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2017-01-26, 03:41 AM
As the day dawns in earnest, turning the sea to rippling silver and gold, the mighty ship stirs to life. It is done in silence, prefaced by nothing more than Captain Karthson tapping an officer on the shoulder. Each dwarf goes about his task with precision and discipline, unmatched by human sailors, alert to the slightest gesture of their officers, knowing their duties instantly with minimal prompting.

In the face of such efficiency, you can do little but stand aside. The dwarves are wholly focused on the ship, paying you little regard except as obstacles in their path. Even Karth Kudrenson, usually very talkative, signals a need to remain still and quiet while the ship gets underway.

Captain Bain Karthson stands at the bridge of the ship and watches the whole thing, for more than an hour, utterly still except for his eyes, taking everything in. Gradually New Ganthar recedes behind you, the stench of the city giving way to the crisp sea air. Finally, once you are far out to sea, the coast a smear on the horizon and the sails billowing with a healthy wind, the Captain moves. He leans to the rail and knocks on it twice, before walking over to you. From the grins on several faces, you take it that his signal was a mark of approval.

"Now, I have leisure to speak with you," the Captain tells you. "Join me in my cabin; I will answer your questions as best I can."

He leads you through a door and into a spacious cabin - in every sense except for headroom. For you humans, the roof is uncomfortably close, touching your hair as you walk; for the dwarf, it is low but comfortable.

The cabin is mostly unadorned, but a large rectangular table is bolted in place at the centre, a dark red wood inlaid with panels in a much paler tone, forming a runic design. The Captain assumes his place at the head of the table, easing sideways into a chair affixed to the floor, and signalling for you to do the same.

Taking a number of iron mugs, he opens a valve on a cask by the head of the table, pouring a shallow measure of a pale golden ale into each one. Handing them out carefully, he takes a sip before speaking.

"You wish to learn more about our culture. It is difficult to answer that. When you live a way of life, you grow blind to it - you take it for granted. Perhaps you have questions I might answer, rather than my trying to guess what you don't know?"

2017-01-26, 07:05 AM
Gunn raises his mug toward the captain. "Perhaps you could start with drinking customs? We sometimes touch our mugs to one another before drinking. It is called a toast. Do you have a similar ritual? When you perform it, do you look each other in the eye?" Gunn smiles. "Consider us as knowing nothing of the dwarves, and you will not be disappointed."

"You have been among the humans. Which of our customs seemed strange to you when you first began to interact with us?"

"Do strangers acknowledge one another on the street? In the tavern? What time do crowds start to form in taverns? What drinks are respectable and what drinks are... curious? What games do children play?"

"What is your most well known work of art of any kind? Specifically, what is your most well known poem? Painting? Sculpture? Story?"

"How do you divide your week? What days do you work, and what days do you rest? What do you do on your rest days?"

"What are your courtship rituals? Who approaches who, or does it not matter? How does a dwarf show their intention? How does your culture define beauty?"

Gunn smiles again, and gestures with his free hand. "As you can see, Captain, there is no end to what I wish to know. I'm sure that your answers to my questions will lead me to more questions, and and appreciate all the time you have to give us."

2017-01-26, 08:27 AM
"Perhaps treating us like you would a dwarven child when you are teaching them how to be a proper member of your society? " Sister Rosalind comments thinking this would be the easiest way to learn. After all, asking questions would only get one so far versus living the lifestyle.

2017-01-26, 02:21 PM
The Captain looks taken aback by the barrage of questions. Eyeing his drink, he says wryly, "I'm going to need a bigger mug.

"A child learns through watching and copying. It takes many years. I doubt you have time for that. Answering questions is easier.

"Drinking customs, you wanted to start with, yes? That's a pleasant enough subject, at least. Well, let's see. The host is meant to serve the drink in front of his guests, from one keg, and to drink before they do. Someone told me once it's to do with proving the drink isn't poisoned, but I don't know the truth of that. I do know it makes working behind a bar a job for those with iron stomachs.

"I know a little of toasting - you do it sometimes to show respect for someone or something, I think? We don't do that, but if it's the holy day of someone's ancestor, they drink twice as much in honour of them. And those celebrating a victory of some sort will often buy drinks for other patrons - I think we have that in common.

"I guess that says something about our attitude to drink. Contests are frequent and often go on for hours. Being able to hold your ale is respected; being out of control through drink brings shame."

He drinks down his ale, pouring another and looking around to check everyone else has enough. "Oh - and it brings shame on a host to let his guests' cups go dry for long. So don't hold out on me!"

Once satisfied you are all provided for, he turns to the next subject.

"What seemed strange to me about humans? Why, you're all mad as a troll in a bonfire, if you'll forgive the insult.

"You go around with no regard for clan, or even family. You think nothing of speaking falsehoods to get your way, of striking deals which put you at an unfair advantage. You have whole industries built around getting back more than what you give - 'interest' you call it - as though debt were a cause of joy.

"You treat relationships like a cloak you can put on, and throw off on a whim. You strike up friendships and even romantic trysts with strangers. You serve first this master, and then that; accept this servant into your household, and then discard him within a few years for another.

"You have men and even women - even children - on your streets, homeless, destitute. Have they no clan to care for them? If they do not, if such shame lies upon them as that, why are they permitted to walk the streets of your city at all?

"It even comes down to the way to conduct yourselves each day. Two men can argue with bitter words - deadly words - but both walk away, and the next day they are reconciled. Men and women greet each other with touches and worse in plain view. Your dress, your speech - all that you do is strange to us. It will be long, I think, before we understand each other."

He stops there, looking solemnly at Rosalind, then Gunn.

"Forgive me: I have spoken freely because you asked it of me, in order to do your duty. If I have given offence, I offer suitable recompense."

Once that is dealt with, he thinks back to Gunn's other questions.

"What else... etiquette between strangers, I think? We have a different view of strangers to you, I believe. Those of a common clan - even those who have not met before - are never strangers. Those of another clan are greeted in line with the relationship between our clan and theirs. Those of no clan at all... well. Best avoided altogether.

"But if your question is, how should a foreigner conduct himself on our shores, I can only give you the advice I was given by my father, when first I sailed to a strange land. Offer no disrespect or violence, let those you meet set the tone, and spend as much time as you can with your hosts or their kin. They will be your guides.

"Perhaps in a tavern, where attitudes are as you rightly guess more relaxed, you could be more daring. I would not recommend it. As for drinks, if it's sold in our taverns, you're fine. I think you have this idea in your country, that some drinks are fitting for women, others for men? I've been drunk under the table five times in my life, and three of those were women. In Kharheim, women drink what men drink - and often better."

He stops at a knock on the door. Rising, he walks with an easy, rolling gait to answer it, revealing the officer who was at the helm earlier. The two exchange quiet words, and then the helmsman leaves, while Karthson returns to his chair.

"Ship's business. Forgive the interruption. Now, your other questions.

"Children play whatever suits their young imaginations. Playing at being adults, mostly - at being warriors, in particular. Or at the roles in which their clans excel - whatever they most aspire to. Games of strategy - stones, chess, certain card games - have a following in older children, and indeed many adults.

"Works of art... my clan are seafarers, Mr Gunn, not bards. But there are some things that are so widely known, even I have heard of them.

"Poetry, stories - each clan has its records of the noble ancestors before us, but in the sense you mean, what springs to mind are the great sagas of Tarin Thundersoul. His works recount the great events in the history of Kharheim, centuries of conflict and triumph, honour and outrage, in verse and rhyme. My mother once took me to a reciting of the Fourth Saga. By my ancestors, those were an incredible three days.

"Paintings, we don't tend to bother with. Our art doesn't have a lot of imagery in it; it is more like this." He taps the table, with its runic design in inlaid wood, to emphasise the point. "But sculpture - recording things in wood and stone - that we have plenty of.

"Chances are you're going to the Hall of the Great Clanmeet, I guess? There's a statue there that fair takes the breath away. Or so I'm told - my son went there once, but I've not had the privilege. And Honoured Bhatrem spoke of it once. Supposed to be the founders of each clan, memorialised in stone higher than the masts of this ship, the stone work and the choice of materials - well, you'd swear it was real, is all. Hard to explain to an outsider what something like that means - what it symbolizes for us.

"Now, I reckon that's all your questions - or all it's seemly to talk about, at least. Or is there still more you want to know?"

2017-01-26, 07:53 PM
Gunn drinks while the Captain talks, listening and nodding respectfully. The ale is good, and he drinks his cup dry when the Captain mentions it, and the second one is nearly empty by the time the Captain's answers are finished. "Your people may not be artists, but you've painted quite a picture with your words. I have only one question--you said women drink what men drink; is there a division of roles along gender lines, perhaps in the household, or along fields of work? You also mentioned that your clan were seafarers, is that by tradition, or is it uniform--what I mean is, are most of your clan seafarers, or all?" He smiles, "And though I would not expect you to perform a recitation, perhaps you could give us a summary of that Fourth Saga?"

2017-01-26, 11:53 PM
"A child learns through watching and copying. It takes many years. I doubt you have time for that. Answering questions is easier.

" I believe in this instance a mixture of both may produce the best results. It will allow us to try to learn small things your people do that we would not think of, while also allowing us to practice what you have already taught us. For example while we are sailing if you could ask your men to help me learn your tongue, I doubt I will have mastered it by the time we make port. However a simple greeting in your native tongue could go a long way in showing how truthful we are being when we come to your lands to ask for forgiveness and peace for the mistakes of those who should not have been allowed to hold power. Something I have been told the prince made sure to change after the chancellor refused to back down from a war he started." Sister Rosalind explains, hoping if she showed a true interest in learning how to speak like them, and some of their social ques, they would see that the prince was at least trying to make up for the mistake the chancellor had made.

When the topic goes on to drinking Sister Rosalind remains silent for the most part, she understood drinking customs were important to most men, however to her they seemed rather odd. Barbaric even at the worst of times, it was one of the reasons she rarely drank, unless it was a holy wine on a holy day. And even than it was only in prayer she did so. Because of this she made a point to nurse her own drink very carefully not knowing how well the exotic drink would have on her. " Would it be frowned upon if one who was not accustomed to drinking to hold back and not drink as much as others?" Sister Rosalind asked out of curiosity as it seemed she would be drinking a lot in the coming days if what she had heard so far was any indicator. "My vows do not stop me from drinking, however I tend to stay away from it unless it is a religious holiday, and as such I would not wish to bring shame for not being able to hold my liquor for instance, nor bring shame on my host for not keeping my glass full. Is their something your people do in this rare instance?"

"What seemed strange to me about humans? Why, you're all mad as a troll in a bonfire, if you'll forgive the insult.

"You go around with no regard for clan, or even family. You think nothing of speaking falsehoods to get your way, of striking deals which put you at an unfair advantage. You have whole industries built around getting back more than what you give - 'interest' you call it - as though debt were a cause of joy.

"You treat relationships like a cloak you can put on, and throw off on a whim. You strike up friendships and even romantic trysts with strangers. You serve first this master, and then that; accept this servant into your household, and then discard him within a few years for another.

"You have men and even women - even children - on your streets, homeless, destitute. Have they no clan to care for them? If they do not, if such shame lies upon them as that, why are they permitted to walk the streets of your city at all?

"It even comes down to the way to conduct yourselves each day. Two men can argue with bitter words - deadly words - but both walk away, and the next day they are reconciled. Men and women greet each other with touches and worse in plain view. Your dress, your speech - all that you do is strange to us. It will be long, I think, before we understand each other."

Sister Rosalind could not help as she tried to suppress a laugh as the Captain mentioned many of the flaws she herself had seen in New Ganther, that were different from her own home. However she was curious now on how they treated such things. " Please forgive my rudness Captain Karthson, it is just that as an outsider to New Ganther I noticed many of these things as well. Perhaps where I am from things are different, after all the Lovers are the primary gods worshiped where I live, so relationships are taken very seriously, as is the treating of ones neighbors. My homeland has no one living on the streets unless they personally choose to. Long ago we learned how to eliminate poverty, and while it was hard at first from what I hear. Now the kingdom is rather peaceful." Sister Rosalind explains kindly to the dwarf hoping he would forgive her laughing.

"I myself came to New Ganther to challenge the natural way they were living and try to make it more civilized. In that regard I am happy to say I found Mr. Gunn to help me procure a building to begin treating the poor of the city out of as well as the sick. My temple you see treats all who enter it without question, all we ask is that while within the walls no weapons or violence be allowed to take place within the walls. Because of this, it seems even the gangs have left my temple alone, no doubt because they use it themselves. However it has become a safehaven to many poor people, and when I return I hope to keep the flame of hope I have begun to ignite flowing when I open a second hospice to help the poor. This one however will have a herb garden as well as a school to help educate the poor so they can try to better their lives. If you do not mind me asking, your clanless why are they this way? I can not see for instance someone becoming poor in your nation, and simply being shunned, plus the way you say it, as if they are outcasts makes me wounder why they are called such."

"How does one become a friend unless one begins speaking to another however? I can understand the romantic part rather well given I worship a love that has gone on since the dawn of time. And to this day I can happily say I have not allowed anyone that close to me, but the starting of friendships seems odd to me. Could you perhaps explain how one were to make a friend in your homeland?" She asks curious, after all she had considered the captain a acquaintance at the moment, and perhaps a friend later down the road.

"As for the way we dress, if it will make a bad impression I could try and sew my own version of one of your rather simple outfits. I would of course need some help knowing about what a woman should wear. I doubt their is enough material on the boat or spare that I keep on me however to make something for Mr. Gunn or Mr. Matryn." She offers, willing to do all she could to try and be accommodating to these peoples ways without breaking her own vows. "Also is any form of touching allowed in public, or is it strictly not allowed. This is something that I could see could easily cause a fight between our people and I would like to make sure Mr. Matryn is well informed of the guidelines and rules of when it is acceptable and not acceptable." she says filled with curiosity.

"Please Captain, I have not been insulted by your words at all. We are speaking truthfully to one another, and in such all parties must be open to listen if they ever wish to learn. If someone got insulted by the answer to a question, they should have not have gone out seeking an answer." Sister Rosalind reassures the captain.

"Your homeland sounds beautiful the way you describe it Captain Karthson. So if I may ask one more question before you must attend to your duties, may I follow around my host to learn the what I can until we arrive in port? I will make sure to do whatever other duties are required of me, as agreed upon in my own host gift of course as well." Sister Rosalind says formally, trying to make this sound as important as possible to her.

Yeah sister Rosalind out drink a dwarf......
Diplomacy check to shadow and learn from Karthson and his crew [roll0]

2017-01-27, 12:40 PM
He starts with the last point, bowing in his chair to Sister Rosalind.

"I can see the need, and your words have moved me. I will be your guide, so far as I can - but my duties are to this ship and my clan. I can only take you so far."

He then turns to Gunn.

"Now, I'm sure that's three questions you asked, but I'll answer all the same.

"We don't treat women any different to men. I know for you humans, women aren't often as strong as men, so some hard labour is rarely given to them; and you seem to have other issues with women that baffle us. But dwarf women are no different from men in those ways.

"You've perhaps seen that there are no women on this ship? On a ship, quarters are close, the level of intimacy is hard to tolerate. It is seen as unseemly to have mixed gender crews, because of that. So you have some ships that are all female, others that are all male. And knowing what we do about your kind, your prejudices, we chose a male crew to deal with you.

"There are some other areas of work like that, but not many. Soldiers, miners... I can't think of any others. It's only where people are forced together in close quarters that it becomes an issue.

"Apart from that, women who are with child or nursing are given the honour that deserves, but after that, go back to normal. I can't think of many other times it matters.

"Now, as to my clan being seafarers, you've already met Karth Kudrenson, who became a warrior, and Honoured Bhatrem who became a leader and an ambassador. We don't all hear the call of the sea - but when we do, we hear it deeply.

"The Blackforge Clan holds land by the coast. We've always had an affinity for the sea - something most other dwarves don't share. The sea is in our blood; our ships keep Kharheim safe from our enemies overseas, bring wealth through trade with other cultures, and ensure the Clan remains strong and influential in the Council of Clans."

He turns to Rosalind. "Sister Rosalind, I would be pleased to teach you the rudiments of the dwarven tongue. And I should add that there is a passenger's cabin below mine, where you can sleep; you need not fear the indelicacy of common sleeping with my men.

"As far as drink is concerned, there are those few holy men who give up drink - much as Honoured Bhatrem swore to speak only the tongue of our ancestors. Sacrifice as a mark of devotion to a cause, that we understand and honour. Where your reasons are known, there will be no shame in turning down drink.

"I'm glad to hear not all humans share this madness, although some of the things you describe are strange enough. To do without weapons, to tolerate lawlessness... aye, strange indeed."

He seems to find it difficult to address the next topic, and he sits silently for a minute. Looking first at Rosalind, then Gunn, then Matryn, he sighs before visibly steeling himself to keep talking.

"I guess I brought up the clanless. And it's fair that you want to know more. Understand, though: talking of matters that are shameful is difficult. Taboo, even. Almost as bad as talking about what passes between men and women.

"Well, then. For us, clan and family are vitally important. Our society revolves around the clans; our religion, around the ancestors who brought our clan glory. Our concept of honour is closely related to those ideas.

"If someone does something which is dishonourable, he or she brings shame upon himself, his family, his clan, his master and his servants - in short, all who are connected with him. If it is a small thing, easily remedied, he will face pressure to resolve it - to repay the honour debt to those affected. Where the shame is greater, the solution becomes more difficult. The clan will help a penitent dwarf to make redress, for the shame of one is the shame of all. But for some, the shame is so great - or, worse still, there is so little willingness to atone - that the only answer is to expel the culprit and make such amends as we can on their behalf.

"A dwarf can endure loss of his master, his comrades, his very family. But to lose one's clan... those who face that fate are no longer dwarves. Many take their own lives. Others choose a life in exile. But none remain in sight of their former clan and kin."

He then moves on quickly to the next topic, his manner that of one distancing himself from the subject discussed.

"You asked how friendship begins. The answer is, friendships between clans are rare. They are found where duty brings two groups together; they form quickly among those who fight together, particularly those who preserve one another's lives. So, though Karth is not of the Stonecutter Clan, but he counts Harn Grethson as... well, if not yet a friend, at least a comrade in arms. They have known each other barely a decade, after all.

"And I hear you have a human on your shores whom Thuril Drakeslayer accounted friend? That is a wonder indeed - although the Runewardens are odd folk. But that is an example - if an extreme one - of what I mean: battle forms bonds that otherwise take decades, even a century."

2017-01-28, 12:30 AM
"I thank you for even considering it and fully understand that the duties of your kin must come first. Espically when you are their captain." She says understandably to Captain Karthson.

"Now, I'm sure that's three questions you asked, but I'll answer all the same.

"We don't treat women any different to men. I know for you humans, women aren't often as strong as men, so some hard labour is rarely given to them; and you seem to have other issues with women that baffle us. But dwarf women are no different from men in those ways.

"You've perhaps seen that there are no women on this ship? On a ship, quarters are close, the level of intimacy is hard to tolerate. It is seen as unseemly to have mixed gender crews, because of that. So you have some ships that are all female, others that are all male. And knowing what we do about your kind, your prejudices, we chose a male crew to deal with you.

"There are some other areas of work like that, but not many. Soldiers, miners... I can't think of any others. It's only where people are forced together in close quarters that it becomes an issue.

"Apart from that, women who are with child or nursing are given the honor that deserves, but after that, go back to normal. I can't think of many other times it matters.

Listening to how the dwarves of Kharheim treat their women as equals in all regards sets Sister Rosalind's mind at ease, up until now she had not been sure how they would react to a female dignitary coming to their lands to speak with them. However this had given her a great insight into how the people thought. "What you say makes a lot of sense to me Captain, though I believe most humans tend to provide rolls to females that better suit our talents. As a shorter lived race we do not all have the luxury to defy the norms. Some however are gifted with a blade, as good as any man even I admit. However I believe most believe that if they were to take up the blade or do other things men tend to do our population would dwindle and perhaps go extinct because of this. We have to master things swiftly or suffer the consequences, where as a race such as your own has the proper time to teach everyone how to do something properly so they do not risk harming themselves for no reason." the priestess of the Lovers offers up as an explanation as to why she at least believed why women took some rolls men did not, and vise versa when it came to humans in general.

"Now, as to my clan being seafarers, you've already met Karth Kudrenson, who became a warrior, and Honoured Bhatrem who became a leader and an ambassador. We don't all hear the call of the sea - but when we do, we hear it deeply.

"The Blackforge Clan holds land by the coast. We've always had an affinity for the sea - something most other dwarves don't share. The sea is in our blood; our ships keep Kharheim safe from our enemies overseas, bring wealth through trade with other cultures, and ensure the Clan remains strong and influential in the Council of Clans."

"So it is not looked down upon for one to turn away from the trade their clan is known for so long as it brings honor to their clan?" Sister Rosalind asks, wanting to make sure she understood what was being said correctly. "Or are those who wish to seek another trade besides seafaring in the case of the Blackforge Clan, looked at as oddities to be kept an eye on so they do not bring shame to the clan? I only ask so that I may better understand how a clan works. For example if all the young men followed after Karth Kudrenson as an example, would your clans reputation fall slightly due to the fact that it is already known the next generation will not be following through with their duty as the first line of defense against outsiders with their ships, as well as the traders that bring wealth to the dwarven lands?
she asks trying to learn all she could about the people as a whole and what could effect their clans.

"If it is alright with you captain, I would not mind sleeping out under the stars to be honest. Looking up each night to see the Mother's face watching over me, and to awaken to the Father's gentle rays telling me it is time to rise would be a beautiful experience. Though if I would get in the way of the crew I will of course sleep in the room you have so kindly given to me for the voyage." She adds at the end so he knows she is willing to do what he thought would be best.

"As far as drink is concerned, there are those few holy men who give up drink - much as Honored Bhatrem swore to speak only the tongue of our ancestors. Sacrifice as a mark of devotion to a cause, that we understand and honor. Where your reasons are known, there will be no shame in turning down drink.

"I'm glad to hear not all humans share this madness, although some of the things you describe are strange enough. To do without weapons, to tolerate lawlessness... aye, strange indeed."

"I see, however I have taken no vow to give up the drink, I simply do not do it often. And would not wish to lose control due to the drink. If I told them I could not drink due to a vow it would be a lie, however if I drank to much and could not keep control I would bring shame to those I represent, and if my glass were to stay empty to long because I was trying not to drink as much to stay in control I would insult my host. None of these seem like a good choice in the long run if peace is to ever come between our people sadly." Sister Rosalind explains in more detail so he knew that she had not "forsworn the drink", but merely didn't do it often due to her lack of need for food or drink.

"Indeed most outsiders to my homeland find it odd that we are able to maintain order. However just because we do not wield weapons, does not mean we are defenseless. Those who wish to protect the kingdom are trained all their life to fight using their body, so that they can stop a conflict without killing a person. Their are exceptions of course, for example when it is either your life or theirs, or when fighting unnatural creatures of the world. But these things rarely happen. As for tolerating the lawlessness in my homeland it would not be allowed, however in New Ganther I operate within the poor district, and sadly the lawless control it because no one will stand up to them. My vows forbid me from harming them which leaves me with only one option, to make it so that within the walls of my establishment no one can harm anyone else. I am sure Mr. Gunn could tell you how well that has worked in the past year. Those who break the rule are often dealt with by those who control the poor district rather swiftly as no one wishes to see their own people harmed at the end of the day. It is the one place anyone can go and know that they are safe."

"I guess I brought up the clanless. And it's fair that you want to know more. Understand, though: talking of matters that are shameful is difficult. Taboo, even. Almost as bad as talking about what passes between men and women.

"Well, then. For us, clan and family are vitally important. Our society revolves around the clans; our religion, around the ancestors who brought our clan glory. Our concept of honor is closely related to those ideas.

"If someone does something which is dishonorable, he or she brings shame upon himself, his family, his clan, his master and his servants - in short, all who are connected with him. If it is a small thing, easily remedied, he will face pressure to resolve it - to repay the honor debt to those affected. Where the shame is greater, the solution becomes more difficult. The clan will help a penitent dwarf to make redress, for the shame of one is the shame of all. But for some, the shame is so great - or, worse still, there is so little willingness to atone - that the only answer is to expel the culprit and make such amends as we can on their behalf.

"A dwarf can endure loss of his master, his comrades, his very family. But to lose one's clan... those who face that fate are no longer dwarves. Many take their own lives. Others choose a life in exile. But none remain in sight of their former clan and kin."

"I see, I will not ask again on this topic as it is considered taboo. I am thankful for what you have told me however for it will help me in understanding your customs. I simply have to ask two things though, well three really. How does one tell a clanless from a normal dwarf who has a clan? And how would your people react to an outsider treating a clanless that is dying? For you see my own religion dictates I must try and help all those I can. If this would become a conflict of interests I would have to revert to my own religion, which in turn may insult your clan elders. Is their a way we could make sure a conflict never arises?"

"You asked how friendship begins. The answer is, friendships between clans are rare. They are found where duty brings two groups together; they form quickly among those who fight together, particularly those who preserve one another's lives. So, though Karth is not of the Stonecutter Clan, but he counts Harn Grethson as... well, if not yet a friend, at least a comrade in arms. They have known each other barely a decade, after all.

"And I hear you have a human on your shores whom Thuril Drakeslayer accounted friend? That is a wonder indeed - although the Runewardens are odd folk. But that is an example - if an extreme one - of what I mean: battle forms bonds that otherwise take decades, even a century."

"So than it is merely a matter of knowing someone for a long period of time under the right circumstances?" Sister Rosalind asks. " I could see how human friendships would seem odd to you than given the fact we are so short lived we do not have the time to build such close bonds often. However I also see the wisdom of how your own people handle it, a friendship you describe sounds like one that would never end as the two people would know each other fully down to their very souls. This would make it very hard I think for a dwarf and a human to consider each other friend than by your own standards due to them not being of your clan, and by the time you know them, they are already to old to enjoy the things you are still able to do with ease." she says thoughtfully.

"Also when you have free time could you tell me more about the Stonecutter Clan, Harn Grethson, and Thuril Drakeslayer, and what are runewardens?"

2017-01-29, 07:40 AM
Gunn listens intently, content with Rosalind's questions and offering no more of his own, for now.

2017-01-29, 08:23 AM
To your question about dwarves who do not follow their clan's heritage, Bain simply shrugs. "As I said, most Blackforge dwarves work towards our seafaring heritage in some way. Those who don't are rare, but a clan has many needs. So long as a dwarf is working to the good of his clan, there is no stigma attached to choosing an unusual path. If one were to turn one's back on the clan altogether... well, such things simply are not done.

"Sleep beneath the stars if you wish; you may find the nights harsher at sea than you are used to, however.

"As for the drinking, I will say only that you will give less offense by refusing a drink than by becoming intoxicated."

He listens carefully to your description of your homeland, and understanding seems to dawn on his features. "Ah - you view unarmed combat as the highest martial art. Several of my kin agree. There are monastic sects, in particular, whose grasp of the open handed combat is breathtaking. Perhaps we are not so different, after all.

"As to the Clanless, you will not come across them. To their own clan, they are known and recognised. For others, they have no means of making themselves a place. They have no one to vouch for them, no one to make introductions. Their words are wind, without the clan to give them substance. It will not be a problem."

I don't normally prompt for these, but Sense Motive check please.

"As for friendship, it takes more than time alone - but time is certainly necessary. Trust builds slowly, and respect, with familiarity. On that foundation, a friendship may form. As you say, friendships between dwarves and humans are rare for that very reason."

He stands, tapping the water clock on the wall. With a last few drips, the upper part empties; outside, you hear a bell chime, and with a practised motion Bain turns the You have been speaking for more than an hour; with a slightly apologetic smile, he nods to the door.

"Now, I have duties to attend to. Feel free to use this room to talk among yourselves; I imagine there are many things you need to plan. Beyond that, you have the freedom of the ship, except that I ask you to respect the privacy of the crew quarters and my own cabin. Kindly keep out of the way of my crew while they are at their duties. There will be a light lunch at midday, and I will rejoin you for the main meal at five of the evening."

2017-01-29, 11:54 PM
"Sleep beneath the stars if you wish; you may find the nights harsher at sea than you are used to, however.

Sister Rosalind can not help but smile at the captains worry for her well being, she had no doubt that had she not the protection of the Lovers he would inin fact be right, however the temperature had never bothered her since she had graduated to being a full fledged priestess of the Lovers."" I thank you for your concern captain, however much like the magical abilities some have to adapt their body to extreme temperatures, so to does my body do this automatically. So unless it begins to rain, or a harsh storm I do not believe it will be an issue. Thank you however for being so considerate and warning me about the weather at sea." Sister Rosalind says, expressing gratitude to the Captain worrying about her well being.

"As for the drinking, I will say only that you will give less offense by refusing a drink than by becoming intoxicated."

"So it as as I feared than. I will take your advice on this matter, and thank you for your honesty. This will no doubt save me from causing to many problems during peace talks with luck." she says clearly realized before she looks to Mr. Gunn and Matryn, only looking to Mr. Gunn so Matryn did not believe she was singling him out. " I do not know how much either of you can drink, however I doubt it is more than a culture such as the one we are going to. I advise not trying to, and knowing your limit so we do not cause any problems that are not needed. If they note all of us drinking but not indulging in it I can see them forgiving us, however if one of us becomes intoxicated....It would look badly as why would the prince send someone like that, you would embarrass yourself, those with you, as well as your country. Remember that at all times."

"Ah - you view unarmed combat as the highest martial art. Several of my kin agree. There are monastic sects, in particular, whose grasp of the open handed combat is breathtaking. Perhaps we are not so different, after all.

"Perhaps if peace could be made between our people I could extend an offer to these sects, while the Order of the Justicar is no doubt very different in their views of training than your own people, I believe those who wish to join the temple of the Lovers could require a teach able to teach them the arts better than I can." She says kindly to the Captain, expressing interest in these different sects.

"As to the Clanless, you will not come across them. To their own clan, they are known and recognized. For others, they have no means of making themselves a place. They have no one to vouch for them, no one to make introductions. Their words are wind, without the clan to give them substance. It will not be a problem."

Sister Rosalind allows a long pause to go on between the two as if she were going to simply accept that, however something in her piercing emerald green eyes looking into the Captains gave the clear indication she did not fully believe what he said to be the truth, but would accept it so long as she believed it was because the topic was taboo to their culture. " I see, than I do not believe this will be a problem if this is the case."

"Now, I have duties to attend to. Feel free to use this room to talk among yourselves; I imagine there are many things you need to plan. Beyond that, you have the freedom of the ship, except that I ask you to respect the privacy of the crew quarters and my own cabin. Kindly keep out of the way of my crew while they are at their duties. There will be a light lunch at midday, and I will rejoin you for the main meal at five of the evening."

Noting how much time has gone by Sister Rosalind feels sorry for keeping the Captain busy for all this time when he no doubt had many important things to do. "Oh my, I am so sorry, I did not even realize we had been speaking for so long. The prusit of knowledge can do that at times though it seems, I thank you on behalf of myself, as well as the crown for taking time out of your day to help us learn." Sister Rosalind says, standing up and bowing slightly to the captain. Once he has left she looks to her two traveling companions to see if they have anything to say to her, before she heads up to the deck to learn what she could from observation, taking note to keep out of the way at all times, and lending a helping hand if asked.

2017-01-30, 12:33 PM
Matryn waits until the Captain has left before turning to Gunn.

"I'm sorry - I haven't had a chance to properly introduce myself. My name is Matryn. The Crown has assigned me to make sure this visit comes to the best possible resolution. Of course, I don't need to ask who you are, Mr Gunn. Your reputation precedes you. Although I confess, I am surprised to see you joining this mission. I wonder what you hope to achieve?"

He listens politely to Gunn's response, and once that line of conversation is finished, points after Captain Karthson.

"I'm impressed - you've learned more about Kharheim in an hour than the government has in three decades. Although, perhaps, that is for want of trying.

"Still, don't be fooled: where we are going, there are great dangers. Read between the lines of what he said: they are a people prone to taking offence at matters we might not be able to predict, who may respond to insult with violence - even lethal force.

"And that is the prospect of accidentally getting killed. There is also the real possibility that they want to conquer our country. Now, I believe they have a concept of diplomatic immunity similar to ours, but it has never been tested - and note that they are a divided people, with many factions, whose goals may not agree. If one faction does want a war, they may not stick to the high-sounding ideals of honour. Or they might try to take advantage of our ignorance, manipulate us into a position where they have an excuse to kill us off."

2017-01-30, 06:00 PM
"My aims are my employer's aims," Gunn says, gesturing to Sister Rosalind. "I will serve her to the best of my significant capabilities." He listens to the rest of what Matryn has to say, then responds, "We will all have to watch one another's backs."

2017-01-31, 12:15 AM
"I have asked Mr. Gunn here as a personal request Matryn. In all the years the crown has known of its neighbor Kharheim it has done little to learn about its people or culture. Simply allowing the relationship to stay as two people who trade with one another for muteral gain." Sister Rosalind says looking to Mr. Gunn before going on. " Mr. Gunn is a person I know well enough to know he will do what he can to learn what he needs to about the culture of Kharheim so that as you say the crown may be in a better place to negotiate peace. The Captain often spoke of honor, meaning they hold a high respect to the law, something Mr. Gunn is familiar with, even if not on foreign laws. It would be easy for him to understand something dealing with the laws than either one of us. And his judge of character has always been spot on." Sister Rosalind says defending Gunn's presence being here, though in a calm kindly manner.

"I'm impressed - you've learned more about Kharheim in an hour than the government has in three decades. Although, perhaps, that is for want of trying.

The priestess of the Lover's can not help but let out a laugh at this last comment. The sound of pure joy coming from her lips. "Please Matryn had the crown tried in the past three decades to broker something more with Kharheim or at least learned about them this job would not be needed to be done. Instead we have to clean up a mess that should not have been made in the first place. When we succeed here in bringing peace, I am sure the prince and his advisors will take it upon themselves to try to have a more open relationship with the government of Kharheim, at worst to simply make sure war is not a possibility again. However if you have any thought that the crown will make out ahead in these talks wash it from your mind now. Kharheim has the superior navy, and given it is only two days from their home to our own shores we will not be able to cut off supply lines or deployment of troops. Add in what the captain explained to us, about them hating the fact humans always try to get more than what they pay for back it would not be wise to try and cheat these proud people. Simply explaining the truth of the situation no doubt would be best."

"Still, don't be fooled: where we are going, there are great dangers. Read between the lines of what he said: they are a people prone to taking offense at matters we might not be able to predict, who may respond to insult with violence - even lethal force.

"And that is the prospect of accidentally getting killed. There is also the real possibility that they want to conquer our country. Now, I believe they have a concept of diplomatic immunity similar to ours, but it has never been tested - and note that they are a divided people, with many factions, whose goals may not agree. If one faction does want a war, they may not stick to the high-sounding ideals of honor. Or they might try to take advantage of our ignorance, manipulate us into a position where they have an excuse to kill us off."

"There is great danger each day you walk out your door Matryn, though I will agree with Mr. Gunn we must watch each others backs. If we are to succeed we can not be fighting among each other. They may be prone to take insult, however as we are outsiders they are more capable of forgiving us than they would their own people due to us not knowing their ways. By us showing that we are trying to learn their ways we are showing them that we are willing to meet them halfway so long as they are willing to come greet us in the center. If they were such a violent people after all we would have been at war with them countless times already, if not simply under their rule." Sister Rosalind points out with disdain at the negative thoughts coming from the person who was supposed to help her make peace. However the thought that Kirest and Torae kept each other in balance reminded her that perhaps his negative views would help her stay safe from the danger the Lover's had warned her about. It seemed Mr. Gunn would be the voice of practical reason.

"It seems while you have heard of me, you doubt the powers I wield Matryn. While we are meeting with the clan leaders I doubt none but the strongest of Will shall be able to get angry. And those with the strongest will tend to be those with wisdom who would no doubt see the benefit in peace, and those who are prone to acts of rage who would learn that their rage which gives them strength does not work anywhere close to me. The Lover's have blessed me greatly Matryn, and so long as you are here with me, you are under the protection of the Lover's as well. After all if I can keep an entire hospital of killers from attacking one another, how hard can it be to keep however many clan leaders meet with us?"

2017-01-31, 03:30 AM
Matryn holds up a placating hand. "I did not mean to cast any doubt on your gods' power, Sister, or your standing with them. Indeed, I have heard several accounts of your power to avert or withstand conflict. I doubt you would have been chosen for this endeavour if you did not have such a reputation.

"But a calm, rational foe can still conspire to do you harm. Not all evil stems from passion, nor are all those who would oppose us doing so out of evil intent.

"Your power is a great reassurance to me - and I would not be here if I did not believe we could succeed. But part of my responsibility is to bring things to your attention that could affect the mission - for good or ill."

Turning to Gunn, he smiles faintly. "You are here to serve your employer? I see. Well, we must all serve our masters as we best can. I trust your loyalty will be an asset to us."

2017-01-31, 10:50 PM
"And that is why I brought those who have a quick wit and deal with such people in a courtroom each day with me. I trust in Mr. Gunn's skills to detect these kinds of threats as much as I trust in my deities to protect me from harm. Sadly I know little of your own talents so I do not know what I can expect of you besides to keep me informed about how the polices of New Ganther would interact with those presented during the peace talks. After all I never planned on taking on the role of a diplomat for two countries before. I simply came to New Ganther to help its people." se says as if wishing someone else were doing the job, however knowing that everyone else would have their own personal agenda in it, no doubt why the prince had asked her to come for him.

"I see, well than please keep your eyes and ears open during our travels. This way we can compound all the information we know together and plan our best course of action together as a strong united people." she says looking to Gunn to see if he would agree with her.

2017-02-01, 07:46 AM
Gunn nods his agreement, and has little else to say besides small talk before they arrive in Kharheim.

2017-02-02, 08:53 AM
The rest of the day passes slowly, a series of inscrutable activity by the dwarves, unchanging seas, and quiet conversation.

Matryn proves poor company as a bout of seasickness sends him to the rails, earning looks of reproof from the iron-stomached dwarves. His condition only worsens from there, and he divides his time between vomiting noisily into the sea and huddling, miserable, in the passenger cabin.

Dinner with the Captain - minus Matryn - proves a surprisingly staid affair. He opens one of the wine bottles you brought, pours out a measure for himself and Gunn, then offers Rosalind water or fresh fruit juice, talking at some length of the benefits of the latter to human sailors on long voyages - though he seems unsure what counts as a long voyage for your race.

Your conversation is not so enlightening as the earlier one, but it is far reaching.

From Captain Karthson, you learn that there are seven clans in Kharheim. From the way he speaks of them, the members of a given clan seem to acknowledge a common heritage, some distant ancestor in common; but there is a distinction between family and clan, which the Captain struggles to articulate.

More relevant for your current purposes, each clan holds a distinct territory within Kharheim. It appears the clans are largely autonomous, but each plays a role in the security and prosperity of Kharheim as a whole. They have distinct systems of law, administration, and economics, as well as their own military. Conflicts between clans - even to the point of war - are common enough that the Captain speaks of them as a fact of life.

