View Full Version : Weapons Power

2017-01-29, 10:18 AM
I play a Cleric, our DM gave out weird masterwork items that AREN'T magical, but have bonuses. Is it better to use the +1 Sickle I got or stick with my regular Mace?

2017-01-29, 10:21 AM
I imagine the sickle is 1d4 +1, while the mace is 1d6. They average about the same damage.

I would go with the sickle for about the same damage but higher accuracy.

2017-01-29, 11:06 AM
I play a Cleric, our DM gave out weird masterwork items that AREN'T magical, but have bonuses. Is it better to use the +1 Sickle I got or stick with my regular Mace?

Most of the time, they're functionally equivalent. Against a 2HP enemy, the sickle is significantly better (100% chance to kill instead of 83%). Against a 6 HP enemy, the mace is significantly better (17% chance to kill instead of 0). Add your bonus damage to both the 2 and the 6 numbers to figure out the actual HP points where this is relevant. I personally like the sickle a bit better mechanically, but then my favorite 3.5 average damage weapon would be a 2+1d2 weapon.

2017-01-29, 11:18 AM
Mace is better on crits as well as the points raised above but my inclination would be to use the sickle. Hitting more is nice plus you get to show off your shiny best quality weaponry. Sickle is also a light weapon which may be relevant at some point.

Though, is there a pressing need to choose? You can always hang onto the mace in case you find yourself in need of a bludgeoning weapon for some reason.

2017-01-30, 12:42 AM
Go with whatever looks cooler. If they are the same, err towards the sickle for better accuracy.

2017-01-30, 12:18 PM
Go with whatever looks cooler. If they are the same, err towards the sickle for better accuracy.

agreed. sickles can look really cool, or not so cool... best to find out first which kind you've got ^^

(mechanically, the sickle will be slightly better slightly more often unless you for some reason need a mace or a non-light weapon. practically speaking, they're close enough that it shouldn't make a major difference... i for one hate missing, and the sickle helps with that, but but not a whole lot).

2017-01-30, 12:51 PM
The sickle is probably at least slightly better.

If any of the following apply:
-Based on your cleric level and domain you do extra damage on a hit (i.e. Divine Strike or similar)
-You use SCAG weapon cantrips
-You'd like to use two weapons (mainhand and offhand... not usually a great idea for a cleric)
...then the sickle is probably significantly better.