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View Full Version : FF XI Inspired Red Mage

2007-07-20, 07:22 PM
I have been reading these forums for the last year and in seeing all the ideas that pop up here it has inspired me to share one of mine with you. I have played DnD since 2001 and I find that there is no true half caster (I know there is the bard but it is nothin compared to what is once was in 2nd ed). Having the love of the FF series I find it odd that the only RM is one inspired by 8bit. Please help me balance this as this is my first attempt at class creation. So with ought further Ado My Vision The Red Mage:


Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills

The Red Mage's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (int), Concentration (con), Craft (int), Heal (wis), Jump (str), Knowledge (Arcane) (int), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (int), Knowledge (Religion), Profession (wis), Ride (dex), Spellcraft (int), Spot (wis), Tumble (dex), Use Magic Device (cha)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4+ Int modifier) x4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells Learned|0lvl|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th

+2|Personalized Crafter|2+WIS Modifier|2|-

+3|Bonus Feat|2|3|0|-

+3|Spell channeled weapon, 1st Descriptor|2|3|1|-


+4|Twin cast 1/day|2|3|2|1|-

+5|2nd Descriptor|2|3|3|2|-



+6|Quicken spell 1/day, 3rd Descriptor|2|3|3|3|2|-

+7|Twin cast 2/day|2|3|3|3|2|0|-

+7|Bonus Feat|2|3|3|3|3|1|-

+8|4th Descriptor|2|3|3|3|3|2|-


+9|Quicken spell 2/day|2|4|3|3|3|3|1|-

+9|Twin cast 3/day, 5th Descriptor|2|4|4|3|3|3|2|-



+11|6th Descriptor|2|4|4|4|4|4|3|2

+11|Quicken spell 3/day|2|4|4|4|4|4|4|3

+12|Death Blossom, Twin cast 4/day|2|4|4|4|4|4|4|4[/table]

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Red Mage.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Red Mage is proficient with all simple weapons as well as the 2H Bastard Sword, Flail, Glaive, Longsword, Ranseur, Rapier, Shortbow, Composite Shortbow, Shortsword, and the Trident. Red Mages are proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). A Red Mage can cast their class spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a Red Mage wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component (most do). A multiclass Red Mage still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Spells: A Red Mage casts arcane and divine spells, which are drawn from the Cleric or Sorcerer/Wizard Spells spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a Red Mage must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Red Mage's spell is 10 + the spell level + the Red Mage's Wisdom modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a Red Mage can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Red Mage. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score. When the Red Mage’s Spells per Day indicates that the bard gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to based on his Wisdom score for that spell level.
Unlike other spellcasters a Red Mage needs to focus on several aspects of Magic and Martial Arts. As such a Red Mages Caster Level is equal to his Base Attack Bonus gained through Red Mage Levels.

The Red Mage’s selection of spells is fairly limited. A Red Mage begins play knowing two plus their wisdom modifier 0-level spells of your choice. At each new Red Mage level, he gains two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new Red Mage level).

Upon reaching 5th level, and at every third Red Mage level after that (8th, 11th, and so on), a Red Mage can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the Red Mage 'loses' the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least two levels lower than the highest-level Red Mage spell the Red Mage can cast. A Red Mage may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level.

As noted above, a Red Mage need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the spell's level.

