View Full Version : Optimization Gestalt 20 - Divine Rank 1 - Build Ideas

2017-01-31, 01:51 PM
Hello Guys.

I will play a campaign with my friends, and I'd like ideas for character concepts and builds.

-Gestalt 20/20
-Divine rank 1
-Best 3d6 of 4d6 roll, to Abi. Score
-6 rolls, and change the lower to 40
-6 bonus points for the other 5 Abi Scores.
-Both Pathfinder and 3.5 are aceppted, can mix feats, spell lists, and multiclasses.
-Skills from Pathfinder.
-No problem if op, since its lore consistent (its a god!!!)
-Can take exotic races with lvls on one side, as long as they are "civilized"
-Avoid monster templates unless they are key to the concept.
-Every god needs a clear concept, a belief and an ideal worldview
-Portfolios of 3 domains each, related to the concept of the character
-The divine salient alter reality does not work.
-Each character has 1 artifact weapon +10 (or 2 +7) with extra abilities does not come from the campaign according to the god concept. At the moment, you do not have the power to create another artifact the same if it is lost.
-Your divine kingdom has shrunk to an extraplanar refuge of the size of a small castle, palace, grove ... This is a place where your avatar is materialized, as souls of your followers head to that place and this is where your power is stored Fact. The place reflects you and your idea of ​​the ideal world, being physically anchored an altar of yours in one of the cities. Destroying the refuge allows to cause permanent death to that god.
-miracle works as you wish (derp)
An avatar can not be resurrected, but he retires after a few days inside his refuge. The process can be accelerated with the expenditure of "power of faith."
The same power to be used to: revive believers, move refuges, contact a god for his unknown location, protect armies ... essentially perform true miracles.
It is not possible to give planar change or teleport beyond the purple storm; Creatures summoned with monster or gate are echoes of existing creatures, which dissolve in mana when a spell expires instead of returning to another plane.

From all sides of the eastern continent rose from the sea a purple and aberrant storm that immediately broke the connection of wyour avatar with yourself. Exhausted, isolated and under attack from freaks coming from the storm, they have to protect their people or disappear completely. New and fragile alliances with the other surviving gods give you some hope of normalcy, but at the same time other gods prefer to murder the weak and take for themselves what remains of power in each of them.
Disconnected from the divine source of power, you are having to make the most of the power generated by your followers, and the feeling is that the power needed to defend them outweighs the power they generate. The extinction of civilization on the eastern continent is the likely future if nothing is done.

I was thinking of making a god of instinct(Hunting, Survival, Stealth, Sex ...) in an animal way.
Something like a feline god. Not a god of nature, but of the wild instinct itself.

I thought about build a Cleric 20 // Druid 20, with the cleric side using the Divine Metamagic combo, and the druid side using the feat Natural Spell.

However, since there is an attribute of 40, and since it is rarely a game in these guidelines, I would like to make more creative characters, (eg someone who takes advantage of the 40 in constitution).

Anyway, I would like ideas and concepts of characters, for this game!

Then I put the build that makes the character here!who takes advantage of the 40 in constitution).

Thank You all!!

__________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Hi guys! I finished my char, and i want to show, because you helped me a lot


Bahamut is the God of Resurrection, of Healing and of Prophecy, extremely tolerant and benevolent.
He is an ancient god, who sacrificed himself to save the world from great evil in distant past.
With death of some gods due to a purple storm, orphaned devotees in search of a new patron, began to worship this ancient dead god.
In his stories he was benign, and had made a prophecy that would return when the world needed him again.
It seemed the right time. Bahamut listened the prayers of those faithful and rose again.
Bahamut believes that a resurrection is a new chance. For him, when a life ends abruptly and unjustly, it must be resumed.
A murdered person, for example, had his "learning time" on the material plane stolen from him.
Coming back is like having the opportunity to retake the same lesson, this time knowing the mistakes to avoid.

