View Full Version : Optimization I wanna play a Warblade//Cleric!

2017-01-29, 02:45 PM
As the title says. PBP game on these forums, set in Eberron. I'm thinking of a self-buffing melee combatant. Character creation details here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21628937&postcount=1)

Please help. I'm looking for domains, maneuvers, races, and magic items to use. And spells. Those too.

2017-01-29, 03:09 PM
I assume you're just using the cleric side for buffs, then warblade will be the active side?

Transformation or alteration domains are both great. I'm AFB, but I can't remember offhand any domains with critical melee buffs - clerics already get just about every one in the game. There are a few that offer enlarge person at 1.

2017-01-29, 03:17 PM
For domains I would probably go for Travel and Trickery or Strength or Knowledge.

Maneuver selection depens on how many melee guys we have in the party since Warblades afaik get access to white raven. Else I would go for Diamond Mind or Iron Heart with a few of the mountain hammer strikes added for fun. I would advise against Tiger Claw since afaik they need two weapons to function.

Weapons either going for the one weapon your god wields or a spiked chain (when focusing on tripping) or either Mountain Hammer or another big weapon.

Good luck!

2017-01-29, 04:31 PM
Since it's gestalt, use Cloistered Cleric (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#clericVariantCloistere dCleric) in UA. Trade the Knowledge domain for Knowledge Devotion (CC), and put at least one rank in each knowledge skill that can identify a creature (arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, religion, the planes) so you always get at least +1 against every opponent from Knowledge Devotion.

For your two domains, you should definitely consider replacing one with another devotion feat in Complete Champion, or just pick one up normally. If you're considering a domain with a weak domain power because it has good spells, just remember you can always trade that domain power for Divine Restoration in Dungeonscape. Complete Mage has Divine Magician, which replaces a domain so you can pick an abjuration, divination, or necromancy spell from the Wizard list (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?PHPSESSID=7q47fnt0nfs2a48650j1jt9vu5&topic=4622.0) at each spell level for domain spells. You can DMM: Persist these (Shield, Ray Deflection), you can get some automatic-win choices (Command Undead, Starmantle), or just extremely good choices that would have been unavailable otherwise (Anticipate Teleportation). Also consider getting spontaneous domain casting in PH2 instead of spontaneously casting cure or inflict spells.

Definitely get Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, and Divine Metamagic: Persistent. Pick up a Reliquary Holy Symbol (MIC) and at least one Nightstick (LM). Check with your DM on whether you can use multiple Nightsticks, their benefit is not expressed as a bonus so it shouldn't fall under the rules on multiple bonuses not stacking, plus it emulates Extra Turning which specifically does stack with itself. You definitely want to use DMM: Persist with Mass Lesser Vigor and Righteous Wrath of the Faithful on your whole party.

Try to include Power Attack, possibly also Leap Attack, and get Armbands of Might (MIC) which can have other effects added (MIC p234). You'll want to get two flaws for two extra feats, and any traits that improve Intimidate. Your Warblade bonus feats should be Combat Reflexes and Improved Initiative, though Ironheart Aura is also a great choice. I would focus on Iron Heart and Diamond Mind maneuvers and stances, though the other three have some superb choices as well.

Consider getting the Raiment of the Four item set in MIC, especially the belt and goggles, and get a Lesser Rod of Maximize to use with that. Also pick up a Circlet of Rapid Casting (MIC) that has an Enhancement bonus to Wisdom added (MIC p234). Get at least one Lesser Rod of Extend for buffs, an animated shield (or cast Shield with DMM: Persist), and as many of the Necessary Magic Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items) categories as you can get, but keep in mind that your spells can cover many of those.

For your race, it's actually quite easy to tack on some fairly extreme Intimidate abilities. Go with a Desert Half-Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertHalfOrcs) in UA, get Menacing Demeanor as your bonus racial feat and either Persuasive or Skill Focus: Intimidate as your free flavor feat. Take the Never Outnumbered skill trick in CS so you can intimidate every opponent within ten feet once per encounter. Ideally you would get the feat Imperious Command and the Fearsome armor property, both in Drow of the Underdark. While that's not labeled as a setting-specific book, it was written with the Forgotten Realms in mind, but everything is usable in an Eberron game (and even has "Using X in Eberron" sections for otherwise setting-specific material it contains). That book was printed more recently than Magic Item Compendium, so its version of the Fearsome armor property is the most current one.

Pick up Fell Frighten Spell in LM, and you can use the following sequence of actions in a single round: Fell Frighten area effect spell (standard action), opponents are Shaken for ten rounds. Anklet of Translocation or Sudden Leap maneuver to get closer (swift action). Intimidate check with Never Outnumbered (move action), affected opponents cower for one round and are Shaken the following round. If a Shaken creature would become Shaken again, they're instead Frightened for the entire duration of each effect that contributed (ten rounds from Fell Frighten). Just be sure that Fell Frighten spell isn't spontaneously cast, since metamagic will increase the casting time unless you spend a feat on Rapid Metamagic (CM). Every round you can spend a move action to intimidate an opponent so they'll cower for a round, and still use a strike maneuver or make an attack as a standard action.

