View Full Version : Fire Emblem: Legend of the Grand King IC Thread

2017-01-27, 12:49 AM
-Recruitment Thread- (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?512584-Fire-Emblem-game!-(DM-found))

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?513312-Fire-Emblem-Legend-of-the-Grand-King-OOC&p=21643655#post21643655)

The sun rises on the capital of Midean, as people begin to filter out of their houses and into the streets en masse. Both lowborn and highborn citizens of Midean, all temporarily march in unison as they make their way to the biggest building in the city, The Grand Cathedral. The sight is a common one in Midean, but one that never fails to impress. The bells perform their hourly duty and keep the Ascalonian tradition going. Outside the chapel, a crier screams into the crowd, his stack of leaflets flying about as bodies bump past him.

"Come one, Come all and join the ranks of the Second Ascalonian Council! Join in the fight against Pox! Join in the fight against the vile Hellspawn plaguing our great nation!"

Elsewhere, Some of the more secular merchants begin setting up their wares for the day outside of the Cathedral. Their tacky baubles shimmer in the sun; a common tactic to catch the eyes of the pious and the curious both.

"Our ancient talismans our blessed by the Pontiffs themselves! Protect yourselves and your families all for the low price of 50 shillings! Or maybe have some of our tostee, decorated in the visage of our Grand King! 15 shillings!"

Some younger Mideans shift through the crowd bumping from person to person. Some are amused by their clumsiness, other's confused by the lightness they feel in their pockets. As the peel away from the crowd, the children count the spoils of their labours. Today their hunt was bountiful. A sweetroll for each of them, no need to share for once.

As you check your pack, the letter you've received bids you come to the cathedral and wait until after mass. You weren't sure what to think regarding this "Second Ascalonian Council," but you had your reasons and so must they you assume. You take your place at the mass, and listen to the Arch bishop become to speak, the entire chamber resonating with the timbre of his voice.

- - - - - -

As the people begin to filter out of the church after the 2 hour service, some soldiers begin to filter into the church with scholars and priests in tow. Behind them is a large man whose smile would seem almost infectious if not for his strange get-up. With a confidence in each step, he approaches the altar and kneels for a moment, the soldiers following suit. After finishing his short prayer, he returns to face you and begins to speak.


"Hello, brave adventurers. I, am Camlasant, governor of Abundance. Some of you may be familiar with me, but for those of you who are not, I assure you that the rumors are true. I am in fact as beautiful as they say!" The man releases a hearty laugh, and some of the others attempt chuckle before motions for silence. He stands there, his eyes boring into your souls before finally he breaks the silence. "So, why don't you introduce yourselves? I've heard many things from the recruiters who brought you to my attention, but that's no reason to skip basic pleasantries."

2017-01-27, 01:38 AM

"I-- I tell the truth! Please, this is no jest, it is a matter of great urgency for-- oof!"

Y'shta found herself shoved by her upper arms as the two soldiers pushed her away from the grand gates of the cathedral. She picked herself up off the ground, wincing and rubbing at her arm, the mask starting to shimmer with a faint aura of red around the trim of its ivory-white surface. Then, it was gone, as fast as it cast its glow the first time.

The soldier scowled to say, "You've got the nerve to come here with that kind of story, girl! Even if it were true, we ought to toss you into the alienage or pike your head for bein' a Hellsent!"
"Hah! A likely story. Probably just a tribesgirl trying to make a quick shilling or two off the church, that's what!"

She scowled a little, but swallowed her shame and turned away, gripping her hands together as she marched away with a sigh. As I thought, they would not listen... they refused to investigate the river, and they still refuse to listen to our story...

At a bit of a loss, she headed out towards the square and watched as the merchants began to set up their wares, at the least appreciating how much life could flourish here in the capital. It felt a little empty to her, perhaps; unlike so many of these people, who can't afford - physically, or financially - the trip out to the greater world, she knew what the cost of creating this splendour was. She was part of it. Her tribe was part of it. Her ancestors, her parents, and she herself...

She blinked at the chapel crier and snatched one of the leaflets, staring towards it. Fight against the Hellspawn... join the Council... would I have an opportunity to speak?

The answer, as it were, was a resounding 'yes', though Y'shta was a little nervous at how much she ought to breach the topic. There were many soldiers around, and this was the heart of their territory, and more importantly, the heart of their religious foundry. It would not do to speak her mind here.

She blinked as Camlasant introduced himself, however, clenching her fists gently. This was the man... it was his office that our pleas fell on deaf ears...

She fell silent for a bit longer, but bowed. "My name is Y'shta. I am the princess of the White Wind Tribe, from the land that you govern, milord," she spoke firm, and with an accent. "A month ago, I investigated the Hellspawn taint that had spread through the Anace River..." She hesitated, as doubt began to creep into her mind.

Then she finished, with a practiced smile, saying diplomatically, "... and I now lend my skills to the matter of fighting the Hellspawn. It is an honor."

Behind the mask, her eye twitched gently, as she thought, If he will not even deign to see if the river was truly tainted... what of this mask? Would he deny that too?

2017-01-27, 01:43 AM
Vesta stands almost at attention, shifting her weight distractedly as she looks over the gathered group out of the corners of her eyes... 'recruits', did he call them? She knew only that she'd been summoned by that letter, and given special leave to attend it when she'd normally be on patrol. Getting to sit and relax for two hours during Mass was an added bonus, though it proved equally torturous when she thought - but couldn't be certain - that she saw her sister sitting a few rows away. But shouldn't Luna still be in Elaid's Moor?

Let's see, who else remained after Mass, apparently with mysterious letters of their own...

Naobi - the muscular man stood out immediately. Vesta knew him from running errands to the smithy, though his work was usually far too good for the city guard's official budget.

Penelope - a familiar face, often seen running errands or preaching in the streets, though Vesta had never had occasion to speak with her personally.

Who was that woman wearing a half-mask...? Her features held an odd familiarity, but Vesta was sure she'd remember meeting someone so... striking.

The man in an unassuming green cloak... Hadn't she seen wanted posters for someone around his description? Well, best not to venture down that road of suspicion, or soon she'd see criminals in everyone she met! No, let a simple spear-arm handle simple things.

Then that girl... A little taller and more filled out than when they'd last spoken, hair a little singed on the ends... but there's no mistaking those endlessly inquisitive eyes, or the leather-bound book at her side. Luna!

"So, why don't you introduce yourselves? I've heard many things from the recruiters who brought you to my attention, but that's no reason to skip basic pleasantries."

What Vesta wanted to do was dash over to Luna, shake her a bit, then bombard her with questions like 'How's the Scholasticate?' 'Are you eating enough?' 'Any young gentlemen caught your eye?' 'What in Camlahad's name are you doing back here?'
But two years of rigorous training and discipline wouldn't abide that kind of behavior in front of nobility - least of all the governor of her old homeland - so instead she stumbles to full attention and stutters out an introduction as ordered.

"L-Lord Camlasant, Your Grace! Private Vesta, Midean City Watch Fourth Division, reporting for duty SIR! Th-the rumors are indeed true, Your Grace! How may I serve our great kingdom today?!"

She'd probably be lamenting that embarrassment for weeks. Surprise visits from high nobility never turned out well, somehow...

2017-01-27, 02:20 AM
To be honest, Luna didn't care for the mass. They were interesting at first, wondering why they did all these weird-to-her things, but they're the exact same every single time. There's nothing more to learn there. And so it was that she spent most of it reading her book...or rather, the letter resting between its pages. Would this be the opportunity she was looking for?

When mass ended, she noted a few others had stayed behind, as well. A young woman whose clothes marked her as from one of the tribes of Abundance, though Luna couldn't discern which. A sharp-eyed man who covered most of himself in a heavy cloak. Another young woman, apparently part of the clergy. A large, muscular man who seemed slightly familiar...ah, that's right; his family was the first to die of the Pox here in Midean before she left, and she was curious enough that she was going to go ask him about that before Vesta stopped her, saying something like "it's insensitive" or something. And...huh. Was that Vesta there? Luna idly wondered what the chances were of them both receiving the same invitation. Small, undoubtedly, yet here they stood.

She had little time to think idly, however, as Camlasant entered. His attempt at humor mostly just left Luna curious about those rumors; they couldn't have been particularly flattering. As he asked for introductions, two of the others had already taken the chance to do so. The tribesgirl was apparently from the White Wind tribe; the very same that her history books claimed guided, then opposed Guivret. Strange; Luna recalled no mention of masks having particular meaning to the White Wind tribe. As for the other, it was indeed Vesta. Her stuttering and overenthusiasm in front of nobility comforted Luna slightly, knowing that her sister had not changed greatly during her studies.

She supposed now was as good a time as any to introduce herself. "My name is Luna, a student of the Scholasticate," she says with a formal curtsy.

Emperor Demonking
2017-01-27, 04:01 AM
Naobi listened intently at the Mass as he always did. Still, today was taking a big step so he listened even more intenly for spiritual comfort and courage. When Mass ended and he looked at those left he knew he recognised at least one or two. The odd woman with the mask he knew he hadn't and looked at her quizically for a time.

Then the governor came in. Naobi tried to join and keep in time when the joke was made. Then came introduction and the smith listened to the others - trying to work out what he should say- and began speaking once he was sure Luna had finished speaking.

"Er, I'm Naobi. A smith by trade, But, I guess, that I've always been good at hitting things hard. So I want to help as best I can, sir."

Naobi stopped speaking, hoping that he had not embaressed himself.

John Cribati
2017-01-27, 10:00 AM
Outside the cathedral, a few members of the dispersing crowd notice a shadow playing across the cathedral steps, and more than a few people look to the sky, unsure of what they're to see.

Suddenly, something large and purple lands hard on the cathedral steps, kicking up a screen of dust. After a few seconds, it can be seen standing up straight and raising is horned, lizard-like head to the sky in a guttural, echoing roar.

AAAAAAAHHHHH-CHOOOO! It sniffs, staring out at the gathered crowd as its muscular physique begins to shrink away. Oi! Ain't cleanliness supposed to be next to Invisible-sky-manliness? Your fancy church doesn't have a guy that sweeps the steps?

The tall gangly purple-haired, purple-winged young man that remains hefts a parcel (which apparently disappeared into wherever his clothes went when he activated his Beaststone) and grins at the crowd.

So who picks up the mail for the church? Or do I just barge in, cuz that's fun, too.

2017-01-27, 01:05 PM
A few minutes before the end of the service, the back door to the chapel creaks open and Keith slips inside. Never one to be early if he can be just barely on time, he walks through to the main door of the church and leans on a pillar just in time to hear the priest close the mass with an enthusiastic "Amen!"

He stays there and waits for people to begin filing out, and then slips in amongst the masses to wait for the appearance of his contact. Peering around the hall, he spies a number of other people that appear to be waiting from something. A scholar, a priestess, a guardswoman (watch out for her), a man with the build and clothes of a smith, and a tribeswoman from back home. All very interesting, and from the looks of it, here for the same reason that he is.

His thoughts are interrupted by the sudden appearance of a row of soldiers entering the church. He starts, wanting to immediately run out of the building, but clamps down hard on that instinct and instead walks calmly over to join the rest of the people gather around the praying fat man.

"So, why don't you introduce yourselves? I've heard many things from the recruiters who brought you to my attention, but that's no reason to skip basic pleasantries."

Keith offers a respectful bow to Camlasant, hoping that he doesn't remember his face from one of his families few visits to the governor's house. "Alexander," he replies carefully. "Alexander Cassian. I'm something of a scout and trailblazer, and was picked for a few of my other skills besides. And before you ask, no, I'm just a distant cousin of theirs."

2017-01-27, 06:24 PM
Earlier in the day, Braylen found himself grouped with a retinue of soldiers, scholars, and priests, whose task was to assist the governor of Abundance with his Ascalonian Council. Braylen was informed to keep the Governor safe and make sure nothing was to interrupt the Governor's conversation. Nothing too out of the ordinary in comparison to the jobs that the church has assigned him.

After the church's service, Braylen and the rest of the retinue led the Governor in pushing through the crowd of citizens, making sure no one got too close to their escort. Once inside and after the soldiers prayed, Braylen took a couple of the guards and went to ensure that the entrance of the church was secured.

As they reached the door he heard the flapping of wings coming from the outside. When he opened the door he first saw purple-winged young man, with a small crowd gathered around him their faces' emotions ranging from awe to panic.

"Damned beasts don't respect a blasted thing do they?" he muttered to himself.

"You there, beastkin. I am giving you one chance, and one chance only, to leave this area before we are forced into taking you into custody." Braylen said sliding his tome out of his bag as he motioned the other soldiers to ready themselves. Normally this kind of action would be grounds for immediate action, but Braylen worried that if they rushed the man it could cause panic amongst the crowd and lead to unneeded injury.

2017-01-27, 07:12 PM
"My name is Y'shta. I am the princess of the White Wind Tribe, from the land that you govern, milord," she spoke firm, and with an accent. "A month ago, I investigated the Hellspawn taint that had spread through the Anace River..."

"... and I now lend my skills to the matter of fighting the Hellspawn. It is an honor."

"Ah so a scion of old Mir'kha, then. Would that I could thank her personally for your assistance then." His eyes fall upon Y'shta's mask and linger for a moment. "I have many questions for you, and I am sure you bear many for me. They will have to wait however for there is more pressing business," he states before moving on to the next recruit.

"L-Lord Camlasant, Your Grace! Private Vesta, Midean City Watch Fourth Division, reporting for duty SIR! Th-the rumors are indeed true, Your Grace! How may I serve our great kingdom today?!"

"So the guard did send one of their own, eh? I'm glad. There's no finer people that the men and women who defend the heart of our great nation. Though I would recommend you grow more... comfortable in the presence of nobility, soldier. I'm flattered with the stammering and all, but that just won't due for delivering reports!" he says, another laugh escaping his lips.

"My name is Luna, a student of the Scholasticate,"

"A scholar eh? Can't say I've ever gotten along with the educated types, but you'll do."

"Er, I'm Naobi. A smith by trade, But, I guess, that I've always been good at hitting things hard. So I want to help as best I can, sir."

"So you're the smith that survived the pox, eh? It's a right shame what happened to your family. I understand how you feel, lost me own daughter to the blight. It's good to have an honest man like you join us, and even better that you know your way in a fight."

"Alexander," he replies carefully. "Alexander Cassian. I'm something of a scout and trailblazer, and was picked for a few of my other skills besides. And before you ask, no, I'm just a distant cousin of theirs."

He stops in front of the man cloaked in Green. On hearing the name Cassian, his smile begins to wane.

"A Cassian, you say? I'm glad to see that their name lives on, even if their blood does not. A right mess what happened there. An even bigger mess what happened right after. My soldiers looked for the bandits who sacked the place, but never found hid nor hair of 'em. When we figure out how to beat the pox and stamp it out, I'll turn their former estate into a memorial for the lives lost in Abundance. Of that, you have my word."

"Now, time to get on with things. As you're all aware, the Second Ascalonian Council has convened in an effort to solve the pox ravaging the countryside. Progress has been... slow to put it bluntly. The only one whose had any headway was the old scholar that the Scholasticate had sent, Professor Bryant I think he said his name was. Said he had a theory about where it came from and that investigating would lead to the answers. Only problem is the old fool went off on his own to it. When we told him we'd need to gather the resources to send an expedition, he kept rambling about how we had no time and stormed out. So, that's where you six come in. I'm going to be sending you to find him. I had asked the both the Grandians and the Scholasticate to find him themselves, but you know how they can be. They need a good fre turns of the seasons before they even bring such endeavors up for the petition. We've no time for bureaucracy. I've prepared a caravan south of the city that will take the six of you straight to Elaid's Moor. There you'll meet with the professor's apprentice, Chelt. Hopefully she should be able to shed some light on where the coot's ran to. So, what are you all waiting for? Make your preparations and get moving."

- - - - - - -

The "Caravan" was naught more than a bunch of mules and a simple wagon for the holding of gear and supplies. It's better than nothing you suppose as you begin the trek down south towards the coastline. You can't help but feel that you're being as you all march the two day walk between the cities, but for now nothing comes of it. As day turns to night, you begin to set up camp.

- Nearby -

"Would you look at that, we got ourselves a score boys. Knew the trip over from abundance would be worth the hassle. Strike the fire boys, we attack at dawn!"

John Cribati
2017-01-27, 07:29 PM
"You there, beastkin. I am giving you one chance, and one chance only, to leave this area before we are forced into taking you into custody." Braylen said sliding his tome out of his bag as he motioned the other soldiers to ready themselves.

Tinsley points to the badge on his chest, marking him as an official mail courier.

I happen to be here on official business to deliver this parcel to the cathedral, so until I speak the person or persons in charge of such things, locking me up would be interfering with the delivery.

He wasn't quite familiar enough with the local laws to know if it was actually a crime to do that, but it... usually was at least worth a fine in most places.

2017-01-27, 07:43 PM
Y'shta nodded gently, preferring to keep up with appearances as she looked with her one good eye towards Camlasant in turn. "Yes, milord," she curtly said, then bowed towards the others. Her smile visibly relaxed gently, even though she didn't know the crew personally... and noted the little dispute that the lord had with the beast-winged courier. Well, it was to be expected - she'd heard tales of how the Beastmen were not welcome in the capital, and had to dwell in the alienages.

"It is an honor to work alongside you all. I am not yet an accomplished myrmidon, but I will contribute all that I can."

She stepped off as she got to work, being pointed to where the supplies and mules will be; she seemed well at ease with this sort of work, having been at the heart and centre with the White Wind Tribe's nomadic efforts, both on the riverfront and along the road. She noted any supplies that may be lacking and suggested a position that could work given how they were six strong and only had one Caravan.

Once it was time to set camp, she hopped off and located a proper clearing for camping, and then began about the work to set a flame for the night. "I'm happy to take the first watch once we've fed -- we'll do two hour rotations," she announced, as she carried one of the sacks of grain and an iron pot to begin to cook a simple meal of oats, flavoured with some salt and dried herbs as supplied.

2017-01-27, 08:06 PM
Professor Bryant...his course on demonology at the Scholasticate had proven very intriguing, though even Luna had to admit that keeping up with the professor's lectures could prove difficult at times. She did seem to recall one person that she found near the professor with unusual frequency; perhaps she was the assistant Camalsant spoke of?

Regardless, Luna held back a small sigh at being sent right back to the Moor having just recently returned. Well, perhaps she might see some interesting scenery that had eluded her on the first trip.

After they had set up camp (and undoubtedly after Vesta had shaken her down for information about her past two years), Luna walked up to the plainswoman. "Excuse me. You stated that you were of the White Wind tribe, correct? My studies made no mention of masks having a particular place in your tribe's traditions. Is it decorative, or are my studies incomplete?"

2017-01-27, 08:44 PM
Keith gives Camlasant a far deeper bow at his response. "You have my thanks, my Lord," he says, his voice cracking. "I only knew Brannigan and Marta a little, but I think they would have been honored by that."

Keith does his fair share of the work setting up camp, calling "I'm fine with the last watch,", in response to Y'shta. When the work is done, he wanders over to where Private Vesta is, settles down beside her, and pulls a small pipe from a pouch on his belt. "So, you were the one with the watch, right? How's that life treating you?"

2017-01-27, 09:31 PM
Y'shta was stirring the gruel as it cooked and simmered on the stove when Luna approached her with her question. "Ah, Luna, was it not? No, the mask is not a normality amongst our tribe." A pause, as she glanced down towards the creamy pot of oats. "It is... something I have to live with at the moment, is perhaps the best way I can place it."

Emperor Demonking
2017-01-27, 10:28 PM
Nbi did not want to be a spectacle and reminded himself that the governor certainly meant no ill will by bringing it up. He nodded respectfully, but was otherwise silent

Naobi had checked the caravans , also. He was after all an expert. Not an expert in this, but an expert nonethesame. He found nothing wrong with it, but then again he wouldn't have. He considered offering to help wit the food - after all he cooked for himself in his regular life - but he was used to working alone and this did not seem to require four hands.

He considered sitting by the fire, but noticed that the plainswoman and the scholar were in private conversation. Then he noticed that he hadn't spoken. He did not want to seem sullen, and he did want the heat of the fire and the smell of the herbs. So he sat opposite the two ladies a little distant from the fire and announced, "May this be a fantastic adventure!"

He was willing to take whatever watch was required.

2017-01-27, 11:39 PM
Penny listened patiently, as she had been trained to do.
Even as that one citizen shouted "build a wall!" during the speech about keeping the pox at bay.
"I'm Penny, milord. Penny Appleton. It is my honor to enlist in this mission to serve the people, as the grand king's companions served him."

Penelope goes back to waiting quietly.


"As it was written in the book of Marcelene, may this meal nourish us before our trials and fortify our bodies. Amen."

Penelope holds a brief grace before eating, and goes to bed early. She tries to be friendly, but keeps a distance from the others so she can contemplate.

2017-01-27, 11:39 PM
(and undoubtedly after Vesta had shaken her down for information about her past two years)
Vesta does indeed waylay Luna while they're on the road that day!

"Luna! You should have sent word that you came back to Midean - Mother and Father would have loved to see you!"
"...Sooo? I wanna hear all about your studies! Are you getting along with people and making friends? Is there a boy friend~? You know I can't read the letters you sent! Spill!"

Vesta is grinning the whole time she natters away at Luna. It's quite a shock to grow up with someone for seven years, then have them suddenly disappear for two years!

When it comes time to pitch camp, Vesta steps up beside Naobi to help unload the heavy cookware, tents and such. Though not particularly strong, lance training had taught her to use balance and body mechanics to maximum effect; she picks out the sacks and chests within her ability to manage, and moves them around with military efficiency while Naobi handles the sheer muscle work.

"Master Naobi... I'm glad to have you with us. It gives me heart to know that someone of your skill will be maintaining our arms and equipment, and someone of your strength will be standing alongside us on the battlefield."

It seems that the soldier considered saying more, then thought better of it. It's been her experience that the strong, reliable type of men value actions over words. Plus, knowing a little of what happened to his family, she feels a certain empathy for him, but would hate to carelessly touch on wounds that need not be revisited.

Keith does his fair share of the work setting up camp, calling "I'm fine with the last watch,", in response to Y'shta. When the work is done, he wanders over to where Private Vesta is, settles down beside her, and pulls a small pipe from a pouch on his belt. "So, you were the one with the watch, right? How's that life treating you?"

Vesta gives a nod of greeting as he sits down. "Aye, it's a life; not for everyone, but it suits me well enough. One day I'd like to return to farming, but... At the moment, I think I'll do more good with a lance than a plow."
"You called yourself... Alexander, right? I've not had the chance to make your acquaintance; tell me, what kinds of skills do you lend to this group?"

She decided back at the church to set aside preconceived notions and take her new companions at face value. As a small, inexperienced squad on an important mission, mutual trust and teamwork would most likely seal their success or untimely demise. Besides, even coming from an unsavory background, he deserved this chance at redemption if he was determined to work hard for it.

Vesta isn't picky about her place in the watch; she's used to being on duty at all kinds of hours, so she'll take whatever the others don't want.

2017-01-28, 12:11 AM
Vesta does indeed waylay Luna while they're on the road that day!

"Luna! You should have sent word that you came back to Midean - Mother and Father would have loved to see you!"
"...Sooo? I wanna hear all about your studies! Are you getting along with people and making friends? Is there a boy friend~? You know I can't read the letters you sent! Spill!"

Vesta is grinning the whole time she natters away at Luna. It's quite a shock to grow up with someone for seven years, then have them suddenly disappear for two years!

Luna sighs and shakes her head, though it's not hard to see she's smiling a bit as well. "Honestly, Vesta, if you spent a fraction as much time practicing your literacy as you did your lance arm, you would know the answers to these questions already. In any case, there is hardly time for romance while there are subjects to study."

Y'shta was stirring the gruel as it cooked and simmered on the stove when Luna approached her with her question. "Ah, Luna, was it not? No, the mask is not a normality amongst our tribe." A pause, as she glanced down towards the creamy pot of oats. "It is... something I have to live with at the moment, is perhaps the best way I can place it."

"I'm not certain that I understand. Is it not a simple matter to remove the mask, if you do not wish to wear it?"

2017-01-28, 02:53 AM
- Earlier -

Tinsley points to the badge on his chest, marking him as an official mail courier.

I happen to be here on official business to deliver this parcel to the cathedral, so until I speak the person or persons in charge of such things, locking me up would be interfering with the delivery.


"Oh, would it now?"

A man in armor of deep blue and gold towers above Tinsley and the the soldiers. Before long everyone but Tinsley prostrates themselves,

"You seem to be lost, demonspawn. The alienage is on the other side of the city. Now if you would kindly drop my parcel and begone from my sight. A creature such as yourself is not fit to do so much as look at the holy steps. And tell your masters in Armath that while you may be welcome there, Midean shan't suffer another Pox riddled beast in the city proper. Now be off!"

John Cribati
2017-01-28, 03:23 AM

"You seem to be lost, demonspawn. The alienage is on the other side of the city. Now if you would kindly drop my parcel and begone from my sight. A creature such as yourself is not fit to do so much as look at the holy steps. And tell your masters in Armath that while you may be welcome there, Midean shan't suffer another Pox riddled beast in the city proper. Now be off!"

Tinsley eyes the man coolly, making a point of not showing any fear or respect.

All that's left is to obtain a signature sah. I have a quill you could borrow, but since you're so scared of catchin' the pox from me... come to think of it, my species is such an immense that to your health and wellbeing, you probably shouldn't even pick up the package. I could take it back, though and have them repackage it it and have someone who can't fly deliver it.

2017-01-28, 03:35 AM

All that's left is to obtain a signature sah. I have a quill you could borrow, but since you're so scared of catchin' the pox from me... come to think of it, my species is such an immense that to your health and wellbeing, you probably shouldn't even pick up the package. I could take it back, though and have them repackage it it and have someone who can't fly deliver it.


"Father Webb, sign for the package then personally escort him out of the city. Then meet me in the Cathedral when you're done. I've wasted enough time here."

And with that, the man pushes past the soldiers and strides into the cathedral.

2017-01-28, 03:56 AM
Y'shta is silent for a while longer, before touching her hand to the mask to pull at it. It shimmers with a faint red light, resisting at her tug, before she lets go. "Unfortunately, it is not so simple as that. The mask has a magic of its own." And, more than likely, a will of its own...

She looked towards Naobi to nod in turn, thinking on what the soldier said as well. "We do not have many smiths in our Tribe." She looked down at her sword and said, "This one has been with me since I was small. Each blade is precious, due to iron's scarcity in the region... our Tribe has taken to using bone and wood in its stead."

She stirred again, and then looked towards the horizon for a moment to gauge the sun's progress. "If you're hungry, the grains are now soft enough to eat," she offered to those around the fire.

2017-01-28, 04:33 AM
“...Birds do not belong in a cage.”
“And neither do you belong here, missy. So get your mongrel of a horse into the stables and get moving.”
Marfisa sighed. She guided her Pegasus, Griff, into a stall. She tied a leash around his neck and to a wooden pole. She smiled for a moment while petting Griff, then frowned and took her hands off of him. Griff stared at her quizzically for a few seconds, briefly upsetting Marfisa as she waved goodbye.

Now that Marfisa was within city bounds proper, she had changed from a suit of armor into everyday clothes. She now wore a more flattering (but still modest and practical) white dress resembling attire commonly found within the capitol as she browsed through Algrand for jobs. She felt out of place as she traveled through a city that was alien and hostile to her. That said, she was happy to find a woman who seemed to be from another tribe... and nervous about finding Camlasant, her boss and an incredibly powerful and influential leader, in the same place. She knew why he was here, judging by the adventurous lot he was traveling with, and decided to ask to see if she could join him. She waved in order to stop the cart and apologized for holding up what seemed to be an important mission. Placing her arm on the cart's shoulders, she introduced herself.

“My name is Marfisa. I am of the Weik tribe, and I work for your guard in Abundance. What are your names, and what business do you have here? I would love to join you, if that is at all possible.”
This is set in between the meeting at the church and the camp. Presumably Marfisa does not wish to upset the Governor of Abundance.