Personalized Crafter: A Red Mage is highly proficient in the crafting of the tools of war and may make any craft check with a +2 competency bonus for a weapon in witch he is proficient with. This high degree of skill allows a Red Mage to personalize a weapon they are proficient with. A personalized weapon grants a +1 inherent bonus to initiative and damage. These bonuses stack with those of the mastercraft quality. Someone who wishes to wield a personalized weapon that the weapon was not personalized for suffers a -1 penalty to attack, initiative and damage with that weapon due to it’s customized nature. Any weapon that the Red Mage wishes to personalize must be at least mastercraft in quality and must be preformed during the crafting process. The personalized component has its own price (550 gp) and a Craft DC of 25. Note: The cost you pay for the personalized component is one-third of the given amount, just as it is for the cost in raw materials. Due to the amount of familiarization A Red Mage needs with the User of the personalized weapon usually he can only personalize a weapon for himself. However, as long as he meets the prerequisites he can make a personalized weapon for someone else. To do this the Red Mage must study the user for a period of a week while the user goes through the motions of using the Weapon type they desire to have personalized for them. Also, the user must be present during the entire crafting process so the Red Mage can make necessary adjustments for balance. If at any point the Red Mage fails a Craft Check he must start over and study user for another week.

Bonus Feats: At 2nd and 11th level, a Red Mage gets a bonus feat derived form the Fighter or Metamagic feat list. A Red Mage must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including class, ability score, and base attack bonus minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. A fighter is not limited to the list of fighter bonus feats when choosing these feats.

Spell channeled weapon: Upon reaching 3rd level a Red Mage can channel pure magic essence into their personalized weapon. By sacrificing a Spell per Day the Red Mage gaines bonus damage equal to 1D4 times the level of the Spell slot sacrificed for a round per Caster Level. When sacrificing a Spell slot the Red Mage chooses a descriptor of a type he knows and the bonus damage is of that descriptor type.

Descriptor: Upon reaching 3rd level and every 3rd level thereafter a Red Mage chooses a descriptor to add to bonus energy type for the spell channeled weapon ability. The valid descriptor choices are: (acid, air, chaotic, cold, darkness, earth, electricity, evil, fire, force, good, lawful, light, sonic, and water). When choosing a descriptor of an alignment your alignment must match. If at anytime a Red Mages alignment changes the chosen descriptor automatically changes to match his new alignment (If in the case that the new alignment changes significantly enough the Red Mage chooses one of the other. ex. A Lawful-Good Red Mage’s alignment changes to Chaotic-Good and the known Descriptor is Lawful the Red Mage may choose either Chaotic or Good as the new descriptor type).

Twin Cast: In order to make up for a Red Mage’s lack of power he gains the ability to cast two spells per round. At 5th level as a full round action the Red Mage can cast a second spell by paying the full cost of both spells once per day. At 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter the Red Mage gains an additional use of Twin Cast per day. Any spell can be Twin Cast as long both spells are at least one level lower than the highest level spell a Red Mage can cast and nether spell has a casting time longer than a standard action. If Twin Cast is used the spells cast with it are the only ones he can cast that round.

Quicken Spell: Upon reaching 9th level the Red Mage develops the ability to cast spells consuming little time. Once per day the Red Mage can cast any Spell he knows of at least two levels lower than the highest level spell he can cast as a Swift Action as long as the spell being cast has a casting time no longer than a full round action. At 14th level and every 5 levels thereafter the Red Mage gains an additional use of Quicken Spell. Use of Quicken Spell does not stack with Twin Cast. Also, If Quicken Spell is used that is the only spell that he can use that round.

Death Blossom: As the ultimate form of understanding and the ultimate act of desperation the Red Mage launches a Hail of essence at all enemies within radius. Once per day as a full round action the Red Mage can sacrifice the equivalent of 20+ spell levels and chooses an energy type form the descriptors he knows. 10+1 per 2 spell levels sacrificed beyond 20 missiles launch at each enemy within 30+5 feet per 4 spell levels sacrificed beyond 20. DC save 15 + Wisdom modifier + 1 per 2 spell levels sacrificed beyond 20. Reflex for half. At the end of the Round that Death Blossom is used the Red Mage becomes fatigued and must rest using the normal rules for fatigue.

Zeta Kai
2007-07-20, 09:37 PM
That BAB is awfully high. For a spellcaster of this caliber, I'd go no higher than 1/2 HD.

2007-07-20, 10:11 PM
That BAB is awfully high. For a spellcaster of this caliber, I'd go no higher than 1/2 HD.

