View Full Version : Pathfinder need help picking with equipment for a 18th level unchained rogue

2017-01-28, 04:01 PM
Hi, I´m making a unchained rogue 7/shadowdancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?509761-Neriractor%B4s-shadowdancer-fix-PEACH&p=21521499#post21521499) 10/unchained rogue 1 and I´m at a loss as for what to buy, I have 530000 gp to work with and would like some advice.

what I´m looking for is some guidance on what enhancements to put on my weapons and armor (two weapon fighting). And items with good defensive capabilities or cool utility. If there is any improvements to be had on sneak attack (activators, increases, on-hit conditions) it would be nice, but its not too important.

suggestions for feats are also appreciated, all pathfinder 1st party books, spheres of power and path of war are allowed, 3.5 material or pathfinder 3th party material can be accepted if the GM finds them acceptable.

2017-01-28, 04:58 PM
Beyond the obvious basics (Cloak of Resistance +5, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6, etc etc)
The Twinned special property from DSP's Steelforge significantly reduces the cost of maintaining two weapons.
The Training Weapon special property (Inner Sea Intrigue) is worth just a +1 and nets you a bonus combat feat from wielding the weapon.
The Voidglass special material adds +1 to damage of piercing or slashing weapons, costs only 1k gp.
Regarding Feats, I strongly reccomend Martial Training I through VI (Path of War), choosing either Thrashing Dragon or Veiled Moon
The Greater Shadow armor special property is a must-have on your armor, since it adds a massive +15 competence bonus to stealth checks at a fixed price.
The Crystal Mask of Mindarmor (DSP Psionics) nets you a +4 insight bonus to Will saves
The Dragonbone Divination Sticks (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Dragonbone%20D ivination%20Sticks) offer a +3 luck bonus to one saving throw at random, changes each day,
The Skin of the Defender (DSP Psionics) increases your natural armor by a further +4, stacks with the Amulet of Natural Armor +5 and is priced at the same rate.
Also, you should likely take the +5 inherent bonus to dexterity book if you can afford it.
The Hone Weapon (Path of War: Expanded) feat gives a potent damage increase to one of your weapons.
The Sneaky (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MagicWeaponsDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Sneaky) weapon property helps you set up sneak attacks.
If you aren't using Boots of Speed, the Steelwalker Boots from DSP's Steelforge allow you to move a fraction of your movement speed while full attacking.
From DSP's Bloodforge, for the price of one trait and two feats you can get Extraordinary Flight with 60 ft speed (good)- (Remember that having a fly speed makes Fly a class skill automatically)

2017-01-29, 02:01 AM
Path of war is not allowed at most tables, and the OP asked for equipment, not help with feats.

So here goes:

530,000 gold:

IF custom items are allowed (some GMs do not allow it):
Cloak of resistance with Blur as a permanent effect 43,000
Intelligent weapon of the type you wish to specialize in with the following abilities and properties:
+4 weapon enhancement
Spell storing (+6 total for a final +6 or 72,000) base 6 ego
Alignment matches yours.
120 feet senses 1,000
Telepathy 1000 +1 ego
Int 16 2000 +3 ego
Wis 16 2000 +3 ego
cha 10 - -
Presdidigitation at will +1000 +1 ego
Cast fly 3x per day 18,000 +2 ego
Dedicated power: cast a 6th level spell at will 132,000 +2 ego
Grand total for intelligent item: 229,000 18 ego

Now we've spent 272,000 gold and have 258,000 left.
Belt of physical Might +6 dex and con 90,000 (168,000 left)
2nd weapon +4 keen 50,000 (118,000 left)
Now armor is a tad tricky as it interferes with the ac you get from dexterity and since we just gave you +6 to your dex, and I assume it is starting at 16 minimum and getting +4 boosts from level I am guessing your dex is now sitting around 26 - 30... meaning even a +5 suit of mithril chain shirt would only give you at best a 4 point bonus... so bracers might just be the way to go here. Let's go the full +8 here, using 5 of it towards your actual AC and moderate fortification (because critical hits really suck- especially at this level) This costs 64,000 leaving 54,000

So we have armor(sort of) a belt, 2 weapons and a cloak.
Time to purchase some lesser magic items:
amulet of natural armor +3 18000 36,000 left
boots of the earth 5,000 31,000 left
Circlet of persuasion 4,500 26,500 left
ring of protection +3 18,000 8,500 left

I suggest keeping the rest as pocket money to handle expenses. Your AC should now be somewhere near 30... which is decent. And your intelligent item is packing some serious firepower. I left the exact 6th level spell up to you, but casting a 6th level spell at will is pretty big. Disintegrate, for example, would allow you to plow straight through a mountain.

That should make your character relevant in almost any situation, give you some strong defenses and some very potent attack power.

2017-01-29, 04:21 AM
suggestions for feats are also appreciated, all pathfinder 1st party books, spheres of power and path of war are allowed, 3.5 material or pathfinder 3th party material can be accepted if the GM finds them acceptable.

Path of war is not allowed at most tables, and the OP asked for equipment, not help with feats.

Actually, he did. Read the Bolded parts from his quote. The guy said that he'd also like feat suggestions and that Path of War is allowed at his table.
EDIT: Also, theres no real need to bother with keen when TWFing when ultimately it will be more cost effective to burn a feat on Improved Critical.

2017-01-29, 10:15 PM
Actually, he did. Read the Bolded parts from his quote. The guy said that he'd also like feat suggestions and that Path of War is allowed at his table.
EDIT: Also, theres no real need to bother with keen when TWFing when ultimately it will be more cost effective to burn a feat on Improved Critical.

Ah, I did in fact miss that. My apologies.

As for keen, maybe... in which case I would suggest another +1 weapon ability. Maybe an elemental ability or some such? Either way, as a high powered character, it feels right to me to have at least one truly high powered item, with the other items acting as a support... hence the whole intelligent item with super qualities tied to his character's destiny that I suggested. Might need some working with his GM to allow it.

Feats are precious... gold is much easier to come by than feats. I could see someone arguing for keeping the keen and using the feats for something else. But I guess it's a matter of taste maybe. I'll leave it to the OP, its his character after all. Keep the keen, or toss it and use a feat for the crit range... and get a different +1 property. Either way is fine.

Edit: this is, btw, assuming the character is NOT mythic. If mythic GET THE FEAT... and then the mythic improved critical to increase the multiplier.

2017-01-30, 04:59 AM
It is always more efficient to have one of the two weapons' Training to give Improved Critical than to have keen on each imo though, unless he needs all the other feats included to run his build.

2017-01-31, 09:44 AM
thank both of you for the help, the suggestions really helped on picking items + feats