View Full Version : Pathfinder Insanity Mage

2017-02-04, 11:46 PM
This is my first attempt at making a class for pathfinder and homebrew in general. I would appreciate feedback :D

When one begins searching for power, they may find it in many different forms. Some spend years studying arcane power, some find the power within themselves, and others pray to their gods for their magic. Insanity Mages opt into a more direct route of magic, stealing the language of the gods for themselves. However, the language of the gods is extremely difficult for mortals to comprehend and drains their sanity after sustained usage, many even becoming empty husks of their former selves.

Insanity Mages allows a large amount of creativity and is best played by creative players.

Role: Insanity Mages excel at reshaping the world to their whims and are very powerful allies, however due to their volatile nature they could very possibly have their powers backfire and destroy things precious to them.

Alignment: Usually Chaotic, but is not restricted.

Hit Die: d8.

Starting Wealth: 2d6 × 10 gp (average 70 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Words Known

Insane Casting

Insanity Adept (1)





Bonus Feat, Insanity Adept (2)

Written Words



Insanity Adept (3)

Dual Cast

Bonus Feat

Insanity Adept (4)





Triple Cast, Insanity Adept (5)

Bonus Feat



Insanity Adept (6)





Quad Cast, Insanity Adept (7)

Insane Casting: Word magic is very dangerous and over time an Insanity Mage can lose his mind, becoming nothing more than a mindless husk that moves around trying to survive. An Insanity Mage has a number of words known as shown in the table above. The words that an Insanity Mage can learn is only limited by what the GM allows. The effect of word spells is based off of the word used and the caster’s creativity. The word can be used to create a relevant effect as long as the GM allows it, however the effects should not be any more powerful than a spell of a default wizard or cleric of the same level. If an Insanity Mage attempts to use a word spell for a more powerful effect, the GM can choose have the word spell work, but the Insanity Mage takes instant sanity damage (Amount left to GM discretion) treating the caster’s sanity threshold (And possibly also sanity edge) as 0 for the purpose of how the caster receives this damage.

Every time an Insanity Mage casts a spell, he needs to make a will save in order to not take sanity damage. This check has a DC equal to 15 + Lunacy. Lunacy starts at 0 and is increased depending on the number of spells cast in the day. Lunacy is reset after 8 hours of rest. If this check is failed the Insanity Mage takes a number insanity damage equal to 1 + words previously cast today - intelligence modifier (Minimum 0 damage). Casting a word spell increases Lunacy by 1 unless modified by class features or meta-words. Lunacy is always added after casting the desired word spell.

Sanity damage gained through Insane Casting can not be removed under any condition, even through divine interference or spells such as Wish or Miracle. Word Spells always have a verbal component and can not be cast in an area of silence. Word Spells can also never be modified to work in areas of silence.

Words Known: At first level an Insanity Mage gains one word that they know at level 1. An Insanity Mage has a total number of words known at each level as listed in the table above. Once a word has been selected, you may not change it through any means.

Insanity Adept: At 2nd level an Insanity Mage reduces the damage taken on a failed will save from Insane Casting by 1. Every three levels after, the damage is reduced by and additional 1.

Bonus Feat: An Insanity Mage gains a bonus feat at levels 5, 10, and 15. These feats can only be used to take Extra Word Known, Improved Coping, Word Focus, meta-word feats or item creation feats.

Written Words: At level 6 an Insanity Mage gains an additional method of casting. An Insanity Mage can instead write a word he knows onto a flat surface and set a condition for the word to activate remotely. A written word lasts until the Word Mage rests for 8 hours, or for 24 hours, whichever is shorter. Dual Cast, Triple Cast, and Quad Cast word spells can not be written spells. If the surface the word is written in becomes damaged the spell is also removed. There are three types of activation methods as listed:

Timed: An Insanity Mage can set a countdown timer for when the word activates. This activation method makes the word spell increase Lunacy by 2 instead of 1.
Trigger: An Insanity Mage can set an event to trigger the word, such as someone walking near the word. This activation method makes the word spell increase Lunacy by 2 instead of 1.
Command: An Insanity Mage can set off his written word by using a swift action. This activation method makes the word spell increase Lunacy by 3 instead of 1.

