View Full Version : DM Help Simplest Adventurer's League Modules to run

2017-01-26, 12:12 PM
I volunteered to DM a bit in AL, and my AL coordinator basically gave me all the 5e modules and said "pick something".

So in each Tier of Play, what are the 1-2 Modules that are the simplest to run?


2017-01-26, 12:33 PM
For tier 1 the intro modules (i.e. stuff like Definance in Phlan, Harried in Hillsfar or Treasure of the Broken Horde) are pretty easy. They're little 1 hour mini-adventures that they do for each season. They are limited to levels 1 and 2 though, so if you want stuff that's the higher end of tier 1 you're out of luck. For other tier 1 stuff, I've enjoyed Dues for the Dead and The Scroll Thief from season 1. People also say great things about Secrets of Sokol Keep and Tales Trees Tell, but I've neither played nor run those. The little 2 hour ones from this season also seem pretty DM friendly, easy to run.

Fir tier 2, I enjoyed Herald of the Moon, The Waydown (both from season 3) and A Dish Best Served Cold (from season 5).

Stay away from the ravenloft stuff, since it's meant to be played in order from start to finish and once characters are there they need to either find an exit in the game or pay a downtime day penalty to get out.