Hmm... Personally I don't see it. All of there abilitiys that make up for the fact that their caster lv only reaches 15 are use per day. But I am new at this so all help is appreciated. How would you reduce casting to keep the 3/4 BAB?

2007-07-20, 10:14 PM
The Red Mage was a mediocre warrior though is the thing.

2007-07-21, 08:33 AM
Though never the true DPS that the warriors were they could still handle there own in a fight. And what they lacked in damage potential they could attempt to make up for by exploiting the elemental weaknesses of the mob in question. However, I am open to suggestion. But, I believe that red mage should have the 3/4 BAB and would like to know that if this is unbalanced. How do I balance it to keep the 3/4?

2007-07-21, 08:38 AM
Overall this looks kinda like a bard redo... so the 3/4 bab fits.

2007-07-21, 12:29 PM
This class definitely captures the flavor of the Red Mage from the D&D games quite well. Though I'm wondering if that's enough...

A thorough analysis:
No alignment restriction, that's okay.
Low HD; not going to be that combat intensive. Will probably be more support damage and Sir Buffsalot.
Skills: Sorry, there were to many typos that I had to go ahead and fix.

The Red Mage's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (int), Concentration (con), Craft (int), Heal (wis), Jump (str), Knowledge (Arcane) (int), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (int), Knowledge (Religion), Profession (wis), Ride (dex), Spellcraft (int), Spot (wis), Tumble (dex), Use Magic Device (cha)
Use Magic Devices sounds sort of redundant. No caster uses it or needs it, because they already possess the ability to cast magic. You should scratch it. Overall, however, the skill do not provide anything or unusual, and they do not receive an overall imbalance in terms of skill points.
Base attack bonus: Is 3/4 HD, which is the same as the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Rogue. The bard is a half-caster, the Cleric and Druid are full casters, and the Monk and Rogue are not casters. The BAB doesn't seem out of place when you compare it to other classes and consider its low HD.
The saving throws are as a Bard: Poor Fort, Good Ref, Good Will. Nothing wrong here.
Weapon proficiencies seem a bit odd to me. You choose yourself a melee weapon? Most classes don't give this distinction; there is no choice. I'm not criticizing your decision to give the player a choice, I'm just not sure this fits the flavor of the class. Red Mages in most Final Fantasy games, where they were featured, were perfectly able to wield swords. I'd say just create a list of weapons they are proficient in. The armor proficiencies are the same as a bard, and they work.
The caster portion I'm a bit concerned out: It has the same spells per day as a bard, and spells known (I'm guessing since the chart wasn't posted along with it). They don't have much flexibility, but their possible spell selections are much larger than the Bard's. An open spell list for both classes, even if it caps at 6th, may be open for some abuse. I recommend solving the problem by creating a Red Mage spell list. I'm okay with Wisdom being a casting skill. Seems to fit the class.
Personalized Crafter provides an interesting combat edge. You state the weapon created is of masterwork quality, does this stack with the +1 inherent bonus to attack and damage?
The bonus feats are okay. Being that they're only 2, I doubt they're going to break the game too much.
The Spell Channel allows a Red Mage to spontaneously convert spell slots to damage, at +d4/spell level (average +2 to damage); by 16th level, a Red Mage can spontaneously convert +6d4 (average 12). Not overpowering. Hell, Scouts and Rogues gain a +d6 to attack that only requires a certain obligation. I think you might be able to increase the conversion to d6/spell level.
I'm a bit confused as to what the Descriptor does. Does it add only a descriptor to the spell? Does it replace it or stack with existing descriptors? How does it affect damage?
The following abilities I don't have much to say about: Twin Cast is nice. Quicken needs the same limitation that the Quicken feat provides: You cannot quicken a spell that has a casting time of greater than 1 round. And Death Blossom is a nice capstone.

Overall, I am impressed with this class.