Dual Cast: At 9th level, an Insanity Mage can mix two words together, creating a composite effect. When an Insanity Mage Dual Casts, both words must be used to create one effect. This class feature can not be used to cast two word spells. Dual Cast word spells increase Lunacy by 3 instead of 1.

Triple Cast: At 14th level, an Insanity Mage can merge three words together. This functions like Dual Cast except that it increases Lunacy by 5 instead of 3.

Quad Cast: At 20th level, an Insanity Mage can merge four words together. This functions like Dual Cast except that it increases Lunacy by 7 instead of 3.

Word Spell Rules:

Word Spells are very versatile and can used in a variety of ways. Unless otherwise noted all word spells have a range of 25 ft, +5 ft per caster level. Word spells are treated as if they were a spell level of half the Insanity Mage’s level (Max 9) for any effect that refers to spell level, including the Difficulty Class for effects cast by the Insanity Mage.There are some generic rules listed in the table below, however the GM is free to modify them as they wish.

Generic Effects:

The effects listed in the table below is a guideline for generic damage and targeting rules for word effects. An Insanity Mage could use the cone shape with other effects such as mind control. As a note, these combinations should not be more powerful than a spell a wizard would have at the same level. For example, in order to use a cone mind control, you might need to be the same level as when a wizard would get a mass version of the mind control spell.

Single Target
Multiple Targets
Area of Effect

1d6+Int Mod, +1d6 every level after first
1d6, +1d6 every odd level after first
1d10, +1d10 every odd level after first
1d6, +1d6 every odd level after first

100 ft, +10 ft per caster level
25 ft, +5 ft per caster level
10 ft, +10 ft every odd level after first
15 ft, or half damage for 30 ft
25 ft, +5 ft per caster level

Burst: 10 ft, +5 ft per caster level
Burst: 5 ft per caster level

Creature, additional creature every odd level past first

Save (Generic Damage)
Reflex for half
Reflex for half
Reflex for half

Save (Other Effects)
GM Discretion (Effect dependent)
GM Discretion (Effect dependent)
GM Discretion (Effect dependent)
GM Discretion (Effect dependent)
GM Discretion (Effect dependent)

Target AC
Touch AC

Meta-word Feats:
Meta-word Feats function like their normal metamagic counterparts except that instead of increasing the spell level, meta-word feats increase the Lunacy gained from a spell. Meta-word feats have the same prerequisites as the metamagic version. A list of meta-word feats that work with word spells is provided below.

Aquatic Spell
Bouncing Spell
Brisk Spell
Burning Spell
Coaxing Spell
Concussive Spell
Contagious Spell
Dazing Spell
Disruptive Spell
Eclipsed Spell
Ectoplasmic Spell
Empower Spell
Encouraging Spell
Enlarge Spell
Extend Spell
Fearsome Spell
Flaring Spell
Fleeting Spell
Focused Spell
Furious Spell
Lingering Spell
Maximize Spell
Merciful Spell
Persistent Spell
Piercing Spell
Quicken Spell
Rime Spell
Scarring Spell
Seeking Spell
Selective Spell
Sickening Spell
Solar Spell
Solid Shadows
Studied Spell
Tenacious Spell
Threnodic Spell
Thundering Spell
Toppling Spell
Traumatic Spell
Verdant Spell
Widen Spell

New Feats:

Extra Word Known
Prerequisites: Insane Casting Class Feature

An Insanity Mage can add another word to their list of known words. This feat can only be selected once.

Improved Coping
Prerequisites: Insanity Adept Class Feature

The damage from Insane Casting is reduced by an additional 1. This feat can only be selected once.

Word Focus
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against effects from the word you select.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new word.