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2017-01-28, 01:51 AM
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . .

STAR WARS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D0ZQPqeJkk)

Colonial Upstarts II

On the edge of the known galaxy, the
planet Sidarin balances on an unsteady
peace. The series of mining colonies, run
and inhabited by swindlers and carousers,
have escaped the restrictions of the GALACTIC
EMPIRE for over a year.

While the threat of the Empire always seems
to be somewhere on the horizon, Sidarin is
already as equally contested by merciless
gangsters and mercenaries as it is its own
leader, the shrewd and entrepreneurial

Seeking as quiet a place she can reach, a
young Corellian smuggler brings a gravely
injured friend to the one place that she can
get him some form of medical help.
Unbeknownst to her, the danger is much
closer than she dares hope....

Apart from the notorious drunkard bug Yijz, the Blue Milk Jugs is empty of patrons. The barkeep's droids wipe down the counter with mindless abandon, being programmed only to do their job and stay out of the way, the most content of slaves. In the quiet, Zo is in the back room doing what he can to clean up his filthy miner's clothes to look at least somewhat presentable for when the patrons start coming in during the morning. Tucked away behind an unobtrusive door by the vomit-stained toilet stalls is a small medical room. Elridth, the doctor waiting dejectedly inside, has found this as the only place he can in the city with low enough rent to cover his growing lack of business, and with his debt to Gragst looming over his head, he wants to spare every half-credit he can.

Nobody sees the woman enter, the unconscious Rodian slung over her shoulder, as she pushes aside the door and makes her way to the toilet. Holding a piece of the most archaic equipment imaginable - paper - she hauls her load down the hall and slowly pushes open the door. The drag marks on the wet floor and maybe a drop of blood or two mark her passage. The cleaning droids are not smart enough to notice at first, but then realize that there might be a mess and hover over to clean up. Zo steps out of the cleaning room a minute later to survey the scene - not much motion, but obviously somebody came in, and looks like he or she or it was dragging something.

There is a knock at Eldrith's door, before it is impatiently (or desperately) pushed open. A tall, muscular-looking red-headed woman in spacer's clothes, a deep red shirt and trousers with a navy synthetic leather coat stands in the doorway. She has a little bit of difficulty lifting a large Rodian man, his eyes a quarter open but obviously not seeing any of the light that his eyes may draw in. The woman breathes a sigh of maybe relief, maybe exhaustion, maybe something more, and takes two breaths. "Is... the clinic... open for business?" she asks, her chest heaving as she speaks.

Linko Sorsia is the town you're currently living in, and it's the second biggest on the whole planet with a population of roughly 78,000. Boleg Nol is the Administrator's Assistant.

Go ahead and muse on your doings of the past day, including what your characters may have been doing as well as any other details you want to bring up. Zo and Yijz can do what they want as far as interacting with what is going on and what has happened, but the woman speaking to Elridth is expecting a response from him.

Especially Zo and Yijz, feel free to have your character recognize the Rodian if you want to incorporate him into your personal story somehow, but if you do, make sure your recognition of him is not as a bad guy (a rival perhaps, but not a villain).

Floor is yours!

2017-01-28, 03:50 AM
Eldrith takes his head out of his hands as his first bit of good news comes through the door. A customer!

Yeah yes I'm open. Come come in now what do we have here. Hmm Rodian, unconscious. Let's have a looksie shall we.

If i can't help your friend your not going to find anyone that can

But im not running charity ward here sister. If you don't have creds then you might as well scrap you friend up right now. But if you do have creds well then we're in business. So which is it?

2017-01-28, 11:39 AM
The woman sighs. As she sets the carefully unconscious Rodian on the bunk, Eldrith can't help but notice how young she must be - she looks eighteen at the oldest. "I can give you fifty credits, up front," she says with an uncertain amount of pain as she looks around the place. "I hope that can help you at least get an idea of what will be needed for him.". Pausing, still breathing hard, and with a perceptible glance over her shoulder toward the doorway, then looks back at the Rodian's limp body. "He had some goods on him that I could trade you for: communications equipment, transmitters, receivers, things like that - worth at least a few hundred credits, maybe more. Can I get back to you on that?" she asks, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a few chips worth the fifty credits she offered.

2017-01-28, 01:46 PM
Any hint of a smile or enthusiasm for the job just vanished at the mention of trade.

Trade? Kid i need creds i don't have time to fence these...gahh you know what fine it's your lucky day kid. Set it over there.

Eldrith takes out a hand scanner and runs it over the unconscious rodian checking his read outs on the rodians vitals

Med check (http://orokos.com/roll/479830): 1eP+2eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/479830)

I added the bonus dice from the med pac but if that shouldn't have happened feel free to drop it

Part of the service is no questions asked but your looking pretty twitchy kid. Do i need to be worried

2017-01-28, 07:34 PM
The woman can only smirk at that, a response that gives the distinct impression that, despite her youth, she is no stranger to danger. "Of course you need to be worried! This is Sidarin, after all!" she says. "I am thankful that you can help. I will do the best I can to get as many useable items as I can as payment, as soon as I can." With that, she walks out, gently closing the door behind her, and walks back out into the cantina.

Elridth isn't sure how long the woman has been gone, but it feels like he has barely begun to work when the metallic whine of a spacecraft echoes through the streets, the cantina, and through the walls, but he does not hear the craft land, whatever it was. Returning to his work, the doctor notices that Rodian has cauterized laceration over his head and down his back. The damage looks like the kind done by blasters, but blasters don't lacerate. This looks more like being in contact with a very hot wire or something. In either case, the Rodian is lucky to be alive.

Elridth does think that he can heal the Rodian's injuries to the point where they are no-longer life-threatening, but by the same token it also looks like the poor fellow isn't going to wake up any time soon.

Zo is out of the dressing room now and ready to begin his shift as the cantina's bouncer, when a young, red-headed human woman walks out of the corridor near the toilets. The pint-sized cleaning droids, formerly busy mopping the floor, scatter as the woman approaches. Almost immediately she notices Zo and looks him up and down, her expression hiding a certain amount of curiosity and perhaps other emotions. Gingerly, she steps around the droids on her way to the door, when a loud, mechanical whine fills the building as a spacecraft passes overhead, startling Yijz out of his private thoughts. Whatever the craft is, it is small, not big enough to be even a modest starship, but it has a powerful set of engines, whatever it might be. The woman visibly glances at the ceiling as the noise passes, and then walks out of the door, purposefully but not obviously in a hurry.

Zo and/or Yijz, if you want to respond to the woman in some way, we can continue that now or I can bring in the next phase of the encounter.

2017-01-28, 10:25 PM
Arrr! Ah kriffing 'ell! My 'ed ezz k-k-illing me rrrright nowzzzzs... Turn downzz 'at rack-k-k-etzzzz.

Pointing to the sky, he barely lifts his his head off the bar. His compound eyes unflinching in their gaze. It often unnerved others to see him sprawled out as if passed out. Never knowing if he's truly out.

He reaches his hand across the bar, an empty glass dangling between two claw like fingers.

He drops it a few inches before it reaches the bar top, sending it skittering towards the bartender.

'er yazzz goes... need ah refilzz. Make etz a doub-ble... Eh? Got-tzza get rid eh dezz 'eadache!

He points a wavering finger at the women who entered the room.

Ah! Frr-eshzzz meat... 'oooze mizz redz?

2017-01-29, 04:15 AM
Why do i always get the weird ones thought Eldrith as the girl leaves

He starts working on the Rodian. He cleans the wound injects antithetics and begins to stabilize his patient.

What's up with this wound he says aloud to no one in particular. The wound appeared to be caused by something similar to a blast bolt however this was a laseration or a cut which made no sense.

After getting the Rodian out of immediate danger Eldrith takes off his surgical gloves and throws them away. After a while he decides its in his best interest to try and figure out who this person is.

Im looking for any identifying marks or ensignia but also riffling through his did to see what we can find out
Perception check to see if i notice anything on this guy (http://orokos.com/roll/480094): 1eP+2eA+2eD 3 successes, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/480094)

2017-01-29, 05:50 AM
Zo walks over with his usual steady and purposeful gait. When he speaks, his voice is so deep that those in the room can feel the vibrations in their chests.

"If your manners don't scare her away Yijz, your breath will. Be nice, or you can sleep it off in the alleyway gutter again."

He looks over to the redheaded girl.

"Sorry about him miss. He doesn't mean any harm by it. Did you bring something in here earlier...or someone? You may want to scrub away the blood on your jacket."

Is that ok Walnut? If not I will redact last bit

2017-01-29, 09:12 AM
gha haha! Zhe ain't azzz fragile azzz 'oooze thinks ain't datz rrrright mizzy?

He chuckles from the bar, his reporator pushing out puffs of expelled "air" each time he laughs.

He slowly lifts himself off the bar, he grabs the bar top edge with both hands and slowly and deliberately turns his head, and then his whole body to face first the Anx, pausing a moment to study the big bouncer's face, and then the women. The quiet exhaling of his reporator slows as he looks hdr, very noticeably, up and down. He then suddenly spins back to face the bar. He slaps his hand down on the bar, punctuating the now quiet bar with the sound.

Doezzz the lazzie needzzzzz eh da-rinkz? I sure doooo, where'z 'at d-d-ouble? Ooon-ly yours f-finezt poodoo shelf whiz-keys 'ere... aint datz ''ight barkeep-p-p-p?

2017-01-29, 06:06 PM
OOC: wow, I am not sure how to adjudicate that Perception roll! :smallwink:


In the operating room, Eldrith looks over the clothes of the injured Rodian as he lies quietly on the operating table. He had been wearing a shirt, light jacket, and trousers, not meaningfully matching and bearing no corporate or government symbols apart from clothing brand names. The general configuration of his clothes is similar to spacer garb in general, nut unlike what the woman who brought him in was wearing. However, the Rodian also has a wrench, pliers, and screwdriver in his pocket, all contained in a small box; the wrench, pliers, and the box itself all have the Corellian Engineering Corporation logo on them, but the screwdriver has the Seinar Fleet Systems logo.

The Human woman at first gives a strangely charming smile to Yijz and then at Zo. It's hard to say what she's thinking, although she does manage to project an aura of friendliness. She starts suddenly when the Anx mentions the blood on her jacket, and looks around for the spots. Then she finds the spot on her shoulder that was slightly moistened and a little red. "Oh, thank you," she says. "There was an incident at the spaceport. I got him here as quick as I could," she says, before disappearing into the washroom presumably to scrub. She does seem very flustered by having the blood on her shoulder pointed out, though.

As she leaves for the washroom, Yijz can see that she looks very young, but his relative unfamiliarity with Human women leaves him unable to catch too many salient details. She does look tough enough to take care of herself, though, or at least he would think.

The bartender is nowhere to be seen at first, but then comes back out to meet the the bar slayer bug. The bartender, a Ho'Din named Taw'loh, comes out, and studies the Gand. "Still here, eh?" he says, leaning on the freshly-cleaned bar. "Normally, I'd be happy to serve you a drink, but I'm thinking maybe you should sleep it off a bit," he says.

Yijz notices that he is actually feeling dehydrated - a bit of water might make him feel better (and make his perception more acute). Zo, meanwhile, hears some noise outside, sounding like people's voices.

2017-01-29, 09:12 PM
Yijz, looks at the glass of water filling his whiskeyless cup. He pulls off his reporator and takes a sip, grimacing takes another. He sets it down and pushes it away staring at it.

He gets an idea, looks around to make sure no one's looking and quickly dumps the rest of the water behind him. Pulling the cup into his lap he sneaks a cheap bottle of Corellian whiskey from the backpack under his stool. And pours the glass full.

He nonchalantly places the glass back on the bar top. He pretends to grimace at it, but he is overjoyed. Takes a sip and and with forced depression he says." ooohh a harzh tazkmaz-ter, eh prrr-'apz ya rightz...

He shakes his head in mock sorrow.

2017-01-30, 12:03 PM
should I roll for stealth?

2017-01-30, 03:58 PM
As he finishes up on his patient Eldrith draws his blaster pistol from under his operating table and holsters it deciding that there was wisdom in being prepared for anything on this world. He checks to make sure that his go bag was prepped as it should be just making sure that if he needed to bolt he could.

He twirls the screwdriver in his hands. "Seinar Fleet...Corellian Engineering..." big firms with big bank accounts.

Eldrith pulls out his datapad and quickly types up some messages to a couple contacts that he has around town asking if anything unusual or out of the ordinary has happened. If someone was looking for this guy perhaps Eldrith could sell the information or if the girl had kidnapped him perhaps he could save him and get a bounty for the girl.

Either way hopefully he'd be able to get some creds out of the deal.

Not entirely sure what I should roll here if anything. Basically Eldrith is being a slimy prick right now. Might bite us in the but later RP wise but it's what he'd do as a character I feel like.

He'd send a description of the girl and rodian in the message

2017-01-30, 09:24 PM
Yijz is able to effortlessly conceal the bottle as he switches the glass of water for the Corellian liquor. Taw'loh perks his ears and looks over toward the street, then glances casually at Zo, before returning into the back. Whirrs and tweets from the cleaning droids emanate from within, a sign that Taw'loh is dealing with a maintenance problem. The alcohol is strong, though, and helps Yijz drown away his sorrows. An uneasy drowsiness, however, seems to bode a dread of something that his addled state can't place.

Meanwhile, doing a quick lookaround, Eldrith learns that something out of the ordinary has indeed happened...

I am treating this as a Streetwise check, difficulty two, for a total of three success, two advantage, one failure, two disadvantage, with a sum total result of two success and no advantage or disadvantage.

There was an incident at the spaceport. Your contacts' own information is sketchy, but apparently a detachment of Imperial stormtroopers led by an I.S.B. agent busted a shuttle coming in from Ord Mantell. Apparently a fight broke out and a number of people were hurt. No details yet are out regarding who was on the shuttle or why the Empire decided to bust it on an otherwise independent world, but a pair of TIE fighters have showed up (seemingly out of nowhere - in fact, that was probably the whining spacecraft engine earlier) and a few Imperial agents are out looking for something. Of the suspects that have been mentioned so far, there is no mention of a Rodian being important, or of anyone resembling the girl.

I rolled a Foresee power check for Zo and got a single dark-side point. Since I don't have the book containing that power, what I am guessing this means is that Zo (being a lightsider) doesn't get any meaningful hints. Am I correct?

2017-01-31, 04:46 AM
I rolled a Foresee power check for Zo and got a single dark-side point. Since I don't have the book containing that power, what I am guessing this means is that Zo (being a lightsider) doesn't get any meaningful hints. Am I correct?

It means that if I wanted to pull on the power of the dark side, I would take strain to use the dice result anyway (and slip further towards the path of the Dark if we are using those rules). I'm not that desperate to Foresee things though, so I'll leave it for now.

2017-02-01, 04:00 AM
With the news that the empire is now involved fresh in his mind Eldrith puts the strange space ctaft noise and the commotion outside together.

Leaving his not quite so legal or registered clinic and walking past the toilet he moves into the bar area

He quickly covers the area of the bar.

Have either of you heard all that outside? This Is crazy. Striggs, this trandosian fence i know says the Empire's landed at the space port. Their searching for something or someone...

His words tail off as he sticks his head out quickly and looks down the road to see if they are in their block yet

2017-02-01, 02:17 PM
Perception roll to notice anything on the street (http://orokos.com/roll/481230): 1eP+2eA+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/481230)

Ah man not a great perception roll by i assumed the difficulty

I wanted to get the other characters involved with the fact the empire is here all of a sudden so feel free to react to

2017-02-01, 03:11 PM
Yijz didn't really hear what Eldritch said, but took notice of the panicked way he peeked out the door.

Turning to Zo he cocked his head to the side and in a hushed voice, equal parts concern and curiosity, asked:

Whaa-t Iz 'e going onza bout?

2017-02-02, 01:02 AM
Eldrith doesn't see anybody at first who looks noticeably Imperial. People are generally moving away from that direction, though, which wouldn't be surprising as a large fraction of the people on this planet are not exactly people who want much to have to do with the Empire. There is a figure walking in the direction of the spaceport, though, actually looks something like the girl who brought the Rodian in.

Sorry for the late reply - today was a busy day.

Incidentally, if you guys want your characters to wait for something to happen (e.g. the girl to get back), please let me know.

2017-02-02, 05:46 AM
So Yijz would probably do something but he isn't exactly quick witted right now. He'd be likely to follow a crowd. Or run off on his own. He hates the empire on a personal level, so he might end up doing something stupid, Zo and the Ho'din would probably know this as his backstory isn't exactly a secret among those who travel in miner's circles. Outside of those small circles he's just another face in the crowd.

2017-02-04, 02:29 PM
Hey guys that kid from earlier is making a run for it! She didnt pay! Ugh if that guy flat lines jam him with the green syringe not the orange one. Hey kid get back here!

2017-02-05, 12:04 AM
The woman is already some distance ahead, and when Eldrith shouts, she stops, having obviously heard him, does a half-turn and looks back. She points away in the direction of what is either the spaceport or the warehouses nearby, then points back toward the bar and the clinic, makes a 'shh' gesture, before continuing on her way. After a block, she walks into a side alley, trying to look calm as she approaches the direction where Eldrith can now see a group of parked vehicles on the road leading to the spaceport.

2017-02-05, 03:01 PM
Seeing that Eldrith isn't deterred.

He strides toward the side alley still intent on getting paid.

As he heads down the alley and sees the cars he thinks oh she has friends that can pay

He'll continue walking toward the woman

He'll try to be stealthy about it

Stealth (http://orokos.com/roll/482518): 2eA+2eD 0 successes, 3 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/482518)

He's like moving towards them but like casual like. Like if he was flying a shuttle they'd say fly causal

2017-02-05, 05:09 PM
Where iz Mr'zzzz Ed'Doc goingz?

The gand turns his head to Zo and tilts to the right. The glass he has been fidgeting with comes to a sliding stop. He lifts himself till he teeters over the bar.

Eh Zo... 'at the Griff iz goingz on? Zo?! Eh?!?! Griff'z goinzzz on? Eyez 'er bloodz onza floorrrr?

He cautiously slides off the bar stool.

2017-02-07, 01:26 AM
Luckily, the woman isn't headed for the vehicles up ahead, but instead is taking a detour around them. Well enough - some of the people around the cars Eldrith can now see are in white plastic armor!

The woman walks calmly for a while, eventually stopping inside of an alcove away from the spaceport. It seems like she's actively letting Eldrith catch up to her. When he arrives, she asks "I was on my way to pick up the data pads to pay you with. What's wrong? Did he make it?" she asks.

2017-02-07, 04:52 AM
Zo is moving before Yijz's butt even leaves the barstool, ready to steady him by offering a large sturdy arm to lean on.

"Easy there big fella. You need to give the blood in your alcoholstream time to do it's job."

He speaks lightheartedly, but the more perceptive and/or less drunk might detect a note of unease, bordering on panic, in the Anx's rumbling voice. Beneath his hood, his crest flashes with a mix of colours.

Had Tenga finally had enough and ratted him out to the Empire? Was he who they were looking for? He tries to put a brave face on.

"Let's go and check on the good doctor's patient. Make sure he's actually still got any valuables left at all this time."

2017-02-07, 01:56 PM
Luckily, the woman isn't headed for the vehicles up ahead, but instead is taking a detour around them. Well enough - some of the people around the cars Eldrith can now see are in white plastic armor!

The woman walks calmly for a while, eventually stopping inside of an alcove away from the spaceport. It seems like she's actively letting Eldrith catch up to her. When he arrives, she asks "I was on my way to pick up the data pads to pay you with. What's wrong? Did he make it?" she asks.

Cool to see if she is lying (http://orokos.com/roll/483087): 1eP+2eA+2eD 3 successes, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/483087)

I think cool is what I'm supposed to roll for this but I'm not sure. If I'm completely off let me know and I'll reroll it.

Yeah yeah your friend is fine thanks to me. Kid I'm going to level with you I need this datapads in a pad way right now and honestly I can't risk you running off and leaving me with a burned, or slashed or whatever...that wound was really weird, Rodian on my table with a bill that needs paying. So I'm going with you to whereever this gear is and we're going to settle this debt got me? It's nothing personal but everyone owes everyone else as the saying goes and I owe some big sharks some capital.

2017-02-07, 09:16 PM
I'm not sure if you're using cool or discipline here, but this is yet another roll where you have enough successes to answer the question you're posing but enough to be misled about what else you're missing!

On the table, lying quietly and breathing softly, is a Rodian. He's wearing a loose-fitting jacket and pants without any obvious distinguishing marks as to where he might be from, the brand names on his clothes being among the more common spacer brands in the galaxy. For the moment, he's still unconscious, although his breathing is even. He looks like he has a wound on his side that isn't super-easy to see, but they look like burns.

(I'll let Zo roll his own Medicine check to see what he can)

Eldrith is able to glean nothing suspicious about what the woman tells him. She seems to genuinely want to help him, actually. At the mention of Eldrith telling her that he wants to go with her, though, she exhales and looks level at Eldrith before speaking again. The the worried tone in her voice about the Rodian is replaced with a steely seriousness. "You're probably better off not knowing what happened. I could use your help if you came with me, but I gotta warn you, there could be some danger involved. Are you good with that?"

2017-02-08, 12:03 PM
Zo lowers Yijz down into Eldrith's comfy diagnosing chair, then goes over to have a closer look at the Rodian himself.

So what difficulty am I rolling against? And do I get any boost dice if it is what I think it is, as I may have seen what magical glowy swords can do having had parents who were apprentices of a glowy sword wielder? :smalltongue:

2017-02-08, 02:11 PM
I'm not sure if you're using cool or discipline here, but this is yet another roll where you have enough successes to answer the question you're posing but enough to be misled about what else you're missing!

On the table, lying quietly and breathing softly, is a Rodian. He's wearing a loose-fitting jacket and pants without any obvious distinguishing marks as to where he might be from, the brand names on his clothes being among the more common spacer brands in the galaxy. For the moment, he's still unconscious, although his breathing is even. He looks like he has a wound on his side that isn't super-easy to see, but they look like burns.

(I'll let Zo roll his own Medicine check to see what he can)

Eldrith is able to glean nothing suspicious about what the woman tells him. She seems to genuinely want to help him, actually. At the mention of Eldrith telling her that he wants to go with her, though, she exhales and looks level at Eldrith before speaking again. The the worried tone in her voice about the Rodian is replaced with a steely seriousness. "You're probably better off not knowing what happened. I could use your help if you came with me, but I gotta warn you, there could be some danger involved. Are you good with that?"

I'm not stranger to danger as long as I get paid for it...what kind of action are we talking here?

negotiation roll to get more money (http://orokos.com/roll/483459): 3eA+2eD 0 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/483459)

ah nothing for trying to get more money from hazard pay

2017-02-09, 12:59 AM
Rattigan, you so clearly understand it's a lightsaber wound that I'm not even going to bother having you roll :smallwink:. I'd give you two advantage in this case to see if anything else is relevant, though.

Zo's rudimentary medical training combined with his own personal experiences leave little doubt of what he is seeing on the Rodian's wounded back. It has been a very long time since he has seen such a wound before, but indeed seen them he has, and he knows exactly what caused it. The nature of the wound, of course, raises more questions than answers.

The Rodian is lucky to be alive with this wound. It's unlikely he would have lasted much longer without Eldrith's help and the woman's desperation to find a doctor for him. However, thanks to Eldrith's medical skills, the Rodian's life is no longer in danger - at least, not from his injuries. Indeed, he seems more asleep now than comatose. Zo might be able to stabilize him enough to wake him up safely...

"The Imperial Security Bureau has seized the spaceport," answers the woman, "and they aren't in a talking mood with any of the smugglers and other crowd around their ships. That man I left in your care had his cargo on board his ship, but to get it we'll have to dodge some patrols. That cargo is what I intended to pay you with. There was some other pirate gang that I think may have been related to why the Empire suddenly decided to make a grab for the spaceport, so we may encounter them, also."

2017-02-10, 07:22 AM
Zo's eyes widen as he looks down at the Rodian before he tries to stabilise him to the point where a stimpack will revive him to consciousness.

His eyes keep getting drawn back to the wound, as long forgotten memories lurch back from the recesses of his mind. This does distract him somewhat, so he is less diligent than he perhaps should be...

Medicine (http://orokos.com/roll/484077): 1eA+1eP+2eB+2eD 0 successes, 3 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/484077)

Rolled against Average difficulty as you didn't say what it was.

2017-02-10, 11:46 AM
Yijz slumps back against the wall... His big head awkwardly rocks as he nods off. He is out for a couple of minutes. His shoulder slips causing his head to quickly slump forward shocking him awake, and giving him a pain in his stubby neck.

'Ah 'ellz!

He rubs his neck paying no attention to the injured Radian or Zo, until he sees Zo's flushed crest and wide eyes.

Youzzz looks like yah-zaw ah ghozzzt?

2017-02-10, 01:22 PM
Rattigan, you so clearly understand it's a lightsaber wound that I'm not even going to bother having you roll :smallwink:. I'd give you two advantage in this case to see if anything else is relevant, though.

