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2017-02-02, 10:42 PM
Treasure of the Broken Hoard
Prologue: A Chance Gathering of Giant Proportions

One of the most famous treasure hunters in the Realms, Veradda Stoor, has put out a call for assistance in tracking down caches of treasure hidden by the now-defunct Cult of the Dragon in the Greypeak Mountains. Through luck, skill, and the intervention of your faction, or from simply hearing of something to gain from this quest, you have been chosen to assist her. You were told to meet her in a clearing along the Black Road, east of the village of Parnast. Your trip along the Black Road showed signs of goblin presence, but has otherwise been uneventful. Other travelers you met claimed to have seen evidence of giant activity: runecovered boulders, huge footprints, and missing livestock. You saw none of that evidence, however. Maybe it was just the overactive imagination of scared farmers and merchants?

Greetings adventurers and heroes and welcome to the first adventure in the Storm King's Thunder installment of Adventurers League adventures. All of you are heroes of some minor degree of fame and thus have been gathered in order to fully uncover the secrets and mysteries in the sword coast left behind from the cult of the dragon, the cults of elemental evil, the maddening demons rising up from the underdark, and most recently, the strange mists that seemed to bring death and destruction whever they went (look up Tyranny of Dragons, Elemental Evil, Rage of Demons, and Curse of Strahd respectively). Those cataclysmic events are all over now, and all of Faerun is returning to a more peaceful time. Thus the factions whose agents and resources aided in saving the world on almost all of these occasions have taken up the task of cleaning up the results of the numerous events. That is not to say that only faction agents are acting on this, several other heroes looking for fame, fortune, or just a chance to do good have joined in. With their aim being to find elemental relics, dragon treasure hoards, grimoires of demonic madness, or maybe even power through bargains with the dark powers found in the mists. Whatever the reason, you have all been gathered to aid in one such "cleaner" (although she prefers the term "treasure-hunter") Varadda Stoor in her effort to clean up all of the remaining hoards gathered by the cult of the dragon.

Now to say why you have come here (note, if you dislike what I give you feel free to privately message me to work something else out, I'm just trying to involve all of the story elements):

You have come looking for information on your father. A Wise Owl (high ranking member of the Harpers) by the name of Kun Moro, proclaimed "Best Bard in all of Faerun" with his catchphrase "I can make all your wishes come true!" instructed you to head to a small clearing at the base of the Greypeak Mountains near a small town named Parnast, you were to meet with a Veradda as well as some other adventurers who, while you should as always keep an eye on, most likely were not of the truly unsavory *cough* Zhentarim *cough *cough* kind. He pointed you in this direction believeing that it would work both as a good lead on a fellow treasure hunter who might have information on your father, as well as ensuring that no secret rituals, ancient rituals, or powerful runic markings from the hoards would fall into the wrong hands (as well as to maybe... analyze them a little bit, but of course they'd destroy them afterwards). You headed towards the clearing, finding it to be just outside of the Aounarach Desert and roughly a tenday away from the city of Parnast and a small caravan stop called Vuerthyl in the Aunarach Desert. Along the road you happened to head up with several other heroes who appeared to have the same objective as you!

So you may introduce yourself and begin conversation with the other members, describing your appearance to them and maybe any quick conversations you might have along the road. When you believe yourself to be done typing up a quick introduction (but before you post) click on the spoiler below that says: "DO NOT OPEN (Unless I say so)" at which point you should open that (because I say so) and post your characters reaction. I would recommend showing some kind of divisor between your characters introductions and their reaction to whatever occurs.

You hurried off towards the Greypeaks, with steel in your hand and iron on your chest you were ready for adventure. Just as you were about to leave, however, you recieved an official looking message from a Warduke (a high ranking member of the alliance). It seemed you were the closest agent to the Greypeaks and they wanted to ensure that they got their hands on any powerful items that were left behind (for mutual security of course). In addition there have been reports of giant activity and thus if you meet any giants you should ensure that they know about the alliance as a giant who is allied with the alliance makes the alliance even stronger. Thus you were instructed to quickly move to the Greypeak Mountains and meet up with some other treasure-seekers as well as the famous Veradda Stoor herself in order to recover these items and investigate these rumors. Along the way you found yourself in the company of several other adventurers who appeared to also be heading to the mountains to meet Veradda Stoor.

So you may introduce yourself and begin conversation with the other members, describing your appearance to them and maybe any quick conversations you might have along the road. When you believe yourself to be done typing up a quick introduction (but before you post) click on the spoiler below that says: "DO NOT OPEN (Unless I say so)" at which point you should open that (because I say so) and post your characters reaction. I would recommend showing some kind of divisor between your characters introductions and their reaction to whatever occurs.

(Noticed that you decided to instead abstain from the choice of faction and I never changed it so I will now change that in the OOC) The Sword Coast is so bright and full of color! Why just this morning you saw a large multicolored snail, and the plant life here is like nothing you have ever seen before. The people weren't as... frosty (in both ways) and there were a lot more humans than you thought (non-dwarves aren't really allowed in Ironmaster). You found reports of a great quest about to happen in search of treasure, by the nearby mountains of the Greypeaks. Luckily your wanderings had taken you almost all of the way but as you found yourself heading along the road to the clearing where the journey was supposed to began you discovered several other adventerous-looking people heading in the same direction as you, it appeared as they were also signed up to go on this quest along with you!

So you may introduce yourself and begin conversation with the other members, describing your appearance to them and maybe any quick conversations you might have along the road. When you believe yourself to be done typing up a quick introduction (but before you post) click on the spoiler below that says: "DO NOT OPEN (Unless I say so)" at which point you should open that (because I say so) and post your characters reaction. I would recommend showing some kind of divisor between your characters introductions and their reaction to whatever occurs.

(I just realized this now, but it might be a better idea to choose Grazz't instead of Mephitstopheles unless you're seriously set on him as you there is an entire season devoted to stopping Grazz't machinations in the Underdark) Lux, or Nathaniel as he's currently going by was traveling across the sword coast, using his abilities and powers to try and make the most out of his life when Nathaniel recieved an important notification from a Vindicator (a high ranking member of the Order) who told him that it was his duty to go and ensure that rumors of a group of goblins who had gone into the greypeak mountains were eliminated, for they had done heinous acts and must be punished. You were also informed that you would be acting in coordination with another Chevall, and it is recommended that you do your best to protect him, he is also someone who has been a bit harrassed based on their appearance. His name is Vultha Usk and you should meet him shortly.

So you may introduce yourself and begin conversation with the other members, describing your appearance to them and maybe any quick conversations you might have along the road. When you believe yourself to be done typing up a quick introduction (but before you post) click on the spoiler below that says: "DO NOT OPEN (Unless I say so)" at which point you should open that (because I say so) and post your characters reaction. I would recommend showing some kind of divisor between your characters introductions and their reaction to whatever occurs.

You have been through the forests trying to find peace in the death of your mother. Every now and then you head into the nearby towns to investigate, sell off any hides that you cannot use and to refurbish your weapons and armor. One specific day you hear about a job that offers a chance to do some good and to help others. The mission seems to be simple enough, a famous (though you've never heard of her) treasure hunter is apparently trying to gather up the remaining treasures left by some dragon cult. The treasure and money is not too important to you, but it could do some good. So you gather up what posessions you have and forge off through the forests towards the meeting point just off of the black road at the base of the Greypeaks. As you are heading down the road you find that there are several others who look like the adventuring type who you discover to be also heading on this mission.

So you may introduce yourself and begin conversation with the other members, describing your appearance to them and maybe any quick conversations you might have along the road. When you believe yourself to be done typing up a quick introduction (but before you post) click on the spoiler below that says: "DO NOT OPEN (Unless I say so)" at which point you should open that (because I say so) and post your characters reaction. I would recommend showing some kind of divisor between your characters introductions and their reaction to whatever occurs.

Baron Brown Riverwood has just recieved news... His assisstance is required in a delicate matter that members of powerful factions deem necessary. It appears like he has been asked to aid in a collection of some kind, something about that blasted dragon cult uprising that halted his search when he first heard about Kendara. If the factions require assisstance that means there may be some kind of reward in store, and while you may not have time for friends, quick cash or favors never did anybody any harm. It seems that you are to head to the base of the Greypeak Mountains, in between a trading post in the Aunaroch Desert called Vuerthyl and a small town at the end of the Black Road called Parnast. You head on the Black Road towards the meeting point and discover that you do not seem to be the only one who has been asked to go on this mission. Several other heroic-looking adventurers are heading in the same direction along.

So you may introduce yourself and begin conversation with the other members, describing your appearance to them and maybe any quick conversations you might have along the road. When you believe yourself to be done typing up a quick introduction (but before you post) click on the spoiler below that says: "DO NOT OPEN (Unless I say so)" at which point you should open that (because I say so) and post your characters reaction. I would recommend showing some kind of divisor between your characters introductions and their reaction to whatever occurs.

(Everything I do is purposeful in this) What is this? A piece of white cut tree, with the black marks the warm-bloods call "writting." Hmmm... The markings say to: "Meet at base of the Peak of Grey Mountains..." wait a minute, now that doesn't make any sense how can you be at the base of a peak? Oh, ah! Common is so tricky sometimes, it's "Meet at the base of the Greypeak Mountains. We have also requested another member's aid in this task. You will be able to recognize him by the horns and his devout sense of justice. Your goal is to ensure the destruction of a band of goblins who are terrorizing travelers who pass by. --The Order of the Gauntlet" That makes a lot more sense.

You headed to the meeting spot, trying to avoid the roads whenever there were large groups of travelers as you don't know what they'd think of you. You travel across the marsh of chelimber until you happen upon a group and you notice that there is a red man with horns! Could this be the group that you are assissting with, you cautiously head forward to ask.

So you may introduce yourself and begin conversation with the other members, describing your appearance to them and maybe any quick conversations you might have along the road. When you believe yourself to be done typing up a quick introduction (but before you post) click on the spoiler below that says: "DO NOT OPEN (Unless I say so)" at which point you should open that (because I say so) and post your characters reaction. I would recommend showing some kind of divisor between your characters introductions and their reaction to whatever occurs.

__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________

When you reach the rendezvous point, Veradda Stoor is nowhere to be found. Countless footprints of various sizes, and lots of bloodstains, mar the ground. A search of the area ultimately turns up the body of your would-be employer, several-hours dead from a variety of wounds.
What is left of her equipment is scattered around the clearing. A large tome holding her notes is open on the ground near her body. The last several pages have been torn out.

Please read everything that you're supposed to read carefully.

2017-02-02, 11:41 PM
A young man, tall but not too tall, broad but not too broad, helped lead the mules of the caravan, being accostumed to such work as a boy. His blue eyes saw to the mules' needs dutifully, but kept darting eagerly toward the Greypeak mountains in the distance, toward adventure. He smiled to himself and shyly brushed a lock of his shoulder-length blond hair out of his eyes. He continually fidgeted with the chainmail beneath his tunic as if he were unused to the way it hung from his shoulders. In truth, these last few days were the first time he'd ever worn armor for any length more than a few moments.

Liam turned to the nearest of their assembly, a stout Dwarf woman from the mountains, "I've heard talk of giants roaming nearby," the boy began, "What do you make of that?"

* * * * *

Much later, in the shadow of the Greypeaks, they'd stumbled upon what looked to have been a battleground and the corpse of the treasure hunter they'd meant to rendezvous with...

Liam stared in shocked apprehension, fret etched into his deeply furrowed brow even as his jaw slacked agape.

"She's been killed..." the boy blurted stupidly. He turned to another member of their party, this one a self-assured human man wearing no weapons or armor, "Goblins, do you think?"

2017-02-02, 11:42 PM
(OOC:) Sorry, previewed with a roll...

2017-02-02, 11:47 PM
(OOC:) Sorry, previewed with a roll...

Hmmm... I can't see it?

2017-02-03, 12:10 AM

EDIT: rofl fml

2017-02-03, 12:14 AM
In your shock and confusion you can glean no details about this situation other than the fact that some woman is most obviously sleeping, not dead as you proclaimed earlier. :smallbiggrin:

2017-02-03, 12:32 AM
Vultha Usk pushed forward, towards the horned man, focusing on him with his unnerving, almost predatory yellow eyes. His sheer size, dwarfing most humans, his black scaled hide, already natually hardy, due to years of warfare, bolstered further by leather armor, that looked much less barbaric than what most Lizard-folk tend to wear. He was notably heavily armed, with two handaxes adorning matching leather holsters on his belt, a battleaxe holstered over his back, a longbow slung over his shoulder with the matching quiver , and of course, a pack with gods know what.
Horns. Order gave me white piece of wood, told me to meet with you here.
As I deliver what I know, I look over the odd man. I have never seen someone have such a color of skin. However, experience has taught me that inquiring about human's skin tones can be a subject that causes aggression. I instead choose to ask about the horns. Why do you have horns, Horns? I've lived with humans for years, and have not seen a human with horns.

2017-02-03, 01:41 AM
[Sweet! Grazz't it is. Thanks for putting so much thought into this, it's a killer start.:smallsmile:]

Lux, or Nathaniel, because by now he had fully assumed his persona to avoid confusion, was focussed on a point on the horizon when he turned around to the sound of Vultha approaching.
It was all he could do not to jump up in the air from surprise, and it took everything Nathaniel had to keep his composure. This was exactly how he pictured getting dragged down to hell would start. With a giant, armoured, beast sent to get him.
As Nathaniel caught his breath again, he could see what the Vindicator had meant when he had said that Vultha has had similar problems with his appearance. Nathaniel looked the brute up and down and smiled a wicked smile.
Goodness, if this specimen is on my side those goblins don't stand a chance.

"You must be Vultha." He said as he straightened his tabard. It was a simple black tabard with an intricate white cross woven into the front of it, Sarenrea's symbol was smartly incorporated into it and the whole thing looked virtuous and badass. He was wearing a large matching cloak over his shoulders with a hood, that was currently hanging between his shoulders. The outfit somehow gave credibility to this red skinned, horned and silver-tongued person. It also helped that he shaved off his pencil-thin moustache.
"Pleased to meet you, I am glad the gods saw it fit for us to get to know each other." Nathaniel said as he considered various options and outcomes. Was he sent because they had poked a hole in his cover? Probably not. Have they discovered his ties to Grazz't? Hmm. Is this yellow eyed monster smarter than he's letting on? Possibly. Should I try and stay on his good side, and gather more information? Hell yeah.

"I believe the horns are there to remind me that every man and woman is different and is carrying their own burden in life. Also, you might consider the fact that I'm not human." Nathaniel said with a cheeky wink.


As they reach the rendezvous point, Nathaniel tries to discern what footsteps are on the ground but when the body is found he spends his full attention on it.
Kneeled beside it, eyes closed, he prays to Sarenrae and asks for her guidance to help this pour soul cross over peacefully and to be taken into the warm embrace of her wings of sun and radiant scimitars of hope and much more of this religious mumbojumbo that he can think of.

His holy symbol out, and a single tear rolling off of his cheek. He waits patiently for the others to conclude their business and share their findings with each other. It wasn't just that he didn't enjoy working, cause he definitely didn't, it's just that given the opportunity to crouch over a dead body and reinforce his cover, it came miles ahead of being useful. Besides, it was a great chance to see what the skill sets of the others were. Nathaniel was a tad opportunistic like that.

2017-02-03, 01:49 AM
OOC: No problem, I try to do this with my games to ensure that this is a group experience, not just some railroad (even though that's considerably harder in AL I try to do my best)

2017-02-03, 07:05 AM
Liam turned to the nearest of their assembly, a stout Dwarf woman from the mountains, "I've heard talk of giants roaming nearby," the boy began, "What do you make of that?"

Svenna turned to eye the boy as she walked with him. Her quarterstaff clacked on the stone road with each alternating step. Her shorter stature, typical for a dwarven woman like herself, yet out of place this far away from the places people usually found dwarves, meant she was pressed to keep up with the comparably loping strides of her companions. "Ehh, don't think we'll be seein' any of the colossal buggers any time soon, if tha's what yer askin'. They leave us alone, we leave them alone, e'erybody's happy. No one likes to be bothered. The villagers are probably windin' each other up with tales of bones being ground to make some bread when a pack of wolves probably took a sheep while the shepherd was nappin'." She turned her hazel eyes back towards her surroundings, her long, rope-like braid swinging behind her, causing a few scales of her armor to clatter. The woods seemed calm, and whatever treasure lay ahead of the group almost sunk to second priority as she simply enjoyed the scenery. She took a deep breath and inhaled, her wide shoulders and broad chest expanding as her lungs filled with the fresh air. This felt nice. She paused a moment, reaching up with one arm to wipe some sweat from her bushy eyebrows, the back of her thumb grazing the slight sliver of lighter flesh of a scar, cutting straight downwards from her left eye down to the middle of her cheek. She came back to attention, and grumbled slightly to herself, "At least I don't have to keep up with a giant's pace..."

The dead body was unsettling. Especially given it was the dead body of their employer/contact for this particular venture. Svenna moves forward, leaving the Tiefling priest, or cleric, or what have you with the business of last rites. He seemed to be stumbling a bit, but she wasn't all that familiar with burial services. The book was of more interest, and so she stoops down to pick it up, stowing her staff away for the moment, flipping through the pages to try and gleam information from the tome. She reaches the empty space of the missing pages, and attempts to read the two pages preceding the absence.

2017-02-03, 09:34 AM
Wearing only simple clothes and carrying just a quarterstaff Deglan doesn't really seem like much. He has some muscle on him but remains lean and fit. He doesn't seem like one who would be getting in a lot of fights, although there is more than meets the eye. Deglan glances around at the many different adventurers joining up on the same little adventure he set himself on. He sizes them up more or less, not intentionally but just cautiously. He remains calculated in that sense, wanting to be aware of his surroundings and if any of these other heroes would be much help in a bind.

There was a short dwarf woman, long braided hair and broad shoulders. A bit cute in Deglan's opinion. She seemed like she could carry herself well, not to mention the scar on her left cheek. I'm sure there is a story there... but should I ask her about it... No that would be rude on a first meeting... Deglan sighs to himself a bit but continues to look around. There is a horned creature with reddish skin and a fancy mustache. Huh, must be a tiefling Delgan thought to himself, He should come handy in a... His thoughts are cut off as a hulking, over 6 and a half feet tall Reptilian creature comes over and converses with the Tiefling. Deglan's jaw almost drops as he lets out an audible, "Holy Crap". He quickly composes himself and takes a good look at the creature Ok ok I know I read about this somewhere in one of my books.... hmmm.... "OH Lizardfolk!" Deglan exclaims out loud. His hand goes straight to his mouth as he realizes he exclaimed that out loud...
Deglan looks around at the confused faces and begins to apologize, "I'm sorry folks, I'm not really used to traveling with strangers and this is all a bit much to take in. My name is Deglan Devolt. It's a pleasure to meet each of you. He extends an hand out to no one in particular and just kind of leaves it hanging there in the air... Why am I so awkward....


Deglan glances around at the signs of a scuffle and bloody scene. When they finally find the body he just stares down at her. It was his first and only lead to his father, and now its gone. He kicks himself for being so callous and then realizes someone is trying to talk to him. He looks at the body and the prints around "I'm not entirely too sure if it was goblins... Its a possibility. We should collect all the clues we can find to figure out what happened here. He stops for a moment and glances around at the woods surrounding "Although, we should be careful. Whatever happened to her could still happen to us...

Deglan notices the dwarf glancing through a tome, Damn I need to see what's in that tome... he thinks to himself briefly before walking over to her. "I'm sorry for the intrusion but do you think we could glance through that together? I'm very interested to see what's inside..." Deglan politely asks, hoping to figure out something

Ok sooo let me know what I can and cant do in the time frame but essentially:

Investigation towards what may have attacked, if it was goblins - [roll0]
Perception of our environment and if anything is watching or if we are safeish - [roll1]
Investigation of tome if Svenna lets me look with her - [roll2]

I wish I grabbed investigation instead lol.... alas I shall accept my character now.

Edit: Huh, nat 20... well I better damn know if these were goblins or not ;)

2017-02-03, 09:42 AM
Juliss wandered at the back of the group, gazing at the peaks on the horizon and occasionally thumbing the wolf's fang tied around her neck. The mountain air tickled her senses with hints of flora and fauna stranger than she could imagine, not to mention the scents of her traveling companions. On hearing talk of giants, she jogs to join the dwarf and boy.

"I saw a giant once. Well, I tracked it. Well, I tracked its prints. But I lost it in the wastes past the edge of the woods. At least I think it was a giant. They were huge prints. Hi Juli my name is, who you are?" She pauses to breathe, then realizes what she said and blushes. She retraces herself slowly, "Hi, my name is Juliss, but you can call me Jules or Juli. Either. Or both. What are your names?"


Juli walks the perimeter of the scene, looking for tracks, clues, and any animals that might have witnessed the attack.

OOC: First time with the dice roller hopefully I got it right.
[roll0] Perception for animals.
[roll1] Investigation for clues

2017-02-03, 09:57 AM
You do a cursory analysis of the pages before and after. Skimming through it becomes apparent that the stolen papers had to do with some kind of "secret staches." Based on this quick skimming, however, you cannot uncover more than that.

2017-02-03, 10:11 AM
(Sorry for double post, I didn't notice there were more replies :smalltongue:)

Reminder that tracking and identifying is Survival... Although that makes it a 23 :smallwink:. It seems obvious that there were goblins here but... That's strange... They go... Back to the mountains? Wait, what's over the- as you begin to walk around around you discover something that you (possibly?) have never seen before: An area of crushed grass with a length roughly equal to your hieght and a width around the hight of your halfling! At first it looked just like a bunch of footprints but you now realize it is one colossal footprint. What could have done this you have no idea, but it had to be really big.You also notice that there are around twenty goblin-ish footprints scampering around the area.

You believe that you are alone... :smallbiggrin:

You also look through the book, and it becomes apparent that the stolen papers had to do with some kind of "secret staches." It also seems like she kept multiple copies of her notes, making margin notes of: "Copy this" or "Keep this one hidden." Based on your mind being caught off guard about the huge footprint, however, you cannot uncover more than that.

Also you can use the rebuilding feature after the mission.

You do not notice any animal tracks, but it's really hard to identify anything given the sheer number of footprints around the area.

As you look for clues you notice that there are seeral pieces of parchment that are protruding slightly from one of Veradda Stoor's pockets.

2017-02-03, 10:20 AM
Juli walks over and searches Veradda's pockets, retrieving several scraps of parchment. She moves next to the dwarf with the tome and thrusts the pages under her nose.

"I found these!" She exclaims.

2017-02-03, 10:30 AM
As the half-elf hands the papers out to the dwarf/the party it becomes clear that Veradda had more notes than just the ones in the tome... You unfurl them with the satisfying sound of crinkling parchment and you see written in a quick and messy form of handwriting are extra notes on these secret staches. Each stache appears to be in the Greypeaks, slowly getting higher and higher until you're at the top (if you follow all of them). As you read further you find information regarding each of the caches:

The First Cache: The first treasure cache was hidden by the Cult of the Dragon in an abandoned cave at the base at of the southernmost mountain in the Greypeak range. While it was thought to be the smallest of the caches, it is also not thought to be protected by any traps or magic. The caves and tunnels of the complex, according to my sources, are not very structurally sound. Goblins are known to inhabit the area.