Consider getting a Monk's Belt or even dipping a few Monk levels on the Warblade side for some bonus feats (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#monkVariantFightingSty les) and to make your initiator level high enough for your Warblade 4 stance to be 3rd level. Use (Rod of) Extended (Greater) Luminous Armor in BoED every day, and cast (Rod of Extended) Magic Vestment on the effect as well as on your animated shield or your Shield spell effect. Consider using something to boost your caster level (Divine Spell Power feat in CD) so you can get +3 out of Magic Vestment and Greater Magic Weapon at the start of play. Also be sure to keep up 24-hour buffs like Greater/Superior Resistance (SC) and Anticipate Teleportation (if you took it).

By level 12 or 13 you should pick up a standard Metamagic Rod of Extend and a 6th level Pearl of Power. Every other day, prepare Energy Immunity (SC) twice, and use the rod and the pearl to cast that three times so you're immune to three energy types for 48 hours. On the days in between, prepare Energy Immunity and Superior Resistance (SC) each once, cast those with the rod and use the pearl and the rod to cast Energy Immunity again. This spends two 6th level spells and those two items each day to give you constant immunity to all five energy types and +6 to each of your saving throws.

2017-01-29, 04:37 PM
That's a lot resources on energy immunity. Do you think that continent energy resistance isn't enough protection for most cases?

2017-01-29, 06:56 PM
That's a lot resources on energy immunity. Do you think that continent energy resistance isn't enough protection for most cases?

I think that energy immunity might not be required, but it's still damn good if you can get your hands on it.

2017-01-29, 07:13 PM
I think that energy immunity might not be required, but it's still damn good if you can get your hands on it.

I suppose so. Contingent Energy Resist has a duration of hr/CL, so it's a decent alternate option. I personally would persist other spells like FoM or Death Ward over energy immunity, but I understand that you could do it the other way around, too, and have items for those spells instead.

2017-01-29, 08:01 PM
Persistomancy was mentioned, but you might want to look at this build (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21424269&postcount=11) which optimizes cleric-based persistomancy. Persistomancy or more generally emphasis on long-lasting spells seem particularly compelling as a passive-side approach. For play balance reasons, you may want to emphasize persistable buffs you can share.

An Archivist instead approach would give you access to a wider variety of spells for persistomancy.

On the Warblade side Eternal Blade is nice if you can live with the elf constraint.

2017-01-31, 02:55 PM

Warblade is active side.


Ooooooohhhh... Travel looks nice. As does Strength. What about Time? I'm planning Greatsword.


Wow. Ummm... I'm considering against Cloistered because I want Heavy armour to reduce my extreme MAD. Spontaneous domain casting looks good... Would going Time and going into Swiftblade be a good idea? Thanks for the item help. I'll look into it.


Archivist might be nice, reducing Wisdom dependency with Academic Priest. However, no heavy armor. Persistomancy looks nice. I'd rather go GOliath than elf.

For stats, would 14 15 16 13 10 9 or 32 point buy be better?

2017-01-31, 03:11 PM
Actually i play Eberron with a Cleric 7 //Paladin 6/fighter1

Its f** amazing!!
I used Paladin, because its increase my capacity to divine metamagic, the mount (eberron set provides the bests mounts), and some other stuff, like saves.

The core of this build is the cleric, of course. Take a look at my build, maybe usefull for you.



Extend Spell - Double spell's duration. Uses a spell slot 1 level higher
Persistent Spell -A persistent spell has a duration of 24 hours. Spell slot six levels higher.
Divine Metamagic
Extra Turning -Turning or rebuking abilities gains four additional uses per day.
Extra Spell (my DM allowed me to take Lions Charge) -You can learn one more spell.
Mounted Combat - When mount is hit in combat, try Ride check (= mount AC) to negate hit. (x1 / rnd)

Core Spells

Divine Power
Bull Strength
Lions Charge

Use the domain of Strength, that provides your level to STR and luck for some cool things!

Of course, this is to lvl 7, but this build doesnt stop to improve!

The mount i use is the magebred ghost tiger.

But if you change the paladin by warblade, it should still amazing!

2017-01-31, 11:23 PM
For Armor: Use the Luminous Armor and Visage of the Deity line and maybe Shield of Faith with Magic Vestments and some pearls of power (and maybe a lesser rod of extend spell for them.) . Then just wear some padded armor or something so you can put special property's like Soul Fire, Freedom of Movement or Heavy Fortification on it.

You'll have a better and more consistent AC, don't HAVE to prioritize Dex, and don't need to deal with heavy armor or even worry about it.

IF you go Archivist, I would recommend taking either Tireless and Steadfast Determination, or taking Keen Intellect. These are feats. Tireless is a prerequisite to Steadfast Determinaiton that is better then the normal one. (Can be used in place of the Endurance feat for this purpose.) Steadfast determination let's you use your Con mod instead of Wis mod for will saves, and you don't auto fail Fort saves on a nat 1.

Keen Intellect moves all Wis based skills (Except Profession.) Over to being Int based skills, and also makes it so you use your Int mod for Will Saves and not your Wis mod.