The Seven Clans have a Council of Clans, which meets in the Hall of the Great Clanmeet, which is nominally sovereign over Kharheim as a whole. Their authority is in reality limited, with each clan retaining near-total sovereignty within their own borders, but they assemble when a clan wishes to raise an issue of cross-border significance, and also every six months as a matter of routine.

As well as Blackforge, the other clans are as follows.

The Stonecutter Clan holds territory in the mountain ranges to the east of the Blackforge Clan. Relations between the two clans are varied, but currently amicable. The Stonecutters are predominantly miners, architects and stonemasons. They have a reputation for being surly and suspicious of others, but also for determination remarkable even by Kharheim's standards.

The Stormhelm Clan occupy the smallest territory, north east of the Stonecutters. They are unique among the clans in never having gone to war with any other; Tharin Thundersoul was of this clan, and - largely due to him - they have a reputation for being creative and thoughtful, as well as more than usually sociable. They have a long association with the textile industry and the creation of fine jewellery, which they trade with other clans to shore up their territory’s lack of many natural resources.

To the south of the Stormhelms lie the Hearthfire Clan. The industry this clan is most associated with is agriculture; their territory is one of vast, fertile fields and abundant water, fought over more fiercely than any other for a long time. Perhaps because of it, the Hearthfires are considered deadly warriors, quick to anger and slow to forgive, although they are also viewed as having a reputation for patience and hard work which can seem incongruous with that image. Most other clans rely to some extent on trade with the Hearthfire Clan to sustain them; because of this, and also their central position geographically, the Hall of the Great Clanmeet is situated here, and military conflict with the Hearthfires is now prohibited on pain of reprisal from all other clans. According to Karthson, this means some have started to doubt their warrior reputation, as it has not been tested in a generation - doubts not expressed to their faces, however.

South of that lies the territory of the Oathkeeper Clan. As the name suggests, they have a reputation for integrity even among dwarves, although they are also viewed as more than usually harsh on those who fall short of their high standards. Their clan has many libraries and historians, but its wealth lies in its metalworking industry: the Oathkeepers are unparalleled artisans in the forging of weapons and armour, and their products are highly prized by the other clans.

The northeastern territory is held by the Ironshield Clan. Geographically the largest territory, the Ironshields are in fact the least numerous of the clans. Their territory is a wild, terrifying place, full of beasts and monsters; the Ironshields spend their lives hunting the creatures, keeping their numbers in check, with many leading something close to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Scouts without compare, they have a reputation for being focused and deadly, but also for gregarious behaviour when interacting with others - largely because they are solitary for much of their lives. The Runewardens are based in this territory.

The seventh clan is one Captain Karthson was reluctant to speak of. He grew increasingly taciturn as he spoke of them, seeming to be hiding his personal view of them as best he could. Named the Bloodriver Clan, the only information you are given about them is that their territory lies to the south east, that they have fought many wars with other clans, and that their clan exports timber and items of wood to other clans - theirs are the most skilled bowyers, carpenters, and pole-turners of Kharheim, although when asked if they also build ships, you receive a frosty glare.

Not long after that, the meal comes to an end, with Bain promising you another meal and chance to interrogate him the next day. He is aware you have further questions, but says he has an early watch the next morning.

Pausing there because I’m out of time, and in case it prompts more questions or discussion among yourselves. I'll resume next time I have chance with the start of the next day.

2017-02-03, 01:47 AM
As the Captain explains the benefits of drinking fresh fruit juices to humans on sea voyages, admitting that he didn’t know what they considered long Sister Rosalind smiled at him. Having only traveled once before over a large distance of water before when she left her homeland to travel to New Ganther she believed she could explain the details easier for him, along with her medical knowledge in a way he would understand, and perhaps even adopt for his own crew.

Heal check [roll0]

“I see so what you are saying is while each clan may have all at one time come from a single family, as that family grew it divided into its own groups. People who shared a common goal if you will, and that is the main reason why your people have clans? I believe humans have a similar concept, though we call it branch families. Were only the firstborn child is an actual member of the main branch, while everyone else is a member of a different branch.” Sister Rosalind explains to the captain trying to see if she had the right idea or if she was making it more complicating than it had to be. “Also if ones clan means more than ones family, what would happen if someone wished to marry someone from another clan? After all at times it must get hard to keep a genepool strong if the same genes keep on showing up in it.” Sister Rosalind says, not sure if he would understand what she was getting at.

“So what you are saying is that your kingdom is in truth seven different city-states, which have joined together for joint protection against outsiders threatening your home. However that each clan still fights among each other if no enemy threatens them? I can understand seven people ruling as a council, after all too much power in one person’s hands is dangerous, however being at a constant readiness for war must be hard at times.” Sister Rosalind notes, after all the land she came from didn’t fight with itself. It had been unified for as long back as the history books seemed to write, so to think that some people lived in places like this seemed odd to her. How could they have beauty when they were always ready for war? As most works of art are always destroyed in wars.

Listening to each tale of the different clans Sister Rosalind notes a few people who may cause problems with the peace talks already, and the fact that no power was actually given to the Council of Clans besides what the other Clan leaders allowed others to do in their own lands was worrying. “So do you happen to know who the current Councilor of the Stonecutter Clan is? I ask so that I can at least know a name when I go to speak before these powerful figures of your daily life and believe that he may either be a great ally or at worst someone who may not take a side due to their being suspicious of outsiders.”
Next Sister Rosalind asks about who controls each other clan, asking questions here and there as needed be.
“So would it be safe to assume if we appealed to the Stormhelm Clan Councilor as a trade partner, to better extend our relations and strengthen our two countries they would agree to such a thing? After all simply agreeing to peace will not solve an issue, merely delay it. Instead we must find ways to work together as a whole and help one another if we want a true peace.”

“I doubt the Hearthfire Clan will forgive the incident that happened just days ago, meaning we will already be on bad ground when speaking with them. So it would be best to not anger them further if we could. Would appealing to their Warrior honor give us any help in the peace talks? On one hand they would not allow an insult to go unpunished; however on the other, another kingdom is coming to their land to apologize to them and ask that they be allowed to prove themselves worthy of forgiveness.”

“I believe the Oathkeeper Clan will remain neutral in this as well. At least until we have come to some form of agreement. After which they will no doubt make sure, and rightly so, that the prince’s new councilor honors whatever agreement is set upon. Even if it is only to meet again and not have a war.”

“The Ironshield Clan from what you have described shall be a wild card. No doubt they have a central forum of belief, and if we insult it in anyway such hunters would not take to it kindly. Are they known for the trading of the skins of exotic animals or other such items? I know New Ganther has a host of wizards as well as temples who would no doubt be happy to begin opening up trade more for such rare materials.”

Sister Rosalind makes a point not to comment on the last clan, seeing as the Captain does not seem to have good relations with their clan. No doubt from what she has heard due to a war no doubt very recent between the two in which the Bloodriver Clan gained more land.

2017-02-03, 04:12 AM
As the Captain explains the benefits of drinking fresh fruit juices to humans on sea voyages, admitting that he didn’t know what they considered long Sister Rosalind smiled at him. Having only traveled once before over a large distance of water before when she left her homeland to travel to New Ganther she believed she could explain the details easier for him, along with her medical knowledge in a way he would understand, and perhaps even adopt for his own crew.

The Captain is alluding to scurvy - a condition which affects humans deprived of fresh fruits for a protracted period of time. Typically it takes at least a month for symptoms to manifest. According to the sages you have heard describe the condition, it results from an imbalance of the humours with the water humours in ascendancy. That said, you have read other sages who criticised the whole doctrine of humours - they suggested there was something specific in those fresh fruits which the body needs, a shortage of which is harmful. That theory does not yet have widespread acceptance.

Your understanding is that dwarves are not susceptible to scurvy - or, if they are, it must take so long for symptoms to develop that no recorded voyage has been affected.

“I see so what you are saying is while each clan may have all at one time come from a single family, as that family grew it divided into its own groups. People who shared a common goal if you will, and that is the main reason why your people have clans? I believe humans have a similar concept, though we call it branch families. Were only the firstborn child is an actual member of the main branch, while everyone else is a member of a different branch.” Sister Rosalind explains to the captain trying to see if she had the right idea or if she was making it more complicating than it had to be.
"At one time, perhaps that was so. I know there were once more clans - that the wars between our people caused some to be destroyed, forced to accept absorption into the conquering clan. But distinctions along those lines now mean nothing. So I would say you're on the right lines, but there's more to clan than blood. It is about honour - allegiance."

“Also if ones clan means more than ones family, what would happen if someone wished to marry someone from another clan? After all at times it must get hard to keep a genepool strong if the same genes keep on showing up in it.” Sister Rosalind says, not sure if he would understand what she was getting at.

Captain Karthson seems not to understand what you are saying about genetics, but he looks offended at the idea of marrying outside one's clan. "Such a marriage is not possible," he says shortly.

“So what you are saying is that your kingdom is in truth seven different city-states, which have joined together for joint protection against outsiders threatening your home. However that each clan still fights among each other if no enemy threatens them? I can understand seven people ruling as a council, after all too much power in one person’s hands is dangerous, however being at a constant readiness for war must be hard at times.” Sister Rosalind notes, after all the land she came from didn’t fight with itself. It had been unified for as long back as the history books seemed to write, so to think that some people lived in places like this seemed odd to her. How could they have beauty when they were always ready for war? As most works of art are always destroyed in wars.

"City-state - this means a city which rules itself, yes? Our territories comprise many towns and cities, and cover much land. But, aside from that, you have the gist of it.

"Although, consider: many dwarves view battle as something to be welcomed, as a test of skill and a chance to earn the respect of your clan. Serving one's clan is at the heart of honour; defending one's clan from its enemies, a glorious act. And, between ourselves, war is conducted honourably. Civilians are unharmed; crops untouched. The damage to the lifeblood of a clan is seldom severe."

Listening to each tale of the different clans Sister Rosalind notes a few people who may cause problems with the peace talks already, and the fact that no power was actually given to the Council of Clans besides what the other Clan leaders allowed others to do in their own lands was worrying. “So do you happen to know who the current Councilor of the Stonecutter Clan is? I ask so that I can at least know a name when I go to speak before these powerful figures of your daily life and believe that he may either be a great ally or at worst someone who may not take a side due to their being suspicious of outsiders.”

"Nay. I am a sailor, not a politician. But, when we arrive, I shall try to introduce you to those in my clan who might aid you."

Next Sister Rosalind asks about who controls each other clan, asking questions here and there as needed be.
“So would it be safe to assume if we appealed to the Stormhelm Clan Councilor as a trade partner, to better extend our relations and strengthen our two countries they would agree to such a thing? After all simply agreeing to peace will not solve an issue, merely delay it. Instead we must find ways to work together as a whole and help one another if we want a true peace.”

"Formal trade with other nations is a matter for the Council. What you describe would affect many clans, ours not least - and not necessarily for the better. I do not doubt the Stormhelms would be glad of your offer. My clan would not."

“I doubt the Hearthfire Clan will forgive the incident that happened just days ago, meaning we will already be on bad ground when speaking with them. So it would be best to not anger them further if we could. Would appealing to their Warrior honor give us any help in the peace talks? On one hand they would not allow an insult to go unpunished; however on the other, another kingdom is coming to their land to apologize to them and ask that they be allowed to prove themselves worthy of forgiveness.”

"It may help that the one who gave offence was stripped of office. But he remains of your clan. Restitution will be difficult, I think. But that you earnestly seek it would be well regarded."

“I believe the Oathkeeper Clan will remain neutral in this as well. At least until we have come to some form of agreement. After which they will no doubt make sure, and rightly so, that the prince’s new councilor honors whatever agreement is set upon. Even if it is only to meet again and not have a war.”

"Neutral? Nay, Sister. We are talking about a treacherous, shameful act by one country against another. You think the Oathkeeper Clan, out of all the Seven Clans, will view that lightly?"

“The Ironshield Clan from what you have described shall be a wild card. No doubt they have a central forum of belief, and if we insult it in anyway such hunters would not take to it kindly. Are they known for the trading of the skins of exotic animals or other such items? I know New Ganther has a host of wizards as well as temples who would no doubt be happy to begin opening up trade more for such rare materials.”[/COLOR]

"Again, trying to bypass the Blackforge Clan would not be viewed lightly. They do trade such things from time to time - among the clans."

With your discussion concluded, you are shown to your quarters - or, in Rosalind's case, a hammock on the deck. The night is peaceful enough, save for the chiming of the watch bell and the sound of Matryn's retching; the weather is cold, but dry, and sleep comes swiftly enough.

Day 8 - 9 days remaining

You awaken to an atmosphere of restrained anxiety on the ship. The dwarves are bustling around with more urgency than before; the Captain is standing at the rail with an elegant brass telescope held to his eye. Following his gaze, you can just make out the smudge of a sail on the horizon.

"Good - you're awake," he says tersely. "On the way to your shores, we had a Runewarden to hide us. What magic do you possess to conceal us?"

2017-02-04, 02:20 AM
"At one time, perhaps that was so. I know there were once more clans - that the wars between our people caused some to be destroyed, forced to accept absorption into the conquering clan. But distinctions along those lines now mean nothing. So I would say you're on the right lines, but there's more to clan than blood. It is about honor - allegiance."

Sister Rosalind remains quite for a few moments, contemplating what Captain Karthson had explained to her, and what little she knew of dwarves. For one she knew they could easily live much longer than humans, meaning the possibility of a tainted bloodline would take much longer to appear than it would with humans of such a situation. And if the clans were constantly warring with one another it meant they would constantly be getting new members, however one thing didn't seem to add up. Breaking her silence at last Sister Rosalind places her drinks down gently and looks to the captain. " Please if you will allow me to speak in hypothetical for a moment, I believe I understand what you are saying. However a few things seem out of place and seem to not add up in my understanding. So lets say the Blackforge clan went to war with the Stonecutter clan and gained some of their territory in the war. Would those you conquered than be considered members of the Blackforge clan, or still members of the Stonecutter clan? As if they gave up their title of being members of the Stonecutter clan simply because you took the land that would mean they are betraying their true clan and have no honor from my understanding." Sister Rosalind explains, making sure to once again state that this was simply a make believe case in which she was trying to see how their views of a clan would work in certain situations.

"Such a marriage is not possible,"

As Sister Rosalind listens to the answer she realizes that to the dwarves a different clan was very much like a rival nation to humans, one would not try to marry another nation's people unless they were trying to seize power and make it a peaceful transition. It still seemed barbaric to the priestess, but it was something she had been taught other people seemed to do outside the safety of her empire.

"City-state - this means a city which rules itself, yes? Our territories comprise many towns and cities, and cover much land. But, aside from that, you have the gist of it.

"Although, consider: many dwarves view battle as something to be welcomed, as a test of skill and a chance to earn the respect of your clan. Serving one's clan is at the heart of honor; defending one's clan from its enemies, a glorious act. And, between ourselves, war is conducted honorably. Civilians are unharmed; crops untouched. The damage to the lifeblood of a clan is seldom severe."

"If that is the case why do you not hold games of strength and battle in place of wars? You would earn honor among your people, and each clan no doubt would compete with each other still to prove who is strongest, however it would keep many more alive than it would kill. The warriors I spoke of from my homeland, they often perform drills against other groups from across the empire I am from, they see it as a way to bring honor to their group, as well as to teach one another things they have learned in their own parts of the empire so that as a whole they grow stronger. Could something like this not work for your people as well?" The priestess asks out of curiosity.

"Nay. I am a sailor, not a politician. But, when we arrive, I shall try to introduce you to those in my clan who might aid you."

"Thank you Captain, you have been most generous with your aid and patience for me and my traveling companions. And I have learned much about your people in such a short time, even Matryn said that in merely an hour we had learned more together than New Ganther had in three decades. I feel with a neighbor so close you should at least know more about them. Even if it is only their most basic customs." She says kindly to the dwarf, letting him know how grateful she was for all the help he had provided her on this voyage.

"Formal trade with other nations is a matter for the Council. What you describe would affect many clans, ours not least - and not necessarily for the better. I do not doubt the Stormhelms would be glad of your offer. My clan would not."

"But if your clan controls the transport of goods, would it not bring great wealth to your clan than to be the ones who bring forth trade as you do now, but in much larger bulk? Or would it take away an advantage in warfare as items you would normally only be able to get through trade would now be accessible to all?" She says curious on how making formal trade agreements would be against the best interests of the Blackforge clan.

"It may help that the one who gave offense was stripped of office. But he remains of your clan. Restitution will be difficult, I think. But that you earnestly seek it would be well regarded."

"I assure you once your people left the chamber the prince tried to maintain order and stop the chancellor. He even asked for Mr. Gunn's help in finding a legal way to do this so that war would not come between our people. For it was not what he wished for his own people to suffer. While the prince is young he has proven very wise in what little dealings I have had with him, and has always placed the wellfare of his people, his clan, before what is best for him. Even during the meeting the chancellor tried to turn the prince against your people and once shown this he quickly made corrections to my knowledge." She explains to the captain truthfully. " Though I know he did not return a gift as is custom, though he was not aware of such a custom of your people. No doubt why he made sure to send back as much as he did this time, to try and make up for this mistake." She offered hoping it would help on that offense.

"Neutral? Nay, Sister. We are talking about a treacherous, shameful act by one country against another. You think the Oathkeeper Clan, out of all the Seven Clans, will view that lightly?"

Sister Rosalind was caught off guard for a moment by the accusations until she thought about how it would look. They had tried to seize those with diplomatic immunity wrongfully at that, forcing their guests to flee. There was no greater insult than to attack a diplomat or messenger, and she was starting to understand the grave offense she was being tasked with trying to smooth over. " I am sorry Captain, it escaped me until just now what sacred oath you were speaking of, but than it dawned on me, that it is the same one I am hoping allows me to speak with your leaders. My job just got a lot harder now that I have seen the great wrong that was placed on your ambassadors." Sister Rosalind says, her emotions very clear as she speaks.

"Again, trying to bypass the Blackforge Clan would not be viewed lightly. They do trade such things from time to time - among the clans."

"So trade is generaly frowned upon as well between clans? I would have thought given the many different cultures each clan holds trade would be a bit more common among your people. I promise I do not mean to cut the Blackforge out of their clans way of life, but merely express some way I can see our people working together as a united front in the future. Would the Blackforge clan look kindly on perhaps having a warehouse in the ports of New Ganther so that they could set up a shop in the human lands to sell their wares, and in turn be able to transport back and sell what they wanted to the other clans?" Sister Rosalind asked, not really sure how to treat the Blackforge clan, as fishers, a navy, or traders at this moment.

Day 8

Having decided it best to perform her rituals at night, under the watchful eye of the Mother while she was on this voyage when she would least disturb the crew Sister Rosalind awoke as the sun began to shine on her face. Looking to the captain the priestess shock her head as she looked up at the sky for a few moments. " I believe the spells I can use, will not be exactly what you need. I can create a darkness so deep none can see, however that would only hamper the crew, and alert the other ship to our presence. If you have some sort of way to make an object land on their ship I could use such a spell on said object and it would have the same effect, but on their own crew instead. I could also create a fog, though as it is not mobile, I doubt it would help us in the regard you have in mind." Sister Rosalind says going deep into thought.

"If you wish I can try to commune with my gods and ask them to show me the exalted path which will lead us form conflict to our destination. There is another option, however I have never tried such a thing before, and the chances of it harming someone are rather high which gives me pause." She explains waiting to see what the captain had to say on the choices she had provided.

2017-02-04, 08:54 AM
"If we are still and quiet, I can create an illusion that would make it seem as there is nothing there."

2017-02-04, 11:39 AM
Sister Rosalind remains quite for a few moments, contemplating what Captain Karthson had explained to her, and what little she knew of dwarves. For one she knew they could easily live much longer than humans, meaning the possibility of a tainted bloodline would take much longer to appear than it would with humans of such a situation. And if the clans were constantly warring with one another it meant they would constantly be getting new members, however one thing didn't seem to add up. Breaking her silence at last Sister Rosalind places her drinks down gently and looks to the captain. " Please if you will allow me to speak in hypothetical for a moment, I believe I understand what you are saying. However a few things seem out of place and seem to not add up in my understanding. So lets say the Blackforge clan went to war with the Stonecutter clan and gained some of their territory in the war. Would those you conquered than be considered members of the Blackforge clan, or still members of the Stonecutter clan? As if they gave up their title of being members of the Stonecutter clan simply because you took the land that would mean they are betraying their true clan and have no honor from my understanding." Sister Rosalind explains, making sure to once again state that this was simply a make believe case in which she was trying to see how their views of a clan would work in certain situations.

"Of course they would still be Stonecutters," he replies, seeming baffled that you would suggest otherwise. "While the clan exists, capture does not end one's loyalty. It is only if the clan is destroyed that the survivors may accept integration into the conquering clan rather than becoming clanless.

"Destruction of a clan is no easy thing, but if the clan's sacred ancestors are destroyed, if none still live who can channel their guidance, then a clan can die."

"If that is the case why do you not hold games of strength and battle in place of wars? You would earn honor among your people, and each clan no doubt would compete with each other still to prove who is strongest, however it would keep many more alive than it would kill. The warriors I spoke of from my homeland, they often perform drills against other groups from across the empire I am from, they see it as a way to bring honor to their group, as well as to teach one another things they have learned in their own parts of the empire so that as a whole they grow stronger. Could something like this not work for your people as well?" The priestess asks out of curiosity.

The Captain shakes his head. [B]"Contests of that kind are known among clans, and can give individual glory. But for war to bring glory to the clan and its warriors, it must be in defence of honour. Conflict may be born of insult, or intrusion; of competing for disputed resources, or in desperation. No mere sport can address such issues."

"But if your clan controls the transport of goods, would it not bring great wealth to your clan than to be the ones who bring forth trade as you do now, but in much larger bulk? Or would it take away an advantage in warfare as items you would normally only be able to get through trade would now be accessible to all?" She says curious on how making formal trade agreements would be against the best interests of the Blackforge clan.

"As things stand, only the Blackforge Clan trades with other nations. We can purchase the goods of other clans, and sell them elsewhere; or purchase the goods of other nations, to sell on to the other clans. Allowing the other clans direct access to international markets would remove our monopoly.

"Formalising trade agreements might increase the volume of trade. It might, ultimately, benefit us. But we would need to weigh it up."

"I assure you once your people left the chamber the prince tried to maintain order and stop the chancellor. He even asked for Mr. Gunn's help in finding a legal way to do this so that war would not come between our people. For it was not what he wished for his own people to suffer. While the prince is young he has proven very wise in what little dealings I have had with him, and has always placed the wellfare of his people, his clan, before what is best for him. Even during the meeting the chancellor tried to turn the prince against your people and once shown this he quickly made corrections to my knowledge." She explains to the captain truthfully. " Though I know he did not return a gift as is custom, though he was not aware of such a custom of your people. No doubt why he made sure to send back as much as he did this time, to try and make up for this mistake." She offered hoping it would help on that offense.

"The issue of the host-gift might be addressed. But your chancellor's actions cannot be so easily disowned. He was your lawful representative; he spoke with the voice of you all.

"Do you think it will matter to Kharheim that your administration has changed? Your state gave offence to ours."

Sister Rosalind was caught off guard for a moment by the accusations until she thought about how it would look. They had tried to seize those with diplomatic immunity wrongfully at that, forcing their guests to flee. There was no greater insult than to attack a diplomat or messenger, and she was starting to understand the grave offense she was being tasked with trying to smooth over. " I am sorry Captain, it escaped me until just now what sacred oath you were speaking of, but than it dawned on me, that it is the same one I am hoping allows me to speak with your leaders. My job just got a lot harder now that I have seen the great wrong that was placed on your ambassadors." Sister Rosalind says, her emotions very clear as she speaks.

"You begin to understand. I would say your task seems harder for it, but in truth, had you not seen that, it would be all but impossible."

"So trade is generaly frowned upon as well between clans? I would have thought given the many different cultures each clan holds trade would be a bit more common among your people. I promise I do not mean to cut the Blackforge out of their clans way of life, but merely express some way I can see our people working together as a united front in the future. Would the Blackforge clan look kindly on perhaps having a warehouse in the ports of New Ganther so that they could set up a shop in the human lands to sell their wares, and in turn be able to transport back and sell what they wanted to the other clans?" Sister Rosalind asked, not really sure how to treat the Blackforge clan, as fishers, a navy, or traders at this moment.
"Trade between the clans is commonplace. Trade with other cultures is, at present, unique to our clan - well, and the Bloodrivers. Certainly better relations with your country could improve matters for us - but it might also remove our main advantage over rival clans.

Captain Karthson regards the distant sail again, then grunts noncomittally.

”Pass word for Karth Kudrenson and Master Halson to join me in my cabin,” he instructs the nearest crewman. ”Sister Rosalind, Mr Gunn, I would regard it as a courtesy if you would join us. Your capabilities may be relevant to our strategy, and you know them better than we.”

A few minutes later, you find yourselves back in the Captain’s cabin, where the table is swiftly covered with nautical charts, log books, and various instruments whose purpose is not immediately clear to landsmen. You are joined by Karth Kudrenson, less jocular than usual; the Captain, streaming a series of calculations under his breath as he gazes from the chart to the barometer and on to the notes in dwarven scrawled through his logbook; and a third dwarf - presumably Master Halson - an elderly whitebearded dwarf in light clothing, who leans over the charts with similar zeal to the Captain, tapping various points and commenting in a string of dwarven.

”Speak Common,” the Captain growls irritably. Turning to you, he points to the charts and indicates your current position.

”The other ship has us at a distinct disadvantage,” he says shortly. ”The weathergage is theirs, and they have been matching our maneuvers closely; they mean to bring us to battle. Our usual complement of warriors is absent: aside from Karth and Harn, they were all transported home with Honoured Bhatrem and Thuril Drakeslayer. In a sailing contest, I would back my men against most anyone, but if we cannot lose them, I doubt a fight will prove anything but one-sided.”

He looks at Karth as he says that, who looks like he's bitten into something sour. ”A fight is not out of the question, but it would be costly. The crew would have to take up arms. While they are made of stern stuff, they would take heavy losses against a well trained foe. And I gather there are dangers still to come which will need a full crew to handle.”

The Captain nods. “Aye. Which brings us to the possibility of evading them.”

He looks over at Master Halson as he speaks. The elder dwarf speaks haltingly, as though unused to the Common tongue, and with a thin if steady voice.

”They've chosen well, lying in wait here. If we continue as we are, we will reach these waters.” He taps a spot on the chart. ”You see these markings? There are mountains beneath the sea here. Their peaks cannot, for the most part, be seen, but some of those beneath the waves are high enough to rip open the bottom of this ship.

“Our course was to take us north of the mountains, here.” He demonstrates on the chart the path he is describing. ”But in these conditions, with the currents there being as they are, we might as well have the lee shore at our backs. And we will need to slow to take soundings of the depth.

"North of that, we reach seas plagued with monsters. Turn south, and we have a couple of hours before we reach waters claimed by Elania. Neither would be desirable."

The Captain nods, then turns to you.

"Now you know the position. One of you can hide us, but only if we remain stationary. The other can hide our exact position, but only by making our general position clear."

He looks at the chart, thoughtful.

"I have one idea, though it is risky; but first: does anything new occur to you, given this information?"

2017-02-04, 07:21 PM
"Of course they would still be Stonecutters," he replies, seeming baffled that you would suggest otherwise. [B]"While the clan exists, capture does not end one's loyalty. It is only if the clan is destroyed that the survivors may accept integration into the conquering clan rather than becoming clanless.

"Destruction of a clan is no easy thing, but if the clan's sacred ancestors are destroyed, if none still live who can channel their guidance, then a clan can die."

" But would not a captured clan rebel until reinforcements arrive from their own clan? Enough I am sure would accept it to make sure the children still learn the customs of the Stonecutter clan, but I can not believe all would comply to an enemy sleeping in their homes." Sister Rosalind explains, believing she was starting to understand the people of Kharheim a bit more by how they regarded those who were their captures under war.

The Captain shakes his head. "Contests of that kind are known among clans, and can give individual glory. But for war to bring glory to the clan and its warriors, it must be in defense of honor. Conflict may be born of insult, or intrusion; of competing for disputed resources, or in desperation. No mere sport can address such issues."

"But why have so many people fight for two people insulting one another, instead of having the two people settle it alone? I can see why an intrusion into another clans land could not be resolved in such a manner, but insults are generally between one person to another, and if the two clans are in their own lands it would be odd for an insult to randomly happen except in places all clans are welcome to gather."

"As things stand, only the Blackforge Clan trades with other nations. We can purchase the goods of other clans, and sell them elsewhere; or purchase the goods of other nations, to sell on to the other clans. Allowing the other clans direct access to international markets would remove our monopoly.

"Formalizing trade agreements might increase the volume of trade. It might, ultimately, benefit us. But we would need to weigh it up." "Trade between the clans is commonplace. Trade with other cultures is, at present, unique to our clan - well, and the Bloodrivers. Certainly better relations with your country could improve matters for us - but it might also remove our main advantage over rival clans.

"So perhaps instead of making trade fully accessible to all, allow the Blackforge clan to own property in New Ganther where they could store their trade goods so they could keep their own edge, while still allowing trade to flow in greater volume when they so wished it, allowing the Blackforge in essence to become the clan that deals with the economics of your entire culture as well." Sister Rosalind states, after all if the Blackforge clan was given a small piece of land to store their goods in new ganther as well as sell them it would allow them to gain money from both New Ganther as well as their own homeland, allowing them to be no doubt one of the richest clans their was due to their ability to trade freely unlike the Bloodrivers clan.

"The issue of the host-gift might be addressed. But your chancellor's actions cannot be so easily disowned. He was your lawful representative; he spoke with the voice of you all.

"Do you think it will matter to Kharheim that your administration has changed? Your state gave offence to ours."

"You begin to understand. I would say your task seems harder for it, but in truth, had you not seen that, it would be all but impossible."

" New Ganther did indeed give offense by allowing such a man the right of power, however to my understanding it was given to him by a dead king, and in truth he should not have held the seat as long as he had. It was through the power a dead king gave him that he kept a seat. If I am not mistaken it took the prince, the churches, and many others to change the rules of a dead king, in essence they moved mountains to make sure such an offense would never happen again. It is also why they sent me, I was at the meeting, and witnessed first hand what transpired. I asked Mr. Gunn along because he helped the prince find a legal way to save his people from war. So we are two of the few people who know everything of what happened. Trust will be a hard thing to earn among your people after an insult such as the one given, I can only hope by the prince asking us to come and speak with you that it shows he did not wish this for his people and is trying to make amends.

" Of sauce Captain." Sister Rosalind replies in dwarven, still speaking it like a human jumbling her words though not realizing it.

"I am glad everyone, while I am trying to earn your language I believe ball of this trickk may be a bit over my feet at the moment. And I thank you for the honor you no doubt are baking at my expense by speaking the common tongue instead of your own native one." Sister Rosalind says quickly in dwarven to everyone.

”The other ship has us at a distinct disadvantage,” he says shortly. ”The weathergage is theirs, and they have been matching our maneuvers closely; they mean to bring us to battle. Our usual complement of warriors is absent: aside from Karth and Harn, they were all transported home with Honoured Bhatrem and Thuril Drakeslayer. In a sailing contest, I would back my men against most anyone, but if we cannot lose them, I doubt a fight will prove anything but one-sided.”

He looks at Karth as he says that, who looks like he's bitten into something sour. ”A fight is not out of the question, but it would be costly. The crew would have to take up arms. While they are made of stern stuff, they would take heavy losses against a well trained foe. And I gather there are dangers still to come which will need a full crew to handle.”

The Captain nods. “Aye. Which brings us to the possibility of evading them.”

"I am one of the most skilled healers in the land of New Ganther, and have experience on the battlefield, if it came to close quarters and they tried boarding the ship I could no doubt keep a great deal of men alive so long as they stayed close to one another in battle. We would still lose people, however it would no doubt be a lot less than what you would normally lose in this condition." Sister Rosalind offers as she listens to the talks of battle so far.

”They've chosen well, lying in wait here. If we continue as we are, we will reach these waters.” He taps a spot on the chart. ”You see these markings? There are mountains beneath the sea here. Their peaks cannot, for the most part, be seen, but some of those beneath the waves are high enough to rip open the bottom of this ship.

“Our course was to take us north of the mountains, here.” He demonstrates on the chart the path he is describing. ”But in these conditions, with the currents there being as they are, we might as well have the lee shore at our backs. And we will need to slow to take soundings of the depth.

"North of that, we reach seas plagued with monsters. Turn south, and we have a couple of hours before we reach waters claimed by Elania. Neither would be desirable."

The Captain nods, then turns to you.

"Now you know the position. One of you can hide us, but only if we remain stationary. The other can hide our exact position, but only by making our general position clear."

He looks at the chart, thoughtful.

"I have one idea, though it is risky; but first: does anything new occur to you, given this information?"

Sister Rosalind watches each spot on the map pointed to listening closely to what is said as an idea pops into her mind, she was not sure if it would work, but if it did, none would be harmed, something she would much rather have. "As sailors you know that the moon controls the water levels to an extent. What if I were to tell you the gods I worship represent the sun and the moon. I could with a bit of luck raise the water up around us as we pass over the mountains if you think it will be enough. I doubt I can go much higher than 10ft. however, though I may get very lucky if The Lovers deem my cause worthy." she explains to the others, offering a way where they would not need to fight. " And if their is a rock outcropping or something similar near the area and we still see them perusing us we could launch an arrow into it containing a spell that would flush the area for a short time in complete darkness." Sister Rosalind offers, believing this was perhaps their safest course of action.

Yes I changed/misspelled the words in dwarven on purpose. To show she is still learning the language, and perhaps even make a few sailors laugh. Control water will allow Sister Rosalind to basically move up to 14ft. of water higher (if I am reading it correctly) in a 70x70 square, meaning it should easily afford our ship the chance, even if we have to go slower, we would be going in a course that the enemy no doubt would not expect meaning they would have to first change course to get their, followed by slowing down as well, or risk sinking their own ship. And by the time they would be close enough Rosalinds spell would no longer be raising the sea level in that area meaning they would become shipwrecked if they tried to follow. Could also summon say a small air elemental and a small water elemental and air goes in the sails of the ship to help its speed, while the water makes sure we don't hit anything we shouldnt.

2017-02-05, 12:15 PM
To your question about conquest, Bain looks frustrated. "No, do you not see? If a clan no longer exists, those who once belonged to it have two choices. They can bind themselves to the conquering clan - a shameful course, but one capable of bringing future honour. Or they become clanless.

"A temporary conquest, a passing imprisonment - these things would not end clan allegiance.

"It has been centuries since last a clan was destroyed. I pray it will be many more before it happens again."

To your other questions, he says little, except to comment: "Among dwarves, insults are not between individuals. Not when clan honour is engaged."

Captain Karthson listens to your plan, nodding approvingly.

"So we pass over the underwater mountains, and either they break off pursuit, or they follow and are wrecked. Excellent."

Halson grunts, more sceptical. "Are you certain this spell will work as you anticipate? How large a body of water is affected? Can you move it with us? We are talking about miles of water here."

2017-02-06, 12:05 AM
"In truth this would be the first time I would be trying to channel the power of the Mother in such a way. In theory it should work, and no doubt if I was more powerful it would work much greater, however given my current power I could at most handle a little over an hour of control over the water before we would lose all control. If you believe an hour is enough it is a simple question of would an extra 10 or so feet make it possible for the ship to pass over the underwater mountains. If it is not than we have to think of another solution. However if it is enough we need to have an idea of how long it will take to get to the other side of these mountains, and if it is more time than we have I suggest slowing early to find a safe place for when my spell ends the ship is not damaged. This will stop pursuit from behind us, though it may make our trip to your home longer than we first thought. I sadly do not have the skills as you sailors do in the regard to reading maps, espically ones of the ocean. This is your ship you will be risking, so while I can offer a suggestion to aid you, I can not make the choice for you. This will be the safest course of action if it works however." Sister Rosalind explains to all in the room making it clear she would not make the choice for them.

I mean with gunns inspire courage and sister Rosalinds healing I mean we do have a better chance than had they not been on the ship to survive the battle, and if the enemy relies on rage or other such things 9/10 times rosalinds aura will shut it down. So fighting is still possible.

2017-02-06, 03:49 AM
Master Halson scowls at that.

"Captain, we're making 6 knots at present under favourable winds, and the enemy is matching us. To wholly cross the mountainous region at that speed would take nearly two hours.

"The enemy are two miles astern. The limit of visibility from the crow's nest is about 7 miles. We could, I suppose, travel half way through the hazardous region - leaving us outside of their line of sight - then have the Sister recast the spell when she can to make the rest of the distance. But if they have some means of pursuing us, we'd be rats in a trap.

"Not to mention that, if the wind changes and we're suddenly becalmed, we could end up skewered on a mountain."

The Captain hums thoughtfully. "The other tactics you suggested were around hiding the ship from sight, I believe. If we could deceive the enemy into thinking we've entered those waters, how long could you hide us for?"

2017-02-06, 06:57 AM
"I can maintain the illusion as long as I concentrate on it," Gunn says. "And my powers of concentration are significant."

2017-02-06, 02:40 PM
The Captain looks impressed as he considers Gunn's reply.

"Excellent. Then here is what I propose - you can tell me if I have misunderstood how your magic works.

"We let the enemy think they're gaining on us, let them close the distance to under a mile while we make a show of trying to out-manoeuvre them.

"When they are close enough, Sister, you will cast your darkness spell on my gig. If I understand you correctly, the area it effects will cover the whole ship but move with the gig - yes?

"We launch the gig, unmanned, in the direction of the seamounts and islands. Sister, can you use your control over these waters to propel it and keep it intact as long as possible?

"While we are still in the veil of darkness, Mr Gunn, you will conceal us from sight.

"Or, an alternative that might save me the loss of a gig - Sister, could you make a moving platform of water, so that it looks as though we are invisibly escaping through the mountains? By allowing them to see the moment we turn invisible, we would make the ruse more credible.

"The enemy will believe we have fled into dangerous waters. Either they pursue, and with any luck are wrecked; or they withdraw, and we can safely resume our mission."

Halson grumbles at that. "Or they wait us out - or see through the whole thing. I don't like a plan that depends on these foreigners, Captain. Even less one that depends on you guessing what they can and can't do."

Karth, also, seems concerned. "Keeping a ship still and quiet is no easy thing. What about the motion of the water? And the noise of it? If we do this, I want the men ready to fight at a moment's notice. If we are discovered, we need to seize what advantage we can from the spell."

Captain Karthson looks at the two of you, awaiting your input.

2017-02-07, 10:19 PM
"Eventually the spell would be out of my range of control, and when that happens if the enemy did not follow they will catch onto us, if as your crew says the noise of a ship does not give us away first. As I said I can also make the water descend as well as rise, meaning I could create one of those things that spins around in the water. Though if we are not careful it could also drag us in, and would rely on the enemy being rather close to us." Sister Rosalind reminds them all, making sure they knew her magic could be used one of two ways in the case of this spell.

2017-02-08, 12:49 PM
Karth looks up sharply at that. "A whirlpool? You can make one of those?"

He exchanges a long look with the Captain.