But fair though kind and generous, Bahamut charges a price for his gift.
A resurrection is a chance to improve, to evolve - an opportunity not to be missed with a stagnant, unproductive life.

Some legends about Bahamut tell about adventurers involved in major missions to save debts with Bahamut.
The resurrection god wishes his devotees to be brave, adventurous, without fear of challenges.

The sacred symbol displayed by his clerics is a Flaming Dragon
Being God of resurrection and renewal, Bahamut believe that healing is like a little resurrection.
Bahamut is also often associated with the gifts of prophecy and premonition, often this is what leads its devotees to their own quest, their redemption.
The value that defines God is redemption. Absolute surrender for the sake of something noble, and this is what him expect from his devotees.
Simple appearance, shirtless, long hair, carrying a glaive, with some trace of scales on his skin,
The resurrection god burns like the sun, which is also born every day (resurrection), being both the pleasant heat (healing) and the fury his explosions.

Bahamut hates the living dead.


Cleric (pathfinder) 8, Radiant Servant of Pelor 10, Fist of Forest 1, and Divine Disciple 1 // Dragonfire Addept 20
I used the Complete Mage cleric Variant
I used the Turn undead progression of Radiant SoP as Channel Energy Progression.
Lose one domain, add one abjuraction, divination or necromancy spell to your list for each new spell-level you can cast
Its important to take Scintlating Scales (CON to AC), and Enervating Breath (double your breath Damage) Spells.

Renewal Domain
Deity: deities of rebirth and renewal

Granted Powers: You can grant others renewed strength with but a touch and restore life to yourself when you most need it.

Renewed Strength (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action to remove the exhausted, fatigued, nauseated or sickened conditions. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Renewed Life (Su): At 8th level, once per day, if you fall below 0 hit points you regain a number of hit points equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier. If an attack brings you to -CON hp or lower, you die before this power can take effect.

Domain Spells: 1st—healing stones, 2nd—lesser restoration, 3rd—greater healing stones, 4th—saving grace, 5th—atonement, 6th—mass bear’s endurance, 7th—greater restoration, 8th—holy aura, 9th—true resurrection.

Sun Domain

Granted Powers: You see truth in the pure and burning light of the sun, and can call upon its blessing or wrath to work great deeds.

Sun's Blessing (Su): Whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt. Undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy.

Nimbus of Light (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot nimbus of light for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. This acts as a daylight spell. In addition, undead within this radius take an amount of damage equal to your cleric level each round that they remain inside the nimbus. Spells and spell-like abilities with the darkness descriptor are automatically dispelled if brought inside this nimbus. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells: 1st—endure elements, 2nd—heat metal, 3rd—searing light, 4th—fire shield, 5th—flame strike, 6th—fire seeds, 7th—sunbeam, 8th—sunburst, 9th—prismatic sphere.

Prophecy Domain
Granted Powers: You see the future, for good or ill.

Forewarned (Su): Your knowledge of the future allows you to anticipate danger. You gain a +1 bonus to Perception checks and a +1 dodge bonus to AC. Theses bonuses increase by +2 at 8th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

Future Sight (Su): At 8th level, once each day you may declare that an action you have just taken did not happen. You may then take a different action. You can do this after the results of your action are known. The mixing of future and present is disorienting. You are shaken for 1d4 rounds after you use this ability. This does not stack with other fear effects, but nothing can remove this condition.

Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—augury, 3rd—locate object, 4th—divination, 5th—commune, 6th—find the path, 7th—prying eyes, 8th—moment of prescience, 9th—foresight

Abilities and Stats
STR 26

DEX 10

CON 46

INT 16

WIS 20

CHA 19

542 HP
68 AC
68 Flat footed
59 Touch

Quicken Spell-Like Ability (from savage species) -1 Recharge Breath
Rapid Breath -1 Recharge Breath
Recover Breath -1 Recharge Breath
Heighten Breath Increase the DC of breath by your CON
Shape Breath Can switch Line by cone breath and vice versa
Power Surge Breath Weapon DC+1, Damage +1/die, Duration +50%
when you use it on the wing, covering a larger ground area in its effect.
Searing Spell Bypass resistance to fire. 1/2 damage to Immunity. 2x for cold type
Flyby Attack A Flyer can take a move action & another standard action during the move
Flyby Breath When you are flying, you can use your breath weapon as a free action
Maxime Breath +3 Recharge, maximize all die