Zo's rudimentary medical training combined with his own personal experiences leave little doubt of what he is seeing on the Rodian's wounded back. It has been a very long time since he has seen such a wound before, but indeed seen them he has, and he knows exactly what caused it. The nature of the wound, of course, raises more questions than answers.

The Rodian is lucky to be alive with this wound. It's unlikely he would have lasted much longer without Eldrith's help and the woman's desperation to find a doctor for him. However, thanks to Eldrith's medical skills, the Rodian's life is no longer in danger - at least, not from his injuries. Indeed, he seems more asleep now than comatose. Zo might be able to stabilize him enough to wake him up safely...

"The Imperial Security Bureau has seized the spaceport," answers the woman, "and they aren't in a talking mood with any of the smugglers and other crowd around their ships. That man I left in your care had his cargo on board his ship, but to get it we'll have to dodge some patrols. That cargo is what I intended to pay you with. There was some other pirate gang that I think may have been related to why the Empire suddenly decided to make a grab for the spaceport, so we may encounter them, also."

Got it. Eldrith licks his lips clearly interested in a good payday.

Yeah ok let's get moving. I left your friend with my associates. Don't worry they're more than qualified to look after him. Ok so the cargo on your smuggler friends ship. Eldrith had credits on the brain but something bugged him.

Who is that Rodian to you kid. You're talking about breaking into a space port that's been seized by the empire that's involved with a pirate gang running around also all to pay for your friend? That is a long way to go just for another person kid he's got to be pretty important to you. Unless there's something on that ship that you need more than he does?

2017-02-10, 10:03 PM
The Rodian stirs as Zo does what he can to shore up his wounds. Eldrith had done a lot already, and although the man would not be in condition to see serious action any time soon, his regaining consciousness was something Zo could accomplish. He gives out a soft moan as he starts to wake up, wiggling his suction-cupped fingers, but keeps his eyes closed, as if not knowing whether to think that he's dead or something.


The woman sighs, rolling her eyes at Eldrith's question. "I suppose he is important to me," she responds. "Unless you're looking for trouble, the less you know is probably the better. I'm pretty sure the I.S.B. wants as few people as possible to know about what they're in this spaceport for. You know the stories about their type." she says. She then walks off in the direction of a the warehouses adjacent to the spaceport.

Minor character dictation - I will allow you to stall if you want to satisfy your suspicions or the like any more.

So far, no troopers are guarding the warehouses around the spaceport, although the main entrances to the terminal building have guards posted here and there that are fairly obvious - and doubtless more informants that are not. As Eldrith and the girl pass through one area, there are blaster marks on the walls and streets, and at least one very large smear of blood up the road, but the bodies that have been removed. About four Imperial men are standing around inspecting the area after that, including one person who looks like an officer of some nondescript agency - his uniform looks militaryish but bears no identifying rank insignias. The woman eyes the rooftops of the warehouses and the walls. "How good at climbing are you?" she asks.

2017-02-16, 04:48 PM
With a slight winse Eldrith says "Not as good as I used to be but it should be good enough." with a mildly sarcastic gentlemens bow he motions to the woman "Ladies first"

2017-02-16, 11:28 PM
The woman gives a wry smirk at Eldrith's snarky comment, before giving the street a quick look to see that only she and Eldrith are present. Then, stepping in underneath an awning of a storage warehouse, then looks up at the ledge above her, itself underneath a window, about two meters over your heads. Bending her knees, she jumps at it, doesn't quite reach it, stumbles on landing, and then gets back to her feet. She gives an embarrassed smile to Eldrith. Rather than try for another more acrobatic move, she merely grabs one of the support beams and shimmies up quite effortlessly, as if she's practiced. The support beams actually give reasonably good footholds, albeit not quite as easy as a ladder.

Attaining the window, she looks out and seems pleased with what she sees. Climbing back down slightly, she lowers her arm toward Eldrith as if to help him up while bracing herself against the support beams of the wall.

jumping is difficulty 3, climbing is difficulty 1

2017-02-16, 11:34 PM
Eldrith reaches for her hand and climbs with her

Thx for posting the difficulty. I'm not sure what to roll for im assuming athletics

Jump (http://orokos.com/roll/487042): 2eA+1eD 1 success
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/487042)

By jump i mean climb sorry

2017-02-17, 10:26 PM
minor character dictation, but I'd assume Eldrith would follow her

Also note that I've been rolling Athletics and Perception checks as appropriate (the stormtrooper failed his perception check)

Catching the woman's hand, Eldrith is up in a few seconds, upon which he is able to see out of the warehouse's window across a low part of a rooftop flanked by radiators and other ventilation equipment. Across it, you recognize a landing pad for a starship, although it does not look occupied. Without hesitating, the girl - or woman - leaps from the window of the warehouse onto the top of the next building forming part of the outer wall of the spaceport. There is a soft clank as she lands on the other roof, but hopefully not enough for anybody to notice. Upon landing, she turns around, looks up and down the street again, and then gestures for Eldrith to follow, and leans her arms out to catch him. As he takes a leap and she catches him, also with a soft clank, before the two head toward the interior of the spaceport.

Below them is, indeed, the landing pad for a starship. Dark streaks on the cement floor mark the location of where engines blasted a less-than-spaceworthy ship off of the ground, but nothing is there now. Right now, there is nobody in this hangar, although off in the distance, through a series of open doorways, Eldrith sees a stormtrooper march past. He seemingly pays you no notice. "The Rodian's ship will be a couple of hangars over," the woman says, before she walks calmly along the roof top to a cylindrical fixture in the wall, and then drops down to the cement below, beckoning Eldrith to follow.

On the ground again, the two run across the cement patio to an archway leading to the next open-sky hangar to the right of where the pair climbed over the wall, before pausing in the shadows to reconnoiter. This next hangar isn't empty: a rather bunged-up-looking YT-2400 freighter is there in the yard, its docking bay down and a few storage crates on the patio. The whole scene looks disheveled; whomever this belongs to, they left in a hurry. "This is one of the pirates' ships," the woman whispers, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Before Eldrith can respond, there is the sound of blaster fire away somewhere to the left. It does not sound particularly close, maybe fifty meters or so...

2017-02-18, 09:04 PM
Oh cool about the rolls. Licked out with that trooper missing us.

Do i see anything familar or noticible about that ship or whats around the hanger?

If not do i notice anything that could be used to sabatage or delay the pirates further? The longer the authorities are messing with them the longer they aren't messing with us.

Should i roll perception? My perception is 1eP+2eA if you want to roll for those since i don't know what difficulty you'd like to set for this?

Thinking about it now is she suggesting we go in the hanger? Or is she just like pointing it out that th we ship belongs to the pirates and were on our way?

If she's just pointing it out we'd do this delaying tactic but if she is expecting me too help her steal from pirates, which is the vibe im getting, them he'd try to pump the brakes a bit

2017-02-20, 02:07 AM
Good thinking - you rolled 2 success, 1 advantage

Looking at the crates, Eldrith is able to quickly identify that some of them contain a highly flammable substance sometimes used as fuel for ground-based vehicles, although it has nowhere close to the explosivity of starship fuel. Eldrith thinks that he could set a fire fairly easily - might prove a distraction for when the Imperials get done with their little firefight.

The woman darts forward behind a set of crates, but seems satisfied that the pirates aren't here right yet. Maybe the sound of blaster fire from away to our heroes' left has something to do with why. She takes a casual glance at some of the storage crates, leans down and picks something up, looking like maybe a datapad, and then runs toward the opposite side of the hangar, signaling to Eldrith to follow.

The sound of shooting is punctuated by an explosion like a grenade, then falls silent.

2017-02-20, 03:43 AM
Eldrith filed the woman as she moves to the opposite end of the hangar.

As he moves through the hangar he knocks some of the fuel containers over spreading some of the flammable liquid so it will spread well. He then grabs one of the presumably nearby welding tools and presses the activator seeing a arc of electricity pass between two prongs. He places the prongs into the liquid and watches as sparks light the fire.

Eldrith was no saint but he didn't much care for pirates or how they did business so he didn't sweat making them a distraction...especially since he felt he'd get away with it with the pirates being none the wiser who did it

He glances over his shoulders to make sure the flames are spreading and the follows the woman.

In a hushed tone Eldritch calls after her to let him catch up "Hey hey you just a sec. Actually I don't even know your name. Seeing as we're now partners in crime who am I working with?"

2017-02-23, 08:49 PM
Eh Zo! Tha-tzzz don'tz ah lookz right... 'Eeeeee gonna makez itzzz?

He nudges Zo harder then he intents with the bottom of a whiskey bottle. He sways a little as he talks.

2017-02-24, 07:29 AM
The woman stops at the doorway to the next ope-air hangar and waits tensely for Eldrith to finish his little distraction. The fuel canisters are full enough that they are easy to light on fire, and the smoke starts to rise up quickly as flames lick up around the barrels. Meanwhile, away toward the interior of the spaceport, the sound of blaster fire has stopped, and there are sounds of vehicles being moved and maybe voices, in the distance.

Through the doorway, Eldrith can see what was clearly once an Imperial lambda-class shuttle, but which has been heavily modified into a cargo freighter. The entire ship has had a new paint job since its Imperial service, and the Seinar Fleet Systems insignia is located where the Imperial insignia would normally be. All of this is covered over in scrapes and abrasions, and even the "new" paint job looks like it hasn't been updated for years. The shuttle's ramp is down, revealing grooves in the frame for the movement of heavy loading equipment up and down the ship's causeway. One large piece of moving equipment, with a modified forklift, has a number of storage crates on it. The lid on one is off, with what looks like fruit inside.

"This is the ship, but someone else has been here," the woman says quietly looking at it, before glancing back at Eldrith's fire. "Oh... I'm Trill," she says, responding to Eldrith's question. She then reaches into her belt and pulls out a small hand blaster. "Don't shoot anything unless we have to. The noise might draw attention. I'm going to check it out," she says distractedly, and then runs from the doorway to the underside of the modified shuttle, under the ramp, and pauses.


As if by Yijz' drunken comment, the Rodian stirs slightly.

2017-02-26, 07:24 PM
'Eh youez gotzzz a livey one 'ere mate!

2017-02-28, 12:33 PM
Zo starts, coming out of the reverie of memory that wound had sparked in him.

"Wha....oh. Thank you Yijz. How...after so long, I never thought I would see another lightsaber wound again..."

He places a comforting hand on the wounded man's shoulder.

"What the kriff were you in to to get this wound?"

2017-02-28, 02:41 PM
Ah Whaa-t? Eh knowz I-za 'ittle 'ooze-y but yah zed ah 'ightzaber? 'Atza Kidz 'toryz, uhv zpaze wizzzard-yzzzzz.... Ehtz not r-r-realz. Youzz 'ill dreaming? Muzt beez... Zo?

Yijz tilts his head at Zo, puzzled. The whole time he's talking he's waving the whiskey around. When he's done he unscrews the cap to take a swig and thinks twice, re-caps it and sets it down by his bag.

2017-02-28, 04:31 PM
The Rodian groans. His fingers flex slightly and he tries to take in a deep breath. "Wh... where am I?" he says, almost a whisper. His eyes are still shut, and he speaks as if still not entirely conscious.

2017-02-28, 10:08 PM
Eldrith takes out his pistol as well as Trill heads over to the ship.

He follows her taking cover next to the large crate. He keeps his eyes turned towards the entrances making sure that if anyone was going to come in they would know about it.

After a few moments his eyes turn toward the crate. A known smuggler carrying fruit into the port? Perhaps there was something in the crate worth taking?

However now was probably not the time to be greedy. He'd wait for Trill then have a look around

2017-03-01, 08:39 AM
Eazzzy, eazzzzy f-f-feller, youz gotz one kriff uh-va woundz 'ere. 'Ooo are youz?

He speaks slowly and gently. His eyes brighten momentarily and he hands the bottle to the injured Rodian. He nods and makes a gesture to drink up.

'Ere manz, poorrrr manz bac-ta. Eeeeaze yourrrrr troubleyz, I'm sure it'll beez wait ingz for-r youz...

2017-03-03, 11:26 AM
Sorry for the delay - been sick and waiting for Rattigan

The fruit is the Kashyyk papaya, an exotic tropical fruit from the Wookie homeworld, more expensive than most fruits in the market, but still not something most pirates would be after, except to eat. But wait, while this was obviously the Kashykkian papaya, it has a different color from any other Kashyyk papaya that Eldrith has ever seen, and is also slightly smaller.

Trill is about to go around the bottom of the ramp and prowl up into the ship when she glances at Eldrith and gives him a very disarming smile and a wink. Then her face turns serious again and she vaults up onto the ramp. At this moment, there is a rattling sound from inside of the ship, above Eldrith's head...


The Rodian groans again. "What? What is it?" He outstretches a hand toward the bottle of hooch, picks it up, and then half-opens his eyes, straining to look at it.

2017-03-03, 11:37 AM
Zo puts a gentle but firm hand over the bottle.

"I would not drink that if I were you friend. Your body is in enough pain already. Yijz has built up a resistance to things that would make most sentient's livers explode."

He pulls over a nearby heavy workbench with next to no visible effort and sits on the edge, making it creak.

"So, how'd you get that wound friend? Some sort of exotic weapon collector wanted to make a point, and make it hard?"

2017-03-03, 04:13 PM
Haha! Wha-t Liverrr? I likez zpaze wizardyz better-r. Either-r wayz onez 'ellz ova cutz. Muzt pizzt offffff zome onez 'eal badz!

He grabs the bottle with a sad look that the Rodian didn't become his drinking buddy. He Unscrews the cap and takes a small, unusually reserved sip... Almost with reverence and then places the bottle back in his bag.

2017-03-05, 06:16 PM
The Rodian continues to lie almost motionless. He reaches his arm back to where his wound is, and fingers it lightly, hopefully not damaging any of Eldrith's carefully-placed sutures. "This looks like a doctor's room," he says. "How long was I out? And where am I anyway?" he asks again, half coming to his senses. "Did Casson get away?" he suddenly blurts with a worried tone.

2017-03-06, 08:35 AM
"I don't know who Casson is, sorry. You were brought here by a human woman. This is indeed a doctor's surgery....of sorts."

Zo wrings his hands, and looks to Yijz.

"As to how long you've been out...you know you are on Sidarin now, yes?"

2017-03-06, 09:00 AM
Yijz looks back at Zo, and gives a skeptical look, it would be a raised eyebrow if he had them.

'Eh youz in t-t-troublez? Youzz not-t bringingz it 'ere? Zo, what was that noizy thingyz tha-tzzz flyz byz a fewz ago?

2017-03-06, 02:29 PM
The loud vehicle was a TIE fighter. This is the first time Imperial ships have (openly) flown around on Sidarin, so it is possible that you would not have heard one before.

The Rodian lies quietly for a few moments, as if still trying to dig up his lost memories. "A Human woman..." he mutters, pausing for a moment. He clenches his eyes shut. "Trill?" he finally says. It's not clear from his inflection if it's a statement, a question, or just a sound and not a name.

The Rodian doesn't seem to have noticed Yijz' concern that he might have brought trouble with him...

2017-03-07, 01:34 AM
Eldrith picks up one of the fruit smells it real quick and then pockets it into is go bag if nothing else of interest is peaked about it.

As Trill shoots him that smile the thought that every woman that has made that face to him brings trouble with them races through his mind and he is immediately unsettled. "Ohhh that's never a good sign"

When he hears the rattling over his head it startles him a little bit "What in the seven hell..."

Wanting to know what's going on with the cargo and his payment he circles around the ship towards the ramp and moves up into the ship with his pistol and vamblade drawn.

"Trill...you whoooo"

2017-03-08, 10:14 AM
The loud vehicle was a TIE fighter. This is the first time Imperial ships have (openly) flown around on Sidarin, so it is possible that you would not have heard one before.

The Rodian lies quietly for a few moments, as if still trying to dig up his lost memories. "A Human woman..." he mutters, pausing for a moment. He clenches his eyes shut. "Trill?" he finally says. It's not clear from his inflection if it's a statement, a question, or just a sound and not a name.

The Rodian doesn't seem to have noticed Yijz' concern that he might have brought trouble with him...

Zo shrugs his large robed shoulders, causing the wrapped shield on his back to shift up and down with the motion.

"I didn't catch her name. I'd say similar age to me, redhead?"

He then looks around, before stooping down lower, closer to the Rodian, and at least attempts to speak quietly in his deep rumbling voice.

"How'd you get the lightsaber wound, friend?"

2017-03-08, 09:56 PM
Trill is just as alarmed as she hears the rattling sound as Eldrith, if not more so. Nobody is immediately visible from where Eldrith stands, but there is suddenly a beeping sound inside of the ship, and then hissed whispers. Meanwhile, at the same time, Eldrith hears distant shouts behind him, back in the previous hangar, the one where he lit the fire. Trill drops off the ramp, out of sight from the entryway, then motions for Eldrith come close.


The Rodian mumbles. "Yeah, Human, red hair", and then suddenly makes a weird face that would be difficult for a mammaloid to puzzle out from the Rodian's reptiloid features. His eyes bolt open, as wide as dinner plates. "Lightsaber?" he blurts out loud, easily the loudest noise he has made since he woke up. "Is that what that was?" His voice belies equal measures of disbelief, shock, and terror. Breathing heavily, he tries to calm down. "It was a woman of, I don't know what she was, but long antennae and floppy ears, flat snout, talked in a weird, singing-like voice," he says. "Had this crimson glowing stick - er - sword (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItpYeadX-vk). Came into the terminal with a bunch of Imperial troopers, started rounding up all the spacers she could find. Something then got her and some pirates fighting over something, didn't see what it was, but I and everybody else made a break for it. I guess didn't want any witnesses or something, so she started hunting us down all over the spaceport. I didn't see Trill, though, I guess she ran and hid?"

He lies back, letting out a long breath. After a moment, he then asks Zo "Why would a Jedi be working with the Empire? I thought the Jedi were all dead, anyway..." he said.

2017-03-09, 12:55 AM
Eldrith follows Trills lead and fits down with her.

After hearing the voices coming from the next hangar he knows his little distraction is working however they need to move fast

Ok Trill what's the play here?

Is there a check that i can roll to see if i notice anything that she could have taken or notice that she had now that she didn't before? I want to Mahe she she didn't nab something off the ship and now she's going to bounce

2017-03-10, 09:03 AM
Trill doesn't even have time to answer, as two goonish individuals come out of the shuttle and onto the ramp. They obviously do not notice Trill and Eldrith where they are under the ramp. They are pushing a crate of - well - something, which they then drop immediately upon sight of the smoke rising up from the nearby hangar. Casting all caution to the stellar winds, they break into a sprint and run for the archway leading to the nearby hangar.

The crate that they were carrying is knocked off of the ramp, but its antigravity generator keeps it from crashing into the ground, but the lid does flop open. Inside are stacks and stacks of datapads with the Seinar Fleet Systems logo on them. Trill looks at Eldrith. "Good job! Here's your treasure!" She immediately begins pulling out datapads and sliding them into her clothes, with a glance of concern in the direction of the hangar with the fire.

2017-03-15, 02:04 AM
Plopping himself into the pilot seat of the ship Eldrith looks the ship over. It's not in bad condition. He starts booting up the ship with a couple commands and flips some switches

You know what trill after some thought I think it would be a lot simpler if we just took the ship along with us so if you wouldn't mind moving those up here that would be great

By the skin of my teeth
[/url]: 3eA+2eD 1 success
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/496452]http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/496452)

2017-03-16, 12:05 PM
Eldrith sits in the pilot's chair and starts pressing buttons. Some of the lights begin to turn on as Eldrith fiddles with the controls - he is barely able to get in, but notes that some of the security systems seem to have been disabled. Trill, as he begins this and his intentions become clear, gasps in fear and alarm. "You try to take off, you'll get the Imperials' attention. You may get shot down by TIEs!" She then runs down the ramp and on to the launch pad. Eldrith can see that she is fiddling with the crates, but not obviously trying to get them aboard.

2017-03-17, 09:20 PM
Eldrith sits in the pilot's chair and starts pressing buttons. Some of the lights begin to turn on as Eldrith fiddles with the controls - he is barely able to get in, but notes that some of the security systems seem to have been disabled. Trill, as he begins this and his intentions become clear, gasps in fear and alarm. "You try to take off, you'll get the Imperials' attention. You may get shot down by TIEs!" She then runs down the ramp and on to the launch pad. Eldrith can see that she is fiddling with the crates, but not obviously trying to get them aboard.

Kid trust me if you knew Gragst you'd now that death by tie would be a mercy compared to what he's going to do to me if I come up short again. So I think that I'm going to take my chances

Eldrith has noticed all her fumbling around. He knows that she's up to something but is not sure what but frankly that's not his problem. He has the ship which will let him either put a dent in his debt or allow him make a run for it if he needed to. Either way a free ship was too tempting to pass up.

I'll roll for perception if you want me to to see what she is really doing but at this point it's kinda mute til we land.

Trill I don't know what you're really doing back there but this ship is taking off with or without you. But I have to say do you really want to be here alone when they see me flying off? Your call kid but I'm out of here...

2017-03-19, 08:31 PM
Eldrith can see Trill hesitate for a moment, but then grabs something else, then sprints out of his sight. Then, the engines whirr to life, and, a few moments later, the ship begins to rise. Turning the ship around to try to take it to wherever he intends to fly it, he can clearly see Trill below him, who has climbed up the wall of the open-air hangar and is now out of sight from the ground. She glances back up at him, too far below him now for him to read the expression on her face, before she fluidly jumps off of the wall and into the street below in an effortless display of athletic grace.

Meanwhile, on the floor of the spaceport below him, Eldrith can see that the thugs whom he had distracted with the fire are running back into the patio where his new shuttle was parked, staring up at him. Meanwhile, a group of Imperial troopers have entered the hangar with the burning fuel. Blaster marks and one dead body suggest that there had been a firefight that Eldrith had been unaware of while he was firing up the engines. All eyes, for now, are on his shuttle, of course. One of the troopers reaches to his helmet as if using his radio.

Also below him, Eldrith can now see what Trill was doing - he had knocked over one of the crates of fruit and taken something out of another crate underneath it, which also looks kinda like fruit, albeit different fruit.

Now, however, Eldrith has a new problem: where, exactly, is he going to take this ship he has stolen?

2017-03-21, 01:59 PM
Mildly panicking Eldrith goes through the usual thoughts, what was I thinking, oh my gosh this going to get me killed, again what was I thinking.

Patching the ships com's to his comlink he contactes the other at the bar.

"ahh guys so thinks went a little weird at the spaceport. I may or may not have stolen a pirate shuttle...ok I definitely stole a smuggler shuttle. I think it belongs to the guy back on my table? He had a Seinar systems patch on him though so maybe it's more like reclaiming? "

His breathing gets a little heavier and a little more rattled.

"I need to pay off Gransts but uhhh maybe I can pick you up and the dude on the table can explain everything? His he up and around yet? He didn't die did he? Uhh Trill stole something from a hidden comparment in the shipment but I'm not entirely sure what that was or if it was important to our potentially alive friend on my table."

He's going to start arcing the ship towards the bars part of town but if we aren't going to meet up he's going to gun it for the outskirts of the city.

Guys I got us a shuttle! Now we just need to not die.

Ps sorry this little diversion took so long but hopefully we can get back together and start the adventure moving forward as a party.

2017-03-24, 08:48 AM
"The frak Eldrith?"

Zo's crest flushes red with anger, the colour visible under his hood as he holds the commlink close to his mouth

"How do you possibly think you're going to get away with this? The Empire are here, led by some sort of Sith or Dark Jedi. If they're interested in that ship, you're going to have some real trouble, and might even end up dead!"

Zo tries to calm down a little, and lower his voice to stop the others feeling uncomfortable in the small room.

"The Rodian is fine. He's awake and talking. If it is his ship you're "liberating", he may have some choice words for you though."

2017-03-25, 08:25 AM
The Rodian rubs his forehead and then suddenly blurts out. ""My ship? He looks like he is trying to get up, but then lies back down again. "Who are you talking to? And where am I? Who has my ship?"

2017-03-27, 12:33 AM
"The frak Eldrith?"

Zo's crest flushes red with anger, the colour visible under his hood as he holds the commlink close to his mouth

"How do you possibly think you're going to get away with this? The Empire are here, led by some sort of Sith or Dark Jedi. If they're interested in that ship, you're going to have some real trouble, and might even end up dead!"

Zo tries to calm down a little, and lower his voice to stop the others feeling uncomfortable in the small room.

"The Rodian is fine. He's awake and talking. If it is his ship you're "liberating", he may have some choice words for you though."

I know I know it as rash bu this thing looked like it was owned by pirate scum, to fair it turned out to be owned by smuggler scum which is a slightly better tier of scum but that's neither here nor there.

Wait Jedi, Sith, your not making sense Zo. I didn't see any mythic wizards or devil kings while I was at the space port just a bunch or pirates and imps killing each other. So wraith of some bed time stories really aren't a worry of mine right now.

