View Full Version : Non conventional offensive spells

2017-02-01, 04:16 PM
I'm playing a pathfinder campaign and I had an idea, use "Secluded Grimoire" (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/secluded-grimoire) and deliver it with a tiny familiar to an opposing wizards spellbook. Then book it and bam, they can't refresh their spells. (Not taking into account the difficulty of finding the enemies spellbook obviously).

Does anyone have any other ideas of non-conventional spells used to fight?

2017-02-01, 04:30 PM
Aboleth's Lung can cause someone to suffocate if there isn't a significant body of water around. Hit them with that and then just run away laughing as they suffocate.

Arguably it even works against swarms since it says "living creatures touched".

2017-02-01, 07:31 PM
There are many documented cases of using the spell Mount to crush opponents under falling horses. I believe that this is not possible anymore due to 3.5s changes to Summon spells, but horse bombing was entertaining none the less.

2017-02-02, 11:47 AM
I mentioned in a previous thread the idea of using polymorph any object to turn an area of floor/ground into a pool of lava beneath someone's feet.

…or, at the very least, I want to polymorph a door into a jar. :smalltongue:

2017-02-02, 12:19 PM
Plane Shift can send a target to the positive or negative energy plane. Really nasty if they don't have any way of getting back very quickly.

2017-02-02, 12:48 PM
Beguiling Gift can wreak all kinds of mischief, especially if you Evil Eye and Misfortune their save first

2017-02-02, 02:21 PM
Beguiling Gift can wreak all kinds of mischief, especially if you Evil Eye and Misfortune their save first

I didn't even think that counted as non-conventional. :P

My current witch has a pair of barbed manacles for just that reason.

2017-02-02, 04:05 PM
A Wizard/Bard on my table used Levitate to pull up his victim, and then drop it on a Solid Note, effectively impaling them with an unmovable pointy rod.

2017-02-02, 04:18 PM
A Wizard/Bard on my table used Levitate to pull up his victim, and then drop it on a Solid Note, effectively impaling them with an unmovable pointy rod.

Except that Levitate specifically only works on yourself or one WILLING creature.

2017-02-02, 04:30 PM
Except that Levitate specifically only works on yourself or one WILLING creature.

Thanks, guess I'll have something to remember about that one... Maybe Hold Person would allow it.

Otherwise, I don't know if it's "non-conventional" enough, but I once did a Master Summoner who summoned traps instead of monsters, based on the CR of each spell level.

2017-02-02, 04:40 PM
Skinsend + Touch Injection is a nasty one. On its own, Skinsend is sort of Astral Projection Jr.
With Touch Injection, it puts their real body at helpless and 0 hp (no save), so one stab and they're dead. They're still flying around as a skin-kite, but they have Strength 3 and only half HP in that form, and it will stop existing in a few hours even if you don't kill it.
Even if you have no allies to stab them and they immediately dismiss the spell, they just lost half their HP and spent their standard action doing that.

2017-02-02, 05:13 PM
Except that Levitate specifically only works on yourself or one WILLING creature.

You could always knock them out first.

2017-02-02, 11:26 PM
You could always knock them out first.

Seems like a really round-a-bout way to roll a Coup-de-Grace.

2017-02-03, 01:31 AM
We forgot that the Open/Close cantrips had weight limits.

To be fair the weight limit hardly ever cones into play and most people don't think that the cantrips are that powerful. I have however seen them used to mess with melee monsters and buy time for the PC melee guys. But that wasn't the good bit...

See, there was this gargantuan trapdoor spider and a couple of the melee guys were standing on the trapdoor after the spider had grabbed the sorcerer...

2017-02-03, 01:47 AM
You could always knock them out first.

Heh, that reminds me of someones housrule for ice assassin to require the live target with you for you to cast the spell on them.

Yes, the spells called Ice Assassin

Because killing someone who you already have captured well enough for you to cast a spell with a 8 hour casting time on requires 20k Gold, a ninth level spell and 5k Exp :smalltongue:.

2017-02-03, 02:51 PM
Heh, that reminds me of someones housrule for ice assassin to require the live target with you for you to cast the spell on them.
Because killing someone who you already have captured well enough for you to cast a spell with a 8 hour casting time on requires 20k Gold, a ninth level spell and 5k Exp :smalltongue:.For the usage based on the name, assassinating someone, that would indeed be silly.

For the more common usage - creating permanent, powerful minions under your telepathic control, and/or learning all of someone's secrets despite any mental protections they may have? It's a pretty reasonable house-rule.

2017-02-03, 02:55 PM
Ice assassin is a really silly idea in the first place. Why would you send a clone of a person to kill them? It makes way more sense to make a clone of a strong person and then send it after weaker people. It's pretty clear that nobody thought about this spell even a little bit when writing it.

Uncle Pine
2017-02-03, 03:09 PM
A Wu Jen/Spellguard of Silverymoon can kill you by casting Transcend Mortality on you as an immediate action and then end its duration with a standard action.

2017-02-03, 03:16 PM
It's not that unconventional, since it is a spell that you often want to cast on an enemy to make them less happy, but I once killed someone with Dispel Magic. (They had a magic-based buff to their CON score, and they were already injured, so the loss of HP brought them down into negatives, though I forget if it dropped them below –10 by itself.)

2017-02-03, 05:34 PM
Always wanted to find a way to deliver Awaken Construct (and Awaken Undead, Incarnate Construct in 3.x) to enemy minions via magic arrows. Never did figure out a way to make that work.

2017-02-05, 11:25 AM
Always wanted to find a way to deliver Awaken Construct (and Awaken Undead, Incarnate Construct in 3.x) to enemy minions via magic arrows. Never did figure out a way to make that work.

If that spell is divine then you can take the runecaster prestige class and craft a rune of the spell that triggers on passing. put it on an arrow head and shoot at the ground near the target.

2017-02-05, 01:25 PM
Always wanted to find a way to deliver Awaken Construct (and Awaken Undead, Incarnate Construct in 3.x) to enemy minions via magic arrows. Never did figure out a way to make that work.

Arcane Archer seems to be a pretty straightforward way to do this.