View Full Version : Rules Q&A Price Check isle three (ask price on things!)

2017-02-02, 11:20 PM
What!?!? There is no dedicated thread for this!!!!

Come on ask away.

There are so many things out there that don't have a price, but it's hard to figure out what the price is with the weird pricing of things some times.... not everything seams to want to fit with the pricing guide they give you for making an item yourself.

2017-02-02, 11:22 PM
Circlet of Preservation: (Attached Component) This is a heavy torc of blackened adamatine, it adjusts to fit the neckof any medium warforged. The torc is designed to absorb the consciousness of the warforged it is on if the warforged is critically damaged and repair the damage afterward. The circlet restores 1hp every 10 minutes, even if the wearer has been reduced to more than –9 hps. When –9 is reached, the consciousness returns into the warforged body. The circlet can be removed if the warforged reaches 0 hps, which stops the circlet from repairing the body but retains the consciousness. If the circlet is then placed on another warforged, the two consciousnesses must roll opposed will checks, the ictor gains control of the body, the loser is trapped in the circlet. This test can be repeated every 24 hours. The consciousness in the circlet is like a docent in that it can communicate telepathically and sense the world through its hosts senses. The two consciousnesses can come to a symbiotic agreement and take turns running the body, but still the switch can only happen once every 24 hours. The circlet is highly resistant to damage, it is made of spell hardened adamantine and has a hardness of25 and 50hps. It repairs 1hp per round also. Strong Enchantment; CL 20.

Most warforged equipment that isn't an artifact is priced.... however this isn't an artifact yet is still not priced >.<

2017-02-03, 09:26 PM
no one? >.>

2017-02-03, 10:51 PM
Okay . . .
How much for a warforged? :smallcool:
For that matter, how much for a:
Warforged Scout
Warforged Charger
Warforged Titan
Warforged Raptor
Steel Kraken

2017-02-03, 11:42 PM
Almost every thing that is meant to have a price has one already, that's how you can tell it's meant to have a price. Not pricing it is the designers' way of indicating it should only be dealt out by the DM and the DM is responsible for whatever happens.

Unless you have a whole book of items that aren't priced: the 3rd party Relics and Rituals is a whole campaign setting magic and magic items supplement that refuses to price anything on general principle, even though that goes directly against the general principles of 3.x. I could see pricing those items as worthwhile.

There are some constructs (and even a couple undead) that say they're create-able and even list a few requirements, but fail to give the whole pricing. The thing is, I'm fairly certain that someone behind the scenes had at least a rough formula they were using for construct pricing, which we don't have, so anything assigned is guesswork.

Now, what I expected here was a party of "price my custom item for me." Which will not result in irrefutable answers, but having at least one price idea from someone outside your game is always useful.

As for the mentioned warforged component: sounds like that thing is basically just "you don't die when you die." Such an effect is off the scale. The closest comparison is a Lich's phylactery, which has a market price of 120,000gp, but also comes with an LA +4 template penalty which this does not. Unless you want to price +4 character levels, it remains for all intents and purposes, an artifact. Minor artifact since it's clearly meant to be destructible.

2017-02-04, 12:00 AM
Okay . . .
How much for a warforged? :smallcool:
For that matter, how much for a:
Warforged Scout
Warforged Charger
Warforged Titan
Warforged Raptor
Steel Kraken

In 3.P you can get a price for all of those based on their CR. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/building-and-modifying-constructs)

The Warforged Titan, Warforged Raptor, and Steel Kraken would all have 16,000 for the construction cost and between 1,600 and 3,200 for the body.

The Warforged Charger with only RHD would be 6,250 construction cost and between 625 to 1,250 for the body.

I think Warforged and Warforged Scouts are supposed to come out as Warrior 1s and then have to be trained to be PC classes, so that'd be something like 125 construction cost and between 12.5 to 25 for the body to make a CR 1/2 Warrior 1 Warforged (Scout).