Breath Effects (6)
Fivefold Breath of Tiamat
Slow Breath
Thunder Breath
Frost Breath
Discorporating Breath of Bahamut
Sleep Breath

Draconic Invocations (8)
Baleful Geas: A single creature becomes your servant, but slowly sickens and dies.
Chilling Fog: Create solid fog that deals cold damage.
Instill Vulnerability: Make target creature vulnerable to chosen energy type.
Draconic Flight, Greater: Sprout wings and fly at perfect maneuverability; gain overland speed.
Humanoid Shape: Take the form of any humanoid creature.
Walk Unseen: Use invisibility (self only) as the spell.
See the Unseen: Gain darkvision; gain see invisibility as the spell.
Perilous Veil: Use veil as the spell: anyone succeeding on Will save to negate the illusion takes damage.

As deity, i can use at will the spells of my portfolio, like true ress, nice prophecy spells, and healing spells (empowered and maximized spells - Radiant SoP)

In combat i can do with Fivefold Breath of Tiamat+Maximize Breath+Enervating Breath Spell do 9x5x6x2 = 1080 points of fire damage that bypass ( Searing Spell) fire resistance and do half damage to who has immunity, and breath again next turn. (3x-1 recharge feats)

Of course, i can use anothers meta breath feats to nuke my enemies, Like Heigthen Breath, that ups my breath dc to 56.

And the best: FlybyBreath, i can breath as free Action while i fly.

I wish to thank you all that helped me with ideas, and my way to retribute is posting this build.

Any suggestion post here!

2017-01-31, 02:07 PM
Hello Guys.

I will play a campaign with my friends, and I'd like ideas for character concepts and builds.

-Gestalt 20/20
-Divine rank 1
-Best 3d6 of 4d6 roll, to Abi. Score
-6 rolls, and change the lower to 40
-6 bonus points for the other 5 Abi Scores.
-Both Pathfinder and 3.5 are aceppted, can mix feats, spell lists, and multiclasses.
-Skills from Pathfinder.
-No problem if op, since its lore consistent (its a god!!!)
-Can take exotic races with lvls on one side, as long as they are "civilized"
-Avoid monster templates unless they are key to the concept.
-Every god needs a clear concept, a belief and an ideal worldview
-Portfolios of 3 domains each, related to the concept of the character

From all sides of the eastern continent rose from the sea a purple and aberrant storm that immediately broke the connection of wyour avatar with yourself. Exhausted, isolated and under attack from freaks coming from the storm, they have to protect their people or disappear completely. New and fragile alliances with the other surviving gods give you some hope of normalcy, but at the same time other gods prefer to murder the weak and take for themselves what remains of power in each of them.
Disconnected from the divine source of power, you are having to make the most of the power generated by your followers, and the feeling is that the power needed to defend them outweighs the power they generate. The extinction of civilization on the eastern continent is the likely future if nothing is done.

I was thinking of making a god of instinct(Hunting, Survival, Stealth, Sex ...) in an animal way.
Something like a feline god. Not a god of nature, but of the wild instinct itself.

I thought about build a Cleric 20 // Druid 20, with the cleric side using the Divine Metamagic combo, and the druid side using the feat Natural Spell.

However, since there is an attribute of 40, and since it is rarely a game in these guidelines, I would like to make more creative characters, (eg someone who takes advantage of the 40 in constitution).

Anyway, I would like ideas and concepts of characters, for this game!

Then I put the build that makes the character here!who takes advantage of the 40 in constitution).

Thank You all!!

