View Full Version : Get ready... FOR BOSS TIME: VALENTINE'S!

2017-01-30, 02:44 PM
Heyo playgrounders.

I need a valentine themed boss for an upcoming D&D session. What kinds of thoughts or ideas do you have?

2017-01-30, 02:54 PM
Heyo playgrounders.

I need a valentine themed boss for an upcoming D&D session. What kinds of thoughts or ideas do you have?

A pack of succubus and inccubus that try to seduce every people in couple to make then cheat? That will create some drama while corrupting some souls!

edit: Better yet, it's a bunch of cultist that tries to do the seducing, in a competion to know who'll get the chance to be turned into an actual succubus/inccubus. Later during the night, the cultists comes back and kidnap all those that weren't seduced ( those pure of heart) and bring them to the leaders for a massive sacrifice to real succubus and inccubus. Could have a bunch of higher level warlocks as the cult leaders, while the lowly cutlist are just that (cultist from MM with MI:warlock) or lvl 1 warlocks.
If the PCs doesn't stop them, the "good" people of the village are gone and the only ones left are those easily manipulated/bribed, so the cult can take control without opposition.

2017-01-30, 03:17 PM
A coven of Hags. With lots of charm and disguise spells.


Falcon X
2017-01-30, 03:33 PM
Throw in a Paladin of Love. Maybe he/she sends you on a quest. Maybe it's a DMPC. Maybe one has gone Oathbreaker:

You could have a cult or follower of one of the following gods:
Lastai (Book of Exalted Deeds, p.25) - Goddess of love, passion, and everything that surrounds it, but in a good way.
The sister of Chaav, Lastai is the goddess of pleasure, love, and
passion. She is powerfully sensual but neither seductive nor
licentious. She is depicted as a beautiful, voluptuous woman.
Lastai teaches that sensual pleasures are meant to be enjoyed,
and is not shy about teaching the proper way to enjoy them. As
goddess of love as well as passion, she stresses the importance of
equality in all kinds of relationships, from business dealings to
sexual intimacy. She teaches the enjoyment of food without gluttony,
the enjoyment of rest without sloth, the enjoyment of
luxury without greed, and the enjoyment of sex without exploitation.
Her symbol is a peach, and her favored weapon is the grasping
pole (described in Chapter 3: Exalted Equipment). The
domains Lastai is associated with are Chaos, Good, and Pleasure.
She is chaotic good.
Lastai’s clerics are often called upon to perform wedding ceremonies
and counsel lovers. They seek out pleasure for themselves,
but that pursuit is less important than helping others
find pleasure and love in their own lives. Her faith is sometimes
reviled by those who view it as prurient or immoral, but Lastai’s
clerics argue strongly that sexuality is a good gift meant to be
properly enjoyed, not repressed. Lastai has a few small temples,
mostly found in large cities, that constantly battle against their
undeserved reputation as being nothing more than glorified

Evening Glory (Libris Mortis, p.17) - Mix in some undead monsters controlled by a love goddess. Maybe a lich, mummy, or ghost looking for a lost love. How fun is that!
Evening Glory teaches that love need not ever die. Instead,
love may go on indefinitely, if the body’s remains are properly
preserved. The deity of love at any price, Evening Glory
appears as an exquisitely preserved woman with
ice-white (almost translucent) flesh and platinumwhite,
neck-length hair. She has eyes of baby blue,
with lips, fingernails, and toenails the same
color. She is flawless, despite (or because of)
her necrotic chill. Disdaining simple nudity,
the Deathless Beauty prefers extravagant,
backless gowns. A heart-shaped, oddly alluring
hole completely pierces the palm of each
of her bloodless hands. Evening Glory’s symbol is
an open hand, pierced through the palm with a heartshaped
The Eternal Lover appeals strongly to immortality
seekers, lovers, and undead. Still, anyone who has loved
and lost, or knows love and fears its end, is a potential worshiper
of Evening Glory. Most who worship her are undead, or soon
become undead after worshiping her for a time. Many of her
followers would rather welcome the followers of other faiths,
but it is hard to welcome members of faiths that believe undeath
must be eradicated.
Evening Glory teaches that desire is all that matters, and the
desire for the love of another should never be allowed to fail
through the depredations of age. Those whose love transcends
life should seek life everlasting through the grace of undeath.
The perfect preservation may freeze love forever. While the resurrection
of tragically slain lovers may do for some, nothing can stay old age’s imperious fi nal call—nothing but the embrace of
Portfolio: Love, beauty, immortality through undeath.
Domains: Charm, Magic, Protection.
Cleric Training: The training a cleric must undergo to become
fully vested by Evening Glory is a secret cloaked in love
and affection.
Quests: The clerics of Evening Glory are mainly proselytizers,
preaching about the continuance
of love (and, through this, the continuance
of existence after death).
Prayers: All prayers to Evening
Glory extol her unchanging perfection,
a beauty frozen at its height by
the balm of death.
Temples: Temples to the
Eternal Lover can show up
anywhere, though when the
authorities realize the true nature
of the worship to this god, with its
undead component, those temples are
usually banned.
Rites: The rites of Evening Glory are
many, but the mere recitation of a love
poem inspired by the goddess is considered
a daily obligation by her followers.
Herald and Allies: Evening Glory usually sends a
female lich as her herald. Planar allies are Medium, Large, and
Huge fi re elementals.
Favored Weapon: Dagger.