The Second Cache: My sources confirmed that one cache was buried beneath a unique structure: a pyramid of stone resting on a flat field of stone in the middle section of the Greypeaks, directly between the two highest mountains of that section of the range. The area was once rent with volcanic activity, making the flat stone field difficult to navigate. My sources could not tell me who or what built the boulder pyramid.

The Third Cache: The source I questioned about this cache said that it was carefully hidden behind a secret entrance in the wall of a green-sided mountain. There is only one of those in the Greypeak range, according to my research. The source also said that the cultist who hid the treasure was an expert in magical curses.

The Fourth Cache: This cache was secured in an abandoned dwarven outpost used for treating ore that was being prepared for use in weapon-smithing. My sources implied that the place had been overrun by something terrible and immortal, causing the dwarves to leave it centuries ago. Subterranean volcanic activity has been reported in the area regularly over the years.

The Fifth Cache: At the top of the tallest summit of the Greypeaks, one contact told me that there is an abandoned shrine once revered by giants. Dragons used the area as a perch since then, and a cache is going to be hidden there. Someone also told me that occasionally, when the wind is blowing in just the right direction, a pealing of loud bell can be heard from there.

2017-02-03, 10:33 AM
Deglan looks through the wild and can definitely tell there were goblins around but it seems that they have scampered off. He then notices a GIANT footprint in the ground which startles him. He immediately begins to sweat and lose control but quickly composes himself, You got this man, it's just a giant footprint that could easily squash you. Nothing to overreact about... He tries to remain focused and glance at the tome but can't seem to keep his mind straight. He has a nagging feeling in the back of his mind so he steps away from it and addresses the group. The half-elf brings up some more notes he found on the dead treasure hunter but Deglan is more concerned with their safety at the moment so he presses on with his information. "Guys, I've found something very concerning... Over here by this crushed grass." He points out the area, "At first I thought it was a collection of footprints but its not... It is one colossal one... And that concerns me. I know the townsfolks talked of giants and the like and we haven't really found evidence but," he pauses a moment "Well here is some evidence..." he lets whoever examine the big footprint before also mentioning that the goblin tracks strangely went back to the mountains.

2017-02-03, 10:52 AM
Juli walks over and searches Veradda's pockets, retrieving several scraps of parchment. She moves next to the dwarf with the tome and thrusts the pages under her nose.

"I found these!" She exclaims.

"Guys, I've found something very concerning... Over here by this crushed grass." He points out the area, "At first I thought it was a collection of footprints but its not... It is one colossal one... And that concerns me. I know the townsfolks talked of giants and the like and we haven't really found evidence but," he pauses a moment "Well here is some evidence..." he lets whoever examine the big footprint before also mentioning that the goblin tracks strangely went back to the mountains.

After finishing reading off the pack of notes out loud, albeit with a bit of an accent, Svenna perks up as Delgan reveals to have found more clues. She looks over the sets of tracks he identified, and nods at his assessment. "Good job." She kneels down and ponders what this would mean. "Well, one cache is in Goblin territory. Little blighters probably scurried off to secure it. We could head there first, avenge the death of our comrade," she points to Verrada's body before continuing, "and get some o' the treasures in one swoop." She takes a deep breath and sighs, not understanding what the giant's footprint would have to do with any of this. "Not sure what the giant was lookin' for though..."

2017-02-03, 11:07 AM
Always present, but never seen doing any actual work, was what looked at furst glance as a country child. A second glance showed the matured features of an adult halfling. Dressed in simple undyed wool shirt and brown slacks, the only real color comes from his deep green cloak that nearly matches the color of his eyes.

He has introduced himself simply as Alton Goodbarrel, an adept sorcerer employed by Baron Riverwood and dispatched on an urgent errand. He regularly shifts a pair of dice around his left hand, but never seems that interested in playing at dice.


Alton barely reacts to the body. He starts to make a joke, but quickly stops talking as everyone begins seriously investigating the scene.

"Guess you could say that's a giant clue. I think this whole thing feels like a trap. If this happened hours ago, why rush and rip out some pages, but leave the body and the rest?"

Idly, Alton creates the image of a chess board with the party as pieces hovering midair in front of him. (Using Minor Illusion)

(What time of day is it?)

2017-02-03, 11:27 AM
Always present, but never seen doing any actual work, was what looked at furst glance as a country child. A second glance showed the matured features of an adult halfling. Dressed in simple undyed wool shirt and brown slacks, the only real color comes from his deep green cloak that nearly matches the color of his eyes.

He has introduced himself simply as Alton Goodbarrel, an adept sorcerer employed by Baron Riverwood and dispatched on an urgent errand. He regularly shifts a pair of dice around his left hand, but never seems that interested in playing at dice.


Alton barely reacts to the body. He starts to make a joke, but quickly stops talking as everyone begins seriously investigating the scene.

"Guess you could say that's a giant clue. I think this whole thing feels like a trap. If this happened hours ago, why rush and rip out some pages, but leave the body and the rest?"

Idly, Alton creates the image of a chess board with the party as pieces hovering midair in front of him. (Using Minor Illusion)

(What time of day is it?)

"Maybe she tried to hide the important information from the goblins? Or from us? For whatever reason, the goblins left it to us. I'd more like to know what a giant was doing here. Beyond that, if we're going straight to the first cache I can try to track the goblins from here."

[roll0] Insight for Veradda's motives.
[roll1] Insight for giant.
[roll2] Survival to track.

2017-02-03, 11:40 AM
Vultha grunted in acknowledgement, responding to Lux's grin by giving the teifling a full, unsettlingly toothy smile.
Human enough. Let us get going, Horns.

When Usk and Lux reached the rendezvous point, Usk stood above the scene of murder that the others had uncovered, and stared intently at the body, looking over the wounds, before moving towards the body of the would be employer, an hoisting her up.
Shame. It appears we are out of a job. Maybe we could hunt a cleric, and perhaps revive her. Simplist way of getting the information. Would be a stronger, better guided group. Most valuable connection lost, the soft-kins are too busy mourning, praying or speculating.

2017-02-03, 12:05 PM
"Maybe she tried to hide the important information from the goblins? Or from us? For whatever reason, the goblins left it to us. I'd more like to know what a giant was doing here. Beyond that, if we're going straight to the first cache I can try to track the goblins from here."

Deglan agrees with the course of action that the Half-Elf lays out and decides to help her look for tracks or a route to get them started towards the first cache.

Survival: [roll0]
If he finds anything substantial he points it out to the group and waits till everyone is ready to get moving

Edit: Sorry I rushed that and it was supposed to be +3 not +2 so the result is actually 20

2017-02-03, 01:27 PM
(What time of day is it?)

You would estimate it's just before midday, as you see the sun still hangs overhead, bearing down upon you with heat (as you're right next to one of the largest deserts on Faerun).

"Maybe she tried to hide the important information from the goblins? Or from us? For whatever reason, the goblins left it to us. I'd more like to know what a giant was doing here. Beyond that, if we're going straight to the first cache I can try to track the goblins from here."

[roll0] Insight for Veradda's motives.
[roll1] Insight for giant.
[roll2] Survival to track.

Based on the fact that she was an explorer and seems quite meticulous given the size of her journal it is possible she made duplicates in the case of a terrible event (like this). You seriously doubt that goblins would've had the intelligence to create such a complicated deception... Then again, with evidence of an almost mythical creature (giant) nothing seems to be impossible at this point.

Based on the giant footprint you can't really glean any information that you think would be useful.

The tracks are obvious enough that you can very easily follow them.

Shame. It appears we are out of a job. Maybe we could hunt a cleric, and perhaps revive her. Simplist way of getting the information. Would be a stronger, better guided group. Most valuable connection lost, the soft-kins are too busy mourning, praying or speculating.

Based on the map provided by your faction about the location of the meeting point it seems like the closest town (called Parnast) is a good tenday away... more if you're carrying a body.

Deglan agrees with the course of action that the Half-Elf lays out and decides to help her look for tracks or a route to get them started towards the first cache.

Survival: [roll0]
If he finds anything substantial he points it out to the group and waits till everyone is ready to get moving

Edit: Sorry I rushed that and it was supposed to be +3 not +2 so the result is actually 20

The path is easy enough to follow, with clear evidence of travel. It seems to lead to the south, heading along the bottom-most part of the mountain. It's like the goblins weren't even trying to be careful, at any rate, their foolishness would allow for you to easily head in that direction.

Deglan points out a path made by the goblin footprints that leads southwards along the base of the mountain.

2017-02-03, 01:40 PM
Alton dismisses his chess board and casts Mage Armor on himself.

2017-02-03, 01:42 PM
Alton dismisses his chess board and casts Mage Armor on himself.

Sounds good, a suit of shimmering armor forms around your body.

2017-02-03, 01:48 PM
Before, on the trail, as Liam discussed the possibility of giants an excitable half-elf woman trotted alongside them to discuss the matter further. As a farm boy who had never seen an elf, Liam was immediately struck by her beauty and taken with her exuberant charm.

"Juli," he started to say, before thinking to himself, She's an elf! She's beautiful... All he said out loud however was, "Uhm... Li--I... Hi," he managed to smooth things over with a charming smile and then recovered himself, "My name's Liam."

* * * * *

She's only sleeping, the farm boy thought to himself of the body on the ground. "Guys, she's only--" Liam started to blurt out, again, stupidly, but this time his foolishness was prevented by the same half-elf from before as she rifled through the sleeping woman's pockets and triumphantly produced a handful of notes. No... not sleeping, then. The boy frowned. Hm. So, she is dead.

The group made a big commotion, a giant's footprint was discovered (But only one? Shouldn't there be at least two tracks?), and everyone discussed what to do with their dead employer and where they should travel to next. Liam listened carefully, but started digging at the earth with his longsword. He would press on to find the treasures, the Lords' Alliance had contracted him to do so anyway, and his guild was beholden to the Lords. But before any of that, Liam wasn't going to let this woman sit to rot and be torn apart by vultures and other less savory creatures of the mountains...

Not sure what to roll here, so I'll do a basic Strength check and an Athletics check. Your call DM.
Strength [roll0]
Athletics [roll1]

2017-02-03, 02:03 PM
(But only one? Shouldn't there be at least two tracks?), and everyone discussed what to do with their dead employer and where they should travel to next. Liam listened carefully, but started digging at the earth with his longsword. He would press on to find the treasures, the Lords' Alliance had contracted him to do so anyway, and his guild was beholden to the Lords. But before any of that, Liam wasn't going to let this woman sit to rot and be torn apart by vultures and other less savory creatures of the mountains...

Not sure what to roll here, so I'll do a basic Strength check and an Athletics check. Your call DM.
Strength [roll0]
Athletics [roll1]

There probably should be, but given how hard it was to identify the giant footprint given the sheer amount of footprints running all across this area it's possible they just went unnoticed.

While all others are deliberating you quickly begin to toil and eventually bury the once-famous treasure hunter (after the rites from the "priest" are completed I assume).

2017-02-03, 02:41 PM
Vultha relinquished the body, disappointed with the loss of a valuable contact. He then assisted the soft skin in burying the treasure hunter, humans were so ill suited to working with their bare hands.
Think we should follow tracks. Hunt the killers. Find their camp. Hide nearby, pick off stragglers. Vultha spoke, to nobody in particular, confident in his abilities to track the goblin horde, and secure enough in the current numbers to begin a tactical assault.

2017-02-03, 02:49 PM
So it seems that the consensus is to head follow the goblin trail (will update this if nobody posts to the contrary soon)?

2017-02-03, 03:43 PM
After a while brother Nathan (I think thats how i'll call him from now on) stood up and took a step away from the corpse. He absentmindedly rolled a tobacco leaf filled with herbs and spices. He let the cigarette slip through the fingers of his right hand and slide over his knuckles a few times before he flicked it in the air and caught it between his his lips.

The moment the cigarette hit his lips the tip of the thing burst out in a small flame (Thaumaturgy) and Brother Nathan inhaled deep. He savoured the flavours of the smoke for a moment and rubbed his cheek.

"Agreed, those goblins can't go unpunished for this."

2017-02-03, 03:50 PM
Juli uses Mold Earth to help bury their guide, then turns her attention to the conversation. At the suggestion of tracking the goblins, she nods approvingly.

2017-02-03, 03:57 PM
Svenna nods in agreement. It didn't seem like there was really much else to do. She makes sure all her gear was still in place in her pack, and prepares to set off with the others, allowing others to take the lead while tracking. While she was certainly no slouch, she was more familiar with tracking the creatures of the land, especially around mountains. Here in the foothills, tracking goblins ... she's not eager to prove anything to her companions, especially since most of them seemed well versed in tracking and scouting. Don't need all the cooks in the kitchen, she mused.

2017-02-03, 04:54 PM
Liam had kept a safe distance from the hulking lizardman during most of his trip. When the creature knelt beside him and dug into the earth with its bare hands to help him with the burial, Liam froze, staring in aghast amazement. It was a big strange world out there, the boy would soon learn. Perhaps very soon. When they were finished the lizardfolk turned the Smith's apprentice an appraising gaze and the young man stared into his glassy eyes, swallowed the dry spit in his mouth, and nodded his appreciation, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

After they finished, Liam followed the trackers into the mountains.

2017-02-03, 05:37 PM
It seems as if enough people are in agreement.

Chapter 1: Beneath the Hills

You traverse the rocky path that heads across the base of the mountain, traipsing over rock and rubble while the sky-scraping peaks of the Greypeak Mountains tower above you. The air gets considerably cooler as you move southwest and away from the desert to settle at a comfortable cool temperature. As all of you are trying to follow the tracks of the goblins I am going to need both a Survival check and a Nature check from everyone who is planning on tracking.

2017-02-03, 05:52 PM
[roll0] nature
[roll1] survival

2017-02-03, 06:11 PM
Survival: [roll0]
Nature: [roll1]

Edit: *Sigh* i'll just go in the back and play with some rocks lol

2017-02-03, 06:44 PM
With a strewn rock over there and a couple of very obvious footprints it quickly becomes apparent that are an abundance of foottrails, some being larger than others. One of the foottrails looks similar to the footprint you saw before, with the steps being more obvious now although you notice something strange. There is a large set of footprints or wait, pawprints that stay close to the large footprints. It appears that you're dealing with 2-3 score of goblins, maybe 1-2 giants, and also some kind of bear... A black bear maybe judging by the size of the prints, but you're not entirely sure.

You easily point out the path to the rest of the group.

Though the life of a treasure seeker takes one to far off places the treasures are normally underground, not outside in mountainous terrain. This new experience puts you at a bit of a disadvantage as for a second you think that there's clear evidence a the goblins all jumped off a cliff... But that doesn't make sense... (You identify you pertinent information)

If I recall there were more than two people who wanted to track.

2017-02-03, 07:05 PM
Survival: (1d20+4)Nature: (1d20) All right It's official, I have no idea what I'm doing

2017-02-03, 08:03 PM
Rolling for Alkerite: Survival: [roll0]
Nature [roll1]

2017-02-03, 08:38 PM
Based on the tracks it seems clear that there are a ton of goblins, you would estimate around thirty-five to forty or so of the little tricksters are moving across this trail. They also seem to be accompanied by an extremely large creature whose prints look similar to the ones you found earlier. It also seems to be accompanied by something whose prints look different than the others, but it's nothing you encountered on either your travels or tracked through the marsh... Although it seems oddly familiar.

2017-02-03, 09:13 PM
Mmn. Thirty-some goblins, and as you saw, one large creature. Can't be concealing numbers, no pattern. Large band implies a camp, nearby. Usk was well familar with tracking, and looked closer, seeing if he could discern anything more about the prints, while guiding the party.

2017-02-03, 09:23 PM
Usk was well familar with tracking, and looked closer, seeing if he could discern anything more about the prints, while guiding the party.

Other than what I have provided you gain no new information

I think that that is everyone who was checking out things, so everyone can post if they wish to have a conversation with someone else along the way. The trail is a short one, following the trail left by the goblins easily allows for you all to traverse across the moderately rocky terrain. As you begin to head into more mountainous terrain you can see that the brighter flowers of the grassland begin to dissapear... Being replaced with thistle, mountain flower, and rocks. Eventually however, the party arrives at a cave opening around 20 feet high with countless tracks leading in and out. You have been traveling for a couple hours as the sun has certainly progressed across the sky, sunset will be in a couple hours. Those who look inside see a winding tunnel leading deeper into the base of the mountain partially illuminated every now and then with lanterns... What do you do (essentially I'm asking if anyone has any additional preperations they wish to make)?

2017-02-03, 09:46 PM
"Thirty goblins?!" Liam tried to hide the concern from his face as he quickly added, "Five for each of us, then..."

2017-02-03, 09:50 PM
"If we could capture one, I could make it....friendly....towards me for a little while. I don't speak goblin, but I imagine some of them speak common. We can get some information about their numbers, and any plans they may have. It'd be best to avoid anything unpleasant." Alton used Minor Image to make the cartoonish image of a goblin dance in the air beside him as he walked.

2017-02-03, 10:48 PM
Thirty some. Probably more. Too hard to tell, too many stacked prints. It's beginning, Dice. Can you kill the goblin, after your trick, before he mewls? Or is that "Unpleasant?" Vultha cleared up Liam's misunderstanding, before prying into the intricacies of Alton's plan, wanting to make sure his allies weren't putting anything at risk.

2017-02-03, 11:09 PM
"After a minute, the goblin will become hostile, but until then it considers me a friend....horns"

2017-02-04, 12:18 AM
"Personally I have faith that the light of Sarenrae will help us through."
Brother Nathan said while he loaded and locked a crossbowbolt, with a pull of a lever and a flick of a switch. The weapon snapped into action and waited dangerously in his hands to be used.
"But a bolt to the face should come in handy too, just in case." He said with a wink to Liam.

When Alton addresses him (or vultha?) using the word 'horns', brother Nathan's mood changes and the smoke from his cigarette slows when it billows around his face somehow. His bright red eyes narrow and he slightly bares his teeth.
He throws the last of his tobacco leaf-stick on the ground, and crushes it with one foot to make sure it's out.

"If there's a camp, then they'd probably have guards stationed. We'd be wise to send in some scouts first before we alert the whole nest and give it time to prepare for our arrival."

2017-02-04, 12:34 AM
I have experience with stealth, and scouting. Dice is small, I could hide him beneath myself so I can bring him to a straggler. So I volunteer myself, and Dice.

2017-02-04, 02:18 AM
"And if it does all go to Hell, i-if you don't mind me saying, sir," Liam glanced briefly at the charmer of a tiefling "priest," as he drew his longsword, green flames subtly playing along its edge even as red and orange ones danced quickly over the fingers of his left hand, "A little fire could go a long way."

2017-02-04, 08:50 AM
"I think there may be more to this than just goblins. I saw bear tracks along the way, and others. More giant prints, maybe even two sets. Svenna, can you help me find an animal to talk to? If nothing else, they might know how many guards are posted."

2017-02-04, 09:11 AM
"I think there may be more to this than just goblins. I saw bear tracks along the way, and others. More giant prints, maybe even two sets. Svenna, can you help me find an animal to talk to? If nothing else, they might know how many guards are posted."

"Aye, I can do that. Surely there's somethin' friendly for you to talk to nearby." Svenna cracks her knuckles with a loud pop and gets to work. Now this, this kind of work was what she exceeded in. Finding tracks of animals in the mountains? There was, in her opinion, probably no better dwarf in the realms for the job.

Let's see, let's roll Nature to know what kinds of beasts would be nearby, just to avoid something we'd have to pacify first; with advantage from Favored Enemy, and double proficiency from Natural Explorer. [roll0] or [roll1]

Then we'll roll Survival to search for tracks/signs of said animals; [roll2] or [roll3]

We'll relay all relevant information to Juliss.

2017-02-04, 10:48 AM
Alton creates a Minor Image of an adorable squirrel at the feet of Svenna.

2017-02-04, 11:35 AM

Let's see, let's roll Nature to know what kinds of beasts would be nearby, just to avoid something we'd have to pacify first; with advantage from Favored Enemy, and double proficiency from Natural Explorer. [roll0] or [roll1]

Then we'll roll Survival to search for tracks/signs of said animals; [roll2] or [roll3]

We'll relay all relevant information to Juliss.

Based on your tracking abilities you expertly note that there are around 37 goblins, 1 black bear, and 1 hill giant. The overlapping paths made it hard to determine the exact number but you've been tracking on the mountains enough times to know for sure. They passed by here only about an hour ago. It is quite obvious that they were in a hurry and that the giant was a hill giant which are known as brutes, stupid imbeciles who do nothing but eat... To see them in such a hurry is strange. It also appears like the black bear was a companion of the giant.

So I believe that the plan is to have Vultha and Alton/Baron go sneak in while everyone else waits outside? Does that sound about right?

2017-02-04, 12:27 PM
(Alton has a +3 stealth modifier, and no spells that would help very much, but I can stealth in if absolutely needed)

2017-02-04, 12:31 PM
I apologize, I misread one of the posts. Because of that everyone can click on the Svenna Lutgher spoiler above in post number 53. Essentially she will find an animal, Juliss will ritually cast speak with animals, and you will gain the information found in that spoiler.

2017-02-04, 01:07 PM
"Thirty-seven goblins, a bear, and a hill giant, all going in the same direction. Either they're organized in some sort of army, or they're running from something in the other direction. Svenna, Vultha? What do you think?"

OOC: I'd like to make an insight check with assistance from either character.

2017-02-04, 01:21 PM
"Thirty-seven goblins, a bear, and a hill giant, all going in the same direction. Either they're organized in some sort of army, or they're running from something in the other direction. Svenna, Vultha? What do you think?"

OOC: I'd like to make an insight check with assistance from either character.

Svenna mulls it over, mumbling, "Hill giants usually ain't bright enough to think of gathering an army... But maybe we stumbled upon a particularly smart one? But even then, I bet all the goblins lumped together are smarter than the giant." She continues to bounce ideas off of Julis, hoping to trigger a bit of inspiration. She rambles a bit, continuing to delve into more and more unlikely scenarios that could explain the curious supposed alliance. "... but I don't know if there are any firbolg nearby for that to be an option..."

Taking the Help action.

2017-02-04, 01:32 PM
Mmn. Have to bet on goblins leading. Hill Giant is a force multiplier. Probably bribed. Vultha's long, forked tongue snaked out, and applied a fresh coat of saliva on his unblinking eyes.

2017-02-04, 01:59 PM
Deglan leaned against the cave entrance whilst peering inside and listening to his companions converse. He was amazed by their different abilities and quick action. He wondered what help he would be in this scenario but offered what little he could. He turned to the group, "Well, I can sneak pretty well. Although I can't exactly see in the dark so i'd be pretty impeded by my need for a torch." He pauses a moment before continuing, "I may not look like much but I am an excellent combatant, and aside from that I think I could help a bit due to the fact that I am well versed in the Goblin language. Not sure how that could help though..." Deglan doesn't really say much more and leans back against the cave entrance gruffly, in an almost defeated way.

2017-02-04, 03:02 PM
Juli things for a moment.


2017-02-04, 03:03 PM
Juli things for a moment.


OOC: Guess the roller can't handle that.