The Rodian rubs his forehead and then suddenly blurts out. ""My ship? He looks like he is trying to get up, but then lies back down again. "Who are you talking to? And where am I? Who has my ship?"

Hi yeah this is Dr. Eldrith Trill paid me to bring you back from the edge of death and oblivion?

She offered me 1500 cred for that service by the way which I still have not received payment for in addition to her stealing something from this ship back there...She also said I get a bonus 1000 cred if you're back up and running in a day which tada you are so you owe for that also mister I'm sure I don't know what you're name is. So it sounds like I have your ship and I'm on my way to you after saving it from pirates that were moving things all around and junk...you're welcome by the way. So I'll be expecting my 3000 cred when I pick you three up and we can really kinda figure out what we want to do with ourselves then what do you say?

It's just lies and fast talking and fast talking lies and trying not to freak out that no one is going to get on this ship with him lol

Also just to explain the delay in posting. My family and I came down with a narly stomach flu so we've been in recovery mode for days. Just wanted to let you know I'm still here and into the game.

Also if you have suggestions for how to handle this situation I'd take it. Honestly I'm nervous that I'm running towards a group of characters with a flaming bomb hoping someone will take the ride with me and everyone is just going to bolt like Trill did lol. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen although it would be funny.

2017-03-27, 11:21 AM
Zpaze wizardyz! Haha! Iz knewzy it-t-t-t! He says in mock amazement.

He grabs the bottle back out his pack and pretend to cheers Eldritch.

Ohhhh lightzy zwardz and ma'gic trickerz! Haha I knewz it Oh boyz oh boyz! You twozyz ara huffa'lingz ah datz zpize. But yahz are all 'opped upz 'onda goofballz! Oh yahz 'etting zall twinkly eyeded and frah'r-r-r-azzled brain-eded wit outta Yijz, poo Yijz... Allz aloney leftyz wit nutt'en butza pretty mizz bah'tol oh wizzzzz'key! Ohz wellz, weeee'll havta bez keep'n each oh-ther companyz...Mez ztickz tada ba'ooze.... Itz'oulda beenz nihz to at leazt offer zome doh...

He shakes a finger at Zo disapprovingly as he finishes the bottle and tosses it into a recycler can.

But-t-t-t......I'z nihz, Yijz bez da forgiven-lyz typa Gand.

(Occ, phone got busted and work blocks this site so sorry I was awol but I'm back now)

2017-03-27, 05:55 PM
The Rodian sits up, then lets out a pained moan and lies back on the table. "What? How? How long was I out?" he babbles incoherently. He reaches his hand back up to his forehead and rubs it, then takes a number of deep breaths. "Trill offered you 2500 credits? What is that woman...?" he says. "And how did you get my ship from the spaceport? And what about the rest of the crew? What about Lodon? And pirates? In the spaceport? What about the Imps?" He takes several more long, heavy breaths. "My head hurts..." he mutters to himself.

Meanwhile, a flashing light on the medical monitoring machine alerts Zo to the fact that the Rodian's life signatures are fluctuating wildly as he tries to think through his confusion.

2017-03-27, 06:49 PM
Yepz, muztbe dat dru'gy zpiez. Muzta bez it-t-t... Why elze 'ould two upstandingz zitizenyz likez yo-zelvez be 'lwayz zoooo brah'ooke!!

He chatters and chuckles at Zo.

Yijz looks at the sickly Rodian, and the whole curfuffle about a stolen ship suddenly hits him.

Whaaaaaaaa!!! Zhip yah zay? Rooooooo?!?!

The Gand jolts outta the comfortable lean he had settled into. His eyes eager.

Timez to hava funzy a lil bitz eh Rooo?!?!

2017-03-30, 02:23 AM
pilot check (http://orokos.com/roll/500550): 2eA+2eD 1 success http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/500550)

I made it with 1 success!

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry everyone I totally forgot to take care of this. I'm just going to post the check so that we can move forward. Eldrith is coming for you all!

2017-03-30, 09:46 AM
After a bit of maneuvering, Eldrith is able to set the shuttle down in the street without crushing any buildings or damaging the spacecraft, although the antigravity thrusters do knock over a dumpster as he tries to land. People on the street scatter as the former Imperial shuttle sets down in the street.

2017-04-05, 05:01 AM
"I think we are having fun whether we like it or not Yijz, you old drunk. And I don't touch spice......any more."

Zo grins, and goodhumouredly punches Yijz shoulder, a soft blow for him that nevertheless sends the Gand staggering a pace or two. If Yijz is feeling particularly observant, he will note the smile does not reach his eyes, and his crest flushes beneath his hood with false bravado. Zo then looks down at the Rodian.

"Eldrith, your patient's a mite aggravated you took his ship. He's not looking so good. Is it safe to move him, or...will it be less safe for him to remain here?"

Zo's eyes glaze over slightly as he reaches out to the Force, trying to get a glimpse of things to come.

Nice! @PetrifiedWalnut feel free to give Zo vague hints about events in his future, up to a day in advance. They can be whatever you like and as vague as you like :smalltongue:

Foresee Force roll (http://orokos.com/roll/502463): 1eF 1 Light Side
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ls.png (http://orokos.com/roll/502463)

2017-04-06, 10:56 PM
The Rodian's life signatures are stabilizing again, although not as stable as they were. Being agitated over a long period probably won't be good for him, but he is in no immediate danger of going into cardiac arrest or another emergency health failure.

Zo's sense of premonition tells him that a massive change in his life is imminent - no, has already happened, he just does not yet know it. No longer will he be the bouncer of this tavern. If he were to act, things might get back to the something resembling way that they were, but only should he act.

2017-04-07, 10:21 AM
Whaaa-t-t-t-t iz dat?

The noise of the ship throwing the dumpster aside unleashes a cacophony as it reverbereverberated through the walls.

Oooo! 'Eh Funz 'ere me thinkz! Oh yeazzzzz.... Eh Eddy?!?

He calls Edritch's name as he saunters out of the vast and into the alley to have a look.

2017-04-07, 03:49 PM
Greeting Yijz' eyes is an Imperial Lambda-class shuttle - or, at least, that's what it would be, if it didn't have the black paint job over the hull which is itself rather scratched up. On the main dorsal fin of the ship he can see the Seinar company logo, itself heavily chipped and pitted. Neither the Empire nor Seinar would have one of their own ships kept in a condition like this, so whomever this ship belonged to most recently, the Rodian or somebody else, it wasn't either of the two organizations that laid claim to it.

The wind of the thrusters is blowing over pieces of refuse all over the street, but then all is quiet. The ship lands in the impossibly narrow space. Either Eldrith is an excellent pilot that Yijz has never seen, or he got really lucky.

2017-04-08, 09:40 PM
.....'e'll I've certainly earneded myz name! Gollyz and geez oh, oh ,oh!! Whatza yoz doin Ed?!

He walks up to the ship in the alley.

2017-04-11, 12:38 PM
Zo sighs. "I was actually beginning to like it here..."

He disappears out the door, before returning with a pack and a large cloth wrapped shield on his back that makes him look like an overgrown turtle. He looks down at the patient with a reassuring smile.

"It's not safe here for now. Let me take you to your ship."

Zo picks up the Rodian gently, one arm supporting his shoulders and the other under his legs at the knee before heading out through the club towards the exit.

2017-04-12, 09:17 AM
The Rodian groans as Zo picks him up, but Zo does so with enough care that he isn't further injured. He doesn't seem to object, though, is kind of shell-shocked.

The shuttle takes up much of the street, but Eldrith has managed to land it without any damage to the nearby buildings. Taking off again might be another matter, but Zo is able to get the Rodian up the ramp without incident. There is still no sign of the Imperial or any other kind of authorities.

Suddenly, as Zo gets onto the shuttle deck, the Rodian is looking around. "Who else made it? Is Captain Lodon here? Where is Trill?" he asks.

EDIT: Where do you plan on taking the ship now? You will have to land it somewhere inside of the city if you intend to conceal it from Imperials if they are following you. So far you haven't seen that, but...

2017-04-12, 12:02 PM
Eldrith hears all the questions coming his way. Karabast what why did he do that?!?

His chest rises and falls a heavily as he centers himself and swipes away thoughts of things he couldn't change. He had stolen the shuttle, he had brought it here, and there was not changing that.

Stars! There's another one of you out there? I never saw this Captain London but you better hope he wasn't back with the imps at the hanger. Trill's in the wind as far as I"m concerned she grabbed lord knows what from a container and ran.

Give me a second, give me a second to think!

He counts backwards from 5 breathing out allowing himself 5 breathes of panic and then no more. 4; the panic leaves him, 3; his mind clears, 2; he resolves himself, 1; his eyes open and his ready to do what he has to.

What he has to do is figure out how he's going to get past the imperials and get this thing to Ganst to sell. Right now it's 3 to 1 if he can get the others on his side but that was guaranteed.

Eldrith racks his mind thinking through all the scum and sleemos that had come through his clinic trying to remember one that could help him hide the ship or one that owes him a favor.

I'm not sure if I need to roll to recall anyone in the city that I might have helped in the past that could help us out. Eldrith does have contacts in the underworld but I don't have anyone fleshed out. I'm looking for like someone that would have a warehouse or smugglers that owe me a favor?

Is that possible?

2017-04-12, 05:24 PM
Time to make a destiny pool. I rolled the following: {2 light} {1 dark} {2 dark}. I will allow you guys to re-roll if you so choose. :smallsmile:

Regarding cybric's request, here's my answer: if you spend a destiny point, you can add a criminal contact who owes Eldrith a favor, and you can store the ship while you go and find and negotiate with Gragst.

If you do not spend a destiny point, I will create one who does not owe Eldrith a favor; instead, he will want a share of the proceeds for selling the ship. You will need to negotiate a deal with Gragst that gets you some money as well as pays off your debt. You'll need persuasion skills and roleplaying to make this happen, but it should be possible (after all, it's a starship, so it's worth a lot of money!).

The Rodian groans as Zo sets him down. "Why would Trill bring me to a clinic, then split?" he mutters. "What is that woman doing?"

2017-04-12, 05:40 PM
Time to make a destiny pool. I rolled the following: {2 light} {1 dark} {2 dark}. I will allow you guys to re-roll if you so choose. :smallsmile:

Regarding cybric's request, here's my answer: if you spend a destiny point, you can add a criminal contact who owes Eldrith a favor, and you can store the ship while you go and find and negotiate with Gragst.

If you do not spend a destiny point, I will create one who does not owe Eldrith a favor; instead, he will want a share of the proceeds for selling the ship. You will need to negotiate a deal with Gragst that gets you some money as well as pays off your debt. You'll need persuasion skills and roleplaying to make this happen, but it should be possible (after all, it's a starship, so it's worth a lot of money!).

The Rodian groans as Zo sets him down. "Why would Trill bring me to a clinic, then split?" he mutters. "What is that woman doing?"

I will chose to spend a destiny point to have a contact that owes me.

I'm assuming I probably want to use the light side since the light is good but I'm not sure what the pros and cons are. I've never had a EotE game last this long so I'm A) not sure how that works b) super excited.

2017-04-13, 01:16 PM
I will chose to spend a destiny point to have a contact that owes me.

I'm assuming I probably want to use the light side since the light is good but I'm not sure what the pros and cons are. I've never had a EotE game last this long so I'm A) not sure how that works b) super excited.

Zo lets out a low hum as he thinks.

"She went out with Eldrith, but I don't see her in the ship. Eldrith, where is Trill?"

We can use the light side ones, then they flip to dark side. The DM can use those to make ability checks more difficult, or introduce complications.

We can use them to declare things about the world, like you having a contact who owes you a favour, or to improve the dice we use to carry out a check.

2017-04-13, 02:53 PM
The name of a Lasat, Hazabar, comes to Eldrith's mind. Eldrith did emergency work on Hazabar's sister when she was in a speeder bike accident a year ago. Hazabar did pay him, but didn't have the money at the time as he, too, had to pay off Gragst for his own debts. That was before an incident where Hazabar went missing for two months after an attempt on the infamous Kessel Run with one of his smuggler accomplices, a Wookie by the name of Therakbu, but word though the vine was that Hazabar was back in town again. Who knows, Hazabar - or Therakbu - might even want to buy the ship, which would enable Eldrith to pay off Gragst in cash instead of bartering a possibly wanted starship.

Hazabar last had a warehouse on the southeast side of the city, just inside of the shantytown that surrounds the more urban area. Shantytowns like that were always dangerous places, but Vorn Kaidus was fine with them as long as they didn't upset business too much, and they were cheap housing for lots of laborers. The Empire has a reputation of clamping its foot down on such settlements, so who knows how long they're going to still be there. But then, the Empire's sudden appearance on Sidarin has not been in the Empire's usual style with fleets of star destroyers appearing out of hyperspace - it's almost like they've been here for a while but were just lying low until now.

Nonetheless, Eldrith is able to arrive without incident, enters through the warehouse's loading dock. A half dozen armed Gammoreans come out to meet you in front of the landing pad as they recognize the ship as a Lambda-class shuttle. They have their weapons in hand, but are looking apprehensive and uncertain of your intentions. Suddenly Hazabar's sister, Tigozan, comes out of a little office space armed with an electrostaff. The Gammoreans rally around her.

Meanwhile, in the makeshift bunk where Zo has set up the Rodian, the enigmatic spacer is starting to sit up, although blearily and unable to walk still. "Now where are we?" he asks.

2017-04-14, 12:31 PM
Zo lets out a low hum as he thinks.

"She went out with Eldrith, but I don't see her in the ship. Eldrith, where is Trill?"

We can use the light side ones, then they flip to dark side. The DM can use those to make ability checks more difficult, or introduce complications.

We can use them to declare things about the world, like you having a contact who owes you a favour, or to improve the dice we use to carry out a check.

looking over his shoulder as he finishes landing Eldrith says "I'm not sure where she went off to. I offered for her to come along for the ride on the ship but she decided that she was going to grab some weird fruit or piece of something from one of the crates. It looked like a secret compartment type deal. After she had what she needed so took off without me and I took the ship. If I'm being frank she didn't give me a good reason not to take it other than "Oh no you might get caught and Oh no the imperials are going to get you" blah blah. You keep asking about her but don't you have a way of getting in touch with her? Actually now that I think about it I don't know our Rodian friends name even though I SAVED his life." Eldrith puts heavy emphasis on the saved part of that sentence to drive home that the Rodian owes him.

The name of a Lasat, Hazabar, comes to Eldrith's mind. Eldrith did emergency work on Habatz' sister when she was in a speeder bike accident a year ago. Hazabar did pay him, but didn't have the money at the time as he, too, had to pay off Gragst for his own debts. That was before an incident where Hazabar went missing for two months after an attempt on the infamous Kessel Run with one of his smuggler accomplices, a Wookie by the name of Therakbu, but word though the vine was that Hazabar was back in town again. Who knows, Hazabar - or Therakbu - might even want to buy the ship, which would enable Eldrith to pay of Gragst in cash instead of bartering a possibly wanted starship.

Hazabar last had a warehouse on the southeast side of the city, just inside of the shantytown that surrounds the more urban area. Shantytowns like that were always dangerous places, but Vorn Kaidus was fine with them as long as they didn't upset business too much, and they were cheap housing for lots of laborers. The Empire has a reputation of clamping its foot down on such settlements, so who knows how long they're going to still be there. But then, the Empire's sudden appearance on Sidarin has not been in the Empire's usual style with fleets of star destroyers appearing out of hyperspace - it's almost like they've been here for a while but were just lying low until now.

Nonetheless, Eldrith is able to arrive without incident, enters through the warehouse's loading dock. A half dozen armed Gammoreans come out to meet you in front of the landing pad as they recognize the ship. They have their weapons in hand, but are looking apprehensive and uncertain of your intentions. Suddenly a Hazabar's sister, Tigozan, comes out of a little office space armed with an electrostaff. The Gammoreans rally around her.

Meanwhile, in the makeshift bunk where the Zo has set up the Rodian, the enigmatic spacer is starting to sit up, although blearily and unable to walk still. "Now where are we?" he asks.

As Eldrith finishes landing he swivels around and faces the Rodian. "At a friends place. I've got a Lasat that owes me a favor."

Eldrith leans in to the Rodian but well out of arms reach.

"Listen friend this isn't anything personal but I owe to a mean, incredible mean, loan shark. If I don't square my debt he's going to come after me and my clinic which is located in my friends bar so we're all pretty invested in taking care of this." as he says the last part he looks in turn to both of his compatriots and then turns back to the Rodian.

"So in order to keep us all safe and happy I need to sell your ship. I've got a pretty good idea what I can get for it, you can barely walk let alone fight, we have you outnumbered and the burly and dangerous female lasat outside will be on my side so I'm pretty much set to go here. Now, now the opportunity that you have here is to try and convince me why I shouldn't just go through with my plan." Eldrith shoots the Rodian a mischievous sly smile "if you were ever going to spill everything now would be the time. What kind of operation are you running here and why does it look like my friends already recognize this ship?"

2017-04-14, 04:48 PM
The Rodian groans, listening to Eldrith's exasperated answer. It's not my ship. It's Lodon's ship," he says grimly. He takes a few breaths, while lying on the bunk that Zo managed to find for him. He pauses. "Look, I don't know who else is alive, but I can tell you Trill's not joking about danger," he continues. "The Imps at the starport are led by a floppy-eared alien woman with what the Anx here tells me was a lightsaber. I don't know why she wanted to kill everyone in the spaceport, but that seemed to be her plan. Guess she wasn't totally successful, if Trill lived to get me out.

"I don't know why those fruit are worth so much to Trill, but I can tell you where she's going with them. There is a farmer guy named Pisarckh she was taking fruit to. Look, I don't know what she told you, and she's got secrets she didn't tell us. But it doesn't add up, her just running away, after she brought me to you. And, gotta be honest, 'friend', if Lodon is still alive, let's just say he's gonna want his ship back.

"Wait... did you say Lasat?"

Tigozan and her goons move around to the back and underneath the shuttle, around where the landing ramp would come down. They're obviously waiting for you.

2017-04-15, 08:56 PM
Eeeh... ah guyzzzz, um youz 'ight-t-t 'anna looooook outzide...

He gestures out a window at the assembling gang.

Lookzee Iz don't-t-t 'anna bez da Gand to breakz up youzezzz
lovelyz con-verz-ing andz the barter-zing andz the-likez... Butz me thinkz that-t-t tah mightza bez no goodz, all-ah doz feelerz gathering aroundz downz wherez wez zupooz-da exzit... No-goodz, noz noz! Bhaaat that-t-tzzz juzt a 'umble Gand'z op-pin-yun-n-n-n...

2017-04-17, 02:25 PM
The Rodian groans, listening to Eldrith's exasperated answer. It's not my ship. It's Lodon's ship," he says grimly. He takes a few breaths, while lying on the bunk that Zo managed to find for him. He pauses. "Look, I don't know who else is alive, but I can tell you Trill's not joking about danger," he continues. "The Imps at the starport are led by a floppy-eared alien woman with what the Anx here tells me was a lightsaber. I don't know why she wanted to kill everyone in the spaceport, but that seemed to be her plan. Guess she wasn't totally successful, if Trill lived to get me out.

"I don't know why those fruit are worth so much to Trill, but I can tell you where she's going with them. There is a farmer guy named Pisarckh she was taking fruit to. Look, I don't know what she told you, and she's got secrets she didn't tell us. But it doesn't add up, her just running away, after she brought me to you. And, gotta be honest, 'friend', if Lodon is still alive, let's just say he's gonna want his ship back.

"Wait... did you say Lasat?"

Tigozan and her goons move around to the back and underneath the shuttle, around where the landing ramp would come down. They're obviously waiting for you.

So what I'm hearing is you don't have a better offer and don't have a good reason why I should stop. Well then friend seems like what's about to happen is on you.

As for your precious Capt Lodon. I think I'll get rid of the problem that knows where I live and who I owe money to and roll the dice on this fella of yours.

I'm not heartless though friend I'm just looking after me and mine. After we're done here we can go follow up looking for Trill and see that she's taken care of and you both sent on your way.

Turning towards his compatriots.

Drunkie mc'bottle you watch this guy ok? He tries anything just I don't know flop on him or something but he doesn't reach for anything without you knowing got it?

With that Eldrith goes back to the pilots chair and finds the control for the external speaker.

Yeah you better believe I said Lasat. My good friend Tigozan's waiting for us outside.

After saying that he flips the speaker switch and addresses the crowd outside and with his most charming smooth voice he addresses the Lasat.

Tigozan, how is my favorite Lasat doing today? You're looking much better than the last time I saw you while I was patching you up. Why don't you have you goons back away from the ship.

I've got a opportunity for you and Hazabar.

2017-04-17, 03:41 PM
Struggling to keep track of all of these colors:
Trill = indigo
The Rodian = pale turquoise
Tigozan = gold

Have I missed anybody?

The Rodian sighs as Eldrith leaves the ship to talk to Tigozan. He breaths out a curse in his home language. "Can't say I know whether to trust him or not," he grumbles.

After a few moments, the a screeching whine of a spacecraft can be heard, wavering around some distance outside. The Rodian is visibly startled as he hears and recognizes it. "They're looking for us!" he hisses at Zo and Yijz. "That doctor fool! I don't know who this loan shark is, but he can't be as bad as that floppy-eared woman with the lightsaber!"


Meanwhile, Eldrith meets Tigozan and her goons as he exits the shuttle. Tigozan immediately stows her electrostaff, and her Gammorean thugs lower their weapons as well. "Eldrith?" she exclaims in surprise. "Why didn't you say you were coming? And what's with this ship of yours? It looks like an Imperial shuttle, but it looks like it's seen better days. Since when have you flown starships, anyway?"

You are interrupted by a noise that sounds like the ship that flew over the bar earlier, while Eldrith was working in his clinic, although it's not as close and sounds like it's wheeling around. Tigozan looks over in the direction. "That's a TIE fighter," she says to one of her guards. "Go and monitor the entrance in case we get company."

She then turns back to Eldrith. "I'm afraid Hazabar is out meeting with a client and won't be back 'till this evening. We may need you to clear out of the warehouse if the shipment comes in, or is this an emergency..." suddenly she trails off and furrows her brow. "Waaait... this deal of yours, and this ship... wouldn't have anything to do with that TIE fighter, would it?"

2017-04-17, 11:09 PM
Eldrith grins and shrugs his shoulders What can I say I've lived quite the life and I'm full of surprises when I need to be. Well then I think that I have a opportunity for you then friend.

Eldrith looks over his shoulder towards the direction of the Tie fighter.

I won't lie to you Tigozan there is some wild things happening right now. This Rodian patient of my was saying how the imps have seized control of the space port and got into a fight with some shady folks down there. I think they're also fighting a fire that happened down there as well.

All the while some rumors are flying around about space wizards and a whole bunch of other mumbo jumbo that would make your head spin. Next we'll have a rumor about a giant 5 headed dragon worm tromping around the city. The imps don't need wizards to come in and take what they want so it's ridiculous.

What they want I don't know but honestly it doesn't concern or impact me so I don't really care. The imps haven't done much here for a reason and I can't imagine that changing anytime soon.

But enough about current events lets talk shop here. It sounds like you've got shipments coming in and going out and I have a shuttle here that could be loaded up with quite a bit to help with that. Could be an opportunity for us both.

I recently acquired it but since I'm running a clinic and not a ambulance service I thought I could find people that need it more than I

So what do you say Tigozan, I think there's room for both of us to come out a head here.

2017-04-18, 10:54 AM
Tigozan is at first skeptical of the term "space wizards", which she mouths silently as Eldrith tells her his abbreviated story. She listens to the explanation, then puzzles around for a few moments, and then smirks. "Ah, so you stole an Imperial shuttle, and now you want to pawn it off? Have I got it right?" she says in an amused way. "I knew you were a good doctor. I didn't know you were a master thief as well!"

Then she turns serious. "I heard something about the spaceport, and if the Imps have seized it for some reason, then we don't want them knowing that you have a stolen starship. Is there anything on board? Anything the Imps might be interested in? And why does an Imp shuttle have the Seinar logo on it?" she asks, somewhat more curious. "I'll have to move it into a part of the warehouse where it'll be less obvious if anybody comes in looking for it. Do you know who it belonged to before you, ah, appropriated it? I'm guessing it wasn't the Empire, what with the logo..."

"Oh, and we'll have to wait until Hazabar gets back before we talk nuna (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nuna) about buying your ship. How much are you looking for?"

2017-04-18, 08:26 PM
The Gand stares at the patient-prisoner... Or is it glares? He puts down his bag and rests both hands on his knees, the 3 fingered hands contemplativey fidgeting.

A moment later he suddenly launches into him:

'Eh!!! Youuuuuuu'der yez, youz! Mrz Rooo-de-ianz youz juztyz gunnaz looze yourz zhip-p-p-p? Whyz itz 'ere? Who youz? Frell youz doo'z-n-n-n 'ere? Fragz da spazy wizardz bullshizzzzz youza bez all cauz'n talka 'bout-t-t-t...

Yidjz looks very irritated.

