View Full Version : Tales of the Raven Guard (IC)

Master Waldo
2017-02-05, 10:10 AM
You all have been in the capital city for a couple of days now. Malachite Squad drew the short stick this time, and you've been stuck patrolling the Keep's outer walls. Today's the day of the big Tournament, and the crowd can be heard from here. A large arena has been set up in the courtyard, and when you're on the north wall, you can just see the King's box, build high above to see the whole field.

Shortly before sunset, the squad meets up on the north wall, today's shift done. As you exchange greetings with your replacements, there is a loud commotion, and the sound of the crowd shifts from excitement to panic.

Turning toward the disturbance, you all watch in horror as the King's grandstand slowly collapses. Fellow Ravens and Keep guards begin rushing toward the courtyard to assist however they can.
The next few hours fly by as scattered memories. Wreckage being thrown aside, broken, bleeding bodies pulled out. That evening, you all meet back at Greystone Manor, the subdued mood a stark contrast to the recent jubilee.

An enormous man walks in to Malachite's ready room. Lord Commander Gregori Giantkiller, leader of the Raven Guard, looks the group over, and sits on a stool, beckoning the group to gather. The goliath looks distraught, and takes a moment to gather himself.

"I know you all will 'ave plenty of question, so bear with me for a moment, and I'll fill you in." He takes a deep breath, and is quiet for a moment before continuing.

"During the tournament, the featured beast broke free from the field, and went berserk. It was a big ol' thing, a bulette they call 'em. Anyways, before the guards could nab it, the beast leapt into the stands and began rampaging. During this, it knocked itself into several of the support columns of the King's stand, which then collapsed before the royal family could escape.

The queen died of her injuries 'fore we could help her. The princesses survived, though Marian suffered some broken bones, and Karla took a right blow to the head. A few dozen in the stands were also injured or killed.

The king…the king is badly wounded. He is not expected to live the night. The council is stepping in to lead until it can be decided whether or not Fredrich will inherit, should the king not recover."

He stops for a second to collect himself again. He stands up a big straighter, and his voice talks on the timbre of command.

"The Keep Guard is investigating, but they're currently calling it an accident, and offering a fair sum to anyone who can bring the creature in, dead or alive. That said, we can't leave anything of this measure to those goblin-brains. I will be mobilizing the Raven Guard soon to get to the bottom of this. Take a few moments to let this sink in, then report to Captain Kraghammer for your assignment. He's in his office, drafting orders."

With that the Commander leaves the room, leaving Malachite squad to take in the news.

2017-02-05, 11:22 AM
A purple skinned tiefling woman stands by the fireplace in her black leather and burnished bronze armor. Her long black hair is braided around her horns, tied with a leather cord adorned with small malachite gems. Her gaze is distant as the Commander relates the events, but her attitude brightens as she begins to speak.

"Lord Commander, I have some skill at healing, at least my stories and lyre playing may sooth the King of his ills. I should have been on the field instead of on the walls, facing down a Bulette to save the King....that would have been quite a story." The scars on Excellence's hands seem to glow int he firelight as she thinks about the glory she missed out on. "Saving the king's life would make for quite the tale as well."

(From a purely mechanical standpoint, and I understand if you don't want to allow it for story reasons, but I do have Cure Wounds on my spell list)

In case it is needed: persuasion: [roll0]

2017-02-05, 12:12 PM
I too have some skill at healing... But I'm more a warrior than a healer, and I imagine the king already has his best treating him, Tanis says, looking downcast.

Lay On Hands, but again, if you want the king dead, we understand.

Tanis continues, saying (more to the group around than to the commander) He was a good king. I never had much dealings with him, but the people were happy and safe, and what more can be asked of a ruler?

2017-02-05, 12:30 PM
"Ye'd be the king's healer, now?" answers a rough voice to the tiefling, "And what a tale indeed! But think you that the council will not have tried such measures already?"

Suthri is looking up from the table, where he has occupied himself with a book while the Malachites waited.

"But I heartily second the opinion that we should have been near the king. I myself might have saved the entire royal family, for only this morning I prepared an arcane remedy" -- and here Suthri almost snorts in Excellence's direction -- "precisely for such an occasion as a fall from great heights. No need to collect and cleanse the spilt and spoilt milk if one is prepared and alert to start with."

