View Full Version : Pathfinder How can one add tentacle attacks to a natural attack routine?

2017-02-02, 06:23 PM
I was going for a natural attack build and was trying to see if there is a way to add tentacles to it.

The alchemist has a tentacle discovery but that explicitly says that it doesn't add to the number of attacks per round (I guess it replaces an existing attack?).

There is the tentacle cloak for a 1/day thing.

What else is out there in pathfinder rules (not 3rd party, alas)?

2017-02-02, 06:44 PM
Uhm.. Synthesist summoner with a lot of tentacle evolutions?
There's also an Evolved Companion feat which can give an animal companion, familiar or mount a 1-point evolution (which tentacles is)

2017-02-02, 07:36 PM
Interesting! I think Synthesist Summoner has a cap on # of natural attacks/rd an eidolon gets though. So if I am already at or above that limit for other things then the tentacles wouldn't get to attack.

2017-02-02, 07:51 PM
Two words: Kraken Caller (http://archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Druid Kraken Caller).

2017-02-02, 11:02 PM
If DSP's psionics is available, look at Aberrant Archetype of the Aegis. You can get as much as 4 tentacles + stinger.

2017-02-02, 11:53 PM
Interesting! I think Synthesist Summoner has a cap on # of natural attacks/rd an eidolon gets though. So if I am already at or above that limit for other things then the tentacles wouldn't get to attack.

I've always felt the Natural Attack limit thing was poorly worded/implemented.
Let alone all of the interaction issues a Synthesist (potentially) has.

I would consider it a (minor) house rule to make the Natural Attack limit ONLY apply to the attacks actually gained from the Eidolon. This is partially offset by the fact that the Eidolon's physical stats override your own, meaning you'd need to invest a fair number of levels into Summoner in order to truly benefit from it.

For the record, I am aware of this FAQ (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fz#v5748eaic9obe) and that it's semi-poorly thought out.

2017-02-03, 07:55 PM
The alchemist has a tentacle discovery but that explicitly says that it doesn't add to the number of attacks per round (I guess it replaces an existing attack?).Provided you don't intend to make unarmed strikes, there's a way to circumvent this limitation. Dip a level in monk for monk unarmed strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk#TOC-Unarmed-Strike) (I'd recommend the Master of Many Styles (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/master-of-many-styles) archetype with Feral Combat Training (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/feral-combat-training-combat) (get Weapon Focus (tentacles) from a cracked Opalescent White Pyramid in a Wayfinder), Dragon Style (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/dragon-style-combat) (bonus feat) and Dragon Ferocity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/dragon-ferocity-combat) if you're going to focus on natural attacks). The crucial difference between a monk unarmed strike and a normal unarmed strike is that the monk version can be made with any part of your body. This means that your alchemist tentacles can replace your monk unarmed strikes (head butts/elbows/knees/shoulder slams/whatever) without also hogging limbs which you'll want to use for other natural attacks.

Combine with 10 levels of barb or 12 levels of primalist bloodrager for up to four claw attacks and pounce.

Or simply take the easy route and go synth summoner.

2017-02-04, 01:27 AM
I can see how that would get the tentacles in, but I think flurry of blows otherwise shuts out all the other natural attacks:

"A monk with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a flurry of blows, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his flurry of blows attacks."


2017-02-04, 03:41 AM
I can see how that would get the tentacles in, but I think flurry of blows otherwise shuts out all the other natural attacks:

"A monk with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a flurry of blows, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his flurry of blows attacks."

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk#TOC-Flurry-of-Blows-Ex-Yes. FoB is absolutely out of the question. Which is another reason for going with the MoMS archetype which trades away FoB.