2017-04-19, 08:04 PM
The Rodian looks at the formidable looking insectoid, trying to puzzle what the creature is saying. "Can you help me keep the ship?" he finally asks. "I was the mechanic. Guess I could try to fly, but wouldn't get far with those TIEs out there..." he trails off. "What's a 'spaze wizardz'? Don't think I've ever heard of them before. Is that what that floppy-eared alien is called?"

2017-04-20, 03:25 PM
Wellz.... Myz dadderyz wazzzz-z-z eh grrrr-eh-tz anz rezpected-d-d Gand, findzmenz hez waaaz. Toldz uzzz when wez waa-zzzz buttz tinyz Gandz muchatooo youngz tooz 'azz nametz... Ztoryz of za zapper zwords of 'ightz wit der thinkerz headyz magiczzzzzz....

His eyes have that far away look, his attention drifts off to another time.

I 'ontz knowerz about-t-t anyz floppyz earz doz...

He looks him over and suddenly remembers he is the watchmen of his conversion partner.

Whyz youz beeez 'ere? Wherez diz zhip-p-p fromz?

2017-04-21, 12:33 AM
Tigozan is at first skeptical of the term "space wizards", which she mouths silently as Eldrith tells her his abbreviated story. She listens to the explanation, then puzzles around for a few moments, and then smirks. "Ah, so you stole an Imperial shuttle, and now you want to pawn it off? Have I got it right?" she says in an amused way. "I knew you were a good doctor. I didn't know you were a master thief as well!"

Then she turns serious. "I heard something about the spaceport, and if the Imps have seized it for some reason, then we don't want them knowing that you have a stolen starship. Is there anything on board? Anything the Imps might be interested in? And why does an Imp shuttle have the Seinar logo on it?" she asks, somewhat more curious. "I'll have to move it into a part of the warehouse where it'll be less obvious if anybody comes in looking for it. Do you know who it belonged to before you, ah, appropriated it? I'm guessing it wasn't the Empire, what with the logo..."

"Oh, and we'll have to wait until Hazabar gets back before we talk nuna (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nuna) about buying your ship. How much are you looking for?"

Feigning modesty Eldrith continues his chat with his good friend.

Haha no nothing so daring I assure you. The imperials use this type of shuttle alot I'll grant you but this belonged to a private individual so them empire's not looking for it or anything so you can put that to rest right there. The imps hadn't seized it the thing was parked at the space port. No one was giving it a second glance you think if they were actually paying attention to the thing that we would be having this conversation right now? No no this ship while in great condition isn't on the radar for the empire right now. They are chasing something bigger it would seem so you can go ahead and take that scowl off your lovely face.

A mischievous smile crosses his face.

Yes I do know who it belonged to...an inattentive captain. If you feel the ship would be better in the warehouse I have no objections. he says relieved that she brought up the idea on her own.

Hazabar is a wise Lasat to be sure but I feel like you and I can work something out here don't you think?


So I'm not entirely sure what the current evaluation of the Lamdba shuttle would be. I found the link above on the legends section of wookiepedia which says it's most likely valued at 240,000.

I quess I'll take 30% off as my offer?

Ideally Eldrith would have sense for what the approximate value of the shuttle is. I don't want to bog us down in negotiating though.

2017-04-21, 12:50 PM
Wellz.... Myz dadderyz wazzzz-z-z eh grrrr-eh-tz anz rezpected-d-d Gand, findzmenz hez waaaz. Toldz uzzz when wez waa-zzzz buttz tinyz Gandz muchatooo youngz tooz 'azz nametz... Ztoryz of za zapper zwords of 'ightz wit der thinkerz headyz magiczzzzzz....

His eyes have that far away look, his attention drifts off to another time.

I 'ontz knowerz about-t-t anyz floppyz earz doz...

He looks him over and suddenly remembers he is the watchmen of his conversion partner.

Whyz youz beeez 'ere? Wherez diz zhip-p-p fromz?

The Rodian looks at the formidable looking insectoid, trying to puzzle what the creature is saying. "Can you help me keep the ship?" he finally asks. "I was the mechanic. Guess I could try to fly, but wouldn't get far with those TIEs out there..." he trails off. "What's a 'spaze wizardz'? Don't think I've ever heard of them before. Is that what that floppy-eared alien is called?"

Zo lets out a low rumbling sigh, massaging his temples with one long fingered hand.

"Yijz speaks of those who learned to sense and wield the Force. The Empire hunted them down, like dogs......" He drifts off a little before continuing. "It seems they are now using them for their abilities."

Zo looks down at the Rodian, tone and posture now interrogative and inquisitive.

"Did she do anything that struck you as strange? Did she make anything float through the air, jump impossible distances, sense things she couldn't know about, start moving before things happened? Anything like that?"

2017-04-21, 08:30 PM
The Rodian grimaces, although more of pain than of anger. "This ship... well, Lodon said he'd gotten it from Sienar a few years ago, but I don't know all of the details of how he 'acquired' it. I don't remember ever running from Sienar, though, so I don't think he stole it." He pauses, trying to remember everything that he can. "Oh yeah, you want to know why we're here. I don't know all about it, because I was just the mechanic. We had data pads that we were going to sell the data on to a Lasat on Sidarin. I don't think I caught his name. I wonder if that's who Eldrith's talking to, though. There can't be many Lasats on Sidarin. Then there was Trill. We hired her to fly the ship since our last pilot left. She had her own cargo, some kind of fruit, and I think some of the datapads, too. I think the fruit was from Kashyyyk? Don't know why she was bringing it here, but maybe this Pisarckh guy does."

After rubbing his forehead, the Rodian squints at Zo. "Now that you mention it, yeah, the floppy-eared woman could jump really far. I never seen her species before, though, but it's a lot farther than any Rodian could. And that lightsaber she had, she could throw it around and seemed to control it while it was in the air. I guess I thought it was just antigravity... is the Force real?"


Tigozan smiles wryly as Eldrith gives his explanation. It's hard to say what, but he still gets the feeling that Tigozan knows or figures out more of the truth than Eldrith is saying. Eventually, she agrees. "Well, just in case let's get your shuttle deeper into cover. The Imperials might not be looking for you or the ship per se, but they might think what they want is on this ship when it isn't. After all, you did fly it over here. That's gonna get someone's attention." Tigozan then makes a faint scowl, although not at Eldrith as she thinks. "Now you say that the Imps shut down the spaceport? That could explain why Hazabar and the client aren't back yet. In fact," she says, now taking on more of a suspicious tone, "this ship does resemble the description that Hazabar told me about. If it is, I don't think you'll need to worry. The client will owe you for liberating his ship from the Imps. It might not be quite as much money as you might have wanted, but I'm sure it will be a good cut of the ship's worth. What are you so desperate for creds that you're turning to stealing starships for, incidentally? This doesn't have to do with one of your loan shark pals, does it?"

As Tigozan speaks, several more Gammoreans and other assorted aliens show up with antigrav forklifts, and set themselves up around the shuttle's landing struts. "Ready to move into the back hangar? Like I said, don't worry, I'll make sure you get a good cut of the profits if this turns out to be the client's ship, and I don't even know if it is the same ship, yet, anyway."

The EotE main rulebook (pp. 256-7) says it's worth 140k credits, or would be if it were the standard model. This one's gonna be a bit more because it's been customized as a smuggler's ship, though, and even that's not counting the cargo that you still haven't appraised. Still, a starship is going to be worth a heck of a lot more than Eldrith's back-door clinic, so you should still be sufficient to pay off Gragst and then some. And that's just assuming that you don't have a way to keep the ship after all (what if the Rodian and Trill are the only survivors of the former crew? They'd need a new crew to fly the ship!).

2017-04-29, 01:04 PM
The Rodian grimaces, although more of pain than of anger. "This ship... well, Lodon said he'd gotten it from Sienar a few years ago, but I don't know all of the details of how he 'acquired' it. I don't remember ever running from Sienar, though, so I don't think he stole it." He pauses, trying to remember everything that he can. "Oh yeah, you want to know why we're here. I don't know all about it, because I was just the mechanic. We had data pads that we were going to sell the data on to a Lasat on Sidarin. I don't think I caught his name. I wonder if that's who Eldrith's talking to, though. There can't be many Lasats on Sidarin. Then there was Trill. We hired her to fly the ship since our last pilot left. She had her own cargo, some kind of fruit, and I think some of the datapads, too. I think the fruit was from Kashyyyk? Don't know why she was bringing it here, but maybe this Pisarckh guy does."

After rubbing his forehead, the Rodian squints at Zo. "Now that you mention it, yeah, the floppy-eared woman could jump really far. I never seen her species before, though, but it's a lot farther than any Rodian could. And that lightsaber she had, she could throw it around and seemed to control it while it was in the air. I guess I thought it was just antigravity... is the Force real?"


"Hrrm. The Force is very real. It surrounds us and binds the universe together. Seems she has learned very specific skills."

Zo looks down at the Rodian.

"Do you have any way for Trill to get hold of you? She might find it strange to come back to the stripclub and find no-one there but the bartender, given she left you in our care. I'm sorry you lost Lodon. I shall do all I can to help you move on from the losses you have suffered, and are suffering now."

2017-04-29, 10:08 PM
The Rodian's eyes begin to glaze over in noncomprehension as he responds to Zo very slowly. "Let me see if I get this... the Empire hunted down the Jedi, told us their powers weren't real, and are now... recruiting them? And that floppy-eared woman was one of the ones they recruited, which is why she strange powers?" The Rodian's voice fluctuates with disbelief, either at Zo's story, or at what he saw in the spaceport.

Sighing, the Rodian then says "I don't remember more about where Trill was going other than to meet a farmer named Pisarkh, who lives on the outskirts of town. Unless she brought in a communicator with me, I don't know where. I think Lodon said that our client was a Lasat, though. Maybe I could get something to him? There can't be many Lasats in this town. Maybe even Trill will be there."

2017-05-02, 12:50 AM
Eldrith lets out a long sigh. Tig knew him well enough to know that he owed to some dangerous people.

"I owe big Tigozan. I've been able to stall for a while but...either way yeah let's get this thing inside regardless. It couldn't hurt right."

Eldrith feels a brief and fleeting moment of relief as Tigozan's associates start moving the ship into the hanger. At least he had gotten the ship to someone that could help him. That part was over and done with now all he had to do was make sure he gets the enough to cover his debt and if he played his cards well maybe he'd even have some walking around money left over.

"You said this ship might belong to client of yours perhaps?"

2017-05-03, 10:30 PM
Tigozan rolls her eyes as Eldrith mentions owing people big. "Well, I guess I can't say we've kept our noses clean, have we?" she replies, harkening back to the step that she owed Gragst - the reason why they owe Eldrith the favor. She also shrugs at the possibility that this might be her client's ship. "All I know is that we were expecting a captain with a formerly Imperial shuttle. It was going to be carrying datapads and other computer equipment - what that was I'm sorry to say is proprietary for our other clients. Besides, if this is our client's ship, we'll know right away because it will have his cargo on board, right?

The workmen and goons activate the forklifts and move the ship into the back of the warehouse, and through a large door in the back leading to another section of the warehouse that is not open to the outside. The skylight is frosted to prevent inspectors from looking in from above, casting a sepia light over the ship. The forklifts disengage, setting the ship down, and the inner doors on the warehouse clang shut to hide the ship from any eyes that might try to pry. As if on cue, the whine of a TIE fighter soars nearby and then continues around the slum area.

2017-05-05, 04:02 PM
The Rodian's eyes begin to glaze over in noncomprehension as he responds to Zo very slowly. "Let me see if I get this... the Empire hunted down the Jedi, told us their powers weren't real, and are now... recruiting them? And that floppy-eared woman was one of the ones they recruited, which is why she strange powers?" The Rodian's voice fluctuates with disbelief, either at Zo's story, or at what he saw in the spaceport.

Sighing, the Rodian then says "I don't remember more about where Trill was going other than to meet a farmer named Pisarkh, who lives on the outskirts of town. Unless she brought in a communicator with me, I don't know where. I think Lodon said that our client was a Lasat, though. Maybe I could get something to him? There can't be many Lasats in this town. Maybe even Trill will be there."

Zo sighs, and braces himself as the ship lurches into the warehouse.

It's a little more complicated than that....never mind. You said your contact was a Lasat? Eldrith is trying to flog this ship to one outside."

As the ship comes to a halt, Zo holds out his hand to the Rodian.

"We can go and see if it's your client. If so, at least you'll get paid. Are you well enough to move if Yijz and I carry you....? I'm sorry but I seem to have forgotten your name. Do forgive my terrible memory. I did a lot of drugs in my wilder days!"

2017-05-05, 10:31 PM
"Skeeso," the Rodian finally says. "I'm Skeeso. I'm not sure I told you my name yet either, but maybe I did," he continues. He groans as he shifts his weight. "Yeah I guess I could be carried. My back is stitched up, right?" he adds. Then "oh yeah, Lodon knows who the contact is. I don't think he ever told us his name, though. Wasn't supposed to be that big a deal." The Rodian then looks at Yijz.

Yijz, for his part, is starting to sober up, and feels thirsty from all of the alcohol that he's imbibed. He's still a little shaky on what must have happened at the spaceport, although it looks like more Imperials ruining peoples' day. And to think he was safe from that, here, on Sidarin.

2017-05-06, 10:50 AM
Yijz is starting to sulk a bit as his head starts hurting. Bored with baby sitting he still can't believe this Rodian is just gonna give up his ship so easily. He wasn't really paying attention to the " just a mechanic part".

Slunk back on the uncomfortable metal bench he day dreams of the farm he once had and how his life once held promise.

2017-05-17, 05:18 PM
Zo puts a large comforting hand on Yijz's shoulder, and offers him a flask.

"This should take the edge off. Feeling up to helping carry him out? We need to see if this Lasat is his Captain's contact. If so, maybe they can help him since it appears he does not have much of a crew any longer."

I'm thinking I got some booze from the club before we left? Is that ok?

Do I need to roll Athletics to pick up the Rodian and carry him out gently?

2017-05-18, 05:55 PM
Having some booze is such a minor thing I'm not going to use a destiny point for it :smallsmile:

Given Zo's size, he could easily carry Skeeso. If there's a check to move him, it would be medicine (and difficulty 1, because he's been stabilized)

2017-05-22, 05:28 AM
Zo tries to pick Skeeso up as gently as possible, and makes his way out down the ramp.

He tries to stoop as low as possible, so that his tall form is as nonthreatening as possible. He can't do much about the large clothwrapped shield on his back, but his vibroknucklers are hidden in one of the pockets of his mining gear. Easily accessible, but hopefully out of sight. He doesn't want to tick off people he doesn't have to. Especially these sort of people... He smiles, and inclines his head in a friendly manner, hoping the flushes of tension on his crest are not too noticeable.

Medicine (http://orokos.com/roll/518552): 1eA+1eP+1eD 3 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/518552)

2017-05-22, 11:52 AM
Yijz waddles down behind Zo, giving a half-assed attempt to assist in carrying the Rodian. He slowly drifts out of his reverie, and blinks his eyes and looks around puzzled.

Zoooo, wherez weez beez
at-t-t-t Zo? Whatz Doc-y doinz?
...he chitters.

2017-05-23, 12:58 AM
Yijz waddles down behind Zo, giving a half-assed attempt to assist in carrying the Rodian. He slowly drifts out of his reverie, and blinks his eyes and looks around puzzled.

Zoooo, wherez weez beez
at-t-t-t Zo? Whatz Doc-y doinz?
...he chitters.

Haha "doc-y" lol

2017-05-23, 02:52 PM
Tigozan watches with surprise and curiosity as the massive Anx carries the Rodian out of the ship. She takes a step back and motions to her guards to remain alert, but looks Zo up and down, then back and forth between Zo and Eldrith. "Oh, you're the bouncer for the bar where Eldrith works," she says, placing him. "Who's the Rodian? And... what happened to him?" she adds. There is a bit of concern and a bit of curiosity in her voice, as she glances back and forth between Eldrith, Zo, Yijz, and Skeeso. Her eyes fixate on Yijz for a moment, with another questioning look, but she is if anything more puzzled by Skeeso.

2017-05-25, 05:22 PM
Tigozan watches with surprise and curiosity as the massive Anx carries the Rodian out of the ship. She takes a step back and motions to her guards to remain alert, but looks Zo up and down, then back and forth between Zo and Eldrith. "Oh, you're the bouncer for the bar where Eldrith works," she says, placing him. "Who's the Rodian? And... what happened to him?" she adds. There is a bit of concern and a bit of curiosity in her voice, as she glances back and forth between Eldrith, Zo, Yijz, and Skeeso. Her eyes fixate on Yijz for a moment, with another questioning look, but she is if anything more puzzled by Skeeso.

"This is Skeeso. He was the mechanic for this vessel. His captain was to meet a Lasat like yourself," Zo inclines his head gracefully at Tigozan, "but regrettably the good Captain Lodon was slain in the attack that wounded Skeeso. Do you know this name, or is it another Lasat we seek? There cannot be too many out this way."

Zo's apparent calm betrays his inner search for the Force, seeking any hints of the future that should indicate he should be ready to fight.

Foresight Roll (danger?) (http://orokos.com/roll/519684): 1eF 2 Light Side
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ls-ls.png (http://orokos.com/roll/519684)

2017-05-25, 08:16 PM
Skeeso looks around at the hangar. Belatedly, he tries to speak."I... don't know if Lodon died or not, I didn't see... I know Trill lived. She brought me to..." he glances toward Eldrith, "That Human's operating..." he wheezes, not mustering the energy to finish the sentence, continuing to breathe.

"Lodon..." Tigozan says softly, in confirmation. "I think Hazabar did mention a Lodon," she continues. "That means this is his ship. Skeeso, was that your name? I'm Tigozan. It looks like I'm your captain's client." She then reaches into her vest and draws out a communicator. "Hi Hazabar, how's it going?" she asks.

A muffled male voice comes through the communicator. With the volume turned down, it is difficult for anyone but Tigozan to make out what is being said. A minute or more passes while she listens. "No show? Well, here's the thing: Eldrith - you know him? The doc who sewed me up after the accident? He's brought a ship in and it seems to be the one that the client had. Something happened at the spaceport, sounds like Imps killing people, and at least two of the ship's crew survived. Anyway, we've got the ship. I'd kinda like you to be- what was that?" At the words what was that, there is a loud noise, sounding like an explosion from the communicator. A couple of seconds later, there is a reverberating boom that echoes through the warehouse and the rest of the city. "Hazabar?" There is no response, but more muffled noises can be heard from the communicator. After another heart-pounding minute, the muffled sound of Hazabar's voice can be heard again. "Get back here as soon as you can!"

Putting the communicator away, Tigozan looks back to Zo. "The Imps just busted the tavern where Hazabar was going to meet, well, Lodon I guess his name is. Nabbed some important-looking Twilek woman, he said. Hazabar's on his way back. Now, let's try to salvage what we can of this. Who else of the crew is still alive? And what about the cargo?"

If you want to know what Hazabar is saying, roll a check

Zo senses that he should indeed be ready to fight, although not against Tigozan. Someone close to him may need to his help, however.

2017-05-25, 08:49 PM
Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/519739): 2eA+1eP+2eD , b]2 successes, 1 threat[/b] http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/519739)

2017-05-26, 05:19 PM
Perception check (http://orokos.com/roll/519965): 2eD+1eA+1eP 3 successes, 3 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/519965)

2017-05-29, 09:58 AM
OOC: I was waiting for Rattigan

The conversation went something like this (intentional errors introduced due to the threat signs):

Tigozan: Hi Hazabar, how's it going?

Hazabar: Not the best. Everybody here is scurrying around like it's hid the plan. The captain is nowhere to be found. Is something the matter bacta vase?

Tigozan: No show? Well, here's the thing: Eldrith - you know him? The doc who sewed me up after the accident? He's brought a ship in and it seems to be the one that the client had. Something happened at the spaceport, sounds like Imps killing people, and at least two of the ship's crew survived. Anyway, we've got the ship. I'd kinda like you to be-what was that?

(sound of an explosion, with cracking wood and plastic. The communicator is flung some distance before Hazabar picks it up again. Muffled shouts of storm troopers can be heard in the background)

Tigozan: Hazabar?

(more chaos, difficult to make out any meaningful sounds other than the scampering of many feet)

Hazabar: Yeah, I'm here. Imps just barged in and nabbed some Sith-looking Twilek lady with bodyguards. Think it may have been that moonshine maroon essence.

Tigozan: Get back here as soon as you can!

2017-06-01, 01:37 PM
"Apart from Trill, I know not. Skeeso said many of them fell. There are cargo containers but I know not what they contain, nor if they are truly your future property."

Zo frowns with worry and his crest flushes vivid purple as a thought comes to him suddenly. "Did your brother get a good look at the Twilek woman? If she is who I think....there could be real problems in our future."

2017-06-01, 09:18 PM
Tigozan pauses, trying to figure out what to say. "Well, let's look at the cargo. There was going to be a key datapad for most of it," she says, looking at the Skeeso and at Eldrith.

"The Twilek woman?" Tigozan asks. "Hazabar just said she looked rich. You looking for someone in particular? Wait, the owner of the Blue Milk Jugs is a Twilek, isn't she? I hope they're not the same - what would the Imps want her for?"

"And who is 'Trill'? Where is he? she?"

2017-06-01, 10:27 PM
Im trying to rack my brain i think trill gave me a bunch of chips and datapads as a down pay. Can I try those to see if they are what she's looking for? Or would I already have it or did i never have it?

I forgot to chot it downon my sheet but ill be more diligent in the future

2017-06-02, 08:24 AM
Eldrith remembers Trill gave him something - but reaching into his wallet, he finds that she gave him fifty credits, not actual goods.

2017-06-02, 06:38 PM
Eldrith pats down his coat and pants but remembering that he snaps his fingers as if to say "oh shucks" and looks towards Skeeso expectantly.

2017-06-02, 09:17 PM
Skeeso, still being mostly carried by Zo, looks uncomfortable at Eldrith's gaze. "Wait what are you looking at me for? I don't have the key pad," he says.

2017-06-02, 11:30 PM
Eldrith looks back at Skeeso incredulously well I certainly dont have it. Any of you have it looking back at his partners

2017-06-03, 03:12 PM
Tigozan then asks Skeeso "Would you be able to tell us which the keypad was if you saw it?"

"I think so," Skeeso answers.

After a bit of searching, though not too much, Skeeso says "It was left out in plain sight. Somebody must have taken it."

"That leaves three possibilities," Tigozan responds. "Probably is that the Imps have it, which I hesitate to think of the implications of. Second is pirates at the space port may have stolen it that you mentioned. Third is one of your crewmembers had it, and we have to track them down. Eldrith, where there any other survivors that you know about?"

2017-06-04, 01:48 PM
What-t-t about-t-tza ladyz zat drrrrr-oped half deadz Roh-dy at Doc-y anz left-t-t?

2017-06-04, 02:58 PM
Eldrith pinches the bridge of his nose and audibly sighs

yeah Trill is still out there yeah.
She definitely had time to grab it while we were at the port. She also grabbed a weird fruit from a panel in your cargo of mangos and fiddled with a panel under the ship i think

2017-06-06, 12:22 PM
Sorry for the delay - internet browser is giving me trouble

"Trill was our pilot," Skeeso contributes. "The doc here said she carried me to his clinic."

"Fruit?" Tigozan asks in a perplexed tone. Pausing, and thinking for a bit, she then says "I think you're going to need to find her. If she brought Skeeso to your clinic and took the keypad, she probably wanted to get the keypad to us and finish the job, but may not know where we are." Then, pausing, she adds "I'll see if I can look into your employer, Zo, find out where the Imps might have taken her, or why."

2017-06-07, 11:49 PM
Another delay to payday.

Ok ok ok so we find Trill get the keypad and then we're in business.

Eldrith will describe seeing Trill running toward the bar while he was busy liberating the ship from the port.

Fine, listen Skeeso do you have a way of getting in touch with her or know where she would go? Does she have friends or family or like a 3rd cousin twice removed her that she would run to?

2017-06-08, 05:29 AM
"Perhaps if we can't contact her by comm, you could go back to the bar Eldrith, and could see if she is there? You would be less likely to be noticed than either myself or Yijz."

Zo looks over to Tigozan.

"I would appreciate it if you could find my employer. She has dirt on pretty much all of us that I'm sure we wouldn't want the Imperials learning."

Do I need to roll a check to try and seem calmer than I am? Because he is probably freaking out a little that she may spill his secret.

2017-06-09, 03:11 PM
Skeeso rubs his forehead. "There was a farmer named Pisarkh that Trill said was on the outskirts of town that she was taking the fruit to," he says. "Other than that, yah, if Trill would be going anywhere, I'd say it would have been to pick me up from your clinic, if she went to the trouble of bringing me there. Not that I object that she saved my life, but I'm still a little surprised she did that," he adds.