2017-02-04, 06:53 PM
Nathaniel slowly became aware that his mood isn't doing his cover any favours. With a bit of luck they'd get out of this and he'd be that much closer to securing his place amongst the Order of the Gauntlet.

"And if it does all go to Hell, i-if you don't mind me saying, sir," Liam glanced briefly at the charmer of a tiefling "priest," as he drew his longsword, green flames subtly playing along its edge even as red and orange ones danced quickly over the fingers of his left hand, "A little fire could go a long way."

Brother Nathan chuckled. "If it all goes to Hell, I imagine a little fire goes all the way." He said with a wink. He decided he liked this kid and silently wondered what had prompted him to pick up his sword so early in life.

"Lets push on, with Vultha and whoever feels capable enough to accompany him up front. The rest of us will follow at a not too far distance for those who take point to fall back on." Brother Nathan carefully tried to get the group moving again.
"With a bit of luck that bear gets hungry and we have a few less goblins to worry about."

2017-02-04, 08:17 PM
OOC: Guess the roller can't handle that.


Hmmmm... Well you know that goblins aren't generally smart enough to form some kind of force that is extremely organized, generally only having a dozen or so combatants in a camp at once. Then again, hill giants generally (at least according to adventurers' lore) are not known to be that intelligent. Maybe something else is at play here? There are tales of hill giants who somehow manage to obtain extraordinary intelligence and as a result are able to effectively lead, but those are extremely rare circumstances. It is also possible that the goblins bribed a hill giant with food, but you're unsure if goblins would even try that as cowering and submitting themselves before the strong giant would seem to be a better option.

Nathaniel slowly became aware that his mood isn't doing his cover any favours. With a bit of luck they'd get out of this and he'd be that much closer to securing his place amongst the Order of the Gauntlet.

Brother Nathan chuckled. "If it all goes to Hell, I imagine a little fire goes all the way." He said with a wink. He decided he liked this kid and silently wondered what had prompted him to pick up his sword so early in life.

"Lets push on, with Vultha and whoever feels capable enough to accompany him up front. The rest of us will follow at a not too far distance for those who take point to fall back on." Brother Nathan carefully tried to get the group moving again.
"With a bit of luck that bear gets hungry and we have a few less goblins to worry about."

So, I will need a stealth check from Vultha and anyone else who decides to go a bit (say 20 ft.) ahead. If you are not making a stealth check please respond in the OOC so I know not to expect your roll.

2017-02-04, 08:34 PM
Relying on his smaller stature, Alton attempts to sneak with the forward elements of the party.

Hopefully not terrible stealth roll:

2017-02-04, 09:14 PM
Vultha leads the forward team, using his hide's colors to his benefit. Steath:[roll0]

2017-02-05, 08:11 AM
Juli quietly addresses the group as they cross the threshold, "There's definitely something here worse than just goblins, or even giants. We should be ready to fall back."

2017-02-05, 12:15 PM
Juli quietly addresses the group as they cross the threshold, "There's definitely something here worse than just goblins, or even giants. We should be ready to fall back."

OOC: If I'm not already kitted, I'd like to equip my armor, scimitar, and druidic focus.

2017-02-05, 04:25 PM
OOC: If I'm not already kitted, I'd like to equip my armor, scimitar, and druidic focus.

Well... generally you can equip that stuff outside of combat and ready your weapons and foci so I automatically assume that you have it equipped.

The way ahead is full of twists and turns. As you pass through the 12 ft. wide passageway you feel yourself getting closer and closer to something, more light fills the tunnel for every step you take. As you dart from cover to cover trying to stay as hidden as possible you evenutally see it, the passageway opens up to reveal a cavern. It is empty of living creatures, although several lanterns around the room provide light. Rubble is piled up three feet high in several places throughout the cavern, and two tunnels lead out. The tunnel on the south wall is clear, but the tunnel to the east is chocked with debris. Dust still rides the zephyrs circulating through the cavern, leading you to believe the cave-in to the east was recent. you begin to press forward looking around the chamber when suddenly you spot them! Five goblins are poised to attack your teamates but they haven't spotted you! What do you do?

You trail behind your companions, clanging a bit from the heavy armor as you do so, but hopeful that the scouts will be able to detect any danger and return if they do. The winding passageway continues, full of rubble and stone. The lanterns that lie on the ground aren't dusty at all and there is still a large amount of oil burning in them... It seems like they were placed recently. You continue walking through this 12 ft. wide passageway and it seems as if there is more light ahead of you, the lanterns are being placed more often and seem to have even more oil than the others. You see your companions quickly dart out from behind a wall and past your line of sight as you wait a bit and then pursue. As you round the bend, the passageway opens to reveal a cavern. It is empty of living creatures, although several lanterns around the room provide light. Rubble is piled up three feet high in several places throughout the cavern, and two tunnels lead out. The tunnel on the south wall is clear, but the tunnel to the east is chocked with debris. Dust still rides the zephyrs circulating through the cavern, leading you to believe the cave-in to the east was recent. you begin to look around when suddenly from out of nowehere you spot a goblin that has risen from behind one of the many spots of rubble and debris. Four more begin to rise... It is an ambush!

Combat #1: The Small Problems
So a quick rundown on what's going on: The stealthy group went into the cavern unoticed by these goblin guards (heh) and discovered that they were about to attack so they get are considered hidden and get to take part in the surprise round. The non-stealthy group went into the cave and was noticed by the goblin guards, and thus were surprised by them.

OOC: I apologize for the somewhat bad quality. If I should use something else simply inform me. Also, ignore the gear and/or the numbers. Those are irrelevant.

Goblin to the south of Vultha (I'll make names for these next time I update maps): 19 <-- Current Turn
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17
Goblin to the east of Liam: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5
Goblin to the east of Alton: 4
Goblin to the southwest of Vultha: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Lux DeAngelo: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Svenna Lutgher: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Deglan Devolt: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (all goblins). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Vultha Usk: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (all goblins). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Alton Goodbarrel: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (all goblins). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.

All Goblins: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (Juliss, Lux, Svenna, and Liam). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.

Round 1:
Goblin to the south of Vultha: Moves five feet (one square) to the west and then takes a shot with her shortbow at advantage (because she was hidden) against Liam.
To hit: 16, advantage 16 vs. AC 18 is a miss.
Liam luckily put on his chain mail, which managed to block an arrow shot as it just barely clangs off of his armor. The goblin then rushes back to its previous hiding space and ducks down hoping that the next shot will be better. Nobody is now able to spot the goblin as it is hidden (except for those who could see it in the past based on line of sight).

Goblin to the south of Lux: Moves five feet (one square to the west and then takes a shot with his shortbow at advantage (because he was hidden) against Lux.
To hit: 21, advantage 22 vs. AC 12 is a hit.
8 piercing damage as Lux's HP is reduced to 2 :smalleek:.
Lux however, if not as lucky. The arrow shot from this hidden goblin flies and strikes Lux straight in the shoulder as blood begins to flow out from the wound. The goblin then sniggers and ducks away. Nobody is now able to spot the goblin as it is hidden (except for those who could see it in the past based on line of sight).

OOC: These, ducking away things are them taking the hide action (as a bonus action, it's a special goblin ability). Their stealth rolls are beating your passive perceptions so unless you could see their hiding spot then they are considered hidden.

Juliss Wildeye: Juliss is no longer surprised, she is now able to take reactions

Deglan Devolt, it is your turn!

Goblin to the south of Vultha (I'll make names for these next time I update maps): 19
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17 <-- Current Turn
Goblin to the east of Liam: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5
Goblin to the east of Alton: 4
Goblin to the southwest of Vultha: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

2017-02-05, 05:17 PM
"AMBUSH!" For the first time in the party's brief history, Vultha has raised his voice, attempting to alert the rearguard, before pressing forward, and engaging the to the southwest Attack roll: [roll0] Stealth check? [roll1]

2017-02-05, 06:07 PM
Deglan shouts back to the group, Goblins! At least five of them, be ready!! A goblin jumps out from behind a pile of rocks and lands a deathly blow on Lux from his bow before jumping back into hiding. Deglan curses him in it's goblin tongue before rushing over, quarterstaff at the ready, and attempting to take the creature down for harming his new found friend! He strikes out with his quarterstaff attempting to smack the distracted creature. He then uses his left hand in an attempt to strike the creature down.

Deglan Devolt

Movement: Move next to goblin south of Lux.
Attack: Quarterstaff (w/ Advantage) vs Goblin south of Lux - [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC
Damage: [roll2] bludgeoning vs HP
Bonus Action: Unarmed strike (w/ Advantage) vs Goblin south of Lux - [roll3] or [roll4] vs AC
Damage: [roll5] bludgeoning vs HP

2017-02-05, 06:31 PM
Alton moves quietly a few steps to his left, before drawing fire out of the empty are. It was simple really....the material plane was composed out of all the elements in a tenuous balance. Upset the balance, weaken the presence of water, and you could draw a bolt of fire, and propel it at your enemies.

Alton motioned his hand in a circular way, as if shooing away the elemental water from the air. Flames started to lick at his fingertips. "Anima Ignus!" He shouted, and swung his finger up, pointing at a nearby goblin, hurling the bolt of fire at his unsuspecting foe.

Move: Moving 15ft to the 'east.'
Action: casting Firebolt on the goblin SE of my position (if that goblin is down, or I can't see him after my move, attack the nearest goblin I can actually see)
Bonus: None

Firebolt with advantage due to not being seen:
Damage: [roll2]

2017-02-05, 07:45 PM
Deglan charges over and quickly whacks the goblin in the jaw causing it to fall to the ground and then continues to pummel him as the goblin is now unconscious and dying.


Red Goblin: 19
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14 <-- Current Turn
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Lux DeAngelo: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Near Death - 2/10 HP
Svenna Lutgher: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (all goblins). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Alton Goodbarrel: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (all goblins). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.

Green Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Blue Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Deglan and Vultha). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Red Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Vultha and Alton). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Orange Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Vultha and Alton). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Goblin adjacent to Deglan: Dying, two failed death saves.

Round 1:
Goblin to the east of Liam: Moves ten feet (two squares) to the south-east and then takes a shot with their shortbow at advantage (because they were hidden) against Svenna.
To hit: 22, advantage 20 vs. AC 16 is a hit.
4 piercing damage as Svenna's HP is reduced to 7.
A goblin darts out of even more cover (will they ever end) as it fires off an arrow that hits Svenna right in the knee. As she kneels over in pain the goblin cries out: "Nar shark blureen! Loru ad morto!" "You all killed friend! Loru send death to you!"The goblin then rushes back to its previous hiding space and ducks down hoping that the next shot will be better. However, as it ducks against the rubble it kocks over the rubble and spends the rest of its turn trying to raise the rubble back, rendering itself not hidden.

Svenna Ludghart: Svenna is no longer surprised, she is now able to take reactions

Liam Arthur Dyne: Svenna is no longer surprised, he is now able to take reactions

Alton Goodbarrel, it is your turn!

Red Goblin: 19
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5 <-- Current Turn
Vultha Usk: 5
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

2017-02-05, 07:55 PM
(Actions as above, targetting the goblin that was S-S-SE of me before I moved).

2017-02-05, 08:31 PM
Alton moves quietly a few steps to his left, before drawing fire out of the empty are. It was simple really....the material plane was composed out of all the elements in a tenuous balance. Upset the balance, weaken the presence of water, and you could draw a bolt of fire, and propel it at your enemies.

Alton motioned his hand in a circular way, as if shooing away the elemental water from the air. Flames started to lick at his fingertips. "Anima Ignus!" He shouted, and swung his finger up, pointing at a nearby goblin, hurling the bolt of fire at his unsuspecting foe.

Move: Moving 15ft to the 'east.'
Action: casting Firebolt on the goblin SE of my position (if that goblin is down, or I can't see him after my move, attack the nearest goblin I can actually see)
Bonus: None

Firebolt with advantage due to not being seen:
Damage: [roll2]

Alton quickly dashes away from the enemies as he then summons a bolt of animated fire and flings it at the closest goblin. The goblin ducks


Red Goblin: 19
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5 <-- Current Turn
Vultha Usk: 5
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Lux DeAngelo: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Near Death - 2/10 HP
Svenna Lutgher: Slightly Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne:
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (all goblins). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Alton Goodbarrel: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (all goblins). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.

Green Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Blue Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Deglan and Vultha). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Red Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Vultha and Alton). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Orange Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Vultha and Alton). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Goblin adjacent to Deglan: Dying, two failed death saves.

Round 1:
Alton animates fire and sends it flying as it slams into a goblin as it cries out, beginning to be burned alive. The orange goblin is now dying.

Vultha Usk, it is your turn!

Red Goblin: 19
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5 <-- Current Turn
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

"AMBUSH!" For the first time in the party's brief history, Vultha has raised his voice, attempting to alert the rearguard, before pressing forward, and engaging the to the southwest Attack roll: [roll0] Stealth check? [roll1]

Vultha charges towards the goblin and swings his battleaxe (advantage roll of 8), but the goblin deftly dodges the blow moving just away from his attack with bow still in hand.


Red Goblin: 19
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5 <-- Current Turn
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Lux DeAngelo: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Near Death - 2/10 HP
Svenna Lutgher: Slightly Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne:
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Green Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Blue Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Deglan and Vultha). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Red Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Vultha and Alton). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Orange Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Vultha and Alton). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Goblin adjacent to Deglan: Dying, two failed death saves.

Round 1:
Blue Goblin:
Move: Move north-east 5 ft.
Action: Take a shot at Liam at advantage because it was hidden for 12 (normal) and 23 (advantage) vs. AC, 23 hits so 5 piercing damage. Liam's HP is now reduced to 7.
Move: Move south-west 5 ft.
Bonus Action:Hide is a success so goblin cannot is hidden from everyone except Deglan and Vultha.
A goblin darts out of cover once again and he fires off an arrow that plants itself in Liam's thigh. As he cries out in pain the goblin laughs at his misfortune and then rushes back to its previous hiding space and ducks down hoping that the next shot will be better, vanishing from view.

Orange Goblin: Dying: Death save of 18, 1 success

Lux DeAngelo: Lux is no longer surprised, he is now able to take reactions

Red Goblin:

Bonus Action: Roll away and disengage
Move: Move NE --> NW --> W --> N --> N --> E.
Action: Take a shot at Deglan at advantage because it was hidden for 6 (normal) and 8 (advantage) vs. AC, 8 misses so no damage.
A goblin nimbly rolls out of Vultha's reach (disengage) and darts out of cover fireing off an arrow that lands just to the right of Deglan's head. He silently fumes at his failure and barks out an order: "Linor eius de gor Slayermight, tu frod julope sic tus redet
""Take them down for Slayermighty, you know what happens if you lose!"
Death save for dying goblin: 7, dying goblin is dead.

Juliss Wildeye, it is your turn!

Red Goblin: 19
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18 <-- Current Turn
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4


2017-02-05, 09:39 PM
OOC: Assuming no goblins are in melee range of Lux, Svenna, or Liam...

Fire bolt at red goblin!


Move to the left of Alton.

OOC: Hopefully I'm reading the map and other posts right...

2017-02-05, 10:32 PM
Juliss darts out from between her comrades and targets the goblin E-SE of the group (only one in sight, and from 10ft). She readies poison spray, then thrusts her palm in its direction and conjures a fine mist.

OOC: Assuming I'm not in melee range, I should be able to move without having to disengage. If I'm in range, just leave me as far back and possible.

After she strikes, she retreats back to her companions.


2017-02-06, 01:29 AM
Juliss darts out from between her comrades and targets the goblin E-SE of the group (only one in sight, and from 10ft). She readies poison spray, then thrusts her palm in its direction and conjures a fine mist.

OOC: Assuming I'm not in melee range, I should be able to move without having to disengage. If I'm in range, just leave me as far back and possible.

After she strikes, she retreats back to her companions.

Red Goblin: 19
Purple Goblin: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18 <-- Current Turn
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Lux DeAngelo: Near Death - 2/10 HP
Svenna Lutgher: Slightly Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Normal
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Green Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Blue Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone except Deglan and Vultha). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Red Goblin: Dying
Orange Goblin: Dying, one failed death saves
Goblin adjacent to Deglan: Dead

Round 2:
Juliss sends out the cloud of poison noxious poison gas as you see the goblin begins to grab at its neck, but it is to late. It falls to the ground, dying from the chlorine gas.

Deglan Devolt, it is your turn!

Red Goblin: 19
Goblin to the south of Lux: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17 <-- Current Turn
Green Goblin: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

OOC: Assuming no goblins are in melee range of Lux, Svenna, or Liam...

Fire bolt at red goblin!


Move to the left of Alton.

OOC: Hopefully I'm reading the map and other posts right...

You will have to change your choice of action based on what occurs above.

2017-02-06, 07:39 AM
Deglan see's his comrades jump into action and smiles a bit to himself. He glances back at the dead goblin before rushing forward towards Vultha and another goblin in sight for him. He curses at it while rushing with his quarterstaff out, "Khruul ar't or dor!" Deglan attempts to smash it down like the last with his quarterstaff and lashing out with his palm.

Now it's your turn!

Deglan Devolt

Movement: Move adjacent to Blue Goblin and just north of Vultha (I move my token on the map)
Attack: Quarterstaff vs Blue Goblin - [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning vs HP
Bonus Action: Unarmed strike vs Blue Goblin- [roll2] vs AC
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning vs HP

Deglan calls back to Lux, "Nathan! Be careful, another pop shot from one of these guys and you may be on the ground."

2017-02-06, 10:12 AM
Red Goblin: 19
Purple Goblin: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14 <-- Current Turn
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Lux DeAngelo: Near Death - 2/10 HP
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Green Goblin: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom they are hidden (everyone). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Blue Goblin: Dying
Red Goblin: Dying
Orange Goblin: Dying, one failed death saves
Goblin adjacent to Deglan: Dead

Round 2:
Deglan Devolt runs over as his quarterstaff swings into the goblin sending it flying into the wall as it slouches and does not move anymore. The last hidden goblin realizes his perdicament as it leaps out of hiding, takes a shot at Juliss as a black-tipped arrow flies out straight into Juliss' arm. The goblin doesn't waste any time jeering as it quickly rolls past the reach of Deglan and Vultha as it turns back towards you all, you see the pure fear in its eyes.

Movement: Move SE --> S
Action: Attacks Juliss from hiding with shortbow with 12 (normal) and 19 (hidden) vs. AC hit, thus 4 piercing damage, so Juliss Wildeye now has 6/10 HP.
Bonus Action: Disengage action to not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Movement: S --> S --> S --> SE

Svenna Lutgher, it is your turn!

Red Goblin: 19
Purple Goblin: 18
Juliss Wildeye: 18
Deglan Devolt: 17
Green Goblin: 14
Svenna Lutgher: 13 <-- Current Turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: 11
Alton Goodbarrel: 5
Vultha Usk: 5
Blue Goblin: 4
Orange Goblin: 4
Lux DeAngelo: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Near Death - 2/10 HP
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Green Goblin: Normal
Blue Goblin: Dying
Red Goblin: Dying
Orange Goblin: Dying, one failed death saves
Goblin adjacent to Deglan: Dead

2017-02-06, 10:50 AM
Svenna curses as her momentary unawareness has punished her with an arrow sticking out of her knee. Nonetheless, she charges forward, eager to join in the fight and prove her mettle. Her right hand undoes the clasp to the holster of her hand axe as she charges forward, skidding to a halt next to Deglan. She shouts in frustration as she can't line up the best of shots around Vultha's bulk, "Outta the way scaly!" She hurls the handaxe at the remaining goblin.

Moving to the space west of Deglan/northwest of Vultha, while drawing the handaxe as part of the move.

Throwing the handaxe 'through' Vultha's space at the Green Goblin.
Attack; [roll0] Damage; [roll1] Rolled proper damage here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21678441&postcount=59)

2017-02-06, 11:21 AM
The thrown handaxe flies from Svenna's hand and lands straight in the back of the goblin causing it to fall to the ground... Dead!

End of combat!

You can all do what you wish.

2017-02-06, 11:31 AM
Alton waves away the fire forming for his next attack and moves towards the green goblin. Not concerned if it is alive or not, he quickly pilfers through its pockets for anything of value.

I would like to search him, and also take note of his weapons and armor.

Investigate if needed [roll0]
Perception if needed [roll1]

2017-02-06, 12:02 PM
Vultha meanders around the cave, ensuring the goblins' death by way of decapitation, and attempting to palm some bone and meat from the fresh kills, while looking over his shoulder every now and again.

2017-02-06, 12:17 PM
Juli finds a medium sized boulder and sits. She gingerly removes the arrow from her arm, slices a couple inches off of her shirtsleeve, and fashions a tourniquet around the wound. She retrieves a small purse from under her robe and pulls out several leaves, berries, and powders. Most of it she grinds into a paste with a mortar and pestle, the rest she shreds over the top and folds into the mix. Finally, she spits in the bowl for good measure and inserts the poultice under her bandage.

Satisfied, she offers some to the other wounded. "It won't actually heal you, but it should reduce the pain."

OOC: The herbalism kit doesn't do anything in this situation, but here's a medicine check if you want it for flavor.

Juli looks around to get her bearings. "Could anyone understand what the goblins were saying?"

2017-02-06, 12:21 PM
Deglan looks over at Juliss and responds, "In case you didn't hear me during the combat or before we entered the cave, I can speak their tongue. Now I'm going to see if there are anymore around the corner." He then walks over to the other side of the cavern where the Orange goblin is and vanishes behind the wall. Deglan steps over the dead goblin and peers around the corner, in a cautious way, to see if anything is coming and or what's ahead.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2017-02-06, 12:24 PM
hmm, I'm also feeling some perception check [roll0]

2017-02-06, 12:53 PM
Alton waves away the fire forming for his next attack and moves towards the green goblin. Not concerned if it is alive or not, he quickly pilfers through its pockets for anything of value.

I would like to search him, and also take note of his weapons and armor.

Investigate if needed [roll0]
Perception if needed [roll1]

Alton quickly searches through the pockets of one of the goblins. He recovers some string, a dead mouse, a rock with a hole though it, and... a strange glass vial with a sloshing red liquid that feels warm to the touch. Alton then remembers (using investigation check as the check) that this vial is called Alchemists' Fire. It is strange that the goblins did not use it, though... For such an explosive weapon would be very effective (intelligence check of 12). It is then when you recall that Verrada Stoor's notes noted that the structural integrity of the cave was unstable.

Vultha meanders around the cave, ensuring the goblins' death by way of decapitation, and attempting to palm some bone and meat from the fresh kills, while looking over his shoulder every now and again.

Vultha slashes the heads off all of the goblins, killing them for sure. As he is getting the fresh meat and bone he notices a strange glass vial with a sloshing red liquid that feels warm to the touch. Vultha remembers seeing such items being used by other mercenaries in the past to set someone on fire (arcana check of 12 and this item is Alchemists' Fire). It is strange that the goblins did not use it though... For such an explosive weapon would be very effective. You also gather up some fresh goblin meat.