"Sister, why not simply drag them down to the depths, and destroy them? It would save many lives, and put my clan greatly in your debt - far more so than simply helping us evade a battle. And, you know, we always pay our debts."

I know, vow of peace - but they would ask after you said that. I'm also not sure how deep a whirlpool would have to be to actually put the ship and crew at risk? Still, 16 feet is quite deep.

Unless Rosalind agrees to try it(!) I'll resolve the encounter based on the Captain's proposal. Esorscher, just to be clear, what spell will Gunn be using?

2017-02-08, 01:46 PM
"I know the spell I spoke of can either raise water or lower it in a certain area. Lowering it would indeed create a whirlpool." Sister Rosalind says, not sure where this line of talk was going to lead.

"Because the only violence my Clan believes in is to protect those that are living.Undead trying to kill humanity and flood the world with negative energy is the simplest case of such as I am allowed to do. I am also allowed to protect myself from constructs made from mortals, for they are never truly alive, except one unique one I have meet in my entire life. To take life is against my Clan's beliefs and it is why I will not sink the ship across from us. Even if it were to gain your favor it would bring dishonor to my clan as well as myself." Sister Rosalind explains, trying to put it into words the crew as a whole would understand and accept.

"If I create this whirlpool it will be as a countermeasure to stop them from attacking us, and with luck it will disuade them from doing so. However as you yourself said, hoping the enemy follows a course of action does not mean it will happen, they could wait for my control of it to expire, and if by that time I have not returned it to normal calm waters I will have no control over the whirlpool meaning we could be harmed by it as well." she points out, making sure they are aware of why she suggested they try and go over the mountains.

2017-02-08, 08:06 PM
Gunn prepares himself to cast Silent Image (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/silentImage.htm), sharing with the dwarves who are concerned, "The illusion will follow the ship, and it will make us seem as though we are merely open air on open water." It will require full concentration of his prodigious mental faculties to pull off, but it should be possible as he understands the magic to function.

2017-02-09, 07:44 AM
Captain Karthson nods, accepting your answer and drumming his fingers on the table.

”There's more that could go wrong with my plan than yours,” he says finally. ”We will try to evade them over the seamounts. Mr Gunn, if you would hold your spell in readiness in case it is needed?”

Leaving Master Halson to clear away the charts, he leads the way back on deck. A glance to the rear shows the enemy sail slightly larger on the horizon than before. The Captain exchanges quiet words with the helmsman, resulting in a slight adjustment to the course, then looks up to the rigging. A moment’s thought, a soft-spoken order to a messenger, and the array of sail is soon adjusted.

Ahead, you can just make out the grey smudge of the peaks on the horizon. The wind is close to being directly at your back, and the ship is practically flying through the water; a dwarf lets out a line, and reports, ”Six and a half knots, Captain.”

Yet, to the rear, the sail grows gradually larger. The dwarves say nothing of this, going about their business efficiently, but you catch more than one uneasy look, more time spent than is strictly necessary at the aft rail.

It soon becomes clear that it has become a race. The enemy ship is closing the gap, anxious to bring you to battle; the Kharheim vessel is fleeing for the safety of the seamounts with all speed, trusting in Rosalind to turn a place of danger into one of refuge. It is a race that the enemy seems to be winning, drawing ever closer to the rear.

Half an hour, and you can make out the outline of the ship behind you. The Captain shows no visible sign of nerves, but he orders another change of sail; the ship quivers forward, lines trembling slightly with the strain, but marginally faster.

The enemy ship is still closing. Harn takes a long look, then scowls - or, more accurately, his perpetual scowl becomes briefly more intense.

”Witchcraft,” he growls sullenly - earning a reproving look from those around him.

Still, it seems the assessment may be correct. The enemy ship has no oars, and the array of sail looks similar to your own; yet, with the same winds behind them, they close the distance. There may be other explanations, differences between the ship only a practised sailor would see; but the possibility of magic being at play is one never lightly disregarded. A concern indeed, when the whole strategy for escape depends on their being unable to counter Rosalind’s magic.

To add to the danger, the dark clouds of a thunderstorm loom behind the enemy vessel. It looks like it will catch up to both ships soon - but whether that will be before or after you reach safety, you cannot tell.

The minutes stretch anxiously out, until an hour has now passed since you emerged from the cabin. The enemy ship is now within half a mile; ahead, the first island looms about the same distance from the bow. The flash of lightning is close behind the enemy now; yet he shows no sign of abandoning the chase to prepare for it. On your own ship, Master Halson and the Captain exchange hushed words, their eyes and thoughts plainly on the two threats to the rear; but there is nothing for it but to continue.

Finally the Captain comes to speak with Rosalind and Gunn.

”We're cutting it fine,” he says to you both. He doesn't lower his voice, and you see the crew listening in carefully. ”At this speed, we'll hit the dangerous waters in four minutes. The other ship will be in bow range for the last minute, but that doesn't concern me too much: it's the storm that will do the damage. If we can't find a safe harbour before it hits, we'll be dashed to pieces. The only good thing about this is, they won't dare pursue us with that storm on their heels.

“I can't even guess how your magic and that storm will mix. Not well, I should guess. If you've got anything else up your sleeves, now's the time.”

2017-02-09, 09:27 AM
”We're cutting it fine,” he says to you both. He doesn't lower his voice, and you see the crew listening in carefully. ”At this speed, we'll hit the dangerous waters in four minutes. The other ship will be in bow range for the last minute, but that doesn't concern me too much: it's the storm that will do the damage. If we can't find a safe harbour before it hits, we'll be dashed to pieces. The only good thing about this is, they won't dare pursue us with that storm on their heels.

“I can't even guess how your magic and that storm will mix. Not well, I should guess. If you've got anything else up your sleeves, now's the time.”

Up until now Sister Rosalind had been making sure to stay out of everyones way, knowing that when her time came she would be needed and called upon. Until that time she would simply get in the way, as such when the others begin to explain that the other ship is still catching up to them and should be within bow range in the next three minutes Sister Rosalind looks to the sails. "Perhaps we should use our own magic then though it will not last long it should give us a small breath." The priestess says as she begins to chant in the celestial tongue, asking the lovers to send to her a child of air.

Moments latter a small little whirlwind appears a few feet before her, as her prayer is heard. Looking to the small creature she looks up to the sails as she begin speaking once more in the tongue of the angels, asking it to go behind the sail and blow as much air into it as the creature could.

SM 3 to summon a small air elemental for 7 rounds, sure it won't be that helpful, but any second it can buy to keep us out of arrow range the better.

Next she looks at the captain. "I would find your best archer, and have him ready for when we are in range. When they are I will enchant the arrow to carry the magical darkness with it stopping them from being able to see. This should slow them down greatly given the storm behind them and they no doubt know about the area before us as well. Add in spellcasters often need components to cast spells, with them being unable to see they should not be able to cast anything with luck." Sister Rosalind explains to the captain trying to teach him the easy ways to stop a spellcaster from using their magic.

"The storm will either empower my spell, or make it harder to concentrate. As I will be able to control the waters around us the only danger we should have is from the sky above. As the waters will remain calm so long as I am controlling them. Again I have never done a spell like this before though, so I can not say what the weather will do. At best no doubt the water will rise slightly on its own.

2017-02-09, 09:36 AM
"When they reach arrow range, I'll be able to imbue your archers with a powerful explosive effect," Gunn says, explaining the effects of his dragonfire inspiration. "We should have the upper hand in the battle."

2017-02-09, 12:57 PM
The air elemental gives a brief flurry of extra speed, causing the mainmast to creak alarmingly; it lasts less than a minute, but during that time the two ships are no longer closing with each other. Thanks to that, the window for the enemy to bombard you with arrows is dramatically reduced.

The last few minutes seem to last longer than the whole of the preceding chase. You can now make out individual crewmembers on the ship behind, although you cannot make out their race from this distance, apart from "humanoid". Just as you are about to reach the first peak, an arrow arcs through the air and embeds itself on the ship. It is swiftly followed by a full volley, about half of which fall short into the water - but those remaining injure four crewmen, and kill a fifth outright as a lucky shaft takes him through the throat.

The response from the dwarves, aided by your magic, is swift and devastating. A flight of crossbow bolts, ablaze with dragonfire, strike the enemy ship and crew; even across the distance between you, you can hear screaming, and one bolt sets fire to a sail.

Then Karth's arrow, bearing Rosalind's enchantment, strikes the deck and swallows the whole ship in darkness.

The dwarves continue to bombard the unseen ship with flaming crossbow bolts, trusting to the law of averages to see some of them strike home. You can only imagine what must be transpiring: efforts to fight a fire they suddenly cannot see; crewmen accustomed to the hazardous environment of the ship, now challenged to do so again in utter darkness; the terror of not knowing what is happening with either the enemy ship ahead, or the thundering storm behind.

You hear shouts and splashes - some, at least, have fallen into the sea, to face the uncertain fate of a swimmer far from shore, with lightning flashing close at hand.

"Sister Rosalind!" cries Captain Karthson, the loudest utterance you have heard from him yet. "Now would be an excellent time to raise the water!"

You look, and see that a line of sharp spikes of stone is just visible in the water, dead ahead. Whether this is natural or not is a question for another time - the ship must be lifted immediately if it is to survive.

Pausing there so you can describe Rosalind's spellcasting. Feel free to describe the results, within the boundaries of the spell wording of course!

2017-02-09, 02:49 PM
As Sister Rosalind sees four sailors injured, and another outright dead from a volley of arrows, she quickly rushes forward, trusting her own divine shield to shatter any arrows that may harm her to heal the injured crew so they would not suffer any serious injury.

Cure Minor wounds for +7hp each

As she finishes healing the last of the injured sailors she hears the captains call and taking out a waterskin she had filled with water ealier from the ocean she begins her chant, dancing in a circile as she sings, as ever so slowly the shape of the moon is seen on the floor of the ship where she had been dancing. Quickly dumping out the sea water she continues to chant as the water that lands on the floor begins to rise as does the water all around the ship, lifting the ship up into the air above the rocky peaks. "Make sure someone is at all sides I need to make sure I do not need to raise the ship higher at any given moment." Sister Rosalind explains to them, knowing that she could shape the water slightly to have one side rise up while the other descended if needed be.

2017-02-10, 03:59 AM
There is not enough time to heal all of the dwarves, but Rosalind saves the one with an arrow through his throat, drawing it out and pulling his soul back from the brink, her gods' blessings sealing the wound and restoring some of the lost blood.

She has time to treat one more injury before the Captain's cry goes up, doing her best to choose the most seriously hurt - although, remarkably, none of them seem in a critical condition. Perhaps that is not so strange: the range had been extreme, the ship itself providing some degree of cover.

The dwarves, and each of you, cling onto whatever you can find as the ship lurches up high into the air, buoyed up by a sudden platform of water. The Captain quickly orders the sails furled, anxious not to have the winds sweep you from this platform; your progress through the hazardous waters, then, is slowed to a crawl as Rosalind maneuvers the platform of water through those few peaks high enough to still pose a threat.

There seems to be nothing in the spell description saying you can move the water once raised, or if so how fast, but we'll go with it in the interests of advancing the plot!

The winds are whipping around you now, as the Captain orders the hatches battened down and lifelines secured. With painful slowness, you seek out some form of shelter from wind and rain, as well as something high enough to ensure lightning strikes it instead of the mast.

The wind buffets the ship, and even with sails furled, it takes a constant effort on Rosalind's part to keep the ship from being thrown onto the rocks. The need to tilt the water platform to compensate for the wind creates a hideous, lurching sensation; even the strong constitution of the dwarves is tested to its fullest.

The rain gets steadily more intense, until you can barely see the ship around you; the dwarves at the rail have to shout urgent warnings, each with seconds to spare, and with the constant threat of a crucial cry being drowned out by thunder.

Finally the cry goes up. "A cove! A cove!"

Following the shouted directions, Rosalind brings the vessel into the dubious shelter of the tiny bay, barely wide enough to fit the ship in it, letting the water lower gradually as she tests its depth. With shelter on three sides, the worst of the storm seems to be behind you, and the Captain sends you below.

"Rest, Sister," he shouts over what remains of the wind. "We'll do the rest. Well fought!"

2017-02-10, 10:20 PM
All Sister Rosalind can do after exerting such mental power to make sure the ship stayed above the sea was nod her head to the captain, sweet pouring down her entire face, though it would be unmistakable given how much it was raining. However even in this storm her halo shined like a beacon of hope through the storm, showing the sailors that they were not alone in this endeavor. " If anything changes captain wake me, I can still heal the wounded after I rest a little." she says, her voice filled with exhaustion as she slowly makes her way to the cabin she had been given. "Mr. Gunn, please make sure Mr. Matyrn did not fall overboard. He was seasick before we hit rough waters...I can only imagine what could have happened if he was foolish enough to stay close to the rails when we tried making our escape." she asks simply, before departing to the world of dreams.

2017-02-11, 07:26 AM
Gunn pats Sister Rosalind on the shoulder appreciatively, then heads off in search of Matyrn.

2017-02-12, 02:14 AM
As Rosalind sleeps, Gunn finds Matryn, huddled miserably in your shared cabin. At least he hasn't been thrown overboard; but from the smell, he lost control of his stomach more than once during the pursuit.

"Mr Gunn," he greets you wearily. "I'm glad things seem to have calmed down. I might actually be able to catch my breath.

"Have we worked out what that was all about? I get that Kharheim's ships are good targets for pirates - particularly if carrying chests of gemstones is commonplace when visiting foreign lands. But this enemy lay in ambush, yes? That seems more ominous than a chance attack by pirates."

2017-02-12, 07:47 AM
"Not sure. But now that we know you're okay, maybe we can figure that out." He flashes Matryn a thumbs-up and heads back out to the Captain, Rosalind, and the others, to inquire as to their thoughts on Matryn's question--"What was that about?"

2017-02-13, 03:32 AM
The Captain is busy assessing the damage to the ship, but once he has assigned crewmembers to patch a torn sail he gives you his full attention.

"I'm not sure I follow your question, Mr Gunn. We spotted a ship, which proved to be hostile. We lacked the fighting men needed to engage them. We withdrew - thanks to you and the Sister, successfully. Standard tactics for naval engagements, apart from the last part."

Matryn has stumbled up onto the deck behind you, and mutters irritably at that. "Maybe it's the vomiting," he says wryly, "but something about that stinks. Who were they? Why were you so sure they were hostile, even before they started bearing down on us?"

Bain looks at Matryn in silence, his expression giving nothing away. Finally he turns back to Gunn.

"The log will reflect that we were pressed by an unidentified vessel, flying no colours, who demonstrated by their handling and, later, by direct bombardment that they wished to engage us. They fired first. At eleven of the clock, they were aflame and about to be overtaken by a prodigious storm when we lost sight of them. Their subsequent fate is unknown.

"That log will, given the nature of my mission, be scrutinised by all the Seven Clans in Council. It is of vital importance that the log accurately reflect all that can be proven of the encounter. Anything else is pure speculation."

It seems from his expression that the Captain is trying to tell you something. From Matryn's blank look, however, it is equally apparent your aide has no idea what that is.

2017-02-13, 06:49 AM
Gunn does his best to suss out what the Captain might be trying to communicate. (Sense Motive: [roll0])

2017-02-13, 12:33 PM
Gunn can usually find a way through most situations, relying on hunches and unspoken social cues - but this time, dealing with this dwarf, he cannot get a feel for what the man is trying to say. It may have to wait until you can get a second opinion from Rosalind - unless you can persuade either the Captain, or another member of the crew, to open up.

2017-02-14, 06:54 AM
"Is there something you're not telling us? The more information you share with us, the more we can help." Gunn asks.

2017-02-14, 08:59 AM
The Captain looks frustrated, and turns to Karth. The other dwarf looks to be considering his words carefully.

"There is no evidence to say who was behind the attack," he says slowly. "We have learned to be particularly careful about making false accusations, after our clan was censured in council for insulting the reputation of the Bloodriver Clan without cause recently. It is not a mistake any of us would care to repeat - even in casual conversation with a foreigner.

"It is certainly the case that attacks of this kind on our ships are becoming increasingly frequent. If there were evidence of who is behind it, that would be a matter for the Council.

"The standard of evidence the Council requires before considering an allegation depends on the reputation of the accused and the degree of dishonour implied by the accusation. I would find it easy enough to convince the Council to take action against a foreigner who had wronged me - well, if I could convince them the matter deserved the Council's consideration. But not all cases are so easily proven."

Bain lays a hand on his shoulder. "That's enough," he says softly. "We will conduct ourselves with honour - whether or not out enemies do."

After that, the dwarves avoid substantive conversation. They focus on getting the ship through the storm; later, on repairs to the damage done by the winds and the desperate flight.

Through it all, Rosalind sleeps as though dead, her exhaustion from lifting nearly 300 tonnes of water - even though her gods had borne the weight for her - for so long almost total. It would have been easier to lift 50 elephants than to accomplish such a feat. The knowledge she would have to do it again - and for far longer - chased itself around in her head, spoiling her much-needed rest.

The crew explore the small island, gathering some fresh water and fish for the day ahead. Night comes and goes, and with the dawn comes fair weather and favourable winds. The crew ready the ship to depart, waiting on only Rosalind's miracle to bring them out.

2017-02-17, 09:09 PM
After that, the dwarves avoid substantive conversation. They focus on getting the ship through the storm; later, on repairs to the damage done by the winds and the desperate flight.

Through it all, Rosalind sleeps as though dead, her exhaustion from lifting nearly 300 tonnes of water - even though her gods had borne the weight for her - for so long almost total. It would have been easier to lift 50 elephants than to accomplish such a feat. The knowledge she would have to do it again - and for far longer - chased itself around in her head, spoiling her much-needed rest.

The crew explore the small island, gathering some fresh water and fish for the day ahead. Night comes and goes, and with the dawn comes fair weather and favorable winds. The crew ready the ship to depart, waiting on only Rosalind's miracle to bring them out.

Sister Rosalind's rest was filled with crashing waves and lighting as she tried to control the ship and stop it from crashing. All the weight she had been trying to support in the waking world weighing her down in her dreams as she felt sluggish. As if she were waist deep in the water itself, however eventually dawn came, and with it Rosalind awoke and began her morning ritual to the Lover's as she had always done since she was a little girl. However today she made a point to spend a good deal of time braiding her hair so that it would not all fall down like a waterfall around her as normal, believing it would not be a wise move to greet the diplomats of an entire people looking like a begger the king simply sent over.


Once finished she made her way to the deck of the ship, greeting everyone she meet in dwarven, making sure to practice the language as much as she could before the crew arrived in their homeland. In no time however it seemed she found herself once more at the center of the ship, lolooking to the captain and the rest of his staff she smiled kindly, though still showing signs of the strength that had been taken from her the day before carrying the ship. "Is there anything we need to discuss before I begin? Because once I begin I will not be able to take my concentration away from the ship." Sister Rosalind says to all around her, letting any say what they wished to her.

2017-02-19, 02:41 PM
The dwarves watch Rosalind respectfully, but their attention is mainly on readying the ship for the ordeal ahead. Even the Captain says nothing to her, beyond confirming that everything is ready.

Matryn looks at her and sighs, rolling his eyes. "I'll go find a bucket again then. I knew the calm was too good to last."

He surreptitiously hands her a note as he leaves, however.

What Matryn has handed over is a verbatim transcription of the exchange with the Captain about the identity of the attackers.

2017-02-19, 04:38 PM
Sister Rosalind makes sure to read the note quickly as she asks one of the sailors to get her a bucket of seawater having Mr. Gunn stand next to her as she reads the note carefully. "I see we were busy while I was asleep. When we are all safe I will ask to speak with the captain alone in a more delicate manner. Until than please destroy all evidence of this letter, we do not want the council seeing that the captain and his crew "may" have broken one of their rules." Sister Rosalind says making it clear she didn't want the captain to think she would betray him so easily. "If anyone asks you why you are destroying this letter say you are only allowed to speak to the captain about it under the authority of the diplomatic party." she says wanting to make sure he wouldn't get in trouble if someone saw him burning the note, after all she didn't care if the captain knew of the note, so long as the note was not able to be used against him.

Once Mr. Gunn was done speaking with her and she had gotten the bucket of water she had asked for she once again performs the ritual, though this time it seems like it comes easier to her even in her tired state, to raise the water once more and with luck finish their journey to the land of the dwarves.

2017-02-20, 11:35 AM
"What have we gotten ourselves into," Gunn asks Sister Rosalind, once she has been briefed on what the Captain had said. "It sounds like we have traded one spider's web of intrigue for another, only on this web we know none of the players."

2017-02-21, 11:46 PM
"We know the captain, and those at the meeting. Though I would put more faith in the captain than the others at the moment given what had happened. I would suggest avoiding topics that may get the captain in trouble so long as we can do it without lying. After all I saw a ship, but I myself only knew about it because the captain pointed it out. And when they were to close I was to focused on trying to keep people alive to look for any sign of who the ship may belong to." Sister Rosalind adds hoping Gunn would agree with this, no doubt the captain had an idea of who had been waiting. However if he were to say something without proof he could lose a great deal it seems.

"A spider web is only dangerous to those who are worried about being caught in it. I have no love for these kinds of talks and find them to be a waste of time in most cases. Both sides want to stop losing men and women, or do not want to lose men and women, so fighting seems pointless. Given how long a dwarf can live imagine how wounderful they could make their lives if even for a single generation they did not fight with one another, but instead worked as a whole to better themselves? I do not think anyone would be able to stand up to the masters of that generation of Dwarves when they were adults. All these politics do is make people bicker over things and fight."

2017-02-22, 08:20 AM
"The problem is when two different sides believe that their way is the right way. How can we convince people to care more about their neighbor than they do themselves? Beyond that, how can we convince them that our plan is in their best interests, rather than the plan of those who benefit from suffering? How to we open their eyes to the reality that they are being misled by their leadership--assuming, of course, they are. But if it is as easy as you make it sound, then all war and strife would have been defeated long ago."

2017-02-22, 08:45 AM
"Most rulers are greedy and simply want more, their neighbors have more and thus they try to take it from them instead of trading for something the neighbor wants in return. It is the main problem with the world, thankfully I do not believe that will be the case with Kharheim. They have always had the military strength to take New Ganther from the sounds of it, however it is the third enemy we do not know about that they would than have to contend with as they would be breaking a vow they made which would go against the beliefs of the Oathkeeper Clan if I understood the captain the other day. You can not fight a war in your homeland as well as a naval battle. So Landing in New Ganther is a risk to them if they did so with the intent for war. Add in only two of the clans seem to have enough experience when it comes to the seas it would fall on them to transport troops and supplies, as well as guard against enemy ships. And with the two clans that have naval experience not seeing eye to eye they would no doubt attack each other quite often." Sister Rosalind points out to Mr. Gunn.

"In the end a war with New Ganther would be costly to them, even with their military strength due to the third party we are not aware of. However pointing it out in that manner will only anger some of the clans as it would seem like a challenge and insult so best not to use that line unless we have to. Meaning we show what we can offer in return if peace were to continue, giving a warehouse for the Blackforge clan to hold their trade goods in New Ganther opens up trade allowing Kharheim to gather what they wish from New Ganther without having to go to war for it. Of course it would be up to the Blackforge clan what they choose to bring back, and at what time, but trade would flow easier I believe which would eliminate one reason for war."

"I see the problem involving the Hearthstone, Oathkeeper, Ironshield, and Bloodriver clans for rather obvious reasons given what little we know of them. The Bloodriver Clan will oppose us almost immediately when they see we are in talks with the Blackforge and the Oathkeepers will not forgive the offense given to their people with ease. The Ironshield we can offer little to for they seem self reliant, and only go to these meetings as a sense of tradition so the others do not attack them. They hunt wild beasts is all we know about them, and that they trade skins on occasion. I do not believe New Ganther can offer them anything they do not already have. And the Hearthstone are the farmers who also have the strongest military. Meaning they can trade food for any weapons of armor they need with ease, opening up trade with New Ganther could cripple them in some aspects as the Blackforge clan could begin bringing in exotic foods and such if they wished." Sister Rosalind explains to Gunn before looking at the sun.

"Perhaps later we can speak more, however I need to get this ship out of these waters soon. Until later Mr. Gunn?"

2017-02-22, 12:53 PM
At that, Rosalind begins the Herculean task of bringing the ship through the dangerous waters where it now lies.

Lifting the ship proves a less overwhelming task, as though it were an exercise which your body was growing used to - the weight is no less, but your ability to cope with it is growing.

Cautiously, you raise the sea level to bring the ship over the seamounts. Now that the weather is calmer, Bain opens out the sails to some extent, gradually, using the wind to add speed to the vessel but taking care not to move it faster than you can handle.

It is a fraught hour, with the crew on high alert for hazards as they slowly learn to mix seamanship with your magic. Still, visibility is good, and you are high enough now that few seamounts can truly threaten the ship; those that do are mostly true islands, plainly visible even now, expanses of stone jutting up from the sea like the spears of an aquatic giant.

At length, you leave the last of the islands behind you, and hear a barely-audible sigh of relief from Bain Karthson. He confers briefly with Master Halson, then lays a hand on Rosalind's shoulder.

"It is done, Sister. We are clear."


The shout from the crow's nest, abrupt and shockingly loud amid this crew of silent dwarves, pulls every eye to the lookout. Following his finger, you find yourselves looking at a ship, emerging from behind an island about half a mile to the north. It looks like the same type of vessel that...

No. It is the same ship that hounded you the day before, that you last saw aflame and about to be overtaken by the storm.

Snapping open his telescope, Captain Karthson begins rattling orders to the crew, who swiftly make the ship ready. Slowly, you turn - not, you realise, away from the enemy vessel, but towards it.

"I don't know how they survived, or beat us here, but they're the worse for wear," Karthson tells you in hushed tones. "It looks like they haven't taken the time to stop and repair the storm damage. They're moving awkwardly, and they're missing a mast. I'd guess they've lost a good portion of their crew as well - at least, I can't see as many hands on deck now.

"So this ends here. If they want a battle so badly, by my ancestors, they will have one.

"My main worry is that they seem to have at least one Ru- I mean, at least one spellcaster aboard. Can I rely on the two of you to counter him, and to do whatever you can to bolster my men again for the fight?"

2017-02-22, 01:10 PM
Gunn nods. "You can count on me." Just before the enemy ship is within range, he will inspire courage to the maximum effect of his capability, as he'd done the day before--unless new information is received that might change that plan. "Surround me with your most accurate archers."

Round -1: Inspire Courage +4d6 (+1, Song of the Heart, Inspirational Boost, Badge of Valor)

2017-02-23, 12:42 AM
Do not forget your crystal Echoblade's ability that works in conjuration with Inspire courage.

As the same ship appears from the day before Sister Rosalind looks concerned, she was not a priest who was able to fight the living, and while she could keep her allies fighting the fact that these enemies had chased them so far meant that there was something much deeper at work, making her question if all the events since the dwarven dignitaries had landed were all somehow connected in some way.

"Captain as you know my vows prevent me from harming anyone, and given we are in the middle of the ocean I was not expecting a battle. With the Grace of the Lovers I may be able to provide a few spells to aid in the battle, however they at most will simply stun the enemy for but a moment, it will not cause harm. And only if their hearts are tainted by darkness will it even effect them. I however can continue to heal the crew of each injury they receive so long as I myself breath." As she says this last part the halo of light that always seems to surround the priestess seems to take shape into a suit of armor, its light stronger than the last time. "And given that the Lovers are not fools to allow their followers to not protect themselves I doubt many will be able to harm me by normal means."

Lumonious Armor [roll0] Str damage for enemies to take a -4

This leaves me with 1 4th level domain spell, 1 bonus spell from 4th level
All 3rd level spells
1 Domain +3 regular 2nd level spells
All 1st level spells
All 0 Level spells

Sadly by default list I have 98% healing spells. With a select few helpful spells. Exalted spells seem the most helpful at this moment, I can trade a spell for Celestial aspect use a dagger with the wings aspect fly over to their ship and destroy the sails Though if I am doing that no one can heal anyone who gets harmed. Though if the crew knows this and chooses to wait behind things that will provide cover it is possible for us to win easier with no loss of life.

2017-02-23, 03:30 AM
The two vessels close swiftly, each crew hungry to resolve matters through open battle. The mood among the dwarves is tense, but eager; you sense that fleeing yesterday went against the grain for these proud men, and that they relish the chance to prove their courage and skill.

Karth Kudrenson stands with Gunn, as does the surly Harn and the Captain himself, with a scattering of other crewmen, all armed with crossbows and spoiling for the fight. At the bow of the ship, Master Halson calls the distance.

"Thirty seconds to range!"

Bain looks at Gunn and grins fiercely. "Now for it, Mr Gunn! Let them learn the cost of baiting the Blackforge Clan!"

"Twenty seconds!"

Harn grumbles softly. "Fine target we'll all make, bunched up like-"


The dwarves take aim, and on the other vessel you see the crew do the same - a crew, you can now see, made up of dwarves, their attire and racial features almost indistinguishable from your allies. At the last moment, Gunn calls upon his magic to set the crossbow bolts ablaze, ready to strike down the enemy; Rosalind meanwhile ignites like a torch herself, a beacon of light and healing at the grim heart of the battleship.


"Loose! Loose! Have at them! For Blackforge!"

"For Blackforge!"


The enemy ship is eerily silent, making no battle cries as they loose a volley of crossbow bolts and arrows. Your allies send their ammunition hammering into the enemy ship, many blazing with conjured dragonfire, torching sails and timbers.

None of your allies were hit this round, and they set about reloading for the next volley.

Will save please. DC 17. If you fail, carry on to round 1 as though nothing were amiss. If you pass, I'll let you know what happens next!

As you watch, the crossbow bolts pass through the enemy ship, which you quickly realise is an illusion. Looking around, the dwarves seem fooled - but surely, if there is an illusion here, someone wanted to lure you closer, someone with the arcane ability to sustain an illusion on this scale.

But where is he - and what trap is he about to spring?

2017-02-23, 08:53 AM
Gunn does not believe what he sees. Will: [roll0] He castes Haste on himself and 7 others, beginning with those who the Captain had pointed out as the most accurate archers, and of course, the Captain himself.

2017-02-23, 10:25 AM
Sister Rosalind was a woman of faith, and she knew that there was very few forces of magic that could have bested them given the condition of the ship they had encountered the other day. It had been in utter darkness, on fire, and heading towards rocky shores with no way of seeing what was around them, never mind the storm itself. The chances they had been overtaken were slim, however their were spells that could make it look like they were, and as she watched all the arrows miss the crew her theory was confirmed.

"Captain, everyone that ship is an illusion. It is not really, someone is hiding close by, I suggest we let lose our sails and try making a run for Kharheim. This will force the enemy to come to you and out of hiding. It will also make their spellcaster use more of their spells." she points out.

"If the true enemy shows themselves I can fly over and cut their sails or try to blind them if their hearts are filled with evil. I would offer to take one of them with me upon a return trip, however I doubt I will have the strength to battle anyone in such a manner and carry them across the water."

2017-02-24, 12:38 PM
Just lost a post I'd typed up, when will I learn?

So instead of that beautifully crafted masterpiece of storytelling (honest!) here you go...

With Rosalind's pronouncement, the crew manage one by one to see through the fiction. A handful of bolts splash harmlessly into the water, but soon the rattled orders of the Captain break through the illusion.

With what seems painful slowness, the sails are adjusted, the wheel spun; gradually, tortuously, the bow of the ship turns to starboard, its impetus still bearing it nearer to the phantom vessel.

Then the figment of the enemy ship vanishes; there is a resounding crack, the splintering of timbers; the ship lurches, throwing several crewmen from their feet, and heels alarmingly over to the port.

The Captain curses under his breath. A glance sends dwarves equipped with carpenters' tools down below decks, swiftly followed by Karth Kudrenson, axe in hand.

"Sister Rosalind!" the Captain bellows, hands tight on the rail. "Mr Gunn! I cannot fight what I cannot see!"

2017-02-25, 02:19 AM
"Neither can I Captain, I can try a spell that will work on all souls that have evil in their heart. However its range is just under 200ft meaning if they are out of its range, or not evil it will simply not effect them. I could call forth a wall of wind to stop archers from firing upon the crew, though the enemy spellcaster may see this and simply have their own ship move to a side not protected by the spell. It may buy us a few moments however. I believe our best bet is looking for disturbance's in the water from the direction of the attack and if it is within range trying to fire upon that location. With luck we will hit something and it will catch fire." Sister Rosalind explains waiting to see what the captain wished her to do with her magical abilities as she herself searched the waves for a sign.

Spot check [roll0]

2017-02-25, 10:05 PM
"If the ship was an illusion, it seems the most likely thing is that we are dealing with one rogue caster who survived the storm." Gunn reaches out telepathically to sense minds within 100'. (Maybe more if he finds anything)

2017-02-26, 02:20 AM
Initially, Gunn finds nothing within the range except fish. After a few seconds, however, a highly intelligent humanoid mind (Int 22) appears at the fringes of his senses - beneath the ship.

It approaches quickly; then, a second mind appears immediately below the ship, near where the carpenters and Karth are.

A magical beast, with a decidedly dark mind. (Int 3)

I'll let you decide what to do in the light of that before Bain replies!

2017-02-26, 08:38 AM
Gunn relays the information to Rosalind, and to the crew: The enemy is beneath us, and they've summoned something to distract the carpenters!"

2017-02-26, 09:13 AM
Well I doubt in this moment I can reach them, though I could give someone the ability to breath underwater. First however lets try to make them blind so that it will make them harder to attack our ship." Sister Rosalind says to all assembled as she begins chanting in celestial and the entire ocean seems to soak up the rays of the sun as if it were a mirror reflecting the rays of pure light in all directions trying to blind the enemy. However after the attack it is clear Sister Rosalind is much weaker, as if she gave a part of herself into the spell.

Standard Action Cast Brilliant Emanation
All evil creatures in a 170ft. radius Fort DC 21 or be blinded for [roll0] rounds
If save is passed they simply take a -1 penalty to attacks due to being distracted

To do this I scarified Create Food and water
[roll1] Str damage to me as it is an exalted spell

2017-02-27, 03:18 AM
With the ship's hull between you and the enemy, you can only trust your spell took effect; but you hear Karth's battle cry down below, and the ship shudders at another impact - although less devastating than the first.

There is no sign of the spellcaster. If he was caught within the spell, perhaps he is waiting it out - or perhaps he is casting buffs on himself or his summoned creature.

As you've probably guessed, I'm not enforcing initiative order - just post a round's worth of actions each time.

2017-02-27, 01:19 PM
"Captain I can not tell if my spell worked, though that last attack seemed to have a lot less power in it then the first. If you have anyone that is good with a blade and swimming I suggest you send them to me now, I can give them a spell that will allow them to breath underwater. Once I am done however I will be trying to get to the carpenters to keep them alive. Something is trying to kill them below us, and I doubt the enemy will fight us up on deck, they will sink the ship instead." Sister Rosalind explains.

Cast Water Breathing on who the captain suggests followed by going to join the carpenters.
If no one is suggested she will take a double move action to get to the carpenters if needed

2017-02-28, 03:37 AM
The Captain selects several crewmembers, who grimly arm themselves with knives and short spears, stripping off all encumbrances. Rosalind calls on her gods to bless them, and a faintly luminous layer of gas forms around each dwarf's mouth and nose. The crewmen nod their thanks before diving into the sea, ready to take the battle to their foe.

The priestess then races below decks. Water is pouring in through a hole in the hull, and is already ankle-deep. A team of dwarves has formed a bucket chain, bailing with all their might to delay the inevitable; the carpenters, led by Karth Kudrenson, have equipment ready to seal the breach, but are being prevented from getting close enough. One carpenter already lies bleeding in the bilge, his fingers white as he tries to stem the flow from a gaping wound in his left arm.

The cause of the injury quickly becomes clear. A long, serpentine neck ending in a vicious reptilian head darts through the breach, nostrils flaring as it searches blindly for its prey, vicious teeth gleaming in the lantern light.

With ash-dark scales, crimson eyes and a sulfurous stench, it is clear this beast is native to the lower planes - but whatever its origin, it is plainly a living being. The question for Rosalind is clear, even as the beast tears the breach further with its powerful neck: how can she save the ship without breaking her vows?

Karth chooses that moment to leap forward, hacking at the exposed head with his two-handed axe; with a hiss like an angry crocodile, the creature recoils, briefly clearing the breach before cautiously returning.

Gunn's turn :smallsmile:

2017-02-28, 07:33 AM
Inspired by himself and buoyed by his own magic, Gunn fires two shots from his bow at the retreating serpent.

Haste, Inspire Courage:
[roll0]; [roll1]+[roll2]
[roll3]; [roll4]+[roll5]

2017-02-28, 12:29 PM
Both of Gunn's arrows hit home in the creature's flesh, driving deep and eliciting a low rumble of indignation - although the thick layer of scales means the damage is less severe than it might have been.

Given the dragonfire inspiration, do your arrows count as magic for the purposes of damage reduction?

Rosalind next please. After that, Gunn can act again before the enemy if I haven't had chance to post.

2017-02-28, 01:46 PM
And here I thought outsiders were on the list of allowed, well this may be a problem, sure I can do non lethal but as I can not get it to surrender and I know my allies will keep attacking it I cannot without breaking my vow. Hell making it blind is a grey area.

As Sister Rosalind sees the living creature, even with the taint of evil within it she looked to the dwarven warriors. "My vows prevent me from harming a living creature, so I will not be able to aid you with magic against such a beast. However I can still keep you all alive." With that Sister Rosalind asks for Kirest to send down one of his children to aid her in keeping the braze souls of this ship alive.

Move Action to stand next to the largest group so if any of them get injured she may cast Close wound as an imediate action so they do not die healing [roll0] Damage and providing the person with the sanctuary effect Will DC 331 or the person can not be attacked this round.

Standard action casting Healing Spirit

As the spell completes a small ball of pure light appears besides the dwarf who was bleeding out from the evil creatures attack. Landing on the dwarves shoulder, a warm glow fills him as his wounds begin to heal.

4 rounds remaining
heals dwarf [roll1] damage and grants sanctuary Will DC 31 vs attacks for 1 round.

2017-03-01, 03:21 AM
Karth has time for a grim nod before wading - literally - back into the fray.

The creature seems to relish the heat of the flames, barely scorched by even the intensity of the dragonfire. At the same time, the creature's scales ward off more damage than they should.

But the dwarf hefts his rune-inscribed axe once more, and with a mighty battle shout gouges another chunk of flesh from the beast, runes flashing as they cut through the creature's protections.

"Mr Gunn!" he calls. "Drakeslayer left a few of his possessions aboard. I think he had an enchanted crossbow. Now would be a good time to find out if he left it!"

He nods towards a door on the other side of the deck. As he does so, taking his eyes briefly off the reptile, it shoots its head forward, teeth like oversized needles tearing into his hastily raised forearm.

2017-03-01, 09:51 AM
Gunn nods and quickly darts into the room the Captain indicated, eyes peeled for anything that looks like an enchanted crossbow, or the case for an enchanted crossbow, or is large enough to store an enchanted crossbow.