If you can get ahold of a copy of the 3.5 Book of Erotic Fantasy, it has several... interesting monsters you could convert (Bliss Motes, Pleasure Golem, Cherubs with legit love arrows, fallen cherub, etc.) It is NSFW. I can't legally post a link to it, but a good google search might turn it up.

I am also reminded of a sidequest from one of my favorite games: Quest for Glory 4. In it, old man Nikolai lost his beautiful wife Anna years ago and is now senile, wandering around the town looking for Anna as if she was still alive. Meanwhile, Anna is actually a ghost who doesn't know she is dead.
In D&D, you could discover a man like Nikolai and later end up fighting a Banshee or other type of spirit that you realize is Anna.
The players could go ahead and kill the ghost, or get creative in how to reunite them (Either killing him or bringing her back, I suspect). Or come up with something else.

2017-01-30, 06:25 PM
Heyo playgrounders.

I need a valentine themed boss for an upcoming D&D session. What kinds of thoughts or ideas do you have?

Have the party cleric arrested by the local power base for prosyletizing, then sentenced to be beaten with clubs and beheaded if they don't renounce their deity.

Or you could have an adventure that begins with one crime syndicate slaughtering competing gangs using repeating Heavy Crossbows, and the Party is called upon to investigate and find the killers to bring them to justice.

...unless of course, you didn't mean something historically themed, then don't do either of those ideas.

2017-01-30, 07:56 PM
What you need are enemy bards that have 20+ charisma and know how to flaunt it.

The Shadowdove
2017-01-30, 08:12 PM
Headpriestess of sune has never felt real pleasure despite all of her/his skill as a result of tireless study in the ways of love making.

Wants the adventurers to hunt down a magical device that will remove their curse and allow them to feel Sune's presence within their whole being like everyone else.

Falcon X
2017-01-30, 10:07 PM
Base it off of the story of the real St. Valentine (http://www1.cbn.com/st-valentine-real-story). Don't make it a history lesson, just borrow the outline of what he did.
1. He secretly married people, despite the law forbidding new marriages in wartime, so they could get out of going to war (as was the custom).
2. Was charged by a jailer with healing his blind daughter in order to prove his deity.
3. Being successful, the judge took his advice and got rid of all his other idols and be baptized.
4. He was later taken to the emporer and told to renounce his faith or die. He did not, and died.

Ideas based on this:
A. Have a guy (Paladin of Love (http://walrock-homebrew.blogspot.com...aster.html?m=1) or Life Cleric) marrying people in the church, against the current law of the land. Your job is to smuggle in couples and then smuggle them out so that the government doesn't know where they were married.
Complication 1: A fiend or faerie decides to cause trouble. Maybe it kidnaps the preacher. Maybe it makes one of the betrothed blind right before her wedding day and you have to find a ritual to fix it.
Complication 2: One of the brides is a doppelganger/shapeshifter. During the ceremony, it's heart is revealed, and thereby it's identity. It flees and the groom charges after it. You must save the girl who, for some reason, you know is still alive and in the creature's dungeon.
Complication 3: After some time of marriages, the location is found out and you must help everyone make their escape, or let yourself be captured and either prison break or politic your way out.
B. A man with the same background as St. Valentine tasks you to deliver his deathbed letter to his once-love.
Complication 1: She could be in a very bad spot. Perhaps she is a slave, or betrothed to an evil man and you must free her.
Complication 2: She is dead and a ghost. Your characters must deal with how to deliver a message to a ghost who doesn't know she is dead or is otherwise unreceptive to the message. Perhaps if you show her a token of her once-love it will stir something in her.
Complication 3: Perhaps the job you are given is from her. She wants to break into his crypt so she can cast Speak with Dead over the corpse. Once there, you can learn the story of his life. Fight should include a necromantic gravedigger, perhaps one that has raised the man as a zombie.

2017-01-30, 10:39 PM
Succubus/Incubus seems the obvious choice, but I had a thought of a chaotic fey creature shooting arrows dipped in a Philter of Love, or some other 'love potion' that's causing craziness all over *insert city name here*.

2017-01-31, 12:45 PM
As an inverse to the succubus/incubus idea, what about having some malevolent force in the town trying to squash all affection and desire, maybe some sort of elemental that feeds off bad emotions. Bonds of marriage and love fade away and turn to violence or just apathy and disdain. Perhaps even friendship falls away (maybe even PCs have to make a save to do something like heal their friends... though I think that'd be more annoying than fun.)

PCs 'win' by either roleplay of bolstering the relationships or combat/investigation of tracking down the malevolent spirit and defeating it. Could also add some spurned lovers as cultists. Maybe extra if it was started by the mistress of the town mayor, who he dumped (nicely, with a tidy sum to please be quiet) when he felt bad and decided to be faithful to his wife. Or something like that.

Joe the Rat
2017-01-31, 01:48 PM
Seems like a good time to have some Perytons show up. Not really boss material, though. Maybe with some sort of serial killer or evil druid crime syndicate angle.