Deglan looks over at Juliss and responds, "In case you didn't hear me during the combat or before we entered the cave, I can speak their tongue. Now I'm going to see if there are anymore around the corner." He then walks over to the other side of the cavern where the Orange goblin is and vanishes behind the wall. Deglan steps over the dead goblin and peers around the corner, in a cautious way, to see if anything is coming and or what's ahead.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Deglan begins to sneak forward when suddenly: A scurrying sound and some high-pitched squeaking echo from the south tunnel. You look, expecting to see rats or some other vermin swarming toward you. Instead, you see an angry looking swarm of goblins. These goblins, however, are no larger than mice. Their tiny scimitars and shields seem almost comical at first, until you realize just how many of them there are... Maybe thirty or forty of them. And then the lanterns all go out simultaneously. You cannot do anything else, and are also momentarily blind as your eyes are unable to adjust to the instant blackness. Everyone else who has not posted will be able to do something before I spring this on them, so please make no comment.

hmm, I'm also feeling some perception check [roll0]

You find what I stated above on one of the other goblins.

2017-02-06, 01:13 PM
Brother Nathan grabs Deglans shoulder for stability. He was feeling dizzy. He breaks the arrow sticking out from his shoulder with gritted teeth, and pushes it all the way through.

"Would you mind pulling out the last bit? I can't reach so far back." He asks Deglan as he turns around with his back towards him.
The end of the half arrow starts smouldering with heat, to cauterize the wound immediately when Deglan pulls it out.

Brother Nathan will then promptly chug away a healing potion.


2017-02-06, 01:58 PM
oof, an untrained, unbuffed arcana check. so disadvantage, AND no buff. [roll0]

2017-02-06, 02:04 PM
Horns, Dice, Smoker. Can any tell what this is? Vultha holds out the bottle he looted off of one of the unlucky goblins foolish enough to attack a party with superior numbers. I have faint recollections of using similar in warfare, feels warm.

2017-02-06, 02:05 PM
Horns, Dice, Smoker. Can any tell what this is? Vultha holds out the bottle he looted off of one of the unlucky goblins foolish enough to attack a party with superior numbers. I have faint recollections of using similar in warfare, feels warm.

You can tell what this is... I told you what it was...

2017-02-06, 02:20 PM
Svenna joins Alton by the goblin she managed to bring down, retrieving the flung axe, wiping the blade clean on the ragtag clothes. She keeps it in her hand this time, not wanting to waste time potentially needing to pull it out again, keeping her quarterstaff ready in her other hand. She speaks to her shorter companion without turning to him, "4 down, 33 to go. Plus the giant and the bear."

2017-02-06, 03:16 PM
Spotting the vial Vultha holds up, Alton pockets the vial he just found. "I would be careful with that. It creates a bit of a boom, and these caves aren't very stable. Might be useful if we need to block off a tunnel."

Alton leaves the rest of the junk in a pile near the dead goblin.

2017-02-06, 03:17 PM
"Damn shifty little buggers..." Liam said frustrated with himself, "Sorry, Nathan. If I can't scout ahead, then I ought to do a better job protecting the rest of you all."

2017-02-06, 03:31 PM
Nathan shrugged (and instantly regretted it because of his post-battle surgery) and shook his head in denial. "Don't be too eager to jump in front of arrows meant for other people. I appreciate the thought, but we're all here on our own volition." He chuckled as he kicked the broken arrow away. "Besides, this is just Tymora kicking my ass a bit anyways."

2017-02-06, 04:06 PM
Hmn. Will continue pushing forward. Any feeling to weak can stay back, rest. Watch the exit. Vultha continues pushing forward in the cavern. Sneaking along, and on his guard.
stealth: [roll0]perception:[roll1]

2017-02-06, 04:07 PM
Hmn. Will continue pushing forward. Any feeling to weak can stay back, rest. Watch the exit. Vultha continues pushing forward in the cavern. Sneaking along, and on his guard.
stealth: [roll0]perception:[roll1]

Before you can do that, and while you were searching the bodies the below happens (sorry for double post).

2017-02-06, 04:09 PM
While the rest of you are patching up and searching, Deglan begins to sneak forward when suddenly: A scurrying sound and some high-pitched squeaking echo from the south tunnel. You look, expecting to see rats or some other vermin swarming toward you. Instead, you see an angry looking swarm of goblins. These goblins, however, are no larger than mice. Their tiny scimitars and shields seem almost comical at first, until you realize just how many of them there are... Maybe thirty or forty of them. And then the lanterns all go out simultaneously. You all cannot do anything else, and are also momentarily blind as your eyes are unable to adjust to the instant blackness. If do not have darkvision then you are certainly surprised by the sudden pitch darkness, but if you have a passive perception of 15 or higher and darkvision you are not surprised (which is Juliss Wildeye).

Combat #2: Even More, Even Smaller Problems
Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Svenna Lutgher: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Vultha Usk: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Alton Goodbarrel: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (everyone except Juliss). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (everyone except Juliss). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.

Round 1:

Juliss, it is your turn!

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Svenna Lutgher: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Vultha Usk: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Alton Goodbarrel: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (everyone except Juliss). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (everyone except Juliss). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.

Make sure that everyone looks at the map, it is important.

2017-02-06, 04:25 PM
"ON THE GROUND, TINY GOBLINS!" Juli shouts. She picks a spot between the hordes her companions and casts mold earth with a wave of her hand, creating sharp valleys and peaks in the stone passage. Then she takes cover behind her larger, less fragile companions.

OOC: The idea here is to make the terrain difficult and buy some time.

2017-02-06, 06:00 PM
"ON THE GROUND, TINY GOBLINS!" Juli shouts. She picks a spot between the hordes her companions and casts mold earth with a wave of her hand, creating sharp valleys and peaks in the stone passage. Then she takes cover behind her larger, less fragile companions.

OOC: The idea here is to make the terrain difficult and buy some time.

Juli waves her hands as the ground around Deglan as it begins to form waves and crests.

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12 <-- Current Turn
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Svenna Lutgher: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn; Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Vultha Usk: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn
Alton Goodbarrel: Surprised - Cannot take actions or reactions, ends at end of turn

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (everyone except Juliss). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Hidden - Gains advantage on attack rolls against enemies from whom he is hidden (everyone except Juliss). Also cannot be targeted by spells or attacks.

Round 1:
The Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins rushes forward, moving over the crests and waves to swarm around Vultha. They scream and cry out in their high pitched voices and you begin to feel a strange poking sensation when suddenly there's more and more as you realize all of the tiny goblins are stabbing and slashing at you with their scimitars! All of the pain and cuts hurt and are extremely painful as you fall to your knees from this onslaught... You are beginning to lose consciousness.
Movement: Move W (difficult) --> NW --> NW
Action: Slash with Tiny Scimitars: 18 (normal) & 11 (advantage) vs. AC hit; 11 slashing damage - Vultha now has 1/12 HP remaining

Deglan is no longer surprised, he is now able to take reactions.

Svenna is no longer surprised, she is now able to take reactions.

Lux/Brother Nathan is no longer surprised, he is now able to take reactions.

The Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins charges with a extremely high battle cry and leap on to Deglan, trying to use their scimitars as climbing gear to get up higher and slash him to shreds (though they're already shredding his explorer's robes). More and more continue to pile on until eventually it is too much and Deglan collapses... Dying.
Movement:[/B] Move NW (difficult)
Action: Slash with Tiny Scimitars: 18 (normal) & 20 (advantage) vs. AC hit; 10 slashing damage - Deglan now has 0/9 HP remaining and is Dying

Juliss: 13 <-- Current Turn
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying
Vultha Usk: Near Death - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Normal
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Normal

2017-02-06, 06:30 PM
Jules watches two of her stunned companions fall to the swarm. Panicking, she casts poison spray on the faster (red) horde. Without stopping to note the effect, she mumbles a few words to cast healing word on Vultha before he can hit the ground.

OOC: I'll add Healing Word to my sheet.

[roll0] Poison
[roll1] Healing

2017-02-06, 07:38 PM
Svenna frowns as she sees Deglan succumbs to the swarm that moves forward like a wave of flesh and bodies. She holsters her handaxe again, takes a step forward, and takes a sweeping strike at the swarm in front of her with her quarterstaff. If she could disperse the swarm, it might buy them enough time to regroup, as she heard the nervous sounds of Julis casting her magic.

Taking a step south, aka on the corpse of the Green Goblin.

Stowing the handaxe, and placing both hands on the quarterstaff to use it as a two-handed weapon. As far as I know, this doesn't require a full action, but if not, I'll just take a one-handed swing.

Attack; [roll0]
Damage; Either one-handed; [roll1] or two-handed; [roll2]

2017-02-06, 08:03 PM
Jules watches two of her stunned companions fall to the swarm. Panicking, she casts poison spray on the faster (red) horde. Without stopping to note the effect, she mumbles a few words to cast healing word on Vultha before he can hit the ground.

OOC: I'll add Healing Word to my sheet.

[roll0] Poison
[roll1] Healing

Juli once again advances on the swarm of tiny goblins and sends a cloud of noxious fumes from her fingertips. The poison gas slowly settles amongst the tiny goblins as several begin choking and fall over, clearly the poison is too much for their now smaller respirtory systems to filter out. It is at that moment when the strangest thing happens though... The goblins suddenly begin to expand as you see 4 goblins (who died) suddenly expand and grow to their normal size. There is now an area with several goblin bodies piled on top of one another as that area becomes difficult to traverse for most beings (difficult terrain for creatures who are small or larger).

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12 <-- Current Turn
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel:

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Slightly Injured - 6 Damage Taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Normal

Round 2:
The goblins cry out as some of their number suffocated from the poisonous gas and as the wounds they inflicted are healing. Thus, they strike out again!
Action: Slash with Tiny Scimitars: 13 vs. AC miss.

Deglan is dying, death save is: [roll0] Success.

It is now Svenna's turn:

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11 <-- Current Turn
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying, one successful save
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Slightly Injured - 6 Damage Taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Normal

Svenna frowns as she sees Deglan succumbs to the swarm that moves forward like a wave of flesh and bodies. She holsters her handaxe again, takes a step forward, and takes a sweeping strike at the swarm in front of her with her quarterstaff. If she could disperse the swarm, it might buy them enough time to regroup, as she heard the nervous sounds of Julis casting her magic.

Taking a step south, aka on the corpse of the Green Goblin.

Stowing the handaxe, and placing both hands on the quarterstaff to use it as a two-handed weapon. As far as I know, this doesn't require a full action, but if not, I'll just take a one-handed swing.

Attack; [roll0]
Damage; Either one-handed; [roll1] or two-handed; [roll2]

Gripping a weapon in two hands is fine.

Svenna tries to fully disperse them with her quarterstaff, but it seems that trying to sweep them only causes them to scatter a bit and then regroup. She does manage to hit one fully in the proccess, killing her as she expands upon her death (just like what happened with the other dead goblins). It seems that weapon attacks might not be the most useful thing...

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11 <-- Current Turn
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying, one successful save
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Slightly Injured - 6 Damage Taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Normal

Round 2:

Lux/Brother Nathan it is now your turn!

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11 <-- Current Turn
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying, one successful save
Vultha Usk: Near Death - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Slightly Injured - 6 damage taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 2 damage taken

2017-02-06, 09:06 PM
Alton can barely see the swarms of goblins in the dark. Scooping up a rock from the ground, he mutters something under his breath before light bursts out from the stone. He backs up away from the newly revealed goblins.

Pick up a small rock.
Action: Cast Light on the rock
Move: Back away from the goblin swarms NW towards the way we came in as far as I can move.

2017-02-07, 01:14 AM
In the pitch black, Nathan's pupils widen to see vague shapes moving around. It's dim, but he can make out the swarm. Nathan opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. His fanged teeth bared and his face locked in a grimace that would suit a gargoyle he begins casting.

Around his head and shoulders a sickly green shimmer begins to swirl slowly. with purple and pink hues now mixing in with the rotten green, in the nasty mist faces can be made out. They scream in terror, but no sound comes out. Hundreds of faces.

Then, suddenly, Nathan closes his mouth. The mist and faces disappear instantly. For a moment it seems like nothing is happening, but then Nathan raises a finger at the swarm. His right-hand middle finger. He holds it up as if to say, 'screw you', for a moment. He then points with the same finger at the swarm, and a blast of eldrich energy bursts out towards the buggers.

I have to check but I believe I have to remake the sheet then too, shouldn't be too hard and I can at least do the spell attack now since his charisma was 16:

Ranged spell attack vs the red swarm:

Force damage:

2017-02-07, 10:20 AM
Vultha feels his tiny, painful wounds close, as he gets back on his digitigrade feet. He pulls out his recently looted bottle of alchemists fire, and tosses it at the less wounded blue horde of miniscule goblins.

2017-02-07, 10:40 AM
Vultha feels his tiny, painful wounds close, as he gets back on his digitigrade feet. He pulls out his recently looted bottle of alchemists fire, and tosses it at the less wounded blue horde of miniscule goblins.
[roll0]Forgot my ranged attack roll!

2017-02-07, 12:57 PM
In the pitch black, Nathan's pupils widen to see vague shapes moving around. It's dim, but he can make out the swarm. Nathan opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. His fanged teeth bared and his face locked in a grimace that would suit a gargoyle he begins casting.

Around his head and shoulders a sickly green shimmer begins to swirl slowly. with purple and pink hues now mixing in with the rotten green, in the nasty mist faces can be made out. They scream in terror, but no sound comes out. Hundreds of faces.

Then, suddenly, Nathan closes his mouth. The mist and faces disappear instantly. For a moment it seems like nothing is happening, but then Nathan raises a finger at the swarm. His right-hand middle finger. He holds it up as if to say, 'screw you', for a moment. He then points with the same finger at the swarm, and a blast of eldrich energy bursts out towards the buggers.

Nathan fires off a bolt of eldritch power, but he appears to be at a disadvantage from firing off at such a close range (don't forget you have disadvantage when making a ranged attack [spell or non-spell] while within 5 ft. of a hostile creature) but still manages to fire (I rolled a 19 for your disadvantage attack roll) into the swarm of tiny goblins as it slams into all of them with an impact as several of the little buggers go flying up into the air, enlarging as they do so to make the battlefield even worse. You now see that there are only a couple members of the swarm left.

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9 <-- Current Turn
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Very Injured - 16 Damage Taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 2 Damage Taken

Round 2:
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: The swarm advances on to the next enemy, they charge now towards Lux/Brother Nathan, seeing that his bolts of force killed several of their own. The tiny goblins leap up on to his priestly vestments, trying to cut and slash in to him.
Movement: Move NW
Action: Slash with Tiny Scimitars: 14 vs. AC hit. For... Ow, 14 points of slashing damage. Brother Nathan is now dying :smalleek:

It is now Alton's turn:

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7 <-- Current Turn
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying, one successful save
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Very Injured - 16 Damage Taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 2 Damage Taken

Alton can barely see the swarms of goblins in the dark. Scooping up a rock from the ground, he mutters something under his breath before light bursts out from the stone. He backs up away from the newly revealed goblins.

Pick up a small rock.
Action: Cast Light on the rock
Move: Back away from the goblin swarms NW towards the way we came in as far as I can move.

Alton casts Light on a small rock and as soon as he does so the entire cavern lights up and those who could not really see before see the absolute carnage of dead goblins everywhere.

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7 <-- Current Turn
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Very Injured - 16 Damage Taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 2 Damage Taken

Round 2:
It is now Vultha's turn:

Vultha feels his tiny, painful wounds close, as he gets back on his digitigrade feet. He pulls out his recently looted bottle of alchemists fire, and tosses it at the less wounded blue horde of miniscule goblins.

[roll0]Forgot my ranged attack roll!

Vultha throws his vial as it slams into the group of tiny gremlins. Even though he was throwing something that wasn't as balanced as a javelin or handaxe (you do not get to add your proficiency bonus so the attack roll is a 15) and he was still being threatened by the swarm in front of him (disadvantaged roll of 13) he still hits them! They begin to scream as they catch on fire, several of them being burning alive (at the start of their turn)! His atttack is quite successful, when suddenly you hear a rumbling... It seems the explosion might have upset the structural integrity of the cavern (as stated by Alton and Veradda Stoor's notes). Rubble begins to come down landing on everyone.

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Slightly Injured - 6 Damage Taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Normal

Round 2:
The rocks from the ceiling are dislodged from the blast as they come crashing down on everyone nearby (everyone except Juliss and Alton). Dex saves are now being made for either half or full of 5 bludgeoning damage:Liam Arthur Dyne: 18, so 2 bludgeoning damage taken.
Deglan Devolt: Auto fails dex saves, so 5 damage which results in 1 failed death save.
Svenna Lutgher: 6, so 5 bludgeoning damage taken.
Vultha Usk: 9, so 5 bludgeoning damage taken.
Lux DeAngelo: Auto fails dex saves, so 5 damage taken which results in 1 failed death save.
Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: 7, so 5 bludgeoning damage taken, most of which doesn't seem to really injure them as they are able to avoid the rocks, being tiny. One goblin grows
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: 18, so 2 bludgeoning damage taken, most of which doesn't seem to really injure them as they are able to avoid the rocks, being tiny.

It is now Liam's turn:

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Dying, one failed save
Svenna Lutgher: Near Death - 2/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 5/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying, one successful save, one failed save
Vultha Usk: Near Death - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Near Death - 18 Damage Taken
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Slightly Injured - 3 Damage Taken

2017-02-07, 01:41 PM
Everything had happened so fast. Too fast. The scurrying of tiny feet, the clattering of tiny blades, his allies' screams of pain. Liam couldn't see what was happening, but before he knew it the priest was down as was the pilgrim.

"What's going on?" the youth stammered, readying his shield What's happening?"

Nathan had blasted the hell out of one group of tiny foes with a blast of divine power. Liam could hear the bodies scatter about, their impact sounded a lot larger and heavier than he would have guessed. Suddenly light erupted through the cave and in the next instant, fire. An explosion of fire that brought some of the ceiling down on everyone! Liam barely managed to step out of the way of a larger rock and was able to take stock of the situation. Dozens of goblin bodies littered the floor while swarms of tiny ones covered Nathan and Vultha.

"Everybody focus fire!" Liam cried before he slashed into the few tiny goblins that remained on Vultha.

Longsword: [roll0], [roll1]

2017-02-07, 01:56 PM
Second Wind


2017-02-07, 02:09 PM
OOC: I know it's not technically my turn yet but I don't have time to hang right now.

Juli ducks and dodges her way through the melee to Deglan, where she attempts to stabilize him.

[roll0] medicine

2017-02-07, 03:05 PM
Everything had happened so fast. Too fast. The scurrying of tiny feet, the clattering of tiny blades, his allies' screams of pain. Liam couldn't see what was happening, but before he knew it the priest was down as was the pilgrim.

"What's going on?" the youth stammered, readying his shield What's happening?

Nathan had blasted the hell out of one group of tiny foes with a blast of divine power. Liam could hear the bodies scatter about, their impact sounded a lot larger and heavier than he would have guessed. Suddenly light erupted through the cave and in the next instant, fire. An explosion of fire that brought some of the ceiling down on everyone! Liam barely managed to step out of the way of a larger rock and was able to take stock of the situation. Dozens of goblin bodies littered the floor while swarms of tiny ones covered Nathan and Vultha.

"Everybody focus fire!" Liam cried before he slashed into the few tiny goblins that remained on Vultha.

Longsword: [roll0], [roll1]

Second Wind


Liam draws his sword tries to cut into the remaining goblins. He brings his sword in a sweeping blow and cuts through the remaining goblins. They have been vanquished!

Juliss: 13 <-- Current Turn
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Dying, one failed death save
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 2/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying, two failed death saves
Vultha Usk: Injured - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 3 Damage Taken

Round 3:
It is now Juliss' turn:

OOC: I know it's not technically my turn yet but I don't have time to hang right now.

Juli ducks and dodges her way through the melee to Deglan, where she attempts to stabilize him.

[roll0] medicine

Juliss cannot make it to Deglan given that the goblin bodies are all crowded together. Juliss can, however, make it to Lux. So she rushes over to him and stabalizes him. She quickly bandages up his cuts and scrapes, restoring him to a stabalized position.

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12 <-- Current Turn
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Stabalized - Unconscious
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 7/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 3 Damage Taken

Round 2:
Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Death Save - 6 failure

It is now Deglan's turn: Death Save - 17 Success

It is now Svenna's turn!

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11 <-- Current Turn
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Stabalized - Unconscious
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 2/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Dying, two successful saves, one failed save
Vultha Usk: Injured - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying, one failed death save.
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 3 Damage Taken

2017-02-07, 03:18 PM
"Fer f**'s sakes, stop bringin' down the cave on TOP OF US!", Svenna shouts in repsonse to the sudden collapse of boulders above her. She feels weak. So weak. But if anything, she knew that keeping her allies alive was the best bet. The previous attack with her quarterstaff hadn't been too effective, so she pushed her weapon aside, and did her best to at least keep the poor kid next to her from dying. She'd tended to her own wounds often enough, but she wouldn't be the one most suited to the task. Better than leaving the kid to die though. The others in the group seemed better suited to the task of murdering the remaining swarms, what with summoning poisonous clouds and magical bolts of ... magic.

Rolling to stablilize Deglan; Medicine: [roll0]

2017-02-07, 03:36 PM
"Fer f**'s sakes, stop bringin' down the cave on TOP OF US!", Svenna shouts in repsonse to the sudden collapse of boulders above her. She feels weak. So weak. But if anything, she knew that keeping her allies alive was the best bet. The previous attack with her quarterstaff hadn't been too effective, so she pushed her weapon aside, and did her best to at least keep the poor kid next to her from dying. She'd tended to her own wounds often enough, but she wouldn't be the one most suited to the task. Better than leaving the kid to die though. The others in the group seemed better suited to the task, what with summoning poisonous clouds.

Rolling to stablilize Deglan; Medicine: [roll0]

Svenna throws her staff on the ground, and begins to put pressure on the wound while doing her best to bandage him up. His breathing eventually stabalizes... Deglan is alive.

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9 <-- Current Turn
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Stabalized - Unconscious
Svenna Lutgher: Injured - 2/11 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Stabalized - Unconscious
Vultha Usk: Injured - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying, one failed death save
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 3 Damage Taken

Round 3:
Brother Nathan/Lux is unconscious. He remains unconscious.

Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: The goblins clamber away from the unconscious body of Lux/Brother Nathan and move out of the reach of Liam (if he wishes to take an opportunity attack he can) as they leap up, climbing on her armor and trying to slash away while they can. Movement: E (Provokes from Liam Arthur Dyne)
Action: Slash at Svenna, 16 vs. AC is a hit. For 11 slashing damage, Svenna is now dying... :smalleek:

It is now Alton's turn!

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7 <-- Current Turn
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Stabalized - Unconscious
Svenna Lutgher: Dying
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Stabalized - Unconscious
Vultha Usk: Injured - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying, one failed death save.
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Barely Injured - 3 Damage Taken

2017-02-07, 06:46 PM
[roll0], [roll1]

2017-02-07, 06:53 PM
[roll0], [roll1]

Liam slashes once again, siezing the opportunity to kill several goblins as they are leaping over Brother Nathan/Lux's fallen body towards Svenna. He manages to cut through several of them as they fall down to the floor, enlarged and dead.

2017-02-07, 07:27 PM
Thankful that he has avoided any injury so far, Alton clutches his glowing rock with one hand, while focusing on the elements and gesturing with the other. Another bolt of fire takes shape and is flung out with a guttural cry.