2007-07-21, 01:55 PM
Skills: Sorry, there were to many typos that I had to go ahead and fix.

Use Magic Devices sounds sort of redundant. No caster uses it or needs it, because they already possess the ability to cast magic. You should scratch it. Overall, however, the skill do not provide anything or unusual, and they do not receive an overall imbalance in terms of skill points.

First I have to say that I officially apologize for all typos that I have made and will make in the future (it is sometimes far too often an occurrence). I will fix them now. And UMD was possibly a bad choice. However, that might not be so if the Spell list becomes more restricted.

Weapon proficiencies seem a bit odd to me. You choose yourself a melee weapon? Most classes don't give this distinction; there is no choice. I'm not criticizing your decision to give the player a choice, I'm just not sure this fits the flavor of the class. Red Mages in most Final Fantasy games, where they were featured, were perfectly able to wield swords. I'd say just create a list of weapons they are proficient in. The armor proficiencies are the same as a bard, and they work.

Looking back on this I agree and I will compose a list and make changes.

The caster portion I'm a bit concerned out: It has the same spells per day as a bard, and spells known (I'm guessing since the chart wasn't posted along with it). They don't have much flexibility, but their possible spell selections are much larger than the Bard's. An open spell list for both classes, even if it caps at 6th, may be open for some abuse. I recommend solving the problem by creating a Red Mage spell list. I'm okay with Wisdom being a casting skill. Seems to fit the class.

Spells known are in section on spells but I will add it to the table.

Personalized Crafter provides an interesting combat edge. You state the weapon created is of masterwork quality, does this stack with the +1 inherent bonus to attack and damage?

They do stack. That is why the penalties were for all three if someone other than the person the weapon was designed for used it.

The Spell Channel allows a Red Mage to spontaneously convert spell slots to damage, at +d4/spell level (average +2 to damage); by 16th level, a Red Mage can spontaneously convert +6d4 (average 12). Not overpowering. Hell, Scouts and Rogues gain a +d6 to attack that only requires a certain obligation. I think you might be able to increase the conversion to d6/spell level.
I'm a bit confused as to what the Descriptor does. Does it add only a descriptor to the spell? Does it replace it or stack with existing descriptors? How does it affect damage?

Descriptor is part of the spell channel. When you sac a spell you chose a descriptor form those know and the bonus D4 are that energy type. For creatures with immunities and vulnerabilities damage is supposed to be modified accordingly. I am thinking of doing what they in EPH with the Energy powers and having each type do something special but I did not know if that was too much.

The following abilities I don't have much to say about: Twin Cast is nice. Quicken needs the same limitation that the Quicken feat provides: You cannot quicken a spell that has a casting time of greater than 1 round. And Death Blossom is a nice capstone.

I will change Quicken to reflect that.

Thanks for the advice. All help is always appreciated and I will try to make changes shortly.

2007-07-23, 03:00 AM
I like it. I was actually going to make something similar(and I may still do so, my version more heavily emphasized the "Jack of all Trades" aspect), though I had an idea for an ability to mirror the Convert skill.

Something like, the Red Mage could sacrifice HP to gain an additional spell use as a Standard Action, OR sacrifice a spell for the day to immediately gain HP. I wouldn't know how to balance that as far as HP to spell converting(maybe something like, 2 HP for a 0th level Spell, then 2+double the spell level for 1st-3rd level spells, and 4+triple the spell level for 4th-6th, though that may need further balancing). Probably should limit the number of Conversions per day too.

A custom red mage spell like "Refresh" could also give an ally, say, an additional spell per day for spells of the fourth level or lower(and perhaps a Greater Refresh and/or Superior Refresh to allow extra spells of higher spell levels). Though the Refresh spell should have a limited duration, and if they don't cast the additional spells within that time they are lost. A custom Gravity spell would be easy to mimic as well, though I imagine it probably just would function like an inferior Slow spell(though you could make it lower level than Slow to balance).

Just a few suggestions.