Make it Gestalt Wizard 5 Incantatrix 10 Abjurant Champion 5/Cleric 5 Contemplative 10 Ordained Champion 5. With that you could get a really good character that could work as a God/Batman, Persistomancer and or Gish

2017-01-31, 02:18 PM
Builds of that power take considerable work, so you're unlikely to get many responses.

Class-wise, totemist and barbarian might be good fits - do you care about level of optimization a lot? If not, take these classes for flavor, have at least 29 Cha and take Alter Reality as your SDA - with prep time, that gives you all the buffs permanently anyway. If high-op is involved, you will be worse at action economy, though.

2017-01-31, 02:23 PM
Divine Rank 1 means you have 1 Salient Divine Ability. You are getting 29 Charisma and taking Alter Reality. This is by far the best option. This allows you to replicate any spell(and probably psionic power) 9th level or lower as a standard action with no components. All your spellcasting classes are now irrelevant unless they're giving you the ability to get swift or immediate actions off.

And then you can do whatever you want, because spells.

2017-01-31, 02:43 PM
Builds of that power take considerable work, so you're unlikely to get many responses.

Class-wise, totemist and barbarian might be good fits - do you care about level of optimization a lot? If not, take these classes for flavor, have at least 29 Cha and take Alter Reality as your SDA - with prep time, that gives you all the buffs permanently anyway. If high-op is involved, you will be worse at action economy, though.

Totemist looks really cool! I did not know this class, I'll take a read.
I think that is necessary to be a little optimized, otherwise it is much weaker than the rest of the staff.

Divine Rank 1 means you have 1 Salient Divine Ability. You are getting 29 Charisma and taking Alter Reality. This is by far the best option. This allows you to replicate any spell(and probably psionic power) 9th level or lower as a standard action with no components. All your spellcasting classes are now irrelevant unless they're giving you the ability to get swift or immediate actions off.

And then you can do whatever you want, because spells.

I forgot to mention one very important detail. The divine salient alter reality does not work at the moment by definition of the campaign. = /

These are the other part of the rules that I forgot to put! I will edit in the first post as well
-The divine salient alter reality does not work.
-Each character has 1 artifact weapon +10 (or 2 +7) with extra abilities does not come from the campaign according to the god concept. At the moment, you do not have the power to create another artifact the same if it is lost.
-Your divine kingdom has shrunk to an extraplanar refuge of the size of a small castle, palace, grove ... This is a place where your avatar is materialized, as souls of your followers head to that place and this is where your power is stored Fact. The place reflects you and your idea of ​​the ideal world, being physically anchored an altar of yours in one of the cities. Destroying the refuge allows to cause permanent death to that god.
-milagre works as you wish (derp)
An avatar can not be resurrected, but he retires after a few days inside his refuge. The process can be accelerated with the expenditure of "power of faith."
The same power to be used to: revive believers, move refuges, contact a god for his unknown location, protect armies ... essentially perform true miracles.
It is not possible to give planar change or teleport beyond the purple storm; Creatures summoned with monster or gate are echoes of existing creatures, which dissolve in mana when a spell expires instead of returning to another plane.

2017-01-31, 02:44 PM
I agree with Zanos` Suggestion.

So ignore Spells and take CLasses for FLuff/Action Economy/Fun Reasons.

As your OP seems to imply you are fine with Races, why not take (Enter COlor of Preference) Dragon as one side, and maybe something along the lines of A ToB Class as the other?

Be a Frikking Dragon with God level martial Arts and the Ability to shape Reality to your whims!

2017-01-31, 02:45 PM
Make it Gestalt Wizard 5 Incantatrix 10 Abjurant Champion 5/Cleric 5 Contemplative 10 Ordained Champion 5. With that you could get a really good character that could work as a God/Batman, Persistomancer and or Gish

This is a nice build, but my party already has a illusionist gnome that is very similar to this build =/

2017-01-31, 02:49 PM
I agree with Zanos` Suggestion.