Emperor Demonking
2017-01-28, 07:49 AM
When unloading the supples, Naobi returned the compliments, "I am glad that we have a watchmen with us. In a real fight you need order to prosper and I am certainly not used to that in a fight. Nor do I think the magic-uses. Perhaps, Alexander ... but 'other things' leave me doubting.


Naobi accepted the offer of perhaps earlier food, "Delicious.

"They must be great warriors if they have to compensate for using weapons of wood."

2017-01-28, 08:12 AM
Vesta gives a nod of greeting as he sits down. "Aye, it's a life; not for everyone, but it suits me well enough. One day I'd like to return to farming, but... At the moment, I think I'll do more good with a lance than a plow."
"You called yourself... Alexander, right? I've not had the chance to make your acquaintance; tell me, what kinds of skills do you lend to this group?"

She decided back at the church to set aside preconceived notions and take her new companions at face value. As a small, inexperienced squad on an important mission, mutual trust and teamwork would most likely seal their success or untimely demise. Besides, even coming from an unsavory background, he deserved this chance at redemption if he was determined to work hard for it.

Vesta isn't picky about her place in the watch; she's used to being on duty at all kinds of hours, so she'll take whatever the others don't want.

Keith nods himself at Vesta's response. "I'm not sure you'd find farming any easier than the guard," he replies. "It was long days and backbreaking work a lot of the time. Part of the reason I left that life."

"And yeah, I'm Alexander, though I'd rather go by my last name. Your's was...Vesta, right? But anyway, as I said, I'm a hunter and trapper by trade. But I'm also damn good at getting in and out of places quietly, so I'm betting that they picked me in case we need anything a bit sneaky done."

Of course, those places were usually locked and guarded, but she doesn't need to know that right now. Guardswomen tend not to like bandits and thieves, even former ones.

2017-01-28, 11:51 AM
Y'shta is silent for a while longer, before touching her hand to the mask to pull at it. It shimmers with a faint red light, resisting at her tug, before she lets go. "Unfortunately, it is not so simple as that. The mask has a magic of its own." And, more than likely, a will of its own...

"Magic? Interesting..." Luna was getting the sense that questioning Y'shta wouldn't really lead to any further answers, so she decided to drop the subject for the moment. "Thank you for your time." She retreats to a less crowded spot around the fire, pulling out one of her tomes and beginning to read through it. If she notices the later declaration of food, she makes no sign of showing it.

Laughing Dog
2017-01-28, 12:33 PM
"What a splendid day! So far no scaffolds have fallen on me, no carts have run into me, and I have yet to step in a pile of dung!" says a well-armored, green haired man as he makes his way to the guard station to see if they need extra help today.
As it turned out, they didn't but sent him towards the Grand Cathedral. They also gave him some early course corrections, else he would have likely ended up in the alienage. Again.

On his way there, many things happened that made more than a bit suspicious. Why that runaway cart heading for him veered of direction just before it hit him, and that scaffold stayed standing instead of deciding it wanted to take a nap on top of himself. The streets were sparkling clean! He was starting to get rather worried.

Upon arrival to the outside he saw some commotion going on with a rather purple young man holding a package being in opposition to some noble and priestly types. Wait-a-minute those are wings not a cloak. That explains the commotion then.

As the blond man walks off, Jack walks up intent on finding if there was something he could do to help. Just then a cat knocks a vase off a ledge and onto him

"Ah, I was starting to get worried."

2017-01-28, 01:09 PM
As the light begins to break against the hills and thickets of the southern countryside, faint shadows can be seen moving through the darkness. First only a few, careful and quiet.. Then it is many, all moving towards you.

"Make it count, boys! We can't celebrate with empty pockets, now can we!"

Deploy zone is the 3x3 square of tiles in the Top Left Corner. Square [A.1].[C.1],[C,3],[A,3]. Players may choose to deploy on any tile in this area, and may even choose not to deploy, but I don't recommend that. I will update with the conclusion of the player phase once all players have submitted their movements through the OOC thread. Good luck.

Victory Conditions
Survive for 12 turns
Defeat all Enemies
Party reaches and escapes from [M,21], [N,21], [O,21]

Defeat Conditions
All units are defeated


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1 [I,21]
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2 [N-20]
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1 [F,7]
15/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2 [L,20]
15/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1 [I-16]
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2 [K-18]
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3 [M-16]
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Archer [J-16]
16/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 14 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Speed Tonic
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Penelope LV 1 0/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 20/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 0/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 1 0/100 EXP
16/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 10 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 0/30

Y'shta LV 1 0/100 EXP
16/16 HP 12 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 10 Def 7 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 0/30

25/20+5 HP 16 Atk 94 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 10 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 0/30

18/18 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8+2 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 0/30

Luna C

16/16 HP 10 Atk 101 Hit 20 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 6 Skl 8 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 8 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D

Vesta C

2017-01-28, 02:13 PM
"As you wish your Righteousness." Braylen says with a bow.

He goes to the winged man, pulling his own quill from his bag and signs for the package.

"One of you take the package into the cathedral, the rest of you follow me as we escort the courier out of town." Braylen said to the other soldiers in his retinue.

"Now let us go beastkin. Your delivery is over and you aren't welcome here." Braylen says as he begins to move in the direction out of town. With the soldiers in formation to surround the beastkin if he tries to run.

Emperor Demonking
2017-01-28, 02:48 PM
Naobi had spoken to the guardwoman about the need of order within battle. He had been truthful about his weaknesses as he demonstrated here. He charged forward, carrying his hefty axe in both hands. From his starting point he cursed that he couldn't reach any of the bandits.

2017-01-28, 03:11 PM
Luna was an early riser, so she was already up, studying her notes. It was the sound of the bandit leader calling out that had her realize trouble was brewing. "Bandits? How bothersome. Though it will give me the opportunity to put these magical lessons into practice." Picking up her Fire tome, she incants the spell, aiming for the axe-wielding bandit nearby! Her fireball sails wide, however; she'd need more practice, for sure.

2017-01-28, 03:12 PM
"Ah, damnit! Bandits." Keith pops up from where he had been sitting and drops his pipe to the ground. Pulling a pair of throwing daggers from within his cape, he charges after Naobi, hanging a little back and to the side. As soon as he gets in range, he launches the pair of daggers at the large one carrying an axe, the second one arriving quickly enough after the first that the bandit doesn't have time to move out of the way. And it seems that his luck is with him today, as the second dagger flies straight through a gap in the fighter's armor and buries itself into his neck.

2017-01-28, 03:23 PM
While the others charge toward the immediate threat, Vesta hangs back and evaluates the situation. Without a clear chain of command, it would be up to each individual to follow their own accord, and fluidly adapt to each other's styles...

"Alright! I'm going to warn the villages!"

...And takes off parallel to the battle line, silently praying that they all survive the chaos.

2017-01-28, 03:26 PM
Y'shta had made it a habit, more than anything, to be up before dawn; she'd worked to prepare breakfast for the group before she heard the sound of trouble -- bandits, and the sound of weapons. "We have company," she murmured, nodding towards the group, glad for their vigilance as well. She drew the curved sword she had, and then moved further from the camp to assist in striking down one of the bandits with a swirling spiral cut.

John Cribati
2017-01-28, 10:30 PM
"Now let us go beastkin. Your delivery is over and you aren't welcome here." Braylen says as he begins to move in the direction out of town. With the soldiers in formation to surround the beastkin if he tries to run.


In a figurative sense, Tinsley goes quietly along with his escort. In a literal sense, well...
Y'know, maybe my beastly mind doesn't know much, but isn't it quite a waste of resources to have this entire battalion escort me out of the city when I could very well fly out, the way I flew in? Though I suppose you religious folk have always been a few apples short of a bunch when it comes to reason or common sense.

2017-01-29, 09:36 AM
Turn 01

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/FjcBQTr.gif
Luna attacks! 98 Miss!
The Fighter cannot retalliate.
Luna gains 1 xp

http://i.imgur.com/LvGqNlc.png VS http://i.imgur.com/FjcBQTr.gif
Keith attacks the Fighter.
Keith attacks! 24 Hit! The Fighter takes 5 damage.
The Fighter cannot Retalliate.
Keith doubles! 22 Hit with a 2 on the crit confirm! Critical Hit! The Fighter takes 15 damage!
Keith gains 10 exp and 1 Weapon EXP

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/FjcBQTr.gif
Y'shta attacks the Fighter.
Y'shta attacks! 33 Hit with 7 on the crit confirm! Critical Hit! The fighter takes 27 damage!
The Fighter Perishes!
Y'shta gains 30 xp and 2 Weapon EXP

As she removes her blade from the fresh cadaver, Y'shta feels a sharp pulse pass through her head. The sensation quickly passes just as soon as it arrives.

"What are you louts just standing around for! We can't return to Arum empty handed, now can we? Hit the villages while you're at it."

Kiviuq uses a Speed Tonic. Speed +2 until end of battle!

http://i.imgur.com/4HOjLED.gif VS http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif
Lancer attacks Y'shta. Hit! Y'shta takes 1 damage!
Y'shta Retalliates. 80! Miss!
Y'shta Doubles! 39! Hit! Lancer takes 6 damage!
Y'shta gains 10 xp and 1 Weapon xp!

http://i.imgur.com/gAoPQ9O.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Myrmidon attacks Naobi
Myrmidon attacks! 76 Hit! Naobi takes 2 damage
Naobi Retalliates! 53 Hit! Myrmidon takes 14 damage
Myrmidon Doubles! 40 Hit! Naobi takes 2 damage

Brigand#3 reinforces on [M,1]

Turn 02


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
15/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

16/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Penelope LV 1 0/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 20/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 0/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 1 10/100 EXP
16/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 10 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 1/30

Y'shta LV 1 40/100 EXP
15/16 HP 12 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 10 Def 7 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 3/30

Naobi Lv 1 10/100 EXP
21/20+5 HP 16 Atk 94 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 10 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 1/30

Vesta LV 1 0/100 EXP
18/18 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8+2 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 0/30

Luna C

Luna LV 1 1/100 EXP
16/16 HP 10 Atk 101 Hit 20 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 6 Skl 8 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 8 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D

Vesta C

2017-01-29, 03:29 PM

In a figurative sense, Tinsley goes quietly along with his escort. In a literal sense, well...
Y'know, maybe my beastly mind doesn't know much, but isn't it quite a waste of resources to have this entire battalion escort me out of the city when I could very well fly out, the way I flew in? Though I suppose you religious folk have always been a few apples short of a bunch when it comes to reason or common sense.

Braylen holds his tongue, he knows now is not the time for trading petty insults, after all this was a mission given to him by his Righteousness himself. He silently continues to the gate, pretending as if the beastkin was mute.

As they reach the gate he signals the gate keeper to raise the door.

"You may be on your way now courier, if you have a soul somewhere deep down, I'll say a prayer for it."Braylen says as he motions the retinue to start heading back to the cathedral. Himself cursing in his head at the audacity beastkin have to dishonor the church. After all, they are kind enough to let them live, they should at least appreciate that.

Braylen and his retinue eventually make it back to the cathedral and as they enter inside. Braylen goes up and says a little prayer at the alter, and looks around for the pontiff.

2017-01-29, 07:18 PM
Turn 02

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/gAoPQ9O.gif
Luna attacks the Myrmidon
Lunna Attacks! 79 Hit! The Myrmidon perishes!
Luna gains 30 Exp and 2 Weapon Exp

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/4HOjLED.gif
Y'shta attacks the Lancer
Y'shta attacks! 67 Hit! The lancer takes 6 damage
The Lancer attacks! 87 Hit! Y'shta takes 1 damage
Y'shta attacks! 57 Hit! The lancer Perishes!
Y'shta gains 30 Exp and 2 Weapon Exp

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Penelope heals Naobi! Naobi gains 4 hp!
Penelope gains 15 Exp and 1 Weapon Exp

http://i.imgur.com/LvGqNlc.png VS http://i.imgur.com/CcDgwcy.gif
Archer attacks Alexander?(Keith)
Archer attacks! 18! Hit! Keith takes 6 damage.
Keith Retalliates! 40! Hit! Archer takes 6 damage.
Keith Doubles! 33! Hit! Archer takes 6 damage.
Keith gains 10 exp and 1 weapon exp.

Turn 03


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
15/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Penelope LV 1 15/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 19/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 1/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 1 20/100 EXP
10/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 10 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 2/30

Y'shta LV 1 70/100 EXP
14/16 HP 12 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 10 Def 7 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 5/30

Naobi Lv 1 10/100 EXP
25/20+5 HP 16 Atk 94 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 10 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 1/30

Vesta LV 1 0/100 EXP
18/18 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8+2 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 0/30

Luna C

Luna LV 1 31/100 EXP
16/16 HP 10 Atk 101 Hit 20 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 6 Skl 8 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 8 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D 2/30

Vesta C

2017-01-29, 08:11 PM
- Yesterday -

As Braylen enters the Pontiff's chambers, he bows before the pontiff signals him to rise.
"Filthy beasts. That they should grow so bold as to try and defile our holiest of holy places. And that those barbarians in Armath should grow so blaphemous as to send them here. Keep the package. I know not what it contains, but I have need of nothing from their ilk. But I digress. Tell me Father Webb, what did you think of Camlasant and his "Council?"

“My name is Marfisa. I am of the Weik tribe, and I work for your guard in Abundance. What are your names, and what business do you have here? I would love to join you, if that is at all possible.”

"Well, miss, you look like an honest lass and all, and I'd love to help ya out, but who comes with us ain't my decision to make. You'll have to go talk to the blokes at the church. Apparently some big shot commissioned us to travel with some expedition or some such," he looks back to her, "I dunno if any of that helps ya, but there you go. and uh...," the man takes another look at Marfisa, "Say, when I make it back, you mind getting some pastries from the market? I mean... you don't have to answer now. It'll be like a week..."

2017-01-29, 08:40 PM
- Yesterday -

As Braylen enters the Pontiff's chambers, he bows before the pontiff signals him to rise.
"Filthy beasts. That they should grow so bold as to try and defile our holiest of holy places. And that those barbarians in Armath should grow so blaphemous as to send them here. Keep the package. I know not what it contains, but I have need of nothing from their ilk. But I digress. Tell me Father Webb, what did you think of Camlasant and his "Council?"

"It would be an honor for me to give me my opinion your Righteousness."Braylen says giving a small bow.

"Camlasant seems to be an eccentric man, and the group he chose to complete his mission seems to be no less unique. Either way, I feel that we must investigate the missing scholar and his solution, if we wish to remove any shadow of a doubt on the cause of this pox. As for whether or not I would trust if this is the correct way to go about the situation, I can't give a strong opinion one way or the other your Righteousness." Braylen says trying to not say something to offend the pontiff.

2017-01-29, 09:00 PM
"It would be an honor for me to give me my opinion your Righteousness."Braylen says giving a small bow.

"Camlasant seems to be an eccentric man, and the group he chose to complete his mission seems to be no less unique. Either way, I feel that we must investigate the missing scholar and his solution, if we wish to remove any shadow of a doubt on the cause of this pox. As for whether or not I would trust if this is the correct way to go about the situation, I can't give a strong opinion one way or the other your Righteousness." Braylen says trying to not say something to offend the pontiff.


"An optimistic train of thought, Father Webb, but it is one that we do not share. This whole business with the Second Ascalonian Council is suspect. Why would Camlasant not simply send his own men to find the scholar? Why wouldn't the Scholasticate be more forthcoming with the scholar's location? No, there is something more going on here and I aim to get to the bottom of it. I need you to find them, to join them, Father Webb. You are to report their actions back to me on a regular basis. When they slip up, I will know, and then I can act to quell any dissent that threatens The Church and the nation. As for how you will catch up to them seeing as they've already departed, I hear rumors of a woman who rides a Pegasus being transferred to the guard. Seek her out, and request her aid. Here is a writ from me that the Grandian auditors will honor in exchange for a sum of one thousand gold. That should be enough to secure the aid of the rider. Now go, and know that I do not tolerate failure, Father Webb."

2017-01-29, 09:42 PM

"An optimistic train of thought, Father Webb, but it is one that we do not share. This whole business with the Second Ascalonian Council is suspect. Why would Camlasant not simply send his own men to find the scholar? Why wouldn't the Scholasticate be more forthcoming with the scholar's location? No, there is something more going on here and I aim to get to the bottom of it. I need you to find them, to join them, Father Webb. You are to report their actions back to me on a regular basis. When they slip up, I will know, and then I can act to quell any dissent that threatens The Church and the nation. As for how you will catch up to them seeing as they've already departed, I hear rumors of a woman who rides a Pegasus being transferred to the guard. Seek her out, and request her aid. Here is a writ from me that the Grandian auditors will honor in exchange for a sum of one thousand gold. That should be enough to secure the aid of the rider. Now go, and know that I do not tolerate failure, Father Webb."

"I understand your Righteousness, and rest assured that I will perform your request to the best of my ability. I assure you, failure is worse than death."Braylen says as he bows making his leave of the pontiff to go gather supplies for the journey.

Braylen heads to the chambers in the cathedral and gathers several of his personal belongings as well as some of his well worn cooking tools, along with various spices and other hard to come by ingredients.

"Blast, if I only I had been sent with the caravan. Then I would be able to bring my whole chest of supplies, but I guess I have to make due with just the essentials." The monk says to himself. While strange, since his wife's death cooking seems to be the one thing that makes him feel normal again. Maybe it reminds him of the days he would cook for his family, or simply that it distracts him from his problems. Either way, he doesn't think about it too much.

After telling one of the passing priests to relay his new prolonged absence to his ward, Braylen heads back to the cathedral entrance to wait for his transport.

2017-01-29, 11:10 PM
Y'shta let out a little growl as she felt the mask's energy ebb and flow, but shook it off as she continued forward. She engaged with the lancer, knowing full well the limitations of her chosen weapon, and yet slid through with a deft twirl and struck at the lancer's side, working with Luna to bring the enemy down. "Yes, good idea -- Naobi, Penelope, please back Vesta up and ensure that village is taken care of. Keith, Luna, come down with me and let's protect the townsfolk down here!"

She isn't even certain if she could be heard, but she couldn't stop just now, proceeding further. This was a little frightening to her -- the mask's power felt as if it brought her unnatural strength, unnatural endurance, but she could hear the devil's whispers behind it. It will strike with a curse of misfortune at the worst moment...

2017-01-30, 02:28 AM
Turn 03

https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png VS http://i.imgur.com/jljcS2q.gif
Vesta attacks! 67 Hit! Mercenary #3 takes 8 damage
Mercenary #3 attacks! 30! Hit! Vesta takes 4 damage
Vesta Doubles! 31 Hit! Mercenary #3 takes 8 damage
Mercenary #3 perishes.
Vesta gains 30exp and 2 weapon exp

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/jljcS2q.gif
Y'shta attacks! 43 Hit! Mercenary #1 takes 8 damage
Mercenary #3 attacks! 30! Hit! Vesta takes 0 damage
Y'shta Doubles! 18 Hit! Mercenary #1 takes 8 damage
Mercenary #1 perishes.
Y'shta gains 30exp and 2 weapon exp
Y'shta achieves Level 2!
+ Pow + Def + Res

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/CcDgwcy.gif
Luna attacks! 93 Miss!
Archer cannot retalliate.
Luna gains 1 xp.

http://i.imgur.com/CcDgwcy.gif VS. https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif
Archer attacks! 99 Miss!
Luna Retalliates! 10 Hit! The Archer perishes!
Luna gains 30 xp and 2 weapon exp

http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif VS https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif
Brigand #1 attacks Luna
Brigand #1 attacks! 74 Miss!
Luna retalliates! 48 Hit! Brigand #1 takes 9 damage.
Luna gains 10exp and 1 Weapon exp

http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Brigand #2 attacks Vesta
Brigand #2 attacks! 69 Miss!
Vesta retalliates! 4 Hit! Brigand #2 takes 7 damage
Vesta gains 10exp and 1 Weapon exp

Turn 04


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
7/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
9/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
15/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Penelope LV 1 15/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 19/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 1/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 1 20/100 EXP
16/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 10 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 2/30

Y'shta LV 2 0/100 EXP
14/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 5/30

Naobi Lv 1 10/100 EXP
25/20+5 HP 16 Atk 94 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 10 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 1/30

Vesta LV 1 40/100 EXP
14/18 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8+2 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 3/30

Luna C

Luna LV 1 72/100 EXP
16/16 HP 10 Atk 101 Hit 20 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 6 Skl 8 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 8 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D 5/30

Vesta C

2017-01-30, 06:10 AM
"Well, miss, you look like an honest lass and all, and I'd love to help ya out, but who comes with us ain't my decision to make. You'll have to go talk to the blokes at the church. Apparently some big shot commissioned us to travel with some expedition or some such," he looks back to her, "I dunno if any of that helps ya, but there you go. and uh...," the man takes another look at Marfisa, "Say, when I make it back, you mind getting some pastries from the market? I mean... you don't have to answer now. It'll be like a week..."

"...I understand. I will talk to the church." Bowing to Camlasant, she walked away.

After considering as to whether or not she should take this opportunity, Marfisa went to talk to the church. Surely assisting Camlasant in a mission would help bring her fame... and in that case, she didn't have to suffer through this prejudice much longer.

"...My name is Marfisa. I understand that Camlasant and a group of warriors are on an expedition. Could you please tell me what this expedition is about? And may I please join them?"

2017-01-30, 01:44 PM
As Braylen waited for the pegasus rider, a green haired woman in a white dress appeared before him.

"I guess you're the pegasus rider that has been assigned as my transport, I'm sorry but I expected someone a bit more ... armored." Braylen says sizing up his new travelling companion.

"Well either way, I'm Braylen Webb. A monk of the Seminarians College. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. As for the caravan, it is a mission of locating a missing scholar that may have a solution for the pox. They have already left, which is where you come in. You and me are tasked with flying ahead and meeting up with them, wherever they may be. After that, we are to join them and assist them in completing their task. Remember that if you accept this mission, you might not come back in one piece. If you are willing to accept that then I will assist you in grabbing any supplies you may need before we wish to set off." The monk says grabbing his belongings, waiting for a response from Marfisa.

2017-01-30, 03:58 PM
As Braylen waited for the pegasus rider, a green haired woman in a white dress appeared before him.

"I guess you're the pegasus rider that has been assigned as my transport, I'm sorry but I expected someone a bit more ... armored." Braylen says sizing up his new travelling companion.

"...I'm sorry." The words themselves are polite, but Marfisa does nothing to hide the sarcasm in her voice.

"Well either way, I'm Braylen Webb. A monk of the Seminarians College. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. As for the caravan, it is a mission of locating a missing scholar that may have a solution for the pox. They have already left, which is where you come in. You and me are tasked with flying ahead and meeting up with them, wherever they may be. After that, we are to join them and assist them in completing their task. Remember that if you accept this mission, you might not come back in one piece. If you are willing to accept that then I will assist you in grabbing any supplies you may need before we wish to set off." The monk says grabbing his belongings, waiting for a response from Marfisa.

"...I understand." Marfisa sighed. "Meet me at the stables. I hope that I meet your expectations."

After going to get some pastries from the market, Marfisa arrives at the stables, having changed from the non-combat attire that she wore into her suit of armor.
"Hello, Braylen. Nice to see you here." Frowning, she unleashed Griff and petted him once again. "And nice to see you too, Griff." She started to smile before turning her head away from Griff to face Braylen head on.

2017-01-30, 09:03 PM
Turn 04

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif
Luna attacks! 41 Hit! Brigand #1 dies.
Luna gains 30 exp and 2 weapon exp
Luna Levels up!
+ Pow + Spd + Res

http://i.imgur.com/LvGqNlc.png VS http://i.imgur.com/jljcS2q.gif
Keith Attacks! 18 Hit! Mercenary #2 takes 5 damage.
The mercenary can't retalliate.
Keith Doubles! 3 Hit! Mercenary #2 takes 5 damage.
Keith gains 10exp and 1 weapon exp

http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif
Naobi attacks! 96 Miss!
Brigand #2 retalliates! 3 Hit! Naobi takes 8 damage!
Naobi gains 1 exp.

Vesta visits the village!
"Thank you for warning us about the bandits, miss. They've been harrying us for months now. We hear that they're originally from Abundance. No idea what they're doing here. Take this for your trouble.
Vesta gains a Gold Bar.

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif
Penny Heals Y'shta
Y'shta gains 2 HP.
Penny gains 15 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/gAoPQ9O.gif
Y'shta attacks! 85 Hit!
Myrmidon #2 retalliates! 30 Hit! Y'shta takes 0 damage!
Y'shta earns 1 exp.

http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Bandit #2 attacks Vesta!
Bandit #2 attacks! 1 Hit! Vesta takes 9 damage!
Vesta Retalliates! 44 Hit! Bandit #2 takes 7 damage!
Vesta gains 10 exp and 1 Weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Brigand #3 attacks Naobi.
Brigand #3 attacks! 30 Hit! Naobi takes 8 damage!
Naobi retalliates. 84 Miss!
Naobi gains 1 exp

http://i.imgur.com/gAoPQ9O.gif VS https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif
Myrmidon #2 attacks Luna!
Myrmidon #2 attacks! 100 Miss!
Luna attacks! 11 Hit! The myrmidon takes 8 damage.
Luna gains 9exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/jljcS2q.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/LvGqNlc.png
Mercenary #2 attacks Alexander?(Keith)
Mercenary #2 Attacks! 44 Hit! Keith takes 10 damage!
Keith Retalliates! 1 Hit with 1 on the crit roll! Critical Hit! Mercenary #2 perishes.
Keith gains 30 exp and 2 weapon exp.


"Whoever's left get out there! We're getting beat back by a group less than half our size!"


"But boss, we ain't got nobody left but the dogs! Everyone else is back at base with Arum!"


"Blast it all to hell! Release the dogs then report back to Arum, and tell him I'll be there shortly. Looks like I'm gonna have to mix it up myself! But first, let's see how well they fare against our Hellspawn friends! Dinner's ready friends!"

Turn 05


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
7/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
2/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
7/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Wolf #1 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #2 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #3 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #4 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Penelope LV 1 30/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 18/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 2/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 1 60/100 EXP
6/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 10 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 5/30

Y'shta LV 2 1/100 EXP
16/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 7/30

Naobi Lv 1 12/100 EXP
9/20+5 HP 16 Atk 94 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 10 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 1/30

Vesta LV 1 50/100 EXP
5/18 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8+2 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Gold Bar

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 4/30

Luna C

Luna LV 2 11/100 EXP
16/16 HP 11 Atk 101 Hit 20 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 6 Skl 9 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 9 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D 8/30

Vesta C

2017-01-31, 03:24 AM
Before heading to the stables, Braylen went to the local vendors to check if they had anything that could come in handy in his future travels. After all, he did have 1000 gold from the pontiff to spend on supplies. After a short while he came across a vendor selling tomes, the only one Braylen could afford was shine, but it would do for now. With his new tome, Braylen left towards the stable examining his recent purchase.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Marfisa, and this is your loyal steed I assume."Braylen says bowing at both Marfisa and the pegasus.

"I will be the first to thank you for accepting this mission, especially with the knowledge of the risk involved. If you have any other questions, or things you wish to discuss now would probably be the time to ask before we leave. If not you can ask them once we hit the skies in pursuit of the caravan."Braylen says double checking his belongings making sure he hasn't forgotten anything.

2017-01-31, 06:01 AM
Before heading to the stables, Braylen went to the local vendors to check if they had anything that could come in handy in his future travels. After all, he did have 1000 gold from the pontiff to spend on supplies. After a short while he came across a vendor selling tomes, the only one Braylen could afford was shine, but it would do for now. With his new tome, Braylen left towards the stable examining his recent purchase.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Marfisa, and this is your loyal steed I assume."Braylen says bowing at both Marfisa and the pegasus.

"I will be the first to thank you for accepting this mission, especially with the knowledge of the risk involved. If you have any other questions, or things you wish to discuss now would probably be the time to ask before we leave. If not you can ask them once we hit the skies in pursuit of the caravan."Braylen says double checking his belongings making sure he hasn't forgotten anything.

...Better second impression. Let's see if he lives up to that.

"...Yes, this is my loyal steed. And you are welcome." Marfisa smiles again.

"I do not have anything to ask-at least not yet. If I do have questions, I will ask them later."