"Pisarkh?" Tigozan replies. "That name's familiar, but I've never met him. There's another farmer guy we've worked with who also works with someone named Pisarkh. You'll have to ask around. I'm sure somebody will know where he is." She then turns to Zo. "I'll look for here, if at least to find out where the Imps might be taking her. I can't promise I'll be able to rescue her for you, but I might at least be able to point you in the right direction," she says.

You could roll, but to be honest, I don't think it would matter as far as Tigozan is concerned.

2017-06-10, 06:09 PM
"I appreciate that Tigozan. Maybe I can get her out if we know where she is. Hell, if I don't, I'm not sure I can stay on this planet any more."

Zo looks to Yijz. "Maybe you could help me Yijz? After all, hers is one of the only bars that will still extend you a line of credit." He gives Yijz a slow good natured wink.

Zo then looks around the others.

"We should have someone keeping an eye on the bar too to see if Trill goes back there. I'd offer to go but they will probably notice me. Maybe I could help unload the ship?"

EDIT: Thought might be good to chat to Yijz as well. Since a gunslinger would be handy if we do need to spring her :smallwink:

2017-06-11, 07:56 PM
"I appreciate that Tigozan. Maybe I can get her out if we know where she is. Hell, if I don't, I'm not sure I can stay on this planet any more."

Zo looks to Yijz. "Maybe you could help me Yijz? After all, hers is one of the only bars that will still extend you a line of credit." He gives Yijz a slow good natured wink.

Zo then looks around the others.

"We should have someone keeping an eye on the bar too to see if Trill goes back there. I'd offer to go but they will probably notice me. Maybe I could help unload the ship?"

EDIT: Thought might be good to chat to Yijz as well. Since a gunslinger would be handy if we do need to spring her :smallwink:

I'm willing to go if I can have some company from Tiz. One or two of your guards should be fine correct

2017-06-12, 06:16 PM
"That bad, huh?" Tigozan comments. "I don't know what your secrets are, friend, but I'd say it's looking likely that you may be leaving Sidarin on this very ship. She extends a clawed hand to the vessel, and then activates the antigrav on a crate and starts pulling it out, motioning to Zo where to help her take them. "If Lodon doesn't come back to claim it, and maybe even if he does, he's going to need a crew for it, and we're never short of business. Could be dangerous, of course, but then, so is being a bouncer."

At Eldrith's request for guards, she gives him an incredulous look. "What would you need guards for? If you're going back to the bar, not being noticed is probably better for your health than having a big, conspicuous Gammorean trailing you." Tigozan says something to one of the big thugs, who hands her a communicator, which she then tosses to Eldrith. "Here. You run into trouble, you call me while you lay low. That way, you can stay inconspicuous unless you need muscle. All right?" She pauses, then widens her eyes slightly as she remembers the Rodian. "Oh, what about Skeeso? Is it safe for him to lie on a bunk or something?" she then asks.

2017-06-13, 01:00 PM
"That bad, huh?" Tigozan comments. "I don't know what your secrets are, friend, but I'd say it's looking likely that you may be leaving Sidarin on this very ship. She extends a clawed hand to the vessel, and then activates the antigrav on a crate and starts pulling it out, motioning to Zo where to help her take them. "If Lodon doesn't come back to claim it, and maybe even if he does, he's going to need a crew for it, and we're never short of business. Could be dangerous, of course, but then, so is being a bouncer."

At Eldrith's request for guards, she gives him an incredulous look. "What would you need guards for? If you're going back to the bar, not being noticed is probably better for your health than having a big, conspicuous Gammorean trailing you." Tigozan says something to one of the big thugs, who hands her a communicator, which she then tosses to Eldrith. "Here. You run into trouble, you call me while you lay low. That way, you can stay inconspicuous unless you need muscle. All right?" She pauses, then widens her eyes slightly as she remembers the Rodian. "Oh, what about Skeeso? Is it safe for him to lie on a bunk or something?" she then asks.

Eldrith inhales slightly nervously.

Shaking himself back to reality he looks over at Skeeso making sure none of the sutures and work had been ripped or disturbed and in general checking in on Skeeso. Once all is well Eldrith will wave his hand to

Dang it Tiz I'm a doctor not a commando! But you make a good point and it will have to do

He exhales and calms himself once more. He's no commando however more and more it was looking like he was a theif. Mehh he had been called worse on his expulsion from the academy.

Looking back to Tiz Eldrith thanks her for being there when he needed her.

I'm not used to people being reliable Tiz but you've really come through. We're not done yet but I just want to let you know that I apprecate what you've done do far.

Would Tiz have any gear other than the communicator that would be beneficial to have going back to the bar? I'm not thinking weapons but like repeller rope or something mundane that might help?

2017-06-13, 02:41 PM
Aye! Iza gamey gandz! But-t-t-t eh...

He opens his coat, you can see a series of dangling knives.

Wellz diz gandz haz maybez-z-z uh..

He looks down at his feet (which wiggly as he does) sheepishly.

uh... Pawnz the zapperz for boozez... Waz not-t-t,t inz thez rightz mindzez at-t-t-t da timez... Mighta killz zome onez, dez pointyz... Wellz thatz lez jailzzz...

2017-06-13, 11:00 PM
Tigozan laughs at Yijz comment, glancing at his array of knives. "Let me find out what I can. Then maybe you can decide whether you need a blaster or something. Just between you and me, if an Imp soldier were to, ah, lose a blaster, I'd be happy with you using it!" She then turns back to Eldrith. "You need anything? The sooner you find this Trill and get that keypad from... her? Did you Trill was a she? The sooner you get the keypad the sooner we can make use of this ship and its cargo..."

2017-06-15, 11:20 PM
Alright alright I'm going. Keep in touch though I don't want to be out of the loop if something goes south

Eldrith will grumble off towards the motor pool and grab a swoop or whatever transportation is available to head off to the bar

2017-06-16, 05:34 PM
The better speeders are locked up, but Eldrith is able to get something that can transport him around the city somewhat. At least, nobody stops him.

Whizzing around the shantytowns Eldrith has to constantly dodge pedestrians running to and fro. News of the events of today have spread through the city like wildfire, and with nearly everyone on Sidarin having some kind of criminal record or at having engaged in some sort of criminal activity, the mere presence of Imperial troops or agents has caused thousands to take to the streets in the hopes of moving... somewhere? Or something?

The city streets are little better. Once or twice, Eldrith does see a small group of troopers looking for something or someone - evidently they haven't yet found what they are looking for. Still, the huge number of people in the streets frantically making preparations for what they assume to be Imperial occupation makes for some difficulty in traveling.

Because of the sheer number of people in the streets, Eldrith may take longer to get back to the bar than he otherwise would. Eldrith is facing a difficulty 2 ground vehicles check with 2 disadvantage dice in order to get there in a timely fashion, if he is playing it safe. If he decides to drive more aggressively, the difficulty is only 1 but it's a challenge die, not a difficulty die, and if he gets a Despair result, he will hit and kill a pedestrian.

2017-06-16, 05:51 PM
Eldrith decides to take a steady pacd toward the bar trying to endanger people less than if he was frantic

Pilot roll (http://orokos.com/roll/526013): 2eA+2eD 1 failure
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/526013)

2017-06-16, 07:08 PM
After having to slow down many times to avoid endangering the huge number of pedestrians, Eldrith arrives to find the bar closed. Using his key to get in, it looks like the front doors have been pounded on, and a great many footprints are on the floor. The cleaning droids are all deactivated, sitting in a neat little arrangement in the corner. The barkeep is nowhere to be seen, but a good number of bottles have been taken off the shelf. The door to Eldrith's clinic is ajar.

Inside of the clinic, several drawers and cabinets have been opened, but it's difficult to see what, if anything, was taken. There are no signs of a struggle. Then Eldrith notices something strange, a towel stuffed where it should not be. Lifting it out of the partially open drawer, Eldrith notices that something is written on it using what looks like one of his labeling dyes for ink. The writing reads:

"Ask Skeeso about his bar."

Eldrith can roll an Underworld check (difficulty 3) to try and figure out what the missing bottles were and what was special about them. The higher difficulty is because he is trying to figure it out by their omission rather than by presence.

2017-06-17, 02:23 AM
Eldrith racks his mind trying to figure out what had been taken

After noticing the message he'll take out his pistol just to be safe then call his team on the Commlink

Guys I'm at the bar. Looks someone definitly tried to get in. Doesn't look like a fight happened but someone was definitely here. I think i may have missed her. But there is a message "Ask Skeeso about his bar." Does that mean anything to him?

Streetwise (http://orokos.com/roll/526098): 2eA+1eP+3eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/526098)

2017-06-17, 02:26 AM
Underaworld (http://orokos.com/roll/526103): 3eA+3eD 1 success, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/526103)

2017-06-17, 02:35 PM
The missing bottles are a brand of hooch common along the outer rim and brewed on many different planets, and involve a (relatively mild) type of spice in the creation. This brand of hooch is contraband under the Empire. It looks like Imperial troops must have visited the bar in Eldrith's absence.

2017-06-17, 06:26 PM
Yeah yeah more im looking around the more it looks like the imps tossed the place. The Arlonian Ale is gone a bunch of the drawers are open. Looks too neat to thugs though

2017-06-18, 08:26 AM
Zooo Zo, wez gonnaz headz t-t-ta da barz? Could youz zomethingz to drink-k-k gandz gettingz parched!

He rubs his hands together gleefully!

2017-06-19, 05:32 PM
After Eldrith goes over the bar he'll look over his clinic and see if anything there would be useful for their endeavor. Medical supplies or anything that he feels he could use to barter with other "less reputable" folks

Would making a perception test in either the clinic or the bar yield any more information than I already have?

Just don't want to miss an opportunity here at the bar

2017-06-20, 04:26 PM
Zo smiles down at the suddenly animated Gand.

"I'm sure we can find something to slake your thirst. Can't have you getting a hangover right before a daring rescue! Force knows we may need to try one..."

He collects himself and looks over to Skeeso.

"Eldrith says there was a message to ask about your bar. That mean anything to you? Some sort of meeting place maybe?"

2017-06-20, 06:40 PM
Skeeso rubs his forehead for a moment. "Yeah, one of the other crewmembers and I - Scarl, the gunner - he was going to show me a bar on this planet after the job was done. Oh what was it called... something Mandalorian. The Thirsty Mandalorian, maybe?" He reaches into his clothes, and looks for something. He breathes again. "It's gotta be something like that Thirsty Mandalorian, Hungry Mandalorian, something."

2017-06-21, 05:02 PM
Eldrith hears voices going back and forth on the other end of the communicator clearly talking back and forth to one another.

Looking around at the aftermath of search he'll turn over a couple of items trying to find anything worth taking but then a thought comes to him.

Perhaps there is a security system like cameras or anything else that might have recorded the entrance.

"Hey, Zo second question...do you know where the security footage would be stored?"

should I go and do a perception roll to find the

2017-06-21, 08:08 PM
Eldrith finds the camera without any trouble at all, but the recording drive is not located inside of the camera. He'll need to access a computer in order to record who entered the building.

roll difficulty would be zero...

2017-06-23, 09:35 AM
The security camera itself has no drive inside of it that stores memory. It must be connected to a computer... somewhere.

2017-06-23, 09:45 AM
Eldrith hears voices going back and forth on the other end of the communicator clearly talking back and forth to one another.

Looking around at the aftermath of search he'll turn over a couple of items trying to find anything worth taking but then a thought comes to him.

Perhaps there is a security system like cameras or anything else that might have recorded the entrance.

"Hey, Zo second question...do you know where the security footage would be stored?"

should I go and do a perception roll to find the

"Not sure. I just watched the door when I wasn't mining, made sure patrons took the fighting outside and kept the dancers safe. Now from what Skeeso is saying I think it might be the Parched Mandalorian bar downtown. Might be a good place for us to go since it's close to the meet Skeeso's former captain said he was headed to. Seems to me that Trill is trying to get back in touch with us, since she knows where Skeeso was and where the meet was."

Zo looks over Skeeso to see how he is doing.

"We need to move quickly. I need to get Tenga out as soon as we know where she is, so meeting with Trill as soon as we can to clear up this ship business sounds like a plan to me."

Medicine check to see if a stimpack could give him the vitality to move better (will roll difficulty dice separately once you assign them), then Foresee (if not allowed to do both, disregard roll) to try and get a sense of how dangerous going to the bar might be. Zo is desperate for any guidance the Force can provide, hence doing it a lot :smallwink:

Medicine (http://orokos.com/roll/528075): 1eA+1eP 1 success, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/528075)

Foresee for the Bar (http://orokos.com/roll/528079): 1eF 2 Light Side
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ls-ls.png (http://orokos.com/roll/528079)

2017-06-23, 03:57 PM
Why would I not allow you to use both skills?

Zo's medical knowledge gives him the impression that Skeeso is probably best off staying put and not trying to go to the bar - moving around too much might re-open some of his wounds, stimpack or no.

There will be perhaps minor danger at the bar - indeed, danger that Zo has seen before, a bar fight. It should be nothing that he cannot keep everyone safe from, except maybe Skeeso. Yet, there is something more: going to the bar will set in motion a chain of events that may lead to great peril farther in the future.

2017-06-26, 08:38 AM
Hrrrm... It might be best if Skeeso stays here. You have already been of great aid to us Tigozan, but I wondered if we could impose on you a little further and ask that you find a place where Skeeso can lie down in comfort and be kept watch over. We will do all we can to get this padd for you, but a bar like the Parched Mandalorian is not the safest place for him in his condition."

Zo smiles and looks down at the Gand.

"Besides, me and Yijz should be able to manage it, and keep Eldrith mostly out of trouble. So Yijz, feel like going to a bar?"

Zo grins as he anticipates Yijz's response, though his crest continues to flush with the colours of concern and mild apprehension beneath his hood.

2017-06-27, 01:26 PM
Frellz yez!!!

Yijdz makes a motion of blasters, with a wide eyed inquisitive look of anticipation.

2017-06-27, 09:06 PM
minor character dictation on Zo's part

Zo finds Tigozan talking with another Lasat, a male, in the front hangar. "Skeeso?" he asks.

"That is the name of the Rodian mechanic of this ship," Tigozan answers.

"Ah, one of Lodon's crew. And you say Eldrith is looking for the other one?" asks the male. After hearing that Zo and Yijz are about to set out to help find Trill, the male Lasat - Hazabar, of course - nods. "Sure Skeeso can stay here for now. You're helping us get that shipment, remember? Besides, Lodon was a good client of ours, maybe Skeeso will be again when he heals up."


I rolled two failures and two threats for Eldrith, so he winds up with one success, one triumph, and two threat.

Eldrith easily locates the computer, manages to identify the security files, and watches the relevant moments.

The security footage sees Trill walking cautiously into the bar, looking around and clearly noticing the drag-marks on the floor where Zo helped carry Skeeso out, and then walking briskly toward the clinic. There is no security camera inside of the clinic, so Eldrith does not see what she does in there, but she emerges very soon thereafter. She reaches into her vest over her right breast and pulls out a sheet of paper, then starts suddenly, puts the paper away and enters the womens' toilet, and does not re-emerge. Before she disappears, Eldrith can make out what looks like a geometric design or maybe an insignia on the paper: one large, black disk, with three smaller disks around it, and what looks like maybe writing on one side.

Seconds afterward, a troop of Imperial white-suits enters the bar led by a 40s-ish man in a gray uniform, looking like some kind of officer. The recording does not include sound, so Eldrith can't be certain what is being said. He motions to the troopers, including pointing at the drinks behind the bar, before pulling out a datapad and taking notes on it. The troopers remove the Arlonian ale from the bar, check out Eldrith's clinic, one bringing out some medicines. The officer then goes into the clinic, several minutes pass, and he comes back out, and shrugs at the sergeant of the troopers. After about three more minutes of milling back and forth and standing around talking, they leave. Notably, the troopers do not go into the toilets, but when they leave, Trill does not reemerge, either.

2017-06-27, 11:22 PM
Eldrith watches the video of Trill ducking into the bathroom and the imps storming the bar. He knew they had taken the Ale but it was still hard breaking to watch it go. He was no where near the drinker that Yijz was but many a fine evening was had over a glass of Arlonian Ale.

He watches with annoyance as the officer shrugs like goof and then sends his squad away. A couple seconds go by on the video, a few more go by, a couple mintues now and Trill still hasn't come out of the restroom.

Eldrith thinks for a second "...she never left bathroom" not the way she came in anyway.

Eldrith downloads the video footage to his datapad before leaving the office and heads in the direction of the womans restroom.

It probably wasn't anything but Eldrith taps his pistol against his thigh contemplatively as a nervous tick.

He opens the door and looks inside

2017-06-28, 08:07 AM
The toilet room is empty, as far as Eldrith can tell, but the window is wide open, curtains flapping in the breeze. He can see the featureless wall of another building in the twilight, but no sign of anybody, at least, not unless he opens the stalls.

Eldrith at first doesn't recognize the drawing, but then it hits him: there were other details around the four circles, other dots and shading around on the paper, and the circles themselves were a little irregular. He realizes that the drawing is a map, and indeed the rocks remind him of some of the rock formations on Sidarin. Given enough time and patience and enough satellite maps of the planet he might find the place, but still he has no idea of its significance, or why Trill might care about it.

2017-07-01, 12:41 PM
The window seemed to tell the story. Trill got out of dodge when the imps showed up through the window after leaving a message on where to meet.

Just to be thorough Eldrith with open the stalls just to make sure that she really left through the window and isn't really hanging out in the bathroom or something even though that seemed unlikely to him.

After he makes sure everything is fine he'll communicate his findings about the mountain range to the group and leave the bar to meet up with them.
sorry for the delay my kid has been sick the past two days.

2017-07-01, 06:55 PM
Either I am badly misunderstanding the rules, or falling causes way more damage than it should...

As expected, the stalls are empty. Trill must have opted for the the eight-meter drop into the fenced-off alleyway, unless she climbed down the drainage pipe, that is.


The trip to the Parched Mandalorian involves even more driving around hordes of pedestrians. Additionally, as Eldrith gets closer and closer to the core of the city, near the spaceport, the imperial presence increases. Occasional troops of stormtroopers walk purposely here and there, each troop led by an officer not unlike the one that Eldrith saw in the security camera footage. They are obviously looking for something, or someone, not merely patrolling the streets. They also obviously have not found it.

Night is falling as Eldrith nears the doors of the Parched Mandalorian. Standing at the doorway are two bouncers dressed in what at first glance is authentic Mandalorian armor, but a closer inspection reveals the metal helmets to be plastic replicas. Any Mandalorian of the old ways would have considered this portrayal an unbearable insult and an an incitement to violence, but apparently with Mandalore being more than a thousand parsecs away, largely taken over by the pacifistic movement back during the days of the Republic, and now under Imperial occupation in addition to all that, the owners of the bar must be content to flaunt fate.

At the moment of Eldrith's arrival, a storm trooper with an orange sash is speaking to one of the bouncers, but then the trooper walks away. Two tough-looking Human men walk in, followed by a Wookie in a slave collar. From outside of the bar, Eldrith sees no sign of Trill, although between the time he took driving around pedestrians and playing it safe, and Trill's own demonstrated athletic fitness, she easily could have gotten here before him and be waiting inside by now.

How is Eldrith communicating his realizations about the map? If he sends footage to Zo and Yijz via electronic transfer, there is the possibility that someone may intercept it, and Eldrith seems paranoid enough to be worried about that :smallwink: On the other hand, it will be hard for him to describe the map in detail without sending the footage.

2017-07-04, 01:42 AM
Eldrith takes in the sound and sites of the streets.

Like everyone else in the city, the imperial presence had him on edge. The Imps were out of place here and it definitely showed. Looking across the street while biting his nails and making sure that he wasn't obviously spotted by any of the stormtroopers he'll cross the street and enter the bar.

2017-07-09, 03:16 AM
Night has fallen by the time Zo arrives at the Parched Mandalorian. With a smile and a low nod of his crested head he greets the bouncers as he walks between them into the bar.

"Evening chaps. Busy in there tonight?

Once inside, he scans the bar for anyone he recognises.

Dice pool is 2 green, 1 setback for shield (-1 for racial skill) and 1 difficulty.

Charm the Bouncers (http://orokos.com/roll/532142): 2eA+1eD 3 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/532142)

2017-07-09, 05:09 PM
As Eldrith walks into the bar, his eyes adjust to the brighter light inside from the deepening twilight outside. All heads turn toward him as he enters, although most then turn back to their drinks or conversations, or to the dancers at the front of the bar. Maybe they were watching for Imp troopers. Also, the Arlonian Ale is missing from the shelf, and there is a lot of extra room on said shelf, so maybe they've been here already. The mass of dancers on the main floor, all tactfully dressed oddly enough, with the dimmed lights everywhere else are distracting and make finding anybody else difficult, but Eldrith does find Trill sitting at one of the tables to the side, with her back to a corner. How long she has been watching him is difficult to say, but just as finding her was a challenge with all the dancers, spotting him might not have been easy either.

"Well," she says as Eldrith comes over, and she pushes a chair out from under the table with her feet for Eldrith to sit in. "I'm guessing Skeeso is awake, if you could find my note. How is he? And where is he?" she asks.


Zo arrives maybe a few minutes after Eldrith, being able to take an easier route with fewer roads blocked off to foot traffic. The false-Mandalorian bouncers look him up and down as he approaches. "Busier than ever," the bouncer answers from behind his plastic mask. "Parched Mandalorian is one of the few bars that isn't closed with all of the you know what tonight," he adds. He nods to his companion, and they make way for the Anx. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you the rules. You've probably said them many times yourself."

Zo's towering figure enters the bar, and thinks he can make out Eldrith talking to someone in the corner. They have no trouble singling him out, however.

2017-07-10, 05:33 PM
As he enters the bar the first thing he notices is the lack of Arlonian Ale. Eldrith wasn't known for his drunkenness but when he needed to unwind Arlonian Ale was the thing that did it and it was sorely missed.

Noticing Trill Eldrith heads towards the table where she is sitting. He resists the urge to order the closest thing to Arlonian Ale they have here from a passing waitress knowing that today of all days he'd need his wits about him.

Eldrith takes the chair and sits down with Trill. As he does so he places his hand on his thigh. Not close enough to be perceived as a threat but it is closer to his holster than if his hands were on the table. He had seen too any deals go south at a bar table to not be a little prepared.

Eldrith meets her gaze with calm eyes and brushes his blond hair to the side.

"Right on the money as usual Trill. Skeeso is fine thanks to my care. As for where he is...he's in probably one of the safer places on this planet right now with a couple friends of mine looking after him making sure he's just fine. I don't have any love for the imps Trill and it's clear they are looking for someone, and it's very clear that you and your crew are more than just your average smugglers. What's going on here Trill. I think I'm owed something for saving Skeeso and a explaination is the least you could do."

2017-07-10, 09:14 PM
Ambiance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axZemDfcfX8)

I'm going to let Zo and Yijz decide what to do when the get in and roll any relevant dice before posting what happens.

Trill exhales at Eldrith's semi-deduction-semi-accusation. She glances behind him for a second. "I'm sorry, but I really don't know why the Empire is here," she says. She looks at first like she might say something more, but then decides against it. "And I don't know how 'unusual' we are, or why you think that. Does my caring enough about someone to try to save his life make me so strange to you? I thought that you of all people would understand that, what with you being a doctor and all."

Trill pauses, then leans across the table, in close. "This isn't a safe place to tell you more than that. I'm not sure there is a safe place, but it sure isn't here." Leaning back, she then adds "Besides, you just said Skeeso is somewhere safe. That might be a better place to talk."

Trill glances behind Eldrith - at Zo, as he enters the doorway. With the Anx wearing his hood, it is unlikely that Trill would recognize him in the different lighting, although he is awfully large.

2017-07-10, 11:20 PM
Picking up on the fact that the bar might not be the best location to have a sensitive talk like their's Eldrith's eyes narrow and look at Trill knowingly while checking slightly over shoulder to scan the room for anyone that might be ease dropping.

He leans in towards Trill. "My friends from the Blue Milk Jugs, a Anx and a Gand, are on their way here. Once we meet up with them we can all leave together and head to Skeeso."

After finishing Eldrith leans back in his chair making a show of putting his arms up in a defensive fashion playing along with the act and adding to the story hoping she'll play along until his friends can arrive.

"Don't get me wrong sweet heart I've seen all kinds of people come through Linko Sorsia I've treated alot of them but someone that can handle the amount of Arlonian Ale that you and your crew put back the other night is just not normal. That makes you more than smugglers that makes you my kind of scum haha."

He keeps bantering and chewing the story hopefully long enough. However he is trying to be aware of his surroundings and keeping a eye peeled for trouble.

2017-07-11, 04:50 AM
Zo glances around the bar, which is both new to him and at the same time very familiar.

"Try not to drain the bar dry Yijz. We'll probably be leaving shortly after finding Trill."

He starts walking to where he thinks he saw Eldrith, and watches out for any storms or arguments that may soon break.

Hope it is ok to chat to Yijz. Though it made sense we would travel over together.