Using my Tides of Chaos ability to get advantage on this attack roll (I'm sure you know DM, but this allows you to make a roll on the wild magic table whenever I cast a spell of first level or higher).

Firebolt on the red goblin swarm:

damage: [roll2]

2017-02-07, 07:34 PM
Ermagerd Critical Dermage

2017-02-07, 07:49 PM
Thankful that he has avoided any injury so far, Alton clutches his glowing rock with one hand, while focusing on the elements and gesturing with the other. Another bolt of fire takes shape and is flung out with a guttural cry.

Using my Tides of Chaos ability to get advantage on this attack roll (I'm sure you know DM, but this allows you to make a roll on the wild magic table whenever I cast a spell of first level or higher).

Firebolt on the red goblin swarm:

damage: [roll2]

Alton summons another bolt of fire that flies through the air and mass of goblin bodies and it strikes the swarm of goblins standing triumphantly over Svenna's body as they all go flying, some being burnt to a crisp mid-flight. Some recover but you notice the growth of 6 more goblin bodies in the chamber.

OOC: I realized I never rolled for alchemist's fire so here it is: 1 fire damage.

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7 <-- Current Turn
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Stabalized - Unconscious
Svenna Lutgher: Dying
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Stabalized - Unconscious
Vultha Usk: Injured - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying, one failed death save
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Injured - 16 Damage Taken

Round 3:

It is now Vultha's turn!

2017-02-07, 08:02 PM
Vultha draws a potion out from his pack, and tilts his head back, before pouring the bottle in. Humans don't know how good they have it with lips. 2d4+2 Now somewhat revitalized, Vultha throws himself back into the fray, and attempts to finish off the sole horde left. Attack Roll: 1d20+2[/roll]

2017-02-07, 08:05 PM
OOC: I am assuming that you are going to use your hungry jaws attack as drinking a potion is an action (also, why are you using a healing potion over second wind?).

Potion of Healing: [roll0]
Hungry Jaws Attack: [roll1]
Damage (If it hits): [roll2] Piercing damage. 2 Temporary HP gained

Vultha drinks the potion as his wounds begin to close up and he looks revitalized. He then leaps towards the swarm and begins ripping them to shreds with his teeth as another one dies and expands and Vultha promptly devours it.

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Stabalized - Unconscious
Svenna Lutgher: Dying
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Stabalized - Unconscious
Vultha Usk: Injured - 6/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying, one failed death save
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Injured - 18 Damage Taken

Round 3:

It is now Liam's turn!

2017-02-07, 09:05 PM
Svenna was dying somewhere amidst dozens of goblin corpses and there was no way Liam could reach the remaining swarm with his blade from where he was standing. He tossed his shield aside and red flames licked between the fingers of his left hand. With a gesture he directed those flames at the remaining tiny goblins.

[roll0], [roll1]

2017-02-07, 10:11 PM
OOC: Posting ahead since I may not get back tonight.

Juli sees the second swarm dwindling and steps in to cast poison spray again.


2017-02-08, 12:38 AM
Svenna was dying somewhere amidst dozens of goblin corpses and there was no way Liam could reach the remaining swarm with his blade from where he was standing. He tossed his shield aside and red flames licked between the fingers of his left hand. With a gesture he directed those flames at the remaining tiny goblins.

[roll0], [roll1]

Liam hurls a mote of fire as it flies and collides with the group of goblins igniting several of them. The remaining goblins begin to look around, seeing only a couple of their number left as you hear one cry out in a high pitched goblin voice: "Nos juki disco! Slayermighty est mino, jui necced quiomen ad nosoros.""We should run! Slayermighty is been tiny, he is not able to be doing anythings to us." while the other one then cries back: "Nosotroj colud occiko eimo, eto Slayermighty estiuos moyu pworf!" "We can still captures them, and Slayermighty is still very much powerful!" The minaturized goblins continue to fight.

Juliss: 13 <-- Current Turn
Red Swarm: 12
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Stabalized - Unconscious
Svenna Lutgher: Dying
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Stabalized - Unconscious
Vultha Usk: Injured - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying, one failed death save
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Injured - 19 Damage Taken

Round 3:

It is now Juliss' turn!

OOC: Posting ahead since I may not get back tonight.

Juli sees the second swarm dwindling and steps in to cast poison spray again.


Juliss uses some of her power to send out a cloud of poison gas, you hear high pitched coughing as one of the goblins falls over and suffocates (CON save was 5 [failure]).

Juliss: 13
Red Swarm: 12 <-- Current Turn
Deglan: 11
Svenna Lutgher: 11
Lux/Brother Nathan: 11
Blue Swarm: 9
Alton: 7
Vultha: 7
Liam: 1

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Stabalized - Unconscious
Svenna Lutgher: Dying
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Stabalized - Unconscious
Vultha Usk: Injured - 1/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Dying, one failed death save
Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Injured - 19 Damage Taken

Round 3:

Red Swarm of Tiny Goblins Death Save: 7, another failed death save

Deglan Devolt is unconscious - cannot act

Svenna Lutgher is dying - Death Save: 7, one failure

Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo is unconscious - cannot act

Blue Swarm of Tiny Goblins: Are on fire so they take 4 fire damage... Killing them! I guess the alchemist's fire saved the day after all! :smallbiggrin:

Combat Over!

Thus I am ruling that everyone can be stabalized without an issue, healing will be the only issue... So, tell me what you all want to do!

2017-02-08, 12:52 AM
Alton begins to search the pockets of the literal pile if goblins for anything of value.

(If i recall my bonus was +0 before. I will try to get my sheet rebuilt tonorrow. [roll0] )

2017-02-08, 12:58 AM
Alton begins to search the pockets of the literal pile if goblins for anything of value.

(If i recall my bonus was +0 before. I will try to get my sheet rebuilt tonorrow. [roll0] )

Alton searches through pocket after pocket of these goblins and finds nothing, absolutely nothing. It's like these goblins don't appreciate the fact that some of you come here for loot and gold! There's not even so much as a piece of string, but as you are investigating you can't help but feel your innate connection to the weave fluctuate... Give me an arcana check. If I recall you had a +2.

2017-02-08, 01:14 AM
Alton puzzles over the weird feeling he has

Rut Row. Wild arcana [roll0]

2017-02-08, 01:27 AM
Liam rushes to Svenna's side and carefully pours his healing potion into the dwarf's mouth.


2017-02-08, 01:39 AM
Alton puzzles over the weird feeling he has

Rut Row. Wild arcana [roll0]

Your connection grants you insight as you realize: What caused the shrinking was most certainly magic that was a strong, but temporary, curse. Death, and likely the passage of as little as an hour, causes the reduction in size to end. Thus, maybe other creatures who have also been cursed this way might remain cursed within the hour.

Liam rushes to Svenna's side and carefully pours his healing potion into the dwarf's mouth.


Svenna is restored to life!

Does anyone speak goblin?

2017-02-08, 07:31 AM
Svenna sputters as her conscious mind returns to her body, coughing up some of the last droplets of health potion as her lungs and esophagus struggle for priority of action. She groggily sits up and gives Liam a grateful, but curt nod. "Thanks for that." She takes a few seconds to collect herself before standing up to gather her staff and brush some of the dirt from her armor. She looks and sees Deglan hasn't been attended to yet, and pulls her health potion from her backpack to feed him the elixir.

Potion of Healing for Deglan; [roll0]

2017-02-08, 07:36 AM
Deglan jumps to his feet ready to swat at some goblins but then realizes his surroundings. He looks around at all of the calamity and asks "What happened?" He then realizes Nathan is on the ground and rushes over and begins to shake him. "Is he alive? I have a potion of healing if that would help!"

2017-02-08, 09:34 AM
Horns is fine. Save potion. Count goblins. If I remember right, there was a group of thirty seven. Vultha stretches, and climbs out of pile of formerly puny goblins, before lying down on the cold stone, and staring at Juliss. Ears. Why did you heal me?

2017-02-08, 09:46 AM
"Triage. Deglan wasn't getting up anytime soon and I couldn't risk you going down if I went to him instead. You got more attacks, probably saved us a bit of trouble in the end. Didn't see the cave-in coming, nor the giant pile of bodies."

Juli turns to Deglan, "I'm sorry I couldn't make it to you, but I'm glad someone did."

2017-02-08, 09:58 AM
mmn. First time I've heard of soft one healers that use logic in their actions. Refreshing.

2017-02-08, 10:07 AM
Deglan turns to Juliss, "I can only assume it was a difficult decision. Best bet was to take down the enemies. I'm glad we all made it out." He then turns to Vultha, "Are you sure he is fine? He isn't really moving, although he is breathing..." he pauses a moment, "Well if not then Svenna this potion belongs to you." Deglan turns to Svenna and pulls out the potion from his backpack, reaching out and offering it to her.
"Thank you, truly." He tells her while giving a genuine smile.

2017-02-08, 10:12 AM
"Triage. Deglan wasn't getting up anytime soon and I couldn't risk you going down if I went to him instead. You got more attacks, probably saved us a bit of trouble in the end. Didn't see the cave-in coming, nor the giant pile of bodies."

Juli turns to Deglan, "I'm sorry I couldn't make it to you, but I'm glad someone did."

mmn. First time I've heard of soft one healers that use logic in their actions. Refreshing.

Svenna snorts derisively at Vultha at his mention of logic. "Well, you could learn somethin' from her then. Maybe think twice next time before bringin' half the cave down on top of us. It worked this time, but you easily could've killed us by doin' that." She gives the lizard a rather piercing glare, making her displeasure in the line of action very clear.

2017-02-08, 10:16 AM
Svenna snorts derisively at Vultha at his mention of logic. "Well, you could learn somethin' from her then. Maybe think twice next time before bringin' half the cave down on top of us. It worked this time, but you easily could've killed us by doin' that." She gives the lizard a rather piercing glare, making her displeasure in the line of action very unclear.

Vultha turns, to stare at her with his piercing, perplexing glare, before licking his eyes. [color=orange] Understood. Smoker. Although, don't aggress me. As dwarf is a rare favorite.

2017-02-08, 10:20 AM
Svenna snorts derisively at Vultha at his mention of logic. "Well, you could learn somethin' from her then. Maybe think twice next time before bringin' half the cave down on top of us. It worked this time, but you easily could've killed us by doin' that." She gives the lizard a rather piercing glare, making her displeasure in the line of action very unclear.

Vultha turns, to stare at her with his piercing, perplexing glare, before licking his eyes. Understood. Smoker. Although, don't aggress me. As dwarf is a rare favorite.

2017-02-08, 10:40 AM
Vultha turns, to stare at her with his piercing, perplexing glare, before licking his eyes. Understood. Smoker. Although, don't aggress me. As dwarf is a rare favorite.

"'Jes' don't do it again, and we can all get along. Or at least give us a warning if you decide its necessary to risk our skins again." She turns and decides to count up the bodies, maybe they had just dispatched the rest of the horde they had tracked here.

Either Investigation or Perception, whichever is more appropriate;
Investigation - [roll0]
Perception - [roll1]

2017-02-08, 10:43 AM
Noted. Vultha stretches, and turns over, onto his back, before lying back down on his stomach.

2017-02-08, 10:48 AM
"In case you didn't notice, these goblins had a spell or something cast on them to make them smaller. It was quite effective. I also doubt the goblins whose tracks we saw were the entire contingent."

Alton sits against one of the rocks, cluthcing his hand around the vial in his pouch, feeling the warmth and thinking.

2017-02-08, 10:53 AM
"'Jes' don't do it again, and we can all get along. Or at least give us a warning if you decide its necessary to risk our skins again." She turns and decides to count up the bodies, maybe they had just dispatched the rest of the horde they had tracked here.

Either Investigation or Perception, whichever is more appropriate;
Investigation - [roll0]
Perception - [roll1]

Svenna also investigates the bodies, going through them to determine the body count (while Alton actually searches all of them) and discovers that based on this cursory investigation it seems that there are indeed 32 bodies, plus the five you uncovered earlier, means that 37 goblins in total have been discovered. In addition (using the nat 20 roll of perception) you make an arcana check (as I said, nat 20) and recall hearing a lecture from the mage of Ironmaster on curses when you were a child, describing their effects and how they can be removed. You then remember that death is a cure for curses, and several runic markings dot the goblins... Is it possible these goblins were cursed? You then recall what the mage said: "Non-permanent curses can last quite some time, but oftentimes they do not last for more than an hour... Death also would allow for the removal of a curse but it is generally better to simply wait it out while you are afflicted." Is it possible other creatures were also affected by the curse? If so, resting (even a one hour one) would be a poor option, better to take them out while they are tiny.

Brother Nathan/Lux Still Lies on the Ground, Unconscious, Because Nobody Has Healed Him

2017-02-08, 10:54 AM
Deglan looks around confused at the causal behavior of his new teammates. "I'm sorry but did we not just get majorly ambushed?" His voice begins to rise a little in his frustration, "I just almost died, it looks like most of you are injured and Nathan still isn't waking up and you guys are just casually leaning on bodies and rocks? What is going on right now?" Deglan moves over to Nathan and begins to shake him in an attempt to wake him, concerned about his new friend. He also begins to worry of the circumstances, What are these guys thinking? Do they not realize the severity of our situation? What if another group of those little goblins come around the corner again or who knows....I hope they don't get me killed

2017-02-08, 11:00 AM
Having gotten Svenna to her feet, Liam looked for the priest. He had no medical skill himself and his magic was limited to the destructive variety. Still, he grabbed the horned holy man under the arms and began dragging him delicately over to the others.

"He's not waking up," Liam frowned, "but at least he's breathing."

2017-02-08, 11:04 AM
Deglan heads over with Liam, "What happened to him? Same as me? If so we should use this healing potion that I was going to give to Svenna" He hands the potion over to Liam instead.

2017-02-08, 11:18 AM
"Yeah, those goblins really got the better of us..." Liam takes the potion and begins administering it to the minister, "Anyone have any ideas what the Hell was up with those things?"

2017-02-08, 11:30 AM
Brother Nathan/Lux gains 8 HP, he is now conscious.

2017-02-08, 11:35 AM
"I agree. We should keep going as soon as everyone is back in fighting shape. Here, lizard, you are hurt and you will need your strength in case you decide to bring down the cave around us again."

Alton hands Vultha his healing potion.

He then makes his way quietly to the cave the tiny goblins came from. Intent to keep a lookout while everyone prepared themselves.

stealthy stealthy [roll0]

2017-02-08, 11:41 AM
"In case you didn't notice, these goblins had a spell or something cast on them to make them smaller. It was quite effective. I also doubt the goblins whose tracks we saw were the entire contingent."

Alton sits against one of the rocks, cluthcing his hand around the vial in his pouch, feeling the warmth and thinking.

"Yeah, those goblins really got the better of us..." Liam takes the potion and begins administering it to the minister, "Anyone have any ideas what the Hell was up with those things?"

Svenna turns from her accounting with quite the epiphany as Alton starts to sneak off. She lowers her voice, speaking just loudly enough for the rest of the group to hear. "Aye, but not just any spell, they were cursed. It can't be too strong, for it to wear off right after death. They probably freaked out and stormed this way from whatever cursed them. Maybe the treasure stocked up here?" She pauses for a moment and scratches her chin. "In any case, that was the last of the goblins, but I bet the giant and his bear buddy might still be cursed if they were around whatever got the gobbos. We should try and reach them before the curse wears off and we've got an angry full sized hill giant to deal wit'.

2017-02-08, 11:48 AM
"I agree. We should keep going as soon as everyone is back in fighting shape. Here, lizard, you are hurt and you will need your strength in case you decide to bring down the cave around us again."

Alton hands Vultha his healing potion.

He then makes his way quietly to the cave the tiny goblins came from. Intent to keep a lookout while everyone prepared themselves.

stealthy stealthy [roll0]

I will notify you with what happens once everyone else makes their decision on what they're going to do in this brief span of a couple seconds.

2017-02-08, 11:55 AM
Mmn. Perhaps we should push forward, see if that giant got shrunk, too.[roll0]

2017-02-08, 11:57 AM
Liam will do his best to move carefully, following Alton ahead, but he reasoned if they ran across a giant and his bear they were all dead anyway.


2017-02-08, 12:24 PM
Deglan will shake his head to himself and then head with Liam, also proceeding in a stealthy manner

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception for traps or anything: [roll1]

Edit: You can't win them all

2017-02-08, 12:29 PM
Liam will do his best to move carefully, following Alton ahead, but he reasoned if they ran across a giant and his bear they were all dead anyway.


Deglan will shake his head to himself and then head with Liam, also proceeding in a stealthy manner

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception for traps or anything: [roll1]

Edit: You can't win them all

I will describe what happens as soon as everyone else goes.

2017-02-08, 12:49 PM
Vultha snorts, before stretching once more, rolling his shoulders, and follows Liam and Alton. Stealth: [roll0] Perception:[roll1]

2017-02-08, 01:36 PM
Darkness fell over him like a blanket. There were goblins, and now there is nothing. There was chaos and blood, and now there is nothing. For a moment it felt glorious. But something pulled Lux through the void.

A very uncomfortable feeling swept over him. Like sitting in a train and missing your stop, and then going god knows how fast and god knows how many miles in the wrong direction, while the stop you missed was important because you had to be on time for this thing that was really important.
Or getting stuck in a traffic jam, when you really needed to be at the airport for this flight that was really important and you know you're never going to make the flight but against all sanity you stay in the traffic jam hoping for a miracle but knowing it won't happen.
And the worst thing was that you had only yourself to blame. And you feel numb.

Lux had only himself to blame.

He was very aware of this as he was being pulled towards this place where he didn't want to be. Not yet, it was the wrong place, and the wrong timing. And he felt numb.

He suddenly opened his eyes and stared directly into Liams. Lux was lost for a second as he couldn't remember what Hell smelled like, but he was sure he had smelled it. And he wasn't sure what it sounded like anymore but he was sure he had heard it.
This had been a close call.

He blinked, and Brother Nathan sat up. "Too close." He mumbled. "Thanks Liam, I owe you one." He said and sat on the floor a few seconds as he reflected on what had just happened.

The group was moving again, so Nathan got up. He dusted himself off and picked up his gear. He followed the group, not wanting to be left alone at the place where he almost met his maker.

2017-02-08, 01:49 PM
Juliss makes sure Nathan is up and moving before she joins the procession. She inspects the cave as they travel, trying to gauge the integrity of the rock structure.

[roll0] Stealth
[roll1] Nature. Trying to head off quakes, cave-ins.
[roll2] Perception

2017-02-08, 01:52 PM
Deglan decides it may be best to just keep his mouth shut and protect the rear. So he moves to the back of the group and waits for everyone to begin moving. Making sure he is the last one of the rest so that he can keep an close eye on anything that may come from behind.

2017-02-08, 01:58 PM
Svenna waited for her sneaking companions to walk about 5 feet in front of her before moving. She was probably going to be most happy in the middle of the vanguard and the rest of the party. She was going to do her best to be stealthy, even if it wasn't her preferred tactic. She wanted to just move forward quickly, before this strange curse wore off, caution be damned, but wasn't about to pull the group into more trouble after giving Vultha a hard time about the incident with the alchemist's fire. She prepares her handaxe and quarterstaff, keeping eyes and ears perked for any sign she could give to the others.

Going to be in the middle of the forward stealth group and the rest. Last time I was too far back.
Stealth at disadvantage; [roll0] or [roll1]
Passive Perception is 14

2017-02-08, 03:27 PM
Combat #3 The Littlest Giant:

This cavern, unlike the last, is lit with lanterns throughout. To the north, at the far end of the corridor, you can see a small creature dressed in ratty furs, wielding a club. He stands in front of a stone chest that is even with his eyes. His back is to you, and you catch the sound of angry rumbling coming from his direction, but it is too faint to hear clearly.

Then a yappy growl to your left alerts the creature, and it turns. It has the countenance of a terrible hill giant, but the stature of a goblin. It shrieks in fury: “Slayermighty the Giant will tear you apart and feed you to Blooddrinker!” He charges toward you.

This is the fearsome (albeit tiny) hill giant, and he is M-A-D MAD! (Also, you guys were carrying a light source, so it is pretty hard to stealth, and even then a lot of you were quite clanky with all the armor, so sadly no surprise round).


Deglan Devolt: 18 <-- Current Turn
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Normal

Round 1:

It is now Deglan's turn!

2017-02-08, 04:46 PM
Deglan wonders what craziness they will encounter in the next room. They all begin to file in and end up finding this small goblin sized hill giant. Deglan almost lets out a laugh at the sight of it but collects himself and prepares. Before the "giant" can advance on the group Deglan shouts out his plan and begins to move, "Alright guys I'll run along the wall and take it on from the right!" He rushes past Alton and runs along the north wall, ending up next to the chest and giant. Moving in he brings up his quarterstaff in an attempt to land a quick blow and then he brings his left fist up and goes in for a swift hit.

Movement: Move to Alton's square then along the wall to place myself North of Giant and next to treasure chest.
Attack: Quarterstaff vs Slayermighty - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike vs Slayermighty - [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

2017-02-08, 05:10 PM
Svenna raises an eyebrow at the 'raging' hill giant, almost chuckling as he made his threats. More like a wee tyke with a temper tantrum... With the encouragement of Deglan storming in, she rushed around to flank this proclaimed 'giant'. She paused for a moment mid-run to rid herself of her handaxe, hurling it at the screaming ... thing. She still couldn't wrap her head around it enough to call this thing a giant, even if it clearly was a small hill giant. She then took the final step to complete the flank, standing on the side opposite Deglan, gripping her quarterstaff in both hands now, preparing to give Slayermighty quite the thrashing now that she had closed with him.

Moving 20ft. West (aka 2 squares South of Slayermighty)
Attacking with the Handaxe; [roll0] for Damage; [roll1]
Moving 5ft Northwest (aka 1 square Southwest of Slayermighty
Gripping the Quarterstaff with two hands now

2017-02-08, 05:55 PM
Deglan wonders what craziness they will encounter in the next room. They all begin to file in and end up finding this small goblin sized hill giant. Deglan almost lets out a laugh at the sight of it but collects himself and prepares. Before the "giant" can advance on the group Deglan shouts out his plan and begins to move, "Alright guys I'll run along the wall and take it on from the right!" He rushes past Alton and runs along the north wall, ending up next to the chest and giant. Moving in he brings up his quarterstaff in an attempt to land a quick blow and then he brings his left fist up and goes in for a swift hit.

Movement: Move to Alton's square then along the wall to place myself North of Giant and next to treasure chest.
Attack: Quarterstaff vs Slayermighty - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike vs Slayermighty - [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

Deglan runs towards the tiny "giant" and makes a quick whack on him with his quarterstaff but then rounds about delivering a punch. The "giant" is hit by the first attack, but you can feel the strength and toughness as you whack it. The blow that would normally kill a standard commoner doesn't even bruise this "giant." In your confusion the second strike is weaker than the first as the giant dodges, using its newfound size as an advantage. "Hah, weak hoo-mans will not beat Slayermighty! He will crush them with his big club and then feed bone dust to best bear friend Bloodrinker!" You now realize that the strange tiny wolf-like creature is actually the black bear, but is now half the size of a bear cub. She growls at you (it sounds like a kitten purring) when you strike her "giant" master but then whimpers and hides in one of the caves' many niches as you look at her.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13 <-- Current Turn
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 8 Damage Taken

Round 1:

It is now Svenna's turn!

