View Full Version : Magical Items ?

2017-01-30, 04:58 PM
Hey Everyone,

So had a question about magic items and their creation/modification.

So in a game I'm playing I've created the magic item: Portable Hole, and I created it following an instruction manual given to me by a mage that teaches in some magic institution somewhere.

Anyway I've now created the portable hole to be a 3ft x 3ft hole when unfolded completely. So my question is if I can modify the items properties now that's created and I still have the creation instructions.

Examples/Specific things I want to modify:
-Add an extra 3ft of magical cloth to it, lengthening it
-Making it wearable (like a robe or sorts; which of course would be pitch black as is the original magical item)
-Have its ability to store things be able to be used when worn as a robe by using a certain command word to activate it, allowing my character to reach inside it and pull items out.
-Lastly have it still be able to be laid out on ground to remove/put in larger items, again activating its magical property by speaking a command word.

So IF I can modify it to said specifications 2 things I'd like to know about said modified item, or if anyone has an opinion about it.

1) So the dimension would open on the inside of the cloak, is the outer part of it just like regular clot; ie: can things pierce the cloak/item as its still magical, and then if an item did would the magic item be destroyed?

2) If I activate its property and go inside it to hide can I be inside it and activate the ability so it just appears to be a random black cloak upon inspection, and then can I activate it again and easily get back out of the dimension?

If anyone have any opinions or facts about this please share, it'd be much appreciated.


2017-01-30, 05:20 PM
I'm afraid this is all in the realm of "Ask your DM." If he wants guidelines, he should look at the base item (which is actually 6 ft. diameter by 10 ft. deep) and compare that to what you've got, what it cost to make what you have, and what it costs to make the default item.

What you want sounds cool to me, but what's balanced to generate it is very game-dependent.