2017-03-02, 03:38 AM
The cabin is full of curiosities: the skull of a wyvern; a collection of books, their binding strangely reversed to your eyes; a heavy rune-scribed tome clad in copper, which glows faintly with golden light; a selection of wrought iron figures; various chests, none the right shape to hold a crossbow; a small selection of gemstones, scattered by the motion of the ship, and a broken magnifying glass.

On the floor beneath the bed, you find a leather case about the right size. Throwing it open, you find an elaborately carved and rune-inscribed crossbow of some rich red wood, and a smaller case of bolts. There are twenty bolts in all, the fletching tinted: five red, five white, five blue, five black. A brief inspection of one bolt shows a single dwarven rune etched into the head, which glimmers faintly with eldritch light.

Gathering up the weapons, you turn to leave, but catch sight of something else under the bed in the process.


Four wands, each bearing a different set of runes. They might do anything; for all you know, they might be wands of prestidigitation - or they might set off a fireball in the bowels of a ship.

But there's also a chance they could be the weapon you need to drive off the summoned beast.

2017-03-02, 08:10 AM
Gunn grabs the crossbow and the wands and heads back out, secreting the wands away inside the extradimensional space in his jacket for now.

2017-03-03, 03:09 AM
Gunn finds the battle still raging fiercely. It seems only Karth's axe has the necessary enchantment to cut the beast's hide; the other dwarves are hanging back, preparing a patch for the breach, but unable to deliver it with this monster in place.

Through a combination of the beast's blindness and Rosalind's healing magic, Karth looks uninjured - but the water is now over his knees, impeding his movement and imperilling the ship. The unnatural reptile is wounded, its black blood staining the water, but so far those injuries have only served to anger it.

2017-03-04, 12:24 PM
"If we can get its head outside the ships hull I should be able to repair the hole with magic." Sister Rosalind calls out to the dwarves to inspire them more. Once they begin their attack she calls forth a divine shield of warding to protect them all from attacks of summoned creatures.

Move action to center of the dwarves so she can capture the most in her spell
Standard action Casting Magic circle against evil (80 minutes, 10ft. radius around rosalind, +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves, immunity to mind control.
Spell resistance check against said evil creature ([roll0] If Rosalind succeeds the creature can not enter the space the magic circle encompasses meaning in essence I could force it out of the ship by slowly moving forward each turn, and in theory if it fails its save the evil creature can not attack anyone inside the spells radius

The Orb will continue to heal who needs the most treatment [roll1] Granting that person a Will DC 31 sanctuary effect for 1 round

2017-03-04, 12:52 PM
Gunn reaches out telepathically to the creature, sending a simple command without language, compelling the creature to withdraw. He also loads the crossbow with one of the dwarf-sigiled bolts.

Push the Weak Mind as standard, load crossbow as move. DC 18 Will

2017-03-05, 01:48 AM
The hellspawned reptile's mind is crude, barely more intelligent than an animal. When Gunn reaches out to it telepathically, then, it is practically child's play to convince it to retreat, clearing its head from the breach.

Immediately, Rosalind steps forward a pace, calling on her gods for protection. A shimmering, barely visible curtain of white light manifests around her, forming a perfect circle - extending to the other side of the breach, and forming an impassible barrier to the summoned monster.

The dwarves breathe a sigh of relief, but the danger is by no means past. Taking up their tools and materials, they hasten to plug the breach, the water now over their hips.

2017-03-05, 09:37 PM
Not wanting to say thanks to early Sister Rosalind uses one of the spells she often used to fix the hospice she ran when it got to battered by the weather to repair the hole in the ship before looking to the carpenters. "I doubt it will hold as well as what you can do, but it should allow you time to properly seal it." she explains to them kindly, before going with the healing spirit to make sure all were safe.

"Captain what is going on above deck?" she calls out hoping the battle had remained under the ocean.

Free action talking
Standard Make whole
Move action to try and make sure if the creature attacks again the magic circle will cover most of the ships lower decks.

2017-03-06, 08:25 AM
The healing power of the Lovers is not confined to living flesh. With astonishing speed, the splintered wood of the hull knits back together, tendrils of living wood reaching out from each plank to embrace its fellows. In moments, the breach is sealed, as perfectly as if it had never been, leaving the dwarves staring from the priestess to the newformed wood, abruptly redundant.

There is scant time for amazement, however. As the bucket chain continue their efforts to save the ship, Rosalind returns to the deck and calls a question to the Captain.

The answer to her question becomes abruptly clear, as the drenched body of one of your crewmen - currently missing its head - arcs up from the sea to land with a stomach-wrenching splat on the deck. It is quickly followed by your attacker, flying free of the water to hover above the ship.

You get your first good look at the enemy. Dressed in the same mix of furs and robes you remember Thuril wearing, she is a silver-haired dwarven woman, soaked from head to toe in water and blood, night-black eyes glaring with rage down at you. She appears unarmed, but the air around her shimmers with half-seen spells, and a circle of runes written in emerald fire orbits her right hand.

"Clanless turd-lickers! Why won't you die already? Well, let's see how well you sail without a Captain. For Maltur!"

Her eyes flicker to Bain, narrowing with violent intensity.

She's used up her actions for this round - you both get to act before she casts.

2017-03-06, 12:22 PM
As Sister Rosalind listens to the woman speaking in dwarven praising someone she couldn't understand given her learning of dwarven still, she did know she was about to attack the captain. "GUNN WE NEED YOU NOW!" Sister Rosalind calls out as she turns to the captain. "Do you trust me?" she calls out to him hoping she had brought the spell component with her she needed to complete the spell, as she finds the pair of rings she begins chanting before slipping one onto her finger and handing the other to the captain. "It will link my life to yours, if you place this ring on it should grant you some of the lovers blessing, as well as allow me to take some of the pain from your wounds. I cannot fight this enemy as they are a living creature, however I can make sure she can not kill you." Sister Rosalind says to the man, hoping he would accept the ring for the time.

So I just ran into a problem, Shield other requires 2 rings of platinum worth 50gp....Would this be one of those things that is allowed for her to carry on her? If not can we work out some other way for this spell to function saying it is a spell she would know as a servant of the Lovers?

+1 Deflection bonus to AC, +1 Resistance bonus to saves, and he only takes half damage from any damaging effects that do not cause ability damage.

Also he would be within the magic circle against evil for +2 deflection bonus to AC (deflection bonuses are the only ones that stack with each other so +3 to AC). +2 resistance bonus to saves (so due to stacking only +2), He is also protected from charm and complusion effects until the end of the spell magic circle against evil. Also a caster passed A fort save that high thus not being blind?

2017-03-06, 08:00 PM
To do what, Gunn thinks at Sister Rosalind's desperate plea, but he keeps his thoughts to himself as he considers the options at his disposal.

The captain and himself are already inspired to be courageous, and under the effects of his Haste spell. He fires the loaded crossbow at the dwarf, unsure of its effects but keen to see what they do.

Attack using known modifiers (not counting any bonuses from the weapon/ ammunition): [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]

2017-03-08, 04:02 AM
You're right, she didn't make the save - and in consequence I shouldn't have described her as looking at Bain. Arguably she shouldn't be able to pick him out as a target in preference to the rest of the crew from the audio cues available to her. But you've now declared actions based on the information that she was going to target him, specifically - so if I change her actions, it will be to your detriment.

So, sorry for overlooking that. To confirm, she is currently blind and so suffering a 50% miss chance, among other things.

Just to point out before I post, in case her defensive spells are a surprise, she's a mage who has seen evidence she was going to go up against one or more spellcasters - with specific examples of fire buffs being used - and has had time to prepare her repertoire accordingly. I believe in playing intelligent npcs intelligently!

Gunn's bolt flies unerringly and strikes the mage in the sternum. A moment before impact, the bolt passes through an invisible ward, sending a ripple of green light out from that point and shedding its dragonfire; then as the bolt strikes, her skin briefly assumes the texture and colour of granite, stubbornly resisting the steel.

But for all her defences, the bolt bites into her flesh, sending a spray of bright blood cascading to the ship.

The crossbow has a +3 modifier. These black-fletched bolts, of which you now have four remaining, carry the bane (humanoid, dwarf) special property. Damage rolled for you this round.

The mage growls wordlessly. With a gesture and a word, she creates a bolt of lightning, which surges through the intervening space to strike Bain Karthson. The smell of ozone and burning flesh fills the air, and you find yourselves blinking the afterimage from your vision.

The Captain cries out, and Rosalind feels her own skin blister and cook as the sympathetic magic between you takes its toll. Fortunately, the priestess has just done enough; gravely burned but alive, the Captain staggers a few steps before loosing a crossbow bolt at the mage, as so many other crewmen. Even those bolts that are able to hit her do no apparent harm, but you trust that they are wearing down her defences anyway.

2017-03-08, 10:18 PM
You're right, she didn't make the save - and in consequence I shouldn't have described her as looking at Bain. Arguably she shouldn't be able to pick him out as a target in preference to the rest of the crew from the audio cues available to her. But you've now declared actions based on the information that she was going to target him, specifically - so if I change her actions, it will be to your detriment.

So, sorry for overlooking that. To confirm, she is currently blind and so suffering a 50% miss chance, among other things.

Just to point out before I post, in case her defensive spells are a surprise, she's a mage who has seen evidence she was going to go up against one or more spellcasters - with specific examples of fire buffs being used - and has had time to prepare her repertoire accordingly. I believe in playing intelligent npcs intelligently!

It's all good just wanted to make sure, as for the last part so long as you don't pull an Alan lol

"Surrender now and I promise you will be meet with a fair trial. Refuse and I can not promise you will live to see another day. However whatever cause you may serve will be known to us and pay for the crimes of your actions." Sister Rosalind calls out to the voice, sending the spirit of Kirest to go heal the captain one last time before it vanishes from this plane of existence and she heals herself as well. However unlike her normal healing magic, this kind seems to make her and the captian more nimble.

HEaling Spirit [roll0] HEaled for captain Healing kicker grants him +3 to reflex saves as I am using the second version I gained at this level

Using Cure minor wounds on myself for +7hp healed as you didn't tell me how much damage I actually took and a +3 on reflex saves as well due to healing kicker.

2017-03-09, 07:40 AM
Gunn hesitates a moment to let the dwarf surrender, reloading and readying an attack with the enchanted crossbow should she do anything else.

Move to reload with black bolt (Bane damage rolled OOC), Readying standard for anything other than immediate surrender: [roll0] [16], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3]

2017-03-09, 12:40 PM
The mage ignores Rosalind, either not understanding Common or not caring to dignify her words with a reply.

She traces another flaming green rune in the air, ignoring Gunn's crossbow bolt as it sails past her - course bent by her wards - to land uselessly in the sea.

A pea-sized bead of white-hot flame arcs from her towards the ship. On impact, it detonates, sending fire in all directions to a radius of twenty feet. You both find yourselves caught in the blast.

39 fire damage, or DC 18 reflex save for half.

Six members of the crew are within the blast. All fall screaming to the deck, and quickly fall silent; two perish instantly, and the other four look to be clinging to life by a thread.

As well as this, the Captain is caught by the blast. He is quick enough to avoid the worst of it, but still adds to his hideous collection of burns - and, through the mystic link between him and Rosalind, she suffers in turn.

Rosalind takes another 9 fire damage through the link with Captain Karthson.

The surviving dwarves continue grimly peppering the mage with bolts. From the bowels of the ship, Karth Kudrenson emerges and adds his own bolt to the volley; more accurate than the sailors, this bolt at least seems to draw blood, if not much of it.

You see Harn at the bow of the ship, struggling to turn a heavy ballista on a cunning wooden platform, designed to rotate in place. Blind, the mage does not see the threat, has no way of knowing what the noise signifies. Even so, it is taking laborious seconds to bring the weapon to bear - and against a target that size, will a weapon designed for attacking enemy ships be accurate enough?

2017-03-09, 06:55 PM
Barring divine intervention, the thread of Gunn's life is consumed in the flames. (-13)

2017-03-10, 10:36 AM
As the fireball comes down from the sky Sister Rosalind tries her best to hide, however it seems not good enough as not only are her own wounds slowly killing her, but those of the captain are as well. With only a few moments to live she calls upon Kirest to alter her fate healing her just enough to survive the incoming attack. As the wounds from the lighting slowly began to heal, the effects of the fireball took effect, and for a brief moment the priestess of the Lovers danced between the worlds of life and death before opening her eyes to see that she was still alive, if barely.

Looking around Sister Rosalind notes the captain seems to have shrugged off most of the damage, however some of the crew was not as lucky, many were lying on the ground, no doubt dying unless she could somehow find a way to heal them all. Thats when she heard the sound of Gunn's breath leaving him from behind her and a look of utter pain went through her. While she had only known Mr. Gunn for a short time he had come to be a steadfast ally for her views of changing the world, without him the world would be a much darker place in her eyes. "Go and rest with the Mother Mr. Gunn, and know that one day I shall join you." Sister Rosalind says with tears streaming down her face as she closes what is left of his eyelids before standing, the healing power of Kirest flowing through her.

Cure serious wounds on self [roll0] +3 to reflex saves for 1 round

Walking slightly away from the captain, making her actions as loud as possible she calls out to the blind dwarf woman on the outside of the ship. " Is that the best you can do? I thought that at least you would have some power. We staved off your summoned fiend with ease, and me and the captain besides me have easily withstood your attacks. Surrender now, your spells will not protect you forever and I have a feeling you are running rather low on them given how many it must have taken to not only allow you to breath, but also swim underwater." Sister Rosalind said, standing in a place where no one else truely was hoping to draw her attacks away from the rest of the crew.

Kirest, Torae if I should die this day forfilling your duty, please make sure that the dwarves of this ship live to make it home and tell the tale of how two foreigners gave their lives to protect them. And that it will be enough to bring peace once more.

1). Light
2). Mending
3). Purify Food and Drink
4). Detect Poison
5). Virtue
6). Amanuensis

Domain). Cure Light Wounds
1). Healthful Rest
2). Wings of the Sea
3). Light of Lunia
4). Obscuring Mist
5). Shield of Faith

Domain). Cure Moderate Wounds
1). Make whole
2). Close Wounds
3). Luminous Armor
4). Shield Other

Domain). Cure Serious Wounds
1). Create Food and Water
2). Water Breathing
3). Magic Circle Against Evil[/SPOILER]

Domain). Cure Critical Wounds
[S]1). Healing Spirit (If it would heal like Rosalind does due to it being summoned by Rosalind, otherwise Lesser Holy Transformation)
2). Control Water

2017-03-13, 03:54 AM
The mage smiles, blindly looking in Rosalind's general direction. For the first time, she speaks in Common:

"Certainly, I have used most of my spells, and many of those remaining are useless when I cannot see you. I commend you for your valiant defence. Still, there is one more spell I can use against you. Or did you think I only prepared one summon spell today?"

She begins a long, sonorous intonation, carefully shaping another fiery rune. As she does so, the surviving crew continue to fire bolts at her - and at last, one sinks into her skin, the stoneskin transmutation finally overwhelmed.

She grimaces, her words faltering, but sustains the spell.

Until Harn fires the ballista.

The immense javelin is easily the same size as the dwarf mage, and is thrown with enough force to shatter ships; a direct blow would surely have meant instant death. As it transpires, however, the bolt barely grazes her; even so, it rips open her side, cracking ribs audibly and sending her spiraling through the sky.

The wizard plummets into the ocean, a fleshly comet trailing blood and wasted spellfire. The dwarves watch the point of her disappearance warily, reloading crossbows and standing on high alert; but she does not resurface, either dead or routed.

With grim expressions, the dwarves set about checking the dead, and assessing the damage to the ship. Captain Karthson, himself barely mobile, kneels beside Gunn's lifeless body and checks for a pulse; mutely closing lifeless eyes, he looks with sorrow to Rosalind.

No words are spoken. The dwarves are wounded, beaten; they survive only because of you, for surely had the mage been able to see, she would have dealt with the ballista early on - to say nothing of the ship being sunk, or of Bain's death without your sacrifice.

And you see this in Bain's eyes: the debt will be repaid. A debt of gratitude, to you and to Gunn; and a debt of vengeance against the mage responsible.

2017-03-14, 12:40 AM
No time for tears as the captain confirms her friend had died. Checking over to make sure no one else will she looks to the captain, "Can you honestly confirm who she was without fear of losing more then you already have?" The priestess asks standing close to the edge of the ship waiting for his answer.

Not waiting for anyone to argue her out of it Sister Rosalind quickly casts a spell upon herself, allowing her the ability to swim in the water much like the races of the sea and using the light of Kirest which always follows her, she begins swimming down into the depths of the ocean looking for the woman, intent on capturing her to stand trial for her actions.

Sister Rosalind now has a swim speed of 30ft. for the next 7 minutes, though I think she would run out of air before she loses the spell.

2017-03-14, 12:37 PM
Captain Karthson looks long and hard at you, weighing his obligations to you against the other claims on his honour. Finally he nods confirmation.

"Her name is Sigrid the Forsworn. She was once a Runewarden, but no longer. She is supposed to be clanless, with all that entails - but rumour ties her to those who should have honour in their hearts.

"This is not the first time I have heard a dwarf speak the name of Maltur. You have heard me say that we see great honour in war, that skill in battle is praiseworthy; but there are some who go beyond that, who claim that war has religious significance - specifically, that we ought to follow the Lord of Boundless War. Sigrid is one of them.

"I believe there is some connection between Sigrid and Thuril. She may have come here hoping to kill him. Or, she might have known you were aboard, and seen your death as furthering her goals.

"As it is, she has slain one of your country's representatives and likely done enough damage - and cost enough of my crew their lives - that I doubt we will make port on time. Perhaps delaying us is enough for her purposes."

2017-03-14, 09:32 PM
Stabilizing the wounds of all those aboard the ship through mundane means Sister Rosalind listens to what the captain has to say. "I bet your people would think much differently if a priestess who is not allowed to physically harm a living soul was able to stop one of these servants of the lord of bountless war. And I will deny them what little victory they hoped to achieve." Sister Rosalind says as she walks over to Gunn and lays a gentle hand on his chest. "Your death will not be in vain Mr. Gunn, go with the Mother to enjoy the peace you deserved in life." Sister Rosalind says softly before rising to her feet and walking to the center of the ship. Divine energy seems to crackle all around the priestess of the lovers as the halo that normally surrounds her giving off light much like the sun becomes infused with the power seeming to radiate off of her body. This was no spell, she had nothing powerful enough to do what she was asking for now. This was a prayer, a cry from a lonely servant of the lovers stranded out at sea, trying to stop a war from those who wished to stop her at every turn. First it was the Bodak coming into her temple and trying with some possessed soul to force her to submit to them. Than the cult wishing to steal the body of the man slayed by the Bodak, another innocent life lost for no reason. They had attacked her in the streets trying to catch her off guard, and entrap her. Even sent an army to try and kill all those who wished to stop injustice from being committed.

Each time an enemy had pushed against her she had lost someone, however the priestess of the Lovers knew death was not the end, merely the beginning and that her gods were with her even now in this dark time. As her prayer reached its cresendo a blast of pure divine energy spread out from her body in all directions.

Stopping it there as while I passed the DC 30 check I don't actually know what the effects will be.

2017-03-15, 04:06 AM
As Rosalind concludes her petition, the Lovers answer, taking the little she is able to offer and magnifying it a hundredfold.

You find yourself raised up in the air, a mantle of darkness and light surrounding you; you cannot move, and yet a sense of utter peace fills you. There is, in that moment, no reason you should ever wish to move again.

All around you, the sea abruptly stills. The wind fades to nothing, and for a giddy moment it feels as though you are becalmed.

Then the air before your ship is split by a bolt of lightning out of the cloudless sky - a bolt that lingers, expands, resolving into a vast rectangular shape, too bright to look upon and many times larger than the ship.

All around you, the dead rise to their feet - including Gunn, whose lifeless body stumbles over the deck. Eyes replaced by orbs of black flame, they move silently, assuming the posts they held in life to manage the ship.

Frightened, dismayed, the living dwarves are at first reluctant to work beside the corpses of their fellows; but at length, looking to where you stand, they swallow their objections and set about the business of sailing.

Gunn's body takes the wheel, steering resolutely for the plane of lightning ahead. Karthson, looking alarmed at this apparent madness, tries to intervene; but a wall of shadow and black fire erupts ahead of him, coating the deck beneath it in frost.

And so the ship sails ahead. From nowhere, the sails are filled with wind, buoying you forward; the water rises up on each side, and you sense more than see that the waters form the shape of an immense hand, raising you up and bearing you on.

The incandescent curtain of electricity draws closer, and more and more living crew draw back from their tasks. It seems to make no difference.

Then comes the moment the ship reaches that great barrier... and instantly, you are somewhere else.

Instead of looking out at the vast expanse of ocean, you behold a rolling wilderness, grasslands interspersed with trees and vegetation, giving way in the distance to mountains. The plain is studded with beasts of every imaginable description, although all now flee at your arrival.

As for the ship itself, it has come to rest on dry land, partly buried in the soil. The only water for leagues on all sides consists of narrow streams and shallow ponds.

The bodies of the fallen have gone, leaving only the living crew to gaze in awe and no little distress at the land around them. You note in passing that every injury seems to have been cured.

"Ironshield lands," the Captain says with amazement. "These are..."

He seems to realise the precarious position of his ship. Matryn, emerging from below decks at last, takes one look around and sums it up succinctly.

"Well, we're stuck."

2017-03-15, 06:01 AM
As Sister Rosalind opened herself up to the powers of the Lovers it felt like she had stepped under a waterfall and was not able to move as the divine power washed inside and around her. A viewer in her own body she watched as the Father opened the sky, and the Mother gave life to the dead, if only briefly so their friends and family could make it to safety. A few times she tried speaking, letting the others know all was okay, however it was not her voice that came out, nor a tongue she understood.

As the ship finally came to rest upon dry land Sister Rosalind slowly began to feel that her body was in her own control again, though it was growing so dark, her head barely able to stay standing. Even the captain's voice which was right besides her seemed distant. "Exterted to much. Must...sleep." Sister Rosalind says as her body seems to fall to the ground slowly the amount of divine energy that had caused through her to much for her body to handle, and knowing that the only way to survive would be allow it to rest and have time to restore itself.

[roll0] hours unconscious Also if you want to throw a penalty at me str and con seem appropriate just let me know the numbers.

2017-03-15, 06:45 PM
The day began for him like any other, rising at dawn covered with naught but the stars, extricating himself from that night's well-chosen den, washing at the nearby stream or rivulet he'd chosen, dressing, foraging, and then, onto the range. Thousands of miles fell under his patrol, and there was little time for comfort in his life.

Some would find his days tedious, but for Perseus (pare-SAY-oos), every day under the heavenly blanket brought new joys, moments of unique beauty witnessed only by him. A slug crawling under dewy grass was to him as fascinating as others might find a complex puzzle or a intricate work of art. And no day passed without event, whether it was the sight of a migratory herd, or a strange weather phenomenon, or the spread of species of various flora and fauna from one habitat to another. Perseus knew his range as well as he knew himself, if not better--introspection was hardly a fancied pastime for him.

Even if he hadn't, he would have known something was amiss when the Blackforge ship appeared on the horizon. Perseus, overlooking a bluff from the back of his trusty mule, had been happily surveying the peaceful landscape, taking a moment's respite to capture the beautiful vista. One moment, it was empty, but for the typical geographical and biological features. Then, as blatant as a missed stitch or a careless brushstroke, there was a nautical vessel, miles from the nearest ocean and with no natural way of having arrived there.

This meriting investigation, Perseus urged his mule down from its vantage point into the lowlands, making his way toward the discovery.

At a distance equal to that which could be covered by an ethereal entity moving at an unknown speed, Perseus collided with a powerful, foreign force inhabiting his mind. In an instant to an outside observer but an eternity to Perseus and Gunn, the two individual psyches confront and conflict, fighting for space in the cellular framework of Perseus's mind. The energies of their personalities glow with light only a synesthete could describe, Gunn's self-interest in harsh opposition to Perseus's love of duty. As territories are seized and recaptured, they are changed, and the implicit communication that takes place between the dwarf and the human leads to a necessary but difficult compromise.

Outwardly, nothing changes, but inwardly, Perseus is keenly aware of a new influence, and believes that it will be both corrupting in the long term and impossible to remove without help. For now, it seems benign, and its interests align with Perseus's own. Whether there will be any boon to be had from this cohabitation remains to be seen, but it would take much convincing for Perseus to be content with the arrangement. This prompts the dwarf to consider whether the origins of the thoughts he is presently thinking are his own identity or the invader's.

Fortunately, before Perseus can gaze too far into the metaphysical abyss, he reaches the ship. Duty and self prevailing, he calls out from his saddle, "Hail, Blackforge! By what manner and purpose have you come to Ironshield lands?"

2017-03-16, 03:35 AM
From Perseus's vantage point, he cannot see the commotion around Rosalind's collapse. Had he been standing on the deck, he might have witnessed the unspoken communication among the crew, the priestess borne below, the quiet readying of weapons by Karth and Harn - curtly brought to an end with a gesture by Bain.

After a minute, Perseus sees the Captain's head and shoulders appear at the prow of the ship. The dwarves stare at one another, assessing; then Bain signals he will be coming down.

The gangplank is lowered, and Bain descends to speak with Perseus. It is a stilted, awkward meeting for both; Ironshield and Blackforge have few dealings with one another, little reason for animosity or camaraderie, but the innate reserve of most dwarves stands as a barrier between you.

"Ironshield," the Captain greets you stiffly. "I am Captain Bain Karthson, of the Blackforge Clan. It seems we find ourselves intruding on your territory. I assure you, it was unintended."

He looks back up to the ship, seemingly debating how much to reveal.

"Our presence is the result of magic gone awry, as will be obvious. I do not see how I can remove my ship, but I mean to salvage as much as I can and make our way out of your lands as swiftly as we are able."

At that moment, Matryn pops his head over the rails. He is only present for a few seconds, trying to get a look at you, but long enough to reveal the presence of a human on the ship.

2017-03-16, 07:24 AM
"Magic, no doubt." Perseus considers things. "You will surely concede your presence here is unusual. Will you permit me to board your vessel, and investigate for myself?"

2017-03-16, 12:35 PM
Captain Karthson looks mildly at you.

"That ship is sovereign territory of the Blackforge Clan," he says softly. "At least, until I formally declare it a wreck. I can no more permit you to board it before then, than you could allow the soldier of a foreign power into a military stronghold of your Clan.

"But we need not come to blows over such a thing. It should take us no more than twelve hours to clear the ship. I will then pronounce her wrecked, and you can investigate to your heart's content. Your duty can wait that long, surely?"

2017-03-16, 06:13 PM
Perseus bristles at the resistance. "You arrive without notice, through magic, and ask for my trust while you unload your unspecified cargo into Ironshield lands. You claim sovereignty over your vessel and liken my trespass upon it to a foreign invader; what do you name yourself in my clan's sovereign lands?" He pauses, and inhales deeply through his nose, and exhales out his mouth, calling for patience. "Without verifying that the cargo onboard the ship is neither hazardous nor subject to trade regulation, I can not permit you to unload it here. Allow me my brief inspection, or we can not proceed." He pauses, his gaze narrowing. "What are you hiding?"

Sense Motive [roll0]

2017-03-17, 03:43 AM
Captain Karthson pulls himself up to his full height - still a good inch shy of your own - and bristles visibly.

"Even an uneducated child could tell the difference between a deliberate trespass and an act of the Gods. I have given you my word that we are here by chance, with no greater desire than to leave your lands as swiftly as we can.

"You fear my cargo poses a danger? It does not. We carry provisions, trade goods, and the personal possessions of our crew and passengers. None of the trade goods are regulated."

Stepping forward half a pace, intruding on your personal space, he lays a hand pointedly on the pommel of his waraxe, slung at his side.

"Now, I have been more than patient. Blood has been shed over less serious slights of honour before. But question my given word again, Ironshield, and we shall have a problem, you and I."

On the ship, Matryn is struggling to wake Rosalind. She is presently drenched from scalp to shoulders from a bucket of cold bilge water, thrown over her to shock her awake; yet she shows no sign of stirring.

Desperate, the Crown agent lays a hand on her holy symbol - then jerks it back, crying out, his palm blistering with sudden burns, the cabin filling with the smell of charred meat. Cursing, he shouts to the air:

"Fine! I get it - you don't like me. But she seems to mean something to you, and peace matters to her - so I'd guess it matters to you. Unless she wakes up, I think we're going to have a war on our hands. So don't do it for me - but do it for her!"

Perseus gets a DC 20 Listen check to overhear that.

Dantie, your call whether Rosalind wakes up. If she does, she has no spells available and is Exhausted.

Oh, that Sense Motive check - Karthson is trying to delay your access to the ship, although it's not clear why, but aside from that his words are honest, as is his sense of offended honour.

2017-03-17, 06:15 AM
Perseus remains unperturbed. "Bluster all you wish, Blackforge. You are in my house, and I have been more than fair. Unless you wish to start a feud between our clans, I urge you take a different tone. Today is a good day to die." He steps forward and places a hand on his own waraxe in return of the gesture. "Now, do you mean to obstruct a Shieldwarden in completion of his duties, or do you mean to step aside so my inspection can take place! You have two options: kill me, or I'll kill you, and we can have war between our clans; or, I will inspect your vessel, confirm the truth of your words, and your affronted honor will be restored and you can be on your way. Choose."

2017-03-17, 12:17 PM
Rosalind had pushed herself well past her limits before, and had come to know this world between life and death well, almost a meeting place between the material plane and the home of the Lovers. She knew the effects and dangers of the world, and what would happen if she ever tried to leave it before the Lovers sent a messenger telling her she was ready and fully healed. However when only a short while after she arrived in this world between worlds passed before a messenger came the priestess of the Lover's was confused. Listening to the message she was meant to hear the priestess looked to the messenger, wondering if it was the same spirit who had come earlier to help her keep the others alive. "Please tell your parents thank you for the message, and I understand the risk." she says to the spirit, watching as its light seemed to expand into a blinding flash.

Moments later she awoke on the deck of the ship, wet, and no doubt she would be cold if not for the protections the lovers always provided her with. Weakly she tried to move her limbs, however the weakness she knew would come was stronger than she could imagine as she was barely able to lift her head to look up towards Matryn and his blistered hand, showing the symbol of the lovers in his hand. "Matryn your hand, are you okay? Are we safe?" Sister Rosalind asks weakly. "I was in a protective coma to make sure this weakness did not come over me, it is something the Lovers do when the feel the need is greatest, I am sorry you didn't know not to try and touch my holy symbol and you were hurt in the process. When I have my strength back I will treat it the best I can." she says looking around, the smell of burning flesh was an obvious sign, and given what happened to the crowns agent she understood why she smelled it, however no longer did she smell the scent of the ocean and this confused her, she had expected them to land next to a body of water, yet what little she could smell over the scent of burning flesh did not suggest this was the case.

2017-03-18, 02:07 AM
Matryn nurses his injured hand against his chest, smiling wanly.

"Never mind me - go stop Captain Karthson before his pride starts another war!"

Meanwhile the dwarf in question is weighing up the slight to his honour against the risk of an inter-Clan incident. Finally he grunts, and turns his back on Perseus - a pointed disrespect - to walk back to the gangplank. He takes up a position on the board, axe in hand.

"Now hear this, Ironshield. We will unload. You can inspect each item as it comes down to you. When we have finished, then you can inspect the ship, for it will then be a wreck. In this way, your duty can be performed. Or will you force your way aboard, to no good purpose?"

2017-03-18, 08:13 AM
It takes every dutiful fiber of his being not to hurl his axe between the Captain's exposed shoulder blades as he turns, though he's not sure where such an idea could have come from, as the thought of beginning a fight with an attack from behind had never been one he'd entertained in the past. Instead, Perseus assents, "That is a suitable compromise." He moves forward, standing on the end of the gangplank between the rest of the ship and the ground, still without weapon in hand. "Bring me the first item."

The Captain's attitude has encouraged Perseus to delay as long as possible, examining each offered item carefully and thoroughly, turning it over, and making a big deal of searching for secreted compartments or hiding spaces.

2017-03-18, 10:38 AM
Sister Rosalind nods to the crowns agent before trying to stand, however she soon learned that she was so weak she would not be able to stand on her own. "Matryn my body is still to weak to even support me standing up, could you please help me over to the captain?" Sister Rosalind says weakly waiting for his reply.

As the priestess is helped over to the captain she calls out in dwarven, though her voice holds very little strength, as if at any moment she could collapse again, and in truth if she was not being helped to walk around she would. "Captain is everything okay? I was...awake by Matryn saying something was happening that seeded my help?" the priestess asks, still not understand dwarven fully yet as it had been only two days of her trying to learn the language.

While I am sure some people may not have a problem with their character only weighing 80lbs, I am realistic and as that is her max carrying compacity I use it as a gauge of if she can walk or not basically. I want to say she weighs around 120lbs. so thus without help she can not walk on her own at this time, at least by herself due to her strength score being a 4.

2017-03-19, 01:50 AM
The sight that meets Rosalind's eyes is extraordinary. The ship appears to have been deposited on dry land in the middle of a grassy plain, leagues away from the sea. Its timbers are strained, cracked, but mostly intact; even so, the dwarves have little choice but to abandon the vessel.

As you watch, the dwarves are unloading the supplies and equipment from the ship, where they are being inspected - thoroughly - by an unfamiliar dwarf. Karthson looks at once relieved and alarmed at your appearance.

"Sister," he greets you. "Some trouble with a suspicious local. Had the effrontery to question my word; nearly had to teach him respect with the blade of my axe. We've come to a compromise of sorts, though he still acts like we're smugglers, the blaggard.

"Your chests are going to be unloaded last. I imagine he'll have questions about why we're carrying a fortune in gemstones - to say nothing of you yourself."

Looking around at the ship, he sighs wearily. "Never thought I'd lose the old girl like this," he says, downcast.

2017-03-19, 03:30 PM
Indeed, the chests of valuables are intriguing, but not as intriguing as the presence of humans in Ironshield lands. Located far from the shores and deep in the wild, the Ironshield lands do not have the frequency of interaction with non-dwarfs that other clans territories might. "What is the meaning of this," Perseus says, looking up from his inspection at the arrival of Sister Rosalind. "What is her purpose here?"

2017-03-19, 08:27 PM
Listening to the captain explain what had happened Sister Rosalind takes stock of the situation noting the sense of loss in his voice as the captain spoke of losing his ship. "I am truly sorry, however given the circumstance more of your people could have died trying to fend off that woman if she survived, and even if she didn't we would not have made it in time to stop a war. Is there no way the Ironshield clan would allow you to come back and claim the ship? Or would it be to much work that it would be easier to build yourself a new ship?" Sister Rosalind asked, not understanding what was so special about the ship, but recognizing that it meant a great deal to the captain.

AS the unknown dwarf addresses the captain asking about her purpose here, she asks Matryn to help her forward so she could speak for herself, her aura of peace moving as she did. "My purpose here is to speak with the council of clans on behalf of New Ganther. Already this task has been hampered by those who follow the ways of the god of endless war who seeks to see the world burn. Would you stop us here as well?" she asks the dwarf calmly from atop the ship. "Had it not been for those who follow the ways of the god of endless war the Lovers would not have sent us through a portal from out at sea to here. I believe they meant for you to find us, for why else would they have sent us so far away from a dry dock in the lands of Blackforge clan? If you accompany us to the Clan meet you will see the truth of my words, and that these men are not here by choice of their own, but by the will of the gods trying to save their lives."

2017-03-21, 06:52 PM
"Your gods sound really delightful," Perseus says. "However, they are not my gods, and their concerns are not my concerns. If you wish to persuade me, you will not invoke their will in these lands." He smiles kindly, not sure from where the feelings spring, or where this freely offered guidance comes from. However, he quickly moves on to the system of values instilled in him since birth, or before, if some aspects of his personal belief system are true. Clan, Family, People, Self. The four pillars by which one serves the true will of the universe. From this his training quickly follows, and he proceeds with the scripted response. "Whatever offerings you have made with the Blackforge have brought you to this point. Do you have anything with which to pay for your passage through Ironshield lands?"

2017-03-21, 09:25 PM
"They may not be your gods, however I am their servant and I am on a task which serves them. To do as you ask would be like asking a dwarf to not honor their clan." she says in dwarven in reply to the strange new dwarf. "I have not come here to spread the word of my religion, nor do I wish to. However I will not abandon my prayer or duties to make you feel more at ease, I know my faith and what it can and can not do." she explains with the confidence that comes with age and constant proof that she was blessed.

"What I have is for the Council of Clans, the people who rule your society given to me by the prince of New Ganther. I can offer you my company, and my abilities as a healer if you wish to travel with me. However I own nothing due to the vows I took when I became a priestess. However ask anyone upon the ship before you and they will tell you that my healing skills are not the standard that you may used to." Sister Rosalind offers, after all the jewels and treasure in the chests belonged to the council of clans, and Mr. Gunns. items would be returned to his next of kin unless he wished to rise up once more if the Lovers believed he had not yet learned all he was supposed to in this life. They were not hers to give, just as her trust was not Mr. Gunns to give out to others.

2017-03-22, 03:44 AM
Captain Karthson scowls. "Is this avarice, Ironshield? Has your clan fallen so far? We have a saying: he who does his duty never speaks of debt.

"Are we asking a favour of you, or your clan, for which honour demands balance? Nay, Ironshield. We ask that you ensure our swift departure from your territory. Is that not what your clan would want of you?"

As he is saying this, Perseus finds his attention drawn to a chest, being lifted down by Karth Kudrenson and Harn Grethson. Although he cannot see its contents, he feels oddly drawn to it, as though it should be familiar to him.

Rosalind recognises the chest: it was Gunn's, and contains his personal effects, now being brought for inspection.

As this unfolds, Harn Grethson speaks up. "Ironshield, aye? Name's Harn Grethson, of the Stonecutter Clan. Last I heard, our clans were allies. I don't guess much has changed while I've been at sea. What you do to these Blackforges is your lookout, but I have a right to travel in Ironshield lands when I'm on clan business."

Knowledge (local) I suggest, unless you can make a good argument for a different check being appropriate here?

Looking around, Harn grunts sourly. "Bah. I came here once, fifty years and more past. Those are the Krakaz mountains, are they?" He points to the mountain range on the horizon. "Never been there, but they're distinctive enough."

Bain looks at him sharply. "Krakaz? Home of the Runewardens?"

At Harn's shallow nod, the Captain turns to Rosalind urgently. "Then we have a problem. We're about half a day's travel from those mountains, on foot..." He squints at the sun, getting his bearings. [B]"Almost exactly due west of them... so, if I'm remembering the maps right, it's about three days' walk to the Clanmeet. Think you could get your gods to drop us a bit closer?"[/b[

2017-03-22, 05:31 AM
"My duty is to my clan, my family, my people, and my self. This human is none of those." He looks at Karthson, then at Grethson. "The Ironshields need nothing from you, you are our people, and our allies, and can pass through our territory at your own speed, considering the circumstances. If these foreigners wish to experience the same rights that our people have fought and died together to protect, they can earn them."