The man that had previously forced Marfisa to stable Griff chimes in. "...Now that you're done kissing up to each other, please get out."

2017-01-31, 04:48 PM
"Well if that's all for now then, let's make our way towards the caravan before they get out of our reach."Braylen said ignoring the stable worker and motioning towards the direction in which the caravan left.

As Braylen and Marfisa reached the proper gate out of town, he turned towards Marfisa.

"Well let's be off while the sun still shines on us."

2017-01-31, 04:51 PM
"Well if that's all for now then, let's make our way towards the caravan before they get out of our reach."Braylen said ignoring the stable worker and motioning towards the direction in which the caravan left.

As Braylen and Marfisa reached the proper gate out of town, he turned towards Marfisa.

"Well let's be off while the sun still shines on us."

"...Alright, yeah. Griff?" Marfisa saddles Griff and hops on his back.

"We'll see you off. Hop on."

2017-01-31, 04:55 PM
Braylen hops on the back of the pegasus, readying himself for the adventure ahead.

2017-01-31, 08:43 PM
Turn 05

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/gAoPQ9O.gif
Luna attacks! 23 Hit! Myrmidon #2 Perishes!
Luna gains 27 exp and 2 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif
Naobi attacks! 27 Hit! Brigand #2 perishes!
Naobi gains 30 exp and 2 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Bandit #3 attacks! 63 Miss!
Vesta Retalliates! 7 Hit! Bandit #2 takes 7 damage!
Vesta gains 10 exp and 1 Weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/LvGqNlc.png
Wolf #4 Attacks! 10 Hit! Keith takes 6 damage!
Keith Retalliates! 70 Hit! Wolf #4 takes 7 damage!
Keith gains 10 exp and 1 weapon exp.

Turn 06


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
7/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
2/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
9/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
7/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Wolf #1 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #2 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #3 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #4 Lv. 1
9/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Penelope LV 1 30/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 18/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 2/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 1 70/100 EXP
10/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 10 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 1/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 6/30

Y'shta LV 2 1/100 EXP
16/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 7/30

Naobi Lv 1 42/100 EXP
9/20+5 HP 16 Atk 94 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 10 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 3/30

Vesta LV 1 60/100 EXP
15/18 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8+2 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3
Gold Bar

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 5/30

Luna C

Luna LV 2 37/100 EXP
16/16 HP 11 Atk 101 Hit 20 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 6 Skl 9 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 9 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D 10/30

Vesta C

2017-02-01, 05:01 PM
Turn 06

Keith Visits the Village
"Hellspawn?! Thanks for the warning young man. Take this. It's a charm that we use in this village to ward off invaders, but we feel that you might need it more than us. Stay safe out there."
Keith recieves a Light Rune

http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/KzUU9yA.gif
Naobi attacks! 19 Hit! Brigand #3 perishes!
Naobi gains 30 exp and 2 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Penny heals Vesta! Vesta gains 3 hp!
Penny gains 15 xp and 1 weapon xp!

http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Wolf #2 Attacks! 28 Hit! Vesta takes 4 damage!
Vesta Retalliates! 39 Hit! Wolf #2 takes 9 damage!
Vesta gains 10 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/LvGqNlc.png
Wolf #4 Attacks! 51 Hit! Keith takes 6 damage!
Keith Retalliates! 47 Hit! Wolf #4 takes 7 damage!
Keith gains 10 exp and 1 weapon exp.

Turn 07


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
7/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
2/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
9/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
7/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Wolf #1 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #2 Lv. 1
7/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #3 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #4 Lv. 1
2/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Penelope LV 1 45/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 17/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 3/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 1 80/100 EXP
4/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 10 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 1/3
Light Rune

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 7/30

Y'shta LV 2 1/100 EXP
16/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 7/30

Naobi Lv 1 72/100 EXP
9/20+5 HP 16 Atk 94 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 10 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 5/30

Vesta LV 1 70/100 EXP
14/18 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8+2 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3
Gold Bar

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 6/30

Luna C

Luna LV 2 37/100 EXP
16/16 HP 11 Atk 101 Hit 20 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 6 Skl 9 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 9 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D 10/30

Vesta C

2017-02-02, 10:57 PM
Turn 07

http://i.imgur.com/LvGqNlc.png VS http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif
Alexander?(Keith) Attacks! 26 Hit! Wolf #4 Perishes.
Keith gains 30 exp and 2 weapon exp.
Keith levels to Level 2! He gains + Spd!

https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png VS http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif
Vesta Attacks! 85 Miss!
Wolf #2 Retalliates! 11 Hit! Vesta takes 4 damage!
Vesta gains 1 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Penny heals Vesta! Vesta gains 8 hp!
Penny gains 15 xp and 1 weapon xp!

http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Wolf #2 Attacks! 35 Hit! Vesta takes 4 damage!
Vesta Retalliates! 26 Hit! Wolf #2 perishes!
Vesta gains 30 exp and 2 weapon exp.
Vesta reaches Level 2! + HP + Pow + Skl + Spd

http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Wolf #1 Attacks! 52 Hit! Vesta takes 4 damage!
Vesta Retalliates! 29 Hit! Wolf #1 takes 10 damage!
Vesta gains 9 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/miPE1Kp.gif Talks to http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif


"That garb... You! You wouldn't happen to a tribeswoman of the plains would you? I'd recognize that style of garment anywhere. Did you too become a dog of Ascalon? Have you abandoned your pride? You may try and hide yourself behind that mask, but the spirits see all! However, I am in a forgiving mood and will give you but one warning. Join me and abandon your false Ascalonian masters! I am Kiviuq, last true survivor of the Tsosie tribe! I will bring the Ascalonians to heel and make them regret the disservice that they've done to our people throughout history. What do you say?"

Turn 08


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
7/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
2/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
9/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
7/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Wolf #1 Lv. 1
6/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #2 Lv. 1
7/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #3 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #4 Lv. 1
2/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Penelope LV 1 60/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 16/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 4/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 10/100 EXP
4/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 11 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 1/3
Light Rune

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 9/30

Y'shta LV 2 1/100 EXP
16/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 7/30

Naobi Lv 1 72/100 EXP
9/20+5 HP 16 Atk 94 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 10 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 5/30

Vesta LV 2 10/100 EXP
14/19 HP 12 Atk 106 Hit 26 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow 9+2 Skl 11 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3
Gold Bar

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 9/30

Luna C

Luna LV 2 37/100 EXP
16/16 HP 11 Atk 101 Hit 20 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 6 Skl 9 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 9 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D 10/30

Vesta C

2017-02-03, 07:00 PM

"That garb... You! You wouldn't happen to a tribeswoman of the plains would you? I'd recognize that style of garment anywhere. Did you too become a dog of Ascalon? Have you abandoned your pride? You may try and hide yourself behind that mask, but the spirits see all! However, I am in a forgiving mood and will give you but one warning. Join me and abandon your false Ascalonian masters! I am Kiviuq, last true survivor of the Tsosie tribe! I will bring the Ascalonians to heel and make them regret the disservice that they've done to our people throughout history. What do you say?"

Y'shta let out a little snarl to challenge, thrusting her blade forward, "Is this your idea of pride? Our ancestors would never stoop to cruel banditry. What good does preying on the helpless do? Feed not on the disenfranchised! Or are you too fearful to fight those actually in power?"

2017-02-03, 07:19 PM
Turn 08

http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif
Naobi attacks! 74 Hit! Wolf #1 perishes!
Naobi gains 30 exp and 2 weapon exp!
Naobi achieves level 2! + Skl

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Penny heals Naobi! Naobi gains 10 hp!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon xp!

Keith drinks a vulnerary!
Keith heals 10 HP!

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/miPE1Kp.gif


"You are naive! The Ascalonians are like a plague, all of them! They destroy everything we hold dear. Everything I held dear! I wasn't strong enough to protect it from them, but I'll get strong enough. I'll get so strong I'll see their cathedral shattered like the fairy tales they tell of their old castle. And this is the means to my ends. I hoped you could understand that, as a fellow tribesman. But instead you chose to answer me with your blade. So be it, I will show you the might of a true Tribesman!"

Y'shta attacks! 60 Hit! Kiviuq takes 11 damage!
Kiviuq retalliates! 42 Hit! Y'shta takes 8 damage!
Y'shta gains 11 xp and 1 weapon exp!

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/miPE1Kp.gif


"So you're a wielder of the tome as well then. I look forward to testing my might against yours!"

Luna attacks! 23 Hit! Kiviuq falls!
Luna gains 74 exp and 2 weapon exp.
Luna attains Level 3! + Pow + Spd


"Gaah! To meet my end here... Arum..."


"Sorry friend, but today isn't your day to die!"


"Arum?! What are you doing here!"

"Once the messenger you sent reached me, I dropped what I was doing and had Petra carry me on her wyvern! Now, let us be off! There's no need to continue fighting a losing battle!"

"Thanks.... This isn't the last you've seen of me, dogs of Ascalon. Next time, I won't be so careless!"

http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Wolf #3 Attacks! 74 Hit! Naobi takes 3 damage!
Naobi Retalliates! 26 Hit! Wolf #3 takes 14 damage!
Wold #3 Doubles! 1 Hit! Naobi takes 3 damage!
Naobi gains 9 exp and 1 weapon exp.

Turn 09


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
7/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
2/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
9/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
7/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Wolf #1 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #2 Lv. 1
7/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #3 Lv. 1
2/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #4 Lv. 1
2/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Penelope LV 1 76/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 15/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 5/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 10/100 EXP
14/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 11 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 9/30

Y'shta LV 2 12/100 EXP
8/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 8/30

Naobi Lv 2 11/100 EXP
13/20+5 HP 16 Atk 96 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 11 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 8/30

Vesta LV 2 10/100 EXP
14/19 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow 9+2 Skl 11 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3
Gold Bar

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 9/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 11/100 EXP
16/16 HP 12 Atk 101 Hit 22 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 9 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Concoction 2/2

Weapon Ranks Tome D 12/30

Vesta C

2017-02-03, 08:46 PM
"Naive?!" Y'shta grimaced as the two exchanged blows, and she fell back to the power of the man's tome, but not without delivering a strike of her own. She gasped, the mask shimmering with power for a moment. "You should know that accelerationism always hurts the weak and powerless first...!"

She nodded at Luna when she stepped in to provide support, but grimaced as Kiviuq's friend popped up to sweep him away. "W-wait! Ugh...." she clutched at her side, and glanced up. "Better make sure Vesta and Naobi are doing all right..." She strode up.

2017-02-04, 10:18 AM
Keith pushes his way out of one last patch of forest just in time to see the bandit leader whisked away on a wyvern. "Godammit," he growls. "They always get away, don't they."

With a sigh, he begins walking after Y'shta and Luna, picking pieces of detritus out of his clothes along the way.

2017-02-04, 03:13 PM
Turn 09

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Penny heals Naobi! Naobi gains 10 hp!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon xp!

http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Wolf #3 Attacks! 37 Hit! Vesta takes 4 damage!
Vesta gains 1 exp.

Turn 010


23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
7/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
2/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
9/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
7/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Wolf #1 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #2 Lv. 1
7/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #3 Lv. 1
2/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #4 Lv. 1
2/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Penelope LV 1 92/100 EXP
HP 16/16 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 2 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 8 Res
Heal 14/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 6/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 10/100 EXP
14/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 11 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 9/30

Y'shta LV 2 12/100 EXP
8/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 8/30

Naobi Lv 2 11/100 EXP
23/20+5 HP 16 Atk 96 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 11 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 8/30

Vesta LV 2 11/100 EXP
10/19 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow 9+2 Skl 11 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3
Gold Bar

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 9/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 11/100 EXP
16/16 HP 12 Atk 101 Hit 24 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 9 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Concoction 2/2

Weapon Ranks Tome D 12/30

Vesta C

2017-02-04, 11:35 PM
Turn 09

Y'shta visits the house!
"That's a pretty large commotion going on out there. Is it those bandits again? I hear their lieutennant and their commander are both tome wielders. This should help you with keeping things quiet around here."
Y'shta gains Res Tonic.

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Penny heals Vesta! Vesta gains 9 hp!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon xp!
Penelope attains Level 2! +HP +Skl + Def

https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png VS http://i.imgur.com/lEuDyyV.gif
Vesta attacks! 67 hit! Wolf #3 perishes!
Vesta gains 26 exp and 2 weapon exp



23/18+5HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #1
7/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2
2/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #3
9/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 12 Avoid 2+5 Crit
8 Pow 4 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

10/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Myrmidon #1
1/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit

Myrmidon #2
7/15HP 8 Atk 97 Hit 20 Avoid 3+5 Crit
4 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 1 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Mercenary #2
16/16HP 14 Atk 97 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Mercenary #3
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

4/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Kiviuq Lv. 3 [Boss]
18/18 HP 16 Atk 88 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 1 Crit Dodge
9 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 4 Res
Fimbuveltr [7mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]
Concoction 2/2

Arum B

Wolf #1 Lv. 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #2 Lv. 1
7/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #3 Lv. 1
2/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Wolf #4 Lv. 1
2/16 HP 10 Atk 100 Hit 20 Avoid 5 Crit
5 Pow 10 Skl 10 Spd 2 Def 0 Res 7 Move
Fiery Fang [5 mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Penelope LV 2 8/100 EXP
HP 16/17 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 3 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Heal 13/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 7/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 10/100 EXP
14/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 11 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 9/30

Y'shta LV 2 12/100 EXP
8/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 8/30

Naobi Lv 2 11/100 EXP
23/20+5 HP 16 Atk 96 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 11 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 8/30

Vesta LV 2 37/100 EXP
10/19 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow 9+2 Skl 11 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3
Gold Bar

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 11/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 11/100 EXP
16/16 HP 12 Atk 101 Hit 24 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 9 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Concoction 2/2

Weapon Ranks Tome D 12/30

Vesta C

- - - - - - - - - - - -

As the last of the hellspawn falls, you notice a figure in the sky approaching you. After a moment, the figure lands revealing a majestic pegasus carrying a small woman, and a monk with a scar on his face.

2017-02-05, 12:12 AM
Y'shta nods towards the villager inside and bows her head in thanks. "Lay low and lock your door -- we should be done soon, but there's no point in risking it.'

She stepped outside and found that the sounds of combat had just about ended; she made another pace around to check up on Vesta and Naobi, and eventually caught up with everyone. "Great work, everyone -- and thank you, Keith, Vesta, Naobi, for ensuring the safety of the villagers. And thank you for healing and supporting me in the battle with that bandit, Penny, Luna."

She looked up and squinted, seeing the familiar sight of a pegasus. "Who...?"

2017-02-05, 12:23 AM
Luna curiously stares at the hellspawn corpses. The professor mentioned these... 'mauthe doogs', or colloquially 'dire wolves'... did the bandits have them trained? It seems impossible, but...

As she wandered toward them, she nearly didn't see the pegasus landing in her path and almost collided with it. "Oh, forgive me; I hadn't seen you there." ...Wait. Why'd this pegasus rider land here, of all places? And based on the look on the rider's face, as well as her passenger's... "Excuse me, were you looking for us?"

2017-02-05, 12:39 AM
"Ah yes, introductions are in order. I was one of the monks assigned to protect Camlasant. Afterwords the church saw fit to assign me to help in your quest. But where are my manners, I know your names but you haven't heard mine. I am Braylen Webb. At your service." Braylen says giving a small bow looking around at the bodies littered around the now peaceful field.

"It seems you've been through an ordeal, it's good to see that you all made it through in one piece. Sorry we weren't here to aid in the fight."

2017-02-05, 04:06 AM
God damn it

Why is it that by the time I get to answer any posts directed at me, other people have long since posted...

"...And my name is Marfisa. I hope you recognize me." She bows.

"Camlasant, you recall your request for pastries?" Marfisa takes out the pastries. "I have them here. I apologize that I was not here earlier."

2017-02-05, 04:28 AM
Y'shta rubbed at her chin for a moment, before nodding slowly. "I see. There was certainly more resistance than expected, and the caravan's position is now known to them. I thank you both for your assistance; reinforcements are much appreciated."

She bowed courteously, and began heading towards where they camped for the night, in order to help the group pack up their supplies so they could get back on the road.

Emperor Demonking
2017-02-05, 06:15 AM
Naob gave he healer a pat on the back, "Cor, we couldn't have done it wthout you. Without anyone really. That was rather close."

"Ah, so you got permission. Glad to have you. To be able to travel the world from the sky must be a very useful skill to have." Says Naobi to Marifsa as a hint of awe escapes into his voice.

2017-02-05, 08:38 AM
"Ah, so you got permission. Glad to have you. To be able to travel the world from the sky must be a very useful skill to have." Says Naobi to Marifsa as a hint of awe escapes into his voice.

"...I love flying. The feel of the breeze against your skin... The view, knowing you are miles above the world..." She smiles mischievously. "Of course, you don't know that feeling. Doubt that you are ever going to."

Marfisa followed Y'shta down to camp.

"...So, I understand that you are a fellow tribeswoman? It feels good to see another of my kin. What is your name? What tribe are you from?"

2017-02-05, 01:57 PM
Vesta finishes cleaning off her lance and joins the now-expanded group. Looks like some distinguished company appeared... time to dust off the old social formalities again.

"...Well, let's hope the rest of our journey ai-- is not nearly so eventful. How did everyone fare? Are we all yet whole?"

"Father Braylen, Lady Marfisa, welcome. Happy to-- er, we shall be glad of your support in the coming days."

Later, Vesta will find some semi-private time with Luna on the road.

"Hey, how are you holding up? That was your first time in real combat, wasn't it? Against real people to boot.
I mean, I remember the first time I saw a bad street fight; couldn't sleep properly for a whole month... You gonna be okay?"

2017-02-05, 02:32 PM
"Father Braylen, Lady Marfisa, welcome. Happy to-- er, we shall be glad of your support in the coming days."[/COLOR]

"...Lady?" Marfisa blushes. She had never been called a lady before.

2017-02-05, 05:17 PM
"Ah...hello." Keith looks at the two confused. "So, Father, Marfisa, was there any particular reason the church thought that we needed more help?"

2017-02-05, 05:23 PM
"Yes... my name is Y'shta -- I am from the White Wind tribe," Y'shta responded to Marfisa with a bow of her head. She chuckled to say, "Seeing a pegasus reminds me of my younger sister... she took to flight much better than I ever could, in our childhood."

2017-02-05, 06:04 PM
"Yes... my name is Y'shta -- I am from the White Wind tribe," Y'shta responded to Marfisa with a bow of her head. She chuckled to say, "Seeing a pegasus reminds me of my younger sister... she took to flight much better than I ever could, in our childhood."

"I see." Marfisa smiles. "Well, I hope that you don't expect me to fill that gap. I've never really been a good friend." She chuckles.

"Ah...hello." Keith looks at the two confused. "So, Father, Marfisa, was there any particular reason the church thought that we needed more help?"

"You would have to ask Braylen. All I did was go back and ask for permission to join this party. I have no idea as to why the church felt that you needed the help."

2017-02-05, 07:24 PM
Vesta finishes cleaning off her lance and joins the now-expanded group. Looks like some distinguished company appeared... time to dust off the old social formalities again.

"...Well, let's hope the rest of our journey ai-- is not nearly so eventful. How did everyone fare? Are we all yet whole?"

"Father Braylen, Lady Marfisa, welcome. Happy to-- er, we shall be glad of your support in the coming days."

"No need to use such formalities with me, please speak in whatever manner you feel most comfortable using." Braylen says noticing the several small slips in Vesta's speech.

"Ah...hello." Keith looks at the two confused. "So, Father, Marfisa, was there any particular reason the church thought that we needed more help?"

"Well as you've already scene, the path we now follow will be filled with peril. The church felt that there is safety in numbers and that is why they decided to send us to help bolster your ranks."

As the group begins to travel forward, Braylen takes stock of the supplies inside of the caravan and jots it down in one of his several leather bound journals. Inside he brings out another journal, this one more well worn then the others. The contents of this journal were more then a handful of recipes that he made with his family throughout the years. In case they needed to camp out, he already planned out several things he could make to keep the group having a hearty, well-rounded meal.

2017-02-05, 07:48 PM
Y'shta raised an eyebrow to ask Marfisa, "Why do you say that?"

2017-02-05, 10:16 PM
Y'shta raised an eyebrow to ask Marfisa, "Why do you say that?"

"...I've never been very good at this "being polite" thing. If my tongue cuts through your heart, don't be surprised."

2017-02-05, 10:59 PM
Y'shta let out a curt little laugh to say, "Duly noted. But, I'd rather you speak your mind freely around me. I don't mind. In the White Wind, we welcome discourse."

2017-02-05, 11:40 PM
Later, Vesta will find some semi-private time with Luna on the road.

"Hey, how are you holding up? That was your first time in real combat, wasn't it? Against real people to boot.
I mean, I remember the first time I saw a bad street fight; couldn't sleep properly for a whole month... You gonna be okay?"

"Ah...I've studied my fair share of corpses at the Scholasticate; I've grown tolerant of the gruesomeness, both in appearance and smell.

"However...I overheard that man, the apparent leader, mention that he was the last of his tribe. Had he perished, any knowledge he might have held, about his tribe or any number of other things, could have been lost forever. What, then, stops those we have slain from also possessing knowledge that the world may no longer know due to their death? Unless communing with the dead becomes possible, we may never know for sure."

Luna sighs. "But...I'll be alright. Thank you for your concern, Vesta."

2017-02-06, 05:14 PM
The sun crests over the horizon as the caravan reaches the city of Elaid's Moor. Though it is stopped at the checkpoint leading into the city, the driver of the lead wagon produces a scroll that seems to convince the first set of checkpoint guards. The second are similarly convinced by a handy bag of lucre in lieu of the scroll that the first set kept. Nevertheless, the caravan proceeds through the checkpoints and into the city proper. A crier waits at the entrance, the leaflets in his hands advertising one of the many establishments in the city. "Welcome travelers! To the Jewel of Ascalon!" he shouts to any and all who pass. The main thoroughfare is lined with buildings with signage all advertising their contents. If one ever wanted to do any shopping for esoteric goods, this would be the place.

"This is where you get off, friends. The streets here are too packed with people this time of day to navigate our wagons through," the caravan driver says as he looks back to the party. True to his word, the streets are packed with throngs of people flitting from building to building. It is a sight wholly unlike the measured order found in Midean proper. People move throughout the streets, each moving at their own schedule, and not to the schedule of the city itself. The sight of Beastkin roaming free and mingling with the general populace also lies in stark contrast to Midean. Winged beastkin flit about from place to place, sometimes carrying packages, other times just attending to their business. As the party begins to disembark from the carriage they were in, the driver once more speaks up. "The Scholasticate is where you fellas should begin your search for your scholar's assistant. You can find it by heading to the huge tower that overlooks the city. The clock tower that is, and not the lighthouse."

The Scholasticate is composed of a sprawling campus with various buildings serving different purposes. Some house the students and faculty that spend their waking hours in the pursuit of knowledge, others serve as lecture halls for the dissemination of that knowledge, and yet other's serve to serve the spirits of and to the residents. At the heart of the campus, the Scholasticate's clock tower stands to keep everything moving to the machinations of it's gears. Visible throughout the city, the clock tower serves as the primary method in which the populace keeps track of time. Some could say that the campus of the Scholasticate is in essence it's own ward of the city, and in some respects they'd be correct. A student could potentially spend all his time within the campus and not a moment outside in the city proper. Within a few hours, you manage to make your way through the heavy crowds and to the Scholasticate campus, the sun's light all but faded as the moon begins to take its place in the heavens.


"You seek entry into the Scholasticate? At this time of day?" the guard asks. "Can it wait until morning? We're under strict orders only to let students and faculty in and out of the campus after the sun sets. Security reasons, you see."

Emperor Demonking
2017-02-06, 05:49 PM
Naobi looked in awe at the city. He was no rural bumpkin, having spent his entire life in th Capitol. Yet that did not prepare him for this crown. Providing Luna was willing to lead, then Naobi was willing to follow as he avoided losing himself in the space.

At the soldier's unwillingness to let them pass, Naobi bit his tongue. He would allow someone more practiced in these things - perhaps the monk - to explain their purpose.

2017-02-06, 06:00 PM
Luna steps forward. "I am indeed a student. We are here under orders from the Second Ascalonian Council to look into Professor Bryant's disappearance and were told that his assistant, Chelt, may know where he has gone. Delaying our search could prove fatal for the professor, should he be in danger. Please stand aside."

2017-02-06, 06:41 PM
Penny gives the guard her best doe eyes.
"Please sir, it's very important. If you can't let us in, can you go get the professor?"

2017-02-06, 06:43 PM
Y'shta similarly stood back as she took in the city's sights to let Luna explain, believing her academic and scholastic credit to be a bigger boon here than anything she could offer.

2017-02-06, 06:48 PM
Luna steps forward. "I am indeed a student. We are here under orders from the Second Ascalonian Council to look into Professor Bryant's disappearance and were told that his assistant, Chelt, may know where he has gone. Delaying our search could prove fatal for the professor, should he be in danger. Please stand aside."

The guards shoot each other a look before shrugging and stepping aside.

"Aye that Second Council business sounds familliar. You may pass. Welcome back to the Scholasticate Ma'am. I don't know where to find who you're looking for, but you can try the dormitories if you'd like. That's where most everyone would be at this time of day. Well, either there or at the tavern. Barring that, you could always head the Headmaster's residence, but I don't know if they'll let you through. Good luck finding Bryant. Me and him go ways back."

2017-02-06, 08:02 PM
"Thank you." Luna strides on through. When I left, I had imagined I would be gone...longer. Fate is strange indeed to send me back so soon.

"I recommend that Naobi, Alexander, and Father Braylen search for Chelt at the tavern. The rest of us can look for her at the girls' dormitories. Return here in an hour; if neither group finds her, we can attempt to gain entry to the Headmaster's office."

2017-02-06, 08:11 PM
Y'shta gave it some thought for a moment, thinking, Is Luna from this academy? The guard said, 'welcome back...'

She headed along, nodding at that plan, though she pointed, "Will my sense of dress be any problem? I would hope not, but I do not know how they receive tribespeople here..."

2017-02-06, 08:59 PM
Keith looks around for a moment confused, and then perks up. "Oh, yeah, definitely. I'm happy to go and check the tavern. I could use a drink anyway."

John Cribati
2017-02-06, 11:16 PM
Paperwork was a nightmare. Tinsley almost wished he'd never learned to write. Granted, it was wort it in order to remove the Midean Grand Cathedral from the official customer list of every courier service that employed Beastkin.

Which, incidentally, was a surprisingly large amount.

After that, he'd had to deliver the proof of receipt to the Sender, which meant heading back to the Scholasticate. And no, he wasn't sure why a student wanted to deliver a package to the Cathedral, nor did he care what was in said package. He was getting paid to fly places, not ask questions.

The fact that Tinsley knew this particular student was a mage in training, and had come up with a prototype for a magical weapon that he had dubbed a "wind mine?" Irrelevant.

The fact that he had helped the student fill the box with glitter and shredded parchment along with said wind mine? Also irrelevant.

It was really too bad they hadnt let him stick around to see what would happen.

Okay, they might have executed him on the spot, but it would have probably been worth it.

In any case, his delivery had been completed, and he was headed home.

He idly thought of finding someone to bother, but he was a bit tired from his round-trip flight.

He decides to head home, un-transformed and on foot.

2017-02-06, 11:30 PM
"Thank you for the advice my friend, we will try our best to be back as soon as possible." Braylen says grabbing his bag.

Braylen takes in the various sights of the city, admiring the wide variety of things to see. Although beastkin littered the streets, Braylen was able to look past the nuisance and appreciate what the city is doing. The monk was intrigued at the various spices and tools he could be able to pick up in the various shops littered about the streets. Braylen made sure to take notes of several points of interests that he may visit later.

Braylen just stood back and let Luna get the group into the campus grounds and made sure to take notes of the guards suggested areas of interest.

"I agree Luna, we can cover more ground if we split up into two groups. I too wouldn't mind getting a drink Alexander." Braylen says looking around for any telltale signs of a tavern.

After several minutes of asking around, Braylen and the rest of his group find the tavern and enter. Hoping to get some information, and maybe some rest and relaxation along with it.