My familiar currently is a Hawk.
My visions this morning portended the following two rolls: [roll0]

2017-02-05, 01:03 PM
Tvane's face becomes ashen at the news, and listens through the talk of healing spells. He looks down at his clasped hands before speaking.

"I once heard a story of a merchant-duke in the golden cities. He had his entire line enchanted immune to magic, at great expense, to protect against harmful spells and workings. It came back to bite him when he was beaten comatose by a mob -- he died from a simple head wound, never able to wake up to let the healing spells pass."

Tvane eyes the door searchingly. "I never knew if it was true. It seemed far fetched, and I struggled to imagine anyone having that combination of paranoia and wealth."

"Has the beastmaster been questioned? The arena staff? This looks like an accident, but the coincidence is a lot to take. Almost no casualties except the royal family?" He grimaces and shakes his head.

2017-02-05, 02:03 PM
Charlie leaned casually against the wall, absentmindedly stroking his beard.

"Sometimes accidents just happen, and good people die for stupid reasons. And with plains folk agitated like they are, I think foul play shouldn't be ruled out. I can make some inquiries, see if there's anything odd going on in the underworld."

2017-02-05, 02:13 PM
"I agree that, while tragedy does happen, this seems too targeted or a mere accident. Both the King and Queen mortally wounded? If we are unable to provide durect assistance to the King, we should start on the grounds themselves and with those handling the creature. I don't like thinking it, but the other members of the Raven Guard may not be above suspicion. They either failed at their jobs or were complicit. I know how hard it can be ti discover someone you trust is involved in duplicity."

Excellence sends a knowing glance at Lanlin.

Master Waldo
2017-02-05, 02:38 PM
The commander addresses Tanis and Excellence with a sad smile on his face. "Your desire to help does you well, agents. But the master Dwarf is correct. The best medical care in the land, both mundane and magical, is already at the king's side. I'm afraid you'd likely do nothing but get in the way."

Turning towards the others, he continues "You all seem to have good investigative instincts. I'll mention that to the captain as he finished writing up orders. Expect them soon."

2017-02-05, 03:57 PM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Lanlin_zps7g0xecnj.png Lanlin

She gives a rough, "hmph", to Excellence's mockery. The old manor's chairs luxurious nature not lost on her, she sits comfortably while slowly eating a fried bread she acquired at the festival. "You make Excellence points." She holds the bread in her mouth and pulls a glowing map of the arena out of her sleeve. The map doesn't quite match; it's probably from former events and years. She grips the bread and map in hand and looks over the arena in front of her. "There are too many coincidences to assume this was fate."

"All of you must have found it strange how much security the king desired. The king's paranoia was rightfully justified. Him seeing shadows out of the corner of his eye is a grave sign. The attacker is someone even the king couldn't fight off. Someone too close to see or untouchable from the king's current situation. Whomever it is it has to be someone with knowledge of the events. This attack happened during the changing of the guard and from the event's monstrosity. Everything is too planned."

"The murder weapon is still on the loose, but what information it holds is unknown. We have to act fast though or else things will be obfuscated beyond our ability to find. We need to question this monster's handlers." She looks at the map to see if the king's tower/arena's engineering was oddly placed to allow this thing a better chance at destroying it. "They might know something. That and we need to get in touch with the people overseeing the event."

2017-02-05, 04:01 PM
"That might be what Kraghammer has in mind," Tvane says, slipping his hands into his pockets. "And he might have more information along with our orders."

2017-02-05, 05:39 PM
"Let us report to Kraghammer, then, and get on with it. We are no use to the king burbling in this room!" Suthri quickly stows his book into his bag and stands to his feet, muttering something colorfully and "quietly" to himself about "devise...extend...miles...some day."

2017-02-05, 07:02 PM
Jak sips from his mug as the others take the news and espouse theories. His own mind digging through his decades of experience with Bulettes in the forest and foothills near his home. Nonetheless, he agrees with the sentiment that Karl made a good King by nodding his head and taking another drink. Finding his mug emptier than he likes, he sets it down and stands from the table. "We can discuss theories until we go blue in the face, for now we should collect our next orders and get to work." He makes for the door, heading for the Captain's office.

2017-02-05, 07:47 PM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Lanlin_zps7g0xecnj.png Lanlin

She gives two nods in agreement to her fellow guard. Time to go. Her shoes find the ground from their oversized chair. She stuffs her map into her sleeve and her bread into her mouth. Her cheeks bulging, stuffed with food. "Good points," she mumbles. The food in her mouth soon divided by hand and split to the owl on Lanlin's shoulder.