Svenna raises an eyebrow at the 'raging' hill giant, almost chuckling as he made his threats. More like a wee tyke with a temper tantrum... With the encouragement of Deglan storming in, she rushed around to flank this proclaimed 'giant'. She paused for a moment mid-run to rid herself of her handaxe, hurling it at the screaming ... thing. She still couldn't wrap her head around it enough to call this thing a giant, even if it clearly was a small hill giant. She then took the final step to complete the flank, standing on the side opposite Deglan, gripping her quarterstaff in both hands now, preparing to give Slayermighty quite the thrashing now that she had closed with him.

Moving 20ft. West (aka 2 squares South of Slayermighty)
Attacking with the Handaxe; [roll0] for Damage; [roll1]
Moving 5ft Northwest (aka 1 square Southwest of Slayermighty
Gripping the Quarterstaff with two hands now

Svenna moves forward and throws her handaxe towards the "giant", who sidesteps the flying axe, which lands squarely in the stone chest. The "giant" laughs at her and says: "See, nobody can defeat the strongest Slayermighty! Soon I will grow and crush you with my feet. GROW GROW GROW!" He cries and stamps his feet, clearly angry at his current predicament. As you cross the cavern you notice the miniature bear (that was mentioned earlier) that has a look of concern as you attack the "giant" but still hides, clearly afraid of the colossal beings who just entered the cavern.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8 <-- Current Turn
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 8 Damage Taken

Round 1:

It is now Alton's turn!

2017-02-08, 06:14 PM
"Lux, this is about all I can do to help." Alton says, touching the warlock's shoulder, twisting the energies of the world into magical armor similar to the set he is wearing. Alton then takes a few steps to the south to clear the entryway.

Cast Mage Armor on Lux (hopefully Wild Magic goodness....or TPK)
Move South - SouthWest to be in the square below Vultha.

2017-02-08, 07:03 PM
Vultha stares at the sight, bewildered at his prediction was correct. Once he shakes off the shock, he moves in and attempts to grapple the small giant. Doesn't matter cause my athletics check and Acrobatics check are the same [roll0]

2017-02-08, 07:42 PM
"Lux, this is about all I can do to help." Alton says, touching the warlock's shoulder, twisting the energies of the world into magical armor similar to the set he is wearing. Alton then takes a few steps to the south to clear the entryway.

Cast Mage Armor on Lux (hopefully Wild Magic goodness....or TPK)
Move South - SouthWest to be in the square below Vultha.

Alton casts mage armor, summoning a partially translucent armor of protection around Brother Nathan/Lux. As he does so his hands turn to flame, but strangely, the flames do not hurt or ignite his clothing (For the next minute, any flammable object that is not being worn or carried by another creature bursts into flame). He then rushes behind the tall lizardfolk for protection.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8 <-- Current Turn
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 8 Damage Taken

Round 1:

It is now Vultha's turn!

Vultha stares at the sight, bewildered at his prediction was correct. Once he shakes off the shock, he moves in and attempts to grapple the small giant. Doesn't matter cause my athletics check and Acrobatics check are the same [roll0]

OOC: You can only make grapple attempts using athletics, acrobatics or athletics can be used to escape from a grapple.

Vultha charges forward (he didn't specify where so I'm just assuming a straight line) and tries to wrap his hands around the "giant." Said "giant", however, does not like this at all, and slams Vultha away, disabling him from his grappling attempt (20 on the contested athletics roll). The "giant" then roars in triumph and says in a slightly high pitched voice: "See! Slayermighty is still stronger than puny weaklings, Slayermighty will become huge soon! Just you all waits!" Blooddrinker the tiny cursed black bear tries to hide even more as a humongous lizard-man approaches, whimpering in fear.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6 <-- Current Turn
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 8 Damage Taken

Round 1:

Slayermighty grins, finally being able to act he takes out his greatclub and swings it around towards the monk who whacked him with the quarterstaff. The attack connects as Delgan is stunned by the attack brought on by this tiny "giant." He was not prepared for the next attack, but luckily his monkish reflexes acted just in time, causing for him to leap out of the way only taking one of the brutal attacks from the "giant." The "giant" looks annoyed as he cries out in annoyance: "If Slayermighty was biggest giant he would hit tiny hoo-man no problem, Slayermighty must grow!!!"

Action: Multiattack - Take two attacks, both towards Delgan.
First Attack: 16 vs. AC is a hit, 4 Bludgeoning damage.
Second Attack: 14 vs. AC is a miss *phew*

It is now Lux/Brother Nathan's Turn!

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5 <-- Current Turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 8 Damage Taken

2017-02-08, 08:35 PM
(I know I am way in the future, but why not)

Alton stares at his fire hands, and, once he is certain his skin isn't burning away, he focuses on the "giant" again. The fire on his hands makes forming the elemental bolt of flames even easier. He hurls the fire at the giant.

Using Tides of Chaos for advantage again (since I just got it back) on Firebolt against the "giant"
damage: [roll2]

2017-02-08, 10:47 PM
Brother Nathan, who reacted genuinely thankful for Altons protective spell, starts casting immediatly.

This time there's no dark swirl of energy, nor is there any lamenting of the damned.
The spell is solely concentrated in his eyes. They start glowing with bright, scorpion green light.

As the little giant goes about and rants and rages, Brother Nathan whistles sharply to get his attention. The moment the little giant looks over, Nathan says a word and his green eyes flash.

As the flash of the sickly green light settles in Slayermighties eyes, the little giant can only obey this one command. "Grovel."

I'd like him to fall prone and end his turn. On his knees and begging for forgivenes. If he fails his wisdom save, that is.


1st-level enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V

Duration: 1 round

You speak a one-word command to a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The spell has no effect if the target is undead, if it doesn’t understand your language, or if your command is directly harmful to it.

Some typical commands and their effects follow. You might issue a command other than one described here. If you do so, the DM determines how the target behaves. If the target can’t follow your command, the spell ends.

Approach. The target moves toward you by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet of you.

Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn.

Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from you by the fastest available means.

Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.

Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. A flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed to remain in the air.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

2017-02-09, 09:49 AM
Brother Nathan, who reacted genuinely thankful for Altons protective spell, starts casting immediatly.

This time there's no dark swirl of energy, nor is there any lamenting of the damned.
The spell is solely concentrated in his eyes. They start glowing with bright, scorpion green light.

As the little giant goes about and rants and rages, Brother Nathan whistles sharply to get his attention. The moment the little giant looks over, Nathan says a word and his green eyes flash.

As the flash of the sickly green light settles in Slayermighties eyes, the little giant can only obey this one command. "Grovel."

I'd like him to fall prone and end his turn. On his knees and begging for forgivenes. If he fails his wisdom save, that is.


1st-level enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V

Duration: 1 round

You speak a one-word command to a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The spell has no effect if the target is undead, if it doesn’t understand your language, or if your command is directly harmful to it.

Some typical commands and their effects follow. You might issue a command other than one described here. If you do so, the DM determines how the target behaves. If the target can’t follow your command, the spell ends.

Approach. The target moves toward you by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet of you.

Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn.

Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from you by the fastest available means.

Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.

Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. A flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed to remain in the air.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Lux persuades the creature to grovel as suddenly the spell takes hold of him (Wisdom save of 3) and he immediately stands rigid and stops blabbering. The orders of Lux wash over the "giant" as you see his eyes begin to glaze over, almost like he is preparing to do something.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4 <-- Current Turn
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 8 Damage Taken; Commanded - Will take next action to fall prone and then end turn

Round 1:

It is now Liam Arthur Dyne's Turn!

2017-02-09, 06:23 PM
Liam moves between Vultha and Deglan and readies himself to attack in reaction to whatever Slayermighty does.

2017-02-10, 02:09 AM
Liam moves between Vultha and Deglan and readies himself to attack in reaction to whatever Slayermighty does.

Liam carefully moves forward towards the frozen giant and prepares, waiting for its next move... As he crosses over Blooddrinker looks out, and whimpers slightly at the sight of her master frozen and unmoving.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP; Ready Action - Attack whenever Slayermighty does something.
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 8 Damage Taken; Commanded - Will take next action to fall prone and then end turn

Round 1:

It is now Juliss Wildeye Turn!

2017-02-10, 06:44 AM
Juliss moves between Svenna and Vultha and readies poison spray in reaction to the giant's next action.


2017-02-10, 09:55 AM
Juliss moves between Svenna and Vultha and readies poison spray in reaction to the giant's next action.


OOC: You can only move below Vultha, remember that moving through any occupied is still difficult terrain!

Juliss follows Liam's lead and approaches towards the giant, she quickly begins to chant the druidic words of power as a small ball of gas appears, contained around her fingertips.

Deglan Devolt: 18 <-- Current Turn
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP Ready Action - Cast Poison Spray whenever Slayermighty does something.
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP; Ready Action - Attack whenever Slayermighty does something.
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 8 Damage Taken; Commanded - Will take next action to fall prone and then end turn

Round 2:

It is now Deglan Devolt's Turn!

2017-02-10, 10:12 AM
Deglan takes the brutal hit from the club but is able to dodge the second attack coming. He shakes his head and steels his nerves but before striking out with his quarterstaff and fist again he notices Slayermighty freeze up as well as Brother Nathan utter the words "Grovel." Curious of what will come next Deglan thought about waiting to see if the giant will actually drop to the floor. Not wanting to take the chance though Deglan strikes out with his weapons, Hoping to do some heavy damage!

Attack: Quarterstaff vs Slayermighty - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike vs Slayermighty - [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

2017-02-10, 10:25 AM
Svenna lashes out with her quarterstaff as well, swinging it from above her head in a bellow as she hopes to bring it down on the giant's skull.

Attacking; [roll0] for Damage; [roll1]

2017-02-10, 10:48 AM
Vultha, suddenly putting two and two together, realized that as soon as the party killed the puny giant, it would take its full size, which could prove dangerous, and once again tried to grapple the
Grapple check! : 1d20+4

2017-02-10, 10:49 AM
Vultha, suddenly putting two and two together, realized that as soon as the party killed the puny giant, it would take its full size, which could prove dangerous, and once again tried to grapple the
Grapple check! : [roll0]
[roll1] messed up with the original roll.

2017-02-10, 12:55 PM
Deglan takes the brutal hit from the club but is able to dodge the second attack coming. He shakes his head and steels his nerves but before striking out with his quarterstaff and fist again he notices Slayermighty freeze up as well as Brother Nathan utter the words "Grovel." Curious of what will come next Deglan thought about waiting to see if the giant will actually drop to the floor. Not wanting to take the chance though Deglan strikes out with his weapons, Hoping to do some heavy damage!

Attack: Quarterstaff vs Slayermighty - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike vs Slayermighty - [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

The monk attacks the tiny "giant" with all the force he can muster as the quarterstaff bonks the now frozen creature on the head. He then tries to do a roundhouse kick but when his foot connects he is in for a shock as the giant stands stiff and resolute, resisting your attack by the sheer amount of its fat and muscle.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13 <-- Current Turn
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP Ready Action - Cast Poison Spray whenever Slayermighty does something.
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP; Ready Action - Attack whenever Slayermighty does something.
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 13 Damage Taken; Commanded - Will take next action to fall prone and then end turn

Round 2:

It is now Svenna Lutgher's Turn!

Svenna lashes out with her quarterstaff as well, swinging it from above her head in a bellow as she hopes to bring it down on the giant's skull.

Attacking; [roll0] for Damage; [roll1]

Svenna also tries to follow up on Deglan's successful attack with an attack of her own, but the "giant's" skin is just too tough and Slayermighty completely resists your attack!

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8 <-- Current Turn
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP Ready Action - Cast Poison Spray whenever Slayermighty does something.
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP; Ready Action - Attack whenever Slayermighty does something.
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Slightly Injured - 13 Damage Taken; Commanded - Will take next action to fall prone and then end turn

Round 2:

It is now Alton Goodbarrel's Turn!

(I know I am way in the future, but why not)

Alton stares at his fire hands, and, once he is certain his skin isn't burning away, he focuses on the "giant" again. The fire on his hands makes forming the elemental bolt of flames even easier. He hurls the fire at the giant.

Using Tides of Chaos for advantage again (since I just got it back) on Firebolt against the "giant"
damage: [roll2]

Alton's flame hands summon even more fire as the brings it together and hurls the coalesced bolt of fire at the "giant", hitting him squarely in the chest. The "giant" still buckles at the attack and you hear Blooddrinker the tiny bear cry out in alarm and fear of her owner being injured.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8 <-- Current Turn
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP Ready Action - Cast Poison Spray whenever Slayermighty does something.
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP; Ready Action - Attack whenever Slayermighty does something.
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Injured - 23 Damage Taken; Commanded - Will take next action to fall prone and then end turn

Round 2:

It is now Vultha Usk's Turn!

Vultha, suddenly putting two and two together, realized that as soon as the party killed the puny giant, it would take its full size, which could prove dangerous, and once again tried to grapple the
Grapple check! : [roll0]

[roll1] messed up with the original roll.

Vultha leaps on the giant, but even in its entranced state, the giant makes a single shove as Vultha's attempt to grab the giant is defeated. Vultha gets back up off the ground and then resumes his fighting position... Ready to take down the giant again next time.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6 <-- Current Turn
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP Ready Action - Cast Poison Spray whenever Slayermighty does something.
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP; Ready Action - Attack whenever Slayermighty does something.
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Injured - 23 Damage Taken; Commanded - Will take next action to fall prone and then end turn

Round 2:

It is now Slayermighty, the Cursed Giant's Turn! He kneels down and begins begging for forgiveness saying: "Slayermighty is sad that he hurt great red hoo-man with horns. Slayermighty did not mean to and he will destroy the other fleshy things, crack open their skulls, and feed you their brain dust. Slayermighty will do this because Slayermighty is sorry that he offended amazing red hoo-man!" As he wastes his turn detailing exact ways that he will kill everyone else and then deliver their body parts to Lux/Brother Nathan as trophies and/or food. As he falls prone two reactions go off: Liam Arthur Dyne attacks however he misjudges the fall and is slightly disgusted by Slayermighty's detailed descriptions of slaughtering all of you and the attack misses: 12 (normal) and 12 (advantage) miss. Juliss then sends out the puff of poison she was preparing as the giant coughs a tiny bit, momentarily poisoned.

It is now Lux DeAngelo/Brother Nathan's Turn!

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5 <-- Current Turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Injured - 24 Damage Taken; Prone - Grants advantage against attacks within 5 ft., but grants disadvantage otherwise. He also has disadvantage on attack rolls and can only crawl.

2017-02-11, 12:30 AM
Brother Nathan looked down at Slayermighty. His control over the creature made him feel powerful and filled him with a sensation that he'd rather not be feeling. Still, it was hard not to have the widest grin ever at the moment.
At the same time Brother Nathan realized he couldn't keep his control for long, and that they'd need to finish him off as soon as possible.

The sickly green shimmer began to swirl again as Brother Nathan started casting. The mist and the faces appeared, different faces this time, but just as agonizing.

When Nathan was done casting he pointed at Slayermighty.

"Good boy... Now die!" He said as the blast of eldrich energy burst out towards him.

Ranged spell attack: [roll0]
Force damage: [roll1]

2017-02-11, 10:50 AM
Brother Nathan looked down at Slayermighty. His control over the creature made him feel powerful and filled him with a sensation that he'd rather not be feeling. Still, it was hard not to have the widest grin ever at the moment.
At the same time Brother Nathan realized he couldn't keep his control for long, and that they'd need to finish him off as soon as possible.

The sickly green shimmer began to swirl again as Brother Nathan started casting. The mist and the faces appeared, different faces this time, but just as agonizing.

When Nathan was done casting he pointed at Slayermighty.

"Good boy... Now die!" He said as the blast of eldrich energy burst out towards him.

Lux uses a bit of his dark pact to summon a bolt of eldritch force and hurl it at the "giant." However, the giant had kneeled down and because of that, was much harder to hit from range (disadvantage roll of 12, so take the 7). So the eldritch blast simply hit the floor beside the kneeling "giant."

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4 <-- Current Turn
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Injured - 24 Damage Taken; Prone - Advantage on attacks within 5 ft. disadvantage on everything else, he has disadvantage, and can only crawl.

Round 2:

It is now Liam Arthur Dyne's Turn!

2017-02-11, 11:31 AM
Not able to get a clear shot at the kneeling giant, Alton waits, fire licking at his fingertips.

Holding action to cast Firebolt at the giant for when he stands from prone.

Damage [roll1]

2017-02-11, 02:31 PM
Liam discards his shield to take his Longsword in two hands for a powerful overhead slash!

Advantage [roll0], [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2017-02-11, 02:40 PM
Liam discards his shield to take his Longsword in two hands for a powerful overhead slash!

Advantage [roll0], [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Liam slashes and cuts down into the giant, but the giant just keeps on groveling. Its fat and muscle remaining as his protective armor, prohibiting you from making a true (killing) strike.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Injured - 33 Damage Taken; Prone - Advantage on attacks within 5 ft. disadvantage on everything else, he has disadvantage, and can only crawl.

Round 2:

It is now Juliss Wildeye's Turn!

2017-02-11, 05:37 PM
Juli runs to engage again with poison spray.


2017-02-11, 07:42 PM
Juli runs to engage again with poison spray.


Juli sends out a cloud of poison gas towards the kneeling "giant." However, the giant is so close to the ground that it completed dodges the spray (Constitution save of 17)! Just as that happens the giant begins to grow, it seems like it's time as a tiny giant may be coming to an end (it is now size medium).

Deglan Devolt: 18 <-- Current Turn
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Injured - 33 Damage Taken; Prone - Advantage on attacks within 5 ft. disadvantage on everything else, he has disadvantage, and can only crawl.

Round 3:

It is now Deglan Devolt's Turn!

2017-02-11, 08:07 PM
Deglans eyes widen as the giant begins to grow slightly. "We need to kill him, NOW!" He brings up his quarterstaff, taking advantage of the easier target and slams it down onto the giant. Then bringing his knee up to drive it into the giants face in hopes to lay a substantial hit.

Movement: Move to Alton's square then along the wall to place myself North of Giant and next to treasure chest.
Attack: Quarterstaff w/ advantage vs Slayermighty - [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike w/ advantage vs Slayermighty - [roll3] or [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] bludgeoning damage

2017-02-11, 08:14 PM
Deglans eyes widen as the giant begins to grow slightly. "We need to kill him, NOW!" He brings up his quarterstaff, taking advantage of the easier target and slams it down onto the giant. Then bringing his knee up to drive it into the giants face in hopes to lay a substantial hit.

Movement: Move to Alton's square then along the wall to place myself North of Giant and next to treasure chest.
Attack: Quarterstaff w/ advantage vs Slayermighty - [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike w/ advantage vs Slayermighty - [roll3] or [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] bludgeoning damage

Deglan lands two very solid attacks on the kneeled "giant" as it cries out in pain, at this point it is looking very injured by all of your attacks. Blooddrinker (although still the same size) looks out in fear and alarm as she realizes her master could die!

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13 <-- Current Turn
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Injured - 47 Damage Taken; Prone - Advantage on attacks within 5 ft. disadvantage on everything else, he has disadvantage, and can only crawl.

Round 3:

It is now Svenna Lutgher's Turn!

2017-02-11, 09:49 PM
Svenna grits her teeth and swings again, feeling the urgency from her comrades.

Attack;[roll0] or [roll1] for
[roll2] + 7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21698663&postcount=166) from crit dice = 14

2017-02-11, 10:15 PM
Now seeing the Giant suddenly grow from it's diminutive stature, Vultha takes swing at the still awkwardly sized Giant.Advantage:[roll0][roll1] Damage: [roll2]

2017-02-11, 11:16 PM
Svenna grits her teeth and swings again, feeling the urgency from her comrades.

Attack;[roll0] or [roll1] for
[roll2] + 7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21698663&postcount=166) from crit dice = 14

OOC: Please remember you do not add the damage modifier for critical damage, you only roll the damage dice again. I am also disregarding Alkerite's post as Slayermighty died from Svenna's attack.

Svenna deals 11 damage as she knocks the head straight off of the giant! The head goes flying as the body crumples down onto the floor. Suddenly the room begins to shake as the body and head of the now truly giant expand to be ginormous! Blooddrinker then leaps out of her hiding spot and begins to lick the head (but, unlike her name would suggest, not the blood) of her now dead master. She tries to claw at the sides of the monster, in a useless attempt to rouse it. It is at that moment when she cries out in pain. As parts of her body expand while others don't, they all then shrink as the proccess repeats. It appears Blooddrinker is in great agony! Unable to complete her transformation back to her normal size... What do you do?

It is now Vultha Usk's turn.

2017-02-12, 01:42 AM
Vultha moves over to engage the deformed blood drinker, taking a swing at the poor beast with his axe. [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2017-02-12, 01:48 AM
Vultha moves over to engage the deformed blood drinker, taking a swing at the poor beast with his axe. [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

OOC: Huh, that was... Unexpected.

Blooddrinker the bear is sliced as she lies dying on the ground. She does not expand back to her normal size but it still convulsing in the form of a siezure.

I believe I skipped Alton's turn so he may go if he wishes.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8 <-- Current Turn
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blooddrinker the Bear: Dying

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Dying

2017-02-12, 01:51 AM
Alton, seeing that there is no need to fireholt te giant, tries to figure out what is happening to his pet.

Arcana check on what is happening to Blooddrinker. [roll0]

2017-02-12, 01:56 AM
Alton, seeing that there is no need to fireholt te giant, tries to figure out what is happening to his pet.

Arcana check on what is happening to Blooddrinker. [roll0]

Alton recalls back to his natural connection to the weave, trying to find out what is going on here.

It is quite clear that the curse is not having the same effect on the other creatures as it is on Blooddrinker. You hypothesize it could have to do with her beastial nature, but are unsure. Other than that you believe that someone would have to try and tap into the curse itself (another arcana check) or try and simply stop the convulsions through some kind of medicinal knowledge...

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5 <-- Current Turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blooddrinker the Bear: Dying, one successful death save

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Dying, one failed death save

It is now Lux DeAngelo/Brother Nathan's turn!

2017-02-12, 04:35 AM
"The curse is not designed to operate with its kind. We might be able to manipulate the energy field of the curse....or possibly heal the beast somehow."

2017-02-12, 06:18 AM
Lux, who had more experience with what agony sounded like than he'd care to admit, looked at the animal with pity.

"This is not right, and I won't stand for him to suffer like this." Brother Nathan said, sounding sad about it.

He fired a blast of energy at BloodDrinker, in the hopes of ending its misery.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-02-12, 06:42 AM
Don't burn the pelt. I've been needing a cloak. Gets too cold.

2017-02-12, 12:49 PM
Lux, who had more experience with what agony sounded like than he'd care to admit, looked at the animal with pity.

"This is not right, and I won't stand for him to suffer like this." Brother Nathan said, sounding sad about it.

He fired a blast of energy at BloodDrinker, in the hopes of ending its misery.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

OOC: I guess that was slightly more expected... But still not unexpected.