So ignore Spells and take CLasses for FLuff/Action Economy/Fun Reasons.

As your OP seems to imply you are fine with Races, why not take (Enter COlor of Preference) Dragon as one side, and maybe something along the lines of A ToB Class as the other?

Be a Frikking Dragon with God level martial Arts and the Ability to shape Reality to your whims!

I forgot to mention one very important detail. The divine salient alter reality does not work at the moment by definition of the campaign. = /

But taking levels in Dragon seens to be very nice too!

2017-01-31, 02:51 PM
Even if it doesn`t, your concept fits a Dragon Warblade/Warlord very well (Hunting from the Dragon, Battle from the ToB, mix and match as desired).

Although that of course does make casters better again. For Fluff reasons you could go Druid 20/anything bettering him while not wildshaping (Hint, I mean Dragon^^).

2017-01-31, 03:14 PM
Even if it doesn`t, your concept fits a Dragon Warblade/Warlord very well (Hunting from the Dragon, Battle from the ToB, mix and match as desired).

Although that of course does make casters better again. For Fluff reasons you could go Druid 20/anything bettering him while not wildshaping (Hint, I mean Dragon^^).

I really liked this idea, i'll see what i can get from dragon!

2017-02-06, 06:19 PM
Hi guys! I finished my char, and i want to show, because you helped me a lot

Bahamut is the God of Resurrection, of Healing and of Prophecy, extremely tolerant and benevolent.
He is an ancient god, who sacrificed himself to save the world from great evil in distant past.
With death of some gods due to a purple storm, orphaned devotees in search of a new patron, began to worship this ancient dead god.
In his stories he was benign, and had made a prophecy that would return when the world needed him again.
It seemed the right time. Bahamut listened the prayers of those faithful and rose again.
Bahamut believes that a resurrection is a new chance. For him, when a life ends abruptly and unjustly, it must be resumed.
A murdered person, for example, had his "learning time" on the material plane stolen from him.
Return to the previous page of this page.

But fair though kind and generous, Bahamut charges a price for his gift.
A resurrection is a chance to improve, to evolve - an opportunity not to be missed with a stagnant, unproductive life.

Some legends about Bahamut tell about adventurers involved in major missions to save debts with Bahamut.
The resurrection god wishes his devotees to be brave, adventurous, without fear of challenges.

The sacred symbol displayed by his clerics is a Flaming Dragon
Being God of resurrection and renewal, Bahamut believe that healing is like a little resurrection.
Bahamut is also often associated with the gifts of prophecy and premonition, often this is what leads its devotees to their own quest, their redemption.
The value that defines God is redemption. Absolute surrender for the sake of something noble, and this is what him expect from his devotees.
Simple appearance, shirtless, long hair, carrying a glaive, with some trace of scales on his skin,
The resurrection god burns like the sun, which is also born every day (resurrection), being both the pleasant heat (healing) and the fury his explosions.

Bahamut hates the living dead.


Cleric (pathfinder) 8, Radiant Servant of Pelor 10, Fist of Forest 1, and Divine Disciple 1 // Dragonfire Addept 20
I used the Complete Mage cleric Variant
I used the Turn undead progression of Radiant SoP as Channel Energy Progression.
Lose one domain, add one abjuraction, divination or necromancy spell to your list for each new spell-level you can cast
Its important to take Scintlating Scales (CON to AC), and Enervating Breath (double your breath Damage) Spells.

Renewal Domain
Deity: deities of rebirth and renewal

Granted Powers: You can grant others renewed strength with but a touch and restore life to yourself when you most need it.

Renewed Strength (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action to remove the exhausted, fatigued, nauseated or sickened conditions. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Renewed Life (Su): At 8th level, once per day, if you fall below 0 hit points you regain a number of hit points equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier. If an attack brings you to -CON hp or lower, you die before this power can take effect.

Domain Spells: 1st—healing stones, 2nd—lesser restoration, 3rd—greater healing stones, 4th—saving grace, 5th—atonement, 6th—mass bear’s endurance, 7th—greater restoration, 8th—holy aura, 9th—true resurrection.