As he inspects Gunn's chest, he hears a voice from far away inside his mind, whispering, lie, cheat, steal, but instead, he says, "Whose effects are these?"

2017-03-22, 09:18 PM
Sister Rosalind watches the inspection closely not allowing Mr. Gunns possessions out of her sight, when she returned to New Ganther she would go to his shop and ask the receptionist for his next of kin so she could return the items to who she believed he would think wants them. Though in truth Mr. Gunn had not spoken of family to her, she still had to try.

As she is brought to the attention of how far away they are from their destination she looks to the captain a bit surprised by the question. "Not directly in the manner you are speaking of, if they brought us here it is for a reason. There are a few spells I could use that would allow two of us to travel faster than the rest of the crew for a short time by air, asking the gods for another blessing so soon would risk my life however. I am still suffering the effects of the last time they touched my soul. However a runewarden was with the delegates and that is how they left through the use of magic. So would it not be safe to assume that they would have went back to the safety of the runewarden stronghold?" she asks hoping this would not be one of those questions a dwarf could not speak with an outsider about.

"Those are the effects of one of my advisors who didn't make it due to your peoples" Sister Rosalind stress the point that she is not saying his clan. " taking actions to start a war. It seems the cult of Maltur, the Lord of boundless war is not only something the humans follow. And everything in that chest shall be returned to his next of kin when my task is complete with your government. Unless you believe you are more important then the entire nation which your clan is a part of and wish for a needless war I would suggest you stop holding us up and instead either allow us to move along. Escorting us if it is a requirement of your duty to make sure we leave your lands, or please step aside so that I may stop this war from happening."

2017-03-23, 03:41 AM
Captain Karthson scratches his beard, squinting at the mountain range in the east.

"Aye, if Thuril Drakeslayer was the one to whisk them away, odds are good he'd have brought them to the Runewardens. Even if he didn't, getting their support would do you a deal of good - not least because they could get you to the Council in a fraction of the time, could even call a Clanmeet if one isn't already planned.

"But if it goes badly, that's a day lost there and back, plus however long you waste arguing with the wizards. That's assuming they don't decide to hold us there while they question us about... well, about the events that brought us here."

So this has touched on a couple of subjects that would be common knowledge in the area, so Perseus is entitled to untrained knowledge checks to see if he knows these pieces of information. Please roll two Intelligence checks Esorscher.

Most Ironshields have at least heard of Thuril Drakeslayer. Born of their clan, he was found to have a talent for magic early in life, and so should have left family and clan behind to join the Runewardens. Indeed he did study among them for many decades; but he soon returned to active involvement in Ironshield lands, hunting some of the more vicious beasts and taking an interest in the safety and well-being of the clan.

Detractors say he violates his oath of neutrality by doing so. His supporters, however - and there are many - see him as one of the few Runewardens able to see beyond their books and spells to the needs of Kharheim as a whole.

The Runewardens are the arcanists of Kharheim. All matters relating to magic are their purview; if such magic is involved in the events that brought this ship here, your clan would have a responsibility to report it to them.

2017-03-23, 07:01 AM
"Perhaps among your kind ad hominem fallacies are effective tools of debate. You will find that in these lands, only reason and logic prevail. Yours is as flawed as any I have encountered, human. I remain unmoved by your need. If it is the will of the Clansmeet that we go to war, it is not needless." He draws his waraxe. "It is my duty to detain or eliminate potential threats to my clan and country, not to escort them out of my lands. I suspect you are a threat. Despite my admonition you continue to invoke your religious duties--again, yours is not my religion, your gods are not my gods, and I do not care what you purport their will to be!" He takes a deep breath, conscious of the fact that his weapon is out. "I, Shieldwarden of these lands, hold you, human, under arrest, for use of unregulated magic. The Runewardens will deal with you." With his free hand he draws a pair of manacles from his belt. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

2017-03-24, 12:59 AM
"You say my logic is flawed Clan Ironshield however when your own representatives came to our lands we did not bring them to the place they were going in chains. Your people came to New Ganther under a diplomatic peace and the rulers of New Ganther treated them as such, with the respect and honor the title deserves. Yet I come to your own land asking for the same treatment and I am denied because you believe I am attacking you? I am pointing out the flaw in your reasoning by giving you proof of what you say contradicts what you expect yet I am the one in error?" Sister Rosalind asks puzzled, looking to the captain to see if any of this made sense to him.

"So you believe a woman who needs help to stand on her own two feet is a threat to you? And here I heard stories of how your clan alone fought great and deadly beasts. Yet a woman who can not stand you consider a threat to your people. I find that to be very odd, perhaps you are not of clan Ironshield and are in fact the invader of their lands not we." she points out, after all she had been told that clan Ironshield was rather odd due to many of them growing up in isolation, however given the fact they fought great beasts on their own it seemed odd a single dwarf would find her a threat.

"Unregulated magic? Captain he can not be serious can he?" the priestess asks the captain looking so very confused by these strange people. At least those she had meet on the boat made sense, this Ironshield seemed to be the superstitious type and brand all not of his clan as an nail he would have to hammer into the ground. "I will allow you to take me where you believe I need to be so long as you do not detain us longer than is needed. The Council of Clans has out of date information due to an incident among the people of New Ganther. Something they are activley seeking to fix. If word got out that you stopped them from at least trying I doubt very much the other clans would look so kindly on your own for withholding information for their own gain. If you insist on placing the manacles on me by force, or attacking me I must warn you it will not be my fault should the items beared against me be destroyed. While you may not worship the Lovers, it does not make their power's any less than they are. I will as I said go with you freely, either for the three day trip to where we should have landed, or for the trek to speak with the Runewardens. Those are however the only options I am presented with at this moment."

As she says this last sentence she looks to the captain. "If he attacks me please do not allow your crew to get involved. I would not wish to see them injured trying to forfil their sense of honor. As a diplomat coming to these lands I must show that New Ganther is not afraid to defend itself if it must, even when it does not wish to." she says to the captain kindly. Trusting in her many divine protections should the dwarf try to strike her down.

2017-03-24, 03:30 AM
The attitudes of the various players in this drama vary wildly.

Harn is watching with mild curiosity, seemingly indifferent to the events unfolding.

Karth has his hand on his axe, looking angry enough to challenge Perseus over his actions; but Master Halson has a restraining hand on the younger dwarf's shoulder, looking troubled and uncertain.

Most of the crew simply continue to unload, casting occasional glances to their Captain as though looking for direction.

The Captain himself appears torn, between his urge to defend Rosalind, his indignation at Perseus's conduct, and something else, which he now explains.

"The Runewardens are our shield against the dangers of magic and the threats of the realms beyond this one," he says softly. "The events that have occurred... certainly they must be informed. And while it is normally arcane magic that they are concerned with... Well, perhaps I can see how it must look, when a ship appears out of nowhere in the middle of the plains."

He looks at Rosalind uneasily, and back to Perseus, wondering perhaps how the dwarf would interpret her words. An accusation of cowardice from another dwarf would be a matter calling for instant satisfaction; but from a human, and one so evidently frail as this... Would Perseus see it as beneath his honour to answer the accusation?

His eyes flicker to Karth, and an unspoken understanding passes between them: that if it comes to an honour duel, whatever Rosalind's protests, she will not be the one to fight it.

Then Matryn steps in. Passing Rosalind to one of the crew, he steps forward and gives Perseus a respectful bow.

"Honoured Ironshield. My name is Matryn; I am a servant to the crown of New Ganthar. I have certain papers in my possession if you wish to verify my credentials.

"Sister Rosalind is, as she has explained to you, engaged on a diplomatic mission to the Council of Clans. We would be pleased if you would escort us to your Runewardens, and let them judge for themselves these matters.

"Yet let us not have an international incident by putting a diplomat in chains, hmm? Surely you accept that such restraint would be a purely symbolic gesture, given her condition - and as with all such symbols, it is the message it sends that matters. What message do you wish to send to my government, milord? One of respect - or of the contempt you would give a common criminal?"

While speaking, the slight man has manoeuvred himself to be between Perseus and Rosalind, and within arm's reach of the former.

Bain Karthson adds one more thing to the argument: "I will vouch for this woman's conduct, Ironshield. If she gives you her parole, I will be held accountable for any breach."

2017-03-24, 06:14 AM
As Rosalind speaks, the expression on Perseus's face moves from apathetic, to annoyed, to frustrated, to anger, and then finally to incredulity. "YOU DARE QUESTION MY ALLEGIANCE? YOU DARE QUESTION MY BLOOD? YOU, AN OUTSIDER TO THESE LANDS, DARE TO BESMIRCH MY HONOR, TO NAME ME CLANLESS AND EXPECT TO DRAW ANOTHER BREATH?" His rage is interrupted when Matryn steps forward, the first on this supposedly diplomatic voyage to attempt diplomacy. His face relaxes and then breaks out in a slight smile. He returns the bow with a nod of his head, and, after verifying Matryn's credentials, accepts his compromise. Then he turns to Karthson. "You vouch for her conduct, Blackforge? You take her offenses on as your own? Then silence your priestess," he spits on the ground at her feet, "or she will not travel alive in my company." He looks coldly at Rosalind, his eyes conveying what the boundaries of honor would not allow. "Were you even as significant to me as a flea, I would slay you where you stand. Speak another word in my presence, and neither gods nor man will stop me from satisfying my honor."

2017-03-24, 08:37 PM
Will DC 23 or your outburst is not an outburst due to her aura of calm emotions all but stopping you from being angry.

As the captain places his own honor on the line for her actions Rosalind stops speaking instantly. She had no problem pointing out the flaws in this dwarfs logic from what she knew of his clan. However if it would cause harm to the Blackforge clan who had done nothing to her besides be honest and helpful towards her she would remain silent.

Even as the dwarf spits at her feet the priestess does not say a word, however her gaze does not falter from the dwarves own. If he thought he could intimidate her he was sadly mistaken, even in her weakened state she knew should he try to attack her, for all his bravado he would have a lot harder time then he was willing to admit getting through her protections. And it was not something she would show unless it was absolutely nessacary.

Turning slightly to the captain she whispers into his ear a simple question, making sure the bigot would not hear her words so she did not give him a reason to attack. Though at this moment she wasn’t sure if even that would help, no doubt he would say she was whispering lies into the captain’s ears just to attack her. "I was under the impression your people as a whole treated men and women as equals, however this one from the moment we meet has treated me with less respect than any male aboard your ship, even the crowns agent. Is this common of their clan? From what you told me of them I was expecting noble warriors honestly who protected the lands from monsters that could indanger the crops. Instead well, I will say no more for I will not risk your honor."

2017-03-25, 01:37 AM
Bain says nothing in reply for the moment, as he gives a flurry of orders to finalise the unloading of the ship.

Under cover of the noise, he takes Rosalind to one side.

"Do not confuse racism and sexism," he says softly. "It is not uncommon for my kind to be suspicious of non-dwarves. But then, your race has a particularly poor reputation for dishonourable conduct, at least compared with ours; is it racism if it's generally true?

"As to why your Matryn got through to him when you couldn't, I don't know. You'd certainly managed to be about as offensive as one can be to a dwarf; but in any event, sometimes a different approach just works better. Let's just be glad he did.

"Now, what can we do to make you comfortable for the journey? We have no horses, but perhaps a sled?"

2017-03-25, 06:00 AM
Perseus, overhearing Rosalind's whispering, whips his head around to see her speaking to the Captain, and though unable to distinguish what she has said, stops in his tracks and draws his axe. More forgiving of her offenses than he would have been with a dwarf, she insists on showing such incredible disrespect for his clan, and for him as an individual, that he can not ignore it any longer. Although whatever whispering she had done was in itself meaningless, the fact that she chose to so obviously ignore his prohibition (intimidated by him and the authority of his position or not) against speaking in his presence not only showed disrespect for himself and the Ironshield clan, but also the Blackforge who had put their honor at stake on her behalf, to say nothing of other traits one might value such as compassion or empathy. With the head of his axe, he slices open the palm of his left hand, and squeezes a few drops of blood from his fist to the ground in the ritual the accompanies an honor challenge. He points wordlessly at her, then turns to the Captain. "Dishonor demands consequence."

He walks a few yards away, and drags his waraxe in a circle, creating a decent sized ring for them to fight in. Once this is done, he stands in the center, awaiting Rosalind or another to fight in her stead.

2017-03-25, 03:09 PM
Whatever Rosalind's wishes, whatever the motivations or misunderstandings that have led to this, the ritual words have been spoken, and blood shed.

Bain Karthson draws his axe and formally nicks his palm, showing the bright red blood - slightly richer in colour than human blood - and sprinkling it on the grass.

"By my given word, your quarrel with this woman is a quarrel with me. Karth Kudrenson, I name you champion by right of kinship. May our ancestors favour your blade."

Smiling, Karth steps forward and approaches Perseus. The other dwarves form a circle around them, perhaps fifteen feet across; one crewman produces a drum, another a trumpet, starting up a low, rhythmic beat interspersed with triumphant blasts of the horn.

As they do so, Bain steps closer to Rosalind and Matryn, offering commentary. "As the challenger, the Ironshield sets the conditions of the duel, to reflect the alleged offence: whether it is to first blood, to the cry of quarter, or to the death. Karth chooses the terms of the duel - the arms and equipment, that sort of thing."

Karth bows to Perseus, a fierce joy on his features. "What shall satisfy, Ironshield?"

2017-03-25, 03:14 PM
Perseus bows stiffly. "Quarter," he says tersely. "Name your terms."

2017-03-25, 04:40 PM
Swiftly, Karth sets about divesting himself of his weapons and armour, until he stands before you in shirt and trousers, carrying two identical black-handled dwarven waraxes, of masterwork quality.

"Axes. No other arms, armour or equipment, no use of magic or anything beyond our skill with the blade. As always, remain within the ring or forfeit. The duel to begin at the third blast of the trumpet."

He places the two axes on the ground, so you can make your selection.

Roll initiative please.

2017-03-25, 05:09 PM
Perseus prepares himself similarly, and takes up one of the two identical axes. He holds it in both hands and stands, bare chested, on one side of the ring.

I take "anything beyond our skill with the blade" to include Rage? And no outside interference eg Rosalind's calm emotions aura, goes without saying?

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-03-26, 01:14 AM
Yes, no outside influence. Rage is an Extraordinary ability so fine - but no supernatural or spell-like abilities and no magic.

The two dwarves face one another across the circle, tense and alert, straining their ears for the sound of the trumpet. There is an atmosphere of eager anticipation - almost of celebration - as the two warriors prepare for combat.

Then the trumpet sounds, releasing you to battle. By a fraction of a second, Perseus is the swifter to react.

2017-03-26, 05:51 AM
The sound of the third trumpet blast is as welcome as a choir of angels, as it releases Perseus from the constraints of civilized society and signals the beginning of a period of time and space in his experience where battle is joined, and his rage can be felt unfettered.

There is, of course, physiological change as he feels his blood figuratively boil, more accurately described as saturate with adrenaline and hormones that fuel his aggression.

He broad jumps from his position across the ring, covering the distance between himself and Karth in a moment. As he does so, he brings the dueling axe over his head in a downward slash across Karth's chest--even in his rage, he does not wish to leave his enemy permanently harmed.

Rage: +2 attack, +2 damage, +16 HP, +2 AC (Stone Warden), -2 AC, +2 Will Saves. AC 19, HP 92/92

Charging Leap Attack, Power Attack (-4 attack, +24 damage (+100% 2-handed weapon, 3x damage 2-handed weapon/ leap attack): [roll0], [roll1]

AC 17 due to charge

2017-03-26, 08:23 PM
As Sister Rosalind is about to reply to the captain she can not believe how much of a fool the dwarf before her was. Did he really expect her to say nothing the entire time they traveled together? She had to answer questions and if the group was attacked by an outside source how would she be able to tend to the wounded, even if not magically aided without speaking to them to see what aliment they had?

Preparing to step forward to accept the request of an honor duel in which she would spend her entire time dodging the incoming attacks against her however before she can she hears the captains voice loud and clear calling forward his champion to Sister Rosalinds horror. All this because she was asking a question not even loud enough for the man to hear, if this is how she would be treated by all in Kharheim it was no wounder why New Ganther never tried for stronger trade relations. Simply speaking was a crime to them.

As the ring is formed and the rules of the match are made Sister Rosalind looks to the captain and makes a gester for a writing utentisle, hoping she could warn him in time she needed to be moved away from the ring or else her aura would break the rules of the match and bring dishonor on his clan.

2017-03-27, 07:51 AM
As Rosalind is borne away from the vicinity, the fight begins in earnest.

Accustomed to relying on his armour, Karth moves too slowly to wholly avoid the blow, which rips into his chest with bone-breaking force. Blood is soon sheeting down his exposed stomach, and from the sound of his breathing, a rib may now be pressing on his lung.

It is clear another blow like that will end this contest in tragedy, and a low murmur of surprised concern comes from the Blackforge dwarves.

But Karth only nods an acknowledgement and chuckles - awkwardly, it is true, but with sincere pleasure at the challenge before him.

Hunkering down, the Blackforge warrior tightens his defences and settles his weight, content to be on the defensive. Judging his moment, he strikes out with the heavy waraxe, going for a crippling blow to the dominant arm. The first strike misses - but a second on the reverse swing draws blood.

9 damage.

2017-03-27, 08:02 AM
Perseus anticipates the first strike, but the second on the return catches him by surprise--a feeling he has not experienced in combat in some time. It is little more than a scratch, but the pain is a pleasant reminder of what it means to fight. With a smile, he relaxes his posture, adopting a more fluid battle stance sacrificing damage for accuracy. He swings his axe high over his head again to gather momentum, then brings it down in a practiced kata delivering two strikes in a quick X-pattern across the middle of Blackforge dwarf's mass. Perseus shows no more regard for the opposing dwarf's injuries than the dwarf himself does.

AC 19, HP 83/92.
Rage: +2 attack, +3 damage, +16 HP, +2 AC (Stone Warden), -2 AC, +2 Will Saves.

Full attack: [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3]

I previously miscalculated the bonus to damage from rage as +2 rather than +3, I neglected to account for the 1.5x modifier to STR damage when using a two-handed weapon.

2017-03-28, 02:23 AM
Two more deadly slashes tear into Karth's already wounded torso, and his blood now drenches the grass on which you fight. He struggles now even to lift his axe, weak from blood loss and pain, close to the border between life and death; but clearly his pride will not let him yield after barely cutting his foe.

He settles his grip on the axe, and delivers two mighty blows. His blade bites deeply into Perseus's flesh, first his right shoulder, then his left side just below the ribs. He gives a shout of triumph, and a roar goes up from the Blackforge at this first sign of their champion's true skill.

41 damage

2017-03-28, 06:00 AM
The damage is no longer insignificant, but Perseus does not have time to bleed. "Yield!" he barks, offering a moment for the more seriously injured dwarf to surrender before launching into another full attack of his own, again, unconcerned at the prospect of Karth's death.

AC 19, HP 42/92.
Rage: +2 attack, +3 damage, +16 HP, +2 AC (Stone Warden), -2 AC, +2 Will Saves.

Full attack: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

2017-03-28, 11:35 AM
Stubborn to a fault, Karth ignores the urgent call to yield, and determinedly raises his axe.

Perseus's first strike opens an artery near Karth's neck. The Blackforge dwarf collapses, his lifeblood seeping out of him, seconds of life left in him.

The fight is clearly over, but Perseus has already committed to the reverse swing of his axe when he sees his foe fall. It will take a herculean effort to turn what will surely be the executioner's strike, so that it strikes the ground instead of the dwarf... and with the battle fury of his ancestors ringing through his body, can Perseus even bring himself to attempt it?

Strength check, DC 18, if you want to spare Karth. (That's if he gets prompt medical attention, of course!)

I'm happy for it to be a roleplay decision whether Perseus tries it or not, given that he is currently raging, but if you'd like to determine the matter by the dice, perhaps a Will save? DC 12, if so.

2017-03-28, 05:24 PM
The blood coursing through his veins nearly blinds him in bloodlust, but Perseus has the foresight and self-control still within him to push past the dwarf's head on the ground, burying the masterwork ritual axe in the earth. He holds his position there a moment, then relinquishes his grip on the axe and stands, straight and tall, unconcerned by the blood staining his shirtsleeves and near his ribs. He bows slightly in a sign of respect to his fallen adversary, hopeful that the dwarf will survive and reassured in the decisions he's made, vindicated by the gods.

2017-03-29, 02:54 AM
The ritual over, the tight ring of dwarves breaks into a knot of frantic activity. Those dwarves with a basic knowledge of healing bend over him, tearing strips of cloth from their clothing for bandages and applying pressure to the wounds, trying to keep him alive until Rosalind can reach him.

Further away, Bain and Matryn urgently carry Rosalind between them, hoping to get the priestess to the fallen warrior in time.

Harn Grethson joins Perseus at the fringe of this frantic activity.

"Impressive," he comments. "But then, Karth always was idealistic and proud. Perhaps the outcome would have been different, otherwise." Eyeing you thoughtfully, noticing that you seem unfazed by your injuries, he adds, "Or perhaps not. You fight well, Ironshield."

Bain catches your eye. "Your honour is satisfied." It is not a question. "Let this be an end to it."

So saying, he turns all his anxious attention to Karth.

2017-03-29, 06:37 AM
Harn's eyes on his body bring attention to Perseus's own injuries. He rips the sleeves of his shirt off in one quick movement, gripping them together in one hand while holding the rest of his shirt in the other. These he uses as bandages, one for the wound on his rib and the other for the more serious arm wound, leaving the scratch to heal naturally. He applies what limited first aid he can offer to himself, hoping to at least prevent infection and help the wounds close on their own. Perseus says nothing in response to the compliment, nor on the issue of honor, which is satisfied. He does, however, offer, "When your healers are done with him, my mule can bear his sled." He then begins rearmoring and rearming himself, pleased to be wearing his family's ancestral breastplate, rather than something that might chafe his now bare arms.

Heal: [roll0] to provide long-term care to himself.

2017-03-29, 08:38 PM
As the match ends Sister Rosalind tries her hardest to move as fast as she can with the others given her weak condition, however even then it is not very fast as she arrives at Karth's side shortly after the match has ended and begins ripping her own hand made dress to tie above the wound, before using another strip with a little bit of water and cleaning the wound as best she can. It is clear she wishes to say something, as tears run down her face as she looks at Karth's many wounds suffered for her. However no sounds escape her lips as she tends to the dwarf in silence, refusing to put the captain in or any of his people in such a situation again.

To stablize [roll0] Saying the DC is 15 auto pass she will move to longterm care after meaning he gains 2hp/HD after 8 hours or 4hp/HD if a full day of bed rest.

Once sure that Karth would survive she slowly and shakily stands, refusing all help to the enemy before her as she slowly and shakily makes her way over to him, falling a few times, only being saved the indignity of falling face first in the dirt by those who stayed close by her. Unlike with Karth Sister Rosalind did not look into this mans eyes as she tended to his wounds. He was a violent savage, who only wished for strength and to prove his dominance over others with the strength he had. It was no wounder the Lovers had allowed this man to live, he still had a great deal of growing left to do before he would be worthy of seeing their halls. Once sure none of his wounds would become infected she returned back to Karth's side, the entire time remaining silent as she tended to the hurt warrior like a Mother would her child.

2017-03-30, 02:16 AM
As soon as Karth is out of immediate danger, Bain orders his men back to work on unloading the ship. As the crew do so, their Captain kneels beside the unconscious warrior, laying a hand solemnly, ritualistically on the other dwarf's chest, eyes closed, head bowed.

Rising, he then returns to overseeing the task at hand.

Picking up on Rosalind's mood, the dwarves set about their preparations in silence. The ship's contents are swiftly unloaded, each dwarf equipped with all he can carry.

Harn dons the black and bronze rune-inscribed full plate armour that he wore when Rosalind first saw him; on land, it is no longer a liability, but a necessary layer of protection. The other dwarves seem to have nothing more than leathers to protect them from this hazardous land, but many carry crossbows, wary of predators. Bain himself has a shirt of chain mail, which he now puts on, as well as a matched pair of hand axes and his own crossbow.

The last thing to be unloaded from the ship, by Bain himself, is a black iron casket, about the size of a large tome. He handles it with great reverence, laying it down on the grass, then turns to the ship. With great solemnity, he approaches it, laying a hand on the hull, bowing his head in a striking parallel to his behaviour with Karth.

Master Halson wordlessly hands his Captain an axe, then steps aside. With grief in his expression, Bain swings the axe once, burying it deep in the hull and leaving it quivering there.

Picking up the casket, he approaches Perseus and nods shallowly.

"She is wrecked," he says shortly. "Inspect her if you wish. While you do that, my men and I will be salvaging some of the timber to build a sled for the Sister. Your offer of the mule for Karth is appreciated."

Perseus does not know what the casket contains, but the dwarf's reverence of it puts him in mind of occasions in the past when he has seen his peers handle the bones of their ancestors.

Perseus doesn't have ranks in Knowledge (religion) to identify this, but Rosalind could - DC 25, though, since it's a fairly obscure point about an unfamiliar culture.

Once Perseus has inspected the ship I'll move this on to the Runewardens, since if Rosalind doesn't feel able to speak until then it will be a boring trip! Well, unless you get attacked again on the way, this is a dangerous place after all...

2017-03-30, 06:23 AM
Perseus is busying himself with preparations, but when the ominous cask is unloaded, he notes the reverence of his peers and follows suit, pausing his pre-travel routine to show respect for whatever it is they honor. Although the primary mystery of the ship has been somewhat revealed, referring here to its foreign passengers, there is still something to be gained from inspecting the vessel itself. He conducts a thorough search of the vessel, storing each crack and crevice in his memory banks for future reference, and, assuming he finds nothing of note, disembarks. "I know these lands better than my mother's breast," he says. "For indeed these hills are my mother's bosom." He smiles, at ease. "I will lead you on the least treacherous route to the Runewardens." There is no guarantee of safety, but Perseus will use his considerable knowledge of animal migration patterns and their habitats and territories to guide the group to Krakaz safely.

Take 20 on Search of the wrecked ship, looking for anything that looks out of the ordinary/ connected to magic.
Survival for the route: [roll0]

2017-03-30, 08:08 PM
Even in her weakened state Sister Rosalind noted the obvious reverance given to the black iron casket that the captain himself carried out of the ship. However for the life of her none of the lessons she had while aboard the ship gave her any indication of what could be inside of the box. No doubt the property of those who came to new ganther. she notes silently to herself, asking Matryn to help her stay out of everyone's way while they worked, however close enough to stay within the captains eyesight incase an incident happened again he would see that she had been doing nothing. As the man digs his ax into the hull the priestess of the Lovers gets ready to comfort him, however she remembers one of the many things the dwarf had told her about the differences between their cultures. And as such remains standing where she was with Matryn, bowing her head slightly towards the captain as if to say she was sorry for his loss without speaking the words aloud.

2017-03-31, 02:40 AM
The search of the ship turns up nothing out of the ordinary. In short order, the procession departs, a curious caravan wandering through hostile lands.

Harn assumes the role of rearguard, trusting Perseus to the vanguard, followed shortly by Bain. Behind that, the crew members form an orderly marching order, each vigilant against the many dangers of this land. Karth, tied to Perseus's mule, and Rosalind on a sled large enough to lie down in relative comfort, remain at the centre of the group; Matryn remains with the chests, carried on another improvised sled. Quite what you will do when you reach the mountains, you do not know.

With your local guide, the journey through many long miles of grassland is, for the most part, uneventful. With the immediate danger past, Rosalind feels the almost overwhelming desire to sleep, jolting and danger notwithstanding; and indeed, she has ample opportunity to do so, the journey taking you on an eight-hour circuitous route to avoid predators.

It is in the foothills of the mountains, when it seems safety is at hand, that Perseus suddenly feels instinctively that you are in danger. Few predators will attack a large group of armed dwarves - but the Ironshield lands have an unusually high concentration of those few...

Spot, listen, and initiative please.

Dantie, Rosalind has chance to sleep off her exhaustion and pray for spells before this.

2017-03-31, 06:01 AM
Perseus raises his hand, signalling the troupe to a halt, his eyes and ears attending to the surroundings for any sign of company. He raises a thick ungloved finger to his lips to indicate the need for silence, and with two fingers gestures from his eyes to the surroundings.

HP 42/76

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Init: [roll2]

2017-03-31, 08:26 PM
I have changed out Wings of the sea, Water Breathing, and control water due to now being on dry land. Mass shield of faith, Lesser visage of the deity, and Omen of Peril have replaced the above spells.

Not being able to speak while traveling, and having done all she could to keep the braze warrior who had fought to protect her the priestess of the lovers slipped back into the world between worlds. Allowing her body to heal as it properly needed to, praying all the while inside the void. It wasn't until much later when she was awoken that Sister Rosalind began walking on her own again, allowing the dwarves to use the sled she had been on to carry some of the gear so it would take a load off the others, as she herself helpped them with pushing the carts.

When she felt Kirest touch her soul once more, granting her the powers she knew she would need this day, she gave thanks to the lovers before walking over to the captain with a piece of paper in her hand and some ink. Writing on the paper quickly with flowing handwriting she asked. Captain thanks to you I am healed, and once again able to use my divine powers. However I do not wish to cause your people more harm, thus why I am writing this down instead of speaking it aloud. Can you ask the man escorting us to speak with the Runewardens if I may be allowed to speak long enough to cast a spell to heal Karth of his wounds?

As the strange dwarf warns them something is about Sister Rosalind begins scanning the area, knowing full and well that even in the pitch black of night creatures would be able to see the light shining off of her. Could it been her own light that attracted whatever the dwarf was warning them about?

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Initiative [roll2]

2017-04-01, 01:29 AM
Bain screws up Rosalind's sheet of paper, casting an irritable glance at Perseus.

"Speak freely, Sister," he says to her. "Any offence he might have claimed has been satisfied with the blood of my kinsman. And cast your spells: Karth's restoration is more important than any ill feeling on his part."

In the gathering darkness, you see nothing, even the dwarves with their superior night vision - but Perseus realises what had set off his instincts.

The sound of wings above you.

Draconic wings.

So it is that, when a quartet of fifteen-foot flying reptiles swoop down upon the caravan, only Perseus is immediately able to respond.

2017-04-01, 02:14 AM
As the dwarven captain expresses his feelings on the matter, Sister Rosalind slowly shakes her head, before going over to Karth and begins to pray. Her voice seeming to flow like a river as the intense golden aura that constantly surrounds her begins to focus in her hands. At first as a tiny seed of light, however as seconds seem to pass the glow seems to grow larger and larger until the priestess rests her hand across the worst of the cuts the dwarven warrior had taken. "Kirest please allow this child of stone to walk once more with us. For he is an important figure among those gathered here. And if I am to face down the perils you and Torea warned me about I must have allies I can trust." the priestess says, and as the last word leaves her an intense pulse of positive energy expels from her body, and into that of Karth's.

[roll0] damage healed

2017-04-01, 10:26 AM
Perseus clicks the heels of his boots together, and small wings sprout from them. He then literally flies into a rage as he charges the nearest of the four dragons. "Hold nothing back!" he calls out.

Rage: +2 attack, +3 damage, +16 HP, +2 AC (Stone Warden), -2 AC, +2 Will Saves. AC 19, HP 58/92

Charging Leaping Power Attack (-4/+24): [roll0], [roll1]

It would be very ironic if Perseus were to die in this fight.

2017-04-02, 03:04 AM
Surging into battle, Perseus drives his mighty axe deep into the hide of the nearest wyrm, cutting to the bone. Dark, viscous blood pours out, and the creature roars in pain and anger. It lashes out with one of its talons, trying to catch hold of its assailant, but its sharp claws find no purchase on the dwarf's armour.

It banks, trying to fly clear, leaving itself open to another strike from Perseus.

The other three wyverns swoop down on the dwarf caravan. One misses its target; another deals a deep wound but cannot get a grip; but the last carries its target off in its talons, shrieking its triumph.

Surprise round over. Perseus gets an AoO and then his turn for round 1. Dantie, feel free to post your actions as and when convenient.

2017-04-02, 05:45 AM
Perseus can not help but grin as the wyvern plays right into his hands, leaving itself vulnerable and then moving some distance away from him, giving him space to build momentum and charge once more. There is something about battle, perhaps the simplicity, or inevitability, that just makes sense to him. Once the wyvern has escaped a short ways away, Perseus charges it again, his winged boots helping him to treat the air as easily as he does the ground.

AoO: [roll0], [roll1]x3 (confirmed OOC) = 69 damage
Charging Leaping Power Attack (-4/+24): [roll2], [roll3]

2017-04-02, 03:13 PM
The Ironshield barbarian demonstrates his talent for battle once again. As the wyvern tries to escape him, it exposes its underbelly; immediately the dwarf's axe sweeps up, tearing through the vital arteries in its belly and groin. The wyvern plummets from the sky, its agonised death cry abruptly silenced as it slams into the stone.

Drenched in blood, Perseus streaks through the air to rescue the captured dwarf. He cuts deeply into the joint over one wing, causing the wyvern to veer and struggle, almost dropping the dwarf in its talons - then four crossbow bolts slam home in the wyvern's belly, the injuries too great, pulling it from the sky.

The dwarves have not made allowances for the height, however; the rescued dwarf falls like a stone, striking the stone with jarring force. Fortune is with him, however; he stirs quickly, bruised and battered but alive.

It seems the last two wyverns have been incensed against Perseus. Rounding on him, they each strike at him in passing, trying to pierce him with the stings in their tails.

Both attacks find exposed flesh, drawing blood and pumping hot venom into the barbarian's body.

20 damage, and make two DC 17 Fortitude saves. First check: 6 constitution damage. Second check: 10 constitution damage.

Both wyverns provoke, depending on how many AoOs you get to take.

Finally they finish their moves 40' away from Perseus in different locations.

2017-04-02, 09:32 PM
The wyverns sharp tails pierce vital organs, but the poison resistance training that Perseus has been undergoing since childhood in preparation for becoming a Warden proves its effectiveness here, as Perseus is fortunately able to shake off the effects. He darts to the ground next to the fallen dwarf, hopeful that the Blackforge can drive off the remaining wyverns who have now seen two of their number fall in rapid succession. Perhaps this meal is not worth the cost. In the meantime, he assesses the wounded. "Can you fight?"

Not sure where the dwarf is, but I figure it should be within 60' flying or a double move.

2017-04-03, 11:38 PM
Seeing the enemies as they came and attacked the dwarves besides her was the first warning Sister Rosalind ever recieved of the creatures, for even though she had been told they were there, she had not seen them herself. However as she set her sights upon the creatures she knew that she could provide very little help in this battle. "Captain as a living creature I can not help you harm this creature. If it tries to flee please allow it however." Sister Rosalind asks as she makes it over to the dwarf who had been clawed and lifted into the air only to be dropped from a great height, and begins to channel the power of the Lover's into his wound. Attempting to close it.

I would like to say sorry for the delay I feel asleep the other night trying to put my son asleep, James I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about as you have kids. And with company over today this was the first chance I have gotten to post. Now with that in mind I just wanted to point out I was also debating between boosting everyone's AC due to Mass shield of Faith or the healing of the dwarf, however as I assumed it was only one dwarf taking all that damage it would be best to heal him.

Cure Light wounds (due to not knowing how much damage he actually took [roll0] + sanctuary effect Will DC 26 or can not attack said dwarf, also she has a +4 to AC against AoO from mobility

2017-04-04, 02:49 AM
The injured crewman looks up gratefully as the healing power of Kirest restores him, leaving him wholly uninjured.

In the darkness, it is difficult to make out the wyverns - but they are banking in a long, wide loop, coming back towards you and what - as far as they know - is the injured, weakened member of your "herd."

The two wyverns come to land adjacent to you, looming over you with wings outspread. Their massive reptilian jaws gape open, revealing vicious fangs and rancid breath, the stench of rotting meat.

The Blackforge dwarves lower their crossbows, reluctant to risk hitting you or their kinsman. Harn and Karth glance at one another, then sling their crossbows over their shoulders and race to you, drawing axes in the process. They end up behind one of the wyverns, which has to split its attention between them and Perseus.

Perseus gets flanking against one of the wyverns.

2017-04-04, 06:46 AM
Perseus, much more badly wounded than the other dwarf, has no other recourse but to attack the wyvern nearest it, confident that the next hit endured will be his last and optimistic that his ancestors will look kindly upon his sacrifice for these strangers.

Attacking the Wyvern he is flanking.

Power Attack (-6/+12) [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3]

2017-04-04, 03:56 PM
Perseus carves two terrible wounds in the wyvern's body, causing the beast to shriek with pain and panic. It looks on the verge of fleeing at any moment.

Dantie, Rosalind gets a turn before the wyverns do.

2017-04-04, 08:51 PM
As Sister Rosalind watches the man who was to be their guide through the lands of the Ironshield clan she notes how weak he appears after so many attacks from the creatures that at one time were surrounding them. " Do not resist, if you do I can not promise that you will survive this battle." Sister Rosalind says from behind him, before placing her hand upon the dwarf's back who had been nothing but cruel to her since she had arrived as she channeled her most powerful healing spell into him, hoping to keep him alive.

[roll0] Sanctuary effect Will DC 26 or he can not be attacked this round. Sister Rosalind has defensive casting and Mobility incase she provokes an AoO

2017-04-05, 03:31 AM
The injured wyvern beats its wings, rising into the air as its head swings round in panic, trying to escape. Karth looks sidelong at Rosalind and holds back from striking it as it flees; Harn on the other hand feels no such compunction. Yet, as he raises his axe, Rosalind's supernatural calming influence stops him. The wyvern rises into the air, fleeing swiftly and buffeting you with the downward blast of air from its wings.

The last beast shakes its head, looking frustrated as it fights in vain against Rosalind's influence. It too flares its wings - and flies back towards your allies, and out of the range of Rosalind's magic!

Attack of opportunity, but you'll need to pass the Calm Emotions will save to get it I believe.

The beast savages one of the dwarves with its talons, a vicious blow which leaves it with talons deep in the crewman's flesh.

18 damage to crewman.

The wyvern rises up, the dwarf now in its grasp, and tries to fly off, ascending as it goes. The dwarves shoot crossbows at it, but through some ill chance and the fact Karth is still drawing and reloading his, rushing to be free of Rosalind's aura, not one hits its target.

The wyvern is now 60' away and 10' up in the air, just above the band of dwarves.

2017-04-05, 07:54 AM
Rosalind's presence is calming, but the focus remains on the Wyverns. As the healing energy washes over him, knitting his wounds, Perseus considers the utility of the healer's earlier offer of company and skill. There is insufficient time to reach a decision on that issue, as the demands of battle continue to rage, as does he as he flies out of the effect of Rosalind's calming aura, charging toward to the Wyvern who still attempts to get some meal from this ambush.

60' fly speed, well within charge range.

Charging Leap Attack (PA -4/+24): [roll0], [roll1]

2017-04-06, 02:59 PM
Perseus strikes with his usual skill and accuracy, but the blade glances off the creature's hide, unable to find a weak point.

The creatures continues to climb, ignoring Perseus to try and escape with its meal.

Attack of opportunity.

2017-04-06, 06:42 PM
Perseus takes advantage of the offered vulnerability, then charges upward after the fleeing wyvern.