The blast flies from Brother Nathan/Lux DeAngelo towards the bear. However, in a twinge of sadness for having to kill a dying innocent he misses and the spell fizzles. Blooddrinker is no longer resizing now instead simply lying on the ground, twitching every now and then from the curse that will kill her very quickly if she does not recieve assisstance.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4 <-- Current Turn
Juliss Wildeye: 3

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blooddrinker the Bear: Dying, one successful death save

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Dying, one failed death save

It is now Liam Arthur Dyne's turn!

2017-02-13, 03:28 PM
Ziegander has not posted in some time, if he returns then that'll be fine, but for now he shall be taking the dodge action.

Deglan Devolt: 18
Svenna Lutgher: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 8
Vultha Usk: 8
Slayermighty, the tiny hill giant: 6
Lux/Brother Nathan DeAngelo: 5
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4
Juliss Wildeye: 3 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Injured - 6/10 HP
Lux DeAngelo: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Barely Injured - 11/12 HP
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured - 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Injured - 5/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blooddrinker the Bear: Dying, one successful death save

Slayermighty, the Cursed Hill Giant: Dying, one failed death save

It is now Juliss Wildeye's turn!

2017-02-13, 04:42 PM
Juliss runs to Blooddrinker and checks for vital signs.
"Why'd you attack? She wasn't threatening anyone!" she fires over her shoulder.
Juli murmurs to the shrunken bear as she rolls it onto its side and attempts to stabilize the wounded animal.

[roll0] medicine check.

2017-02-13, 05:04 PM
Svenna vaguely hears the sounds of combat focused on something which isn't Slayermighty and ***** an eyebrow. She vaguely hears Juliss cry out about something not doing anything or hurting anyone and turns to face the others, unsure of what happened as her mind was preoccupied by the sudden growth of the dead giant. She turns to see Juliss taking care of the bear, and moves over quickly to assist in any way she can. "Is he ok? What happened??? Any way I can help?"

Holding a Help action to aid whoever tries to help Blooddrinker next.

2017-02-13, 09:19 PM
As Juliss uses her medical knowledge to try and restore Blooddrinker to health. Svenna aids through her knowledge of medicinal herbs and eventually Blooddrinker's spasms end. She has been saved.

End of Part 1: Beneath the Hills

35.7 exp for the goblins, 28.5 for the swarms of tiny goblins, 28.5 for the cursed Hill Giant Slayermighty, and 25 for saving Blooddrinker the Bear puts you at the maximum of 100 exp each for this part of the adventure.

As you search around the cavern you uncover a large necklace of twenty copper charms around Slayermighty's neck worth 28 gp and 5 sp each. Slayermighty also has a potion of healing that seemed to be only affected by the shrinking as it is now medium-ish sized.

For saving Blooddrinker the Bear one of you (who did not harm Blooddrinker with malicious intent) will gain the Story Award Blooddrinker the Bear:[/I]]Through care and patience, you now have a bear pet. She is, however, the size of a small housecat. She cannot attack, defend, distract, aid, or otherwise play any role in combat. She can be taught to do simple tricks if treated well and if you spend 20 down time days training her.

You each gain 5 downtime days, which can be used in ways described in the Adventurers League Players Guide.

So, everyone can decide who gets the potion of healing and Blooddrinker in the OOC. You begin to exit the cave, where would you like to head to next (you all can roleplay exiting the cave, cleaning up everything, and long resting as you prepare for your next day of travel through the Greypeak Mountains).

Long Rest Achieved, everyone is restored to full HP, spell slots, and any other abilities that recharge on a long rest.

2017-02-14, 07:40 AM
Deglan glances around after the calamity and lets out a sigh of relief. They are safe and sound for now and that's a good thing. With combat over he looks over towards the events that transpired with the small bear and attempted to understand the situation better, reflecting on his past studies.

"Well, after some much needed rest I'm fine with heading to the next cache, as long as you all are good to go." Deglan heads over to the cave entrance and watches the sun rise (OOC: or not idk what time of day it is) and reflects back on that past days events, waiting until everyone is ready to continue forward.

Arcana check for understanding the magic and events with blooddrinker: [roll0]

Not sure what time of day it is but yeah Deglan is ready to go when everyone else is.

Also as much as having the pet would be really awesome I wasn't really able to help yet as my turn didn't occur so I don't have a say in it I guess.

2017-02-14, 09:01 AM
Jules tends to Blooddrinker until the bear wakes up.

"Vultha, can you spare any of that goblin meat? It's probably not the best food but she has to be hungry after yesterday."

Jules soothes the animal as it tries to make sense of the situation. "Friends," she growls in its language, indicating the party members.

"One by one please, come introduce yourselves. She needs to know you all as family."

Speak with Beasts as a ritual to aid any investigation.

2017-02-14, 10:59 AM
Vultha nods, and grabs the meat from his bag, before offering it to the puny bear, crouching to make himself appear smaller, to not intimidate the bear. Animal handling? [roll0]

2017-02-14, 11:26 AM
Alton spends little time with the bear or much of the cave. He takes up a position outside of it, in the fresh air, brushing the dirt from his clothes.

(basically doing nothing)

2017-02-14, 06:24 PM
Deglan glances around after the calamity and lets out a sigh of relief. They are safe and sound for now and that's a good thing. With combat over he looks over towards the events that transpired with the small bear and attempted to understand the situation better, reflecting on his past studies.

"Well, after some much needed rest I'm fine with heading to the next cache, as long as you all are good to go." Deglan heads over to the cave entrance and watches the sun rise (OOC: or not idk what time of day it is) and reflects back on that past days events, waiting until everyone is ready to continue forward.

Arcana check for understanding the magic and events with blooddrinker: [roll0]

Not sure what time of day it is but yeah Deglan is ready to go when everyone else is.

Also as much as having the pet would be really awesome I wasn't really able to help yet as my turn didn't occur so I don't have a say in it I guess.

Deglan begins to look over Blooddrinker, aiming to find anything that he recognizes. Based on your expeditions in tombs and catacombs you recognize this effect as what was originally intended to be a temporary curse shrinking the size of the target to around 1/8 of the original size (Huge --> Small, Large --> Tiny, Medium --> Diminutive, Small --> Fine [the latter two sizes aren't even considered sizes in D&D 5E]). However, the curse seems to have been meant for humanoids and giants (which is strange because one would normally assume that such a curse would simply be limited to humanoids. It was not meant for beasts, resulting in the curse becoming permanent. Blooddrinker will be forever tiny.

Jules tends to Blooddrinker until the bear wakes up.

"Vultha, can you spare any of that goblin meat? It's probably not the best food but she has to be hungry after yesterday."

Jules soothes the animal as it tries to make sense of the situation. "Friends," she growls in its language, indicating the party members.

"One by one please, come introduce yourselves. She needs to know you all as family."

Speak with Beasts as a ritual to aid any investigation.

Blooddrinker slowly rouses as she yawns a little bit, and upon seeing the goblin meat ravenously eats it up. Her ears perk up as she hears a smiliar tongue and she looks around confused, expecting to see a bear. It is at that point that she realizes that the person speaking her tongue is actually the pointy-ear no-fur. She promptly drops the meat from her maw and looks up at you and growls (in an incredibly high pitch) back: "Grrr grr growl grrrrr. Gr gr gr grrrrrrrrr roar! Growl grr roar grrr, gr growl grrrrrrgrowl roar grrr gr gr. Roar grrr gr growl grr roar growl grrrrrr groooowl roar!" "You save Blooddrinker thanks. You also kill master, so sad! Though master not good, and smelly so I stay with you. You be new master who feed yummy meat and berries!" Blooddrinker then quickly licks her lips and resumes devouring the goblin meat provided by Vultha.

As you point out each of the members she looks up a bit, taking each of them in, but then quickly continues her meal.

Vultha nods, and grabs the meat from his bag, before offering it to the puny bear, crouching to make himself appear smaller, to not intimidate the bear. Animal handling? [roll0]

Vultha hands the small creature a bit of goblin meat and she rips it from his hands and scampers off, and while not outright attacking you (as one might normally do if they were attacked as revenge) she is still certainly afraid of you. She still does begin to eat the meat (as described above), but from the safety of Juliss' legs.

Alton spends little time with the bear or much of the cave. He takes up a position outside of it, in the fresh air, brushing the dirt from his clothes.

(basically doing nothing)

Alton walks out and begins taking in the sky. It is quite late at night so by this time many stars are out and they fill up the sky. Twinkling as they flicker in and out of view you have never seen quite so many. Though you were from a small-ish village, the utter lack of light at the base of the Grepeaks is still a wondrous sight to behold.

So I remember that someone wanted to check out the stone chest? If they did I am going to require either an investigation or perception check. If I am wrong in my remembering then shall we head off to the second cache? Or to a different one?

2017-02-14, 06:38 PM
Svenna smiles as Juliss introduces the motley crew of humanoids to the smaller bear. She chuckles slightly as Blooddrinker takes the meat from Vultha and scurries back to the safety of the half-elf's body. She takes a deep breath and looks for her handaxe, which she recalls sailing past Slayermighty in the fight towards a stone chest. She finds her axe laying next to the carved box and picks it up, fastening it to its holster again.

She looks over the stone chest and decides to investigate. Though she had a thought that any treasure inside might be the origin of the size-altering curse, she figured she could just wait it off at this point. She examines the chest, inside and out, also wondering if the stonework matches the rest of the cave, or if perhaps the chest was moved here.

History with Stonecunning to see if the chest is older/newer than the rest of the cave; [roll0]
Investigation to see what's what; [roll1]

2017-02-14, 07:03 PM
Vultha perks up when he spots Svenna looking at the chest, before standing back up straight, and walking over to the MUCH shorter Dwarf. What do you see, Smoker? Loot? Gold?... Food storage?

2017-02-14, 08:47 PM
Svenna smiles as Juliss introduces the motley crew of humanoids to the smaller bear. She chuckles slightly as Blooddrinker takes the meat from Vultha and scurries back to the safety of the half-elf's body. She takes a deep breath and looks for her handaxe, which she recalls sailing past Slayermighty in the fight towards a stone chest. She finds her axe laying next to the carved box and picks it up, fastening it to its holster again.

She looks over the stone chest and decides to investigate. Though she had a thought that any treasure inside might be the origin of the size-altering curse, she figured she could just wait it off at this point. She examines the chest, inside and out, also wondering if the stonework matches the rest of the cave, or if perhaps the chest was moved here.

History with Stonecunning to see if the chest is older/newer than the rest of the cave; [roll0]
Investigation to see what's what; [roll1]

Svenna tries to identify any conspicious clues about the strange stone chest. And discovers: The stone chest is carved directly into the floor of the chamber. A heavy stone lid, which weighs several hundred pounds, rests against the wall next to the chest. Runes are carved into the chest, the lid, and the floor in front of the chest. You believe that the runes are currently used up so you lift the lid using all of your strength hoping to find treasure, gems, a magical axe! Instead... All you find is a note. It reads: "Stupid runt-giants of the hills,

You are too slow and dim-witted to challenge us. The treasure is ours. You are probably feeling small now, aren’t you? If you think you are going to prevail, you are mistaken. By the way, prevail means win, idiots.

Clan True-Nimbus of the Clouds"

Everyone else sees Svenna strugle, but eventually prevail to lift up the stone lid of the chest and grab something from inside, a note. She then reads over it...

2017-02-15, 07:59 AM
Deglan watches Svenna intently as she opens the cache that they had fought so hard to get to. He is surprised when she pulls out just a note, "That's it? Damn... Well what does it say?"

My bad, I was under the impression that when you listed the rewards and this chapter over the items you listed were part of what was within the cache. Not sure what I was thinking there but I'm glad we didn't forget about it!

2017-02-15, 02:22 PM
Deglan watches Svenna intently as she opens the cache that they had fought so hard to get to. He is surprised when she pulls out just a note, "That's it? Damn... Well what does it say?"

My bad, I was under the impression that when you listed the rewards and this chapter over the items you listed were part of what was within the cache. Not sure what I was thinking there but I'm glad we didn't forget about it!

Svenna reads over the note which has been left behind as she wipes a few beads of sweat from her forehead. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine, just moved a stone lid that probably weighs more than a few of us by myself. Thanks for asking," she grumbles, taking the time to read the note thoroughly. Her face twists into a rather disappointed scowl (http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/five_ring_circus/2016/08/10/michael_phelps_olympic_death_stare_vs_mckayla_maro ney_s_not_impressed_face/149846241-kayla-mc-maroney-poses-with-her-silver-medal-on-the.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2.jpg) as she finally realizes what she announces next. "The treasure ain't here. Seems the dynamic duo ran afoul of some could giants, Clan True-Nimbus, whoever they are. Anyways, apparently they took the treasure, so it would seem we're leaving empty handed on this one." She holds the note out in one hand in case any of her compatriots decide to take a look for themselves.

2017-02-15, 02:37 PM
Do all Dwarves set out to a task alone, and then complain when nobody helps? Now. If there's no treasure we need to drag back, we should sleep, and then return. It will maximize our chances of living another encounter.

2017-02-15, 02:46 PM
Deglan chuckles at the snide yet accurate comment made by the Lizardfolk, "Hey, there was nothing I could have done. I can barely carry myself." He shrugs before heading off into one of the corners of the cave. He plops down and begins to rummage though his bag, getting out his bedroll and prepares for rest.

2017-02-16, 05:41 AM
Do all Dwarves set out to a task alone, and then complain when nobody helps? Now. If there's no treasure we need to drag back, we should sleep, and then return. It will maximize our chances of living another encounter.

Svenna snorts and chuckles at Vultha's straightforwardness. Most traveling companions she's had in the past usually passed her gruffness off as the typical 'gruff stoic Dwarf' without questioning the stereotype. It was refreshing to have someone quip back for a change. She wipes a nonexistant tear away from her right eye before answering, "Aye, sometimes we do. I just needed to catch my breath before answering the boy is all. But yer right, we should sleep and think about which cache we want to try and recover next." With that, she heads for the mouth of the cave to join Alton, mentally preparing to set up camp for the night.

2017-02-16, 10:38 AM
So why did you talk? Waste of breath when your needing to catch it. Vultha continues to poke and prod at Svennas attitude, like a curious child that has little idea of social faux pas.

2017-02-16, 06:52 PM
I am going to move you guys along as to ensure that we don't get stuck in a certain part. If you wish you may still describe any comments you wish to make on your journey to the next cache.

Chapter 2: Upon the Stones
As you travel into the Greypeaks to get to the second cache Veradda Stoor's notes echo in your mind: "My sources confirmed that one cache was buried beneath a unique structure: a pyramid of stone resting on a flat field of stone in the middle section of the Greypeaks, directly between the two highest mountains of that section of the range. The area was once rent with volcanic activity, making the flat stone field difficult to navigate. My sources could not tell me who or what built the boulder pyramid." You take great care as you travel across the mountain pass and over several small hills until you eventually reach a valley in between two great mountain peaks.

However, it is not the valley that is the most interesting part of what lies before you as in the distance, at the base of two of the massive Greypeak Mountains in the central range, you see a large pyramid comprised totally of boulders. The structure is at least 60 feet high, and from this distance it looks as though there might be an opening at the top.

Between you and the base of the boulder pyramid is a solid stone field. The field is flat and smooth with a slight upward incline, but in places the stone is rent with deep gouges – so deep that it is impossible to tell how deep the gouges go. Even the widest gouge is less than 3 feet wide and easy to cross if care is used.

As you travel every now and then Blooddrinker gets tired and stares at the top of your head and growls in a high pitched voice. Assuming you cast Speak with Animals every now and then Blooddrinker is saying "Blooddrinker up! Blooddrinker up!" It is clear that she wants to travel from the top of your head.

What does everyone do?

2017-02-16, 10:15 PM
Alton takes up position near the middle of the group. He is uncharacteristically silent after the incident with the curses on the goblins, giant, and BloodDrinker. As the party comes across the gouges in the earth on their way to the pyramid, he swiftly casts a spell on himself.

Casting Mage Armor on myself.

2017-02-16, 11:11 PM
Bad feeling about the ridges. Used similar as cover for ambushes. Vultha was quite wary as he approached, his hands tightly grasping his axe and shield as he pressed on, paying attention to the sights and sounds of the land. Perception: [roll0]

2017-02-17, 07:26 AM
Deglan steps closer to the flat land and looks out with Vultha. He looks for anything suspicious, anything hidden and anywhere he could hide. The area was flat but if he could possibly sneak ahead to get a better idea of what they were against then he would go for it.

Perception to spot anything out there and to see how easy it would be to stealth the area: [roll0]
If it is perceivably easy to stealth Deglan will suggest himself going ahead with anyone else who wants to join.
Stealth check for that if it is a possibility: [roll1]

2017-02-17, 07:55 AM
Jules scoops Blooddrinker off the ground and places the bear on top of her head, and they travel comfortably until the group reaches the stone clearing.

"Stay. Wait," Juliss commands the animal, indicating the edge of the clearing. "Danger."

Juli cautiously inspects the area and the gouges in the earth.

"Hey I might have an idea about that pyramid. Anybody know about these gouges though?" She addresses the group.

OOC: Assist with investigation check on the gouges.

[roll0] perception
[roll1] nature - state of the volcano/volcanic activity
[roll2] pyramid insight

2017-02-18, 10:45 AM
So why did you talk? Waste of breath when your needing to catch it. Vultha continues to poke and prod at Svennas attitude, like a curious child that has little idea of social faux pas.

Svenna turns and raises an eyebrow in slight confusion, having not expected Vultha to press the issue. She continues to head outside, pulling her bedroll from its perch on top of her backpack and begins to make her bed for the night. "Not answerin' would've been ruder. After all, he did ask me a question." Convinced she's given as good an answer as the lizard-person would probably ever accept, she goes back to setting up her bedroll.

What does everyone do?

Svenna started the day on the right foot. Everything just seemed to ... just go the way it was supposed to. Breakfast and breaking camp had gone without a hitch, and the path thus far, further into the mountains, had been completely without incident. She was in her element, and she walked at a brisker pace than the previous day, frequently taking small pauses to admire a colorful songbird as it rested on a branch nearby, or to look at a few flowered bushes, amazed at their resilience despite the increasingly craggy surroundings. Her gaze also often wandered to Blooddrinker as the cute little bear seemed happy with their new companions, constantly grunting and growling around Juliss's legs as they continued along the path.

As they reach the stony field, Svenna takes a moment to drink some water from her waterskin as she notices the rest of the group pausing. She took a cursory look around to gain her bearings, and didn't see what all the fuss was about. Sure, the gouges were strange, but only yesterday they'd fought a giant no taller than she was, and now his pet bear was travelling with them. The lands away from the Frozenfar were indeed beautiful, yet incredibly strange.

"Hey I might have an idea about that pyramid. Anybody know about these gouges though?" She addresses the group.

Svenna carefully approaches one of the gauges to get a closer look, holding her quarterstaff at the ready in both hands, prepared to use it to stave in the skull of anything preparing to ambush them as well as using it to steady herself in the difficult terrain. She knew how treacherous any mountains could be, and she pondered over the many sights and wonders her travels had brought her so far, trying to help Juliss connect the dots to the puzzle of what could scrape the earth in such a way.

Nature to see if the gouges are caused naturally or not. [roll0]

2017-02-23, 02:52 PM
Alton takes up position near the middle of the group. He is uncharacteristically silent after the incident with the curses on the goblins, giant, and BloodDrinker. As the party comes across the gouges in the earth on their way to the pyramid, he swiftly casts a spell on himself.

Casting Mage Armor on myself.

Alton makes the motions of a the spell as a spectral suit of mail appears around him, protecting him while not inhibiting his movements.

Bad feeling about the ridges. Used similar as cover for ambushes. Vultha was quite wary as he approached, his hands tightly grasping his axe and shield as he pressed on, paying attention to the sights and sounds of the land. Perception: [roll0]

Vultha approaches, noticing nothing as he does so. He crosses over the first of the several gouges and continues forward, now only a mere 50 ft. from the stone pyramid.

Deglan steps closer to the flat land and looks out with Vultha. He looks for anything suspicious, anything hidden and anywhere he could hide. The area was flat but if he could possibly sneak ahead to get a better idea of what they were against then he would go for it.

Perception to spot anything out there and to see how easy it would be to stealth the area: [roll0]
If it is perceivably easy to stealth Deglan will suggest himself going ahead with anyone else who wants to join.
Stealth check for that if it is a possibility: [roll1]

Deglan looks out, searching for something that would provide any evidence of life. It does seem to be relatively hard to stealth, given that the gouges don't provide too much cover for someone wanting to both advance and hide. Either way, Deglan moves forward, as cautious as ever.

Jules scoops Blooddrinker off the ground and places the bear on top of her head, and they travel comfortably until the group reaches the stone clearing.

"Stay. Wait," Juliss commands the animal, indicating the edge of the clearing. "Danger."

Juli cautiously inspects the area and the gouges in the earth.

"Hey I might have an idea about that pyramid. Anybody know about these gouges though?" She addresses the group.

OOC: Assist with investigation check on the gouges.

[roll0] perception
[roll1] nature - state of the volcano/volcanic activity
[roll2] pyramid insight

Blooddrinker looks saddended by the fact she will not be included in this scouting but listens and waddles off to sit on top of a rock on the edge of the clearing. Meanwhile, Juli turns out to look ahead of her. It seems that the gouges would indeed be a good place to hide something, so you focus on those in particular. The pyramid itself doesn't really seem to be a volcano, simply a well put together pile of rocks.

Svenna turns and raises an eyebrow in slight confusion, having not expected Vultha to press the issue. She continues to head outside, pulling her bedroll from its perch on top of her backpack and begins to make her bed for the night. "Not answerin' would've been ruder. After all, he did ask me a question." Convinced she's given as good an answer as the lizard-person would probably ever accept, she goes back to setting up her bedroll.

Svenna started the day on the right foot. Everything just seemed to ... just go the way it was supposed to. Breakfast and breaking camp had gone without a hitch, and the path thus far, further into the mountains, had been completely without incident. She was in her element, and she walked at a brisker pace than the previous day, frequently taking small pauses to admire a colorful songbird as it rested on a branch nearby, or to look at a few flowered bushes, amazed at their resilience despite the increasingly craggy surroundings. Her gaze also often wandered to Blooddrinker as the cute little bear seemed happy with their new companions, constantly grunting and growling around Juliss's legs as they continued along the path.

As they reach the stony field, Svenna takes a moment to drink some water from her waterskin as she notices the rest of the group pausing. She took a cursory look around to gain her bearings, and didn't see what all the fuss was about. Sure, the gouges were strange, but only yesterday they'd fought a giant no taller than she was, and now his pet bear was travelling with them. The lands away from the Frozenfar were indeed beautiful, yet incredibly strange.

Svenna carefully approaches one of the gauges to get a closer look, holding her quarterstaff at the ready in both hands, prepared to use it to stave in the skull of anything preparing to ambush them as well as using it to steady herself in the difficult terrain. She knew how treacherous any mountains could be, and she pondered over the many sights and wonders her travels had brought her so far, trying to help Juliss connect the dots to the puzzle of what could scrape the earth in such a way.

Nature to see if the gouges are caused naturally or not. [roll0]

These gouges do appear to be natural, they do not have any kind of man-made look... although that doesn't make them any less strange.