My Vigilance roll, adding a force dice with my Enhance force power:

Vigilance (http://orokos.com/roll/532761): 1eA+1eP+1eF 2 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ls-ls.png (http://orokos.com/roll/532761)

I can turn the Light Side points into successes/advantages. Didn't know what the difficulty was, so can add that in later. Probably will do two successes, but could I wait and see what difficulty gives? If no difficulty, will get an extra success and advantage.

2017-07-12, 09:00 PM
Trill smiles at Eldrith's attempts to turn his incriminating comment into a little more levity. "Oh, we like to party, although, I gotta be honest, I think I had more to drink that night than is good for me!" she replies. "But we sure needed it then, after cleaning all the bantha dung out of our ship the previous day. You wouldn't believe how much those beasts can stink up your ship. I'm just glad we smelled well enough to come to the bar!" Trill picks up a glass off of the table and takes a sip - Eldrith realizes that it's Corellian peach juice, which is nonalcoholic, although who knows what (if anything) Trill may have (had it) spiked with.

Meanwhile, Yijz spots them first while making his rounds - well, Eldrith had seen them before, the two thuggish-looking Human men with the Wookie in the slave collar. The three of them are walking toward the table next to where Eldrith and Trill are sitting. Sitting at this table are a two Human men and a woman, a female Twilek, and a brownish-skinned Rodian. One of the five seated, the Twilek, seems to have noticed the thee approaching them. One of the seated Human men, however, has started looking over at Trill with an unhealthy smirk developing on his face, and the Twilek is taking a glance at Eldrith.

At about this time, Zo believes he recognizes Trill as the person Eldrith is talking to.

And yet, simultaneously, on the other side of the bar, an off-duty and out-of-uniform Imperial officer unwinding with a fellow have attracted some unwanted attention of their own...

Yijz has two rounds to take actions, because of the number of successes he rolled. Zo and Eldrith have one round. If any of them decide to take any hostile actions (such as drawing a weapon), that character will get to act and then we will roll for initiative (see OOC thread).

The two Human men and the Wookie are fixated on the five people seated at the table and have not noticed the player characters yet, although they may take somewhat inebriated action.

The Human man staring at Trill is motivated by lust (he's also a bit drunk). He may take an action as appropriate once the shooting/swinging starts. You may act on this information with an appropriate check.

The Twilek looking at Eldrith has realized that Eldrith's bluffing is an act, although she does not know why. She may assume he is hostile if hostilities between the seated people and the standing people erupt.

2017-07-13, 09:06 PM
He walks through the door with a loping relaxed gate. His eyes taking in the scene as an expert could. The sideways glances, lazy eyelids, furrowed brows and bowed tired heads.

He spots the out of townies quickly, their manner of dress, starched and crisp ain't exactly blending in at a bar like this. Their were always freighter captains or those drawn in for a bit of fun from nearby sectors, however they were from here, from the same hard lives, and scrappy humble origins. Even if being from here still was a place parsecs away.

No, these were from somewhere else, not the callused hands of working men, the shifty eyes of freighters and smugglers keeping watch, nor the false dandies blowing cash for the thrill of momentarily seeming bigger then they are...

These were men of stark halls, bureaucratic manners, military rigour, of black space, stars and obedience. They were from way out of town.

He also finds the doctor at the bar with the women. The one they were wondering about, the doc already chatting her up.

Yidz continues to size up the room... scanning it with his large black eyes for possible escape routes and places of defense, tables to turnover or pillars to duck around. That's when he sees the boozy stare of lust aimed at the doc's companion. Another complication...

...and the wookie slave, maybe an advantage?

Go-onna 'edz... Eh, I'm gonnaz hangzbak 'er... Grabz zom t-t-t'ing froma za way-trazzz... Watchyz doz frelling impzers atz da bar-r-r...

He gives a subtle nod in the direction of the off duty imperials and slinks into a darkened corner booth, keeping his hat low, collar of his coat high, his eyes wide and watching. He places his knapsack next to him, rolling the gun out of his pocket he perches it on top, a secret gun rest hidden in the dark. The barrel waves eagerly from just below the table top, judging what group might be the first to get it.

2017-07-15, 05:55 AM
Zo's hand goes to his pocket, fingers curling round his vibroknucklers. He doesn't slip them on, but it's comforting to know they are there close to hand should things kick off.

He makes his way through the crowd towards the humans and the Wookie, ready to knock some heads together in the confusion when the brewing rumble kicks off, and "accidentally" freeing the Wookie as a result.

Is that OK? I presume it would be a Brawl roll to bash heads together, or is it easier to just punch them? :smalltongue:

2017-07-19, 05:32 PM
In the lighting of the bar, Eldrith catches eyes with the female Twi-lek at the next table. He could tell from the confused look in her eyes that she wasn't buying his story but things could be worse.

Eldrith keeps his hands hovering near his pistol just in case anything dicey happens at the bar.

He gives the Twilek his most charming wink and glances over his shoulder looking for his friends and instead notices a couple of humans and a Wookie on their way over.

I couldn't tell after reviewing the thread whether or not Eldrith had noticed these guys making their way toward the other table. I'm trying to throw the female Twi leks attention towards the approaching thugs.

If I had noticed them then it's intentional however if he hadn't already noticed them then maybe his surprise is enough to make her take notice?

Also subnote sorry for holding up the game. I got a little frozen with so many options and I was trying to finagle a way to have Trill like charm the drunk guy and try to have him cause a commotion as cover for leaving the bar but wasn't sure what to roll for to notice his intentions and didn't want to hold up the game anymore than I already have.

2017-07-19, 09:53 PM
The Twilek gives an exasperated look at Eldrith and then glances at the two men with the Wookie when suddenly gets a more fearful look in her eyes. She grabs the arm of one of the men next to her, and they both stare at the imposing-looking trio as they approach. Hands reach underneath the table. More hands reach into coat pockets. A short dialogue begins between them.

"Why are you here? How much trouble have you caused?" asks one of the men standing next to the captive Wookie. "Chips, I think you should start pulling arms off." The man makes a gesture inside of his coat, and the Wookie - Chips presumably - grunts in pain. The Wookie strides forward toward the table and looms over it, reaching out with an arm.

At this moment, a flutter of movement in front of him catches Eldrith's attention. Trill has shifted her weight and her chair, and now has her hands underneath the table, in her lap. Eldrith can guess that she has a blaster or something like it down there. She glances at him and gives him a smile, although her attention for the moment seems to be on the Wookie.


Meanwhile, across the bar, the pair of relaxing Imperials are approached by a group of creatures of mixed races. "Enjoying the drinks on us, huh?" one of the creatures, a Quarren, stutters. His voice boils with anger, tainted with alcohol.

The non-uniformed officer turns toward the newcomer. "You had better not be insinuating something, citizen?", reaching down toward his belt and fondling a communication device. The other Imperial reaches for his blaster rifle holster, and then realizes that it's not there, since he's not in uniform.

"Well, I'm glad your pals are somewhere else, 'cause this bar's a thermal detonator with a... thing on the button." says the Quarren, before making a lunge.

It is now time to roll for initiative. As the characters have had the option to prepare, you may use Cool instead of Vigilance to make your initiative check.

You must beat two advantage with no successes to act before the NPCs. Once you have you have made your initiative roll, you may post your actions. I am providing the defensive stats of all of the relevant NPCs so you can determine the effects of attacking them in your post (i.e. you do not need to wait for me to adjudicate the results of your actions).

~~~Round 1~~~

Party #1: Trill
Trill (soak 3, wound threshold 12, strain threshold 13)

Party #2: humans with the Wookie slave
Human thug (soak 3, wound threshold 5, minion)
Human slaver (soak 3, wound threshold 10, strain threshold 10)
Chip the Wookie slave (soak 5, wound threshold 13, strain threshold 10)

Party #3: people sitting at the table next to Eldrith and Trill
Twilek woman (soak 2, wound threshold 4, minion)
Human male lusting for Trill (soak 3, wound threshold 5, minion)
Human male captain (soak 3, wound threshold 10, strain threshold 10)
Space human woman (soak 3, wound threshold 5, minion)
Rodian (soak 2, wound threshold 4, minion)

Party #4: Drunk Quarren and friends
Inebriated Quarren male (soak 3, wound threshold 10, strain threshold 10)
Inebriated Rodian female (soak 2, wound threshold 5, minion)
Inebriated Twilek male (soak 2, wound threshold 4, minion)
Inebriated Aqualish male (soak 3, wound threshold 6, minion)

Party #5: Off-duty Imperials
Imperial officer (soak 3, wound threshold 11, strain threshold 11)
Imperial soldier (soak 3, wound threshold 6, minion)

Party #6: Bouncers
Fake Mandalorian bouncer 1 (soak 5, wound threshold 6, minion)
Fake Mandalorian bouncer 2 (soak 5, wound threshold 6, minion)

Other bar goers - not currently involved in conflict, but do you really want to attack them?

2017-07-21, 08:32 AM
Zo unslings his shield from it's resting place atop his pack and steps towards the group, anger creeping into his low rumbling voice as he raises himself up to his full height and looms over them.

"It's not nice to force others to do your dirty work."

He waits till his low voice from behind prompts the human to turn, then his unoccupied hand jabs out in a powerful blow into the gut of the human who just "motivated" Chips.

"Don't tear any arms just yet please Chips. The bar's going to get messy as it is!"

He smiles at the Wookie, before readying himself for a return attack.

Maneuver: draw Shield.

If I'm not in engaged range with Party #2, will suffer 2 strain to use another maneuver and Engage. If I'm still too far away, will just use Change Range Increment maneuver and hopefully get close enough to melee next turn.

Action: attack the guy who just shocked Chips. Using Enhance to improve my Brawl roll.

Punching a Slaver (http://orokos.com/roll/534900): 3eA+1eP+1eF+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Dark Side
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ds.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/534900)

Will not be using that Dark Side point, no matter how tempting it is :smalltongue:

Using Vibroknucklers, which are Damage +1 (Brawn +1 damage each time plus successes on attack roll), Crit 2 (2 advantage needed to spend to crit). Pierce 1 (ignores 1 soak), Vicious 1 (+10 when critting). So damage is 5 7 total, ignoring 1 soak for 5 damage after soak, and I will spend my 2 advantage to Crit him.

EDIT: forgot to add my successes to damage too.

Crit Roll: [roll0] so that is Stunned: the target is staggered until the end of his next turn. Staggered means he loses his action, though he can do maneuvers. Somewhat appropriate for a gut blow :smallbiggrin:

Zo stats. WT: 0/17 ST: 2/13
Soak: 5
Defense (melee/ranged): 3/3

2017-07-21, 10:07 AM
A pair of heavy boots came down from a bar stool. While it was true Mandalorians were not usually seen far from their armor, this was taken to the logical extreme, clad from head to toe in gleaming white and red, the traditional kama showing that this was no mere pretender like the lot out front. The antenna on her helmet did a very quick sweep before her movement became far more sudden. She spun off her seat, blaster raised. Time slowed as the crack of a blaster rifle sang the ancient Mandalorian song of peace.

[FREE MANEUVER] Draw HBt-4 Hunting Blaster

[2 STRAIN - 2ND MANEUVER] Aim at Slaver

[ACTION] Ruin that Slaver's Day ((my post count is insufficient to post images and links, but Walnut has my initial initiative count, he can verify my roll plus the crit. Adjusted the pool to shoot him but forgot to change the name from "Wrap that barstool around his head" or something)

2eP+1eB+2eD: 1 success, 2 advantage [2eP=S/S, A/A] [1eB=A] [2eD=Th, F]

Base damage is 10, plus 1 from success, -3 from his soak that's 8. He exceeds his wounds That's one crit gonna use those two advantages to regain that Strain I suffered for the second maneuver. Pretty sure he's dead, though the crit result is 40 (Stinger)))

Her voice came from the enunciator which was that of a hardened, if young Mandalorian. "He can't hurt you anymore, Chip." She quips, hitting the slider to cycle another charge. Her visor fixed on the Imps. Her enunciator amplifying her stagewhisper. "I think you left your guns in your other purse." She taunted.

2017-07-21, 08:38 PM
Slaver or imp... He couldn't decide, till one of the slavers dropped.

He smiled.

...Oh, 'etz evenz doz oth-er oddyz t-t-tooz... Pow pow

He fires the blaster at the back of the lead imperial officer. Years of drinking, to bury the pain under torrent of booze was broken... It shot to the surface, his whole body quivering in excitement. The pain gave way to a sweet feeling of vengeance.

His shot away, his realized the implications of his action, and ducks behind the table. Hoping to go unnoticed amongst the poor lightening and the chaos that threatens to ensue.

2017-07-21, 11:22 PM
As the blaster goes off Eldriths heart skips a beat good old life affirming fear kicked in letting out a resounding and heroic "Ahhhghfrazll!!".

Out of sheer shock he turns over the table and half flips half stumbles behind it.

The bar is roaring as he hears what sounds like a second blast going off but farther away and notices smoke coming from a blaster in Yidz's hand, where did he even get that and Zo shield out and ready to wreck someones day.

Seeing his friends in action Eldrith becomes enboldened yelling at the remaining slaver

You don't have to die here friend you can run away and never turn back and no one would blame you. Up against Zo the basher and Yidz the gunner ahhh man indeed no one would blame you at all. Is any of this really worth dying over?

Once he finished yelling a resounding *shink* sound echos as both of he deploys both of his vamblades extending out from their gauntlets and a bead of sweat rolls down Eldriths brow from his blond hair.

I'd love to just persude this guy to leave not really intimitate him. Can I use the charm or deceive skill for this roll or do I have to us coercion?

my action is basically trying to roleplay this guy out of the fight.

2017-07-22, 11:50 AM
Star Wars has beautiful bar ambiance music, but despite its diverse soundtrack I'm having a hard time finding good bar-fight music.

As Eldrith takes cover and taunts the remaining slaver, Trill steps up from behind the table and aims her blaster at him, giving him a wink. The man screams in terror as the imposing Chips turns on him, and then bolts for the door. However, in his terror and somewhat befuddled state, he trips over his own feet, sprawling him out onto the floor. Chips turns toward the man and snarls, then looks at Zo, with a look of equal part bewilderment and thanks.

The drunken man at the table near Eldrith gets up, and begins shambling over towards Eldrith and Trill, with a bit of an angry look at Eldrith. "Yu... yu girl purty. I wanna," he says. Trill reaims her blaster, and fires a stun blast at the man's chest, causing him to stagger for a few feet before collapsing in a heap, audibly snoring.

Trill then ducks behind the cover of the table. "We should get out of here. I'm sure - " she is interrupted by events happening at the bar.

The Quarren, looking for the blaster bolt that Yijz shot at the Imperial officer, starts stamping angrily in his direction. "Hey, you, he was mine... wherever you are..." he says, obviously not noticing where Yijz disappeared to. Meanwhile, behind him, the Aqualish in the Quarren's party dives at the wounded Imperial officer and with a bloodcurdling roar goes for the man's throat with his tusks. Aqualish tusks aren't exactly well-suited for combat, but the savage ferocity of the drunkard thug is sufficient to silence the officer's frenzied screams.

The remaining thugs, the Rodian and Twilek, lunge on the remaining Imperial with vibroblades. Neither of them manage to land a blow on him in their alcohol-befuddled states, but they do bowl him over and knock his communicator skittering across the floor, right next to Yijz...

At this moment, the false-Mandalorian bouncers bust in the door, force-pikes in hand, and run, shouting, at the bloody-tusked Aqualish.

~~~Round 2~~~

Party #1: Trill
Trill (soak 3, wound threshold 12, strain threshold 13) Under cover

Party #2: former slavers
Human thug (soak 3, wound threshold 5, minion) Prone
Human slaver (soak 3, wound threshold 10, strain threshold 10) Dead

Party #3: people sitting at the table next to Eldrith and Trill
Twilek woman (soak 2, wound threshold 4, minion)
Human male lusting for Trill (soak 3, wound threshold 5, minion) Stunned
Human male captain (soak 3, wound threshold 10, strain threshold 10)
Space human woman (soak 3, wound threshold 5, minion)
Rodian (soak 2, wound threshold 4, minion)

Party #4: Drunk Quarren and friends
Inebriated Quarren male (soak 3, wound threshold 10, strain threshold 10) presently looking for Yijz and not seeing him
Inebriated Rodian female (soak 2, wound threshold 5, minion) engaged with off-duty imperial soldier
Inebriated Twilek male (soak 2, wound threshold 4, minion) engaged with off-duty imperial soldier
Inebriated Aqualish male (soak 3, wound threshold 6, minion) teeth embedded in imperial officer's neck

Party #5: Off-duty Imperials
Imperial officer (soak 3, wound threshold 11, strain threshold 11) deceased
Imperial soldier (soak 3, wound threshold 6, minion)

Party #6: Bouncers
Fake Mandalorian bouncer 1 (soak 5, wound threshold 6, minion)
Fake Mandalorian bouncer 2 (soak 5, wound threshold 6, minion)

Party #7: Chips the former Wookie slave
Chips (soak 5, wound threshold 13, strain threshold 10)

Other bar goers - not currently involved in conflict, but do you really want to attack them?

2017-07-22, 05:25 PM
Sharilyn adjusted her mic as she lowered her gun, though her antenna betrayed that she was scanning the surviving Imp as her visored visage looked to the "Mandalorians." There was a sharp whistle to get their attention. "Slaver sicced his wookie on my client. So I dealt with him. Plasteel Pig trying to stiff the proprietor and steal free drinks and get goonish about it when he gets called on it. So by that point I'd already cycled a new charge, and I thought for a minute 'You know, I might as well empty the cell.'" The antenna did another sweep as she corrected her aim for a center of mass shot on the survivor. She didn't trust him to not spring for his fallen boss' commlink. "We have a problem, Vode? Because I think it would be to our mutual benefit if you just let it ride, and we settle this up my mess all sportsman-like." Crisp, pure Concordian accent.

2 Strain for extra maneuver, double aim on the Imp.

Blam (http://orokos.com/roll/535088): 2eP+2eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/535088)

10 Base + 2 from successes - 3 from Soak, 9 total, pretty sure "Blam" is apt.
I want to use my Triumph to do something vital. Is it possible that killing the Imp maybe calmed down the aliens enough that she can talk things down with the Mandos? I figure we now have officially killed the biggest belligerents. At least, the ones that aren't me.

She offhandedly raises the rifle enough, as though shrugging before firing right at the surrounded Imp. "And look. I even dealt with your vermin problem. You want to talk or something now, maybe?"

2017-07-23, 04:24 PM
Yijz sticks his three fingers out from under the table grabbing the imperial com slowly rolling his way.

He sees the Quarren stumbling around angrily. He takes the hint and makes a dash towards his friends.

Tim-ez t-t-to goz guyz...

He points towards the door.


2017-07-23, 08:05 PM
'ouz comingz wit-t-t uzzz Mizter Wook-azie yah?

2017-07-24, 08:26 AM
"I agree with Yijz. Even if they haven't called friends, we'll see more Imps if and when things get rowdier."

Zo leans down and delivers a swift punch to the back of the slaver thug's head, to make sure he stays down, then raises his shield in defense of his friends.

"I'll cover you, but we need to move!"

He looks over to Chips with a quick grin.

"You're welcome to come too, if you want, right Eldrith?"

He looks back to the human cowering under the table questioningly.

ACTION: Zo's roll to punch the last slaver thug, with a boost die due to thug being prone.

Punching a Slaver Thug (http://orokos.com/roll/535401): 3eA+1eP+1eB+1eF+2eD 3 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ls-ls.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/535401)

Will use the 2 Light Side points for advantage, for a Total of 3 successes, 4 advantage. 2 of that advantage will heal the 2 strain Zo has taken. The other 2 will be used to take an additional maneuver this turn without having to pay the 2 strain.

That should take him out, as that is 5+3 damage, for a total of 8, and it ignores 1 of his soak of 3.

MANEUVER: Bodyguard, targeting Yijz (I assume he is engaged with the rest of the party now?). Spend 1 strain and combat checks targeting Yijz are upgraded once (ie one purple goes up to a red)

MANEUVER: Assist Maneuver, giving Eldrith a blue Boost dice (1eB) if he wants to try to convince Chips to come with us. I imagine Eldrith's Charm or Negotiation are better than Zo's :smallbiggrin:

Zo stats

WT: 0/17 ST: 1/13
Soak: 5
Defense (melee/ranged): 3/3

This (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMTaoZSAMqc) is what I've been using for the barfight. Just imagined it coming on the jukebox or whatever, with the bar dimly lit, and only a few lights pulsing in time with the music....

2017-07-25, 05:50 PM
obviously shaken and annoyed by the way things went down here Eldrith hurrily heads over to his crew.

Yeah yeah yea whatever we're all friends with everyone whatever Let's goo go go let's go freakin' cantina's man I tell you what you just can't count on them. Freakin imps every where now if I wanted to have the empire breathing down my neck causing trouble in my city I'd have stayed on Karthi on gone legit.

At this point Elrith is in full rant mode stomping off from the crazy shoot out.

2017-07-25, 09:43 PM
The two bouncers stop in front of Sharilyn as she addresses them, and look her up and down. "That's... not just a costume, is it?" one of them asks with a bit of surprise and no small amount of apprehension. That one stays in front of Sharilyn and waves his force pike. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to..." he trails off, obviously intimidated at the prospect of fighting an obviously insane woman whose cosplay isn't a game - or, worse, a bona fide Mandalorian.

Meanwhile, the other costumed man takes a step back, realizing that he's out-classed. Pulling out a communicator, he hastily says "Management, we have a situation, here."

The Aqualish, Twilek, and Rodian pounce on the second, now-dead Imperial soldier, looking for anything of value on him, maybe. The drunkard Quarren stumbles around in the midst of the floor, shudders for a moment with a glance at Zo, on the other side of the dance floor, and then turns back to his companions. As he does so, Eldrith, Yijz, and Zo notice a relaxing of Trill's muscles, as she gets up while holstering her blaster pistol. Trill glances at the man that she stunned, then at Eldrith, hisses "Quiet! You want to get their attention?" before glancing toward the back door. "There's a door out back. Probably lower chance of trouble if we go that way." On her way, she gives the same charming smile Eldrith saw at the spaceport toward the Wookie, winks, and then smiles at Zo, before heading for the exit. Chips begins shambling after her, trying to grip his slave collar and grunting in Wookie.

~~Round 3~~

Party #1: Party NPCs
Trill (soak 3, wound threshold 12, strain threshold 13)
Chips (soak 5, wound threshold 13, strain threshold 10)

Party #2: Bouncers
Fake Mandalorian bouncer 1 (soak 5, wound threshold 6, minion) (engaged with Sharilyn)
Fake Mandalorian bouncer 2 (soak 5, wound threshold 6, minion) (calling management)

Notes: I am keeping time in rounds to keep track of when more security/more Imperials arrive.

2017-07-26, 07:45 AM
Sharilyn wasted no time. "See... I just gave you a chance to talk Or settle up." She says very simply, eyes not leaving him. "You wasted it, Vode. No. A pretender. Last chance." Her eyes narrowed, her tone hardened.



She was giving them one last chance to back off. Especially now that his friend was bringing friends. There was a telltale sweep of her antenna as it panned over the one in the distance. He was next.

Coercion (opposed) (http://orokos.com/roll/535906): 2eA 0 successes, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/535906)

She is obviously aiming at the one who seemed to have more of a death wish, though the aiming rules don't specify that it needs to be used on a specific target.

2017-07-26, 08:50 AM
I used a difficulty of two, with two boost dice since they recognize that they're outclassed. I rolled three threat. That comes out to one advantage, total, including Sharilyn's roll.

The two costumed men start backing away, with the one in front of Sharilyn moving his force pike into a somewhat less intimidating stance. Behind Sharilyn, the Aqualish, Twilek, and Rodian are starting to cheer her on. The Quarren, meanwhile, kicks over a bar stool in his misguided and failed attempt to find Yijz, then stomps angrily over to his cheering companions.

2017-07-26, 11:23 AM
Sharilyn's voice was low. She was stalling, buying time for the others to escape. "Listen to me very carefully. You want to look like one of us, think like one of us. But I'm gonna put this in real simple terms: there are two dead Imps on the floor killed by a Mando'a." She raps her helmet, then makes a slashing motion on her throat. "Imps get called, the thickheaded plasteel pigs don't realize we're not all friends, you get tagged as a known associate. You die, everyone in the bar dies. Pretty little server girl dies. Good chance that also means there's a familial massacre, plus the place burns down and this bar gets bombed after the fact for good measure. I'll gladly explain everything at length, but right now I need to get rid of these damned bodies and my little exposition of how and where things went wrong means you have thirty-eight fewer seconds to live. The Imps aren't going to believe I acted alone and I've got a range advantage once the blaster bolts start flying. Like it or not you can't afford to not let me get these three disposed of."

2017-07-26, 04:13 PM
A few moments later, Eldrith, Zo, Yijz, Trill, and Chips are under the sky in the early night, with the taller buildings of the city around them. It wasn't completely easy getting out of the bar - apparently some of the other patrons had the same idea. Still, they get out into the back parking lot - Eldrith will have to go around to the front to recover the swoop bike he borrowed. Trill looks around a street corner - there is a troop of stormtroopers off in the distance, but they don't seem to be paying attention to the direction of the bar, yet. Trill let's out a breath. "Eldrith, you hacked the ship - can you get Chips' collar off? It would be better if nobody had died back there. Where are we going? And is that Mandalorian one of us?" she asks.