AoO (same modifiers): [roll0], [roll1]

Charge (-4/+24): [roll2], [roll3]

2017-04-06, 08:37 PM
Sister Rosalind seeing no one else injured among the dwarves besides the one carried away rushes after the flying dwarf, and the creature he was chasing. Hoping to be able to heal the dwarf being carried away at the moment. Calling out in celestial as she runs, doubting the creature would understand her, but still trying to get it to see another sunrise she calls out. "Please drop the man in your talons and flee. If you do so no one will chase after you. We only wish to protect our own." she tries explaining to the creature.

Double move action to try and catch up to the wyzern and Persus which she will with the double move action.

2017-04-07, 03:45 PM
With his first blow, Perseus hacks cleanly through one of the wyvern's legs. The chunk of bloody meat plummets to the ground dozens of feet below, where it becomes a hideous mush.

Despite that, the wyverns clings tenaciously to its prize. Pursuing closely, Perseus attacks again, and for the last time: his axe smashes through the beast's spine. Its talons, abruptly useless, release their grip on the dwarf; its wings similarly fail, and it falls like a stone after its victim.

The already injured crewman plummets fifty feet, striking the ground with bone-shattering force. Moments later, the full weight of the wyvern's corpse crashes down upon him, adding to the appalling injuries.

Rosalind arrives at the dwarf's side - but it is immediately clear there is no hope.

High above the earth, Perseus has a moment to catch his breath. From this vantage point, he can see the plains stretching out behind him, the mountains ahead; and he can see a fifteen-foot stone door in the mountainside, inscribed with glowing runes in a wide spectrum of colours. This must be the entrance to the Runewardens' demesne.

Tracing the path with his eyes, Perseus quickly works out the route they need to take, before returning his attention to his companions - his captives.

2,000xp each.

2017-04-07, 03:58 PM
His rage ending, Perseus lands next to the corpses of the wyvern and the dwarf, and says a quick but sincere honorific for the fallen dwarf. "May his memory be a blessing," he says with a ritualistic gesture, before turning to the Captain. "Tend to your wounded. When you are ready, we will press on." Then, he turns to Sister Rosalind and says, "Thank you for your healing," he offers sincerely, "It is clear you have great skill in that area." He turns back to the Captain. "We are close, but there is still some way to travel, and we do not want to be out here when the sun sets. More than wyverns fly in these skies, and worse still beneath."

2017-04-07, 10:15 PM
As fast as Sister Rosalind was, gravity was much faster as she watched the dwarf fall from the sky, having already been clinging to life before such a drop she doubted he would survive the fall, however she had to try. Closing the distance between her and the sailor she looks up as a shadow begins to form around her, jumping back as to not be crushed she falls to the ground just out of the reach of the dead creature that had tried making a meal out of all of them. Rushing back over to the dwarf she begins moving the beast as best she can, trying to find any signs of life in the mans body, hoping against hope he could be saved. However it does not take long for her to realize that there was no chance for her to save this mans life, and that he would return to the divine power which had created all life.

"Rest child of stone, and know that the Mother will see you to your rightful resting place among your honored ancestors." Sister Rosalind prays over the dwarves lifeless body in dwarven. Looking to the captain and shaking her head that she had been to late when he asked if she could save him.

" It was why I was chosen for this mission." Sister Rosalind says sorrowfully as she turns to addresses Perseus for the first time since their encounter on the ship. "I am a healer in the service of the Lovers, and only wish for peace. I tried explaining this to you earlier, however given the situation of our arrival mixed with how weak I was neither party was willing to listen to what the other had to say." she says admitting that she too had been wrong earlier, hoping that they could try to find some common ground, even if it was only enough to have the two of them able to speak without a fight happening.

2017-04-08, 08:01 AM
"Words are wind, but the trial of combat speaks the truth," Perseus says by way of explanation.

2017-04-08, 08:22 PM
At Perseus explanation Sister Rosalind gets ready to retort at the idea of a healer fighting, but decides better of it. Better to let him judge her in his own way, then to correct him for a misunderstanding of beliefs. After all in all aspects she did not paticipate in the trials of combat. Instead she did all she could to make sure others would not die because of their pride.

Sorry about the short post, but I feel Rosalind would be saying very little to him still, and what little she did would be with the captain close by. And his sentence seemed to be bait. After all if she were to say what she felt it would start a fight between them, so better to say nothing and let the person believe what they wish then start another unneeded fight.

2017-04-09, 01:08 AM
You make your way up the winding mountain path. Several times, it diverges into a maze of routes - but Perseus, with the advantage of a bird's eye view, navigates it with ease.

You finally reach the vast, rune-inscribed stone door that had been visible from the air. There is no obvious handle, bell, or other means of getting access; and knocking on the solid stone will break your knuckles before it reaches those within.

But as you get close, one of the runes flares into silver incandescence, and the image of a dwarf in Runewarden robes coalesces in the space before the door. He has a relatively short, red-blond beard and broad, coarse features; his nose has a pronounced saddle, clearly having been broken and poorly set.

"This is the sanctum of the Runewardens," the figure pronounces. "Those who disturb our sanctuary lightly will meet with strict repercussions. State your purpose here, and we will determine whether you are to be admitted."

2017-04-09, 01:49 AM
Thankfully the trip to the runewardens proved uneventful after the last encounter and as something simple finally revealed itself to her Sister Rosalind stepped forward to address the magically conjured face. "Please forgive me honored Guardian, and please forgive me, a foreigner for coming to your door like this." Sister Rosalind says humbly to the floating head of a dwarf before her. "My name is Sister Rosalind, I am a servant of the Lovers, a priesthood in the lands of New Ganther known for their talent in the arts of healing and nonviolence. I find myself upon your doorsteps in the service of New Ganther on a diplomatic mission of peace. The crown has asked me personally to try and resolve the incident which happened before war comes. If you wish Matryn, the advisor the crown has sent with me to deal with the understandings of New Ganther politics has paperwork proving this much." Sister Rosalind explains, slowly turning and asking Matryn to step forward and present the papers.

She will be speaking in dwarven so I can understand if you want to mix a few of the words up.

2017-04-09, 08:22 AM
As quickly as Rosalind is earning points with Perseus, she spends them. Any good will he felt toward her after she had healed him evaporates as she rushes to dissemble. While her mission was much more clear at this introduction, in her haste she has not only offended his sense of propriety (as Warden and her captor, it is clear to him that the Runewarden was speaking to him, not to her), but also his sense of integrity. Her mission is not the reason she is "here," if here refers to the Runewarden sanctum, as it so clearly does in this instance. His head whips round as she begins to speak, and his eyes widen with incredulity with each word, but he lets her make her first impression on these dwarves expecting similar results as she had impressed on him. When she has finished, he speaks (also in Dwarven).

"I am Perseus Ironshield, Warden of these lands. I witnessed a ship appear instantly in the middle of our territory, far from water. In the course of my investigation and I learned this human is responsible for magically transporting the ship. This meriting further investigation using skills I do not possess, I brought her and the crew of the ship here."

2017-04-10, 02:40 AM
The image fades, and you are left in silence. It seems to stretch on for many minutes; the dwarves settle down to wait, seeming not to find this unusual, and Matryn takes his cue from them.

Finally, after at least twenty minutes, the door opens. Standing before you is the dwarf from the image - but looking older, perhaps a touch more experienced, with crow's feet around the eyes, a hint of silver in his beard, a faint weariness around the eyes that is more than mere fatigue. If he were a human, you would say he was between 5 and 10 years older; as a dwarf, the true figure is more likely five times that.

"Sister Rosalind, Matryn, and Perseus of the Ironshield Clan will accompany me," he instructs, in a tone which brooks no argument. "Dwarves of the Blackforge Clan, you will wait here. Food and water shall be brought to you. Either I or one of my brethren will come to you in due course with further directions."

The dwarves all bow reverently. "As you wish, Runewarden," Captain Karthson replies - though not without an apologetic glance to Rosalind.

The Runewarden turns and leads the way deeper into the building, plainly confident you will follow him - and, indeed, having come so far to meet with this group, there seems little reason not to.

He leads you through deep, well-built corridors of stone, the surfaces polished to impeccable smoothness, the way illuminated by braziers housing unflickering spellfire. As he walks, the dwarf introduces himself.

"My name is Durhelim Realmshield," he tells you. "At present, it is my duty to look after the material affairs of the Runewardens. It seems that includes you."

He comes to a point indistinguishable from any other, and lays a hand on the stone wall. At his touch, an array of runes flares into life, covering an area of the wall perhaps five feet wide and ten high. A moment later, that section of wall vanishes, forming a door into a room beyond.

The room is dominated by a long obsidian table, covered with bronze plates, dishes, jugs and cups. An array of food stretches out ahead of you, in a vast variety of cuisines, from the hearty and rustic fare most familiar to Perseus, to delicate canapes and intricate desserts. The roof overhead glimmers with a representation of a star filled sky - but these are not constellations known to you.

Durhelim takes his place at the head of the table, gesturing to you to take your seats.

"Now, there is much to discuss and little time in which to do it. Let me start by asking you about the matter which led Perseus to bring you here. How comes a Blackforge ship to crash into the middle of Ironshield territory?"

2017-04-10, 06:39 AM
Perseus waits for the humans to enter before following, and nods a respectful farewell to the Blackforge who'd come this far. This is the first time he's been admitted to the Runewardens' sanctum, and his eyes widen with each step as the blending of mundane yet masterful architecture and arcane talent is evident in every brick. Not only is it clearly a well-defended location, but also, he can not help but feel awed at the sheer "coolness" of doors appearing and disappearing at a touch, at all of it.

He takes a seat opposite Rosalind and Matryn, on the other side of the Runewarden, and looks hungrily at the food while he listens to what the humans have to say.

2017-04-10, 10:20 PM
Sister Rosalind remains silent as she listens to Perseus explain to the Runewarden why he had traveled here to their sanctum. A sad expression sets on the priestess’s face as the proud warrior once again acts as if she were a prisoner instead of a diplomatic emissary, however she says nothing as he had said what he had felt was needed it seemed.

As the image fades away Sister Rosalind turns to look to the captain an expression of confusion upon her face, for he had not spoken, nor had any she noted among the ship’s crew which seemed odd and out of place to her after all she had heard the floating head ask why “they” were at the sanctum of the Runewardens. Allowing her curiosity to rise the priestess asked softly to the captain. “Captain Karthson, why didn’t you reply when the Runewarden asked why we were here? In human lands when a group of people from different walks of life are asked such a question, even if they are traveling together normally they each explain why they are there. Or they have a single reprehensive if there are large groups from each state why they have come.” She says curious if it was different in dwarven lands. Could she have insulted Persues by simply answering a question that seemed directed at everyone and not a single person?

As the Runewarden stepped out of the large stone doors Sister Rosalind made sure to stay close to the crew of the ship, and copy to the best of her ability what they did. Remaining silent, though stepping forward slightly when her name was called by the Runewarden. Looking back to the Captain and noting his look of apology she sends him a small smile before turning to the Runewarden and bowing her head, replying as the Captain had with a simple, but respectful “As you wish Runewarden.” Before falling into line behind him when it was apparent Perseus would not go infront of her. Almost like he thinks I will try to flee she notes as Matryn follows close by her.

Sister Rosalind tries to keep her expressions of wonder and awe to herself as she walks through the halls of the Runewarden Sanctum, however a few times she finds it impossible to keep quite at the pure beauty of the place, even then however it is simple sounds of wonder, never questions. “It is an honor to make your acquaintance Durhelim Realmshield of the Runewardens. Your sanctum is a work of beauty, I can see why you would not wish for unwanted outsiders to enter.” The red haired priestesses says with respect and awe both contained within her voice. Her hair still braided from earlier on in the day to look like many tiny waterfalls falling down until they all joined together to form one strong constant flow of firey hair. “I would like to thank you on the behalf of New Ganther for taking the time out of your very busy day to speak with me. I am sure you no doubt will have many questions as to why I am here.” Sister Rosalind says respectfully.

As the group enters the room Sister Rosalind awaits her host to take his seat before taking the seat offered to her, noting Perseus sitting across from her, almost as if saying he would oppose her at each step. However she would not allow him to bait her, and as she sits down, she leaves her food untouched as the captain had showed her until the host decided to eat from his own, and instead began to tell her story.

“Durhelim Realmshield before I begin my story are you aware of the events which transpired within New Ganther recently with your own dignitaries? I ask because if not the story may take longer to explain. The short version however is that the ship was attacked out at sea by a dwarven woman by the name of Sigrid the Forsworn, to my knowledge, please forgive me if I am incorrect in this, she used to be a Runewarden before becoming Clanless. The woman conjured forth a ship that the previous day had tried to attack us and Captain Karthson and his crew repelled and to our belief sank with the help of myself and one of my friends who came with me who did not survive the battle. A few times she mentioned worshipping Malture the god of bountless war in our battle to get free of her. Sadly I was of very little help given my vows forbid me from harming a living soul. It was through a combined efforts of me trying to keep all alive, and it was the Warrior Harn who saved us all, minus my friend from sheer death.”

As she finishes this part of the tale she stops allowing the Runewarden and Peresus to ask any questions they may have, as well as allow Matryn to fill in what he saw of the battle before continuning. “After the battle many of the crew were dead, my abilities to heal only going so far, the Captain explained to me given the current situation we may not make it in time to stop a war between New Ganther and Kharheim, so I beseeched my gods, the Lovers to help us. A bolt of lighting split open the sky, opening a portal, and the dead rose, returning to their posts steering us into the portal. When we arrived on the other side we were where Peresus found us stuck far from sea and beached. The dead no doubt taken to their rightful resting places by the Mother.” As Sister Rosalind finishes the story she can only hope that she was meet with less hostility than she had so far.

2017-04-11, 03:05 AM
Captain Karthson shrugs placidly at Rosalind's question.

"I'd rather keep out of the Runewardens' way as much as I can," he said softly. "Your answer - and our escort's - gave them all the information they need. If I can avoid getting entangled in Runewarden affairs by staying silent, I will - even if that means the long walk home."

Durhelim acknowledges your compliments with a slight smile as you walk to the food hall. He then listens patiently to your explanation, his expression growing serious at the mention of Sigrid.

Once you fall silent, he looks thoughtfully at you. Taking a loaf of hard, dry bread, he breaks it and takes a bite - not, you judge, from any hunger, but to release the two of you to eat your fill without insult.

"In truth, I know little of what transpired between Thuril and your King," he says, answering your first question. "Our divinations conclude that he is alive, but we have not been able to locate him. We also note that your kingdom is on a war footing, marshalling its armies and its navies. This, we have reported to the Clanmeet. They meet at the new moon to determine what response is appropriate."

The new moon is the day after tomorrow.

Pouring himself a small glass of some pale amber spirit, the Runewarden looks troubled. He looks across at you both, allowing the silence to stretch, then sighs quietly.

"So, we have your gods to thank for a near diplomatic catastrophe - the invasion of Ironshield lands by Blackforge warriors? I am glad it was Perseus here who found you, and not one of his more hotheaded kinsmen." He inclines his head to the warrior, a mark of respect.

"Gods," he repeats in a low murmur, the tone disapproving. "Considering we in Kharheim would rather have nothing to do with them, it seems I spend a disproportionate amount of my time cleaning up their messes. Of all the extraplanar powers, the gods seem the most determined to get mortals involved in their scheming. Even we are not immune - as you have learned to your cost.

“Sigrid…” He shakes his head, slightly frustrated. “Exposition is not a strength of mine. I’m a wizard, not some prancing elf bard. And I am unsure how much you need to know.”

Turning to Matryn, he holds out a hand. “Papers,” he commands.

The Crown agent glances sidelong at Rosalind, then hands them over. Durhelim starts reading them carefully, grunting to himself as he does so.

“I'm interested in hearing two things now,” he says as he reads. “Perseus, I'm interested to hear your assessment of these humans. You have spent time with them. Are they trustworthy?

“Secondly, I wish to hear precisely what happened to Thuril Drakeslayer.”

2017-04-11, 05:51 AM
As soon as his host has broken bread, Perseus loads up his plate with a variety of delectable foodstuffs, and begins eating eagerly yet without gluttony. He listens intently to what is said, feeling vindicated at Durhelim's shared assessment of the Blackforge intrusion and grateful for the recognition of his good work in an area of personal growth--interactions that did not end in combat were not his forte. When the question is directed at him, he is mid-drink and almost chokes as the liquid enters his lungs, replacing quickly exhaled air. Once he recovers, he pauses for a moment, considering, before saying, "There is an ugly racial stereotype of the human: self-obsessed, prideful, and obstinate. These, the first humans I have met, have done little to counter that expectation and indeed, have done much to confirm it." After another moment, he looks at Matryn, and adds, "Though, in fairness, I have had limited interaction with them. I would not fight alongside them, nor for them, but on their behalf I can say one thing: their story is consistent. This priestess has told you the same thing that she told me. It is either the truth, or a well-planned lie."

The mention of Drakeslayer piques his interest, and he looks with anticipation at the humans to see what information they will offer, him knowing nothing of the subject more than the legend.

2017-04-11, 10:19 PM
Survival check DC 10 untrained [roll0]

As Sister Rosalind hears the news that the Runewardens had not heard of what had happened within New Ganther due to the diplomatic envoy not having returned it seems to their homeland a sense of dread fills her. She had believed that the magic they had used would have teleported them back home, and to her knowledge there were very few things that could stop an accomplished caster short of divine interference from having their spell have the intended effect. “Runewarden Durhelim I do not know how else to say this besides exactly how I witnessed it, for I was there when your people came to speak with the reprehensive of New Ganther. “ She says looking to Matryn with a look of concern in her voice. “ I believe it would be best to use the scroll provided by the prince to inform him that the dignitaries did not make it home. He needs to send all his men out to find them and keep them safe, Theo would know what to do.” She says to Matryn seeing if he agreed with her statement before turning back to the two dwarves.

“From what I heard when your dignitaries arrived in our lands, cultist of Maltur attacked them, summoning demons. An acquaintance of mine, Sir Theo Roost and a woman by the name of Yara helped defend the dwarven diplomats and repelled the demonic attackers. Because of their actions the two were allowed to enter the meeting chambers of the prince, who at the time was still to young to rule so instead another who had been elected by the previous king presided over the actual talks. Suffice to say it was as if the man was hell bent on doing everything he could to begin a war, twisting your peoples words so the prince would be insulted, and insulting your own honored representatives. Sometime during the chaos while I was trying to show the prince that the man speaking for his country did not serve the interests of his people, the chancellor was attacked by the rogue woman named Yara. The chancellor taking this as an act of war as she had entered with the dwarves ordered for them to be taken to the dungeon. Last I saw of them however they had escaped with a sort of teleportation magic. Myself, the Prince, and a few others immediately set out to try and fix the damage caused by the traitor to the crown, and the woman who had disgraced your people had been taken into the custody of the Goddess Charis where I am informed she has been given a sentence to try to fix her life, or perish. I was tasked by the Prince and those loyal to him who seek peace to come and speak with the Clans and try and find peace, and apologize for the actions committed against your people. However hearing that your dignitaries have not returned makes this matter far graver than even I had pictured.” She admits, looking down not even able to touch her food do to her troubled mind.

“I see, I was also informed I had broken a law when I used magic and for that I am sorry, I was simply trying to save lives. I did not intend for the ship to be brought so far inland, I can only guess that the Lovers wished for me to know the knowledge you have just told me, as well as to meet Perseus. Why I cannot understand, as you have said it almost caused an incident and as a preacher of peace who has taken vows to never harm a living soul the implications are troubling.” She admits, now seeing why Perseus had been so mad when she had been speaking to him when they first arrived. She must have sounded like a pig headed person. Turning towards him she lets out a slow breath, “I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you Guardian of the Ironshield lands. I did not think of my actions in the light that has been shown to me, and I hope that if we are to continue to work together that I may find the chance to repay you for this mistake.”

"To my knowledge he was with the others, and it was he who used the teleportation magic to escape with all the dignitaries. I had come here to your lands in the hopes of speaking with them and trying to make peace. The Prince even sent a host gift along with us, as a sign of trying to learn your customs and respect them." she answers honestly, not really knowing what had happened to the man they asked about. "If you will permit me, I understand you may not like the gods, however as all you can find out is that they are alive, come the morning I can try to commune with the lovers and ask them whatever questions you may ask of me. I do this freely of my own choosing, and if you wish shall do so outside your compound to not disrupt whatever protections you may have in place or intrude upon your privacy." Sister Rosalind offers trying to make herself as helpful as she can.


2017-04-12, 07:51 AM
Durhelim nods along with your words, his expression growing less guarded as you speak. He seems particularly impressed by your words to Perseus, and your commitment to peace.

"Thank you, Sister Rosalind," he says somberly. "I may well take you up on your offer. And do not fear that you will be breaking any laws: the law only prohibits the use of magic in Kharheim without the sanction of the Runewardens, and it predominantly applies to arcane magic. I am satisfied that you are a fit and proper person to be using the magic your gods grant you.

"Now, however, let us speak of Thuril's mission to your country - for it seems he did not have an opportunity to deliver his message.

"We Runewardens serve many roles in our society. We are most widely known for our role in policing the use of magic, because it is in that guise that most of our kin encounter us. Beyond that, we are known for our combating of threats which only magic can oppose. Both are important, but neither are our primary responsibility.

"The main role of the Runewardens is to protect this world against incursions from other planes of existence. We spend most of our time searching the many planes of reality for threats - but most critically, we protect and sustain the Great Runes."

He gestures to the pattern of stars on the ceiling. Above you, a shimmering array of orbs flares into being, formed from clouds of tiny sparks in white, gold, silver, and crimson. The display settles into a pattern, a white central orb around which orbits a host of spheres in the other thee colours, their movements erratic, unpredictable.

"If you will forgive the theatrics, imagine this represents our world, at the centre, with all the other planes of existence around it. There are three means by which an Outsider might access our world.

"Firstly, summoning magic." A line of blue light flares from the central orb, striking one of the crimson spheres; a tiny figure, an illusory demon, is pulled along the line from red to white.

"Think of the Great Runes as a net." A lattice of green light forms around the central orb, which is suddenly blazing with dwarven runes. "Just as a small fish can slip through gaps in a net, so too can minor Outsiders be summoned - briefly, and within strict limits. But the more powerful summoning spells of antiquity are balked.

"Secondly, planar alignment." One of the silver balls floats closer to the white, so that they overlap. “Used to be the planes… well, ‘moved’ is as good an analogy as any. So sometimes they would overlap, you get places where you could literally step from one to another. Thanks to the Great Runes, that no longer happens.”

The silver ball is forcefully ejected from the white, and that lattice of green light reappears.

”So, what does that leave?”

He lifts his face to the display overhead, and a web of black lines, incredibly complicated, comes into being, interlinking each orb with all the others.

“The Ways Between Worlds,” he says simply. “But, they shouldn't be a problem, now should they? The gods sorted them out, right?”

Giving a derisive snort, he waves his hand and the whole illusion vanishes, leaving you blinking away afterimages.

“So, imagine our disquiet when we learned that high level demons were appearing all around the world. Not in great numbers, yet, but enough to worry us.

“So, we investigate. We learn that Maltur is involved. We learn that meetings have been taking place between His cults, and two other factions - though we've yet to identify either. What we did learn is that they're amassing power - on a scale we have seldom seen - for a ritual.

“We do not know what the ritual is intended to achieve, though it can be nothing good. We know when it will be. We know where. And that is why the Clanmeet decided to send you a delegation, and why Thuril went with them.

“To warn you.”

2017-04-12, 08:03 AM
Perseus listens to Rosalind's words, but his expression betrays nothing of his emotions inside, which are bringing to his mind the same maxim he has already repeated: words are wind. Actions will prove the truth of her words, but in truth, her consideration of him hardly factors into his persona, having already bested her champion in honor combat. With little patience or tact for interpersonal relationships, Perseus has learned to think twice before saying nothing.

Although his inner child is squealing with glee at the amazing light show, outwardly, Perseus's countenance remains as unchanged as it has since he sat down. His plate now empty, he refills his cup and takes a drink while he continues to listen to the story unfolding, considering his position in it all. His mind perceives all through the lens of the warrior, and through that lens, his mind is clear. If New Ganthar were to be the setting for this demonic showdown, war seemed inevitable. The humans, small in number and divided among themselves, could not be counted on to contain this global threat. The dwarves could conquer them with ease and fortify the position to prevent the ritual. Now and here is not the place to voice this conception, nor are these the audience to receive it, but he considers it thoroughly as the conversation continues.

2017-04-12, 08:43 PM
Listening to the story being told to her Sister Rosalind follows the magic above, watching as it did different things depending on what was described. In all honesty it was a beautiful peace of work, and no doubt something very useful. "I know of the Way between worlds sadly only from a member of Charisis faithful, up until then I had spent very little time dealing with extraplanar creatures or travel besides the lovers themselves." Sister Rosalind admits to those assembled before moving on. "As for the two other groups working with the Cult of Malture we may know of one of them, and it is a group that I have been personally having to defend myself for the past week almost against on a daily basis. Are you aware of the one known as the "Betrayer" of Torae? The thief who stole the power of creating the half living and corrupted it making the very first undead not bound to the clergy of the Lovers? His flock has thrown in ties with the cult of Malture I am sure of it. Though who this third figure could be is beyond me. Perhaps one of the less humanoid races have a deity who would align with these two?" She says in speculation, not really knowing more than that.

"This is a lot of information to take in, for both sides I am sure things have changed greatly to an extent, yet my purpose of coming here has remained the same. If you will allow me I would like to still meet with the clansmeet, and explain to them what has transpired. Matryn I can understand if you do not wish to join due to the circumstances seeming to change, however I must see this mission through. For the sake of not only New Ganther, but the entire world." she says to the royal advisor before turning to look to the Runewarden. "IF New Ganther asked for aid with this matter from Kharheim, would your people answer the call for help? I know our two lands have been not the best of neighbors before, however I believe if we wish to stop this demonic ritual that all the forces of good must join together like in ages old to protect the world they live in."

2017-04-13, 02:19 AM
Durhelim shakes his head.

"It is not so simple.

"Firstly, your nation prepares for war. There are many who would mistrust a plea for help - or seek to use it to maneuver our warriors into a better position.

"Secondly, some among the clans are dubious about whether this is a threat to us, rather than to your people alone. Sadly, we do not have enough specifics to convince the doubters.

"Thirdly, some of those who do believe us argue that the only safe way to contain the threat is to act swiftly and decisively - to conquer your nation and so have unfettered access to deal with this ritual.

"And, finally, there are internal matters which dominate the Clanmeet."

Rubbing his eyes briefly in a weary gesture, he returns to your earlier question. "I will deliver you to the Clanmeet, if you wish. It may be that you can persuade them to your way of thinking. But if not, I fear New Ganthar must face this threat alone - or, perhaps worse, that we must endure a war before this is resolved."

2017-04-14, 07:09 AM
Perseus continues his pattern of silence, considering all the possibilities that lay before him.

2017-04-14, 09:57 PM
"I see, though New Ganther prepares for war because it assumes that the dignitaries who vanished had returned after saying there would be war. I can not speak on the current matter of things as I have been at sea. I do know however when I left the Prince was seeking peace, and had gained two new people to help him learn how to be a proper and just king when he comes of age." she admits honestly, doubting this would in anyway put New Ganther in any danger.

"As for the doubters, I can understand their doubt given what a lone warrior of the Ironshield clan was able to do in battle. Sure he was able to heal a lot more quickly given my abilities, but I doubt he would not be allowed the same treatment by his own people in a time of war. However this would not be a normal force they would be facing, it would be a force of demons and undead. And if what I have seen so far is any indication, orgers as well were at the battle we fought recently in New Ganther." she explains, not putting speficis of who or when the fight occurred as it was a private matter, but giving the Runewarden at least some knowledge to see if it could sway some of the doubters.

"While your force would win in a war, I do not believe it would be in time to stop the ritual do to the fact all forces trying to slow the cult down would be focused on repeling an invading force. This is why I suggested making an alliance, even if only briefly between our two lands. Do you believe the Clan's would agree to such a discussion?"

"My duty has been to speak with the clansmeet and try to stop a war, and it is not something I can turn away from. However I also still owe you the spell in question. If you are willing to compile a list of questions for after, or even during the clansmeet I would still be happy to help in any way I can. So if you could please deliver me to the clansmeet I would greatly appreciate it, also if you could help the Blackforge get home I would be in your debt. Matryn, as the royal advisor in this matter is their anything I have forgotten?"

2017-04-15, 07:14 AM
Matryn looks surprised as attention turns to him. Clearing his throat, he considers, then asks:

"The Clansmeet is the day after tomorrow, I understand? When is the ritual expected to take place?"

Durhelim nods. "Eight days hence," he confirms. "Well, what time is it? Nearly midnight. It will be seven days soon enough."

At that, Matryn looks concerned. He turns to Rosalind. "Two days to the Clansmeet. Who knows how many days of debate and deliberation - this is the country that took decades to send its first delegation to our shores. Then, what? Two, three days' travel back to New Ganthar? We'll be cutting it fine, Sister."

Durhelim nods. "Once I have rested and had chance to memorise the appropriate spells, I shall personally teleport you to the Hall of the Great Clanmeet. The official date might be the day after tomorrow, but most of the Council will already be assembled.

"I cannot remain to assist you - my work is here - but I can at least see to it that time pressures are minimised.

"I shall, I think, offer the Blackforge dwarves a choice - to return to their Clan, or go with you. In either event, they will no longer be trespassing here."

Turning to Perseus, the Runewarden inclines his head slightly - a gesture of respect, of acknowledgement.

"Will that satisfy the demands of Clan Ironshield - and of the Deep Wardens?"

2017-04-16, 10:34 AM
Perseus nods, not wishing to belabor the point. "I would travel with you to the Clansmeet, if you would bring me. The threat you have spoken of..." he pauses. "If it is within my power to stop, I will. I am no great wizard nor have the gods graced me with their divine boons, but perhaps my simple skill may be needed." Perseus has an ulterior motive, wishing to speak with his cousin and mentor, Baldreim Ironshield, who trained Perseus as a Deep Warden is perhaps his closest friend in the world and also had been dispatched as a part of the delegation to the Clansmeet, primarily as an observer on behalf of the Deep Wardens, but also representing their concerns.

2017-04-16, 11:37 PM
Matryn looks surprised as attention turns to him. Clearing his throat, he considers, then asks:

"The Clansmeet is the day after tomorrow, I understand? When is the ritual expected to take place?"

Durhelim nods. "Eight days hence," he confirms. "Well, what time is it? Nearly midnight. It will be seven days soon enough."

At that, Matryn looks concerned. He turns to Rosalind. "Two days to the Clansmeet. Who knows how many days of debate and deliberation - this is the country that took decades to send its first delegation to our shores. Then, what? Two, three days' travel back to New Ganthar? We'll be cutting it fine, Sister."

"It seems we have a problem then, I could perhaps fix it, however if our enemies are against us I doubt a messenger will be able to reach New Ganther before being slain. This would mean I would have to ask the gods to allow me to send a message of my own to Sir Theo, he should be able to moblize a force to try and counter this ritual while we try to return. While the scroll the prince gave to us should be used now to inform him of our dwarven dignitaries still being in New Ganther possibly so long as Kharheim sees no error in this. If not I suggest we find the right words to use as we only have a few to try and get our message across as clear as we can." Sister Rosalind explains to all present, showing that she would try and do all she could to both help the dignitaries find safe harbor, as well as to try and stop this ritual from happening.

"As for how long it took Kharheim to send its first delegation to our shores, it to my knowledge of events took them sending one to New Ganther, for New Ganther to see it fit to send one of their own. And only then to stop a war. Perhaps the dwarvens of Kharheim wished to see how humanity would grow without outside influence, add in their lives are longer then our own, they no doubt wanted to make sure the land was stable before risking the lives of their own people Matryn. We think in the moment because our lives are so short, however our friends here have much longer lives, and have the privilege of being able to look at all posible situations before making a choice. All we need to do is make sure war does not come to New Ganther and we will have accomplished our task." the priestess of the Lovers reminds him, hoping he had not insulted them.

Only replied to what I quoted because I am not quite sure on who Perseus was adressing and want to make sure first.

2017-04-17, 01:39 AM
Durhelim smiles at you both.

"Do not underestimate your abilities, Perseus. If you are willing to offer your aid, I for one greatly appreciate it."

Turning to Rosalind, he continues, "I am pleased to see New Ganthar's diplomat making a real effort at understanding us. We will need that open-mindedness to bring peace between us - for while my kind is not averse to war, I will not let Sigrid and her fellow Maltur-fanatics manipulate us into one of her choosing. Particularly not as a distraction from a greater threat."

Rising, he gestures to another wall; again you see a network of glowing runes, this time in three places, and three doorways appear before your eyes, leading to small rooms with beds and little else.

"I will speak with the Blackforge, then get some rest. I suggest you do the same. May your ancestors watch over you. Good night."

So saying, he turns and heads back the way you came.

2017-04-17, 08:48 PM
"As once being an outsider of New Ganther as well it was easier for me to learn to accomidate others beliefs, and even though I have only been able to learn about your people for a short time from the Captain. He has been a remarkable teacher for what little time we had spent together, no doubt if not for the Blackforge clan I would appear much more foolish than I have already." she admits humbly to Durhelim, letting both the Runewarden and Perseus know that she had been trying to learn about their customs.

"If you would allow me, I still have within me some magic left and am willing to offer my healing expertises to your service while I am a guest of the Runewardens. I can also create a small feast which I would like to create for the crew who risked their lives getting me here." Sister Rosalind asks respectfully, trying not to insult the Runewardens in any way.

2017-04-18, 02:30 AM
"The offer is noted, Sister Rosalind," he says softly. "As for myself, I take no offense, and I am sure your friends would sooner take your hospitality than mine. I do not have a need of healing at this time either.
But a word of caution.

"To some of our race, your offer to feed your allies could be seen as a slight on the host's generosity. Similarly, offering a valuable service free of charge may be an act of kindness to you; to us, it creates a difficult situation. To refuse such generosity would be insulting to a dwarf; to accept would create a burden of obligation. Few will thank you for putting them in that situation; some will believe you do so for political gain, particularly in your present role."

2017-04-18, 08:15 PM
"If I am not mistaken however each representative of a party should always bring with them a Host gift by your customs." Sister Rosalind replies perfectly at ease with this line of talk. "And while the crown has given to me a host gift for the council of clans when we are to meet, it falls on me to provide the rest. And given the vow of poverty I took as a child all I have to offer are my talents." she explains looking to Perseus. "When I first meet the warrior of Clan Ironshield it was an offer I also made to him, and if asked I am sure he as well as the Blackforge clan which I sailed to Kharheim with could attest to the powers of healing I offer being a worthy gift in most simple cases."

2017-04-18, 08:26 PM
Perseus indicates nothing, but says to the departing dwarf, "Could I have access to parchment, and a messenger? I would make report to my superiors at home."

2017-04-19, 02:49 AM
Durhelim points Perseus to a cupboard at the far side of the food hall.

"You'll find wizards are seldom far from such things," he remarks drily. "Help yourself."

He then leads Rosalind and the silent Matryn back through the twisting corridors of the sanctum. As you walk, he resumes your conversation.

"The giving of guest and host gifts is indeed an important tradition to us. But bear in mind that your experience of such things is limited to a highly formal occasion - a meeting between diplomats of two nations."

He falls silent, clearly thinking about his words. You sense he is not used to having to explain things like this - that for the dwarves of Kharheim, it is instinctive.

"The custom does not apply to Runewardens," he says vaguely. "The web of duty and honour affects us differently. But let me see...

"When entering another's home, or when the envoy of one clan enters the land of another, the giving and receiving of gifts is appropriate and expected," he finally replies. "In the former case, the gift comes from the individual; in the latter, from the clan.

"There are other occasions when the giving and receiving of gifts is customary - certain festival days, for instance, and in... other situations not fit for discussion - but in general, gift-giving between strangers is unwelcome. It disrupts the social balance.

"To do that which is another's duty - feeding his guests, for instance - is to give insult, for you call into question his willingness or ability to do that duty. To offer a gift without cause - well, I've answered that.

"If you act beyond the scope of your duty, you put another in your debt. Any such debt must be repaid as a matter of honour, so as to restore the balance. But if you have gone beyond your duty, that must open your motives to question, mustn't it? And if your motive was to create a debt, to intentionally disrupt the delicate equilibrium of society, that is dishonorable. Even if that was not your intention, if you create a debt beyond the other's ability to repay, you bring great shame on him and on yourself."

You find yourself at the main entrance to the sanctum. Opening it, Durhelim leads you out to where the Blackforge dwarves - and Harn - are sleeping uncomfortably beneath the stars.

Karth is awake, standing as a sentry, and he bows a greeting. He touches Bain briefly on the shoulder, and the Captain wakes with a splutter before seeing the Runewarden. He, too, offers a bow.

"I have satisfied myself that your presence here is beyond your control," Durhelim says without preamble. "I have therefore agreed to return you to your clan. I trust that is acceptable?"

Bain's stoic expression falters briefly, showing relief; then he looks to Rosalind.

"And what of the priestess? What will you do, Sister Rosalind?"

2017-04-19, 05:55 PM
Perseus lingers behind, composing the following message to his superiors back home, opening with the traditional date and honorifics that are custom in his, and any other Warden's, reports.

A Blackforge ship appeared from thin air in our lands at <specific coordinates>. Upon investigation it was revealed that the ship carried two humans from New Ganthar, identified here as Matryn, diplomat, and Sister Rosalind, priestess on diplomatic mission. As magic was involved, the intruders were brought to the Runewardens, who discerned their purpose and arranged for transportation out of Ironshield lands. Magic was determined to be divine in nature, and extraordinary. The humans' stated diplomatic purpose is to prevent war between our nation and New Ganthar.

From Runewarden Durhelim, I have learned that an organization intends to conduct powerful summoning rituals eight days from the time of this writing, and that this ritual is to take place on the island of New Ganthar. The intent of these rituals is to bring forth powerful demonic entities, likely with nefarious purpose.

I will travel now with the Runewarden Durhelim and the diplomats from New Ganthar to the Clansmeet, although our purposes diverge. It is my desire to travel to New Ganthar to investigate and stop these summoning rituals. This is in line with my duties to protect the Ironshield lands, as the threat posed by powerful extradimensional beings will not be contained by national borders. However, if I am forbidden from this task, or my duties at home prevent me, I can be found at the Clansmeet, as by the time you read this, we will already have teleported there.

He closes with the traditional salutations and blessings then rolls the piece of paper up tightly. He seals it with wax and his Warden's stamp, then looks around for a messenger to hand it off to, or someone to explain how to send this message where he wants it to go, as he suddenly considers the possibility that magic would be used to transport this message as well as his own corporeal entity.

2017-04-19, 08:48 PM
"When entering another's home, or when the envoy of one clan enters the land of another, the giving and receiving of gifts is appropriate and expected," he finally replies. "In the former case, the gift comes from the individual; in the latter, from the clan.

