View Full Version : How does spell casting work for a cleric?

2017-01-24, 01:45 PM
I have an 18 WIS with a level 7 cleric.

I'm not sure I quite understand how to do this right, and wanted to have it kind of explained another way.

Thank you, in advance.

2017-01-24, 01:55 PM
As a 7th-level cleric, you have 4 cantrips known, as well as the following spell slots: 4 @ level 1, 3 @ level 2, 3 @ level 3, and 1 @ level 4.

Cantrips are simple (level 0) spells you know. You can cast them an infinite number of times per day.
Everything below that I write does not apply to cantrips.

You can prepare Wisdom modifier + cleric level spells each day. These are the spells you can cast that day. You can cast them at their level or a higher level (i.e., can cast the level 1 spell Cure Wounds as a level 1, 2, 3, or 4 spell.)
You use up the spell slot of the level you cast the spell at.

Unlike D&D 3.5, having a high Wisdom does not give you additional spell slots. It only boosts the spells you have prepared (essentially, 'spells known') for a given day.
Also unlike D&D 3.5, you do not prepare spells at a given spell slot. Rather, you prepare which spells you know, and 'spontaneously' decide when to cast them. Likewise, you only prepare each spell once; that is, you can prepare Cure Wounds and cast it in any of your spell slots or in none of them.

Does that help?
It's hard to answer the question by itself, since it involves a discussion of the Spellcasting system in general. Please feel free to ask follow-up questions.

Oh--and, as a cleric, you can cast spells with the [Ritual] tag as a ritual without using a spell slot. You do still need to prepare the spell, though. (This is slightly different from how wizards do ritual casting.)

Edit to add some math: with 18 Wisdom (+4 mod) and at level 7, you can prepare 4 + 7, or 11 spells each day.
Edit the 2nd: spells listed as your domain spells count as prepared, although they do not take up any of your 11 prepared spells. So, really, you have your Domain spells prepared, plus 11 additional cleric spells of your choosing.

2017-01-24, 02:05 PM
You aren't super specific as to what you're asking, so I'll try to be comprehensive.

18 wisdom is a +4 modifier, and you're level 7. Add the level to the modifier, and you have how many spells off of the cleric spell list you can prepare at any given time. Note that this is apart from your domain spell list, which you always have prepared and don't count against the number of spells you have prepared. So right now, you should have available to cast 11 spells from the cleric list plus 8 from your domain, for a total of 19 spells to choose from at any given time.

Your level 7 cleric has spell slots as shown on the table: 4 level 1, 3 level 2, 3 level 3, and 1 level 4. Any time you cast a spell that isn't a cantrip, you chose which slot to expend, which has to be at least as high as the spell you chose. Once used, you can't use that slot again until after your next long rest.

Your spells have an attack bonus or a save DC, depending on what you're casting. For the attack bonus (applied to anything that says "make an attack roll") it's your wisdom mod plus proficiency, so as a level 7 (proficiency of +3) with a +4 in wis, it'd be +7. For the save DC, it's your wis mod plus your proficiency bonus plus 8, and anything you cast such a spell on has to roll higher than that to avoid your spell. In your case your spells have a DC of 15.

2017-01-24, 03:13 PM
1: Go to the cleric class list
2: Go to 7th level
3: Run your finger across to the spell slots.
4: Write down how many spell slots you have for each level (4-1st, 3-2nd, 3-3rd, 1-4th)

Your DC is...

You know what, you probably shouldn't be playing a level 7 cleric if you are this lost. Maybe start at level 1 and work your way up?

2017-01-24, 03:55 PM
Here's my take on a general overview of how clerics work with spell casting. There are going to be variations depending on your domain.

Clerics know all the spells from their list, but can only prepare so many (Wis mod + lvl, so 11 for you). You prepare them once a day, usually in the morning, and they last until you prepare again.

You use spell slots to cast any of your spells from your prepared spell list. The slot used must be the same level as the spell, or higher. Using a higher slot will make it more powerful, depending on the spell. See the spell description for more details (for example, Cure Wounds gets more powerful the higher slot you use). You can cast the same spell repeatedly, as long as you have slots available. It doesn't get taken off your prepared spell list.

You regain your spell slots after a long rest is completed.

2017-01-24, 04:45 PM
I recommend googling for a guide on how to build clerics. I'm sure there are a few out there. Probably one somewhere on this forum.

2017-01-25, 04:52 AM
This actually answered my question perfectly. Thanks.