View Full Version : Help with building ToB style masters

2017-01-30, 09:52 AM

So... I've got plans for a webcomic that runs on D&D 3.5 rules, similar to Order of the Stick, and in a homebrewed setting. The setting includes martial adepts, and currently I'm trying to make the nine masters of each martial style.

I do have a general idea of What In The Nine Hells I'm DoingTM, but I still think that I need some more help. It would be a great help if you guys gave me some advice.

Because of the length of this posts, spoiler boxes have been used.


Must be included. Period.


Don't suggest this. Don't, and I mean it.


I'd like to do this, but if it doesn't work that well, then it can be changed.


*Obviously, each master much focus on their chosen style. That is not to say that they must specialize in that one alone, just that it has to be their most prominent one.

*They must use one of their discipline weapons. If they use two or more different weapon types, both must be from the master's discipline.

*White Raven, Stone Dragon, Devoted Spirit; Crusader. Desert Wind, Shadow Hand, Setting Sun; Swordsage. Iron Heart, Tiger Claw, Diamond Mind; Warblade.


*No caster prestige classes. In other words, no Jade Pheonix Mage or Ruby Knight Vindicator.

*Shadow Sun Ninja, Eternal Blade, Master of Nine, and Bloodstorm Blade are also disallowed.


*I would like to avoid excess overlap. Yes, I know that White Raven Tactics is awesome, but I doubt that half a dozen of the masters would have it. Two or three, however, is quite possible.

*I personally dislike using races with LA and/or RHD. Some, however(such as Catfolk), I can tolerate.

*When choosing discipline weapons, try to avoid overlapping with the Legacy Weapons in ToB, but again, one or two exceptions can be made. Especially if the weapon isn't the same type as the Legacy Weapon of that school.


*One Desert Wind related feat or more. Desert Wind Dodge comes to mind, but there could be other, better ones.


*Hmmm... Light maces are Desert Wind weapons, so Lightning Maces seems to be an option. Oversized TWF with two scimitars or THF with a falchion might work, too.


*One or more Setting Sun related feats.


*For some reason, a gnome Setting Sun master sounds fun. Obviously not required, though.


*Shadow Blade feat.

*Rogue dip for Sneak Attack.

*Craven feat.


*How does an Air Goblin sound? Favored Class: Rogue and huge Dex bonus, after all.


*Must be Good-aligned.

*Sword-and-board fighting style. Locks him into Longsword + Heavy shield, but that's not too bad I guess?

*One or more Devoted Spirit related feats.


*Is Agile Shield Fighter an okay choice?


*One or more Stone Dragon feats.


*You know... while Deepstone Sentinel is cool, it doesn't seem right. For some reason, I like the idea of Orc or even Half-Orc, and Goliath wouldn't be so bad... if it didn't have LA(and I'm not going to use LA-buyoff). So... It's workable at least, right?


*One or more Iron Heart feats.


*You know, the bastard sword and dwarven waraxe are Iron Heart weapons, so one level in Exotic Weapon Master for Uncanny Blow could be good. Hmmm...... A Dwarf TWFing twin dwarven waraxes sounds fun.


*One or more Diamond Mind feat.


*You know, Diamond Mind and Iron Heart go well together, so I'm thinking of a) making the two masters good friends and b) having the Diamond Mind master have a decent number of Iron Heart maneuvers and vice versa.

*Really want to make this master a TWFer, but it does take some investment.

*I don't reeeeaaally want to give this master a rapier, because the Legacy Weapon for Diamond Mind in ToB is one too, but the only other remotely good Diamond Mind weapon is the katana, which eats up a feat if TWFing.


*One or more Tiger Claw feat.

*All five levels of Bloodclaw Master.


*Bloodclaw Master gives Scent, so a two-level dip in Ranger could work, maybe?

*Shifters get a sort of ACF for Bloodclaw Master. It sounds fun, although I forget what their favored class was again. Oh, I dunno... I want to give her proper weapons, but claw usage isn't totally out of the question, since she'd probably use whichever she fancies at the moment or is appropriate.