2017-02-07, 12:40 AM
Vesta trails a little behind Luna, craning her neck to admire the passing architecture as they cross the campus. Of course, it's hard to see much in the dark, but her night vision isn't bad for a human. The icy moonlight lends an air of eerie elegance, for one whose closest exposure to academia has been Luna's bookshelves.

"So this is where you've been living for the past two years, huh? Nice, nice~! Not quite how I imagined seeing the Scholasticate, but this is almost like gettin' a private tour! Lots of blind corners for, hmhm, study sessions with the boys. Or do you prefer girls? That's fine too, hear it's a growing trend for young cityfolk~"

Though her airheaded banter is completely sincere, it belies the fact that Vesta's mind is processing the campus's defenses, vulnerabilities, and ambush points just as efficiently as it's constructing fantasies about her little sister's nonexistent love-life. Any spot suited for a romantic liaison would serve a mugger or assassin's purposes just as well - a way of thinking that had been drilled into her quite thoroughly even before her first patrols.

"Hey, come to think of it..."

At another point in the trek, Vesta turns to address the two tribeswomen in their company, casually walking backwards to face them.

"Y'shta, Marfisa, how're you two holding up? The city is kinda overwhelming after growing up in the Abundance, isn't it? Grew up on a farm m'self; been in Midean for quite a while now, but at first it was quite a shock! Holler if there's anything we can help you with!"

2017-02-07, 01:38 AM
After a small search for the tavern, the group comes across a small wooden fence labelled “The Other Side of Library” in front of a large stone building. Upon entering the building, immediately the group can hear the sounds of an out of tune lutenist playing alongside of a young maiden singing to entertain the masses. The smell of alcohol fills the room alongside a mass of patrons who are varied in their levels of inebriation. Almost in competition with the musicians, the conversations of the people make it hard to hear what the man next to you is saying unless you try to match the volume of the rest of the tavern. Adorning the walls are weapons ranging from axes to tomes, shields, heads of various animals, and paintings that one normally would find tacky. In one corner there is a suit of old plate armor, in the other is a bookshelf filled with as many knick-knacks as there are dusty books on there. Lighting the tavern are several overhead chandeliers with various colored glasses to give the bar a gaudy multi-colored lighting. There are several booths, or tables a patron of the bar may sit at if they wish to be seated with a group, but for the more social students there are stools in front of the tavern keeper’s counter. Behind him there is an enormous amount of casks giving the customers more options than one would be able to go through in a week of frequenting the location.


"Welcome! Can I get you guys a table?"

2017-02-07, 04:55 AM
Y'shta nodded gently at Vesta, with a quiet smile on her face. "I admit that there is much to see, but I suppose I have long been groomed to deal with diplomatic visits and take into regard cultural differences..." She waved a little dismissively with her hand. "That said, I do think that there was quite a lot to see in Midean. Elaid's Moor will be no less, I suspect..."

2017-02-07, 12:42 PM
"Y'shta, Marfisa, how're you two holding up? The city is kinda overwhelming after growing up in the Abundance, isn't it? Grew up on a farm m'self; been in Midean for quite a while now, but at first it was quite a shock! Holler if there's anything we can help you with!"

"...It's overwhelming, but in a good way. So many different types of people in the same place... It's very exciting.

Marfisa agreed to search within the girl's dormitory.

2017-02-07, 05:02 PM
Braylen was confused at the gaudiness of the bar, wondering what kind of owner would add so many things to their tavern. The taverns Braylen were accustomed to were usually more plain and simply were there to just serve alcohol. While the monks and clerics had their own winery, Braylen never would have considered a building like this to be associated with a college.


"Welcome! Can I get you guys a table?"

"Ah yes, a table would be much appreciated. Also if I may ask, have you seen a woman named Chelt? She's fair skinned with short green hair and blue eyes. But either way, I could use an ale." Braylen says gibing a small courteous bow. Following the bar maiden to the assigned table keeping a look out for Chelt.

Emperor Demonking
2017-02-07, 06:04 PM
Naobi considered the monk's question a good one, as he silently followed. He looked around the bar. He took a moment to judge the quality of the weapons, but otherwise kept his eyes open for what he would think - based on what they know of her - would be Chelt's peers.

2017-02-07, 08:52 PM
A cool sea breeze blows across the grounds as the girls travel from the gate to the girl's dormitories; the fires from the lanterns illuminating the pathways flickering in the nighttime air. The campus remains mostly quiet at this time of night with only the occasional scholar moving to and fro, tomes in hand. The girl's dormitory is identified by the wooden sign hung outside it's entryway. Dubbed Lilat's Lodge, the building is surprisingly modest, bearing a subdued style architecture unlike that found in the rest of the city. A plaque on the outside of the dormitory's facade once listed the name of the builders, likely contractors from a land far away, but the winds of time have since eroded the stone edifice. Right past the door, the main hall was decorated in purple carpets and furniture, the opulence standing in sharp contrast to the outside appearance. The woman behind the desk perks up on hearing the bell attached to the door ring, her gaze quickly looking over the new arrivals. The makeshift nametag on the counter reading, Bela in flowery print.


"Luna is that you? I thought you had left to go onto your field study? Got a little... 'Tomesick?'" The girl snickered, clearly proud of herself for that one. "Who are your firends?"

2017-02-07, 08:56 PM
Y'shta followed courteously, perhaps a little in awe at the kind of money and time that had been sunk into a proper place of learning. She'd yearned, from a young age, to be able to study, but that was not her lot in life. She raised her eyebrow gently at the pun, shaking her head with a half-smile. "... a friend, Luna?" She looked back to Bela. "My name is Y'shta; it is nice to make your acquaintance," she said with a brief bow.

2017-02-07, 09:09 PM

"The pleasure is all ours! Or mine, since everyone else is either asleep or out at the moment. 'The 'Moor' the merrier as they say! Your clothes are pretty interesting though, I've seen none like them. You from the Foreign Quarter? I hear other lands have the nicest clothes, but I never have the coin to purchase some whenever i get the chance to visit the Grand Exchange."

"I may have seen such a person. You'll have to order some drinks before I say anything though," she says playfully passing out a leather bound drink menu. The drinks are almost entirely imported, much to your surprise; their names littered with things such as Storan Surprise, The Thundershot, and Raeus Rum. A curiosity given it's own danger indicator on the menu is the Wraith of Emnor, a spirit so pure, so vile that it's said to open up a pit for the Hellspawn themselves right in your stomach!

2017-02-07, 09:54 PM
Luna sighs, but leaves the puns otherwise uncommented. "Hello, Bela. Do you know where Chelt is right now? Professor Bryant's assistant?"

2017-02-07, 10:08 PM
Keith takes one look at the list of drinks before setting the menu down with a wince. "Those are all a little upmarket for me. Just gimme the darkest beer you've got."

2017-02-08, 01:00 AM

"Chelt? I believe you just missed her. She was gathering her stuff together in a hurry. When I asked her where she was going she just said that she had some business to attend to and ran off. You could probably ask Headmistress Isoltt, though I doubt she's taking visitors at this time of night. Or you could check the library. She's always in the library. Or maybe ask Professor Bryant, though I haven't seen him around lately. Or you could ask the Astrologer! I hear she's in town for a spell and is able to read fortunes and do divinations like no one's business! Or..."

Her suggestions continue without end.


The barmaid nods and heads over to the counter. She talks with the bartender for a bit before he nods and pours three mugs and hands them to the barmaid who lingers a bit talking to the patrons at the bar before dropping off the drinks, a hooded figure in tow. The barmaid sets down the drinks before giving one last nod to the hooded figure before heading off to serve other patrons. The figure stumbles a bit awkwardly as they take a seat next to you guys.


"I... uh... I hear you're looking for m... this Chelt person. Well... they're not here. They uh, took a ship somewhere else. Them and Professor Bryant and uh... Aren't coming back! (Yeah, let's go with that...)"

"So I'd advise you guys to give up your search and go home. Yeah. Well..."

2017-02-08, 01:34 AM
"The Foreign... Quarter? No, I suppose I am not... though, thank you," Y'shta replied, before blinking as she started to suggest various places, looking towards Luna with a look that says 'we should probably go before we waste time'. "We just missed her, you say... then perhaps the boys might have run into her."

2017-02-08, 01:35 AM
Penny listens patiently to the stream of suggestions from the punny student. Her expression friendly but fraying with anxiety.

2017-02-08, 01:49 AM
Vesta does her best to stifle her laughter while Bela proffers her suggestions... Naturally, the dam doesn't hold long.

"Pfft... Hmhmhm... BwaaHAHAHAHAHA! 'Tomesick!' Ahahahaha... ha... That was a good one, heehee... Oh, I've got one! If Chelt might be in the library, let's book it there! Hahaha~"

The social temperature in the room drops about twenty degrees. Vesta collects herself with a slight shiver.

"Erm, yes. Well, it was nice to meet you, Ms. Bela. I see my little sister has made at least one good friend here, however hard she tries otherwise. Luna, this is your home turf; where should we visit next?"

2017-02-08, 02:32 AM
"While it is a tempting offer to try these exotic drinks, I'll just go with whatever ale you have in season. After all we still have someone to find, but maybe we'll be back to try something later."Braylen says taking his seat, hoping that if they at least don't find the woman they will at least have a good tasting pint.

Braylen notices the bar maiden heading over with their mugs and a hooded stranger following behind.

The barmaid sets down the drinks before giving one last nod to the hooded figure before heading off to serve other patrons. The figure stumbles a bit awkwardly as they take a seat next to you guys.


"I... uh... I hear you're looking for m... this Chelt person. Well... they're not here. They uh, took a ship somewhere else. Them and Professor Bryant and uh... Aren't coming back! (Yeah, let's go with that...)"

"So I'd advise you guys to give up your search and go home. Yeah. Well..."
It wouldn't be the first time Braylen had to deal with a nervous student trying to make up a story, he could tell she was lying but about what was yet to be determined. Either way, he knew he had to probe for more information.

"Ah yes Chelt leaving sounds most unfortunate, but at the very least we get to talk to you. Please order a drink, it would be rude of us to enjoy ours without you having one of your own. And while you're at it, please remove your hood. This place is stuffy and warm. Ahh I'm sorry madam where are my manner's? This old man has just been rambling on without asking for your name?"Braylen says tasting the ale the bar maiden brought over for him. The monk opens his satchel and pulls out a journal and a quill.

"Chelt I assume, is this place unsafe or do you think someone is spying on you?"Writing on a blank page before sliding the book and quill to the hooded woman sitting at their table.

Emperor Demonking
2017-02-08, 05:50 AM
Naobi gave a good nod to Keith as he had a similar reaction to some of the fancier drinks offered. He was glad that the two of them had similar tastes to his own as he was confident that the girl's would have similar tastes. Well apart from the Mage, she presumably drinks here.

As the drinks and stranger arrived, Naobi took a large drink as he listened to the stranger's tale, "They went together?"

2017-02-08, 06:02 AM
...So chatty. It's kind of annoying. And it's not like we're feeling all that comfortable right now...

Marfisa frowns. Well, looks like they're not getting anywhere tonight. At least the men might find something.

2017-02-08, 05:57 PM

"I'm good. I don't need a drink," she says taking the notebook and the Quill. "I apologize for not lowering my hood, but... I'm self conscious you see and...," her words trail as she begins writing in the journal. She quickly scrawls a message, occasionally looking up and around before setting back to writing. Passing the notebook back to the three in front of her the message reads:

"Who are you and for whom do you work?"

Meanwhile outside the girls' dormitory, figures gather in the night.


"Here's the dormitory, ma'am. You know, you're not the first people to come looking for Professor Bryant or his assistant tonight."


"Oh? Am I not? That's strange. Who would the first be?"


"A group of travelers led by a student from here. Something about being affiliated with the council they've got going on regarding the Pox up in the capital."


"Interesting. Well thanks for your escort. I have no further need for your aid."


"Understood. About the payment we discussed however..."


"I'll have it delivered to your family. Now run along, before things get... complicated."

"I hope these emissaries of the council prove more... entertaining than the last. Always so boring when it ends before they scream."

2017-02-08, 06:14 PM
Keith takes the pad and quill back and begins scribbling on it. "Oh, no, I sympathise. I've spent a long time wearing a hood for much the same reason."

A group hired by Camlasant to find Professor Bryant. Need him for a cure to the pox.

2017-02-08, 06:39 PM
The hooded figure takes the notebook and scribbles something.

Then you're not the first group? The ones who went with Professor Bryant to the Island of the Magi?

2017-02-08, 06:42 PM
"Aww, that's a shame but it appears that we've finished our drinks, I know this may be a lot to ask madam, but were new to town. So can you please show us the way to outside of town?"Braylen says as he places some coins on the table to pay for the groups drinks. Then Braylen starts scribbling something back into the journal.

"While that is news to us, we still need to know more. And I hope you are willing to give us the answers. If you are fearing for your life, we will protect you. I am going to get up, follow me and we will take you to our caravan. There you will be out of the city and hopefully out of the range of whoever's chasing you." Braylen wrote sliding the notebook back to the hooded woman.

Braylen stood up motioning towards his companions to do the same, as he looked back at the hooded woman if she was willing to come with them.

2017-02-08, 07:09 PM
The hooded woman's gaze passes from Braylen, to Keith, and then to Naobi before returning one last time to the notebook.

If what you say is true, then the professor was right. Both he and I are in grave danger. Please, I need you to escort me to the harbor. I must find passage to the Isle of the Magi. If you can help me do that, I will aid you in any way I can.

2017-02-08, 07:28 PM
Luna nods to Y'shta's look, cutting Bela off. "Thank you for your help. If Chelt comes back here, would you mind telling her that I was looking for her?"

After getting Bela's answer, Luna looks to the others. "I suppose the library would be our best chance of finding her, if she isn't already found. If she's there, then let us hope we find her before she leaves." With that, Luna leaves the dorm building!

2017-02-08, 07:44 PM
Y'shta nodded at Luna and bowed, saying, "See you around." She strode out and kept a look around; it was just habit, but she always had her guard up especially at night, even in a city.

2017-02-08, 11:01 PM
As you exit the dormitory, you notice a lone woman standing before you.


"My, oh my. What do we have here? You little ladies wouldn't happen to be searching for our dear Professor's assistant now would you? You see, I am also looking for the little lady. I wouldn't be able to convince you guys to just head on home, now would I? I can make it worth your while."

2017-02-08, 11:58 PM
"My, oh my. What do we have here? You little ladies wouldn't happen to be searching for our dear Professor's assistant now would you? You see, I am also looking for the little lady. I wouldn't be able to convince you guys to just head on home, now would I? I can make it worth your while."

"No ma'am; if we were in it for the money, woulda done better to stick t'our day jobs. But if we're both searching for Miss Chelt, wouldn't it be better to work together? What, worried we're a band of hoodlums after her for disreputable ends?"
The word 'disreputable' comes out a little oddly, an unfamiliar word being used by a commoner to sound classier than she is. It's not at all meant to express suspicion toward the stranger, though if she happens to take it that way and react carelessly... so much the better~

2017-02-09, 12:01 AM
Braylen gives a nod of agreement to Chelt, as he takes his journal and quill and puts it back into his bag.

"Well, lets go then. We don't want to wait too long in a place like this."Braylen says as he starts to head towards the exit of the tavern. Looking around to see if anyone in the tavern is looking in their direction in a suspicious manner.

2017-02-09, 04:24 AM
The woman's smile begins to reach from ear to ear as she begins laughing.


"Of course not, because I am the hoodlum, and I am going to use her for disreputable means. And now that you won't leave well enough alone... I get to have my fun with you! Oh, I bet you all scream don't you? It's been so long since I've had a good fight!"

The woman lets loose a shrill whistle.

"C'mon boys! Enough hiding. It's hunting time!" she shouts before turning back to the group. "Don't disappoint me and I'll make sure it doesn't hurt... much."


"Assassins? The professor warned me that they would stop at nothing to accomplish their goals, but I didn't believe him. Here, you're going to want this. Ne'er do wells such as them often carry weapons doused in the blood of Hellspawn, a substance toxic to us humans. You'd do well to make every use count."

Keith received Antitoxin!


Victory Conditions:

Escape Map With Chelt
Escape Map Without Chelt

Failure Conditions:

All Allied Units Perish


Mage #1 LV 2
HP 15/15 9 Atk, 85 Hit 18 Avo 7 Crit
5 Pow 5 Skl 9 Spd 0 Lck 0 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt 75 Hit 5 Crit 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 15/15 9 Atk, 85 Hit 18 Avo 7 Crit
5 Pow 5 Skl 9 Spd 0 Lck 0 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt 75 Hit 5 Crit 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 14/14 5 Atk, 94 Hit 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow 7 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 2 Def 2 Res 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 14/14 5 Atk, 94 Hit 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow 7 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 2 Def 2 Res 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng Poison(5)]

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 14/14 5 Atk, 94 Hit 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow 7 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 2 Def 2 Res 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 14/14 5 Atk, 94 Hit 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow 7 Skl 10 Spd 0 Lck 2 Def 2 Res 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng Poison(5)]

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14 6 Atk, 97 Hit 23 Avo 3 Crit
3 Pow 8 Skl 11 Spd 1 Lck 2 Def 2 Res 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit 1 Rng Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
16/16HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
17/17HP 15 Atk 94 Hit 7 Avoid 3 Crit
8 Pow 7 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
17/17HP 12 Atk 99 Hit 12 Avoid 3 Crit
8 Pow 7 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
17/17HP 12 Atk 99 Hit 12 Avoid 3 Crit
8 Pow 7 Skl 6 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
17/17HP 11 Atk 96 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
6 Pow 7+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 6 Def 2 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
17/17HP 11 Atk 96 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
6 Pow 7+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 6 Def 2 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
17/17HP 14 Atk 91 Hit 5 Avoid 3 Crit
6 Pow 7+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 6 Def 2 Res 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
16/16HP 11 Atk 91+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
5 Pow 8 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Archer #2 LV 2
16/16HP 12 Atk 93+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
6 Pow 9 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
16/16HP 12 Atk 93+5 Hit 10 Avoid 4 Crit
6 Pow 9 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP 14 Atk 85 Hit 18 Avoid 3 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow 4+2 Skl 7+1 Spd 2 Lck 6+2 Def 1+2 Res 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt 75 Hit 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary
22/22HP 22 Atk 84 Hit 14 Avoid 4 Crit 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow 8 Skl 8 Spd 3 Lck 9 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Luck Tonic

Penelope LV 2 8/100 EXP
HP 17/17 - Atk, - Hit 30 Avo - Crit 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow 3 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Heal 13/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 7/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 10/100 EXP
16/16 HP 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 8 Skl 11 Spd 7 Lck 3 Def 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 9/30

Y'shta LV 2 12/100 EXP
16/16 HP 13 Atk 93 Hit 22 Avoid 2+5 Crit 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 4 Skl 11 Spd 0 Lck 11 Def 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 8/30

Naobi Lv 2 11/100 EXP
25/20+5 HP 16 Atk 96 Hit 12 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow 11 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 7 Def 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]
Concoction 2/2

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 8/30

Vesta LV 2 37/100 EXP
19/19 HP 11 Atk 104 Hit 24 Avoid 5 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow 9+2 Skl 11 Spd 4 Lck 6 Def 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 9/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 11/100 EXP
16/16 HP 14 Atk 91 Hit 24 Avoid 3 Crit 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow 6 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 9 Res
Fire [2Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Thunder [4Mt 75 Hit 5 Crit 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D 12/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 2 0/100 EXP
17/17 HP 13 Atk 98 Hit 15 Avoid 13 Crit 6 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 11 Skl 7 Spd 6 Lck 6 Def 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Shine [5Mt 70 Hit 8 Crit -5 Avo 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Light D 0/30

Marfisa LV 2 0/100 EXP
18/18 HP 11 Atk 98 Hit 28 Avoid 13 Crit 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow 6 Skl 9+2 Spd 6 Lck 0 Def 7 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Chelt LV 2 Monk
17/17 HP 14 Atk 100 Hit 23 Avoid 5 Crit 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow 10 Skl 11 Spd 1 Lck 4 Def 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 3 Def 3 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

2017-02-09, 06:32 AM
The woman's smile begins to reach from ear to ear as she begins laughing.


"Of course not, because I am the hoodlum, and I am going to use her for disreputable means. And now that you won't leave well enough alone... I get to have my fun with you! Oh, I bet you all scream don't you? It's been so long since I've had a good fight!"

The woman lets loose a shrill whistle.

"...I wonder who will have their throat slit first."

Marfisa also whistles, this time for Griff. Griff flies down from the sky, in front of Marfisa. Marfisa hops on.

Will probably edit this later once we sort out what I'm supposed to do.

2017-02-10, 02:17 AM
Turn 00


Mage #1 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #2 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary
22/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Skill Tonic

Penelope LV 2 8/100 EXP
HP 17/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 13/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D 7/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 10/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D 9/30

Y'shta LV 2 12/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 93 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D 8/30

Naobi Lv 2 11/100 EXP
25/20+5 HP, 16 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 2/2

Weapon Ranks
Axe D 8/30

Vesta LV 2 37/100 EXP
19/19 HP, 11 Atk, 104 Hit, 24 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 9+2 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D 9/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 11/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Tome D 12/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 2 0/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 13 Atk, 98 Hit, 15 Avoid, 13 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks Light D 0/30

Marfisa LV 2 0/100 EXP
18/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 13 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, 9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Chelt LV 2 Monk
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 100 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

2017-02-10, 02:46 AM
I don't think there's much of a choice this round unless Marfisa wanted to ferry me, and I'd be best served tanking, so...

Y'shta frowned as she heard signs of trouble outside, shaking her head. "Even in a town this large... very well, we've no choice. I hope the boys have found who we're looking for." She drew the curved blade and darted down the alleyway, engaging the mercenary.

2017-02-10, 02:54 AM
"Blast, the assassins have already found us. Our objective is to keep Chelt alive. Let's strike before they can react men!"Braylen says as he readies his shine tome as he runs and attacks the distant lancer on the right. His blast of light leaving noticeable damage on the soldier.

2017-02-10, 11:11 AM
"Everyone, be careful! Use the alleys to take away their advantage in numbers, and don't rush recklessly into an ambush! We can win this!"

With that, Vesta makes her way through the dark alley, ushering Penny past her so they're both in position to support the front line if needed.

2017-02-10, 10:44 PM
Turn 00

http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Braylen attacks! 56 Hit! Lancer #2 takes 12 damage!
Lancer cannot Retalliate!
Braylen gains 9 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/FjBNnya.png VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Keith attacks! 2 Hit! Lancer #1 takes 4 damage!
Lancer cannot Retalliate!
Keith Doubles! 37 Hit! Lancer #1 takes 4 damage!
Keith gains 9 xp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Naobi attacks! 14 Hit! Lancer #1 perishes!
Naobi gains 26 exp and 2 weapon exp.

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif
Y'shta attacks! 60 Hit! Mercenary #1 takes 9 damage!
Mercenary #1 Retalliates! 99 Miss!
Y'shta doubles! 22 Hit! Mercanary #1 perishes!
Y'shta gains 26 exp and 2 weapon exp.

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Marfisa%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Marfisa Attacks! 21 Hit! Thief #1 takes 9 damage!
Thief Retalliates! 92 Miss!
Marfisa gains 9 xp and 1 weapon exp

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Luna Attacks! 28 Hit! Thief #1 perishes!
Luna gains 22 exp and 2 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif VS http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Marfisa%20Sprite.gif
Thief #2 attacks! 85 Miss!
Marfisa cannot retalliate!
Marfisa gains 1 xp.

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif
Lancer #2 attacks! 53 Hit! Braylen takes 4 damage!
Braylen retalliates! 59 Hit! Lancer #2 perishes.
Braylen gains 26 xp and 2 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Thief #4 attacks! 59 hit! Naobi takes 0 damage and is poisoned!
Naobi cannot retalliate!
Thief #4 attacks 34 hit! Naobi takes 0 damage and is posisoned!
Naobi gains 1 xp.

http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/FjBNnya.png
Thief #3 attacks! 37 Hit! Keith takes 2 damage and is poisoned!
Keith retalliates! 40 Hit! Theif takes 7 damage!
Keith gains 9 xp and 1 weapon exp.


"There's blood in the air tonight! You! Go get the others! Wouldn't want them to miss out on this! Now where is my little Chelt..."


"I... I won't be a burden! Permit me to aid you in combat!"

Turn 01


Keith takes poison damage! -1 HP!
Naobi takes poison damage! -2 HP!

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 7/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #2 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary
22/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Skill Tonic

Penelope LV 2 8/100 EXP
HP 17/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 13/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 7/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 28/100 EXP, Poison [5]
13/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 11/30

Y'shta LV 2 38/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 93 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 10/30

Naobi Lv 2 38/100 EXP, Poison[5]
23/20+5 HP, 16 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 2/2

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 10/30

Vesta LV 2 37/100 EXP
19/19 HP, 11 Atk, 104 Hit, 24 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 9+2 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 9/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 33/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 14/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 2 35/100 EXP
13/17 HP, 13 Atk, 98 Hit, 15 Avoid, 13 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 3/30

Marfisa LV 2 10/100 EXP
18/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 13 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, 9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 1/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 0/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 100 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

2017-02-12, 05:16 PM
Turn 01

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Luna Attacks! 28 Hit! Thief #1 takes 13 damage!
Thief #2 retalliates! 74 miss!
Luna gains 8 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Marfisa%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Marfisa Attacks! 32 Hit! Thief #2 perishes!
Marfisa gains 27 xp and 2 weapon exp

http://i.imgur.com/FjBNnya.png VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Keith attacks! 89 Miss!
Thief #3 retalliates! 43 Hit! Keith takes 2 damage and is poisoned!

http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/FjBNnya.png
Mage #2 attacks! 48 Hit! Keith takes 5 damage!
Keith retalliates! 21 Hit! Mage takes 9 damage!
Keith gains 10 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/FjBNnya.png
Merc #2 attacks! 14 Hit! Keith takes 8 damage! Keith is Incapacitated.

http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif VS http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif
Mage #1 attacks! 80 Miss!
Y'shta cannot retalliate!
Y'shta gains 1 xp.

http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif VS http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif
Merc #4 attacks! 65 hit! Y'shta takes 1 damage!
Y'shta Retalliates! 73 Hit! Merc #4 takes 8 damage!
Y'shta doubles! 82 Miss!
Y'shta gains 10 xp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/WAsWlgm.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Archer #1 attacks! 85 Miss!
Naobi cannot retalliate!
Naobi gains 1 xp.

http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Merc #5 attacks! 64 hit! Naobi takes 6 damage!
Naobi Retalliates! 78 Miss!
Naobi gains 1 xp.

http://i.imgur.com/5zHhPdr.png VS http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif
Chelt Attacks! 34 Hit! Merc #2 takes 12 damage!
Merc #2 cannot retalliate!
Chelt Doubles! 60 Hit! Merc #2 perishes!
Chelt gains 26 exp!


"No! We're being overwhelmed! Creator please aid us!"

Turn 02


Naobi takes poison damage! -2 HP!

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 7/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 7/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
9/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #2 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary
22/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Skill Tonic

Penelope LV 2 8/100 EXP
HP 17/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 13/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 7/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 38/100 EXP, Incapacitation[3]
0/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 12/30

Y'shta LV 2 49/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 93 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 11/30

Naobi Lv 2 40/100 EXP, Poison[4]
15/20+5 HP, 16 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 2/2

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 10/30

Vesta LV 2 37/100 EXP
19/19 HP, 11 Atk, 104 Hit, 24 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 9+2 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 9/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 41/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 15/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 2 35/100 EXP
13/17 HP, 13 Atk, 98 Hit, 15 Avoid, 13 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 3/30

Marfisa LV 2 36/100 EXP
18/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, 9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 3/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 26/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 100 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

2017-02-12, 08:58 PM
"Everyone pull back, calm your nerves, and stay in a defensive position until we can break through. It's unfortunate but we can't go to rescue Alexander right now."Braylen says running to the approaching thief as he blasts them down with his tome.

