View Full Version : Roleplaying How to handle Attack Drones?

2017-01-29, 10:12 AM
Thorn Attack Drones (as described in D20 Future Tech) when it comes to considering their importance and evaluating their overall threat level (from the point of view of an typical society that has the tools at hand presented by DnD 3.5/D20 Modern & Urban Arcana & Future & Future Tech and such)?

As far as I can tell, while slightly on the expensive side (not so much in regard to purchase costs - those, while high compared to many other things, are still reasonably acceptable - but their maintance costs - i.e. power cells and such that need to be replaced on an regular basis), they're extremely dangerous what with only being large size (and thus perfectly capable of operating within structures and pretty much everywhere), their considerably high hardness (much higher than most metals), their extremely high speed (3000 feet tactical speed is quite high after all) and their (for regular creatures) deadly fire-linked lasers (that also have max range of 30000 feet, as usual for this type of Starship weapons ... and theycould - as normal for Laser Starship weapons - also be, with some work time, set on Autofire to, as standard attack action, possibly rain death down on everything within one 1000x1000 feet with they regular attack power at the cost ships being entiteled to DC 15 pilot checks to avoid their damage completely and thus being able to shot them down without them being able to do anything in return) and (when compared to all that) still not all that bad HP. Their sensors do seem to be not as good as high-grade mecha sensors (as far as I could tell) and they're limited to dealing fire-type damage (or ramming and/or self-destructing) but that's pretty much it. As they're unmanned, they don't even need to train sufficiently skilled personal (fighters and such need highly trained pilots to operate) and aren't treatened by the things that would commonly be directly or indirectly dangerous to living beings and as they don't have stat scores as such (spaceships operate under special rules, after all) or at least don't need them for anything, so they're even harder to take down.

Is there any reason why militaries at progress levels where these drones are available wouldn't (besides the fact that creatures and such can do things Drones are unable to do and that they're limited to dealing fire damage) replace most of their standard soldiers and tanks with that kind of Attack Drones as they are pretty much everything modern military could've hoped for thus far as far as Drone Warfare is concerned?

And how would some sufficiently high level (level 10 at minimum) creature (be it one DnD3.5 character that also has access to D20 Future stuff and such ... or some creatures and/or monsters that don't have direct access to D20 Future and such stuff but still regular access to DnD 3.5 things) be able to handle a threat like that (or at least attempt to handle that once they've learned in what ways technology - like those Attack Drones - can bully them) besides being immune to fire damage? Is there anything non-casters (or WBL-wizardry users) could do here (as I even see plenty of dragons and such having issues here)?

As such, how would (planet-based) military conflicts (be they between societies/militaries that have access to those drones ... or between those that have acces to them and thos that don't) look like once attack drones hit the stage at Progress Level 6 (on that note ... they could even be used on other planes of existence ... and as they're only large and not "that" heavy, transporting them shouldn'tbe much of an issue ... which is quite scary for those living there as well)?

Some advice in regard how to handle this topic would be quite helpful.

Thanks in advance.

2017-01-29, 02:42 PM
Thorn Attack Drones (as described in D20 Future Tech) when it comes to considering their importance and evaluating their overall threat level (from the point of view of an typical society that has the tools at hand presented by DnD 3.5/D20 Modern & Urban Arcana & Future & Future Tech and such)?

As far as I can tell, while slightly on the expensive side (not so much in regard to purchase costs - those, while high compared to many other things, are still reasonably acceptable - but their maintance costs - i.e. power cells and such that need to be replaced on an regular basis), they're extremely dangerous what with only being large size (and thus perfectly capable of operating within structures and pretty much everywhere), their considerably high hardness (much higher than most metals), their extremely high speed (3000 feet tactical speed is quite high after all) and their (for regular creatures) deadly fire-linked lasers (that also have max range of 30000 feet, as usual for this type of Starship weapons ... and theycould - as normal for Laser Starship weapons - also be, with some work time, set on Autofire to, as standard attack action, possibly rain death down on everything within one 1000x1000 feet with they regular attack power at the cost ships being entiteled to DC 15 pilot checks to avoid their damage completely and thus being able to shot them down without them being able to do anything in return) and (when compared to all that) still not all that bad HP. Their sensors do seem to be not as good as high-grade mecha sensors (as far as I could tell) and they're limited to dealing fire-type damage (or ramming and/or self-destructing) but that's pretty much it. As they're unmanned, they don't even need to train sufficiently skilled personal (fighters and such need highly trained pilots to operate) and aren't treatened by the things that would commonly be directly or indirectly dangerous to living beings and as they don't have stat scores as such (spaceships operate under special rules, after all) or at least don't need them for anything, so they're even harder to take down.