"So when the ship of the Blackforge Clan came into the lands of the Ironshields was my offer of healing not atquit enough then for such an exchange? Because I was asked to present a gift and tried explaining all I had to give were my skills as a healer. However they were turned down. Is this something I should expect when dealing with members of each clan? And if so what then do I have to offer? My talents are in the healing arts, and while I can craft clothing, I doubt it would be worthy of any gift. I suppose those who collect knoweldge would see a song as a potential gift. But besides these three skills and my abilities as a diplomat I really have nothing to offer, do you have any advice for this, as a native of Khareim you would know better than I what could lead to an insult." Sister Rosalind explains to the Runewarden, letting him know her talents so that he could best judge how to deal with individuals, as the diplomatic host gift had already been taken care of.

"To do that which is another's duty - feeding his guests, for instance - is to give insult, for you call into question his willingness or ability to do that duty. To offer a gift without cause - well, I've answered that.

"If you act beyond the scope of your duty, you put another in your debt. Any such debt must be repaid as a matter of honour, so as to restore the balance. But if you have gone beyond your duty, that must open your motives to question, mustn't it? And if your motive was to create a debt, to intentionally disrupt the delicate equilibrium of society, that is dishonorable. Even if that was not your intention, if you create a debt beyond the other's ability to repay, you bring great shame on him and on yourself."

Listening carefully to Durhelim explain how a simple thing to her, could in fact bring dishonor to another Sister Rosalind nods, believing she understood what was being explained to her. "It is safe to assume then that I will no longer need to pray for the ability to create food and water while I am in Kharheim? This way it would remove my own requirements to feed those in need." Sister Rosalind says, dropping of there as to not mention the clanless as she had learned they were not to be spoken off.

Following a step behind Durhelim, Sister Rosalind walked with him as he lead her once more through the winding maze of passages until the open sky was above them once more. As both the captain and Karth make their way over to the Runewarden, herself, and Matryn she bows to the two in greeting. "It is good to see you both again, even if it has only been a short time." she says kindly to them both, before listening to Captain Bain's question to her. "My mission has not changed Captain Bain, I must meet with the clansmeet, and Runewarden Durhelim has offered to help me in this." Sister Rosalind says looking towards Durhelim and asking. "Captain Bain and his crew went through great pearils to get me here, may I inform them of what we spoke of inside regarding your dignitaries?" Sister Rosalind asks, not wanting to say more then she should.

2017-04-20, 11:39 AM
There is no sign that the Runewardens have servants in the conventional sense, and it is not immediately clear what you should do with your letter.

After a few minutes, a breath of disturbed air at your shoulder suggests you are not alone. An unseen force starts moving through the room, clearing the plates and cutlery, straightening the tablecloth, and generally carrying out the tasks of a servant, albeit an unseen one.

The force tugs at the letter in your grasp, not violently but firmly. You wonder if this spell acts as a courier, as well as a maid - or if it has mistaken your letter for rubbish.

"So when the ship of the Blackforge Clan came into the lands of the Ironshields was my offer of healing not atquit enough then for such an exchange? Because I was asked to present a gift and tried explaining all I had to give were my skills as a healer. However they were turned down. Is this something I should expect when dealing with members of each clan? And if so what then do I have to offer? My talents are in the healing arts, and while I can craft clothing, I doubt it would be worthy of any gift. I suppose those who collect knoweldge would see a song as a potential gift. But besides these three skills and my abilities as a diplomat I really have nothing to offer, do you have any advice for this, as a native of Khareim you would know better than I what could lead to an insult." Sister Rosalind explains to the Runewarden, letting him know her talents so that he could best judge how to deal with individuals, as the diplomatic host gift had already been taken care of.

Durhelim looks slightly blindsided by the barrage of questions, and you can see he is trying to think how way through the matter from your alien perspective.

"Did they turn you down? Strange. I would have thought an offer of healing services a fitting gift for one seeking passage on another clan's ship.

"The services of a healer with your skills are valuable. More valuable than a guest-gift in most cases. I can't give you a fixed list of what gifts are suited to what situations - it is a matter of judgment, of the degree of respect for your host and your assessment of their ability to respond, of the extent to which your host is going beyond their duty in accommodating you.

"Fortunately, in most cases you will be acting as envoy for your people, not as a guest in your own right. Make your guest gift once and for all, to the Council of Clans, and that will suffice for so long as you are lodging in the quarters they assign you. If you decide to visit individual clans outside of the business of the Clanmeet, that may be a separate matter."

Listening carefully to Durhelim explain how a simple thing to her, could in fact bring dishonor to another Sister Rosalind nods, believing she understood what was being explained to her. "It is safe to assume then that I will no longer need to pray for the ability to create food and water while I am in Kharheim? This way it would remove my own requirements to feed those in need." Sister Rosalind says, dropping of there as to not mention the clanless as she had learned they were not to be spoken off.
"I cannot see how you could find yourself under a duty to feed anyone, and you will be a guest of the Council - your needs will be met. You can probably forego that particular spell safely enough, Sister."

Following a step behind Durhelim, Sister Rosalind walked with him as he lead her once more through the winding maze of passages until the open sky was above them once more. As both the captain and Karth make their way over to the Runewarden, herself, and Matryn she bows to the two in greeting. "It is good to see you both again, even if it has only been a short time." she says kindly to them both, before listening to Captain Bain's question to her. "My mission has not changed Captain Bain, I must meet with the clansmeet, and Runewarden Durhelim has offered to help me in this." Sister Rosalind says looking towards Durhelim and asking. "Captain Bain and his crew went through great pearils to get me here, may I inform them of what we spoke of inside regarding your dignitaries?" Sister Rosalind asks, not wanting to say more then she should.

As Bain watches curiously - and with some trepidation - Durhelim nods permission. "That is common enough knowledge, and they have the right to know what became of their charges - at least, so far as we can tell them." He looks at Karth and Harn as he says this, taking in their formal armour in the pale starlight.

2017-04-20, 01:00 PM
Durhelim looks slightly blindsided by the barrage of questions, and you can see he is trying to think how way through the matter from your alien perspective.

"Did they turn you down? Strange. I would have thought an offer of healing services a fitting gift for one seeking passage on another clan's ship.

"The services of a healer with your skills are valuable. More valuable than a guest-gift in most cases. I can't give you a fixed list of what gifts are suited to what situations - it is a matter of judgment, of the degree of respect for your host and your assessment of their ability to respond, of the extent to which your host is going beyond their duty in accommodating you.

"Fortunately, in most cases you will be acting as envoy for your people, not as a guest in your own right. Make your guest gift once and for all, to the Council of Clans, and that will suffice for so long as you are lodging in the quarters they assign you. If you decide to visit individual clans outside of the business of the Clanmeet, that may be a separate matter."

"Oh no Clan Blackforge accepted my guest gift, it was Perseus who did not accept my offer when he asked for a gift to travel through Iron shield lands." Sister Rosalind corrects Runewarden Durhelm. "As for visiting individual clans, from what you have told me I will not have time for such given when the ritual will take place. It is my duty to stop the betrayer from completing his task as the only fully trained priestess in New Ganther devoted to the Lovers."

"I cannot see how you could find yourself under a duty to feed anyone, and you will be a guest of the Council - your needs will be met. You can probably forego that particular spell safely enough, Sister."

Sister Rosalind decides it is best to not bring up the Clanless and simply nods her understanding, hoping she did not run into one of them in her travels that actually needed her help.

As Bain watches curiously - and with some trepidation - Durhelim nods permission. "That is common enough knowledge, and they have the right to know what became of their charges - at least, so far as we can tell them." He looks at Karth and Harn as he says this, taking in their formal armour in the pale starlight.

"I regret to inform you captain, that the delegation may still be in New Ganther, to my knowledge when we meet they used teloportation magic, and I assumed as did all in attendance that they had used it to return to Krarheim. However after speaking with Runewarden Durheilm I believe this was a false assumption on my part. Given if they stayed in New Ganther they may be at my hospice with your wounded warrior, I however do not know. As such I have offered in the morning light to ask the Lovers to shed whatever information they can on the matter. Allowing the Runewardens to choose which questions to ask as they would know better than I." Sister Rosalind says to all those gathered before her.

2017-04-20, 06:01 PM
Perseus allows the missive to be taken from him, watching closely to see what happens to it. If it is treated as trash, he will try and retrieve it or otherwise write another one, identical to the first, and track down Durhelim for an explanation.

2017-04-21, 02:37 AM
Bain looks pained at that comment. "Aye? Well, I won't swear with a priestess present, but that's..." His mouth works silently, searching for words, but throws up his hands and walks a few paces away, his back to you. You can just make out the sound of a long string of expletives in dwarven, most of which you are quite glad not to know the translation for.

Finally he returns, looking slightly calmer for having vented.

"Be that as it may, Sister, I will come with you - if that is all right with the Runewarden?" Durhelim nods his brisk agreement, and Bain continues, "Master Halson can lead my crew home and make the report to our clan. I have a debt to repay."

Karth, glancing at Harn questioningly, speaks up: "Unless we know where Honoured Bhatrem and Thuril Drakeslayer can be found, our place is with the Council. We too will go with Sister Rosalind."

Harn grunts his agreement, and Durhelim nods his satisfaction. "Good. Well, then, I need to get some sleep. Sister Rosalind, the runes will let you back in when you're ready - I trust you can find your way to your room?"

So saying, he makes his way back inside, leaving you alone with the sailors.

The unseen servant carries your letter away. It does not, to your relief, place it with the rubbish; instead, it is carried out of the room and away down the corridor.

As you look after it, Durhelim rounds the corner. Glancing after the missive, he smiles reassuringly.

"It will be delivered, have no fear," he tells you. "Now, any last matters before I turn in? You may not need your sleep, but we wizards do."

2017-04-21, 07:48 AM
"I thank you all for showing me the kindness you have in the short time we have known one another. I simply wish we had all meet on better grounds." Sister Rosalind says kindly to all, giving a small smile to Karth and Harn who she had healed back in New Ganther. "Karth Kudrenson of the Blackforge clan, Harn Grethson of the Stonecutter Clan if you two choose to come with me I will consider any debt you felt you owed me repayed in full from back in New Ganther." Sister Rosalind says to the two of them, hoping this would allow them to feel released from whatever debt they may owe her now that she knew how much healing meant to them a little better. After all while they were on the ship it was under Captain Bain they served, and as she had already exchanged host and guest gift a bargin had been made, and no debt needed to be repaid. However Going to the council was above and beyond what she had asked the captain to do, and as such these two in her eyes had fully repaid their debt.

"I doubt I will be much longer myself Runewarden Durhelim, unless the Captain, Karth, or Harn wish to say more. After all while I do not need to eat or drink anymore, my body still requires sleep." the priestess explained with a smile and bow watching the runewarden leave before turning towards the others. " As my duty I am here to provide the last meal in our agreement if you will allow me, and to make sure all who are here are fit for travel before returning to sleep. If you wish to speak with me however I am all ears."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2017-04-21, 07:48 AM
Perseus shakes his head. "If you could simply point me in the direction of a bath and a bed, I will have no further need to interrupt you." Once that is done, he will bathe in warm water, enjoying the comfort of urban life he rarely experiences, and sleep in a soft bed, another opportunity seldom encountered.

That night he dreams himself in another land, and rather than putting threats behind bars, he is working to free them. He wakes in a cold sweat, filled with anxiety, and wondering what the portent might mean. Turning, he tries fitfully to fall back asleep, but can not, and so gets up in the middle of the night to walk the halls of the Runewarden sanctum, hoping to find something as wonderous as the ceiling he'd eaten under previously to satisfy his curiosity. After a short while, if his search is fruitless, as it is likely to be, he will return to bed and fall back asleep, his mind emptied from the pleasant stroll.

2017-04-22, 03:43 PM
The Blackforge dwarves enjoy Rosalind's food, despite the late hour, but they are clearly weary, their conversation superficial, sparse. It is not long before Rosalind returns to her rooms, ready for her rest.

Meanwhile Perseus, following Durhelim's directions, takes a brief shower in magically heated water before turning in himself.

Day 10 - 7 days remaining

You wake to the aroma of fried bacon, eggs, and similarly heart fare. Durhelim sits at the head of the dining table once more, piling his plate high with one hand as he flicks through a spellbook with the other.

Looking up, he gives you a smile. "Best eat up," he advises. "Once you get into the politics of the Clanmeet, it could be a long day indeed.

"I mean to be off as soon as we've finished here. Is there anything further you want to ask me? I don't expect to stay around for long once I've delivered you."

2017-04-22, 09:09 PM
"If I have need to contact you again, how can I reach you? How will I know how to identify those who are working toward the threat you've told me of? Is this threat something you feel the Clansmeet should include in their decision-making?" Perseus says, piling his own plate to rival that of his host's. As long as there is breakfast food, Perseus will continue to eat, his constitution one such that requires constant attention. If the platters happen to refill by magic, he will continue to eat himself as long as he is permitted.

2017-04-22, 11:39 PM
Day 10 - 7 days remaining

Even under the stone ceiling, Sister Rosalind knew when dawn was approaching, and she woke to perform her daily prayer in peace, looking for a bucket to summon some water in, before praying to the Lovers as she cleansed herself of sin, preparing herself for the work before her for the day. No doubt the Prince would be awake by now meaning she had to deliver the message to him about the dignitaries from Kharheim still being within New Ganther somewhere. No doubt held captive or at the least trying to hide from those they fear are enemies. She also had to inform Sir Theo that a third party working with the Betrayer and Malture she was unaware of and were going to summon a demon. "I know you are always with your children Kirest and Torae, but please guide my words this day. Already I have almost ruined things in dwarven lands without meaning to, and I fear for what might happen should I fail the task in which I have been asked to accomplish." the red haired priestess of the Lovers prays, just above a whisper, before placing on her simple hand made clothes, and doing her hair in a dwarven fashion she had been told about, though saying her hair was so long, it was hard to get it to look perfect.

Once finished with prayer, the priestess made her way to the door and opened it, noting the food at the table she smiled to all those already there eating their share. "Good morning RuneWarden Durhelim the feast you have presented is more then I think I could eat in an entire month." she says astonished at how much food had been placed out for all of them, however as she notices Perseus's plate never seeming to get empty even though he keeps on devouring food she begins to wounder if all this food would be enough for the warrior of Clan Ironshield. "It is good to see you again Perseus of clan Ironshield, while we are eating could the two of you perhaps help me a little bit more on what not to do during the clansmeet? I do not want to repeat my first meeting with Perseus to be how I meet the Clansmeet." Sister Rosalind asks humbly before turning her attention to Matryn.

"And Matryn do you happen to still have the scroll on you so I may relay the message directly to the prince now with the Runewarden, and a Member of Clan Ironshield as witness that we plan to find and protect their people in our lands." Sister Rosalind asks, waiting for him to take out the scroll before asking for a blank piece of paper, and some ink so she could quickly write down a reply for the two dwarves to look over.

My Prince we have arrived in New Ganther only to learn the delegation that used magic to escape did not return. Please protect them immediately."

Once the first note has been looked over and approved she sends the message before writing down another, this one though for Sir Theo of Charis.

Theo, their is a third group working with Maltur and the Betrayer. Ritual to summon Demon in the next seven days. Please inform the Prince.

Handing over the second note for inspection she waits for the two of them to reply on the two messages she wished to send, before saying more. Taking her time to eat an orange and some other fruits that were at the table, and drinking water if their is any present at the table.

2017-04-23, 07:44 AM
"Don't assume that because something is important to you it will be important to us," Perseus says between and around mouthfuls. "Listen to what your audience is saying, and present an argument that addresses their needs and their concerns, not yours." He swallows, and says, "I would avoid presenting your case as in the interests of your god, for there are many who would chafe under the burden of performing a task that benefits a deity other than their own. Who would be a slave for an undeserving master? And is your purpose here to make us see the light of your Lovers, or to save the world? Present your case in such a way that reason, not faith, will sway your audience. I know little of your or most gods for that matter, but I would guess that they look more favorably on achievement, even if it is done without invoking their name, than failure in their name."

He pauses, then adds, "And a little flattery may make them more receptive, but too much will be seen as obsequiousness and you will lose face." The delicious breakfast has put him in a good mood, making him more friendly and revealing than he might have been otherwise. Realizing this, he quickly shuts his mouth, then opens it again to fill with more breakfast food.

2017-04-24, 02:23 AM
"If I have need to contact you again, how can I reach you? How will I know how to identify those who are working toward the threat you've told me of? Is this threat something you feel the Clansmeet should include in their decision-making?" Perseus says, piling his own plate to rival that of his host's. As long as there is breakfast food, Perseus will continue to eat, his constitution one such that requires constant attention. If the platters happen to refill by magic, he will continue to eat himself as long as he is permitted.

"As for contacting me again, I have nothing to hand which would allow a non-caster to do so. Still, each clan has the means to contact the Runewardens at need; get a message to your superiors, and doubtless they will relay it.

"I know not how to identify all who oppose us, but Sigrid's primary allies seem to be Clanless bearing these tattoos." He shows you a design of ritualistic markings, incorporating several dwarven runes and apparently intended to cover the left side of a face.

Considering Rosalind's proposal, he nods thoughtfully. "Logically speaking, of course, we do not know for a fact the ritual will summon demons - but, certainly, Maltur's cultists have been developing ways of bypassing the Great Runes, and it seems likely this is another instance of that project."

Check the wording on Message, though - limited range.

He then listens to your exchange, nodding at Perseus's advice. "Sound diplomatic advice, for a warrior," he notes with approval and no little surprise.

"Well, we had best be about it. Although feel free to eat your fill first," he adds, noting Perseus has just loaded his plate up again and pouring himself another ale.

There is no reply from Theo to your Sending. Whatever is transpiring in New Ganthar, it seems he is too distracted to respond - unless, of course, something has happened to him.

2017-04-24, 08:40 PM
While Durhelim responds, Perseus eats. "If I eat my fill, we will be here a long time," Perseus says, finishing his second plate. Durhelim's reaction is another reminder to himself that something is different within him, and he considers the rare opportunity at hand. He stows a breakfast roll away in a pouch on his belt as he stands with the others when it is time to depart. However, before they teleport away, he asks, "Before we leave, Runewarden, may I have a word with you in private?"

"Thank you for your time. As I may never have another opportunity to consult with one of your experience and expertise, I must describe something which has recently happened to me, and ask your opinion, and counsel, if you would grant it." He will then describe the events of his life immediately preceding his encounter with the Blackforge ship.

At a distance equal to that which could be covered by an ethereal entity moving at an unknown speed, Perseus collided with a powerful, foreign force inhabiting his mind. In an instant to an outside observer but an eternity to Perseus and Gunn, the two individual psyches confront and conflict, fighting for space in the cellular framework of Perseus's mind. The energies of their personalities glow with light only a synesthete could describe, Gunn's self-interest in harsh opposition to Perseus's love of duty. As territories are seized and recaptured, they are changed, and the implicit communication that takes place between the dwarf and the human leads to a necessary but difficult compromise.

Outwardly, nothing changes, but inwardly, Perseus is keenly aware of a new influence, and believes that it will be both corrupting in the long term and impossible to remove without help. For now, it seems benign, and its interests align with Perseus's own. Whether there will be any boon to be had from this cohabitation remains to be seen, but it would take much convincing for Perseus to be content with the arrangement. This prompts the dwarf to consider whether the origins of the thoughts he is presently thinking are his own identity or the invader's.

Perseus describes these events in as perfect accuracy as he can, leaving out nothing, including his own speculation while naming it as such. Although he can not ascribe a name to the invading and occupying force, nor a scientific or even educated understanding of the processes at work, he discloses his experience of it and its existence to Runewarden Durhelim, the first to whom he has shared this account. "I trust you, Runewarden Durhelim," he says, indicating a personal confidence, "and I trust that you will not discuss what we speak of now outside that trust. In your study and work, have you found anything that matches what I have described? If so, what can be done about it? If not, what do you hypothesize is the nature, and what can be done about it?"

2017-04-24, 08:59 PM
Sister Rosalind sits in her seat, pealing an orange to eat as she listens to what Perseus had to say, waiting for him to finish her reply was almost swift, as if she had been holding in her questions until he was finished speaking. “So instead of telling them why I am here I should try to reassure a nation that knows if it went to war it would win that it would only waste their time?” the priestess asked, not exactly sure how she could use that in a workable argument with a race of people who enjoyed war.

“I do see what you mean about speaking about the Lovers less, however to not identify myself as a priestess to them, would it not to the clans look like I am not honoring the closest humans may have to a clan? If any who worship Malture for example saw my holy symbol they may think by me not saying that I was a priestess that I was withholding information to better serve my own deities who prefer peace to war.” She explains, hoping that she would be given an answer to this question. After all in human lands if one was not direct about who they were and why they were there it could be taken as hiding something.

“So long as you are with me, I could prepare a spell of sorts like I am for my own people for you to contact anyone you need if you cannot get to a messenger from your clan at the time.” Rosalind offers Perseus, trying to get on his good side while he was still eating so whatever damage she caused later may be mitigated.

Quickly drawing the dwarzen runes that seem to mark those who worked with Sigrid Sister Rosalind makes a point to hand the item to Martyn for safe keeping so that when the two returned home they could show it to the Prince and his council so they could take the fight to their own lands as well.

Quickly fixing the errors on the two spells she wished to send to her people she made sure they were fine once more before calling upon the Lover’s to send both messages to their proper places before waiting for any reply, with the ink still ready to write down their reply for all to see in an act of transparency to gain trust.

"Runewarden Durhelim I have also prepared the spell to commune with the Lover's and their servants if you have made a list of your questions I can ask them for you now, or when we arrive at the clansmeet if you think that would be wiser." she says kindly to the Runewarden, allowing him to choose the time and place of such a spell.

I didn't mean the message spell lol, I realized after it was called sending, basically using the scroll the prince gave, and using one of her own spells.

2017-04-25, 06:16 AM
[Before the private conversation] The swiftness of her reply indicates little thought on what he has said. Perseus takes a deep breath, considering her words carefully before answering in a practiced calm and even tone, the kind he would use with an impatient child who has not yet learned the way of the dwarf. "I believe you are purposefully taking what I have said out of proportion. If you can not present your argument, with all you know now, in a way such that it is in our interest to not go to war with New Ganthar, I wonder why you were chosen as a diplomat. Similarly, if you were under the delusion that a person, dwarf or otherwise, would do something simply because you say it is the right thing to do, again, I question your credentials. I can not imagine that you were expecting the council of Clans to simply accede to a polite request.

Neither have I advised you to conceal your identity, simply to not paint this issue with a religious brush. A priestess can advocate for peace without it being a religious issue; peace is its own reward, is it not? Or do you believe that virtue and goodness comes only from your gods, and is not inherent in any aspect of our existence? I can only speak for myself and my clan, but while we are warriors, we do not relish war. You have seen our lands, you know the threat we face. Combat has its place, of course--it is necessary for our survival. But war, true war, engaging an entire population in one violent end, is never our preference--especially against an unworthy opponent. What honor can be found in wrestling with a baby? Yet, in peacetime a man is free to pursue his own ambitions, his own pleasures. In wartime he is inflexibly subject to his duty. Yes, we dwarves love our duty, if you will reduce us to a racial stereotype, but that does not mean we do not also love our freedom, and our families, and our lives.

I have given you my advice--why, I still am not sure. Perhaps if you had saved your friend, you might listen better to his words than mine. Such as it is, there it is, and you can accept it or reject it at your will. I have nothing more to say on the matter."

He also politely declines Rosalind's offer, not wishing to entangle himself further in her affairs than he has already done, adding, "I know there will be Ironshields in attendance; they will be all the help I need, thank you." As he says this, he feels an irrational twinge of emotion, as though he has done something against his own interests, but, his rational mind prevails and he does not change his position.

Once he and Durhelim speak privately I'm ready to teleport away; otherwise, we can do the teleporting and like has been done in the past, have a spoilered (and before they teleported away) back and forth since their conversation will not have much impact on the main activities.

2017-04-25, 11:55 AM
Durhelim rifles through a thick stack of papers beside him; apparently he is a prolific writer, if not a particularly organised one, which may explain the ready presence of writing materials last night.

Finding what he seeks, he hands Rosalind the list. It contains five questions, designed to be answered with a simple yes or no.

Is Thuril Drakeslayer, Runewarden, still alive?
Is there a person, phenomenon, or other cause preventing communication between Thuril Drakeslayer and Durhelim Realmshield?
Is Thuril Drakeslayer at liberty to return to the sanctum of the Runewardens if he so chose?
Is he currently on the material plane?
If the Council of Clans were fully aware of the reasons for Thuril Drakeslayer's absence from Kharheim, would the majority of the Council regard those reasons as grounds to go to war?

As you read over the list, Durhelim remarks, "You didn't mention how many questions you could ask. I've assumed the standard format for divinations - simple affirmation or denial. If you have the power to ask more questions, doubtless you can choose the rest."

Durhelim regards you with no little concern, but the first thing he does is to give a slight bow, acknowledging an honour bestowed.

"Thank you for your trust and confidence, Perseus," he says somberly.

"Now, as to the diagnosis. There are many forces that are capable of exerting influence over us, and few are benign. Demons have been known to possess the body of a host - though their influence tends to be more overt, more evidently alien than you are describing. Again, certain devils will take possession and attempt to gradually corrupt their host over time. What you are describing sounds unlike them, however, in that it appears to directly affect your personality and free will. Without going into detail, they can seldom do that.

"Magic, then, seems like a possibility. There are certain enchantments that can affect the mind, some that can alter one's persona in a dramatic fashion. Only the most vile of mages make use of them; it is an evil act indeed, to violate the mind - even the soul -and pervert it to your ends.

"But who might have done such a thing? And why? Proximity suggests Sister Rosalind, but she is either a consummate actress or incapable of such evil. Mention was made of Sigrid; once, I would have said she could not do such a thing either, but since Maltur seduced her, I can no longer say what she will or won't stoop to.

"With time and study, I might be able to tell you more - but for now, I would counsel you to be on your guard for instincts that go against your true nature. If this has been done to you for a purpose, I think it safe to assume that purpose is to make you do something you otherwise would not - or refrain from something you would otherwise have done."

2017-04-25, 06:55 PM
Perseus considers the expert's words carefully; he would not have asked his counsel if he meant otherwise. "If I understand you correctly, you are certain the effect is magic in nature. Do you believe one of the two divine spellcasters, these clerics that we have knowledge of, is responsible? Is there a divine spell capable of what I have described?"

2017-04-26, 02:48 AM
Durhelim pauses before answering, his expression thoughtful.

"Certain? No, not that. There are more things in the outer and material planes, Perseus, that are dreamed of in our philosophy. Such phenomena as this might admit of many explanations. But magic, arcane or divine - possibly one of its rarer and more obscure forms - but mortal magic, in any case, seems a likely explanation.

"There exists an extremely powerful spell, which only the most gifted arcanists can manage and only the most vile will attempt. Such is its depraved nature, we call it Mindrape. Such a spell could change you in the way described - but it should be untraceable.

"Whether there is a similar divine spell, or a comparable ability in one of the other disciplines of magic, I cannot say without research.

"I suggest you try the various remedies which often deal with such things. Break Enchantment, Remove Curse - that sort of spell may assist, depending on what the cause might be."

2017-04-26, 08:36 AM
Perseus considers the Runewarden's words with care. After some time, he says, "Thank you, Runewarden Durhelim. You have done me a great service." He bows respectfully, and indicates his readiness to return to Sister Rosalind and depart.

2017-04-26, 07:52 PM
Listening to the questions asked Sister Rosalind begins speaking in celestial, the language of the heaven, and all those who reside above, chanting as she goes on, for quite some time this goes on, until she stops. Her voice filled with divine magic as she phrases the many questions into one for the gods to answers.

Is Thuril Drakeslayer, Runewarden, still alive?
Is there a person, phenomenon, or other cause preventing communication between Thuril Drakeslayer and Durhelim Realmshield?
Is Thuril Drakeslayer at liberty to return to the sanctum of the Runewardens if he so chose?
Is he currently on the material plane?
If the Council of Clans were fully aware of the reasons for Thuril Drakeslayer's absence from Kharheim, would the majority of the Council regard those reasons as grounds to go to war?

"Kirest the giver of life I ask you to hear my questions and provide me with your wisdom. Torae, protector and keeper of the dead as well as their secrets I ask you to share what you know with this mortal vesel so that she may stop a war." Sister Rosalind calls out to the lovers in the tongue of the angels waiting a few moments before continuing. "We wish to know if some outside force is stopping Thuril Drakeslayer from returning to his own land or contacting his people. And what will happen if the council is made fully of what transpired in new Ganther?"

78 or lower means success [roll0]

2017-04-28, 02:26 AM
Rosalind feels a shiver going up her spine, a sensation which swiftly grows into a sense of electricity, of pressure in the air around her like the close feeling before a summer storm.

She senses the presence of Kirest, a sense of warmth on her soul, a light touch but with the certainty of immeasurable power behind it, like the heat of the sun. Gently, but irresistibly, she finds her conscious mind moved aside; her God speaks to her without words, directly to her unconscious mind, and words well up from her mouth as her fragile human mind tries to translate that message into words.

On the winds of death, the falcon takes flight;
The drums of war sound in the halls of peace.
The veil has been drawn; the pilgrim shall be seen no more
Until the sun shall rise in darkest night.

Soft! The fallen dreams, for good or ill;
And the stage is set, the music plays.

The hammer rises; shall it fall
Upon the anvil, or upon the shield?
Steel lies in the furnace; who shall work it
Lest it be ruined in the fire?

Soft! The fallen stirs. The path was known;
But the false would lead all astray.

The new day comes; the long watch ends.
But what shall be seen by its light?
A Captain riding before a mighty host
To turn brother against brother; to turn mother against daughter.

Soft! The fallen wakes. Take heed:
By all your strength, wrest broken blade from treason’s grasp.

The sensation passes, and you find yourself in control of your mind and body once more. Every word of the divination is emblazoned on your mind, so intense as to be physically painful; but the meaning behind the words, so clear a moment earlier, slips from your grasp.

Durhelim is staring at you; he turns to exchange a long look with Perseus, then gives a mirthless bark of laughter.

“Gods,” he says bitterly. “As much use as an axe without a blade.”

2017-04-28, 07:25 AM
Perseus smiles, turning to the priestess. "What does it mean?"

2017-04-28, 09:15 PM
Sister Rosalind had seen many of her seniors use such divination spells like this back in her homeland, and had felt the presence of the Lovers many times before. However each time it felt unique, as if they knew if they came to close to their followers they would burn up in the heat of the sun, or the freeze in the embrace of death. So much care seemed to be put into each of their movements, and yet because of this things never seemed to come out simple when asking questions of any god. For if they ever got to close to their followers no doubt they would accidentally kill them with the overload of power.

Letting the magic take hold of her, Sister Rosalind took a deep breath and closed her eyes, before giving in to Kirest, allowing him to speak through her what wisdom she could understand. As the message came to an end, Sister Rosalind blindly reached for a cup of water. The effects of being so close to the divine having a momentariy effect on her as she downs the water trying to monition her throat before finally addressing the others.

"If the gods gave us the direct answer they would either kill us on accident for channeling so much of their power through us, or they think we are not able to learn the truth ourselves. I will try to explain what I believe has been said however." she replies, filling her glass up with water once more and drinking it down before beginning.

On the winds of death, the falcon takes flight;
The drums of war sound in the halls of peace.
The veil has been drawn; the pilgrim shall be seen no more
Until the sun shall rise in darkest night.

"In New Ganther their is a knightly order known as the Soaring Eagle's, if I were have to guess this would be referring to one of their members known as Sir Theo Roost, the choosen champion of Charis on this plane of exhistence. Though why Kirest said a Falcon, and not an eagle is beyound me. Unless perhaps one of the gods who is working with Malture has a holy symbol dealing with a falcon. But saying death tends to refer to Torae when spoken of by Kirest I am not sure. The drums of war sounding in the halls of peace....I have a temple back in New Ganther I run on my own, recently I gained an apprentice who was begining to learn the craft. Given how my temple has been attacked by undead before it could refer to this. Though in all honesty this makes very little sense given I asked about a member of the delegation. The next line I sadly have no idea about, though the last may be refering to an event in the sky spoken about by my church. The one night every few lifetimes it is said that Kirest and Torae are together in the sky as a whole. It is a very religious day, and in truth I have only heard tales of it myself. What this could mean is up to the imagination I am afraid."

Soft! The fallen dreams, for good or ill;
And the stage is set, the music plays.

"If I had to guess the fallen could refer to the dead and departed, or the betrayer which sounds more like it given the next line stating that some sort of plan has been put into motion and it is now only waiting to be completed."

The hammer rises; shall it fall
Upon the anvil, or upon the shield?
Steel lies in the furnace; who shall work it
Lest it be ruined in the fire?

"The knight I spoke of earlier, he received a hammer as a gift from one of the delegation. This could be refering to your missing Runewarden or the knight. As if one of them is rising to fight a great evil however their will come a time when they will have to make a choice, to create something new or strike out against what they are supposed to defend. The last two lines seem to be speaking about a person, someone has the raw potential to become a powerful ally, however it comes down to putting effort and work into this person or else it will never become what it is meant to be."

Soft! The fallen stirs. The path was known;
But the false would lead all astray.

"Again by how they use the fallen it sounds more like a person, such as the betrayer of my religion, or perhaps a traitor of some kind to one of our people. He or she knows a way to walk between the worlds, however perhaps this fallen leads people off the path for some reason? I am sorry if I am painting this with a religious light of my own faith, I truely am trying not to." she says trying to let them know she does not mean to make it sound the way she was. " The Fallen could also be the delegation, they were somehow put to sleep and knew the path home at one point, but someone in their midist is trying to lead them into a trap or at least keep them away from the council to start war?"

The new day comes; the long watch ends.
But what shall be seen by its light?
A Captain riding before a mighty host
To turn brother against brother; to turn mother against daughter.

"I believe this next line refers to perhaps our two people. There may be one person who tries to start a civil war instead of working together with the other group? Though who would do it, and for what reason I know little more then you."

Soft! The fallen wakes. Take heed:
By all your strength, wrest broken blade from treason’s grasp.

"So their is a traitor in either your land who is against your people, or more believable in my own." Sister Rosalind says truthfully beginning to think this may be referring to that templar. " Who will use whatever he has to fight his own people, and if we do not stop it even a broken blade is still a weapon. And an animal that is cornered is more dangerous then one who is not. Somehow I believe we must stop this person from creating a civil war, by making his own followers see how depraved their leader has become. The problem comes in learning who this person is. I have an idea as to as possible candidate, however I will not speak ill of anyone without proof."

2017-04-30, 01:54 AM
Durhelim gives a noncommittal grunt. "Perhaps. It seems nothing is clear enough to use to guide our actions; but perhaps its meaning will become clear.

"One thing does seem clear:

" 'the pilgrim shall be seen no more
Until the sun shall rise in darkest night.'

"That, given what we asked, must mean Thuril. We shall never see him again."

He bows his head briefly, so as not to show his grief; a minute later, he has composed himself.

"Very well; let us be about it. Are you prepared?"

2017-05-01, 08:39 PM
Waiting a short time to see if Perseus wished to add anymore and noting he seemed content with what Runewarden Durhelim she speaks again. "Perhaps, however I am not as certain as you are Runewarden Durhelim. With all due respect meant, Torea would have spoken had he been in the realm of the dead, not Kirest who speaks mostly for the living. Perhaps it means we will not see him until the day the ritual is to take place, as you said it is still to confusing at the moment to be sure." Sister Rosalind says, in a respectful tone as to show that she did not mean to insult him, but to offer another opinion on the matter.

"I am as ready as I can be, which I suspect will be nowhere near ready enough." the priestess says showing for the first time how nervous she was on the matter. It wasn't that she was not confident in her abilities, but the fact of the cultural difference causing more problems then she could hope to navigate in the few days she had to try and learn a cultures very way of life.

2017-05-01, 09:14 PM
Perseus nods indicating readiness.

2017-05-02, 02:52 AM
Durhelim smiles weakly at Rosalind. You can see he is not so convinced, but appreciates the effort to console him.

Standing, he puts his spellbook carefully into his pack and leads the way out to the Blackforge dwarves.

In short order, he has you standing either side of him, with Matryn and Karth, a hand on the shoulder of each of them while the two of you grasp his shoulders. While you stand thus, he utters a string of words in an ancient tongue, shaping flows of magic by his voice and will.

With a feeling akin to being dropped suddenly from a great height, your surroundings vanish. For a second, all is blurred; you seem to glimpse a riot of colours, faces - inhuman, horrific - but nothing you can clearly identify.

Then everything resolves into basalt and marble, a soaring underground chamber lit by a circle of oil lamps. The floor is tiled white and green marble, in the shape of a dwarven arcane rune.

Durhelim disappears for a few seconds, reappearing with Bain and Harn. Judging by their expressions, they found the journey no more pleasant than you did.

The Runewarden, relaxed about such things, turns to you both.

"I will stay to make the necessary introductions," he tells you. "Do you have a preference which Clan we speak with first?"

2017-05-02, 08:07 PM
As she was asked if she would like to meet any clan first she looks to Captain Karth, who had given his word to her honor. "Captain Karth, you have done much for me in the little time we have known each other including speaking for me as if I was one of your own. As such I must ask you what you believe I should do? My instincts as a diplomat says if I meet any one clan before another one will take offense to this or perhaps see it as a way to persuade one group to my side. You have never given me bad advice before now, and I trust your judgement, what do you believe I should do?" she says respectfully to the member of Clan Blackforge who had helped her a great deal, even when it had almost killed one of his men. While she respected the Runewarden, it was the captain who had spoken for her and earned her trust, and friendship, though she doubted she would earn his in her llifetime.

2017-05-03, 03:02 AM
The Captain - if he can still be called that without a ship - nods slowly.

"Aye," he agrees, "I'd say you have the right of it. Karth - you've served here for decades. What would you suggest?"

The warrior looks uncomfortable being asked about diplomatic issues, but finally spreads his hands. "Three choices, I'd say, Sister. Clearly, we have a duty to our own Blackforge Clan and to you. I doubt many would question your coming with us when we go to report to their representatives. Or, you could ask Perseus or Harn to introduce you to their own clans if they're here. Or you just ask Durhelim to call together everyone here at once."

Bain scratches his jawline, thoughtful. "Whatever you do, if not all the clans are here, you risk offending those not here. Now, I'd say the risk was slight if you just spoke to everyone at once that was here to be addressed.

"Speaking to the Blackforge first may get people's backs up, but might give you a strong ally. That said, I'll do what I can on that front anyway."

Durhelim looks at Perseus. "Such a thing would be in the interests of Clan Blackforge, so it is little wonder the good Captain counsels it. But I wonder if such partiality would be well received in other quarters?"

Durhelim - hardly the best poker player in the world - clearly has a good idea which option is best. You suspect he wanted to see how Rosalind would answer - whether she would try to jostle for advantage, or to be open and forthright with the clans.

2017-05-03, 07:47 AM
"I can speak only for myself and my clan, but we Ironshield's understand the constraints of physics and reality. If you chose to meet with the clans individually, there would necessarily be an order of meeting, and we are unlikely to be offended by our position in that order, so long as we are included," he smirks. "Unlike schoolchildren, we do not mind what position in line we are in, so long as we end up at the same place." He pauses, then gestures with a hand, "However, if you wish to present your case to them before I confer with my brethren about what you have presented to me, I recommend you prioritize the Ironshields."