Combat #1: The Rent Field
Erupting out of the gouges as you cross them, several humongous badgers (the size of a tall dwarf) leap out and bare their sharp teeth and claws. They surprise several of you, although some of you managed to stay on your guard enough to notice them.

Alton and Liam are surprised by these badgers, everyone else can go normally.

Deglan Devolt: 22 <-- Current Turn
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Normal
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Normal
Yellow Giant Badger: Normal

Round 1:

It is now Deglan's turn!

OOC: Thanks guys for waiting, I had a relapse... :smallfrown: I promise now that I will consistently update.

2017-02-24, 08:32 AM
Deglan rushes to the left, creating some distance between himself and the multiple badgers. Then he moves up towards the closest badger to him and positions himself to not get flanked. He attempts to smack it with his quarterstaff and then follows up with a quick jab of his palm.

Movement: Move to corner square SW of Purple Badger, avoiding any enemies.
Attack: Quarterstaff vs Purple Badger - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike vs Purple Badger - [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

2017-02-24, 09:31 AM
Vultha moves to the Badger closest to himself, and takes a swing with his battle axe. to hit: [roll0] Damage:[roll1]

2017-02-24, 04:52 PM
Deglan rushes to the left, creating some distance between himself and the multiple badgers. Then he moves up towards the closest badger to him and positions himself to not get flanked. He attempts to smack it with his quarterstaff and then follows up with a quick jab of his palm.

Movement: Move to corner square SW of Purple Badger, avoiding any enemies.
Attack: Quarterstaff vs Purple Badger - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike vs Purple Badger - [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

Deglan runs up towards one of the giant badgers, leaping over one of the gouges that acts as a hiding hole for the humongous beasts. He then brings his staff around and whacks one, sending it clean off of its feet and then pummels it with his hand, making it simply lie still, dying.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21 <-- Current Turn
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Normal
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying
Yellow Giant Badger: Normal

Round 1:

It is now Vultha Usk's turn.

Vultha moves to the Badger closest to himself, and takes a swing with his battle axe. to hit: [roll0] Damage:[roll1]

Vultha also charges forwards towards one of the revealed badgers. He then brings his battleaxe around in a long wind-up, and then proceeds to complete the strike as it (you should have +4 to hit given that you are proficient with the battleaxe [please remember this in the future]) lands straight in one of the shoulders of the hostile beast; however, it still fights on. It is then when you notice... something which catches your eye, all of the badgers have collars on them... akin to those of the domesticated mastiff.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18 <-- Current Turn
Purple Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Orange Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Green Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions
Deglan Devolt: Normal
Vultha Usk: Normal
Alton Goodbarrel: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Normal
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying
Yellow Giant Badger: Normal

Round 1:

It is now Yellow Giant Badger's Turn:

The badger leaps out of the hole and charges towards Deglan, baring her teeth in anger for the killing of her friend. She then tries to cut into you with both her sharp claws and pointy teeth. You manage to dodge the claws but she still cuts into you with her teeth. Move: Moves S --> S --> SW to be in front of Deglan
Action: Takes the Multiattack action to make two attacks against Deglan, one with her claws, and one with her bite.
--Bite: 16 to hit, hits and thus 7 piercing damage.
--Claws: 5 to hit, miss.

It is now the Purple Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save: 3, Failure

It is now Orange Giant Badger's Turn:

The badger comes out of hiding and advances on Liam, from its hidden position and leaps on Liam, attacking him from that point. Even in his surprise the bite only rakes against his shield, but the claws cut past the armor and slice deep into flesh. Move: Moves S --> SE to be in front of Liam.
Action: Takes the Multiattack action to make two attacks against Liam, one with her claws, and one with her bite.
--Bite: 9 and 4 (advantage) to hit, miss.
--Claws: 18 and 20 (advantage) to hit, hit and thus 5 points of slashing damage.

It is now the Green Giant Badger's Turn:

The badger jumps out of the gouge and scampers across the barren rocks only to try and injure Vultha. Vultha manages to bash one attack away but the other breaches his defenses. Move: Moves S --> S --> S --> S to be near Vultha.
Action: Takes the Multiattack action to make two attacks against Vultha, one with her claws, and one with her bite.
--Bite: 7 to hit, miss.
--Claws: 18 to hit, hit thus Vultha is going to take 3 slashing damage.

It is now Alton Goodbarrel's turn:

Alton Goodbarrel is no longer suprised, he may take reactions.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9 <-- Current Turn
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions, Injured: 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Barely Injured: 9/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: 10 Damage Taken
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying
Yellow Giant Badger: Normal

Round 1:

It is now Juliss Wildeye's Turn:

2017-02-25, 09:13 AM
Juli takes stock of the situation and moves to help Vultha. She approaches the nearest badger (red) from the opposite side of the crevice (from vultha) and casts poison spray.

OOC: Should be in range to do that, if not, I approach next to him while trying to keep distance from green.


2017-02-25, 01:16 PM
Juliss Wildeye moves towards one of the several ginormous badgers and sends out a cloud of iodine, choking the life out of the large beast. It collapses in a twitching heap as its muscles spasm, desperately trying to find some way to breathe and escape the cloud of death that has befallen it.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6 <-- Current Turn
Red Giant Badger: 6 <-- Current Turn
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions, Injured: 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Barely Injured: 9/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Normal

Round 1:

It is now Blue Giant Badger's Turn:

The badger charges out of the crevace, with a frothing rage of bloodlust. It charges towards Vultha and bites him. The pointy teeth piercing through Vultha's scaly hide. On the other hand, his tough skin does manage to repel one of the slashes from the sharp claws of the badger, saving himself from what could have been a fatal blow.

Move: Moves S --> S to arrive in front of Vultha.
Action: Takes the Multiattackaction to make two attacks against Vultha, one with his claws and one with his bite.
--Bite: 15 to hit is a hit, which deals 5 piercing damage.
--Claws: 14 to hit is a miss.

It is now Red Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save: 7 is a failure.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4 <-- Current Turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions, Injured: 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 4/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, one failed death save.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Normal

Round 1:

It is now Svenna Lutgher's Turn:

2017-02-25, 01:59 PM
The badgers' sudden appearance doesn't startle the dwarf too much, although before she can seem to react, everyone runs off in different directions, quickly throwing themselves to be outnumbered by the beasts. She's torn momentarily between rushing to help Deglan or Vultha, both of whom seemed to take rather serious looking damage from their adversaries. With a frustrated growl, she decides to move to the left, jumping over the small crevice she was investigating before the whole situation had gotten out of hand and running to assist the zealous boy before he gets himself killed.

Easily clearing the small gouge, she brings back her quarterstaff in both hands before swinging at the still-standing badger, sad that once again the group's problems with nature were being solved with violence, but it was surely too late to try and pacify the badgers now that at least one of them had been killed in the ensuing brawl.

Using Strength to Long Jump the 5 feet NW of my starting position, using the rest of my movement to end E of Deglan

Attacking Yellow Badger; [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-02-25, 02:09 PM
Svenna clears the gorge and then continues pushing herself as she rushes towards the badger harassing Deglan. She then brings out her trusty quarterstaff and provides a thwacking to the badger as it reels in shock and pain, but then quickly gathers itself and hisses towards you. It's eyes filled with anger and wishing for vengeance.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Surprised, cannot take actions or reactions, Injured: 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 4/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, one failed death save.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Normal

Round 1:

It is now Liam Arthur Dyne's Turn:

He is no longer surprised and may take reactions as he sees fit.

Deglan Devolt: 22 <-- Current Turn
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured: 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 4/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, one failed death save.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Normal

Round 2:

It is now Deglan Devolt's Turn:

2017-02-26, 05:49 PM
Seeing the dwarf lass come over and assist him made Deglan smile, he appreciated the assistance and it made him feel like they were all part of a team. She lays a painful thwack on the Badger but it seems to stay up, "Well this is fun." Deglan expresses towards Svenna with a laugh before bringing his quarter staff forward and attempting to bring this badger down.

Deglan studies the situation wisely and if he misses or the yellow badger does not goes down he attacks it with his fists again in an attempt to slay it. But if his quarterstaff connects and drops the beast Deglan then runs back over to help Liam out and gets behind the Orange Badger, smacking it with his fist. Pretty sure I missed LOL

Attack: Quarterstaff vs Yellow Badger - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Movement: Only if first attack connects and brings down yellow badger he will move back down and next to Orange Badger
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike vs Yellow/Orange Badger - [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

2017-02-26, 06:56 PM
Mmn. What do collars on animals mean, again? Vultha asks, as he continues his assault on the badger. [roll0][roll1]

2017-02-26, 07:28 PM
Seeing the dwarf lass come over and assist him made Deglan smile, he appreciated the assistance and it made him feel like they were all part of a team. She lays a painful thwack on the Badger but it seems to stay up, "Well this is fun." Deglan expresses towards Svenna with a laugh before bringing his quarter staff forward and attempting to bring this badger down.

Deglan studies the situation wisely and if he misses or the yellow badger does not goes down he attacks it with his fists again in an attempt to slay it. But if his quarterstaff connects and drops the beast Deglan then runs back over to help Liam out and gets behind the Orange Badger, smacking it with his fist. Pretty sure I missed LOL

Attack: Quarterstaff vs Yellow Badger - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Movement: Only if first attack connects and brings down yellow badger he will move back down and next to Orange Badger
Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike vs Yellow/Orange Badger - [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

Deglan brings down his quarterstaff as it creates a thawp sound, rushing through the air. The badger, however, dodges away from the strike, but in doing so, gets caught by Deglan's blow from his fist and is knocked to the ground! After that, the beast simply lies... still and that is when Deglan notices...

That the creature is wearing a collar around its neck, as is the other one you killed, and the beast fighting Liam... They are all wearing collars!

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21 <-- Current Turn
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured: 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 4/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, one failed death save.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying

Round 2:

It is now Vultha Usk's Turn:

Mmn. What do collars on animals mean, again? Vultha asks, as he continues his assault on the badger. [roll0][roll1]

Vultha swings his battleaxe, transitioning after the last badger was defeated to begin fighting the next badger. His confusion on the topic of animal collars throws him off balance as the swing goes a bit too high... Missing the rabid beast.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18 <-- Current Turn
Purple Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Orange Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Green Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Injured: 7/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 4/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, one failed death save.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying

Round 2:

It is now Yellow Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save: 5 means that the Giant Badger's death save is a failure.

It is now Purple Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save: 14 means that the Giant Badger's death save is a success.

It is now Orange Giant Badger's Turn:

The badger leaps on to Liam and once again tries to rip him to shreds. The sharp teeth are luckily blocked by a well placed parry, but the claws get through and cut into Liam's flesh for a gnarly attack.

Action: Takes the Multiattack action to make two attacks against Liam, one with his claws and one with his bite.
--Bite: 13 to hit is a miss.
--Claws: 20 to hit is a hit, which deals 5 points of slashing damage.

It is now Green Giant Badger's Turn:

This badger attacks Vultha, aiming for the legs to cut him down from there. This badger's attack does appear to be quite effective as the badger bites into Vultha's heel, sending a jolt of pain rushing through his system, but he leaps away from the incoming slash of claws, preventing any further damage to him.

Action: Takes the Multiattack action to make two attacks against Vultha, one with her claws and one with her bite.
--Bite: 19 to hit is a hit, which deals 2 piercing damage.
--Claws: 12 to hit is a miss.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9 <-- Current Turn
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Near Death: 2/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, one failed death save.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Normal
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 2:

It is now Alton Goodbarrel's Turn

2017-02-27, 10:56 PM
With his poor reflexes made very evident, Alton fires off a quick Firebolt at one of the badgers.

Firebolt vs orange badger.
Damage [roll1]

2017-02-28, 01:02 AM
Alton fires off a bolt of fire as it flies forth from his hands and slams into the bestial badger. The creature cries out in surprise as the pungent odor of burnt fur fills the air.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9 <-- Current Turn
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Near Death: 2/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Normal
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, one failed death save.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Badly Injured, 9 damage taken.
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 2:

It is now Juliss Wildeye's Turn

2017-02-28, 09:02 AM
Juli steps over the fallen badger in front of her (red) to cast poison spray on the one behind it (blue), shouting a word as she does so to cast healing word on Vultha next to her. Then she crouches behind the fallen badger (red) for cover.

[roll0] poison
[roll1] healing

2017-02-28, 09:48 AM
Svenna takes a deep breath, all this running around and jumping over crevices was starting to wind her, if only slightly. She answers Deglan's jest with a gruff, "'td be more fun if I didn't have to sprint around saving all yer arses." Upon seeing the other badger in front of them collapse under the flurry of strikes the monk delivers, she charges off once again, preparing to now lend her aid to Liam and Alton. She easily clears another small gouge, flanking the badger and swinging her staff once again.

Moving 15 ft. straight East, using another long jump to end in the square Northwest of Orange Badger.
Attacking Orange Badger; [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-02-28, 10:45 AM
Juli runs over and sends out a mist of flourine gas that surrounds the badger. Causing for it to hack and cough as the gas overwhelms his senses and slowly poisons his body. Constitution save of 5 is a failure

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6 <-- Current Turn
Red Giant Badger: 6 <-- Current Turn
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Normal
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 9/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Barely Injured, 1 damage taken.
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, one failed death save.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Badly Injured, 9 damage taken.
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 2:

It is now Blue Giant Badger's Turn

The badger turns towards a new target, the woman who just made it hack and cough. It wheels around with a rabid ferocity and tries to bite and scratch as if it were a new cat getting picked up for the first time (but with a lot sharper and pointier claws and teeth). The bite lands straight into her neck as blood quickly begins to leak out of Juli's body, but the badger is not over yet as it then rakes into her and cuts her across the chest as blood now is pouring out and Juliss Wildeye falls to the ground... Dying. (FIRST CRIT FROM THE DM)

Action: Takes the Multiattack action to make two attacks against Juliss, one with his claws and one with his bite.
--Bite: A critical hit which deals 6 points of piercing damage.
--Claws: 18 to hit is a hit, which deals 6 points of slashing damage.

Round 2:

It is now Red Giant Badger's Turn

Death Save: 2 means that the Giant Badger's death save is a failure.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4 <-- Current Turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 9/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Barely Injured, 1 damage taken
Red Giant Badger: Dying, two failed death saves.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Badly Injured, 9 damage taken.
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 2:

It is now Svenna Lutgher's Turn

Svenna easily leaps over the gouge as she then proceeds to slam into the badger with her staff as she sends it flying into the air and it lands a couple feet away, it does not move.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 9/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Barely Injured, 1 damage taken
Red Giant Badger: Dying, two failed death saves.
Green Giant Badger: Normal
Orange Giant Badger: Dying
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 2:

It is now Liam Arthur Dyne's Turn

2017-03-02, 12:50 PM
Ziegander has not posted recently, he will simply dodge while it is now Deglan Devolt's turn!

2017-03-02, 01:33 PM
Ignoring his raked flesh and new wounds Deglan moves around the gorge, past Svenna and the newly dying badger. Unable to reach one of the badgers on Vultha, Deglan throws a dart at the closest one, hoping to help out the Lizard friend.

Slightly annoyed at her comment Deglan calls back to Svenna, "What? Would you have rather me stay back and let you do all the work?"

Movement: Move 10 feet past Svenna
Attack: Throw Dart at Green Badger [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Piercing damage

2017-03-02, 01:45 PM
Deglan charges forward, leaping over the deep gouge and hurls a dart towards one of the badgers. The dart flies through the air and pierces the badger's hide as it screams out in pain but it channels its anger as it fights with the rabid ferocity of a dying animal!

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21 <-- Current Turn
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP, dodging - enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against Liam and he has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Injured: 9/12 HP
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Barely Injured, 1 damage taken.
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, two failed death saves.
Green Giant Badger: Injured, 6 damage taken.
Orange Giant Badger: Dying
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 3:

It is now Vultha Usk's Turn

2017-03-02, 03:50 PM
Need a potion! Vultha withdraws from combat, picking Juliss's unconscious form, to carry her over to Svenna.

2017-03-02, 03:53 PM
You still have your action. In order to get to Svenna you would have to dash. However, in doing so you would provoke two attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, you can take the disengage action. Move closer to Svenna, but not take any attacks of opportunity.

2017-03-02, 04:44 PM
Then Vultha shall grab his hand axe, and toss it at the nearest damn badger. [roll0]

2017-03-02, 05:54 PM
Sorry for double post.

Vultha picks up Juli by her robes and begins dragging her dying body across the rough ground. As soon as he turns around though, the badger rakes into him with its claws, straight at his nape as in pain and injury he falls to the floor... Dying as well.

Vultha has provoked an attack of opportunity and as a result the Blue Giant Badger makes an attack against him

Claw: 22 to hit is a hit and thus 9 slashing damage is dealt to Vultha.

Clarification of what happened:
Vultha moves battleaxe into one hand and picks up Juli with another - Free Interact with Object Action
Vultha attempts to move 15 ft. away from where he was but since he did not take the disengage action he will provoke two attacks of opportunity from the badgers, the first as he moves out of the Blue Giant Badger's reach, which knocks him down. He was unable to use his action as planned to throw the handaxe after moving the 15 ft..

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18 <-- Current Turn
Purple Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Orange Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Green Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP, dodging - enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against Liam and he has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Dying
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Barely Injured, 1 damage taken.
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, two failed death saves.
Green Giant Badger: Injured, 6 damage taken.
Orange Giant Badger: Dying
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 3:

It is now Yellow Giant Badger's Turn:

Death save of 6 is a failure.

It is now Purple Giant Badger's Turn:

Death save of 11 is a success.

It is now Orange Giant Badger's Turn:

Death save of 5 is a failure.

It is now Green Giant Badger's Turn:

The giant badger turns towards the being who hurled a dart towards him and tries to rip and bite into him. Deglan manages to dodge the bite, but in doing so he moves straight into the sharp claws of the badger. As he kneels over... dying as well.

OOC: This is... Probably not good...

Move: Moves 5 ft. to the West

Action: Takes the Multiattack action to make two attacks against Deglan, one with his claws and one with his bite.
--Bite: 14 to hit is a miss.
--Claws: 16 to hit is a hit, which deals 6 points of slashing damage.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9 <-- Current Turn
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP, dodging - enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against Liam and he has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Deglan Devolt: Dying
Vultha Usk: Dying
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Barely Injured, 1 damage taken.
Red Giant Badger: Near Death: Dying, two failed death saves.
Green Giant Badger: Injured, 6 damage taken.
Orange Giant Badger: Dying
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 3:

It is now Alton Goodbarrel's Turn:

2017-03-03, 08:04 AM
Alton fires off another firebolt at the injured green badger, hoping to bring it down.

Tides of chaos time


2017-03-03, 10:15 AM
Alton fires off a fire bolt as at first the spell goes awry, flying off towards the pyramid, but at that moment the fire bolt suddenly changes direction and flies straight into the badger, incinerating it as it gives a guttural cry of pain.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9 <-- Current Turn
Blue Giant Badger: 6 <-- Current Turn
Red Giant Badger: 6 <-- Current Turn
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP, dodging - enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against Liam and he has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Dying
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Barely Injured, 1 damage taken.
Red Giant Badger: Dying, two failed death saves.
Green Giant Badger: Dying
Orange Giant Badger: Dying
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 3:

It is now Juliss Wildeye's Turn:

Death Save of 11 is a success.

Round 3:

It is now Blue Giant Badger's Turn:

As she is the only of its kind still standing she flies into a rampage and charges towards the closest enemy she can see (Liam). However, her anger makes her attacks easy to predict so the dodging Liam easily deflects the blows with his shield.

Move: The Badger moves W --> W --> W --> SW to be next to Liam Arthur Dyne.

Action:Takes the Multiattack action, making two attacks against Liam, one with her claws and one with her bite.
--Bite: 9 and 9 (disadvantage) to hit is a miss.
--Claws: 11 and 22 (disadvantage) to hit is a miss.

Round 3:

It is now Red Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save of 2 is a failure. Red Giant Badger is now dead.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4 <-- Current Turn
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP, dodging - enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against Liam and he has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Deglan Devolt: Near Death: 2/9 HP
Vultha Usk: Dying
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Barely Injured, 1 damage taken.
Red Giant Badger: Dead
Green Giant Badger: Dying
Orange Giant Badger: Dying
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, one successful death save.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 3:

It is now Svenna Lutgher's Turn:

2017-03-04, 10:13 AM
Svenna winces as most of the team has fallen, even if temporarily. She takes a deep breath to steady herself after seeing the remaining badger attempt to tear into Liam with no success. She steps forward enough, past bodies of the fallen, friend and foe alike, to try and finish the fight which had clearly not gone as much in their favor as it could have.

Moving 5 ft East, then 5 ft Southeast to ened North of Liam
Attacking Blue Badger; [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-03-04, 11:06 AM
Svenna rears up and hits into the badger with a solid attack as the badger clearly looks winded at this point, just trying to not die from the wounds and exertion it has been through.

Deglan Devolt: 22 <-- Current Turn
Vultha Usk: 21 <-- Current Turn
Yellow Giant Badger: 18 <-- Current Turn
Purple Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Orange Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Green Giant Badger: 13 <-- Current Turn
Alton Goodbarrel: 9
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4 <-- Current Turn

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP, dodging - enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against Liam and he has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Deglan Devolt: Dying
Vultha Usk: Dying
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Near Dead, 11 damage taken.
Red Giant Badger: Dead
Green Giant Badger: Dying
Orange Giant Badger: Dying
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save, two successful death saves.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save.

Round 3:

It is now Liam Arthur Dyne's Turn:

Once again Ziegander has not posted at all so Liam will continue to dodge.

Round 4:

It is now Deglan Devolt's Turn:

Death Save of 19 (so... close) is a success.

Round 4:

It is now Vultha Usk's Turn:

Death Save of 13 is a success.

Round 4:

It is now Yellow Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save of 9 is a failure.

Round 4:

It is now Purple Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save of 9 is a failure.

Round 4:

It is now Orange Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save of 12 is a success.

Round 4:

It is now Green Giant Badger's Turn:

Death Save of 4 is a failure.

Deglan Devolt: 22
Vultha Usk: 21
Yellow Giant Badger: 18
Purple Giant Badger: 13
Orange Giant Badger: 13
Green Giant Badger: 13
Alton Goodbarrel: 9 <-- Current Turn
Juliss Wildeye: 9
Blue Giant Badger: 6
Red Giant Badger: 6
Svenna Lutgher: 4
Liam Arthur Dyne: 4

Juliss Wildeye: Dying
Svenna Lutgher: Normal
Liam Arthur Dyne: Near Death: 2/12 HP, dodging - enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against Liam and he has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Deglan Devolt: Dying, one successful death save
Vultha Usk: Dying
Alton Goodbarrel: Normal

Blue Giant Badger: Near Dead, 11 damage taken.
Red Giant Badger: Dead
Green Giant Badger: Dying, one failed death save
Orange Giant Badger: Dying, one successful death save
Purple Giant Badger: Dying, two failed death saves, two successful death saves.
Yellow Giant Badger: Dead

Round 4:

It is now Alton Goodbarrel's Turn:

2017-03-04, 03:27 PM
Alton desperately shoots another firebolt.

attacking blue badger