Is there any reason why militaries at progress levels where these drones are available wouldn't (besides the fact that creatures and such can do things Drones are unable to do and that they're limited to dealing fire damage) replace most of their standard soldiers and tanks with that kind of Attack Drones as they are pretty much everything modern military could've hoped for thus far as far as Drone Warfare is concerned?

And how would some sufficiently high level (level 10 at minimum) creature (be it one DnD3.5 character that also has access to D20 Future stuff and such ... or some creatures and/or monsters that don't have direct access to D20 Future and such stuff but still regular access to DnD 3.5 things) be able to handle a threat like that (or at least attempt to handle that once they've learned in what ways technology - like those Attack Drones - can bully them) besides being immune to fire damage? Is there anything non-casters (or WBL-wizardry users) could do here (as I even see plenty of dragons and such having issues here)?

As such, how would (planet-based) military conflicts (be they between societies/militaries that have access to those drones ... or between those that have acces to them and thos that don't) look like once attack drones hit the stage at Progress Level 6 (on that note ... they could even be used on other planes of existence ... and as they're only large and not "that" heavy, transporting them shouldn'tbe much of an issue ... which is quite scary for those living there as well)?

Some advice in regard how to handle this topic would be quite helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Easy to gain shielding vs energy attacks.
Hacking possible.
A couple weapons can disable robotic stuff: Electromagnetic weapons
a. Jammer round
b. Gauss Rifle deals double to it and disables it with a failed save
c. Anti-tank pistol bypasses 10 hardness
d. Hit with a Nano round to lower hardness then kill it
e. Induction Aversion Adapter: DC 15 reflex or knocks out mecha, robots. Even on save, 1/2 power.
Adding Absorptive gadgets to your armor: Gain resist 10 to energy, plus raises energy for ever energy blocked

Now for second case:
3.5 creatures vs the drone?
Well, what CR do we peg this thing? CR 6?
Hardness 30.
It has low AC 9 (10-1 Size), Good damage (only fire but 9d6), 2d10 hps, -4 hit, It has 2 lasers that fire together to deal 9d6.
Disable a singe one to lower damage a huge amount (good choice to sunder).

So anyone can hit the drone.
Let us see what CR 6's, it can fight.
1) Wyvern: but it would need PA to even try to hurt it.
With PA feat: It would barely damage it (it could dump all BAB for +7 Damage, and still hit the drone).
So Drone wins.
2) Willow Wisp: undetected, but unable to kill Drone.
3) Air Elemental Huge can't even hurt it with whirlwind.
4) Stone Giant can hurt it
5) Dragon Turtle (any dragon) can breath on it. But limited range.
6) Bearded Devil deals 2 damage per round auto So even if can't kill before it dies, it takes the Drone with it a minute or so later.
7) Lantern Archons auto kill it (Hardness doesn't help vs its rays).
8) Chimera only wins by Breath Weapon
So CR7 or 8 seems reasonable for Drone.

2017-01-29, 03:02 PM
I think I'll let Mr. Heinlein field this one.

There are a dozen different ways of delivering destruction in impersonal wholesale, via ships or missiles of one sort or another, catastrophes so widespread, so unselective that the war is over because that nation or planet has ceased to exist. What we do is entirely different. We make war as personal as a punch in the nose. We can be selective, applying precisely the required amount of pressure at the specified point at a designated time. We've never been told to go down and kill or capture all left-handed redheads in a particular area, but if they tell us to, we can. We will.
We are the boys who will go to a particular place, at H-hour, occupy a designated terrain, stand on it, dig the enemy out of their holes, force them then and there to surrender or die. We're the bloody infantry, the doughboy, the duckfoot, the foot soldier who goes where the enemy is and takes them on in person. We've been doing it, with changes in weapons but very little change in our trade, at least since the time five thousand years ago when the foot sloggers of Sargon the Great forced the Sumerians to cry "Uncle!"

The drone is neither intelligent nor precise. It's fairly useless if there's any kind of concern for collateral damage - e.g. urban warfare. It cannot be used to take and hold territory, any more than any aircraft can. And in larger scale conflicts it is very flimsy (30 hp and 30 hardness will keep off small arms, but it's in trouble the moment you bring in any kind of heavy weapons), very poorly armed (9d8 damage is going to struggle against anything other than light vehicles, and will virtually bounce off most starships), inaccurate, and very stupid. Put it up against the basic PL6 Fighter and odds it'll be scrap in a single round, without scratching the fighter's paint job. Really, it ends up fitting in a similar slot to UAVs today - being very good for blowing up ground targets that lack the capability to respond to an aerial threat, but staying the hell away from anything that can shoot back.