View Full Version : 3.5 Flying Airship

2017-01-31, 06:21 AM
So I'm trying to build an airship, looking on line for blueprints and found one from spelljammer (http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0jig89jhQ1qmlmz6o1_1280.jpg)

I've got a spreadsheet I'm working on here (https://1drv.ms/x/s!AuXYaRw4LGYIizgHs4UVR2_dYi07)

I've got all kinds of crafting feats, to reduce the cost of everything as much as I can. But the problem is getting the ship up and flying costs an insane amount of money considering the ship itself costs less than 100k, and that is with the assumption every SS has four walls.

Trying to get it cheaper, and I know that my estimate is a few SS too big.

2017-01-31, 06:27 AM
Get self resetting magical traps of suspension from shining south. You can mount them in rails to have several of them raising different parts of the ceiling of the ship. If the ship is an enclosed space it will also block line of effect from potentially lethal antimagic field emanations.

Uncle Pine
2017-01-31, 06:56 AM
Have a look at the Stronghold Builder's Guide: due to how broad the definition of "stronghold" is, you can create a flying airship without many problems.

2017-01-31, 07:17 AM
ebberon has airships for sale... could look there

2017-01-31, 07:24 AM
Depending on how much spelljammer you're using in your game, and considering you have lots of craft feats, you could just craft up a minor spelljamming helm. Even a canoe will fly if it has a helm on it.

2017-01-31, 07:49 AM
Also I'm partial to getting a ship from stormwrack and considering it a stronghold for the purpose of stronghold builders.

My two favorite for this are the greatship (has a lot of space) and the elven wingship (is fast and has few masts). Speaking of masts get planar sails from Arms and Equipment guide, and use the MIC combining magic item rules to also make them everfull (stormwrack). That will make it fast and capable of planar travel.

Mr Adventurer
2017-01-31, 08:06 AM
Eberron has magical airships. The Planar Handbook has rules for Gate Zeppelins (IIRC).

2017-01-31, 08:11 AM
If you just want a straight up flying ship and have access to the Arms and Equipment Guide, you just need a 'cloud keel'.

Or, you could buy a ship that already flies, like the Halruan Skyship from Shining South, or the less expensive elemental airship from the Eberron Campaign Setting book.

2017-01-31, 08:41 AM
Also, Dragon #331 have Dragonfly Longship and Longship of Dread Shade (both are 175K gp)
DL speed is 60' (or 30 miles/hour), and have a tail bulb, which can (if controlled by captain or gunner) shoot acidic goo every 1d4 rounds (8d6 acid damage +1d6 for next 3 rounds, Ref. save for half and avoid extra damage)
LoDS speed is 40', flying only at nights, and generates Undead crew; if crew don't kill somebody during night, they will revolt; if they kill - captain's alignment shifts one step to Evil; every night crew is full, even if previous was destroyed; crew is: 20 skeletons or zombies, 2 wight (lieutenants), and 1 spectre (first mate)

2017-01-31, 10:01 AM
I feel the need to point out that your thread's title is somewhat redundant, as a airship, by definition, flies.

2017-01-31, 10:50 AM
I've found its important to differentiate between flying airships and ships made of air

2017-01-31, 10:53 AM
A ship made of air wouldn't be called an airship, though. It'd simply be 'a ship made of air' or maybe an 'air ship'.

We don't call a wooden boat a 'woodboat', after all. Unless you name your wooden boat Woodboat, but that's a different matter entirely.

2017-02-01, 03:34 AM
Anycase, my airship I used a different blueprint (http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0jgpxGo7B1qmlmz6o1_1280.jpg). Cause like.. why not?

This considerably reduced the cost of making the ship

My rooms are set up like this so far. Since stone walls are free with a high enough stone wall spell I went with those and then put a layer of Living wood on the outside. The idea being that Living wood could take the damage to begin with and then heal itself. Bigger damages would have to get through the stone layer after that.

Then the captains quarters, I've made into a super duper iron box. In there, there will be a spellclock that constantly casts Mages of Magnificent Mansion, essentially giving me even more space on the inside to work with.

Other rooms are currently as such.

Galley (Kitchen, Fancy)
State Room(Fancy Bed)
SpellJammer Quarters (Barracks)
SpellJammer Helm (Barracks)
Chart room ??
Crew 5 (Armory, fancy)
Crew 2 (Barracks)
Crew 1 (Barracks)
Crew 7* (Barracks)
Crew 8 (Bathroom Fancy)
Officer 6 (Fancy Bedroom)
Brig 3 (Workplace)
Storage Luxury x3

And I've got the fastest movement ability too so my total came out to 418,503.25 for the barebones after all my crafting abilities.