2017-02-12, 10:42 PM
Helplessly watching the situation unfold, the blood of her sister and the magnificent winged horse staining the enemy's lance, Vesta retains enough objectivity to channel her impulse into something more useful than rushing into the already-tangled press of bodies.
She grabs Y'shta roughly by the shoulder and shoves her against the armory wall, pressing close so Penny has room to push through the narrow alley.

Huh, that smell... it's strange, but makes me think of home. Abundance...

Her face heats up slightly. "S-sorry; didn't have time to be gentle. You okay...?"

I didn't realize her eyes were so pretty. Shame about the mask.

2017-02-12, 10:48 PM
"H-hey!" Y'shta was surprised when Vesta grabbed and pinned her against the wall -- she blinked softly, her expression confused as she withheld her blade. For a moment, she could feel the mask toying with her, whispering at her to defend herself, but she staved the instinct off.

She glanced to where Penny had to go, nodding. "Sorry, I didn't mean to... we-- have a battle to sort out," she stammered, perhaps a bit cuter than one'd expect from someone of (comparative) regal bearing as Y'shta.

I thought she was close to Luna, though...

2017-02-13, 07:08 AM

Marfisa boded her time quietly. Best to shut down in times like these rather than freak out.

She went and pounced on the lancer. If anything, she would face this enemy with dignity.

2017-02-13, 06:37 PM
Turn 02

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif
Y'shta attacks! 37 hit! Merc #4 takes 8 damage!
Merc #4 Retalliates! 73 Hit! Y'shta takes 1 damage!
Y'shta doubles! 76 Hit!
Y'shta gains 30 xp and 2 weapon exp.

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Luna Attacks! 97 Miss!
Lancer #3 retalliates! 15 Hit! Luna takes 9 damage!
Luna Doubles! 7 Hit! Lancer #3 takes 10 damage!
Luna gains 9 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Marfisa%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Marfisa Attacks! 46 Hit! Lancer takes 5 damage!
Lancer retalliates! 50 Hit! Marfisa takes 11 damage!
Marfisa attacks! 90 Miss!
Marfisa gains 10 xp and 1 weapon exp

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.pngHealing http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Marfisa%20Sprite.gif
Penny Heals Marfisa! Marfisa gains 10 HP!
Penny gains 15 xp and 1 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Braylen attacks! 90 Hit! Thief #3 perishes!
Braylen gains 26 exp and 2 weapon exp!

Naobi chugs a concoction!
+20 HP!

http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif
Thief #4 Attacks! 46 Hit! Braylen takes 0 damage and is poisoned!
Braylen attacks! 72 Hit! Thief #4 takes 11 damage!
Braylen gains 9 exp and 1 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Mage #2 attacks! 53 Hit! Naobi takes 7 damage!
Naobi retalliates! 17 Hit! Mage #2 perishes!
Naobi gains 30 exp and 2 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Merc #5 attacks! 98 hit! Naobi takes 6 damage!
Naobi Retalliates! 2 Hit! Merc #5 takes 9 damage!
Naobi gains 10 exp and 1 weapon exp.

http://i.imgur.com/WAsWlgm.gif Executes http://i.imgur.com/FjBNnya.png!

"Nothing personal, kid."

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif
Lancer #3 attacks! 87 Miss!
Luna retalliates! 16 Hit! Lancer #3 perishes!
Luna gains 26 exp and 2 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif VS http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Marfisa%20Sprite.gif
Mage #1 attacks! 100 Miss!
Marfisa cannot retalliate!
Marfisa gains 1 exp!

http://i.imgur.com/lGn1VDT.gif Visits the House!

"C'mon out guys! There's killing to be done!"

http://i.imgur.com/5zHhPdr.png VS http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif
Chelt Attacks! 34 Hit! Merc #5 perishes!
Chelt gains 30 exp!


"They killed him! He wasn't even a threat still and yet they killed him! Perhaps I gravely underestimated the underhanded tactics these scoundrels would sink to!"

Turn 03


Braylen takes poison damage! -1 HP!
Naobi takes poison damage! -2 HP!

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #3 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
2/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Lancer #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #7 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]
Antitoxin 3/3

Archer #2 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary
22/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Skill Tonic

Penelope LV 2 23/100 EXP
HP 17/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 12/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 8/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 38/100 EXP, DEAD
0/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 12/30

Y'shta LV 2 79/100 EXP - Rescued by Vesta -
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 93 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 12/30

Naobi Lv 2 80/100 EXP, Poison[2]
10/20+5 HP, 16 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 1/2

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 13/30

Vesta LV 2 37/100 EXP - Rescuing Y'shta -
19/19 HP, 11 Atk, 104 Hit, 24 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 4[9]+2 Skl, 5[11] Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 11/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 75/100 EXP
5/16 HP, 12 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 18/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 2 70/100 EXP, Poison [4]
12/17 HP, 13 Atk, 98 Hit, 15 Avoid, 13 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 6/30

Marfisa LV 2 47/100 EXP
17/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, 9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 4/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 56/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 100 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

2017-02-13, 07:01 PM
"...Die you monsters. I hope you rot with the likes of Hellspawn."

Marfisa would continue fighting. She could not forgive anyone who would kill a helpless man.

2017-02-13, 11:47 PM
"While Alexander's death is tragic, we must remain focused if we want to prevail. Chelt if you can try and weaken the axe wielder that is charging at us." Braylen says trying to keep his group from wavering. Waiting to strike against the archer.

2017-02-14, 11:50 PM
While Vesta is getting hypnotized by Y'shta's exotic eyes, a sudden change in atmosphere snaps her attention back to the battle at hand.

"Oh crackers! Enemies! Y'shta, Luna, c'mon!"

Vesta, still holding Y'shta's shoulder, tries to lend her some momentum to rejoin the fray alongside her.

Unfortunately, flustered privates aren't very good at judging force or trajectory.

Y'shta goes crashing into a surprised Luna, leaving them both on the ground, while Vesta stumbles past and somehow guts the enemy mage while he's distracted by the scene unfolding.

2017-02-14, 11:54 PM
"Vesta, watch where you're goi--hnnngh!"

She topples over from the force of the tribeswoman being pushed upon her, Y'shta coming down on top of, and then over her.

Luna gets up, using a small bit of magic to make it easier, then offers a hand toward Y'shta to help her up.

2017-02-14, 11:59 PM
Y'shta blinked and said, "H-hey, wait, just let me down-- whoah!" and got tossed and exclaimed, "Watch out--" crash!

She groaned and rubbed her back for a moment, then blinked and stared down at Luna. Well, there's the other half...

She sighed and got to her feet, standing up and helping Luna up in turn. "Let's focus on the battle. I have a bad feeling."

2017-02-15, 04:34 AM
Turn 03

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif
Penny Heals Luna! Luna gains 9 HP!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon exp!

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Marfisa%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif
Marfisa Attacks! 34 Hit! Mage #1 takes 11 damage!
Mage #1 retalliates! 39 Hit! Marfisa takes 2 damage!
Marfisa gains 10 xp and 1 weapon exp

https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png VS http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif
Vesta Attacks! 13 Hit! Mage #1 perishes!
Vesta gains 30 xp and 2 weapon exp

http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/WAsWlgm.gif
Naobi attacks! 66 Hit! Archer #1 takes 13 damage!
Archer #1 cannot retalliate!
Naobi gains 9 xp and 1 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/WAsWlgm.gif
Braylen attacks! 31 Hit! Archer #1 perishes!
Braylen gains 26 exp and 2 weapon exp!
Braylen gains an Antitoxin!

http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Thief #4 attacks! 59 hit! Naobi takes 0 damage and is poisoned!
Naobi cannot retalliate!
Thief #4 attacks 34 hit! Naobi takes 0 damage and is posisoned!
Naobi gains 1 xp.

Eleanor drinks a Skill Tonic!
Skill +2!

http://i.imgur.com/5zHhPdr.png VS http://i.imgur.com/EF6bSSl.png


"My dear Chelt, I've found you! I'd ask you to come quietly with us, but my axe would prefer if you struggled. It's a real dilemma"


"You! What have you done with the professor?!"


"So you don't know then? Wonderful! I will enjoy that pained look on your face as I cut the life out of you!"

Chelt Attacks! 84 Hit! Eleanor takes 13 damage!
Chelt gains 13 exp!

Turn 04

Braylen takes poison damage! -1 HP!
Naobi takes poison damage! -2 HP!

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #3 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
2/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Lancer #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #7 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]
Antitoxin 3/3

Archer #2 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
16/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary
9/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]

Penelope LV 2 39/100 EXP
HP 17/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 11/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 9/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 38/100 EXP, DEAD
0/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 12/30

Y'shta LV 2 79/100 EXP - Rescued by Vesta -
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 93 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 12/30

Naobi Lv 2 89/100 EXP, Poison[4]
8/20+5 HP, 16 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 1/2

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 14/30

Vesta LV 2 67/100 EXP - Rescuing Y'shta -
19/19 HP, 11 Atk, 104 Hit, 24 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 4[9]+2 Skl, 5[11] Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 13/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 75/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 12 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 18/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 2 96/100 EXP, Poison [4]
12/17 HP, 13 Atk, 98 Hit, 15 Avoid, 13 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 8/30

Marfisa LV 2 57/100 EXP
17/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, 9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 5/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 69/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 101 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

2017-02-15, 09:30 AM
...We're surrounded.

Marfisa frowned. There was nothing she could do.

She picked up Luna, visibly grimacing as she did so.

"We're falling back! Everyone else, continue fighting!"

2017-02-15, 08:04 PM
Vesta looks bewildered as Luna sprung to her feet, zapped an approaching foe, then got swept up by Marfisa and carried off toward the horizon.
"Geeze, everyone wants a piece of Lunie tonight... Hmph."
She turns to her two remaining allies.

"Alright, looks like it's just us three on cleanup duty! Let's start by mopping the floor with these chumps! Hiyaa!"

2017-02-16, 01:42 AM
Braylen rushes down the axe wielder before she has time to react to their assault. Blasting the menacing figure in her primary arm in hope of incapacitating her.

"You're not allowed to die yet sellsword, you have too much to answer for!" Braylen says as he sees the mercenary fall to the ground.

"Naobi, deal with the last combatant and we can try and meet up with the others, and Chelt please stay close to us. There are still more enemies ahead." Braylen says as he goes to check if the mercenary is still breathing. Grabbing the hand axe she dropped off the ground.

2017-02-16, 09:01 AM
Penny runs up next to her more martial minded companion, sporting a... mop?
Taking up an inordinate amount of room on the street, she begins to actually mop the area.
"Don't worry, I'll have this place mopped up in no time!"

2017-02-16, 10:31 PM
Penny runs up next to her more martial minded companion, sporting a... mop?
Taking up an inordinate amount of room on the street, she begins to actually mop the area.
"Don't worry, I'll have this place mopped up in no time!"

"Penny, like this! Mop with the bad guys!"
She demonstrates by striking a charging lancer's leg, then across the back when he crumples to the ground; inevitably transferring some of the street's dust to his uniform, if not the other way around.
His own lance manages to inflict some damage on the way, though, and he's not quite done yet.

2017-02-16, 10:32 PM
Turn 04

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Y'shta attacks! 86 Miss!
Lancer Retalliates! 49 Hit! Y'shta takes 4 damage!
Y'shta doubles! 18 hit! Lancer takes 4 damage!
Y'shta gains 10 xp and 1 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif
Penny Heals Y'shta! Y'shta gains 4 HP!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon exp!

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif
Luna attacks! 74 Hit! Merc #3 takes 13 damage!
Merc #3 cannot retalliate!
Luna gains 9 xp and 1 weapon exp!

https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png VS http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif
Vesta Attacks! 59 Hit! Merc #3 perishes!
Vesta gains 30 xp and 2 weapon exp

http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Naobi attacks! 83 miss!
Thief #4 retaliates! 12 Hit! Naobi takes 0 damage and is poisoned!
Thief #4 doubles! 18 Hit! Naobi takes 0 damage and is poisoned!
Naobi gains 1 xp!

http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/EF6bSSl.png
Braylen attacks! 33 Hit! Eleanor perishes!
Braylen gains 85 exp and 2 weapon exp!
Braylen attains Level 3! + HP, + Pow, + Skl
Braylen gains a Hand Axe!

http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Thief #4 attacks! 69 hit! Naobi takes 0 damage and is poisoned!
Naobi cannot retalliate!
Thief #4 attacks 25 hit! Naobi takes 0 damage and is posisoned!
Naobi gains 1 xp.


"Are you mopping? I think this woman might be crazier than Lady Eleanor!"

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png
Lancer #5 attacks! 53 Hit! Penelope takes 3 damage!
Penelope can't retalliate!
Penelope gains 1 xp.

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Lancer #4 attacks! 13 Hit! Vesta takes 5 damage!
Vesta retalliates! 69 Hit! Lancer takes 5 damage!
Vesta doubles! 55 Hit! Lancer takes 5 damage!
Vesta gains 10 xp and 1 weapon exp!
Vesta attains level 3! + HP, + Skl, Spd

http://i.imgur.com/WAsWlgm.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Archer #2 attacks! 14 Hit! Vesta takes 5 damage!
Vesta can't retalliate!
Vesta gains 1 xp!

Turn 05

Braylen takes poison damage! -1 HP!
Naobi takes poison damage! -2 HP!

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #3 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 14/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
7/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
13/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Lancer #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #7 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]
Antitoxin 3/3

Archer #2 LV 2
16/16HP, 12 Atk, 93+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
16/16HP, 12 Atk, 93+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
6 Pow, 9 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary - Incap[3] -
0/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]

Penelope LV 2 45/100 EXP
HP 17/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 10/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 10/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 38/100 EXP, DEAD
0/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Light Rune
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 12/30

Y'shta LV 2 89/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 93 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 13/30

Naobi Lv 2 91/100 EXP, Poison[4]
6/20+5 HP, 16 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 1/2

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 14/30

Vesta LV 3 8/100 EXP - Rescuing Y'shta -
9/20 HP, 12 Atk, 108 Hit, 28 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 10+2 Skl, 12 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 14/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 84/100 EXP - Rescued by Marfisa -
16/16 HP, 12 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 19/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 3 81/100 EXP, Poison [3]
11/18 HP, 12 Atk, 110 Hit, 20 Avoid, 6 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 12 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 10/30

Marfisa LV 2 57/100 EXP - Rescuing Luna -
17/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 3[6] Skl, 4[9]+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 5/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 69/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 101 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

2017-02-17, 02:13 AM
"I am going to try and meet up with the rest of our group. Please run back and take the antitoxin to Naobi. He is going to need it." Braylen says running up to Chelt, handing her the antitoxin.

2017-02-18, 06:22 AM
Penny moves closer to Y'shta watching her technique.
"You're getting blood everywhere! That is the opposite of clean!"
Penny checks over Y'shta's wounds, closing them with healing magic, then tut-tuts as she mops the blood from the cobbled street. "Could you try to die a little less messily?" She queries the lancer. "This isn't an easy job as it is!"

2017-02-18, 06:31 AM
Turn 05

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/WAsWlgm.gif
Y'shta attacks! 41 Hit with a 7 Crit! Archer #3 Perishes!
Y'shta gains 26 xp and 2 weapon exp!

https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png VS http://i.imgur.com/WAsWlgm.gif
Vesta Attacks! 4 Hit! Archer #2 takes 8 damage!
Archer #2 cannot retalliate!
Vesta doubles! 69 Hit! Archer #2 takes 8 damage!
Vesta gains 26 xp and 2 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Naobi attacks! 25 hit! Thief #4 Perishes!
Naobi gains 26 xp and 2 weapon exp!
Naobi attains level 3! + HP + Pow

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Penny Heals Vesta! Vesta gains 10 HP!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png
Lancer #5 attacks! 43 Hit! Penelope takes 3 damage!
Penelope can't retalliate!
Penelope gains 1 xp.

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Lancer #4 attacks! 13 Hit! Vesta takes 5 damage!
Vesta retalliates! 39 Hit! Lancer #4 takes 6 damage!
Vesta doubles! 72 Hit with a 1 Crit! Lancer #4 perishes!
Vesta gains 26 xp and 2 weapon exp!


"Who.. Who are you?! You're not supposed to be here!"

http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif
Mage #3 attacks! 6 Hit! Guard #3 takes 6 damage!
Guard #3 can't retalliate!
Mage #3 Doubles! 98 Miss!

http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif
Thief #5 attacks! 72 Hit! Guard #3 takes 3 damage!
Guard #3 can't retalliate!
Thief #5 doubles! 1 Hit! Guard #3 takes 3 damage!

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif
Lancer #7 attacks! 10 Hit! Guard #3 perishes!


"Gaaah! Someone help!"


"Poor bastard. You should have taken the gold. No one will come to your aid."

Turn 06

Braylen takes poison damage! -1 HP!
Naobi takes poison damage! -2 HP!

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #3 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
13/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Lancer #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #7 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]
Antitoxin 3/3

Archer #2 LV 2
0/16HP, 12 Atk, 93+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
0/16HP, 12 Atk, 93+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
6 Pow, 9 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary - Incap[3] -
0/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]

Penelope LV 2 61/100 EXP
HP 11/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 9/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 11/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 38/100 EXP, DEAD
0/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 12/30

Y'shta LV 3 15/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 95 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 5 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 15/30

Naobi Lv 3 17/100 EXP, Poison[3]
4/20+6 HP, 17 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 1/2

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 16/30

Vesta LV 3 60/100 EXP - Rescuing Y'shta -
14/20 HP, 12 Atk, 108 Hit, 28 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 10+2 Skl, 12 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 18/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 84/100 EXP - Rescued by Marfisa -
16/16 HP, 12 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 19/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 3 81/100 EXP, Poison [2]
10/18 HP, 12 Atk, 110 Hit, 20 Avoid, 6 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 12 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 10/30

Marfisa LV 2 57/100 EXP - Rescuing Luna -
17/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 3[6] Skl, 4[9]+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 5/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 69/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 101 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

2017-02-19, 07:41 PM
Turn 06

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Y'shta attacks! 41 Hit with a 1 Crit! Lancer #5 Perishes!
Y'shta gains 26 xp and 2 weapon exp!

Naobi drinks an Antitoxin!
Poison cured!

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png
Penny Heals Vesta! Vesta gains 6 HP!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon exp!

Luna Visits the residence!

"A student? How'd you get past the gates?... An attack on the campus, you say? I'll fetch Lady Isoltt right away!"

"Who would dare threaten my students! I will make these fools rue the day they marched on the Scholasticate. Show me the way and I will crush them myself."

Lady Isoltt joins the battle!


"I will learn what you know. Professor Bryant is counting on me!"

Chelt Captures Eleanor!

"Come my student! Let us show them our arcane might!"

Uses Relocate! Luna and Lady Isoltt are teleported!

Turn 07

Braylen takes poison damage! -1 HP!

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #3 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Lancer #6 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #7 LV 2
17/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #2 LV 2
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary - Captured -
0/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]

Penelope LV 2 77/100 EXP
HP 11/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 8/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 12/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 38/100 EXP, DEAD
0/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 12/30

Y'shta LV 3 41/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 95 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 5 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 17/30

Naobi Lv 3 17/100 EXP,
4/20+6 HP, 17 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 1/2
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 16/30

Vesta LV 3 60/100 EXP
20/20 HP, 12 Atk, 108 Hit, 28 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 10+2 Skl, 12 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 18/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 84/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 12 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 19/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 3 81/100 EXP, Poison [1]
9/18 HP, 12 Atk, 110 Hit, 20 Avoid, 6 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 12 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 10/30

Marfisa LV 2 57/100 EXP
17/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 3[6] Skl, 4[9]+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 5/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 69/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 101 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar


Headmistress Isoltt Lv 10 Archon
31/31 HP, 39 Atk, 145 Hit, 64 Avoid, 37 Crit, 2 Crit Avoid
29 Pow, 24 Skl, 29 Spd, 12 Lck, 11 Def, 13 Res
Aircalibur - [10 Mt, 85 Hit, 25 Crit, -10 Dodge, 1-2 Range, PRF, Eff vs Flying, Eff Speed +5, enemy Eff speed +5, Grants user Float status, Gains WTA at 2 range. Doubles effectiveness of Weapon Triangle.]
Relocate 9/10 - [Moves caster and andjacent allies anywhere on the map. Staff S* Rank]

2017-02-19, 08:18 PM
Luna hadn't known what to expect when being dropped off at the Headmistress's manor. Though she had to admit, "suddenly being teleported across campus" wasn't even considered. She could only really muster a "R-right!" to the Headmistress's proclamation before firing twin bolts of lightning at the nearest assailant.

Taking the moment to recollect herself, it occurred to her that this would be an excellent opportunity to see the famed 'Aircalibur' in action. Information about it had been available in the library, but this would be the first time she could see it being cast.

2017-02-21, 09:38 PM
Turn 07

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Luna attacks! 99 Miss!
Lancer #6 cannot retalliate!
Luna doubles! 68 Hit! Lancer #5 takes 12 damage!
Luna gains 9 xp and 1 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif
Penny Heals Braylen! Braylen gains 10 HP!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon exp!

Thief #5 picks the chest!
Thief #5 gains an Energy Drop!

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/N9ySwyg.png


"I'm not scared of you! The Magister gives me strength to cleanse all the nonbelievers!"


"Does he now? Ohohoho! Let us see whose power is greater, your magister, or mine?"

Lancer #7 attacks! 96 Miss!
Lady isoltt retalliates! Hit with a crit! Lancer #7 perishes!

The enemies begin to rout!

Before Luna's own eyes the headmistress seems to phase in and out of existence when the lancer charges her, as if her body was one with the air around her. Smirking as the lancer realizes his folly, Isoltt raises her tome into the air, a burst of strong winds shooting forth from the tome. Furniture within the guardhouse is sent flying as the howling gale continues to pour forth. As the lancer turns to flee, the winds sweep him off of his feet and leave him twirling midair. "Please! I'm sorry! Let me go!" he screams, but it is too late. The winds each tug from different directions, drawing the man before invisible blades of wind quarter him on the spot. The headmistress sighs as the pieces of the lancer are swept out of the building by the gale before closing her tome.


"Now the rest of you, any of you up for testing your faith in your magister?"


"She's... She's a monster! Lord Albirion never said anything about this! I'm out of here!"

"Guess we gotta catch them before they run. That's fine by me."

http://i.imgur.com/N9ySwyg.png VS http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif
Lady Isoltt attacks! Hit! Merc #6 perishes!

"Oh Albert! The Headmistress is here? I... I gotta leave before she finds out I was involved in this!"

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Guard # 5 leaves the battlefield!

Guard #6 leaves the battlefield!

Turn 07

Braylen takes poison damage! -1 HP!
Braylen's poison expires!

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #3 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 14/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]
Energy Drop

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit][/S]

Merc #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #6 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Lancer #6 LV 2
5/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #7 LV 2
0/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #2 LV 2
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary - Captured -
0/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]

Penelope LV 2 93/100 EXP
HP 11/17, - Atk, - Hit, 30 Avo, - Crit, 10 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 3 Skl, 10 Spd, 10 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 8/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 13/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 38/100 EXP, DEAD
0/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 12/30

Y'shta LV 3 41/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 95 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 5 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 17/30

Naobi Lv 3 17/100 EXP,
4/20+6 HP, 17 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 1/2
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 16/30

Vesta LV 3 60/100 EXP
20/20 HP, 12 Atk, 108 Hit, 28 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 10+2 Skl, 12 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 18/30

Luna C

Luna LV 3 93/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 24 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 20/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 3 81/100 EXP,
17/18 HP, 12 Atk, 110 Hit, 20 Avoid, 6 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 12 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 10/30

Marfisa LV 2 57/100 EXP
17/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, 9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 9 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 5/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 69/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 101 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1 - FLED -
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1 - FLED -
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar


Headmistress Isoltt Lv 10 Archon
31/31 HP, 39 Atk, 145 Hit, 64 Avoid, 37 Crit, 2 Crit Avoid
29 Pow, 24 Skl, 29 Spd, 12 Lck, 11 Def, 13 Res
Aircalibur - [10 Mt, 85 Hit, 25 Crit, -10 Dodge, 1-2 Range, PRF, Eff vs Flying, Eff Speed +5, enemy Eff speed +5, Grants user Float status, Gains WTA at 2 range. Doubles effectiveness of Weapon Triangle.]
Relocate 9/10 - [Moves caster and andjacent allies anywhere on the map. Staff S* Rank]

2017-02-23, 09:32 PM
Turn 08

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif
Luna attacks! 60 Hit! Lancer #5 perishes!
Luna gains 26 xp and 2 weapon xp!
Luna attains level 4! + Spd!

http://i.imgur.com/vGxGnE1.png Healing http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif
Penny Heals Braylen! Braylen gains 10 HP!
Penny gains 16 xp and 1 weapon exp!

All non Thief#5 enemies flee!

http://i.imgur.com/N9ySwyg.png VS http://i.imgur.com/kuZszCK.gif
Lady Isoltt attacks! Hit! Thief #5 perishes!
Lady Isoltt gains an Energy Drop!

Turn 09

Penny heals Naobi x3. Penny gains 45 xp and 3 weapon exp
Penny heals Marfisa. Penny gains 13 xp and 1 weapon exp.

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 0/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #3 LV 2 - FLED -
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Thief #1 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #2 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #3 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)]

Thief #4 LV 1
HP 0/14, 5 Atk, 94 Hit, 20 Avo, 3 Crit
2 Pow, 7 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Sting Dagger [2 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Poison(5)] E

Thief #5 LV 2
HP 0/14, 6 Atk, 97 Hit, 23 Avo, 3 Crit
3 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 2 Def, 2 Res, 6 Move
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Stiletto [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng, Eff vs Armor]
Energy Drop

Merc #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 97 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 15 Atk, 94 Hit, 7 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Sword [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #6 LV 2
0/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #5 LV 2
0/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Lancer #6 LV 2
0/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #7 LV 2
0/17HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 5 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Steel Lance [8 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avo]

Archer #1 LV 1
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #2 LV 2
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Archer #3 LV 2
0/16HP, 11 Atk, 91+5 Hit, 10 Avoid, 4 Crit
5 Pow, 8 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Fang LV 3 - FLED -
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Eleanor LV 5 Mercenary - Captured -
0/22HP, 22 Atk, 84 Hit, 14 Avoid, 4 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]

Penelope LV 3 67/100 EXP
HP 11/17, - Atk, - Hit, 31 Avo, - Crit, 11 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 11 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 2/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 18/30

Alexander? [Keith] LV 2 38/100 EXP, DEAD
0/16 HP, 9 Atk, 103 Hit, 27 Avoid, 4 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 8 Skl, 11 Spd, 7 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res
Iron Dagger [3 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Knife D, 12/30

Y'shta LV 3 41/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 95 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 5 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 17/30

Naobi Lv 3 17/100 EXP,
4/20+6 HP, 17 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Concoction 1/2
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 16/30

Vesta LV 3 60/100 EXP
20/20 HP, 12 Atk, 108 Hit, 28 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 10+2 Skl, 12 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 18/30

Luna C

Luna LV 4 19/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 26 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 22/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 3 81/100 EXP,
18/18 HP, 12 Atk, 110 Hit, 20 Avoid, 6 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 12 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 10/30

Marfisa LV 2 57/100 EXP
17/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, 9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 9 Res
Iron Lance [5, Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 5/30

Chelt LV 2 Monk 69/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 101 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #3 LV 1
0/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1 - FLED -
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #6 LV 1 - FLED -
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar


Headmistress Isoltt Lv 10 Archon
31/31 HP, 39 Atk, 145 Hit, 64 Avoid, 37 Crit, 2 Crit Avoid
29 Pow, 24 Skl, 29 Spd, 12 Lck, 11 Def, 13 Res
Aircalibur - [10 Mt, 85 Hit, 25 Crit, -10 Dodge, 1-2 Range, PRF, Eff vs Flying, Eff Speed +5, enemy Eff speed +5, Grants user Float status, Gains WTA at 2 range. Doubles effectiveness of Weapon Triangle.]
Relocate 9/10 - [Moves caster and andjacent allies anywhere on the map. Staff S* Rank]

Map End!

The party obtains an MVP Token!

