View Full Version : Amnesia: Used as campaign reboot

The Shadowdove
2017-01-27, 06:57 PM
Hey forum-lurkers,

Kind of a cool game our DM is running right now. It's a continuation of our old characters with a catch.

We ended a game a long time ago, 10years or so now, at level 14. We literally stopped as we were about to fight our rivals and take on the bbeg monk/cleric of Cyric who'd been taking over everything through use of dooplegangers and cultist plants.

Our DM decided that having us start at level 14 would be too late in the game. So we start six years later with amnesia at level 2(we rolled a d4). There are three of us from the old campaign and two new players.

We have suppressed memories and don't remember our adventures together and are brought together by two allies who used to know us (NPCs now given character classes and played by our friends). They're going to help us gain our old gear and memories.

Each item we recover from our old inventory will restore some memories as well as power (in the form of an exp boost appropriate to our campaign).

Our first mission was to recover our bards lute from the lair of a pirate who'd taken a liking to it. We fought our way through and actually made an ally of them. Criminal contact who lives by their own code acquired.

Regaining his magical lute boosted him from level 1.5 to 2.5. He also gained a memory of us all being defeated by the BBEG 6years ago, uncovering some of the mystery of our amnesia.

I like the concept. We have played many games the last few years. However, this format and storyline are really fun. It makes everything feel like part of a bigger picture and gives us a lot of small storylines to do. It also makes our old magical items seem more important, as we have to wonder at what we will learn when we finally acquire each piece.

I'm thinking we may have been beaten by the BBEG and he either killed our allies and we escaped or struck the memories from our minds as some sort of sick joke. Eventually we may have to fight him again, as our new party members (who were NPCs back then) have no idea what's wrong with the world, only that the kings queens of various nations have been acting strange the last few years and our adventuring group disappeared.

It's like revisiting an old campaign module that has been revamped. We get to reminisce and remember things we had forgotten a long time ago, while encountering new problems along the way.

Not one of us is sour about not starting at a higher level. Especially since we are sure leveling through milestones and combat exp will make things progress at a reasonable place.

I think I'd steal this sort of storyline for a reboot game were I to do one. It's like a traditional fantasy conspiracy novel.

What do you guys think? Have you done an amnesia game similar to this? Do you have any suggestions for this kind of story?

Thanks in advance, curious to see what you think


2017-01-27, 07:34 PM
Sounds good. Lets favorite characters be reused through some enjoyable levels.
There is a whole cable sci fi show...Dark Matters (I forget the name lol)? Based on memory loss.

2017-01-27, 07:49 PM
Amnesia? What is this, Final Fantasy III, V, VI, VII, VIII, or IX? (there may be others, those are just the ones off the top of my head)