He has nothing more to say to Rosalind, and now that he is here, he will find the Ironshield delegation, and seek out his mentor for guidance.

2017-05-03, 10:29 PM
Sister Rosalind listens to all who speak, taking a great deal of time to consider what each has said, completely oblivious that the Runewarden would know the best path. After all they were supposed to be removed from the politics to her understanding, so why would she think any differently. After a long pause, showing how much thought she had put into the matter she speaks, with confidence in her decision. "I believe it would be wise to wait to fully great the clanmeet until ALL clans are present thus to allow no insult to be given. However I believe it would be best to inform each clan BEFORE they arrive for those who are still not here yet of what has transpired so that all parties are on an equal playing field." she says looking to each of her companions in turn, before continuing as she turns to look to Perseus. "Perseus, warrior of Clan Ironshield, I wish you well on your travels, and look forward to meeting you again. However to my understanding one must stay with the one who speaks for them at least until the clansmeet has officially meet. As such until that day if you have need of my skills you may find me with Clan Blackforge. This way I will cause as few problems as possible while within the lands of Kharheim if you will allow me." she says with a hint of a smile, after all he had never officially released her from being his prisoner.

Lastly she turns to Harn and gives a low bow of her head. "It has been an honor to make your acquaintance Harn, and if their is time before the clans meet if your people have any questions for me so long as it is alright with Clan Blackforge I will answer them." she says with a bow of her head before turning towards Runewarden Durhelim. " Is there any way to inform all of the clans at the same time of the news we have received. As well as to let them know that a dignitary from New Ganther is here waiting for them to find the time to meet in their busy schedules?"

2017-05-04, 02:12 PM
Durhelim seems to approve of Rosalind's decision. A wizard and a scholar, he spends a minute in thought, muttering the names of various spells and rejecting them - before realising his problem can be solved with pen and parchment.

Swiftly he writes out a note, briefly reciting the points Rosalind made; he then lays out several blank sheets of parchment and starts to recite a spell, fingers moving as though holding an invisible pen. The words from the note appear on the other sheets, identical in every respect, until there is one for each clan. Looking pleased with himself, the mage concludes by addressing each note.

"There are messengers on staff who will see to it these are delivered," he advises. "Once that is done, I will be on my way. Good fortune to you all."

Taking your leave of the humans and the Blackforge dwarves, you make your way through the building, Harn accompanying you as a guide. You soon learn that the Hall of the Great Clanmeet extends as far above ground as below; the Ironshields have chosen rooms at the highest point of the building, where they can look out at endless fields of grass and grain, a tranquil echo of their homeland.


A group of dwarves are gathered in quiet conversation, their attire and features marking them as Ironshields; one of them, tall for a dwarf and wearing a cloak made from hydra hide, has spotted you and shouted out a greeting. A broad grin splitting his thick, red beard, he approaches you and offers his hand in welcome.

Baldreim Ironshield.

"What brings you this far from home?"

Karth and Bain lead you in search of the Blackforge delegation, leaving behind Durhelim , Harn and Perseus.

Once you are out of earshot, Matryn breathes a sigh of relief. Speaking softly, for your ears only, he says:

"Now the real work begins. You realise that our job now gets much harder? Before, we just had to avert a war. Now, we might actually need them to come to our aid. Still, if we can at least keep them from invading, I hope our friends at home can do the rest."

Bain throws Matryn a disapproving look, knocking on a stout oak door bearing the insignia of Clan Blackforge. After a few seconds, it is opened by a pair of sturdy dwarves in armour identical in design to Karth's, if far less battered.

You are shown into a large room, square apart from the wall to your left; that wall curves outwards and boasts several large windows, looking out on a courtyard below. There are tables interspersed around the room with buffets on them, and others with maps, writing equipment, and stacks of scrolls in leather cases. Here and there, chairs are gathered in small clusters, but the bulk of the room is set aside for people to stand and talk.

The room is host to about twenty people, on a casual glance, all dwarves, all staring at you. One of them - a whitehaired woman with the build of a blacksmith, eyes the colour of amethysts, and wearing a gown that is rich and well-made and matches her eyes - steps forward to address you.

"Karth Kudrenson!" she barks. "What is the meaning of this? Why are you not at the side of Honoured Bhatrem?"

Karth does something then you would not have expected of him: he goes to his knees, setting aside his axe and bowing his head.

"Forgive me, Honoured Threna. I have failed in my duty. I offer no excuses."

The woman - Threna - looks sternly at him. "Excuses or not, you will explain what has occurred."

Karth does not move from his position, but begins to speak.

"Honoured One, I accompanied Honoured Bhatrem and the Runewarden, Thuril Drakeslayer, to the Island of Bitter Claws - now called New Ganthar by the human refugees who have settled there. While there, we were set upon by Malturite cultists and a demon. With the aid of the humans - notably one Theo Roost, whom Thuril named a friend to our people - the demon was slain; yet I was wounded, and was instructed to seek medical attention while the delegation continued to meet with the human ruler.

"As to what then transpired, with your permission, I will ask the human priestess with me to describe it. She was a witness to the events, which I was not. Her name is Sister Rosalind. She is also the woman who healed me, and has saved the lives of several members of our clan in the few short days I have known her."

Threna looks at you with new respect, her eyes appraising. "I see," she says neutrally. "Sister Rosalind, step forward, and let us hear the news you bring."

2017-05-04, 08:19 PM
As the last note is finished Rosalind bows once more to Runewarden Durhelim, knowing how dwarves felt on touching. " I thank you for your help in this matter Runewarden Durhelim. It has been an honor to meet you, and I hope that our two nations will one day be friends so that the people of New Ganther may learn of the great Runewardens and the services they have done for the world." she says kindly to the man, before departing with the others with the notes. As they depart she asks directions to the messangers and delivers the notes in question.

"Matryn if you believe that I am here to coverse the dwarves into doing something for us then you are mistaken. My job to the thrown has not changed, and unless the prince asks me to ask for their aid I can not for it is not what I was sent here to do." Sister Rosalind says plainly, not trying to hide what she was saying. After all it would be rude to her host to speak about them behind their back. "Now if you have anything else to say, unless we are alone it is expected not to be whispered to me unless it regards personal matters you feel would endanger New Ganther's ability to defend themselves should a war happen." the priestess states, not offering a chance for him to argue the matter.

Ever since entering the building Sister Rosalind had remained a silent observer to the going on's between the people, most notably all the looks she was receiving. However she looked to those she had traveled with and choose to follow their example and remain silent and allow the captain to speak. When at last she was addressed, Sister Rosalind stepped forward, though making sure to stay a step behind the warrior Karth to show that she is an outsider and would not expect to be allowed as close as one of her own clan and dropped to her knees trying to inmate the same bow the warrior had been giving, which was made easier by the fact she carried no weapons on her. "Thank you for receiving me Honored Threna." Sister Rosalind says humbly from her bow, keeping her head bowed. After a quick introduction the priestess begins to explain the events that had transpired within the throneroom, followed by the events that had taken place in New Ganther to correct the mistake which had been made, finally coming to explain what she had learned from her spell earlier this day, and explaining that the delegation may still in fact be in New Ganther.

"I know I have no right to speak here however I would like to express that it was my own peoples fault for what happened to your honored delegation. And the prince has so far done everything in his power to try and correct this. I sent him a message last night informing him that the delegation may still be trapped in New Ganther, and I am sure he has his advisors sending out search parties to find them safely. Last I spoke to Sir Theo he was trying to stop those who worship Malture and his allies from performing this ritual with the princes backing at that so I am honestly not sure when I will hear back from him, though as soon as I do you will know." Sister Rosalind explains, trying to give a sense of transparency.

"Also upon my passage here I offered my abilities as a healer to Capain Bain, until I meet with the Clansmeet to discuss peace with them. As I have not spoken with the clansmeet yet, and if you will still have me among your clan, my host gift is still valid to clan Blackforge." She says calmly to the apparent leader of clan blackforge, trying not to offend her in any way, after all she had made a deal with the captain and it seemed in her eyes to still be in effect thus not making it look like she was trying to gain favors.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2017-05-04, 08:39 PM
Perseus grips his mentor's hand firmly with his own, internally riding the wave of relief that washes over him at seeing his someone he trusts so implicitly, to say nothing of the similar emotion at being among his clan. "I bring news of significant events," he says, looking over Baldreim's shoulder at the delegation, "New Ganthar has sent a delegation, here, and there is more as well." He looks around at the room, gauging interest and attempting to identify those assembled from previous experience in his interactions as an Ironshield and Warden, as well as common knowledge among his clan. "Kinsmen," he says, using the general honorific, "If there is time and interest, I would make direct report of my recent experience as Warden of our lands, regarding a supernatural incursion into our territory by humans from New Ganthar." He exchanges a look with his mentor Baldreim, confident that it will imply to the dwarf who is more family to him than any other that he has some personal matter to discuss as well.

2017-05-05, 03:02 AM
The dwarves listen patiently to your account, growing increasingly concerned as they do so. Thanks to your skilled presentation, they seem to accept your version of events - and, in particular, the depiction of former Chancellor Martak as acting on his own motives, rather than representing New Ganthar.

Threna turns to Karth. "Rise, Karth Kudrenson. You have conducted yourself tolerably well. Though you have been separated from the one you swore to defend, and so brought shame upon yourself, I am satisfied that this transpired through no fault of your own. You may yet be able to redeem yourself."

She turns her attention to you, thinking through all that has been said, then asks you: [b]"Clarify something for me, Sister Rosalind of New Ganthar. It may be significant. You tell me that the delegation apparently used magic to escape the confrontation in the throne room. Whose magic was used?"

Of the five dwarves who accompany your old mentor, you recognise just two: Hendal Helmson, and Partha Murensdaughter.

Honoured Hendal, a greybearded dwarf well into his third century, is perhaps the closest thing your often solitary people have to a leader: a mighty warrior in his youth, turned statesman after the injury which maimed his leg, he is frequently chosen to represent Clan Ironshield in delegations, and has a strong connection to the ancestors of your clan that makes him almost universally respected.

Partha Murensdaughter, on the other hand, is a young dwarf, seen as an irritant by many, but as a charismatic advocate for change by a vocal minority. She shot to prominence a decade ago - practically no time at all by dwarf standards - through an act of heroism which varies according to which rumours you listen to, from saving a village from a gnoll warband to preventing a volcanic eruption by slaying a rogue elemental. She used her new-found celebrity to push various disquieting agendas - most infamously, that Clan Ironshield should migrate en masse from the perilous territory where they now live, and seek a more hospitable homeland.

It is Hendal who now addresses you. "Speak, young man. What news bring you this day?"

2017-05-05, 07:36 AM
While I didn't get your delegates full name the dwarf in question who revealed the sacred ancestor they brought with them was Bhatrem." Sister Rosalind replies to the question she had been asked.

posting from my phone so sorry for the short post. Went through 25 pages to find that answer by the way lol.

2017-05-05, 07:58 AM
Perseus begins with the same report he transcribed and sent from the Runewarden's sanctum, stating neutrally,

"A Blackforge ship appeared from thin air in our lands at <specific coordinates>. Upon investigation it was revealed that the ship carried two humans from New Ganthar, identified as Matryn, diplomat, and Sister Rosalind, priestess on diplomatic mission. As magic was involved, the intruders were brought to the Runewardens, who discerned their purpose and arranged for transportation out of Ironshield lands. Magic was determined to be divine in nature, and extraordinary. The humans' stated diplomatic purpose is to prevent war between our nation and New Ganthar.

From Runewarden Durhelim, I have learned that an organization intends to conduct powerful summoning rituals seven days hence, and that this ritual is to take place on the island of New Ganthar. The intent of these rituals is to bring forth powerful demonic entities, likely with nefarious purpose."

He pauses, looking for the reactions from the assembled dwarves.


Boy, Gunn's skill modifiers would probably be more useful mechanically than the telepathy-based powers :P

2017-05-07, 04:06 PM
Honoured Threna looks relieved. "Bhatrem summoned the spirit of our ancestor? Good. This was not unforeseen. Karth Kudrenson, arise: your charge is where he planned to be."

The warrior stands, gathering his weapon and looking perplexed, but takes up a position to one side of the room while he waits for further developments.

Threna signals to one of the other dwarves, who brings a chair for her and three more for you, Matryn, and Bain. Turning to the Captain first, she asks, “What is your purpose here, Bain Karthson?”

“I am here to see my debts to Sister Rosalind are paid,” he answers gruffly. “She and her compatriots saved my men more than once - and it cost one of them his life. I have pledged myself to aid her, if I can.”

“The debts of one are the debts of us all,” Threna says softly. She looks carefully at Rosalind, taking her measure.

“You seek peace, on behalf of New Ganthar?” she asks. “Well, for the sake of the debt we owe you, I will hear your words.”

You can get little sense of how your fellow clan members view your exposition, but the next words soon leave no room for doubt - of Hendal’s views, at least.

”Indeed?” Honoured Hendal responds. ”This is not the first time that warning has reached our ears. A threat the Runewardens take seriously is one we must also look carefully at. But this Council has long made it our policy not to countenance military intervention in the internal affairs of other nations.

“New Ganthar are no ally of ours. They squat in what was our territory, ignore us, and now - when we send them a warning of this very danger - they show our envoys the gravest insult.

“For this was our resolution when Thuril Drakeslayer brought news to the Council of this threat: to send a warning, and some of our most skilled men, to investigate and render aid. It was, in many ways, uncharacteristic of this Council to do so, when the danger was unquantified, the immediate threat falling on a group so thoroughly unaffiliated with us. Yet Thuril pushed for it, and Bhatrem of Clan Blackforge was willing to bear the risks.

“And we have heard nothing - nothing but rumours of military mobilisation, and now a suit for peace. What insult did they offer us, to think this necessary? What has become of our delegation?”

2017-05-07, 04:18 PM
Concealing nothing, Perseus shares all the information he has with his kinsmen. "The priestess, Sister Rosalind, performed a ritual seeking answers to similar questions. I do not know her exact wording, and the response received was difficult to interpret." He recites what he remembers from her prophecy, surprised to find how much he is able to access from his unusually sharp mind, effectively giving a verbatim recitation of her bizarre and confounding words. "As to what might cause the humans to fear war, and what has happened to the delegation: I am not certain the specifics of the events, but from what I was able to gather, someone attacked our delegation in New Ganthar. Sister Rosalind's questioning leads me to suspect that the same forces are not behind her dispatch, and the concerns of the Runewardens suggest that the forces behind this impending doom are also the forces behind the attack on our delegation."

2017-05-14, 08:22 PM
Sister Rosalind remained quietly waiting her turn to speak, following the rules Captain Bain had assured her of if ever she was not sure of what to do. And when offered a seat, she waited first for the captain, and honored Threna before doing so herself. "After the events in New Ganther with your delegation the prince no longer believed the chancellor was acting out in the best interests of the people. And so he went to work trying to find a way to remove this man from power before he caused even further discord between our two people who have had a peace of sorts from what I understand. Even if it has mostly been because Kharheim showed no interest in the lands of New Ganther, it was peace in the princes eyes." she explained to all those who would listen, so they would get an understanding of the prince of New Ganther.

"Before he was able to remove the chancellor from power however he was already looking for ways to create peace on his own, and go against the man who ruled due to the princes age. And that is why I was asked to come and speak with the leaders of Kharheim. I had been in the meeting chamber when everything had taken place, and had been the voice to calm all others a few times before the talks were disbanded by the former chancellor. Thankfully you see my prince was able to convince the people under him to elect a new person to take the throne until the prince came of age. I am sure the prince's representive in the matters of state could explain that in much better detail then I however because I was not in this meeting, nor do I understand how one would go about it. Mr. Gunn, my friend who traveled with me and lost his life, had helpped the prince find a way to do this, and no doubt he could have answered all of your questions. However he has been taken from this plane of existence. To my understanding however they elected a military leader to help prepare the prince for the future if war ever came to the lands so he would be able to protect his people. And the other voice of peace that I was honored to share the room with on the fateful day your delgates arrived also holds power. How this works though I am not sure, and I personally would not make an assumption that it would resemble anything that the honorable dwarves of Kharheim would do." she explains, as she knew very little on this matter she then turns and allows Matryn to add what she did not understand.

"And so here I now am, with a host gift to presented to the council of clans when we meet, to appologize for the misdeeds of a single individual, and let your noble people see that whatever may have happened, as it seems you know more than I, was not the wishes of New Ganther. No doubt this former chancellor has his lots in with this ritual I have heard about that will be taking place in the lands of New Ganther come a few days and he wished to weaken both of our people with a war so the ritual would go unchecked. This is purely speculation however.

2017-05-15, 03:21 AM
Partha speaks up at that.

“It is clear what must have happened. These humans either attacked Kharheim’s ambassadors themselves, or failed in their duty as hosts to protect the ambassadors from harm. This Rosalind is using cheap tricks and distracting jibberish to make it sound like they are helping - when, as likely as not, our ambassadors are buried in an unmarked ditch somewhere.

“Honoured Hendal, you will recall I opposed Thuril’s plan from the start. Humans have no honour - we cannot trust them. Now, they might have murdered our delegation. Can we calmly tolerate that? Shall we sit and debate, offering them the respect they denied Bhatrem?

“I say no! I say, we urge this Council to send an armed host to New Ganthar - and demand answers at the edge of our blades!”

“You forget the treaty,” Hemdal says softly, not raising his voice in the slightest at the younger dwarf’s impassioned words. “If we send an army to New Ganthar, it will mean war with Elania.”

“Then let it be war!” Partha shoots back. “We are not halflings, quivering in our hovels and offering up any morsel we have to appease the world. We are dwarves of Kharheim! We are Clan Ironshield! Does not the blood of our ambassador, murdered while under all the protections of honour and international law, cry out for vengeance? Should we turn from that, because it might offend the elves? Never!”

You see the other dwarves wavering, torn between Hendal’s conservatism and Partha’s conviction. Baldreim throws you a look of warning, and interjects:

“Deepwardens don't interfere in Council business, I know that, but let's not forget that nothing has been proven. We are already fighting for our survival every day of our lives. Let us not court a needless war - but,” and he turns to Hendal with a firm expression, “neither should we turn our backs on a war that bloody well needs fighting.

“We need to know more before we decide.”

With that, your old mentor looks at you expectantly.

Matryn is about to speak when Bain urgently grips his shoulder, shaking his head almost imperceptibly.

Threna affects not to notice the exchange. Looking directly at Rosalind, she nods slightly, acknowledging she has heard you but keeping careful control of her emotional cues.

She is troubled by your words, and sympathetic towards your country's plight. She is particularly well-disposed towards a peaceful outcome to these events.

"A remarkable tale," she comments. "And one that says much about the one telling it.

"You present these events as the actions of one man. You seek to distance his actions from those of his clan. I believe you. He may well have been acting beyond his authority. Yet there are many who will be at this Council who will see it otherwise.

"From the perspective of the Seven Clans, he acted, at that time, as an authorised representative of your clan. His actions, however dishonourable, are the actions of his clan. His transgressions are your transgressions.

"You speak of making atonement. I take it you did not mean to suggest the guest-gift you offer was a means to buy off the dishonour. But if your clan earnestly seeks to redress the wrong done to my people, I will endorse bringing you before the Council to agree terms of reparation."

2017-05-15, 07:27 AM
"Nothing has been proven," Perseus repeats. "I have brought you the information I have, but the investigation is far from complete. I would advise caution, until more is known. The humans intend to speak with each clan; although I would hear their words with skepticism, I would still hear their words before setting our clan and our people on an irreversible course of action--" he pauses, looking at Partha, "Even, or perhaps especially, when that course of action is what my heart calls for." He considers it all for another moment. "If what the Runewardens have said is true, which I have no reason to doubt, then in a week's time, the world will face a greater threat than any we have faced before. The strength of all nations, Kharheim included, would be better conserved for this catastrophe, should it come to pass."

2017-05-15, 09:55 PM
At the moment anything above a 20 is undoable for her as skill checks are not auto success on a natural 20 just so you don't have to spend extra time next time. I plan in the future of her learning such things, but starting off how she was it didn't make sense. When she becomes a RSoP she will begin dropping points into sense motives however.

Had Rosalind not been looking to Matryn at that time she would have never noticed the lighting fast reaction from the captain. However knowing better then to bring it up now, she made a mental note to speak with him about it in private, suspecting had Matryn spoken it would have been seen as something disrespectful. Though if that was the case why not stop him when he spoke to Perseus?

"While at sea Captain Bain has taught me much about your culture, and in this matter I believe both of our people have the same views on. It is why the prince has done so much to strip him of everything he had for the dishonor he brought. Thus trying to make him a..." sister Rosalind seems to stop for a moment, looking to the captain to see if it was okay to call the man a clanless before saying the words. Simply ending it where she had if he did not believe she should. "From my understandings of your traditions it would be a first step in trying to fix the dishonor that was given by my people to your own. Sadly my own abilites are limited in what I can and can not agree to. I can however speak with the prince through magic if the council wishes so that this matter is resolved quickly." she explains so that it does not seem later on that she was withholding information. After all she could not broker a true peace treaty, only explain that the Prince has gone and done the actions to fix the problem and he would like to find a way to make it up to them.

"I am sorry, I can see how it may have sounded in such a manner. I did not however come here with a "guest-gift" to try and pay off this dishonor, it would only bring more upon the Prince and his subjects. After witnessing how your people came bearing gifts and a few questions being asked we learned of this being a proper custom of your people, and as such we wished to respect your traditions and try to show through our actions that we did not mean for the events that had occurred to take place. We hoped by honoring your traditions we would show to your people that not all in New Ganther are without honor. And those that hold it are fighting to bring it to the lands."

2017-05-17, 02:48 AM
Honoured Threna nods thoughtfully at your words. "You speak well," she commends you, "and I am willing to support you before the Council."

A commotion outside causes one of the Blackforge dwarves to go to the window. Looking out, he turns and says briefly, "Bloodriver."

Threna maintains the same inscrutable facade. "Then only the Oathkeeper Clan have yet to arrive. You may be coming before the Council sooner than you had envisaged, Sister Rosalind.

"It is for you to determine what passes next. If you wish, I am pleased to extend you hospitality among our Clan; or you may have other plans?"

The dwarves are cautiously approving of your words - even Partha.

Baldreim takes you off to one side, as conversation turns to the business of the Council.

"It warms my heart to see you, Perseus," he says, real feeling behind the words. "Tell me, what have you been doing with yourself since last we met?"

A sound outside catches his attention, and he looks out of the window, giving a disapproving grunt.

"Bloodrivers," he remarks, pointing out a large body of dwarves in the fields outside. The Bloodrivers seem to be here in force - a sizeable cohort of perhaps five hundred, heavily armed and armoured.

"Curious that they should send so many - and it bodes poorly for the Council. This blood feud between Blackforge and Bloodriver... it threatens to overshadow everything else, perhaps even the news you bring of events in the human lands."

2017-05-17, 08:16 PM
"Myself? I have been enjoying the wonderful to experience but tedious to hear of life of a Warden, of course--the life you taught me. Would that you had time to listen to me recount each of the magnificent vistas the gods saw fit to bring me to see, but I fear this feud will take our attention." Perseus answers, then asks a question of his own: "In my travels, I have not kept updated on the goings on of the kingdom. What is the nature of this feud, and where do we stand?"

2017-05-18, 01:57 AM
"While it would please me to personally stay with Clan Blackforge as I have come to know your people the most, and find them to be very honorable, I fear it may look to the other clans as if New Ganther was showing favor to one group over another, and if I am to represent New Ganther it would be best if I left the option up to the council. And I believe runewarden Durhelim would say the same if he were still here." Sister Rosalind explains kindly, making it clear that she has to keep her personal wishes separate from her duty. "Should the council continue to allow me the honor to stay among your people after the talks have begun I would be honored to accept your request of staying here, however given certain incidents the captain may wish to discuss with you I do not believe one clan in particular will look kindly on this idea." she says looking to captain Bain knowing he still had to inform his clan of the attack they had at sea.

"If you would still have me up until I meet with the clans, and decide what my fate should be, my services shall be at your disposal in whatever way you have need." Sister Rosalind says before bowing. "My abilities as a healer do not only regard magic after all." she adds, making sure it didn't seem like she was trying to make the Blackforge clan owe her.

2017-05-18, 07:35 AM
Baldreim takes a moment to gather his thoughts before replying.

"As you know, the Bloodriver Clan has always had a reputation for aggression, for prizing the glory of war above all else. History teaches that, several times, they have skirted close to breaking treaties or oaths, either provoking others into doing so first or else taking disproportionate offence at some action and using that excuse to invade.

"That, if you paid attention as a child, you already know. But I remind you of it to give context to what happened.

"Clan Blackforge brought before this Council a grievance. They described the loss of several ships in piratical attacks by other dwarves; unaccounted 'accidents' befalling their kin across the country; the disappearance of an ambassador sent to question the Bloodrivers." A memory stirs: aside from the Blackforge, only the Bloodrivers maintain a navy.

"They accused the Bloodrivers. The Bloodrivers denied it and protested the mortal offence to their honour. With no proof, trial by combat was demanded and granted.

"The Bloodriver champion prevailed.

"Now, this Council regards the matter as closed. Neither Clan does."

Falling quiet, Baldreim considers before continuing.

"Clan Ironshield's official stance is that the trial by combat must stand. But personally? I believe the Blackforge."

2017-05-18, 08:14 AM
The possibility of trial by combat being fallible is an unnerving one to Perseus, who has recently been confirmed in his choices and beliefs by his own victory in one. "I had thought trial by combat to be a surety of the gods," he says. "Were there extenuating circumstances, deception of some kind used in the combat to confuse the gods' favor? I agree, the circumstantial evidence is persuasive, but it is all circumstantial." Something stirs in his brain, and he is not sure from where the memory comes, but he has a vision of a dwarf mage and an illusory ship. "The same forces at work who interfered with the humans envoy, who intend to wreak havoc in a week's time, may also be working to destabilize our country by turning us against one another. It is not impossible that someone might use illusory magic on the high seas, and there are dwarves who hold no clan allegiance that may pursue piracy. The 'accidents' may have just been accidents, or some may be connected and others merely lumped together with them in service of confirmation bias or convenience, or worse. The disappearance of the ambassador is damning, I'll grant, but there is reasonable doubt in what you have described for me to be open to the possibility the Bloodrivers, despite their treacherous past, may be innocent in this instance--which the trial by combat confirms. Who called for the trial by combat, Blackforge or Bloodriver?"

2017-05-18, 11:55 AM
Threna is about to answer when Karth interjects - something you intuit he would not do lightly.

He is staring out of the window, at the Bloodriver force.

"Honoured Threna, forgive me, but you need to see this. The Bloodriver Clan has brought an army."

The dwarf elder rises gracefully, her expression slightly perturbed, and walks to join Karth.

"Ah. A full cohort, it appears. A large body of men indeed. I can think of several reasons they might bring so many warriors, but none speak of peaceful intentions."

Thinking for a moment, she begins giving orders.

"Summon the representatives of the five clans in attendance to the Hall. We may offend the Oathkeepers, but we must call the Bloodrivers to give an account of themselves."

Turning to you, she continues, "While decisions on what to do with New Ganthar must await a full convening of the Council, your evidence may be important. I formally invite you to attend this meeting of the clans, as an observer and, if necessary, as a witness."

Baldreim shakes his head at your words.

"Far too many of our kin see the Trial By Combat as proving something," he says softly. "But what does it prove? We do not place our trust in gods; we know how capricious they are, how numerous and diverse in their goals and attitudes. We revere our ancestors, and of course there are those among us who can call on their guidance; but no one with experience of such things ever claimed that a Trial By Combat is a sensible way of getting in touch with them. Besides: which clan's ancestors are supposed to be governing such things? Hmm?

"Go back to the days of my grandfather, and the Trial By Combat was designed for one purpose only: it contained blood feuds. When one party was offended by the actions of another that only blood would answer, it was supposed to ensure that - once the challenge was over - the defeated warrior's clan couldn't go looking for revenge against the victor. It wasn't about right or wrong: it was about honour.

"I guess calling it Trial By Combat put this fool idea into people's heads that it was a matter of evidence, guilt, and innocence. But that's drivel."

Sighing, he rubs his brow in consternation.

"No, the Council just won't believe such claims without proof. And, maybe you're right - maybe there is some other explanation. But this is too big to be shrugged aside because the Bloodriver champion was better with a hammer. Someone needs to get to the bottom of it."

2017-05-18, 12:07 PM
Perseus nods, convinced as usual by the sagacity of his mentor. "It seems we will soon have an opportunity to learn more," He smirks, uncharacteristically displaying some dark humor, "Five hundred warriors didn't come here for the breakfast rolls."

2017-05-18, 10:04 PM
"I am honored to be welcomed to such an important event, and will not speak unless you give me permission. Will Matryn be coming with us, or staying behind? I only ask as he was on the boat as well and could prove to be a witness of what took place." Sister Rosalind asks the last part respectfully, and hoping that Matryn would not have to come for such a meeting. It would no doubt ease relations with the Ironshields if Perseus was in attendance to see Matryn, but from what she had seen earlier only one person would be allowed to speak for New Ganther, and she didn't want to risk that falling onto Matryn because he replied to a question he thought directed at him. Something she herself had done.

2017-05-19, 07:58 AM
As though summoned by your words, a messenger knocks on the door and is admitted. The young dwarf bows, and hands Hendal two missives. One, you recognise as the note from Durhelim. The other is in an unfamiliar hand.

Turning to address the room, Hendal announces, "The Blackforge have requested a meeting of the clans here assembled, to question the Bloodriver Clan on the reason for this display of force. That seems a reasonable request, and I mean to accede to it.

"Partha, Baldreim..." he catches your eye "...and Perseus, you will accompany me."

Raising his eyebrows, Baldreim murmurs for your ears alone: "Seems you impressed him. Good for you."

So saying, he follows Hendal out of the room.

Threna turns her attention to Matryn, nodding slightly.

"Your advisor may accompany you, if he understands that he is to be a silent observer unless specifically and directly asked to speak by a member of the Council. That includes addressing you - he can advise you in retrospect."

So saying, she rises and starts making her way out of the room. Karth and Bain signal you are to follow, joining the procession themselves.

2017-05-19, 09:01 AM
Perseus nods dutifully, and follows silently. As they walk, he whispers quietly so that only Baldreim can hear, "Any advice?" The noise of his armor muffles the sounds of their conversation.

2017-05-19, 09:26 AM
"Matryn I leave the option for you to decide, you are your own person and know best if you will be able to follow the rules laid out. I believe it would be beneficial for you to come so we may discuss later what we witnessed and how best to learn from our mistakes. It will also allow us an understanding of how to expect to act when we ourselves speak with the council. However I can not promise no one will try to get us to behave in a dishonorable fashion." She explains to him allowing him a moment to think it over as she turns to speak with Honored Threna.

"Honored Threna so that your rivals may not use me against your clan there are a few things you should know about me." Sister Rosalind says, waiting to be acknowledged before beginning. "In my pursuit of following my deities I have forsworn certain things, and because of this the Lover's have gifted me with unique abilities. For example you may have noticed it has seemed calmer since I arrived, it is one of the gifts I speak of. The Lover's have placed upon me an Aura of sorts which calms all those around me. Only those with the strongest will are able to avoid its effects, it is why when a trial by combat happened earlier I had to make sure I was out of the area so my aura would not stop the combatants from using their natural abilities that are fueled by emotions."

"I also have taken a vow of Peace, meaning while I may fight against undead and constructs, living creatures and people I can not cause any physical harm to. I doubt this will play an issue, however I thought it would be best for you to be aware of these two things so the enemies of your clan will not be able to use them against you by turning the council on you." Sister Rosalind explains bowing as she listens to the dwarven woman's reply.

Once this is all finished she follows behind the Blackforge clan in silence, trying to follow the lead of the other members of the Blackforge clan she is familiar with.

2017-05-21, 02:21 PM
Baldreim gives you a wry grin. "Advice? Only that hardly anyone ever made a fool of themselves keeping quiet, listening carefully, and showing respect."

Noticing you are getting close to the main hall, he falls quiet.

Matryn lets out a long, slow breath. “Not much use to anyone if I stay away, am I? Never fear - I'm used to fading into the background whenever possible.”

So it is that you find yourself led to the Hall of the Great Clanmeet, a mute observer to events - for now.

The Hall of the Great Clanmeet - the central chamber which gives this eponymous complex its name - is a spacious, round chamber, its floor made from a single vast block of green marble, divided by radiating spokes of silver into seven segments. Within each segment, several rows of seating culminate in a raised plinth close to the centre, a platform for the representatives of the clans to address one another.

Around the walls of the Hall, seven immense murals depict dwarves in antiquated armour beneath the flag of the clan. Perseus knows - and Rosalind can guess - that the dwarves depicted are the ancestors who founded the clans.

Finally, in the very centre of the chamber, a circular space covered with a thick black carpet has been left open, overlooked by the leaders’ platforms, a no-man's-land between the clans and a space for those addressing the Council to be scrutinised.

The Hall is sprinkled with warriors in the ceremonial but functional uniform you first saw on Karth and Harn - but they are outnumbered by the soldiers in the Bloodriver segment.

The Oathkeeper segment is conspicuously empty. Every other segment is occupied by dwarves, typically only five or six in each, save for the Bloodrivers.

As the Council members take their positions, your attention is arrested by the Bloodriver councillor. A stout, powerfully built woman of middle years, with a long black plait, dressed in chain mail and carrying a heavy two-handed hammer, she sneers out at the assembly with one hand resting brazenly on the hammer.

”I see five Councillors,” she calls, her voice carried clearly by the cunning acoustics of the auditorium. “The Council cannot be convened unless all clans are in attendance. So tell me - why should I answer to you?”

“Spare us the posturing, Councillor Agra,” replies Honoured Hendal, from the councillor’s podium of Clan Ironshield. “Plainly, you came here with some goal in mind. You wanted our attention, and you have it. Now, why have you brought a cohort of soldiers to this place, in defiance of all convention and good sense?”

Turning her gaze on the Blackforge dwarves, Agra points an accusing finger at Honoured Threna.

“Ask her, Honoured Hendal! Ask her why the Blackforge have broken off all trade agreements; have blockaded our docks; and now, we learn, they hold secret talks with representatives of an enemy nation, a nation with whom we are on the brink of war. An enemy capable, I am reliably informed, of transporting a warship full of warriors instantaneously to any part of our nation!”

Threna rises with great dignity, looking disdainfully at Agra.

“And for this, you bring soldiers into this place of peace? Shame! Shame upon you! Yes, we have decided trade with your clan is no longer in our interests. Yes, we have stationed our fleet in neutral waters outside Bloodriver territory - to monitor the behaviour of your ships, in order to ensure no further unproven accusations are levelled at you. And as to our talks with New Ganthar - we have merely chosen to deliver their envoy to this Council. I would say her account should await the full Council, yes?”

Agra growls at that. “The full Council? You'd like that, wouldn’t you - two days for your allies to manoeuvre into position. What will they do, hmm? A warship in each capital, slay our leaders and crush our ancestors’ bones to dust?”

The room descends into uproar. Many of the dwarves seem to find these claims preposterous - even laughable. Shaking her head, Agra raises her hands, and shouts over the tumult: “You want independent proof? Ask Perseus, Deepwarden of the Ironshields! Question the human envoy herself!”

Eyes turn to you - to Perseus in surprise, and Rosalind in suspicion. You each receive nods from your Councillor, authorising you to speak.

2017-05-21, 04:40 PM
Perseus sighs inwardly, disappointed he will not be able to follow Baldreim's sage advice. "I have given my report, and if you seek more, you can access it through appropriate channels. I do not defend the humans, nor do I stand with nor against either Blackforge or Bloodriver. All I can offer is the truth as I know it: Yes, the human teleported the Blackforge warship into Ironshield lands. The human reported it to myself and to the Runewardens as irregular magic use outside her normal capabilities, and did not duplicate the feat to bring herself here, but was rather transported by Runewardens. Beyond that, I can not provide the proof you believe me to possess."

2017-05-21, 11:22 PM
As the group arrives at the Hall of the great clansmeet Sister Rosalind nods with satisfaction as she notes the circular room, showing that no one person seemed above another in the affairs of Kharheim. And having seen this room so soon she could ask all her questions later, however for the moment she instead choose to remain silent as instructed, and sit where she was told, noting where each clan sat down, and more importantly next to whom.

Next she notes the honored warriors that seem to guard this hall, or lack of them in the face of the force with the Bloodriver clan. Curosity tempted her to ask if this was a normal amount of guards, however deciding such an question could be seen as dubioush the priestess of the Lovers decided to follow her sponsors lead and remains silent as she had promised. After all whispering had already almost gotten one person harmed, she didn’t want to think of what it could do here in the most sacred dwarven halls.

As the meeting begins she follows the voices of those that speak, trying to remember each name, after all she doubted they would think she understood exactly what they were saying so when she did speak up if called upon she would be able to addresses each member properly. And while she knew what the Bloodriver said was not incorrect, the context she was placing it in made it clear that her actions may have started more trouble then saving a few days travel.

Thankfully she had the backing of a Runewarden in these lands for her magic, and had made sure to have a note given to each clan before leaving with the Blackforge clan. Looking around from her perch she tries to spot Perseus and Harn Grethson of the Stonecutter clan, for he had also spent time aboard the ship with her and she hoped at least would say she was not here for war.

As she is given permission to stand and speak for herself she turns and looks first to Perseus, knowing after the brief encounters she had had in the past, as an outsider she should speak last. Waiting for him to finish, the Priestess rose from her seat and looked to each Councilor in turn, trying to keep her body and face moving so that it didn’t seem as if she paid too much attention to anyone clan over another.

“I must thank you all for allowing me to speak here in this most sacred place of your people. I understand the mistrust that some of you may have. But I hope that through my deeds and actions I can prove to you that the only reason I have come seeking to speak with you is on behalf of the Prince of New Ganther. Had it been for any other reason I would never ask for such a great honor as to speak with you all for I know each of you have very important lives.” Sister Rosalind says, bowing at the end, her whole speech spoken in perfect Dwarven thanks to Captain Karth helping her correct some of the bad habits she had picked up from not using the language often.

“Honored Councilers from what I am aware it would be inproper for me to speak fully of why I am here without the Oathkeeper clan present, however I am willing to answer any personal questions you may have about myself, the magic in question, or the Host gift I gave to seek passage to your lands. If you do not believe my words, the Honored Runewarden Durhelim has spoken with me as the mighty warrior Perseus of Clan Ironshield himself has explained to you. And there was also a member of the Proud Stonecutter clan present aboard the ship I seeked passage on. Harn Grethson has seen my magic first hand, and I believe his words could prove to this council that I pose no threat here. In truth it was believed given the circumstances that had New Ganther sent me upon one of their own vessels it may have been seen in a bad light, much as the Lovers answering my prayer seems to have become.”

Because I am an Idiot (1d20+24)[40] Diplomacy