View Full Version : Pathfinder Mythic Crusader (Leadership) Followers in an urban campaign: What to do with them?

2017-01-28, 02:17 PM
Got dragged into a PF game by my buddy. We're level 5, Mythic 1, just about anything Paizo and most things on d20pfsrd is allowed (though need OKing).

One thing I've developed a real penchant for from years of DMing is controlling multiple characters for dialogue to fill dead space, and I'm considering grabbing the Mythic Crusader choice to this end. But... I really don't know what to do with the followers.

I have IC reason to have them -- my character's a prince and going to ascend to the throne when he gets older. But I'm just not sure what I would actually do with them if I brought them along with me to fill dead-space in RP rather than leaving them behind to run things on my behalf. I suspect they'll quickly get to be a headache if on the battlefield, my leadership score is already 14 or 15, and I would OOC feel awful any time any of them got hurt badly -- which is likely to happen as low-level non-mythics if put frontline, even if I leave behind the lowest level ones.