With the last of the enemy soldiers fleeing from the campus, the group reunites with tensions still high in the air.Though the damage on the campus is relatively minimal, the damage done to the Council Expiditioneers was not. Among them, one does not rejoin his compatriots, his life cut short to an assassin's knife. Lady Isoltt thanks Luna before heading off, telling her to come visit her in the morning. As she teleports away, the woman in red attempts to cut the tension in the air.


"I... I'm sorry for your loss. I did not know the man long, but he died for my sake. I just hope that his passing is the first and last you experience,"

Some two weeks prior, in the snow coated capital of Frostpeak, the winds of change swept through the streets. The normally packed smithies and aeries laid empty on this eventful morning; red smoke billowing from any forges that had remained open. The smoke spread outwards, the magic contained within causing it to flow towards the peak of the mountain the city was carved into. At the peak of the mountain, the people gathered as they awaited the arrival of the Zenithian Tribunes. The crowd spread as they each arrived alongside their honor guard and their retainers. As they all settle into their seats on the forum, a griffon descends from the sky, two young armored women in tow. Once the older of the two dismounts, the younger of the pair takes to the sky once more before brandishing her lance. As she holds it aloft, the red smoke trails converge on the griffon rider's lance. The smoke envelops the weapon before slowly dissipating; the lance receiving a soft glow in the process. Once this has finished the griffon rider lands once more at the head of the forum. Holding the lance aloft once more, her voice echoes throughout the forum, as if being strengthened by some force.


"Tribunes of the Houses of Zenith! We stand here, called to action by the recent unrest that is plaguing our beautiful city! I have called this session in order to beseech you all, both highborn and lowborn, both elected and appointed, both..."

"Gun bhrμgh!" a voice shouts out from the crowd waiting outside the forum. The young woman loses her focus for a moment, her eyes turning to knight that stands at her side for confidence before looking back to Tribunes.


"We...," her voice wavers for a moment. "...we Tribunes must set an example for the people. I am aware that not everyone is content with the status of their house, and I understand the desire to elevate ones' fellows, but violence is not the answer! Infighting will only make us susceptible to the demons that lurk deep in the mines that pump the lifeblood of our territory! The Hellspawn are the true enemies, their ferocity..."

"Amaideach!" another voice shouts out. "Mealladhir!" another shouts. Soon the crowd outside the forum begins to chant these shouts in unison, their voices overpowering even the amplified shouts of the young woman. Some of the Tribunes nod to their guards, and they move to block off the entrance to the forum.


"Please! Everyone settle down! We mustn't act rashly!" she shouts, her pleas falling on deaf ears. The crowd continues to shout louder and louder before suddenly coming to a stop. "Druarholt," some whisper as they begin to part ways.


"We will not settle! We will not compromise!" he shouts, his voice shaking the guards standing between the Tribunal and his mob. "Stand aside. None may deny a Tribune the right to speak during a Tribunal." The guards all look at each other before turning back to face the young griffon rider. She pauses for a moment before motioning for them to let him pass.

"So you send good men to do your dirty work, Forgeling. Using the people to silence their fellows!" he says, each word caked with disdain.


"Tribune Druarholt, I merely wish to keep the peace. Surely you must see the folly...!"


"Folly!? A child dares lecture me on what is folly!? Your people freeze while you commit more of our men and women to your crusade! How many more towns must suffer as their guards are pulled from their homes and sent into the depths of Hell itself?"

"I... It is my duty... no... it is our duty to harvest that which lies within Elidir Fawr. It is our duty to our ancestors and to the Grand King himself..."

"Fairy tales won't put bread on the table, Forgeling!"

"Fairy tales? How dare you speak such blashpemy? It is by the grace of the Grand King that we stand here today?"

"Hmph. House Druarholt needs no grace. From here on out, we will make our own strength, and we will use this to do it!" He shouts as he produces a metal rod from his cloak. "Elidir Fawr for the Frozen!"

"Tribune Druarholt! Cease your insolence at once! That is no way to speak to Forgemaster Eivianna!"

"That girl is not my forgemaster! My forgemaster died eight years ago of the pox! That girl is merely a child playing with fire, fire that she cannot control."

"That is enough! Guards! Guards Seize..."

A loud explosion sounds as Druarholt grabs the wooden handle on his rod. In an instant, the smell of smoke and mythril taints the air as the Tribune who had called for guards falls backwards, his torso shredded apart by shards of metal. A panic immediately breaks out among the Tribunes as the guards move to seize Druarholt. As they make their move, members of the crowd begin to advance forwards. each pulling more metal rods from their cloaks. More and more explosions ring out as a riot breaks out on the tribunal floor. The shouts of "Elidir Fawr for the Frozen!" are almost drowned out by the raging battle. The Forgemaster gives her knight pained look, unsure of what to do next.

2017-02-23, 10:14 PM
Y'shta spent some time helping with the clean-up and rounding up, though her face fell when she heard that Keith was struck down. "We should've kept as one group..." she mumbled to herself, before shaking her head, grimacing. The mask shimmered for a moment, and she clutched at her head. "... it's not my time yet. But don't you worry. When you drag me down, I'll..."

A pause, as she shook her head. She wanted to ask the headmistress about the mask, but she'd gone for the time being... and the boys were with a red-cloaked woman who spoke her own distress. "Might you be... Chelt, then?"

2017-02-23, 10:51 PM

"Ah...," The woman in red said as she retreated slightly behind Braylen and Naobi. "I am Chelt. Am I to assume that you are with Sir Braylen, and Sir Naobi? Sorry for cowering," she says as she steps out from behind the boys. "It's been a long day."

The TechnoGnome
2017-02-23, 11:03 PM
Liam would have regularly been dozing off in the stands during a meeting such as this. Politics and economics were just so boring to him. But today was different. His friend Eivianna had confided in him the night before about her worries about the meeting today, and he had vowed to be there to support her. So while he wasn't listening to specifics, today he was on alert and on edge, making sure no assassins made their way past him.

But even he was completely taken off-guard by the full-on riot that had broken out so quickly. Luckily for him, he was out of the direct line of fire, but his friends weren't. And that was unacceptable to Liam of House Alvaro.

Grabbing his axe from beside his seat, he sprang up and started making his way down to the Forgemaster and her knight, letting out a shrill whistle as he vaulted the banister to close the distance, narrowly avoiding the blast that hit the chair he was sitting in only a second prior.

"Eivianna! Edona! Are you safe?" he shouted as he approached the two, weapon at the ready.

2017-02-24, 01:34 AM
"All of this bloodshed over Chelt and her information. There has to be something to the mage that we seek if somebody, let alone a lord at that, is willing to kill for it."Braylen thinks to himself as he observes the surroundings of the battle.
Braylen kneels down and says a prayer over Alexander's body before standing back up, dusting himself off and heading back towards the rest of the group.
"Ah yes, my name is Braylen Webb. But rest assured that there is no shame in cowering rather than running into a situation that will get you killed. We must think with our heads rather than our raw emotion if we want to have a chance of survival."Braylen says giving a little bow towards their new ally.

2017-02-24, 01:38 AM
Y'shta followed suit and knelt over the fallen thief's body, before offering her prayers. Then she stood, nodding to Braylen and Chelt both. "Y'shta, of the White Wind Tribe. It is a pleasure..." A pause, and then she said, "And yes, it would not have done to lose one's head and rush into danger recklessly. Please be assured, we will keep you safe as we search for the professor."

2017-02-24, 02:15 AM
As the battle wound down, Luna recalled the sight of the Headmistress's magic eviscerating that poor man. She had to admit, she was certainly glad they weren't on Lady Isoltt's bad side. Though that man did say something, before he died...

Rejoining the rest of the group, Luna introduced herself. "I do not believe we have formally met. I am Luna, a fellow student here."

After Chelt's reply, she continued, "Do you know why those people were looking for you? They mentioned a man named 'Albirion'..."

2017-02-24, 07:39 AM
Marfisa seemed somewhat lost right now, clearly swept up in thought about the battle that just took place. Once she realized that everyone were introducing themselves, however, she answered.
"My name is Marfisa. I am a pegasus rider of the Welk tribe." Bowing, she swiftly apologized.

2017-02-24, 05:31 PM

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I apologize for the trouble I've caused. As for why those men were chasing me, I'd like all of you to follow me." she says as she turns to head towards the library. "These gentlemen found me at the wrong library. Professor Bryant had told me that if he was gone longer than expected, that I should fetch his research materials from his room in the library. Something about The Foreign Magister, and some group having been more active as of late. We should be able to figure out more once we get there." The woman turns to the one armed bound woman beside her. "Someone carry her for me. She has information that might prove useful in the search of the Professor."

The library was a rather modest building from the outside, a small wooden sign being the only indication that it was in fact the correct library. Once inside however, the building proved to be significantly larger on the inside than it seemed on the outside. The walls were lined with tomes shelved as high as the ceiling, shelves extended as far as the eye could see, and ladders were stacked for the visitors' convenience at the entrance. Chelt grabbed a ladder and proceeded to walk to the end of the library, her eyes scanning the shelves for something. Upon reaching the back wall, she propped up the ladder. "I'd recommend everyone stand back for a second," she says as she begins ascending the rungs of the ladder. Pulling out a book from the shelve, the sound of gears whirring begins to fill the air as she hops of the ladder. Suddenly, the part of the bookshelf she was searching begins to sink into the floor, revealing an ornate door. Pulling a key from her pouch, Chelt leads the group through the door and into the chamber.

"Welcome to the Professor's chamber," she says, slightly proud of herself. "He took most of his journals with him to the Island when the last Expedition party took off with him, but.... Ah! Here we go," Chelt exclaims, a journal held over her head. "Let's see, Albirion did you say?" After a bit of searching she finds the name in the journal and passes it to the group to read.

My research into the Cult of the Foreign Magister has finally borne fruit. My contact has informed me that their leader is one who calls himself Lord Albirion. She wasn't able to provide me with any information besides that little tidbit, but a name is enough for now. I will have to thank her for her assistance later. I have somewhere with which to begin my search.

Looking through the registry of all people's born in Armath that the Scholasticate keeps, I was able to find mentions of an Albirion who was born to the house of Tart, a house known for their unorthodoxy though not seemingly any heresy. Asking the registrars about the name did little good, no one seems to have heard of the man. I will have to take my investigation into the city tomorrow and see what turns up.

While anyone holding any sort of public office seemed to deflect my questions, asking around the foreign quarter did seem to bear fruit. Some of the people living their spoke of Albirion in hushed whispers. Some said he was a demon born to human parents, others that he was 10 feet tall and shot arcane energy from his eyebrows. All falsehoods most likely, but the fact that spoke of him with bated breath must have some significance. Why are the officials of Elaid's Moor pretending he doesn't exist, and why do the common people fear him? I must endeavor to get out more from the Scholasticate so as to be more privy to information like this in the future.

The doorman at the House of Tart refused my request to speak to Lord and Lady Tart. The nerve of them denying an old man's request! No wonder people seem to have such a negative opinion of them. The day wasn't all bad however, as I finally managed to get a hold of Lady Isoltt to ask her if the name sounded familliar. She relayed to me that he was a fellow student during her tenure at the Scholasticate until the then Headmaster censured him over his personal research. He and those who were close to him left in an outrage, but not before planting runes in the Scholasticate's well that would poison the drinking water if left alone. Luckily for them, someone found them before it was too late and his name was stricken from the student roster as a result. That would explain why the Scholasticate registrars weren't forthcoming, but what about the rest of the Moor?

My research into the old Headmaster's records have uncovered some tidbits of Albirion's old research. He wanted to harness the fel energies of the leyline found on the southern islands in order to do something, what isn't clear from the records. Such an idea in itself is insane. Those leylines are all that keeps more powerful demons from crossing into our world and to tamper with them would endanger all of Ascalon, no, the entire world! If this is true, then it would stand to reason that this is why he named his cult after the most powerful of all demons that came from that accursed place.

On speaking with a foreign sage who resides by the harbor, she had mentioned that a sailor friend of hers has seen more and more boats choosing to depart for the southern islands as of late. She seemed not to grasp the significance of this not being raised in Ascalon, but I do. Those islands are the cursed breeding grounds of Hellspawn. No sane person would ever travel there without some reason, and certainly not en masse.

It's been awhile since I last recorded an entry about Albirion, but I had a breakthrough. While investigating the Pox for the Second Council, I happened to chance upon a member of the cult suffering from the affliction. Before his passing, I managed to discover that Albirion has been behind the recent spate of beastkin sacrifices in the Moor, though he could not tell me why. He did tell me that soon all of us would feel the wrath of the magister. I will request an escort from Camlasant himself and head to the southern island myself and stop whatever Albirion is plotting myself if need be. Chelt, if you read this and my expedition is delayed, I need you to send for the Second Council after me, or perhaps some mercenaries. Hidden in my chambers should be some gold, enough to hire the services of a few good men and women. Hopefully this is unecessary, but I fear for the worst.

"That's all he's written about this Albirion you mentioned. I was on my way to retrieve the gold he had stored here for me now that's it's been a while since I've last seen him, but I... I got lost and went to the wrong building. Luckily that's where I met you guys. Otherwise, Creator knows what might have happened." Chelt rummages through the room for a bit before producing a sack. "Here's the gold he left. I figure it would serve you better than it would serve me."

The Party receives 5000 Gold!

Chelt kinda looks awkwardly back and forth before continuing. "I'm uh, not sure where you guys are staying for the night, but the boys are welcome to stay here if they want. The rest of us can retire to the girls' dormitories. Not saying you can't come too, just... that you can't come too?"

2017-02-24, 08:08 PM
Paralogue 1: Exodus

As the Tribunal began, Edona stood tall beside her Forgemaster. She understood that many people were upset by the death of Eivianna's father, but they would surely see reason. Eivianna was the rightful heir, they have known this since her father's death 8 years ago. Helmet tucked beneath her arm, Edona looks out to the crowd and waits.

When Eivianna looks back to her, Edona gives (what she hopes is) a reassuring smile. But as her Forgemaster continues to speak, Edona frowns. These people, these families who had supported them for so long were not even listening. Eivianna could proclaim it was raining gold and they still would not hear her out. She tenses as Druarholt steps forward and speaks, hand gripping her lance.

And then, the panic. Edona did not know what the weapon was, surely nothing they had used in the mines. But as the people ran, or gathered, or shouted Edona's gaze was transfixed on the dead tribune. She had seen wounds before, even death. But from Hellspawn, creatures whose purpose was to inflict pain. Not humans. Not rational, moral, humans.

She is shaken back to reality as she sees Eivianna waiting on her and Liam joining them.


"We're safe, for now." Edona surveys the crowd - in the confusion, it seems like they have been given a brief reprieve. "If they are willing to kill..." the knight looked from the dead tribune to Eivianna. "We need to get out of here."

"Liam, Eivianna, get your mounts. We'll head south, find somewhere to hide out until..." But in truth, Edona didn't know what they would wait for. "Time to go. Hopefully the two of you will have a clear sky, I will hold off anyone on the ground."

2017-02-24, 11:10 PM
Eivianna snapped back to reality as her companions arrived at her side. South, the young Forgemaster thinks to herself. Lady Islott has long been friends with my parents. Perhaps she will help us. She hopped onto her griffon and extended her hand to Edona,


"That's brave of you, but there are way too many to fight by your lonesome! My griffon shall carry us both! Liam, call your wyvern and meet us by the fort south of town! I have an idea!


As the group reaches the southern fort, Eivianna drops off Edona before stopping. "It seems there are some more of them up ahead. I'll stay in this fort and hold off anyone coming from the Zenith. I need you guys to go on ahead; I'll follow right behind you guys."

Victory Conditions:

Rout the non boss enemies!

Failure Conditions:

All players are killed
Eivianna loses to Godfrey

Turn 00


Mercenary #1 [I-16]
16/16 HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Lancer LV 1
16/16 HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Fighter LV 1
23/18+5 HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Mage LV 1
15/15 HP, 7 Atk, 94 Hit, 16 Avo, 2 Crit
5 Pow, 4 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Fire [2 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Iron Fire 10/10 [5 Mt. 70 Hit, 0 crit, Ignores DEF/RES, Cannot double, Does not scale with Power, 1 Rng]

Godfrey LV 1 Hero
40/40 HP, 23 Atk, 118 Hit, 61 Avo, 13 Crit, 9 Crit Avoid
17 Pow, 17 Skl, 26 Spd, 9 Lck, 14 Def, 6 Res, 6 Move
Lancereaver [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles its effects.] E
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Killer Axe [8 Mt, 65 Hit, 30 Crit, -10 Avoid]
Concoction 2/2

Liam Lv 1 0/100 EXP,
18/18 HP, 15 Atk, 83 Hit, 17 Avoid, 2 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 3 Lck, 8 Def, 3 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Axe 0/30

Edona Lv 1 0/100 EXP
22/22 HP 10 Atk, 95 Hit, 15 Avoid, 3 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
5 Pow, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Lance 0/30

Forgemaster Eivianna Lv 1 Griffon Rider
HP 32/32 32 Atk, 116 Hit, 52 Avoid, 29 Crit, 10 Dodge
STR 14, SKL 18, SPD 21, LCK 10, DEF 18, RES 12
Zenith's Peak [18 Mt, 70 Hit, 20 Crit, Lance S* rank, Allows flying units to benefit from terrain bonuses, Remove Flying and beast weaknesses from wielder, Grants WTA versus beasts and Hellspawn]
Tomahawk [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, -10 Dodge, 2 Range, Cannot Double, Eff Spd - 5]
Concoction 2/2
Light Rune
Blue Gem

Emperor Demonking
2017-02-25, 05:59 AM
Naobi has been silent out of the horror of seeing Alexander die. His knuckles went white as he gripped his axe in anger. However, here he turned to Braylen, "Are we staying here?"

2017-02-25, 01:28 PM
"Oh, Alexander...
May you find in your next life the absolution you sought in this one."
Vesta excuses herself from the group to make arrangements for their fallen companion, and see that the rest of the carnage will be cleaned up before the students and citizenry come out for the day.

Later, at the girl's dormitory, she pales when the others fill her in on Professor Bryant's last notes.
"We've... gotten into something quite over our heads, haven't we? Even more frightening if we're now the only ones who can do something about it... What's our next move?"

2017-02-26, 05:27 AM
Penny finally finishes cleaning up the streets (literally) in an effort to stop the possible spread of disease and panic. Caked in sweat and blood, she seems a bit embarrassed about her appearance. "Miss Chelt, could you please direct me to a bath house, and maybe a priory where I can get new robes?"... and a staff...

2017-02-26, 03:07 PM
Turn 00

http://i.imgur.com/GmMbhcA.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/DG1bEDP.png
Mercenary attacks! 80 Hit! Liam takes 4 damage!
Liam retalliates! 87 Miss!
Liam gains 1 xp!

http://i.imgur.com/b4DbuHe.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/g4t2aed.gif
Lancer attacks! 55 Hit! Edona takes 1 damage!
Edona retalliates! 82 Hit! Lancer takes 5 damage!
Edona gains 10 xp and 1 weapon xp!


"Please, stop this madness! Druarholt only seeks to further his own aims, not improve the lot of the poeple! Even a mercenary like yourself must be able to see that!"


"I care not. All I care about is seeing my contract fulfilled and the glory and gold that comes with it. Druarholt has promised me both in spades."


"So reasoning with you is pointless then."


"Raise your lance, young Forgemaster. There is no glory in defeating an opponent who only fights with words and not steel."


"Fine then! If it is a battle you want, then it is a battle I shall give you! For my parents and all of Frostpeak, I, Eivianna, shall knock you down!"


"Yes! That's more like it! Come young Forgemaster! Give me a battle that bears no equal!"

http://i.imgur.com/iazgZ8O.png VS http://i.imgur.com/rmYBeAA.png
Godfrey Attacks! 51 Hit! Eivianna takes 5 damage!
Eivianna retalliates! 85 Miss!
Godfrey Doubles! 8 Hit! Eivianna takes 5 damage!

"Is that the best you can do? Pathetic. I've seen trainee mages do better!"

Eivianna uses the Light Rune.

Turn 01


Mercenary #1 [I-16]
16/16 HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Lancer LV 1
11/16 HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Fighter LV 1
23/18+5 HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Mage LV 1
15/15 HP, 7 Atk, 94 Hit, 16 Avo, 2 Crit
5 Pow, 4 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Fire [2 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Iron Fire 10/10 [5 Mt. 70 Hit, 0 crit, Ignores DEF/RES, Cannot double, Does not scale with Power, 1 Rng]

Godfrey LV 1 Hero
40/40 HP, 23 Atk, 118 Hit, 61 Avo, 13 Crit, 9 Crit Avoid
17 Pow, 17 Skl, 26 Spd, 9 Lck, 14 Def, 6 Res, 6 Move
Lancereaver [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles its effects.] E
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Killer Axe [8 Mt, 65 Hit, 30 Crit, -10 Avoid]
Concoction 2/2

Liam Lv 1 1/100 EXP,
14/18 HP, 15 Atk, 83 Hit, 17 Avoid, 2 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 3 Lck, 8 Def, 3 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Axe 0/30

Edona Lv 1 10/100 EXP
21/22 HP 10 Atk, 95 Hit, 15 Avoid, 3 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
5 Pow, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Lance 1/30

Forgemaster Eivianna Lv 1 Griffon Rider
HP 28/32 32 Atk, 116 Hit, 52 Avoid, 29 Crit, 10 Dodge
STR 14, SKL 18, SPD 21, LCK 10, DEF 18, RES 12
Zenith's Peak [18 Mt, 70 Hit, 20 Crit, Lance S* rank, Allows flying units to benefit from terrain bonuses, Remove Flying and beast weaknesses from wielder, Grants WTA versus beasts and Hellspawn]
Tomahawk [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, -10 Dodge, 2 Range, Cannot Double, Eff Spd - 5]
Concoction 2/2
Blue Gem

2017-02-26, 04:04 PM
"That would be best for now. It seems like we should be safe. At least for now anyways." Braylen says laying down several of his belongings.

2017-02-26, 04:34 PM
"...So we're staying. Got it." Marfisa sighed. She didn't feel like that this place was necessarily safe. Sure, she enjoyed it, but they were just ambushed, and well, cities tend to have more crimes then the countryside.

2017-02-27, 05:30 PM
"Lady... Penny, was it? There's a small bath house in the girl's dormitory should you need it, as well as some vendors that sell magical arms and equipment that you can peruse in the morning. For now, I'd suggest rest."

Before leaving, Professor Bryant's chamber, Chelt approaches Braylen. "Are you going to take care of that madwoman who came at us with an axe? I'd like to ask her some questions in the morning when she comes to."

The morning sun's light blankets the campus as the cool sea breeze sweeps across the buildings. The students seem to continue with their normal routine, the noise of the previous night's incident having made no effect. A letter has been slipped under Luna's door, it's contents once more requesting that the mage visit the headmistress before the group heads out. Chelt herself makes her way to the Professor's chambers in order to both wake her allies, and question their assailant.


"Morning, gentlemen," she says stifling a yawn. "Is the one armed bandit ready for interrogation?"

2017-02-27, 06:02 PM
It's probably best not to keep the Headmistress waiting. As such, shortly after the group convenes in the morning, Luna will excuse herself, showing the others the letter by way of explanation and saying that she'll meet them in the Professor's chamber after she's done. If anyone (*coughVestacough*) offers to go with her, Luna will point out that she doesn't need to be accompanied and that they would be better off assisting in the interrogation; they could exchange information afterward.

Once that's settled, Luna will make her way to the gate leading to the Headmistress's manor, going in if the guards don't stop her and presenting the letter she received if they do.

2017-02-27, 06:05 PM
Y'shta frowned and thought about her options, but opted to stop Luna as she asked, "Might you be going to see the headmistress? Would you... terribly mind if I came with you? The headmistress is a capable mage, and I have questions she might be able to answer about..." She tapped her mask.

2017-02-27, 06:14 PM
"Ah, yes; Lady Isoltt would be a wise choice to ask about such a thing. Very well."

Luna continues on, expecting Y'shta to follow. She idly wonders if the Headmistress will accept other visitors, but supposes she'll find out soon enough.

2017-02-27, 06:58 PM
Vesta sleeps in a bit later than the others, having been out cleaning up corpses with the university's night staff.

When it's time to rise, she takes up a post by the exit and starts working out the soreness in her muscles from the past few days of travel and fighting. She'll teach someone else her stretching routine if they want, but otherwise isn't quite awake enough to be sociable yet.

2017-02-28, 02:25 AM
Vesta sleeps in a bit later than the others, having been out cleaning up corpses with the university's night staff.

When it's time to rise, she takes up a post by the exit and starts working out the soreness in her muscles from the past few days of travel and fighting. She'll teach someone else her stretching routine if they want, but otherwise isn't quite awake enough to be sociable yet.

A soldier walks up to Vesta from the other side of the gate.


"Morning ma'am. Haven't seen you around here. You a new hire?"


The guards at the entrance to the Headmistress's estate let the pair of girls past with no issue, though they admit to themselves that they weren't expecting a plus one. Nonetheless, Luna and Y'shta are escorted into the foyer of the estate and told to wait until the headmistress came out to greet them. The foyer was surprisingly sparsely decorated for someone whose family descended from nobility and lacked the deep blues and golds often associated with Ascalonian royalty. Instead, banners bearing unfamiliar crests and heraldry of all colors adorned the walls. After a short while, a strong gust blows through the room, a familiar woman in tow.

"Glad to see you could make it. I don't believe we've been properly introduced though I remember your face from around the Scholasticate. As you're probably aware, I am Headmistress Isoltt of Armath."

2017-02-28, 02:42 AM
Luna will have to remember to look up those crests later when she has the chance; she's fairly curious about where they're from.

But as for right now, Luna gave the Headmistress a curtsy. "My name is Luna."

2017-02-28, 03:06 AM

"Well, Luna, I wanted to thank you for warning me about the assailants who attacked the campus last night. You probably had the situation under control before I became involved, but nonetheless I appreciate being kept informed. Especially since it would seem that some of the Scholasticate guards had no such intention of informing me of the incident. Indeed, our two door guards to the main campus have fled their posts and a short investigation of their homes has revealed that they've also fled the city proper. That such men are susceptible to corruption was always a possibility, but I had hoped that the honor of serving such a time-honored institution would dissuade such lesser instincts. I believe one of the assailants dropped this as well. I want you to have it as a reward for your service."

Luna receives an Energy Drop!

"I'm going to assume that the woman with you is a friend who helped subdue the intruders. Who might I have the pleasure of thanking for the well-being of my students?"

2017-02-28, 03:43 AM
So even the guards inside this city were compromised...

Y'shta bowed gracefully and spoke softly, "My name is Y'shta, of the White Wind Tribe. It was my pleasure to help protect Luna and the others; alas, if only I was quicker on my feet, it might have prevented Alexander's death as well. No more."

She looked to Luna, then smiled softly as she said, "Milady, I wished to ask for your advice on the matter of the mask on my face." She paused and held against it for a moment, but it would refuse to budge. "This mask appeared to have been a cause of the taint of the river back in Abundance -- and it brought foul monsters in its wake. When we ventured to its altar, it grafted itself upon me, and it refuses to remove itself. Part of the reason I have travelled this far was to see if the Professor would know anything about it -- but I ask you as well, for your magical knowledge is great. Do you know what this... artifact is? It is... troubling, to say the least."

2017-02-28, 01:22 PM
"Morning ma'am. Haven't seen you around here. You a new hire?"
"Mmh? Ahh."
Vesta blinks groggily at the guardsman. Night shifts were never her thing.
"Name's Vesta; howdy-do. Yeah, came with the caravan from Midean yesterday. Quite the ruckus last night, eh?"

2017-02-28, 04:23 PM
"Ah yes, I'll make sure to bound and gag her in preparation." Braylen says as he leaves to tie the one armed attacker to a chair and gagging her mouth in order to interrogate her the next day.

"Ah yes let's go and see if we can get any information from the mercenary. Has there been any signs that you're still being watched?" Braylen says grabbing his belongings and leading Chelt towards their prisoner.

As Braylen and Chelt reach the mercenary, he takes the gag out of her mouth and takes step back.

"Who is Lord Albirion and why does he want Chelt dead?" Braylen asks the one armed lady.

2017-02-28, 04:35 PM

Marfisa is stunned for a moment by Braylen's remark.

"...I'll follow you."