Sun Domain

Granted Powers: You see truth in the pure and burning light of the sun, and can call upon its blessing or wrath to work great deeds.

Sun's Blessing (Su): Whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt. Undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy.

Nimbus of Light (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot nimbus of light for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. This acts as a daylight spell. In addition, undead within this radius take an amount of damage equal to your cleric level each round that they remain inside the nimbus. Spells and spell-like abilities with the darkness descriptor are automatically dispelled if brought inside this nimbus. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells: 1st—endure elements, 2nd—heat metal, 3rd—searing light, 4th—fire shield, 5th—flame strike, 6th—fire seeds, 7th—sunbeam, 8th—sunburst, 9th—prismatic sphere.

Prophecy Domain
Granted Powers: You see the future, for good or ill.

Forewarned (Su): Your knowledge of the future allows you to anticipate danger. You gain a +1 bonus to Perception checks and a +1 dodge bonus to AC. Theses bonuses increase by +2 at 8th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

Future Sight (Su): At 8th level, once each day you may declare that an action you have just taken did not happen. You may then take a different action. You can do this after the results of your action are known. The mixing of future and present is disorienting. You are shaken for 1d4 rounds after you use this ability. This does not stack with other fear effects, but nothing can remove this condition.

Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—augury, 3rd—locate object, 4th—divination, 5th—commune, 6th—find the path, 7th—prying eyes, 8th—moment of prescience, 9th—foresight

Abilities and Stats
STR 26

DEX 10

CON 46

INT 16

WIS 20

CHA 19

542 HP
68 AC
68 Flat footed
59 Touch

Quicken Spell-Like Ability (from savage species) -1 Recharge Breath
Rapid Breath -1 Recharge Breath
Recover Breath -1 Recharge Breath
Heighten Breath Increase the DC of breath by your CON
Shape Breath Can switch Line by cone breath and vice versa
Power Surge Breath Weapon DC+1, Damage +1/die, Duration +50%
when you use it on the wing, covering a larger ground area in its effect.
Searing Spell Bypass resistance to fire. 1/2 damage to Immunity. 2x for cold type
Flyby Attack A Flyer can take a move action & another standard action during the move
Flyby Breath When you are flying, you can use your breath weapon as a free action
Maxime Breath +3 Recharge, maximize all die

Breath Effects (6)
Fivefold Breath of Tiamat
Slow Breath
Thunder Breath
Frost Breath
Discorporating Breath of Bahamut
Sleep Breath

Draconic Invocations (8)
Baleful Geas: A single creature becomes your servant, but slowly sickens and dies.
Chilling Fog: Create solid fog that deals cold damage.
Instill Vulnerability: Make target creature vulnerable to chosen energy type.
Draconic Flight, Greater: Sprout wings and fly at perfect maneuverability; gain overland speed.
Humanoid Shape: Take the form of any humanoid creature.
Walk Unseen: Use invisibility (self only) as the spell.
See the Unseen: Gain darkvision; gain see invisibility as the spell.
Perilous Veil: Use veil as the spell: anyone succeeding on Will save to negate the illusion takes damage.

As deity, i can use at will the spells of my portfolio, like true ress, nice prophecy spells, and healing spells (empowered and maximized spells - Radiant SoP)

In combat i can do with Fivefold Breath of Tiamat+Maximize Breath+Enervating Breath Spell do 9x5x6x2 = 1080 points of fire damage that bypass ( Searing Spell) fire resistance and do half damage to who has immunity, and breath again next turn. (3x-1 recharge feats)

Of course, i can use anothers meta breath feats to nuke my enemies, Like Heigthen Breath, that ups my breath dc to 56.

And the best: FlybyBreath, i can breath as free Action while i fly.

I wish to thank you all that helped me with ideas, and my way to retribute is posting this build.

Any suggestion post here!

I will put this at the first post