View Full Version : Aldune Minotaur Help

2017-01-30, 04:00 PM
Hello all, wanting advice for new character. DM is allowing LA-2 races and will be leveling party together...
I mentioned Aldune Minotaur and he favored it for his campaign.

Now I'd like assistance with maximizing the use of being able to weild a 2 handed large weapon in one hand. Does that auto mean I should dual weild large weapons? Do I use a large Exicutioners mace and a large spiked chain? Also what class would be good? Obviously I'm looking at melee only. War blade, True Samurai (wacky lol), straight fighter... this should be fun and thanks.

Uncle Pine
2017-01-30, 05:01 PM
What book is the Aldune minotaur from? I've never heard of it.

2017-01-30, 05:41 PM
What book is the Aldune minotaur from? I've never heard of it.

Seems to be homebrew from DandDwiki

2017-01-30, 05:50 PM
It is a home brew on the dndwiki...
Racial Traits[edit]

+8 Strength, +4 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -4 Charisma
Humanoid (Minotaur)
Minotaur base land speed is 30 feet
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Racial Hit Dice: A Minotaur begins with six levels of monstrous humanoid, which provide 6d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +6, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +2, Ref +5, and Will +5.
Racial Feats: A Minotaur gains three feats due to its monstrous humanoid levels. They also start with Power attack and Cleave
+5 natural armor bonus.
Immense Build: The physical stature of a Minotaur allow them wield 2-handed weapons in one hand
Racial Skills: A Minotaur monstrous humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 9 x (3 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Search, and Spot. Minotaur have a +4 racial bonus on Search, Spot, and Listen checks.
Weapon Proficiency: A Minotaur is automatically proficient with the greataxe.
Natural Weapon: Gore (1d8).
Powerful Charge: A Minotaur typically begins a battle by charging at an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a single gore attack with a +9 attack bonus that deals 4d6+6 points of damage.
Natural Cunning (Ex): Minotaur are immune to maze spells, and prevents them from ever becoming lost.

Uncle Pine
2017-01-31, 04:26 AM
You can try to have a look at Darrin's TWF OffHandbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?279079-3-5-The-TWF-OffHandbook). However, the penalties for fighting with a two handed weapon in your off-hand will suck, as even the Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting feat specifies:

When wielding a one-handed weapon in your off hand, you take penalties for fighting with two weapons as if you were wielding a light weapon in your off hand (see page 160 of the Player's Handbook).
You're using a danddwiki, so see if your DM will let OTWF work with Immense Build. In that case, penalties will definitely suck less and you'll have something to work with since you'll be able to Power Attack your enemies to oblivion.
Should your plea not be answered, your best bets in order to get 2:1 Power Attack while fighting with two weapons is either to wield a Very Big ****ing Sword with two hands and using armor spikes/razor as your off-hand weapon or use two Dragonsplits (MMIV 115) while taking levels in the Exotic Weapon Master PrC to treat them as two-handed for the purpose of Power Attack.

2017-01-31, 06:28 PM
I don't think it automatically means going for TWF. I actually think it's the same calculation as normal -- do you have some other source of damage that benefits from TWF, like Sneak Attack? If not, you're probably better off using THF because of the 1.5x Strength multiplier, and 2x Power Attack multiplier.

I think class selection depends a lot on what level you are starting at and what level you think you'll play to.

2017-01-31, 10:40 PM
Well I'm going to try using spiked chain and got the aproval for Greathouse Hammer as a clan gift for my pilgrimage. Dunno if I'll 2 weapon fight it... not that it would be cheesy but what about dual spiked chains, 1 medium and 1 large. If I have weapon focus it'll help counter negatives... should be -2/-3 with twf. Also campaign starts at level 1 and I don't anticipate reaching level 9 as we normally fall apart as a group of people before then lol.