It's as if this man lives on a whole other plane of existence... His ethics are out of whack. Best to follow him and try to minimize the impact. I doubt I can dissuade him entirely.

The TechnoGnome
2017-02-28, 09:18 PM
"Gah!" Liam shouted as the mercenary's sword connected with his leg, "Have at you, ruffian!"

He swung his axe wildly, but the merc was able to dodge at the last second. Drat, this isn't looking good.

Seeing his companion Edona head towards the town, and the enemy army swiftly beginning to circle him, he clicked his tongue and tugged the reins to have his wyvern follow her. He just hoped that some of the group decided to follow... and that Eivianna could handle those that didn't.

2017-03-01, 01:33 AM
Turn 01


"You would deny me a battle fit for a warrior of my caliber? You are not worthy of your lance!"

http://i.imgur.com/b4DbuHe.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/g4t2aed.gif
Lancer attacks! 81 Miss! Edona
Edona retalliates! 32 Hit! Lancer takes 5 damage!
Edona gains 10 xp and 1 weapon xp!

http://i.imgur.com/jhrxWPs.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/g4t2aed.gif
Fighter attacks! 100 Miss!
Edona Retalliates! 87 Miss!
Edona gains 1 xp!

http://i.imgur.com/rmYBeAA.png VS http://i.imgur.com/jhrxWPs.gif
Eivianna attacks! 90 Hit! Fighter takes 22 damage!
Fighter cannot retalliate!
Eivianna gains 1 xp!


"Worry not friends! I have blocked their progress with an old rune left to me by parents. It's only temporary, but for now, it will allow me to ride to your aid!"

Turn 02


Mercenary #1 [I-16]
16/16 HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Lancer LV 1
6/16 HP 10 Atk 94 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
5 Pow 6+2 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 5 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt 80 Hit 0 Crit]

Fighter LV 1
1/18+5 HP 14 Atk 80 Hit 10 Avoid 2 Crit
7 Pow 5 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Mage LV 1
15/15 HP, 7 Atk, 94 Hit, 16 Avo, 2 Crit
5 Pow, 4 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Fire [2 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Iron Fire 10/10 [5 Mt. 70 Hit, 0 crit, Ignores DEF/RES, Cannot double, Does not scale with Power, 1 Rng]

Godfrey LV 1 Hero
40/40 HP, 23 Atk, 118 Hit, 61 Avo, 13 Crit, 9 Crit Avoid
17 Pow, 17 Skl, 26 Spd, 9 Lck, 14 Def, 6 Res, 6 Move
Lancereaver [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles its effects.] E
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Killer Axe [8 Mt, 65 Hit, 30 Crit, -10 Avoid]
Concoction 2/2

Liam Lv 1 1/100 EXP,
14/18 HP, 15 Atk, 83 Hit, 17 Avoid, 2 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 3 Lck, 8 Def, 3 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Axe 0/30

Edona Lv 1 21/100 EXP
21/22 HP 10 Atk, 95 Hit, 15 Avoid, 3 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
5 Pow, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Lance 2/30

Forgemaster Eivianna Lv 1 Griffon Rider 1/100
HP 28/32 32 Atk, 116 Hit, 52 Avoid, 29 Crit, 10 Dodge
STR 14, SKL 18, SPD 21, LCK 10, DEF 18, RES 12
Zenith's Peak [18 Mt, 70 Hit, 20 Crit, Lance S* rank, Allows flying units to benefit from terrain bonuses, Remove Flying and beast weaknesses from wielder, Grants WTA versus beasts and Hellspawn]
Tomahawk [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, -10 Dodge, 2 Range, Cannot Double, Eff Spd - 5]
Concoction 2/2
Blue Gem

So even the guards inside this city were compromised...

Y'shta bowed gracefully and spoke softly, "My name is Y'shta, of the White Wind Tribe. It was my pleasure to help protect Luna and the others; alas, if only I was quicker on my feet, it might have prevented Alexander's death as well. No more."

She looked to Luna, then smiled softly as she said, "Milady, I wished to ask for your advice on the matter of the mask on my face." She paused and held against it for a moment, but it would refuse to budge. "This mask appeared to have been a cause of the taint of the river back in Abundance -- and it brought foul monsters in its wake. When we ventured to its altar, it grafted itself upon me, and it refuses to remove itself. Part of the reason I have travelled this far was to see if the Professor would know anything about it -- but I ask you as well, for your magical knowledge is great. Do you know what this... artifact is? It is... troubling, to say the least."

"It's related to the Hellspawn you say? Well, it's certainly not my field of expertise, but let me give it a once over to see if I can figure anything out at a glance."

The headmistress examines the mask on Y'shta's face, her expression one of both interest and confusion. As she places her fingers on the mask in order to attempt to remove it, a strange burst of energy emanates from the mask. Within moments. a bright flash and an deafening clap fills the room.

You drift along in darkness, seemingly alone, for what feels like an eternity.

"Feed me...," you hear, the voice coming not from any particular direction, but from within.

"Feed me...," the voice scratches at your very soul. Suddenly the faces of those you have slain so far fade in and out of the darkness.

"Not enough... Never enough...," the power pulls at you, begging, pleading for your aid. The voice feels desperate, almost hopelessly so.

"Others here... Feed me..."

The strange burst of arcane energy was something unexpected. As you come to, you notice yourself surrounded by what seems to be a dark void. By your side, stands Headmistress Isoltt. As she helps you to your feet, a voice can be heard in the distance, almost faintly.

"I'm guessing this isn't your guys' version of a vacation getaway. We should probably, make our way to the origin of that noise. Lucky for us, or mayhaps unluckily, the aether around us seems solid enough to traverse." Isoltt says, her tome at the ready.

The wandering feels as if you've been walking forever, but eventually you arrive at what seems to be a strange altar emanating a pillar of purple light. Looking at the altar, you see Y'shta kneeling down her.

"Mmh? Ahh."
Vesta blinks groggily at the guardsman. Night shifts were never her thing.
"Name's Vesta; howdy-do. Yeah, came with the caravan from Midean yesterday. Quite the ruckus last night, eh?"


"From what I heard, sounds like it. Sounds like some idiots tried to tangle with the headmistress and she sent them packing all by herself they say! Or at least they being the guard I relieved from duty on my way in to start my shift. I reckon those who were lucky enough to leave with their lives know not to mess with the strongest mage in all of Ascalon. Or at least that's also what they say about the headmistress. Never met her myself. Oh I should probably introduce myself seeing as you were polite enough to give me your name. My friends call me Leo."

"Ah yes, I'll make sure to bound and gag her in preparation." Braylen says as he leaves to tie the one armed attacker to a chair and gagging her mouth in order to interrogate her the next day.

"Ah yes let's go and see if we can get any information from the mercenary. Has there been any signs that you're still being watched?" Braylen says grabbing his belongings and leading Chelt towards their prisoner.

As Braylen and Chelt reach the mercenary, he takes the gag out of her mouth and takes step back.

"Who is Lord Albirion and why does he want Chelt dead?" Braylen asks the one armed lady.


"Not that I've noticed at the very least. It would seem that our assailants weren't very persistent, though I suppose we'll find out why very soon."

Letting out a few coughs as her gag is removed, the woman looks her captors in the eyes, her lips contorting into a smile as she lays eyes on Chelt.


"I'm so glad you could be here. The professor told me about you. Told me that you were a fighter."


"You've seen the professor! Tell me what you've done with him this instant!"


"We didn't do anything. At least, not physically. Oh you should have seen him though! His face as we ambushed his little expedition was so precious. So vulnerable. I would have savored it forever had Lord Albirion not ordered me to stand down. Useful, he said he'd be."


"You... You Monster! The Creator will see you rot with the Hellspawn!"


"How wonderful that would be! I might even join that man who died defending you! And when Lord Albirion is done with him, perhaps I'll even join your professor!"

Chelt reaches for the tome stored at her hip before shaking her head.


"Sir Braylen, Lady Marfisa, I need some... some air before I do something I'll regret," she says leaving the room.


"So you'll run? You'll never save your professor like that! Craven! Coward!" she shouts before breaking into a laugh. "I think that look of helplessness is so precious, don't you agree, Father?"

2017-03-01, 01:11 PM
"From what I heard, sounds like it. Sounds like some idiots tried to tangle with the headmistress and she sent them packing all by herself they say! Or at least they being the guard I relieved from duty on my way in to start my shift. I reckon those who were lucky enough to leave with their lives know not to mess with the strongest mage in all of Ascalon. Or at least that's also what they say about the headmistress. Never met her myself. Oh I should probably introduce myself seeing as you were polite enough to give me your name. My friends call me Leo."

"Oh, thought it seemed a little windy near the warehouse. Y'know, my little sis and her girlfriend did a number on those ruffians too, 'fore the Lady Headmistress joined in. 'S quite somethin', watching the cute li'l bookworm light up the night with fire and lightnin'. But you must be used to it, Leo. Been a guard here long?"

2017-03-01, 11:51 PM
There are things you expect. There are things you don't expect. And then there are things that you never could have possibly expected to not expect.

For Luna, this situation is in that last category. Wordlessly, she nods to the Headmistress, following her lead as they wander this void.

When they see Y'shta and the pillar of light, Luna has to remind herself to not run ahead; for all she knew, this could be some sort of illusion. So instead, she calls out, "Y'shta?"

2017-03-02, 12:32 AM
Y'shta's eyes widen -- even the one clawed underneath the mask, as she turned around and stared at the empty vastness of the void. "I-- where... where am I...?'

They speak out to her-- the faces, the bloody faces of those she'd carved open and torn apart each tear at her, each of their limbs dragging at her like they were wishing to drag her towards a shared and common Hell.

"No-- I-- it was not because of my choice--"

She winced and held her head. "No!"

If she could hear Luna, she didn't make notion to gesture to her, clutching tightly at her forehead. "No..."

2017-03-03, 12:30 AM
"Look you're a sellsword, and even though I can see completely insane. If you tell us the information we want, I will let you go and live the rest of your meager life."Braylen says to the bound mercenary.

2017-03-03, 02:05 AM
"Oh, thought it seemed a little windy near the warehouse. Y'know, my little sis and her girlfriend did a number on those ruffians too, 'fore the Lady Headmistress joined in. 'S quite somethin', watching the cute li'l bookworm light up the night with fire and lightnin'. But you must be used to it, Leo. Been a guard here long?"


"Yeah, Its somethin' of a tradition in my family. Pa was a guard, his Pa was a guard, and his pa was a guard for as long as we remember. So I figured I'd keep the tradition going. What about you? You been working in caravans for very long?"

"Look you're a sellsword, and even though I can see completely insane. If you tell us the information we want, I will let you go and live the rest of your meager life."Braylen says to the bound mercenary.


"Hah, there's no life left for me out there, Father. But I will say this. I'm gonna enjoy killing you in the next life. See you in Hell!" As the woman finishes her statement, she stares you down as you begin to see blood trickle from her lips. Before long, she begins choking; blood spewing everytime she gasps for air. Her consciousness fades and she slumps in the chair she's tied to.


The voices recoil on hearing the mage call for her ally; the images they constructed shattering as the noise passes. "Interloper! Intruder!" they scream, yet you can feel their helplessness. They cannot act. They cannot hold you any longer now that they've been interrupted. "Do not leave me," they begin once the realize their loss in power.

As Luna calls Y'shta's name, the pillar of light flickers and wanes ever so slightly.

"I think I understand what's going on here now," Isoltt says upon seeing the strange pillar of light fade ever so slightly. "I cannot see anyone with her, but I can feel the aether moving towards your friend. No, I believe that's not correct. Not your friend, but the mask. The thing is feeding on the magical aether around it. It is the conduit that is sustaining this realm. Yet your friend was able to resist once you called her name. This is all so fascinating. Given the time, I'd love to study this artifact more."

Lady Isoltt begins advancing towards Y'shta. "All that being said, I believe reaching your friend and helping her with whatever is going on would be our best bet out of here."

2017-03-03, 02:13 AM
"Yeah, Its somethin' of a tradition in my family. Pa was a guard, his Pa was a guard, and his pa was a guard for as long as we remember. So I figured I'd keep the tradition going. What about you? You been working in caravans for very long?"

"Mm, quite a tradition y'got there! I'm a little envious. Can't say much for m'self; grew up a farm girl, then somethin' of a maid, joined the city watch in Midean few years back, then they sent me along here. It's been a ride, I can tell ya that!"

It seems the combination of sleep deprivation and casual company is drawing out more and more of Vesta's country accent and mannerisms. Is this the start of something beautiful or terrible...?

2017-03-03, 02:58 AM

"A traveler eh? I'd always wanted to travel sometime but with all that's going on in Ascalon these days, I don't think I could up an' leave my family behind. Well, I should get to work. Hopefully I'll be seein' ya' 'round, Miss Vesta," the man says as he leaves, whistling while he works.

2017-03-03, 08:38 AM
Unaware of the magical and intriguing things going on, Penny has stripped down and is enjoying the baths, allowing steam to soothe the stress of battle.

"Ahh, this is so much better than mopping up other people's messes..." she closes her eyes and sinks into the bubbly water, warm rocks at her back. "I wonder when we'll get another break like this? I should take advantage of the stop and get a new staff.."

2017-03-04, 01:41 PM
Turn 02

http://i.imgur.com/g4t2aed.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/jhrxWPs.gif
Edona attacks! 35 Hit! Fighter perishes!
Edona gains 30 xp and 2 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/DG1bEDP.png VS http://i.imgur.com/b4DbuHe.gif
Liam attacks! 77 Hit! Lancer perishes!
Liam gains 30 xp and 2 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/GmMbhcA.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/DG1bEDP.png
Mercenary attacks! 43 Hit! Liam takes 4 damage!
Liam retalliates! 64 miss!
Liam gains 1 xp!

http://i.imgur.com/cI7cWHT.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/DG1bEDP.png
Mage attacks! 58 Hit! Liam takes 4 damage!
Liam cannot retalliate!
Liam gains 1 xp!

http://i.imgur.com/rmYBeAA.png VS http://i.imgur.com/cI7cWHT.gif
Eivianna attacks! 24 Hit! Mage explodes in a cloud of red mist!
Eivianna gains 1 xp!
Eivianna obtains the Iron Fire!

"Such a barbaric weapon. Do the reformists know no honour?"

Eivianna discards Iron Fire

Turn 03


Mercenary #1 [I-16]
16/16 HP 11 Atk 97 Hit 10 Avoid 3 Crit
7 Pow 6 Skl 5 Spd 0 Lck 4 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt 85 Hit 0 Crit]

Godfrey LV 1 Hero
40/40 HP, 23 Atk, 118 Hit, 61 Avo, 13 Crit, 9 Crit Avoid
17 Pow, 17 Skl, 26 Spd, 9 Lck, 14 Def, 6 Res, 6 Move
Lancereaver [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles its effects.] E
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Killer Axe [8 Mt, 65 Hit, 30 Crit, -10 Avoid]
Concoction 2/2

Liam, Lv 1, 33/100 EXP,
6/18 HP, 15 Atk, 83 Hit, 17 Avoid, 2 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 3 Lck, 8 Def, 3 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Axe 2/30

Edona, Lv 1, 51/100 EXP
21/22 HP 10 Atk, 95 Hit, 15 Avoid, 3 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
5 Pow, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Lance 4/30

Forgemaster Eivianna, Lv 1, Griffon Rider, 2/100 EXP
HP 28/32 32 Atk, 116 Hit, 52 Avoid, 29 Crit, 10 Dodge
STR 14, SKL 18, SPD 21, LCK 10, DEF 18, RES 12
Zenith's Peak [18 Mt, 70 Hit, 20 Crit, Lance S* rank, Allows flying units to benefit from terrain bonuses, Remove Flying and beast weaknesses from wielder, Grants WTA versus beasts and Hellspawn] E
Tomahawk [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, -10 Dodge, 2 Range, Cannot Double, Eff Spd - 5]
Concoction 2/2
Blue Gem

The TechnoGnome
2017-03-05, 12:36 AM
"Hah! Is that all you got?" Liam asks as the Lancer goes down, "Surely you- Yowch!"

The fireball to the back was not at all appreciated, but thankfully, Eivianna took swift revenge on his behalf. Liam eyes her oddly as she tosses the newfangled weaponry away, then turns his focus back to the mercenary.

"Come now! Are you truly willing to face me in single combat?" Liam asks, leveling his axe at the merc. Not being in the best of shape at the moment, he waited for the merc to attack first, hoping he did a better job on the counter attack than he had for most of this fight.

2017-03-05, 04:13 AM
"I am just a..."

Y'shta's face was drained in horror as she looked at the spirits around her, and then floated towards the source of Luna's voice. "Luna!" she cried out. "Where are you -- help me!"

2017-03-05, 04:50 PM
Turn 03

http://i.imgur.com/g4t2aed.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/GmMbhcA.gif
Edona attacks! 35 Hit! Mercenary takes 7 damage!
Mercenary Retalliates! 83 Miss!
Edona gains 10 xp and 1 weapon exp!

http://i.imgur.com/GmMbhcA.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/DG1bEDP.png
Mercenary attacks! 99 Miss!
Liam retalliates! 73 miss!
Liam gains 1 xp!

http://i.imgur.com/rmYBeAA.png VS http://i.imgur.com/GmMbhcA.gif
Eivianna attacks! 24 Hit! Mercenary explodes in a cloud of red mist!
Eivianna gains 1 xp!

Map End!


Godfrey LV 1 Hero
40/40 HP, 23 Atk, 118 Hit, 61 Avo, 13 Crit, 9 Crit Avoid
17 Pow, 17 Skl, 26 Spd, 9 Lck, 14 Def, 6 Res, 6 Move
Lancereaver [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles its effects.] E
Steel Axe [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Killer Axe [8 Mt, 65 Hit, 30 Crit, -10 Avoid]
Concoction 2/2

Liam, Lv 1, 34/100 EXP,
6/18 HP, 15 Atk, 83 Hit, 17 Avoid, 2 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 3 Lck, 8 Def, 3 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Blue Gem

Weapon Ranks:
Axe 2/30

Edona, Lv 1, 61/100 EXP
21/22 HP 10 Atk, 95 Hit, 15 Avoid, 3 Crit, 3 Crit Avoid
5 Pow, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 3 Lck, 9 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Lance 5/30

Forgemaster Eivianna, Lv 1, Griffon Rider, 3/100 EXP
HP 28/32 32 Atk, 116 Hit, 52 Avoid, 29 Crit, 10 Dodge
STR 14, SKL 18, SPD 21, LCK 10, DEF 18, RES 12
Zenith's Peak [18 Mt, 70 Hit, 20 Crit, Lance S* rank, Allows flying units to benefit from terrain bonuses, Remove Flying and beast weaknesses from wielder, Grants WTA versus beasts and Hellspawn] E
Tomahawk [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, -10 Dodge, 2 Range, Cannot Double, Eff Spd - 5]
Concoction 2/2
Blue Gem

As the swordsman explodes into a cloud of red mist, Eivianna turns to her companions.


"It would seem that we have a clear escape route. Good job everyone! Come, let us hurry!"

"I wouldn't count on an easy escape, Forgeling," a voice responds. Looking around Eivianna searches for the source of the voice before she looks up and sees it. A bevy of wyverns swoop down and surround the group, with a strange 4 winged and legless wyvern leading the group. Atop the wyvern rests the man who started this all.


"Druarholt! What manner of beast have you bent to your will?"


"This is Ceithir le Sgiathan, King of the Skies. The Grandians pretend such beasts are merely legends, stories that the beastkin tell to validate their existence. I know better. Surrender forgeling. You cannot escape from my riders."

Eivianna surveys the situation before looking to her companions. She inches close to Liam, whispering instructions to him.


"Liam. I need you to listen to me. I need you to take Edona, and on my signal, go south. Meet with Lady Isoltt of Armath and request her aid. I will distract Druarholt and his cronies. Take this gem with you. It should prove itself useful in covering any costs you may incur in your journey. And Liam, I... no, it can wait. I shall wait for both of your returns." she says as she hops back onto her griffon. "Druarholt! Know that I will never surrender to the likes of you!" As she finishes her statement, her griffon and her take flight. Diving in and out of the crowd of wyverns, her lance makes quick work of her targets as she makes her way east, one last look towards Liam before flying off.


"Must I do everything myself? Riders, to me! Chase that girl! I will not be denied my victory!"

The TechnoGnome
2017-03-05, 09:45 PM
"But Eivianna, I can't just..."

Liam looks up at the horde of riders. 3 on gods know how many were not good odds. If he were alone, he would stay to support his friend. But Edona's life was at stake too, and if he was the one who tried to make a heroic sacrifice... well, they would either ignore him entirely to get Eivianna or worse, make short work of him and catch up anyway. Much as he hated to admit it, Eivianna's plan was his only option.

"...Okay," he said grimly, taking the gem, "Just make it out of this alive."

He watches her lead the group away, then turns to Edona and says, "Hop on! We're getting out of here."

2017-03-06, 12:38 AM
Braylen turns around disappointed in both the lack of information and how he hadn't taken the proper precautions to stop the mercenary from killing herself. He leaves the room to go find Chelt and let her know the outcome of their failed interrogation.

"Chelt, we were sadly unable to get anymore information. The mercenary felt that sending herself to hell was a better alternative than answering our questions. If it of any consolation, we needn't dirty our hands with murdering the scum."Braylen says as he finds the young mage.

2017-03-06, 05:18 PM

"Ah, sir Braylen. Your news makes me feel conflicted. One one hand, I am glad that that monster no longer draws breath. On the other hand, I wish that we could have obtained more information before her passing. Nonetheless, the Professor's journal has given me a good idea of where we must head next, though I do not know how we might get there. The Isle of the Foreign Magister in the south sea should be where they have taken him, but this whole situation bothers me. For what possible use could they have for the Professor? He is but a scholar, and an elderly one at that. Sometimes I question why the Creator and the Grand King might will their subjects to suffer so, but I suppose that is our lot in life. What is your take on all of this?"

2017-03-06, 05:43 PM
"...Braylen, I'm just glad you didn't get your hands on her." Marfisa sighed. "I get the feeling that you would have tortured her. She's an evil bitch, but she doesn't deserve that. No one deserves that." Marfisa taps her foot. "...She does deserve to die, though. ****ing monster, the girl."

2017-03-06, 08:52 PM
Edona sighs in disappointment as the reinforcements arrive. As much as she would rather stay and fight, there was no sense in prolonging this. Orders were orders, and she could think of no better option.

Edona quickly joins Liam, watching as Eivianna flies off. "To Armath, then. And to Lady Isoltt."

2017-03-06, 10:53 PM
"Y'shta! We are coming!" Nodding to Lady Isoltt, Luna quickens her pace heading toward Y'shta. She dares not run, as this realm may potentially have its dangers and she would rather not be separated from the Headmistress should those dangers rear their heads.

2017-03-07, 01:06 AM
The pillar of light flickers in and out as the headmistress and Luna close the distance between themselves and Y'shta. As they climb the steps up the altar, they bare witness to tribeswoman surrounded by a cloud of tainted aether.

"Leave us! Come no closer!" a voice echoes out of the swirling purple mist. The headmistress carries on, motioning for Luna to continue following.


"As I hypothesized. This aether is primal in nature. Even demons themselves would seem to struggle to control it without a suitable host. So that's what you are then. A parasite, feeding off the aether of those around this girl," the headmistress says as she reaches into the purple light. "Don't worry, we'll get us out of here in no time," she says, motioning for Luna to do the same. "Gather the aether as if harnessing a spell, and the release it."

As the mages collect and disperse the aether, the voices scream in pain as the world around you begins to shatter; within moments, a bright flash of light engulfs you and you begin to feel your senses return to you piece by piece. Looking around you find yourself back in the Headmistresses foyer in the exact same position you were in before being transported away.

"It would seem that world was but an illusion then, one caused by the forces residing within that mask. I apologize for not being of more help to you, Miss Y'shta, but such an artifact is beyond my depth of knowledge. If Professor Bryant were here he may be able to tell you more, but alas he has been missing for the past two months."

Emperor Demonking
2017-03-07, 03:46 AM
Naobi paced, still in the room where he slept, giving himself a pep-talk. "OK, get this all out of your system now. When the fight starts again, you need to be fully confident. People might be counting on you. And this mission. That's important too, it might help lead to a cure."

Naobi stopped speaking then, aware that continuing could just be the opposite of peppy and bringing up past failures.

The TechnoGnome
2017-03-07, 10:54 PM
Edona sighs in disappointment as the reinforcements arrive. As much as she would rather stay and fight, there was no sense in prolonging this. Orders were orders, and she could think of no better option.

Edona quickly joins Liam, watching as Eivianna flies off. "To Armath, then. And to Lady Isoltt."

"Indeed. Let us pray Eivianna can escape her pursuers. Jugdral, to the skies!"

The wyvern let out a screech and took off, flying southward away from the pack of rebels.

The TechnoGnome
2017-03-07, 10:55 PM
Edona sighs in disappointment as the reinforcements arrive. As much as she would rather stay and fight, there was no sense in prolonging this. Orders were orders, and she could think of no better option.

Edona quickly joins Liam, watching as Eivianna flies off. "To Armath, then. And to Lady Isoltt."

"Indeed. Let us pray Eivianna can escape her pursuers. Durandal, to the skies!"

The wyvern let out a screech and took off, flying southward away from the pack of rebels.

2017-03-09, 12:04 PM
Braylen simply ignores the comments made by Marfisa choosing instead to focus on the worries of Chelt.


"Ah, sir Braylen. Your news makes me feel conflicted. One one hand, I am glad that that monster no longer draws breath. On the other hand, I wish that we could have obtained more information before her passing. Nonetheless, the Professor's journal has given me a good idea of where we must head next, though I do not know how we might get there. The Isle of the Foreign Magister in the south sea should be where they have taken him, but this whole situation bothers me. For what possible use could they have for the Professor? He is but a scholar, and an elderly one at that. Sometimes I question why the Creator and the Grand King might will their subjects to suffer so, but I suppose that is our lot in life. What is your take on all of this?"

"Yes it is a hard question to ask as for why the creator wishes us to suffer, and it's something that many of my peers and superior have had many a heated argument about. In my opinion the Creator gives us these hardships in life as a way of testing our faith or building strong individuals. But as to your earlier question, I feel the reason they wanted the Professor is that he was getting close to something, and they didn't feel comfortable with how close he may have been to some horrible truth. While it is unfortunate that he was taken, it at least shows us that we are on the right path to discovering something about our goals. Either way, if you have an idea where we need to go, we should tell the rest of our companions and then prepare for wherever our travels may take us."

2017-03-10, 02:18 PM
"...Braylen, I'm just glad you didn't get your hands on her I get the feeling that you would have tortured her. She's an evil bitch, but she doesn't deserve that. No one deserves that.... She does deserve to die, though. ****ing monster, the girl."


"For what she claimed to have done to the Professor, she deserves whatever suffering the Creator had willed upon her. I can only hope she finds the darkness of Hell to her discomfort and finds no pleasure in the afterlife, for she deserves none. I probably shouldn't speak of such things, but how someone could willingly inflict pain on someone who no longer has the will to fight is beyond me."

"Yes it is a hard question to ask as for why the creator wishes us to suffer, and it's something that many of my peers and superior have had many a heated argument about. In my opinion the Creator gives us these hardships in life as a way of testing our faith or building strong individuals. But as to your earlier question, I feel the reason they wanted the Professor is that he was getting close to something, and they didn't feel comfortable with how close he may have been to some horrible truth. While it is unfortunate that he was taken, it at least shows us that we are on the right path to discovering something about our goals. Either way, if you have an idea where we need to go, we should tell the rest of our companions and then prepare for wherever our travels may take us."

"I see. Let us hope the Creator continues to watch over us then. As for our next destination, I'd imagine we need a boat to progress. Let us gather the others before journeying forth to the harbor."
__________________________________________________ ___________________

The Headmistress looks at one of the clocks decorating her foyer before continuing.


"Ah, look at the time. I'm afraid I have some people I must be meeting, so I'll have to cut this short. However... I'd take this stone. It's an Acialite stone with the power to nullify aetheric activity in the area around it. It works too slowly to have any use in combat, but it might help you keep that mask under control until you find someone who knows more than I do. I'd suggest you girls meet up with your companions, though whether or not you share what happened here is up to you."

