statistics of a necrocraft? And does it have proficiency in any armor?

There are no rules against crafting items not of your size. You just can't wear a Colossal armor if you craft it. Crafting works of the base cost of the item, not its size (of course giant armors are going to cost more than Medium ones).

I am still looking into what exactly the size bonus is from going from Medium to Colossal, since the only stats provided are the medium stats, so I will have to get back to you.

That said it is not proficient in any armor, but as this really is just a massive monster to ride on I do not mind the penalty to attack roles.

Uncle Pine
2017-01-24, 03:37 PM
I am still looking into what exactly the size bonus is from going from Medium to Colossal, since the only stats provided are the medium stats, so I will have to get back to you.

That said it is not proficient in any armor, but as this really is just a massive monster to ride on I do not mind the penalty to attack roles.

If you're talking about the armor, there are no size bonus from Medium to Colossal. A Colossal armor just weighs and costs more. If you're talking about the necrocraft (wherever it's statted), if only Medium necrocrafts are statted and there is no Advancement line in the statblock, then you can't make a necrocraft other than Medium by RAW and your DM will have to come up to something. But hey, at least you can make a lot of... surfboards made of T-Rex bones? Those made from skulls and/or jaws would still be hella cool.

2017-01-24, 03:46 PM
If you're talking about the armor, there are no size bonus from Medium to Colossal. A Colossal armor just weighs and costs more. If you're talking about the necrocraft (wherever it's statted), if only Medium necrocrafts are statted and there is no Advancement line in the statblock, then you can't make a necrocraft other than Medium by RAW and your DM will have to come up to something. But hey, at least you can make a lot of... surfboards made of T-Rex bones? Those made from skulls and/or jaws would still be hella cool.


Yes I can. Scroll to the bottom, if you have 100 medium bodies worth of undead you can make a colossal Necrocraft. I have 12 T-Rexes, and 4 medium bodies worth of left over creatures to use.

I more meant the strength and such.

2017-01-24, 03:53 PM
My only recommendation/request is to make sure you leave the chest cavity both hollow and accessible.

Not just a mount, but a vehicle. Undead Adamantine T-Rex Tank.

2017-01-24, 04:05 PM
My only recommendation/request is to make sure you leave the chest cavity both hollow and accessible.

Not just a mount, but a vehicle. Undead Adamantine T-Rex Tank.

That is honestly the idea! In honor of the train that is going to be used for its body the name that we shall call it is Trainnosaurus.

Uncle Pine
2017-01-24, 06:02 PM

Yes I can. Scroll to the bottom, if you have 100 medium bodies worth of undead you can make a colossal Necrocraft. I have 12 T-Rexes, and 4 medium bodies worth of left over creatures to use.

I more meant the strength and such.

Well... yeah, that's a fairly huge gap in a statblock. I'm not familiar with Pathfinder Monster Manuals/Bestiaries, but maybe you can hope there are a bunch of additional details in the printed book compared to the "SRD". Otherwise, you could try to look for a table for PF like the one in 3.5e's Monster Manual, page 296: it details things like average CR, Str, Dex, Con, etc. for creatures. It's more of a vague guideline than anything else, but maybe it'll be useful to your DM should he need to handwave a Colossal necrocraft.

2017-01-24, 08:00 PM
See if your GM will let you pay to give this thing Integrated Weaponry as though it were a Construct using the rules for such from the Building and Modifying Constructs section of the PRD.

Would be pretty awesome to fuse giant swords to its arms or even chainguns to its shoulders (tech level willing of course).

2017-01-24, 08:16 PM
That is honestly the idea! In honor of the train that is going to be used for its body the name that we shall call it is Trainnosaurus.

You gotta keep the Rex.

Trainnosaurus Rex, the Tyrannotank.

2017-01-24, 09:03 PM
I've nothing to suggest for improving the monster, but can it please be called Trainrex?

Bad Wolf
2017-01-24, 09:27 PM
I'd like to say that I thought the title was "Outing a Giant Undead Monster Made up of T-Rexes", and I was just wondering how something like that ever could use the Disguise skill.

2017-01-24, 09:45 PM
I'd like to say that I thought the title was "Outing a Giant Undead Monster Made up of T-Rexes", and I was just wondering how something like that ever could use the Disguise skill.

Guidance of the Avatar seems like it would be a boon here. Combine it literally every Disguise boosting skill ever. Voila, the sneakiest colossal rotting undead abomination ever.