Just as Trill finishes her question, the Imperial soldier's communicator in Yijz' pocket buzzes. "One-one-four-three, do you copy?" says a voice.


The bouncers stand quietly as if contemplating what Sharilyn is saying. The back one, with the communicator, then adds "Management, do not contact the police. We need a cleanup crew... also better close the bar," he says.

The front bouncer takes off his helmet, revealing the head of a scared-looking Bothan. "You're right. Let's get the bodies behind the desk, and clear the bar. Even if we help the police will be here sooner or later," he says.

Almost as if on cue as he says this, the lights in the bar flash on and off, with the colored dance floor lights being replaced by dim yellow lights to help the cleaning staff but make it clear that the party is over. Customers then start scattering in all directions.

~~Round 4~~

(no changes from round 3)

2017-07-26, 06:32 PM
As Trill tries to calm Eldrith down he quites his ranting but keeps up the pace "regitty frak frakken fridgitty"

Finally as they enter the alley and Eldrith breathes in the air he relents and composes himself again. After all he is a doctor.

Umm No I haven't seen anything like that Mando befo...Oh no you know what I have seen them. Yeah yeah they were hanging around Tigozan's place they must be one of her or Hazabar's guns. Eldrith closes his eyes as if he's thinking really hard making a almost pained face. "Uhhh do we go back for them? I mean they look like they are pretty much handling things right? Right? Yeah I think I'm right I'm sure they'll catch up if their supposed to be with us I'm sure"

He squints his eyes at Trill as she asks about the slave collar of their new Wookie friend and puts two fingers on the bridge of his nose. Focus Eldrith.

Yeah, yeah I think I can do something about it maybe ahh let's see..." He had treated slaves before and see collars before. He'd also seen the scourch marks these things leave.
Just awful pieces of tech, he'd never removed on before but he thought back to those patients trying to remember if he had seen any of them removed.

Eldrith approaches the Wookie which is a scary proposition in and of itself. He stops just out of arms reach and puts his hands up in a none threatening way.

"Hey friend. I just need to have a look at that nasty collar around your neck. I'm going to try and take it off ok? No need to freak or to rip any arms off or do anything rash ok?"

Once he knows the Wookie understands him and that they consent then he'll have a look at the collar and see what he can do.

2017-07-26, 07:03 PM
Sharilyn didn't even think about it. "Have your guys destroy surveillance, just bill a keg of whatever your rotgut is to Vizla. Should cover what the belligerents stole." She says simply, patting the expired Slaver down for a sidearm. She made it a point to swipe the remote while searching him.

If Sharilyn can find at least two guns, she's going to propose a frame-up, on the condition she can get one of the fake Mandos to wound her. Otherwise, these guys are getting thrown into the incinerator.

2017-07-26, 10:43 PM
Destroying the evidence would've been much easier. She swiped the sidearm. "This one's down,
but not out. You compact your trash, or burn it? Where is it, at any rate?" She says with no real emotion in her tone. "Please tell me you have sewer access in that alley, otherwise we're gonna have to carry these guys up the fire escape and leave 'em on your neighbor's roof."

2017-07-27, 09:37 AM
Chips does not seem to object to Eldrith's looking at his slave collar. Unfortunately, getting it off is probably going to take several minutes. Chips grunts in the direction of the Imperial troopers off in the distance, whom Trill also seems to have fixated her vision on. They still don't seem concerned with the party, yet.

"So where are we going?" asks Trill. "And who is Tigozan? Is he? she? the person whom you left Skeeso with?" she continues.


Within a minute or two, the dead Imperial soldiers and the dead slaver are behind in the garbage chute leading to the compactor underground. The live slaver is in the back room, and is starting to wake up from the woman with the stun blaster's shot.

2017-07-27, 01:52 PM
Yeah we'll have a look at it later. These things usually have a tracker in them though so we'll want to get it removed before we take Chip to the warehouse

Turning his head toward Trill

"Tig is a friend yeah she'll make sure everything goes right. From what I've pieced together she and her brother are actually your original clients so in a really weird and round about way this all works out. Skeeso is being looked after and he's in very capable hands trust me we but time and supplies into keeping him up and running for you so I'm not about to lose that investment.

Speaking of we need to get going. The imps are going to have their hands full trying to sort out the mess in there and while thier distracted we just slip away. Zo, Yijz do you have a ride for our friends here? I borrowed a bike so I could fit one on mine."

2017-07-28, 12:23 AM
Once the bodies were disposed of, Sharilyn took quick stock of the two fake Mandalorians. She had her calm demeanor on, but it was purely by merit of a murmured war song. She stopped after a while. "Your mockup is good. The layman can't tell it from the real thing. But you wear it like armor. We just call it ironskin in Basic." She says after a while. Small talk to ease the time between now and her statement, inspecting the 'new' sidearm she acquired. She holsters it, leaning against the bardesk and taking her water, using a retractable stray to drink. "I can't criticize your stance though. Until you backed down that is. But your armor will make you slow. You need to turn it into an extension of you, same as the spears. You do that, and you're indistinguishable from the real deal. You two just need practice." For the first time, she seemed sincere. "This suit, for example was refit six times in ten years. I've had it since I was a little girl, and I usually spend the better portion of my day in it. I could show you how to rig it so it's comfortable like that at some point, if you're interested."

2017-07-28, 10:57 AM
"Sorry, we walked over here. The traffic looked horrendous. I have a spare cloak he can borrow if needed."

Zo turns to Trill.

"Skeeso is fine. I made sure he was comfortable before we left. Tigozan said her place was at our disposal, since we brought her the ship and cargo to her. Should we start heading there, or wait for her enforcer that arrived to keep an eye on us?"

2017-07-28, 09:50 PM
Since Moose hasn't posted and it's been about 36 hours, I am going to do a minor character dictation on him.

"One-one-four-three, come in!" the voice says again. Yijz in a moment has the Imperial communicator in his hand. There is an ominous silence - is the officer on the other end sounding an alarm? The troop of Imperial soldiers in the distance is marching in the heroes' direction... albeit slowly, like they might not yet be aware of what has happened at the bar.

Trill's eyes widen as Eldrith tells her that Tigozan and Hazabar are her clients - well, Lodon's clients. For a moment, she stands silently, as if pondering something far away. She then looks at Chips, and then at Zo. "I agree, probably a good idea to get the collar off him before heading to the... warehouse? Eldrith I'm still amazed you didn't get shot down by that TIE fighter. I should have put more trust in you. I apologize," she says. "I came on foot, too. I take it that the plan then is for Eldrith to take... I'm sorry, I don't believe you told me your names," she says to Zo and Yijz. "But Chips will take the cloak, Eldrith will drive him somewhere, take off that accursed collar, while the Anx and the Gand can lead me back to the warehouse? We want to make sure the Mandalorian gets back, too, don't we?" she adds with a hint of concern in her voice.


The two bouncers nod silently to Sharilyn's lecture. Finally, one of them picks up his communicator and listens to it from the other end, and then puts it down again. "Thank you for the tips, Ma'am," he says. "Management says that there will be a cleaning crew here shortly, and it might include some Imps. Hopefully they'll be peaceful, management says they should be. We've been on good terms with them so far. Any case, thank you for helping us save the patrons' lives from an ugly incident. You might want to not be here when they arrive, though."

2017-07-28, 10:23 PM
Sharilyn nodded. "Of course. Slaver sicced a Wookie slave onto one of my clients, that was the first shot. Imp was ripping off the bar and antagonizing the Quarren. He drew, or tried to, there were so many guns dropped by this point I can't tell whose is whose. I'd already shot the Slaver by that point, lined up the second shot. Another patron winged him, finishing him off, the other was already on the ground hemorrhaging from his throat being torn open. Shot him too. Truthfully, he was going to die if I didn't shoot him first. But since I needed you two to escalate the situation in order to get everyone out... So as a sign of good faith, you two need a sharpshooter or some training or something, we'll work out an arrangement." She trailed off, setting down the empty cup and standing. She gave a curt salute. "We'll be in touch." And with that, she headed out.

2017-07-29, 11:12 AM
Yijz looks at trill and ed. Slightly panicked he shoves the communicator into their hands to deal with.

Ah warzhouzy iz dizway!

He takes the lead, confident and happy, a breath of life sweeping through his body. For a moment the cloud of depression and haze of booze lifts, and the clear thoughts of revenge and justice take hold. He will get them back, he thinks to himself and a hidden smile crosses his infectious
insectoid mouth parts.

2017-07-30, 12:23 AM
Trill looks at the communicator, realizes what it is, and offers it to Eldrith. "You may be better at this than me," she says with a smirk.

Watching Trill, Eldrith is pretty sure that her apology is genuine, and that her widening eyes was more of an expression of surprise than one of fear or agitation. What she was thinking about while she stood still, however, is another question, Eldrith does not know. What he does realize, however, is that she is simply not operating under the same set of assumptions and motivations that he is. If anything, she reminds him more of Zo than of himself.

Trill catches Eldrith studying her, glances back, and smiles. It feels like she may be trying to reassure him.

2017-08-01, 12:40 AM
Eldrith was a greedy man by nature. A trait that had saved him more than it had hurt him however it also blinded him at times. It made him see people and placed in a different light than others and he felt in his heart that his greed had made him blind to Trill.

As Trill smiles he recognizes the light in her eyes. Zo had that same light in his eyes too. It was a light that guarded, a light that hide, a light that protected.

Eldrith in that moment decided to trust Trill. Whatever her motives, whatever her purpose here on planet it he needed her in this moment.

Alright first things first we need to get out of here.

The imps are heading this way and I don't think we want to be here when the arrive given all of our histories. We need a new ride and I need to get to my swoop. I may have borrowed without asking so I'd like to take it back.

I’ve got a bike across the way here but I need one of you to find a ride for you all. Trill? You seem to have a talent for getting into and out of places would you be able to “Find” us a ride? Yitz can help also. While you’re doing that I’ll try to talk fast and hope for the best with this thing.

Eldrith thinks back to his time at the imperial academy learning protocols and procedures and summons his most imperious voice to try and wing this.

Current thought was to try and redirect the patrol as best he could barring that well Eldrith didn’t thrive on planning.

“1143 responding”

2017-08-01, 08:40 AM
Zo digs around in his pack and brings out a folded dark brown cloak that appears the mirror of his own. He unfolds it almost reverently and quickly puts the assorted bent and broken mechanical parts that it contained into another pocket of his pack. He then offers the large cloak to Chips with a reassuring smile and a gentle tone in his low rumbling voice.

"It might be good to put this on, in case any more of your captors are around. At least till we can get that collar off you."

His eyes widen as Eldrith attempts his deception, and he glances around nervously before looking back to Trill.

"I'm Zo Korax. My Gand friend is Yijz. Perhaps we should follow him away from here. Then again... Tigozan's Mandalorian associate got here very quickly. I wonder if she has a speeder we could use to get back to the warehouse?"

He will be putting the parts in another part of his pack as quickly as possible, but a sharp eyed and particularly well-learned individual may spot and recognise them as broken fragments of a lightsaber hilt. Hope that is OK PetrifiedWalnut, but I thought him hanging on to the broken hilt that was crushed along with his parents in the cave in was a cool thing. It's what I "spent" the rest of my starting cash on since I didn't know what else to buy.

Plus I thought it would be a cool thing that could lead to further chats later. If you don't like that idea, I'll edit and get rid of.

2017-08-01, 10:10 AM
Chips and Trill are rolling dice for reasons described in the OOC thread

"One-one-four-three, what is your status? Your CO is not responding. Is there a problem, soldier?" says the Imperial voice on the other end of the transmission line.

2017-08-01, 12:21 PM
1143, no problem sir. The CO is...indisposed. They decided to enjoy a bit of the local flavors if you catch my meaning sir.

They aren't ready for dress parade sir. I'd like to avoid any potential embarrassment if we can sir I can get the CO back without incident but I'd like it if any patrols around us were kindly looking the other way here as a professional favor to the CO, sir.

Eldrith is trying to convey that the CO is drunk and not presentable to be seen by enlisted troops as it would probably be bad for moral. Or at the very least engaged in activity that would not be good for moral if it came out.

2017-08-01, 05:54 PM
I like your strategy. I think I'm going to let Eldrith have a partial delay but not a huge one. Should be enough to escape, though, once Sharilyn comes out and you steal the slavers' vehicle!

There is a grumbling voice from the other end. "Dammit one-one-four-three, get Lieutenant Scoates out of his toilet and report to Captain Kuat on the double! I.S.B. agent says she thinks she may have found what we're looking for!" says the raised voice of the commander in a very exasperated tone.

Trill's makes a slight smile but then has a sad look as she listens to the Imperial commander's orders. She then looks at Zo and looks at the cloak. Zo doesn't know if she recognized the broken hilt of the lightsaber, but the way that she is looking at the cloak clearly means that she has grasped its significance. "I am thinking it would not be a good idea for Chips to wear that cloak," she says. "Given who's leading the Imp search here, I'd say that Chips may be safer looking like a Wookie running for his freedom than looking like a monk - no offense, please, I'll explain later." she adds, looking at Chips.

2017-08-01, 06:10 PM
Out through the back, she checked to see if it was clear, lowered her head and removed her helmet just long enough to get a few gasps of unrecycled air. Within a few seconds, her red hair was pulled back, tucked into her collar and promptly covered back up by her classic T-visored helmet. She passed by the alleged landspeeder she was asked to pick up the crew in: mismatched doors, the frame clearly rusted through and an engine that was still smoking despite being off for close to a half hour.

"By the manda, you people are slow." She says simply, hitting the starter on her junker before the thruster gimbal crapped out and it hovered impotently for a second, then toppled over, somehow on its side. She went through her armored compartments before producing another fob. "Big guy, I took this off our dearly departed scumbag. You want to show me where it is, maybe?" She asks the wookie.

2017-08-01, 11:19 PM
"Aye, sir I'll clean the Lieutenant up and have them right as rain in no time. If I might be so bold as to add sir your discretion truly is an inspiration sir, 1143 out"

Eldrith releases the controls to the communicator. "That should buy us a little while to get this show on the road we should..."

A lithe figure in rugged Mandalorian armor comes up to the group. Eldrith recognizes her as being from the warehouse but other than that he doesn't know this person but given thier circumstances he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"You're with Tig right? Ok great yes we've got a ride. Alright everyone in we're leaving."

Eldrith motions to the Wookie. "I think you'd better come with me friend once we've got some breathing room between us and the imps I can get that collar off of you"

Eldrith puts his communicator palm up in the air and motions to Zo and Yitz "stay in touch yeah?"

Finally, Eldrith looks at Trill gives her his best in personation of her smile and wink move back at her before making his way towards his bike.

2017-08-02, 07:45 AM
"That's awfully presumptuous. I'm here to extract the target. You lot can deal with the imps." She motions towards Trill. "The wookie just happens to be of use to me at the current." There's a flick of the wrist before she breaks out the remote for the collar, there's a flourish as her thumb sits just by the shock function. "There's now two things with its transponder signal on it. See if there's a way to rig it to safely deactivate that abominable thing without breaking it. I can see us getting mileage out of a transponder activated trigger." She hits the fob a few times, antenna popping out and sweeping before settling on a direction.

"I'm kidding. Not about the transponder trigger. I mean abandoning you lot. Let's get some chow."

2017-08-02, 11:41 PM
Just so you guys know, I'm really tired as I write this, so I hope I don't overlook something! :smallsmile:

Chips, while he looks at Trill and seems to understand what she's saying, seems to decide that he'd rather take the cloak anyway. Trill may be worried about looking too much like a fugitive Jedi, but she wasn't a slave, at least not recently. Chips says something in Wookie and hops on Eldrith's scooter, and lets Eldrith drive. With the transponder signal from Sharilyn, the collar's safeguard locking system is off, but it will take several minutes of tinkering with the remaining locks to get it off completely.

Trill's expression changes to amusement as she notices Eldrith's imitation of her. Yijz, Trill, Zo, and Sharilyn hop into the Mandalorian's new ride and are off into the night, so far without any complications. Yijz notices Trill studying Zo as the group ride back to the hangar at Zo's direction, and has been ever since she made the comment about not wanting Chips to look like a monk. There was more to that statement than just concern for Chips, Yijz realizes. Trill undoes her hair tie and lets her short ruddy hair flap in the breeze as they ride back, but then ties it back again when they arrive at the shantytowns.

Eldrith is able to drive somewhere that have few pedestrians and fewer onlookers. Suddenly, the Imperial voice returns over the comlink with a little bit of static as he moves farther from the signal and has more buildings in the way. "One-one-four-three##, you are in deep# trouble# now, lying to a #superi## office# about this. We're disp####ing squad zero-seven to your fine est#blishme##." Obviously the Imps don't have a communications tower or a relay ship in hovering sub-orbit.

When Sharilyn and her stolen speeder full of passengers get into the shantytowns, it is clear that the troopers have gotten out here and are checking it out. Those warehouse owners that were caught unawares are being interrogated by squads of troopers, each led by one of those gray-suited officers that they all seem to have with every squad. Hazabar and Tigozan's warehouse is dark and locked up, as are a good number of others. It's not obvious whether this is because the troopers were here and arrested anybody, or if the darkness is a disguise to avoid being noticed.

I need stealth and driving checks from Eldrith and Sharilyn, and I need perception checks from everybody. The driving checks are difficulty two. The stealth checks are difficulty zero. The perception checks are difficulty one, but Eldrith and Sharilyn each get two setback dice (one for darkness and one for being occupied driving). Zo gets only one setback die for darkness. Yijz doesn't get any as a reward for his triumph from earlier (in addition to what he notices about Trill above).

Edit: the stealth checks are to avoid being spotted by troopers, and I will roll in secret their vigilance checks. The driving checks are to get away if you are spotted without them seeing enough of you to get interested. The perception checks are to notice their interest, if they have any.

Anybody can also make checks as needed about Hazabar's warehouse and what to do about it. (hint: Tigozan lent Eldrith a communicator in case Eldrith ran into trouble)

2017-08-03, 10:42 AM
Eldrith is able to spot some Imperial soldiers that are looking his direction before they are able to get underway to chase him. After a moment, he believes he hears speeder bikes, but has just enough of a lead on them to possibly still drop them...

Thanks to his triumph on the perception check, Eldrith gets one more attempt to escape the Imps before a chase scene begins. He can either hide (stealth roll, difficulty 2) or drive away (piloting planetary, difficulty 2). He also has enough time to lend Chips his blaster, if he wants. Eldrith can reprogram the communicator with a difficulty 2 computers check, also.

2017-08-03, 04:25 PM
piloting check (http://orokos.com/roll/537845): 2eA+2eD 0 successes, 3 advantage http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/537845)

*Eldrith...will hand over the blaster

computer roll (http://orokos.com/roll/537846): 3eA+2eD 0 successes, 3 advantage http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/537846)

2017-08-03, 07:03 PM
Eldrith fiddles with the communicator. There is a loud "Aauuuaaahhh!" at the other end as his fiddlings manage to cause a bit of feedback, but no success in terms of actually getting into the Imperials' com channels. The rider on of the speeder bikes behind Eldrith grips his helmet - could he be the one screaming? In either case, he slows down, putting some distance between him and Eldrith.

Eldrith ducks and weaves between the buildings, but the speeder bike behind him seems hot on his tail. Still, the soldier bike behind is too distracted to be able to do much in the way of evasive action when Chips fires Eldrith's blaster back at the pursing Imperial biker when he gets close. Chips' shot is perfectly accurate and causes the Imperial's speeder bike to spin out of control and crash into a... something, Eldrith isn't sure what it is in the night, but the soldier is sent sprawling. Eldrith's swoop bike loses its balance from Chips' movements, but Eldrith is able to regain control of it just as the second trooper rounds the corner.

Eldrith can try to lose the other one, or fiddle with the communicator some more and hope that he can disorient the one chasing with it.

I still need checks for Sharilyn...

2017-08-03, 10:28 PM
computers roll (http://orokos.com/roll/537895): 3eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/537895)

Let's do some fiddling!

After piecing together that the feedback from the comms is what threw off the trooper he grins with excitment

Edit: sorry I just now thought that Eldrith might have slow down or stop to mess with the comm?

2017-08-03, 11:24 PM
Drive (http://orokos.com/roll/537911): 1eP+1eA+2eD 0 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/537911)

Stealth (Invisible Mando, she's the Mando, the Mando that no one can see~*hums Goldfinger theme*) (http://orokos.com/roll/537912): 2eA 2 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/537912)

I see dead people (They'll be dead soon enough, just wait for combat) (http://orokos.com/roll/537913): 2eA+2eD+2eS 1 failure, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/537913)

2017-08-04, 04:50 PM
Goldfinger, eh? You should have been here for my James Bond game that I tried to run!

Messing with the comm, the man on the other speeder grasps his head again, grips the controls of his speeder and wheels around out of sight. Eldrith now has an opportunity to get away, or to hide. He can continue to try with the feedback, but eventually the trooper is going to turn it off...

After hiding in a place under darkness where he doubts the Imperials will be able to easily search, Eldrith has the feeling that he has lost the remaining pursuit, and is able to resume his roundabout trek to the warehouse. He can only hope that he hasn't stirred up an alarm.

Sharilyn is able to keep the Imperial soldiers from noticing her and her speeder. Eventually, she is able to get back to the warehouse, and finds it dark and quiet. Knowing Hazabar and Tigozan, they may be trying to avoid notice by keeping it dark...

2017-08-04, 08:24 PM
Yijz gets off the speeder last and follows the others into the warehouse. He sidles up to trill and questioning croones What'zzzZo gotz? He tilts his head at her. He's awkwardly close.

2017-08-04, 09:02 PM
Trill glances at Yijz as he asks her why she's been studying Zo. "Maybe you should ask him," she says quietly, looking around for any sort of movement in the distance. "Best to do that inside, though." Many blocks away, in the light on the road outside of town, there are some troopers, but they probably can't see what Sharilyn and company are doing. Not unless they have infrared scopes, that is.

Yijz tries the door only to find that the warehouse is locked. Either it is empty, or the inhabitants are trying to maintain a low profile.

2017-08-05, 03:40 PM
Sharilyn says nothing, heading to put in the key for the bay door. She only intends to open it enough to give them clearance to slip inside, motioning for the others to come closer as she twists the key.

2017-08-05, 09:20 PM
Heh, I had assumed that the key would be electronic, this being Star Wars and all, but no biggie :smallwink:

The door opens with a deafening clang - or so it seems to the people outside, as it probably isn't actually that loud. Inside, it is almost completely dark. There is what might be a faint glimmer of a dim red light far in the back, not unlike what some construction lights are on when trying to provide illumination but conserve power.

At first it is difficult to see anything because of the darkness, but Trill produces a small flashlight that provides a faint, purplish radiance that illuminates the nearby objects. The storage crates in the front of the warehouse are neatly stacked in places where there were none earlier in the day, Eldrith and Sharilyn note - indeed, had these crates been here, Eldrith could not have flown the ship into the warehouse. Behind these crates is an array of the most dilapidated-looking speeders and swoop bikes imaginable. Eldrith and Sharilyn have no difficulty recognizing them, however: these are the bikes that Hazabar and Tigozan normally keep in a side garage in case somebody needs cheep transportation or in case a thief tries to steal something not worth very much.

Additionally, there is a thin layer of dirt on the floor that was not here earlier, and there are a great many booted footprints are visible in the dust. Trill bends down and inspects the prints. "The Imps have been here, but looks like they've gone," she whispers.

2017-08-05, 11:28 PM
If Rogue One showed us anything, it's that manual mechanisms are still a thing. And useful for securing stuff.

"Cleared out. And we didn't even negotiate my pay." The Mandalorian says in a bleak tone, very probably in jest if her cynical jokes earlier were an indication. As Trill sweeps the light over the warehouse, she sighs. "I advise you stay off the dirt, turn your transponders off, no comm-links, Keep it to enunciators only." She says flatly, turning her own commlink off. "This feels like a trap." She unslings her rifle and keeps it at the ready. "I suggest we first head over to security and see about getting surveillance from the past few hours or so. I can keep watch on the door, or someone else can do that while I see what I can do about the big guy's collar. I'm more useful with hardware than software--suit's older than all of us put together, and I can understand some Shyriiwook." She looks to Chips. "Don't look at me like that, I'm not joking. I made friends with a Wookie some years ago. He got initiated into Keldau. Best damn fighter they have had in some time. Heard he ripped the forelimbs off an Acklay."

I need a reference name for the pistol she nicked assuming it's not just a standard pistol. In all likelihood I can pull up the stats on it whatever it is.

2017-08-06, 07:03 PM
Eldrith stops a quarter second in time before speaking into the comm link that Tig had given him to stay in contact. He didnt see the harm but the mandalorian seemed to know her stuff so Eldrith goes along with it for now.

