View Full Version : Pathfinder New traits for an Aboleth in an aquatic campaign?

2017-01-26, 06:24 PM
The Aboleth is a formidable foe, and a perfect villain foe any campaign.

Aquatic campaigns, though (like Cerulean Seas), pose unique challenges.

An Aboleths two most fearsome abilities make land-based characters water dependeant, and thus are at the mercy of thw Aboleth.

A party of merfolk, though, can more or less laugh at this.
What are some good alternative abilities to five an Aboleth to make it as great a threat in the water as on land?

2017-01-26, 06:40 PM
How does being aquatic reduce the effectiveness of the enslave ability or its psionics?

Kidding aside, the slime and mucus cloud are options of last resort anyway. An aboleth's pretty tough for creature of its CR and can do a -lot- of damage on obfuscation and its ability to enslave foes without worrying about those abilities, both of which basically amount to minor debuffs anyway.

If you -must- then just slap a template on the critter and call it a day. LoM mentions some fiendish aboleths live in the river styx. Perhaps one of them found its way to the material.

2017-01-26, 07:32 PM
This was intended to be for Pathfinder. I'm sorry I didn't mark my post properly.
In any case:

What I'm really after is to find something to replace mucous cloud and slime with that seems equally threatening under water. I realise these are last resort type powers for the Aboleth, but having two similiar abilities that deal with enslaving other races would make the Aboleth (which I plan to convert to psionic) a very unnerving foe.

I plan to make an elder Aboleth the primary villain of the first arc of my next campaign, and it wouldn't feel right if I didn't give it it's full arsenal of enslavement powers.

So, any ideas for replacement powers that work along the same lines but function better in an underwater environment against aquatic PCs?

2017-01-26, 07:58 PM
I'm no expert on Pathfinder by any means, but to deal with creatures which already breathe water, maybe give it an ink cloud which persists for a few rounds and blinds anyone which touches it as well as the ability to go incorporeal for a few rounds?

2017-01-26, 08:17 PM
I'm no expert on Pathfinder by any means, but to deal with creatures which already breathe water, maybe give it an ink cloud which persists for a few rounds and blinds anyone which touches it as well as the ability to go incorporeal for a few rounds?

Thats not a bad idea, but the thing I was hoping to retain was the slavery aspects of mucous cloud and slime.

As a land dweller, being caught in one or both of these effects is terrifying because the Aboleth takes control of your character in a sense, depriving you of oxygene and forcing you into watery servitude.

It would be cool to find a way to keep those aspects while finding a set of powers that work in an aquatic setting.