__________________________________________________ ____________________

The journey from Frostpeak to Armath was a long one, though not particularly dangerous due to the lack of airborne threats in the other regions of Ascalon. Two weeks after setting out, you find yourselves at the gates of bustling city along the coast; its people coming in all shapes, sizaes, and forms, something completely unfamiliar to what you've known all your life in Zenith.

2017-03-10, 03:47 PM
Y'shta dropped to her knees as the spell was broken, trembling softly. "Ugh..." she held at her head for a longer moment, before looking up towards the headmistress. "That's okay... I had a feeling this professor may be the key to everything after all." She accepted the stone. "Thank you... this means a lot." She bowed, then looked to Luna. "Shall we?"

The TechnoGnome
2017-03-12, 12:22 AM
"Ah, finally!" Liam said as they entered the city, "Civilization! And a rather bustling one at that! Now, where are we supposed to be heading again? I'm pretty sure it's... over here? Huh. Maybe...?"

He sighed, "Well, I'm lost already. Do we even know what part of town this 'Lady Isoltt' is even supposed to live in?"

2017-03-12, 02:59 PM
As the wyvern touches down, Edona silently takes in the view of the city. She had heard stories of the people here, often spoken of with indifference or disdain. But in her own household, at least, Edona heard wondrous peoples and lands. As a beastkin passed her, Edona tried not to stare.

And the sea - ships floated on the water, some heading out toward the horizon, with no land in sight. As intriguing as this place was, Edona hoped she would not have to leave solid ground and set foot on the ocean. That couldn't be the right phrase...

"Oh, did you say something?" Edona took a moment to register Liam's words. "I... have no idea where she lives. Eivianna had mentioned writing to Lady Isoltt in the past, I believe she was someone important around here. If we just ask the guards around here, I'm sure they can point us in the right direction."

Edona took off at a brisk pace (after making sure Liam followed). Two weeks was long enough to wait; now they could actually do something about the situation in their home.

2017-03-14, 09:05 PM
"I agree, lets go find the others before continuing on."

2017-03-15, 01:28 AM

"So I believe our best hope is to find a ship to ferry us to the Isle of the Foreign Magister," Chelt says as the group reunites. "Normally chartering a ship in a port city shouldn't be too difficult but not only are we likely to encounter resistance from the group that attacked us yesterday, we are likely to have trouble finding someone take us to the island seeing as the island bares a heavy stigma around these parts. I suggest we make our way to the harbor posthaste in an effort to see if there's anything we can do to convince someone there to help us. Unless one of you knows how to pilot a boat that is?"


The harbor of Elaid's Moor is built on a platform built over the sea, the custom's house and park standing as the centerpiece of the district. Various sailors and tradesmen lug barrels to and from the customs house in an effort to get their goods appraised and approved. Any goods not deemed appropriate for export or import are confiscated on the spot, a donation for the Armath Councilmen who donate their resources to keeping the flow of goods steady and constant. A quick exchange of lucre more often than not suffices to expedite the process and ensure that your goods receive the coveted black stamp of approval. Nevertheless, the bureaucracy of the customs house seems to have done little to dissuade those entering or leaving the country seeing as the harbor remains full.

You arrive on the scene and each do your best to search for sailors that would be willing to perform the arduous journey, but to no avail. You're not sure you've even heard "No" in so many languages before today and you wouldn't know either if the body language wasn't one-hundred percent clear. The Isle was bad news around these parts, and everyone knew it.

"We are getting nowhere." Chelt says as she takes a seat. "Even those who are not from here know better than to stay away from that accursed island. But what are we to do...?" she says, her desperation growing. Picking up a nearby stone, she throws it into the distance in frustration only for her eyes to widen in response. Looking towards where her gaze is pointed you see it. A large ship sailing towards the harbor bearing a flag unlike any you've seen today. As it sails closer you feel strange gazes on you but nothing more. "It's a longshot, but perhaps we could try asking the captain of that boat once he reaches the harbor? I suppose we should just wait until then for now."

The Guards of the city all point you in the same direction. "The Scholasticate" as they called it is a rather large walled off section of the city, looking almost like a town within the city itself by the looks of it. As you reach the door, you're greeted by a friendly smile.


"Howdy. You guys don't look like you're from 'round these parts. What's your business here, if ya don't mind me askin' that is."

"Find the girl and bring her to me. Any others accompanying her are irrelevant."

Those were the orders that Albirion gave to both you and the one armed mercenary. You were to be the vanguard, someone to locate the mark and signal the others to attack. It was distasteful work, and while you've seen worse in the service of the General and Ascalon, your true mission lied elsewhere. You were to investigate the cult and its possible connections to the monsters and beasts of the Outer Kingdoms. The infiltration was easy, a little lip service to their false god and prophet and they welcomed you with open arms. The General's suspicions about the Cult of the Foreign Magister seemed to ring true. Lord Albirion had been receiving a large amount of funding from sources outside of Ascalon, but the sender proved a bit more difficult to find than the cursed coin they sent. You would need more time, or perhaps more manpower, but you knew there were none to be spared. They were needed in Dunesreach on the border, the General said when he entrusted you with this mission. But perhaps you could find a way to find new allies in the field. Perhaps a member of the cloth, or a soldier from the military would best serve your aims, you think, but fortune is never so kind.

The one-armed mercenary didn't return to the arranged meeting spot last night. You can only assume she failed as you begin scouting the harbor for your mark. You overhear them searching for a passage to the Isle of the Foreign Magister. It would seem they sought to charge right up to Albirion himself. You look at the whistle in your hand and look back to the group. It is your job to sound the ambush and seal their fates. A small price to pay in order to come closer to your mission.

The TechnoGnome
2017-03-15, 01:33 AM
"We're here to see Lady Islott," Liam said, "We have an urgent matter to discuss with her."

2017-03-15, 01:40 AM

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need more information than that to let you'se in, seein' on account of y'all not bein' students an' everything."

2017-03-15, 02:01 AM
Vesta bursts out an exasperated sigh, heedless of her surroundings.
"Ah, horsefeathers! What's so bad about this stupid island that not a single sailor here will take us?! Not even the one with the funny ear! Blast, I'd take us myself if I knew how to sail a boat. Luna, you've read a lot about all kinds of stuff, right? Teach us, teach us!"

...But looking at Luna's pallid face made Vesta lose all her steam. Running around under the sun all day must've been hard on her... scholarly physique, but there'd been something strange ever since she came back with Y'shta that morning. Maybe she'd gotten a firm scolding for fighting on campus, or she'd caught a fever again, or something... else happened with the tribeswoman?

Out of nowhere, Vesta drops an affectionate chop on Luna's head.
"...Leodornus' beard, Luna, tell me these things before I start worrying. I'm not ready for grandkids, and if you suddenly got sick from overworking yourself..."

Vesta sniffs, then pointedly turns to look over the harbor with Chelt.
"...Right, we wait for that ship. And if they won't take us, we'll just go over the whole port again with more gold and bigger sticks. Until we get to that stupid island."
"Maybe we should find a cute girl and pay her to cry in front of the captain? Worked a few times back home, eheheh."

2017-03-15, 02:14 AM
Luna nods to Y'shta, saying her goodbyes to the Headmistress before leaving and subsequently joining with the group.

Not that her mind was really on current events, what with her mid-morning visit to the aetherial sea or whatever that place was. She'd never heard of anything like it, and she was curious if that mask was the sole ferry to that place, or if there were other methods. Exactly what that mask was was also on her mind. Y'shta mentioned something about it having a monster-related source? Hmm...maybe later, she would ask Y'shta about what she thought of the experience.

...though right now, Luna was being disturbed from her thoughts by her sister. She sighs... "I'm...What have you got caught in your head now, Vesta?"

This business with the lack of willing sailors was proving to be quite an obstacle. Perhaps it might not be a bad idea to return to the Scholasticate and ask Lady Isoltt's assistance?

When Chelt pointed out the new ship on the horizon, Luna tried to get a better look at it, rather having wished she spent more of the past two years outside of the Scholasticate's walls so that she might have a better idea whose colors those were.

2017-03-15, 04:19 AM
"I'm sure one of these fine sea captains would be willing to ferry an emissary of the church with her escort? There couldn't be anything more lucky than a divine mission. The portents are even with us!" Ever since that weird gargoyle stopped following me.

Penny tries everything- showing off just a bit more of her neck, blinking a few extra times to make her eyes look a bit wetter. She even lets her hair hang loose for a bit in the fashion of the sea women, but starts to become daunted at the unaccustomed snubbery.

"And after I mopped in the streets to keep the plague away..."

Penny wanders sullenly until a shrill whistle breaks her fugue. Or is it the odd, cloaked figures rushing towards her with murderous intent that did that?

2017-03-15, 05:30 AM
"...Just our luck." Marfisa sighs. Seems like fate that the place they'd have to go would have to have such a bad stigma around these parts.

"...What really worries me is how and why this island got this stigma... How many ships have perished on the way there?" Marfisa taps her foot again.

"...Well, no use complaining about it. We should probably try our chances with that ship." Marfisa silently groaned as Vesta spoke to Luna. Clearly the girl needed time to think about... whatever had happened to her.

The TechnoGnome
2017-03-15, 01:05 PM

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need more information than that to let you'se in, seein' on account of y'all not bein' students an' everything."

"Alright, well the short version is we were sent by Forgemaster Eivianna of Frostpeak to request aid in quelling a violent uprising."

2017-03-15, 04:35 PM

"That sounds mighty serious! I'll take you over there at once!"

Following the guard, the pair are escorted a large manse overlooking the rest of the campus. On entering the estate, the guard tells you to wait as he heads further into the estate. Before too long the guard returns, a blonde woman who floats above ground in tow.

"These are the ones, I told you about, Lady Headmistress. They said there's something involving Frostpeak they need to talk to you about."


"I see. Speak quickly then for my time is limited."

2017-03-15, 04:58 PM
Before the group heads to the pier, Braylen heads to a post office and sends a letter of the journey thus far to the pontiff.

After regrouping with the rest of his party, Braylen keeps a wary lookout of all the people giving them strange looks and gestures.

"We must be careful of sharing too much information about our journey with these people. The enemy may have eyes and ears on us at all times and the less they know about our group and goals the better."Braylen says to the party, while continuing his watch of the surrounding populace.

"And also let's stick close together, we don't want people trying to separate us and picking us off one by one."

2017-03-15, 08:41 PM
Edona bristles after the Headmaster speaks. She knows that Lady Isoltt has no reason to know or believe them, but the dismissive tone hurts all the same. "We are here on behalf of Forgemaster Eivianna." She takes a breath. "Though, I fear that title has passed to someone else by this point."

"It all started at a Tribunal, two weeks ago. Eivianna hoped to reassure the Tribunes who were wary about her leadership. But Druarholt, one of the Tribunes, led a revolt. He led those who wished to depose Eivianna, all of them armed with some sort of weapon that shot metal at anyone who resisted."

"Eivianna was not able to escape them, but gave us the chance to get away. Before she was taken, she told us that you would be able to help her and to seek you out." Edona let the words hang, looking for a reaction from Lady Isoltt. She hoped the Headmistress, whatever he connection to Eivianna, would be ready to provide aid at such short notice. "Did news of the coup beat us here?"

Emperor Demonking
2017-03-16, 05:57 AM
With his axe upon his back, the tall scar-faced Naobi kept to the back of group. You looked around with concentration as he tried to keep a look-out for oddities in their immediate area. As Chelt called out about the ship coming in, Naobi remarked "It seems as if the people here know more about the ship, or about something by the ways they look at us."

2017-03-24, 08:40 PM
Edona bristles after the Headmaster speaks. She knows that Lady Isoltt has no reason to know or believe them, but the dismissive tone hurts all the same. "We are here on behalf of Forgemaster Eivianna." She takes a breath. "Though, I fear that title has passed to someone else by this point."

"It all started at a Tribunal, two weeks ago. Eivianna hoped to reassure the Tribunes who were wary about her leadership. But Druarholt, one of the Tribunes, led a revolt. He led those who wished to depose Eivianna, all of them armed with some sort of weapon that shot metal at anyone who resisted."

"Eivianna was not able to escape them, but gave us the chance to get away. Before she was taken, she told us that you would be able to help her and to seek you out." Edona let the words hang, looking for a reaction from Lady Isoltt. She hoped the Headmistress, whatever he connection to Eivianna, would be ready to provide aid at such short notice. "Did news of the coup beat us here?"


"A coup you say? No, news has yet to reach us, though that does explain why any shipments from Frostpeak have been delayed for so long," Isoltt says. "Sadly, I cannot directly send the aid you need without first convening the council. Convincing them shouldn't pose much of an issue seeing as a lack of weapons to sell would hurt the bottom line of the many merchants who pull sway. This will take time however...," her thoughts trail off before she snaps her fingers. "In return however, I would like a favor from you in the meantime. Some students of mine headed out of the campus today towards the harbor. I'd like you to catch up with them and see that no harm comes to them," she says to the pair before her. "This guard will escort you to the harbor with utmost haste."

Chapter 2: Armath Bay Ambush!

A shrill whistle sounds as numerous figures in cloaks emerge from the shadows.

"Lord Albirion wishes you dead travelers. Make your peace now."

Victory Conditions:

Suvive 10 turns!

Failure Conditions:

All Allied Units Perish


Natasha LV 1 Archer
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 90+5 Hit, 21 Avo, 2 Crit, 5 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 5 Lck, 8 Def, 5 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]
Steel Bow [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Short Bow [7 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks

Bow: D 10/30

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 15/15, 7 Atk, 95, Hit 18, Avo, 2 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Fire [2 Mt, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Merc #1 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Brigand #1 LV 1
16/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 14 Avoid 2+5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 5 Skl 7 Spd 1 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2 LV 2
16/16HP 15 Atk 80 Hit 14 Avoid 2+5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 5 Skl 7 Spd 1 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Shaman #1 LV 2
HP 15/15, 14 Atk, 68 Hit, 2 Avo, 2 Crit
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 1 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 5 Res, 5 Move
Otium [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Vantage]

Shaman #2 LV 2
HP 15/15, 14 Atk, 68 Hit, 2 Avo, 2 Crit
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 1 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 5 Res, 5 Move
Otium [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Vantage]

Penelope LV 3 67/100 EXP
HP 17/17, - Atk, - Hit, 31 Avo, - Crit, 11 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 11 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 2/20
Heal 20/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 18/30

Y'shta LV 3 41/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 95 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 5 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 17/30

Naobi Lv 3 17/100 EXP,
26/20+6 HP, 18 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Concoction 1/2
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 16/30

Vesta LV 3 60/100 EXP
20/20 HP, 14 Atk, 108 Hit, 28 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 10+2 Skl, 12 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 18/30

Luna C

Luna LV 4 19/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 14 Atk, 91 Hit, 26 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 22/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 3 81/100 EXP,
18/18 HP, 12 Atk, 110 Hit, 20 Avoid, 6 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 12 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 10/30

Marfisa LV 2 57/100 EXP
17/18 HP, 11 Atk, 98 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, 9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 9 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Javelin [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 5/30

Guard #1 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #5 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #6 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]]

2017-03-25, 10:32 PM
Y'shta herself looked rather drained and pale after the affair, though grateful that she at least had a potent way to allay the effects of the mask. Not that she was... foolhardy enough to think she's safe. The mask had its ways to tempt her.

Still, they were stuck, and she wasn't certain how to proceed either... but the decision had been made from them when the town was ambushed. "You aren't the only ones who wish us dead. Get in line!" she barks, and draws her sword.

Deploying in *Z2*.

2017-03-25, 10:42 PM
Vesta falls in beside the other frontliners, forming a wall between the sudden foes and her less-armored allies.
"How sweet, someone cares! Don't be shy now, there's plenty of sharp objects for everyone~"
"Luna, stay close."

2017-03-26, 08:58 PM
Braylen upon hearing the whistle, pulled out his shine tome and readied himself behind the wall formed by his allies.

"We need to be careful about advancing. With the numbers they sent at us the other day, I have no doubt that more will be on their way now that we're even closer to the truth." Braylen said looking around to see if there was any men lurking behind them.

2017-03-27, 05:02 AM
Marfisa sighed.

"Indeed. Keep an eye out and stay on your toes. There's no telling who might strike from behind."

Deploying at AA2.

2017-03-27, 08:53 PM

"A coup you say? No, news has yet to reach us, though that does explain why any shipments from Frostpeak have been delayed for so long," Isoltt says. "Sadly, I cannot directly send the aid you need without first convening the council. Convincing them shouldn't pose much of an issue seeing as a lack of weapons to sell would hurt the bottom line of the many merchants who pull sway. This will take time however...," her thoughts trail off before she snaps her fingers. "In return however, I would like a favor from you in the meantime. Some students of mine headed out of the campus today towards the harbor. I'd like you to catch up with them and see that no harm comes to them," she says to the pair before her. "This guard will escort you to the harbor with utmost haste."

Eivianna sighs. This wasn't the immediate aid they needed, but where else could they go? "We would be glad to help. But what sort of harm could your students be in? Surely they couldn't find themselves in too much trouble..."

2017-03-28, 03:58 AM
Y'shta dashed forward and moved close to the house fences, before skimming in to the lancers' flank. "Even if I'm disadvantaged..." she swept in, her sword gliding.

The TechnoGnome
2017-03-28, 10:08 PM
"Regardless, if they are in trouble, how could we possibly say no?" Liam exclaimed, "We are knights of the realm, after all. It would reflect poorly on the Ironpeaks if we ignored a plea for help. Especially from a lovely woman such as yourself."

Emperor Demonking
2017-03-29, 02:14 AM
The smith ran forward, his strong hands clutching his axe. He felt that Alexander's death had only strengthened his resolve. As he launched himself forward at the mass with his great body blocking the way he yelled, "Do not dare!"

2017-03-30, 11:03 PM

"Trouble has a way of finding those who want it least. Now hurry!"


http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Alice%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif!
Y'shta attacks! 34 Hit! Lancer#1 takes 6 damage!
Lancer #1 retalliates! Y'shta takes 1 damage!
Y'shta doubles! 67 Hit! Lancer #1 takes 6 damage!
Y'shta gains 9 XP and 1 Weapon XP!

http://i.imgur.com/S0dcTL2.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif!
Braylen attacks! Guaranteed Hit! Lancer #1 Perishes!
Braylen gains 26 EXP and 2 Weapon EXP!
Braylen achieves level 4! +HP

https://puu.sh/tEa0M.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif!
Luna attacks! 98 Miss!
Lancer #2 cannot retalliate!
Luna attacks! 49 Hit! Lancer #2 takes 10 damage!

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FEArena/Characters/Marfisa%20Sprite.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif!
Marfisa attacks with a javelin! 63 Hit! Lancer #2 takes 4 damage!
Lancer #2 cannot retaliate.

https://puu.sh/tE9LX.png VS http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif!
Vesta Attacks! 65 Hit! Lancer #2 perishes!
Vesta gains 26 XP and 2 Weapon XP!

http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Mercenary #1 attacks! Guaranteed Hit! Naobi takes 6 damage!
Naobi retaliates! 79 Miss!
Naobi gains 1 XP!

http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Mercenary #2 attacks! Guaranteed Hit! Naobi takes 6 damage!
Naobi retaliates! 99 Miss!
Naobi gains 1 XP!

http://i.imgur.com/DFWhPhR.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Shaman #1 attacks! 9 Hit! Naobi takes 12 damage!
Naobi cannot retaliate!
Naobi gains 1XP!

http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/ESsXIAP.gif
Mage #1 attacks! 34 Hit! Naobi is incapacitated!

http://i.imgur.com/efJEef1.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif!
Shaman #2 attacks! 28 Hit! Guard #5 11 damage!
Guard #5 cannot retaliate!

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif!
Lancer #3 attacks! 63 Hit! Guard #5 Perishes!

http://i.imgur.com/k8ZhJBN.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif!
Brigand #1 attacks! Guard #6 takes 13 damage!
Guard #6 retaliates! Brigand #1 takes 6 damage!

http://i.imgur.com/oVuMhcv.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif!
Lancer #4 attacks! 83 Hit! Guard #6 perishes!

http://i.imgur.com/Q4cleWf.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif!
Mage attacks! 4 Hit! Guard #1 takes 4 damage!
Guard #1 cannot retaliate!

http://i.imgur.com/k8ZhJBN.gif VS http://i.imgur.com/e2IPnJy.gif!
Brigand #2 attacks! 28 Hit! Guard #1 Perishes!

http://i.imgur.com/5zHhPdr.png VS http://i.imgur.com/UI6D2rH.gif
Chelt attacks! 70 Hit! Mercenary 2 takes 13 damage!
Mercenary #2 cannot retaliate!
Chelt Doubles! 26 Hit! Mercenary 2 perishes!
Chelt gains 30 XP!


As you follow the eager soldier to the harbor, he makes small talk with you along the way, informing you of the apparent attack on the Scholasticate the night before. His story is interrupted by a sailor fleeing from the direction of the harbor. He stops when he sees you to pass on a warning.

"There's some sort of fight going on over there. I got out before anything got serious, but I'd stay away if I were you. Some of those guys looked really dangerous!"

And with that he continues to flee. Nodding at each other, the three of you hasten your steps in an effort to reach the harbor before any lives were lost.

As you arrive, you see two groups fighting, one composed of members of varied attire, and another group cloaked in red garbs.

Edona, Leo, and Liam Arrive as reinforcements!



"Huff... Huff..., I think... we've run... far enough. Now we just buy passage on a merchant vessel and ditch this city before they find out about us."


"I don't think... Look over there! It's those guys from yesterday! The ones who repelled the cultists!"


"****. You think they'll turn us in?"


"They won't if we save them! We'll help them and reap the rewards!"

Guards #7 and #8 appear as Neutral Reinforcements.



"This is where Eleanor told us to meet the others, looks like things have already started! Time to pay them back for yesterday!"

Fang #1 and Mage #3 appear as Enemy Reinforcements!


Natasha LV 1 Archer
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 90+5 Hit, 21 Avo, 2 Crit, 5 Crit Avoid
8 Pow, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 5 Lck, 8 Def, 5 Res, 5 Move
Iron Bow [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]
Steel Bow [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -5 Avoid]
Short Bow [7 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks

Bow: D 10/30

Mage #1 LV 2
HP 15/15, 7 Atk, 95, Hit 18, Avo, 2 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Fire [2 Mt, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Mage #2 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Merc #1 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #2 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Merc #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 12 Atk, 99 Hit, 12 Avoid, 3 Crit
8 Pow, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 5 Def, 1 Res, 5 Move
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #1 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #2 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #3 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Lancer #4 LV 2
17/17HP, 11 Atk, 96 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
6 Pow, 7+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 6 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Brigand #1 LV 1
10/16HP 15 Atk 78 Hit 14 Avoid 2+5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 5 Skl 7 Spd 1 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Brigand #2 LV 2
16/16HP 15 Atk 80 Hit 14 Avoid 2+5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
8 Pow 5 Skl 7 Spd 1 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 5 Move
Iron Axe [7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit]

Shaman #1 LV 2
HP 15/15, 14 Atk, 68 Hit, 2 Avo, 2 Crit
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 1 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 5 Res, 5 Move
Otium [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Vantage]

Shaman #2 LV 2
HP 15/15, 14 Atk, 68 Hit, 2 Avo, 2 Crit
9 Pow, 4 Skl, 1 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 5 Res, 5 Move
Otium [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Vantage]

Fang LV 3
19/19HP, 14 Atk, 85 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 7 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 4+2 Skl, 7+1 Spd, 2 Lck, 6+2 Def, 1+2 Res, 5 Move
Beaststone [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit]

Mage #3 LV 2
HP 15/15, 9 Atk, 85, Hit 18, Avo, 7 Crit
5 Pow, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Thunder [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]

Penelope LV 3 67/100 EXP
HP 17/17, - Atk, - Hit, 31 Avo, - Crit, 11 Crit Dodge
0 Pow, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 11 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Heal 2/20
Heal 20/20
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Staff D, 18/30

Y'shta LV 3 41/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 13 Atk, 95 Hit, 22 Avoid, 2+5 Crit, 0 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 5 Skl, 11 Spd, 0 Lck, 11 Def, 8 Res
Iron Sword [4 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Res Tonic

Weapon Ranks
Sword D, 17/30

Naobi Lv 3 20/100 EXP, - DOWN [3] -
0/20+6 HP, 18 Atk, 96 Hit, 12 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 11 Skl, 4 Spd, 4 Lck, 7 Def, 2 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Hand Axe [5 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng, Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5]
Concoction 1/2
Vulnerary 3/3
Antitoxin 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Axe D, 16/30

Vesta LV 3 86/100 EXP
20/20 HP, 14 Atk, 108 Hit, 28 Avoid, 5 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 10+2 Skl, 12 Spd, 4 Lck, 6 Def, 4 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 2/3

Weapon Ranks
Lance D, 20/30

Luna C

Luna LV 4 19/100 EXP
16/16 HP, 12 Atk, 101 Hit, 26 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 6 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 9 Res
Fire [2Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Thunder [4Mt, 75 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Tome D, 22/30

Vesta C

Braylen LV 3 81/100 EXP,
18/19 HP, 12 Atk, 110 Hit, 20 Avoid, 6 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 12 Skl, 7 Spd, 6 Lck, 6 Def, 0 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng] E
Shine [5Mt, 70 Hit, 8 Crit, -5 Avo, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Light D, 10/30

Marfisa LV 2 67/100 EXP
18/18 HP, 10 Atk, 93 Hit, 28 Avoid, 3 Crit, 6 Crit Avoid
6 Pow, 6 Skl, [4]9+2 Spd, 6 Lck, 0 Def, 9 Res
Javelin [4 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng Cannot Double/Crit, Eff Spd -5] E
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks
Lances D, 6/30

Liam, Lv 3, 34/100 EXP,
19/19 HP, 18 Atk, 85 Hit, 19 Avoid, 2 Crit, 5 Crit Avoid
10 Pow, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Lck, 10 Def, 4 Res
Iron Axe [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3
Blue Gem

Weapon Ranks:
Axe 2/30

Edona, Lv 3, 61/100 EXP
23/23 HP 12 Atk, 96 Hit, 18 Avoid, 3 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
7 Pow, 6 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Lck, 9 Def, 7 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

Weapon Ranks:
Lance 5/30

Guard #2 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #3 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #4 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]

Guard #7 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Guard #8 LV 1
16/16HP, 10 Atk, 94 Hit, 10 Avoid, 3 Crit
5 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Lck, 3 Def, 3 Res, 5 Move
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Gold Bar

Chelt LV 2 Monk 99/100 EXP
17/17 HP, 14 Atk, 101 Hit, 23 Avoid, 5 Crit, 1 Crit Avoid
11 Pow, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 1 Lck, 4 Def, 8 Res
Lightning [3Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Rng]
Vulnerary 3/3

Leo LV 3 Guard 00/100 EXP
21/21 HP, 13 Atk, 100 Hit, 16 Avoid, 4 Crit, 4 Crit Avoid
9 Pow, 6+2 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Lck, 10 Def, 5 Res
Iron Lance [5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit]
Vulnerary 3/3

2017-04-01, 06:37 PM
Braylen runs through the carnage to attack the archer in their backline.

"We're on important business from the pontiff himself, this bloodshed is only wasting our time. I'll give you one chance to leave." Braylen says brandishing his tome at the woman.

2017-04-01, 09:06 PM
"The pontiff? Really? My general sends his regards."

Natasha turns to attack her erstwhile allies, a complete shock to many

2017-04-01, 09:23 PM
"Yes, miss, we are on a mission from the pope! The pope is pretty dope! Now help us dispatch these cultists so your neck avoids a rope!"

2017-04-01, 09:49 PM
"Yes, miss, we are on a mission from the pope! The pope is pretty dope! Now help us dispatch these cultists so your neck avoids a rope!"

"Shut up! You're not funny!"

2017-04-02, 06:03 AM
"You mistake my intentions. Let us be done with this quickly, and I'll fill you in."

2017-04-02, 09:05 PM
"Yes, please do. I'm interested in why an outlander such as yourself would turn to our cause with such ferocity."