View Full Version : Natural Weapons + Brawler + Dragon Disc build, please help! [Pathfinder]

2017-01-25, 05:40 AM
So, I'm joining a new game soon, and i've been wanting to try this idea out for ages, but I'd love some help.

A few things:
1) I'm not looking for the most optimized build out there, just something that would let me stay average and viable in combat.
2) I'm starting as a Lizardfolk, so three natural weapons.

My concept is a lizardfolk monk/brawler. He is a religious follower of a draconic god (Custom setting) and his goal is to eventually transcend into a Dragon Disciple.

My questions come down to how is the best way to do this? I'd like to be able to get unarmed attacks and natural weapons if possible. Since I start with a bite and two claws, I don't need to go into a specific class to get them.

What sort of feats, abilities, etc would work good with my idea? I want some help and feedback, as well as some elaboration on exactly how it would all work together.

2017-01-25, 06:46 AM
natural weapons and unarmed strikes don't mix together very well. Flurry of blows (and brawlers flurry) specifically don't allow you to use natural weapons as well.

One option is non-flurry unarmed combat. You make unarmed strikes, AND your natural attacks as secondaries (at -5, half strength bonus - take Multiattack to reduce the attack penalty to -2). I think you can do kicks as two-weapon fighting so your arms are still available for clawing, but i'm not sure.

A second option is to use Feral Combat Training and/or Ascetic Style to use unarmed combat options with claws instead of punches; you invest much to gain very little.

A third option is to play a straight monk/brawler, except you have the option to claw/claw/bite instead of using a flurry of blows; in that case, i would gravitate towards archetypes that give up flurry of blows, such as the Maneuver Master, and choose options that don't strictly require unarmed strikes, such as Crane Style.