He puts the comm away and looks around the warehouse. It seemed strange that the equipment was moved around.

Why'd they move things?

The imps catch them and them moved the crates and bikes into the hanger? Doesnt make sense, unlikely at best especially cause they are non human

Eldrith takes out his scanner and starts looking around the warehouse. Like Trill said the imps had been here however just cause they were here doesnt mean they found anything. Tig was crafty and could have moved or hidden the craft.

Eldrith is going to scanning for anything out of place especially in and around those crates I have a suspicion that they either cleared out of that they are hiding

To the point im not sure how scanners work do i roll a perception roll or how does that work.

Also could Eldrith know how smuggler operate with a underworld check or something like that? Im trying to suss out if this situation makes sense to Eldrith before hes like THE SHIP THEY TOOK THE SHIP WTF

2017-08-06, 10:56 PM
Ah, I was wondering when you were going to start actually asking questions instead of jumping to conclusions! :smallyuk:

Unfortunately the EotE rulebook is really vague on what the capabilities of Eldrith's scanners are (they give ranges, but not what details they have), so I'm going to have to wing it. Realistically, if the scanner relies upon electromagnetic signals for detection purposes, then anything made of metal is going to block those signals, so I am going to say that Eldrith would need a more powerful scanner than what he can carry to detect anything hidden inside of a metal container. Obviously, more sophisticated scanning equipment would yield more results (for example the dolly cart that the scanning crew that boarded the Millennium Falcon in A New Hope were working with).

Knowing how smugglers operate would be Streetwise, I believe.

Standing inside of a largely metal warehouse, it is difficult for Eldrith to get readings on anything very far away, especially for anything with a metal wall between him and it.

Standing around him, Eldrith can plainly sense himself, Sharilyn, Zo, Yijz, and what he guesses can only be Trill, although it looks like she has a great number of other life-forms on her person. From what the scanner is telling him, the other life-forms that Trill is carrying have to be quite small, and have plant-like life signatures. Additionally, there are two more person-sized animal life-forms directly above Eldrith, through a floor above him, each carrying what look like heavily-magnetized objects, not unlike what one would expect for vibro-weapons.

Looking through the wall separating the interior warehouse from the exterior, Eldrith can see that some more stuff has been piled there, looking like more crates, some containing the cargo from the ship that Eldrith stole. One of the crates contains many more tiny plant life-forms not unlike the ones the scanner detects on and around Trill. The ship itself isn't visible.

There is a large metal partition, looking like a moveable room divider, that has been moved to cordon off a significant section of the interior storage area. On the scanner, it looks like an ordinary wall, but it wasn't there earlier in the day. The region cordoned off is just about exactly the right size to hide the missing ship, however.

Finally, there is a door to the side that contains a number of other objects, including what look like landspeeders.

Meanwhile, Trill has climbed up onto one of the crates and is shining her light over the floor ahead. "I see three doors. It doesn't look like the Imps went through any of them, or into the back half of the warehouse," she whispers back.

Just then, there is a tap of something from the beams up above - it could have been just an echo from Trill dropping off the crate, but Eldrith sees that the two life-forms above him moved slightly.

2017-08-07, 06:33 AM
Yijz follows the rest into the warehouse, doing his best to remain quiet. He takes a few sips from his bottle before returning it to his pack and his attention back on trill and the imperial threat.

Trillzy uhhhh, youz knowz 'omethingzabout-t-t-t allz dez uni-formi-z allz runningza-roundzy plaze?! Iz Zo havz 'omethingz zay want-t-t-t?

2017-08-07, 04:46 PM
"Bah, fine. I'll go check security." Sharilyn grumbles, heading towards the office, or at least, what she thinks is the office to get into the cameras.

2017-08-07, 05:00 PM
Eldrith stretches out his arm in a attempt to get Sharilyn attention and puts his index finger up to his mouth in a shush motion.

"There's two life signs right above us. Best guess from the readings that I'm getting they have vibro weapons on them too. Also, you heard that tap right" Eldrith notices that the life signs have moved and points out the direction to Sharilyn.

Eldrith starts making hand gestures trying to minimize how much noise he makes. He thinks he's making special forces gestures but it's mostly a bunch of nonsense and finger guns.

2017-08-07, 05:25 PM
Zo sighs as Eldrith gesticulates wildly.

I don't think Imperials often use vibroblades. It's more likely to be Tigozan's people. I think we should announce our presence on the comm they gave you."

Still, despite his words, his fingers curl around his vibroknuckles in his pocket and he hefts his shield warily.

Could Petrified Walnut or someone roll a Farsight check for me? The roller I use doesn't work on my mobile. It will allow me to see normally in near total darkness if I manage to roll a Light Side.

Zo will also be keeping a weather eye out as Yijz is, so if I need to roll a Vigilance roll again feel free to roll on my behalf.

Just did 32 locks today one after the other on the canal boat, and several long tunnels. Lots of fun, but absolutely shattered!

Hopefully will be able to post tomorrow too, if we moor in a place with signal.

2017-08-07, 07:32 PM
Aww, your vacation sounds awesome! :smallsmile: ('course I'm going to be doing one of my own in a little over a week).

I rolled two(!) light side for Zo, so he can use the Force to see in the dark.

I rolled one advantage for Zo for vigilance.

Trill looks at Yijz, and doesn't seem sure how to answer. Then she mutters "Oh yeah, the Imps," under her breath. She holds her finger over her mouth, then points upward - before Zo's rumbling voice echoes through the warehouse, that is.

There is more movement on the floor above, obviously creatures moving about. A moment later, the light on Eldrith's communicator turns on.

2017-08-08, 09:19 AM
"Standard issue infantry kit for Imperial Stormtroopers includes a vibroknife and an E-11 rifle, sidearms usually derived from the DC-15." Sharilyn says in a low voice. She tries to make sense of Eldrith's frantic attempts to nonverbal communication and she responds with a rude gesture of her own. "You too, bud." She then realizes that he had raised the wrong finger, shakes her head, raises her rifle and attempts to aim where's he's indicating.

Perception (do I get boosts for having it pointed out to me?) (http://orokos.com/roll/539210): 2eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/539210)

She doubles down, hitting the slider on her rifle. It emits a slight hum followed by a whine as the indicator on her rifle confirms that a full charge is cycled. "Fine, I'll take watch. Anything moves, and it dies."

2017-08-09, 12:18 AM
Eldrith sees her gesture and interprets it as the mandolarian version of a thumbs up and he enthusiastically returns it.

Its then that he notices the comm light up. Looking between Sharilyn and Zo, then Zo and Sharilyn he press the comm and breathes in some air "Hsss hello" very quietly

2017-08-09, 12:44 AM
Hazabar's voice comes through the comm on the other side. "Eldrith, are you there? Are you back yet? We heard someone's voice and it sounded like your bouncer," Hazabar says. Although Eldrith can't quite make out what she is saying, he can also hear Tigozan's voice in the background. On his scanner, the two life-signs, which are now in a side-room partway descending (a stairwell?), have stopped moving momentarily.

2017-08-09, 09:41 AM
Sharilyn sighs, opening her comm and speaking as lowly as she can. "This is The Red. Eldrith just implied you have multiple intruders, can you initiate a lockdown from your location or should I use the security station to do so?" She turns her gaze on the security room. "Just remember that I'm still on retainer, so ruminate only if you want to pay me another hour." She chuckles. Although as a mercenary she was probably less joking and more imagining bathing in credit chits.

2017-08-09, 11:57 AM
Sharilyn turns on her communicator to hear a verbal exchange between Tigozan and her other, mostly Gammorean, goons. Like most Gammoreans, these goons are none too bright, although they are smart enough to at least follow instructions such as "report contact before engaging" and other useful strategies. "One sec," she says, for a moment, then answers Sharilyn. "Red, are you inside the base? Reader says that four person-sized life signs are inside the main doors and one very large person-sized. Is that you?" she asks.

2017-08-09, 12:04 PM
Yeah we're at the warehouse. Looks like imps were already here but things all moved around including my ship. Are you all here? Where are you? Are you with the ship? You know the ship

2017-08-09, 06:34 PM
"Confirming two human females, one human male, one Gand male, one anx male, one wookie male. VIP, four freelancers, plus a wookie with a collar I need to take off." She says simply. "Confirm initiation of lockdown or instructions for doing so. Your guard will likely have a problem contending with ambushers and I don't want them fleeing with our equipment." She adds, with only a hint of urgency. "Because then I'm out of a job."

2017-08-09, 09:51 PM
"Excellent, Red - you said you saw intruders? Or do you mean our guards?" Tigozan answers Sharilyn. She mentions something to her brother, then switches the comm to some of the other guards, then switches it back to Sharilyn. "Our scanners aren't seeing anything but you and the guards - glad it's you and not more troopers coming back! Come back into the back of the warehouse, and don't turn on any lights. The Imperials left earlier because they fell for our 'this warehouse is abandoned' ruse, and we want them to keep thinking that if we can," she adds.

Hazabar pauses while talking to Tigozan for a moment, then answers Eldrith. "We're in the back. We put up a metal partition so that the Imps who came in earlier couldn't scan inside and find us or the ship. Good thing they fell for it!" he adds. "Tiz says you have two VIPs, a female Human and a Wookie. Is one of them Trill? Come in back, that way we'll have cover in case the Imps come back."

Meanwhile, in the back, there is the sound of a door opening.

Eldrith realizes that the abandoned look of the warehouse is indeed a ruse, and that the two upstairs are just guards keeping watch. He also realizes that the Imperials are probably searching every warehouse, seeing as they gave up on this one so quickly concluding that it held nothing of interest.

2017-08-10, 12:33 AM
"Probably. The freelancers will have to verify that. I did my part: Freelancers are in hand, and the bastards giving them trouble got a high calibre trepanning." Sharilyn chuckles, opening her enunciator to be heard locally. "Bosses are in the back, presumably with grub. Don't turn on any of the fixtures. I'll be right behind you, if that is Trill, I've got to go grab a spare cot for her and see if I've got anything that can fit her." She looks Trill up and down. "Probably not. I usually stick to bodygloves and plating. It's a good look, or so I'm told." She gestures to the others towards Haz and Tigo, stepping out of the light with a light hiss as she disappears into the darkness, giving her eyes time to adjust as she leaves to set up a bunk for Trill. Damned if she was going to make her bunk with the boys if she was the only girl freelancer on site for ages. She could afford a distinct lack of luxury.

"Grabbing cots for the guests and I'll be right over." Keeping Sharilyn on retainer for as long as they have made it very clear that she honored her contract, but had very little interest in anything beyond it. She slept, she ate in the room she was allowed to use as part of her retainer, she said very little and usually replaced everything she ate, cleaned the break room and left as little trace of being there as possible, but things changed now that she was being asked to deal with the other freelancers. She mused on the thought of working with them again before pulling her helmet back on in the utter blackness as she opened the door to the storage closet to pull out some cots.

2017-08-10, 05:09 AM
"Guests? But I have a...."

Zo trails off and looks pensive as he walks with the others towards the back and the sound of the opening door.

"...I guess it's not safe to go back to the bar while they still hold Tenga. Do you have any more of an idea where they are holding her?"

This last sentence is a little louder and directed at Eldrith, or more specifically his commlink.

2017-08-10, 10:36 AM
"Yes - yes I'm Trill," says the young red-headed woman as she walks through the door into the enclosure.

The enclosed area is barely big enough to contain the ship that Eldrith flew in earlier, but here it is, with an awning added to it extending over a bank of computer equipment and a cot where Skeeso is propped up on the side of a bunch of crates. Several have been opened, most of them full of computer pads, but some loaded with more fruit. Trill removes her heavy jacket, which seems especially heavy, and sets it on top of one of the fruit-laden crates, and goes over to Skeeso and kneels.

"I guess I need to thank you... are we the only ones?" asks the Rodian. "Oh, and the big fellow, the Anx... he says the weapon that alien had was a lightsaber..."

Trill rotates her body so that she can glance at Zo. "That is indeed what it was," she says. "I think we're the only ones alive, I'm sorry," Trill says. She sighs, then her voice takes on a harder edge. "Just knowing about that lightsaber puts everyone who knows in danger, so be careful whom you say that to in the future," she adds.

Trill then reaches for her jacket and into it, and pulls out a datapad, and looks up at Hazabar and Tigozan. "This datapad has the encryption keys to Captain Lodon's cargo. You'll need it to access the data on the rest of these pads," she says, offering it to Tigozan, who takes it gratefully. "I don't know what you promised Lodon, payment-wise, but I'd appreciate if you could continue to keep Skeeso safe while he heals - and while I get done everything I'm here for," she says, glancing at the fruit. She then leans against one of the crates, and closes her eyes momentarily, as if realizing how tired she is.

Tigozan fires up the datapad. "It needs a password," she says.

"'Skeeso lives'," Trill answers. "I locked it just in case someone couldn't steal it from me," she adds. Suddenly, her eyes bolt open again. "Oh, Chips' slave collar, let's get that off!"

Eldrith and Zo are about to get the collar off in about a minute - with a satisfying clank it comes off, and Chips is able to sit down, too. By now, Sharilyn has been able to get cots for everyone to lie on, well in addition to those already inside of the ship, which are still perfectly serviceable. As everybody gets physically settled, with Chips leaning up against the landing leg of the ship as the cots aren't quite big enough, and Trill still leaning against a crate as if wanting to pay attention to what happens, Tigozan then comes over to Zo with a datapad connected to a holoprojector. At the press of a button, a map of Linko Sorsia flickers on.

So, I wasn't able to find any details about Tenga specifically, but was able to find that the Imps are keeping all of their prisoners in the security office of the spaceport terminal. It's easily fortified and I wouldn't try to break into it. At 1600 hours tomorrow, they are to be moved to this location, about two hundred kilometers away," she says, pointing to a spot on the map east of Linko Sorsia. "I don't know why they'd be moved here. I always thought it was a mining camp owned by Corellian Engineering Corporation."

"Corellian Engineering Corporation is being nationalized by the Empire," Trill intejects. "It wouldn't surprise me if that's where the main Imperial base is." she adds.

"That will be good to keep in mind," Hazabar answers.

"In any case I wasn't able to find out what kind of vehicles the Imps will be using for the transport, other than that it will apparently be some kind of ground vehicle. Since the Imperials appeared in Linko Sorsia rather suddenly, I suspect that their supply of hardware is somewhat limited, so it may not look like standard Imperial troop carriers, and if it's going to be a clandestine operation, then it will probably be less heavily guarded than it might be otherwise. That means that this convoy might be a good place to intercept and attempt a rescue."

"I don't know how familiar you people are with galactic standard time, but right now it is about 0100, and Sidarin has a 22-standard-standard hour day, so it will be late afternoon when this convoy moves," Hazabar notes.

Chips grunts in Shyriiwook. "He'd like to help," Hazabar translates.

2017-08-10, 02:01 PM
Settling in was loosely defined. Sharilyn paced restlessly while the work was being done, realizing the issue of height o Chips versus the cot. She mentally makes notes of Chips' dimensions and starts pulling apart webbing and rigs a simple hammock in a wide enough area to accommodate him. The fatigue had set in, Sharilyn grabbing a crate in the dim lighting and sitting up. As if by design, removing her helmet and placing it by her thigh simply revealed red hair that spilled past her collar. At Chip's request to join, she lets out an airy sigh. She certainly sounded much younger without her helmet. Barely an adult. Nineteen at the oldest. "Is that wise? You'll need to get your energy up. I'm not averse to letting you take risks on our behalf, but there's risk and there's waste. And I doubt that monster whose eyes I cooked bothered feeding you very well." Her voice filter seemed to mask her tone as well, but she didn't sound like the apathetic mercenary type.

2017-08-10, 02:41 PM
Eh, youz checkza collerz forza t-t-trackyzing devizez? Youz knowza thingz dat goz beepz beepz and youz knowz wherza lozt zlavey iz... Don't-t-tz be needingzany impz followzing uzzzz...

He listens to the spiel. Not sure how this went from another drunk day at the pub, to attacking an imperial convoy to rescue rebels. He shakes his head in amazement. Odd life he thinks. Very odd. All so quick, too easy, how easily he slipped back into it.


Get back to work! I ain't saying it again! Now or never boys!

The crew supervisor yelled over the sudden silence. Tools and machines shut down or set down. The miner's face lamps blinding the supervisor, as the group all looked his way at once.

A squat miner pushes his way from the back.
Iz thingz notzo much of that-t-t gonnaz be 'appen'nzingz todayz!

2017-08-10, 11:28 PM
Eldrith twerls the collar around his hand "checked and double checked shouldn't cause us problems"

Looking over the map Eldrith wracks his brain trying to absorb all the information. Eldrith wouldnt exactly call Tenga a friend but she had offered him a place to run his clinic when he really need it. She had given him a opportunity when he needed it most and for that he'd always owe her. He wasnt about to let the imps have her for free

If the imps had nationalized the CEC then that had bigger implications at large none of which he had time for.

"Trill, when i was looking over the security footage back at the bar i saw you also had some maps what, what are those about?"

Truth check (http://orokos.com/roll/539922): 1eP+2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/539922)

Just in case to.see if everything seems on the up and up anout their description

Applicable knowledge roll (http://orokos.com/roll/539928): 3eA 4 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/539928)

Also i want to make a investigation / knowledge roll to know anything pertinant to the discussion. All my knowledge skills are ranked the same so

2017-08-11, 07:04 PM
There was a tracking device in that slave collar, although I would think you could have disabled it (with a hammer if nothing else!).

Chips grunts a little bit, then leans back, maybe thinking to his happier days back home. He continues grumbling in Sheriwook, before leaning quietly and watching the map.

At the mention of her map Trill immediately glances at Eldrith in alarm, and then calms herself. "Oh, yeah, you're not the people I need to keep quiet about that," she says. She reaches into her right breast pocket on her shirt and pulls out a sheet of paper, and unfolds it on top of one of the crates with the lid still on it. On it is a single large, slightly irregular circle, with three circles around it in an almost triangular configuration, and a large, shaded area around them, as well as a small square some ways away from the four circles. There are a few other smaller circles and somewhat irregular blobs around on the page as well, although they are less prominent. "So, the story goes that there is this farmer on Sidarin who can get anything to grow, which seems kinda strange from what I've heard about this planet," she continues, and then glances at the fruit. "I'm trying to fight a famine on Ryloth and a few other worlds, and those fruit you may notice come from Kashyyk." Unconsciously, she glances at Chips, who perks up looking at the fruit. "From what I've heard, the Empire is turning Kashyyk into a giant farming plantation, and the trees that those fruit come from may go extinct soon. I'm hoping that if I can find that farmer's farm and learn his secret, I may be able to help the people on Ryloth and maybe save this species of tree." After a pause, she then adds "Oh yeah, this is supposed to be a map of the farm. Please be careful whom you tell about it, though. I think the Imperial government would just as soon the famine on Ryloth continue, and I'd rather they not know what I'm trying to do."

Eldrith sees no reason to doubt anything Trill has said. He also has heard the story about the farmer somewhere on Sidarin, although he doesn't know the exact location or if the story is even true. He's pretty sure it's not close to Linko Sorisa, far enough away that he couldn't ever get there on his own... or couldn't have until today, that is, glancing at the ship...

2017-08-13, 12:24 PM
Zo comes out of his reverie where he had been sitting peacefully on the floor, and stands to refocus on the conversation as Trill speaks of her farmer.

"hrrrm, not something I can remember hearing of, though over indulgence in my youth makes my memory a little spotty at times."

Foresight (http://orokos.com/roll/540387): 1eF 2 Light Side
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ls-ls.png (http://orokos.com/roll/540387)

2017-08-13, 11:10 PM
Sharilyn pulls off padding from her shoulders, chest and arms to simply lounge in her techsuit, kama and greaves. "Don't burn out our guest. We need her fresh for the next steps, and I doubt the day has otherwise been kind to her." She warns, standing up enough to stretch. There's a series of pops before she tucks her hair into a hood meant to trap her body heat in order to sleep comfortably in cold weather and steps out from the shadows enough to immediately cause her to recoil away from the light, and continue this overly long gag. "I would seriously give up a month's pay to figure out how to polarize my eyes." She grumbles.

2017-08-13, 11:12 PM
Zo senses that there will be adventure and danger tomorrow if he does seek to rescue Tenga, but some aspect of his life can be restored if he does. The moment Zo looks at the map, however, his sense changes. Zo senses danger. He senses hope. Most of all, he senses the pull of destiny. There is a great deal more significance to this map than perhaps anybody else in this warehouse realizes.

2017-08-14, 01:13 PM
Yeah, I've heard about something like that here on Sidarin but the way I heard it the farm is nowhere near Linko Sorisa and it would be really hard to get there, right now that is.

I think your heart is in the right place Trill and after Tenga is back safe and sound we can talk about saving trees and other planets but right now we have someone that we care about in Imperial hands. I can tell you from experience that the empire doesn't place a high premium on caring for those that they capture. That being said Tenga is well connected and respected around here she along with Tig here are probably your best bets for getting support and intel for what you're trying to do. So helping get Tenga out helps us, helps you, and is all around helpful in general.

Looking over to Sharilyn Eldrith gives her the Mandalorian thumbs up and nods his head "Yeah, you've got a good point. I feel like a bit of rest will do us all alot of good. Perhaps when we're rested we will be able to think up a more detailed ambush plan for getting Tenga out."

Once Eldrith finally heads over to cot or bed he will flop down on to it fully clothed face down exhausted from his very stressful day.

Pretty sure that Trill was going to help us anyway but this just drives it home a bit more.

Also Eldrith had a pretty stressful day too lol

2017-08-15, 09:44 AM
"Oh of course I'll help. Maybe Chips and I can create a distraction for you," Trill responds to Eldrith, closing her eyes. Shifting her weight, she lies down on her cot and closes her eyes.

2017-08-15, 10:06 AM
"If I know Tenga, she has dirt on all those who frequented the Blue Milk Jugs, including us. We need to hope they haven't started interrogating her yet or our lives may get very complicated."

Zo bends down, peering at the map.

"I...hmm. I've never been there but I know that place somehow. It's....it's important. I don't know why but it is."

2017-08-24, 02:40 PM
Trill is intrigued by Zo's answer, but decides that she doesn't have the energy to ask him about it, not now, at least.

The night passes uneventfully, and soon more-or-less everyone is ready for the next day, or as ready as they could be, anyway. Trill and Chips are sleepier than the others, having been traveling on starships with different clocks than the 22-hour rotational period of Sidarin. It is about 1000 standard time when they wake up, a little before noon Linko Sorisa time.

Skeeso sleeps the longest, in fits, but after a while Trill wheels him up into the ship where he makes some comments, before Trill then wheels him down to a safer place. Tigozan flips on the holoprojector.

"This is Butzer news for all of you here on Sidarin. Today's story is an Imperial law enforcement action in Linko Sorisa. Until yesterday, Imperial authorities have had little presence on Sidarin, leaving the planet alone in favor of decisions that affect the galaxy at large rather than our less-than-significant backwater planet. Reasons for the change in policy, as well as whether or not it will remain in effect, are uncertain, as Imperial law enforcement is still looking for potential suspects in yesterday's incident. Civilian reports indicate that the Linko Sorisa spaceport was shut down after an armed conflict there, where Imperial troops attempted to crack down on spacer criminals, but we have been instructed to withhold details as the investigation is ongoing. Among the suspects at large are a male Human and a Wookie, who evaded Imperial pursuit last night on a speeder bike. Law enforcement officials have informed us that they do not know if these two fugitives are connected with the reason they are here on Sidarin, but want the two for questioning and resisting arrest if nothing else. If you have information on the whereabouts of these two suspects, please contact Imperial law enforcement at frequency 240.12 GHz. Meanwhile, the citizenry of Sidarin is on edge over concern about what kind of criminal activity could have brought Imperial attention to Sidarin."

The news then goes into less relevant discussion elsewhere on Sidarin, and Tigozan flips off the channel, letting out a sigh.

"Looks like Butzer Corporation is doing its best to provide meaningful news without offending the Imps," Hazabar comments. "No more Imp patrols last night, though, although there was a TIE fighter that flew out of the city about an hour before sunrise. I wonder what they are doing," he adds. He then glances at Zo and Eldrith.

Trill stretches her legs. "Skeeso says the guns on the ship are working, but the aft guns will need somebody to man them and he can't automate them from the cockpit. Do we know why the Imperials would want this 'Tenga', by the way? Before we head out, well..." she pauses. "The Imperial presence here is led by a branch of the government whose very existence is secret. Just knowing about it could put your lives in jeopardy, but if you're planning to make a heist, the more you know is probably the better. I don't want to say it though unless you're willing to take on the risk that it entails," she warns.

2017-08-24, 03:31 PM
Eldrith leans back calming himself that he's now officially wanted by the Empire unless somehow Chips previous owner was also chased by the empire. If he was going to wanted he might as well know who it was that was hunting him.

Well, it sounds like I'm already wanted so yeah I'm in. I think more information about who's after me can only help me. Ignorance won't save us when they find us anyway.