"Master Almstedt", she says with a shuffle and her mouth still too full. "Do you know anything about Buttletes? We didn't really have to worry about them too much in the west. I can't say I've ever had the fortitude to meet one face to face."

2017-02-05, 07:59 PM
The dwarf stumps after Jak.

"Well," he answers, as he and Lanlin fall into step, "I am, in this case, at an extraordinarily rare loss. I have hardly heard of Buttletes before. Please do ask Kraghammer."

With a stoic visage, he continues down the hall.

Deception, if necessary: [roll0]

2017-02-05, 08:01 PM
"There are too many coincidences to assume this was fate."

"One could never say that of fate," Sokhan utters under his breath, "last I checked, Kings and Queens are not immune to bad luck. But I suppose that would put us out of a job."

Sensing that his view on the matter would not be suitable for the sombre atmosphere, Sokhan turns silent and awaits further instructions for action.

2017-02-05, 08:11 PM
"Lanny, I have literally shared scraps of food with a circus bear, and your eating habits disgust me." Excellence jibed the gnome with a sly grin. Since they are waiting anyway, she undoes the leather band wrapped around her hair and horns, and quickly undoes her braids as well. Retrieving a simple brush from her belt pouch, she brushes out her long black hair. "I don't think a Bulette would go intentionally for the King....unless it was baited or trained to. They are rather stupid creatures, though, so it may be hard to train them. I can also think of about a hundred different creatures that could be found to make a more interesting sport in a pit fight or tournament....I should know, I fought scores of such fights."

Excellence begins braiding her hair again before stopping. "What do you think, Lanny? Should I try something different? Maybe....." Brushing out the small amount of waves the braiding had done, Excellence puts the jeweled leather to hold her hair back from her face, tying it behind her head beneath her horns. Admiring her look in the reflection of a polished mug, Excellence smirked. "What I wouldn't give for a Tiefling stylist. It is so hard to accessorize with horns when all your jewelers and trinket makers are dwarves. I could find three dozen different ways to ornament a beard with a bauble, but not one that works with horns." She sighed, and took it out of her hair, and rebraided it the way it was before.

2017-02-05, 08:38 PM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Lanlin_zps7g0xecnj.png Lanlin

She "hms." at Almstedt. "Rare indeed. Something beyond both our grasps. I'll have to look into the creature."

It's happening. - That awkward situation where you don't know if you're leaving or staying in a room. She looks between her dwarf friend and the tiefling. Her hand asking the dwarf to pause as she can't help but take whatever bait the bard sends out.

"She-devil. Don't you mock me! At least I have the decently not to bend over for whatever bears lay in that keep of yours." Reaching into her sleeve, Lanlin pulls out a bloody chunk of meat and tosses it at the tiefling's feet. "There for your suitors. Be careful when you bend over."

Not that she'd actually say that. Not that she did say that. She pushes her fantasy aside. A hint of anger hits her cheeks. She wasn't self continuous about the way she ate, but to be mocked was degrading. "The bear would provide a better conversation than you at least. Might have better taste too. It'd probably say your horn's would look better on a goat." She scrunches up her cheek and thinks a bit more. "Ah. I can't be bothered." She shakes her head and looks back to Almstedt for support.

Wisdom (Insight) vs 15:

2017-02-05, 09:06 PM
"I'm sure goats would kill for these horns. I once had a patron who had a thing for horns....it got weird quick even for me. As for bears....they are rather dull conversationalists. They always want to talk about the bear necessities." Excellence finishes her braiding and smirks at Lanlin. "Run along now, dear, I'm sure you have bears to talk to and goats to horn."

Deception to make Lanlin believe this totally fake story. [roll0]

Deception check removed, because I'm not trying to deceive anyone at the moment.

2017-02-05, 10:32 PM
Suthri Almstedt remembered meeting "Excellence," and he remembered how little they had in common. He remembered the disappointment he felt, and the mild distaste at such open and oppressive vanity. But none of this explained the dislike that he remembered Lanlin expressing so many times over drinks. This, on the other hand, this did explain it.

Standing just outside the room, Suthri listened in growing anger as the gnome and tiefling exchange barbs. At Excellence's last line, Suthri had had enough. He rounded back to the room, placed his large dwarf hand on Lanlin's tiny shoulder, and began to bark, "Wh--"

"-khoff koff..." Suthri broke it off as soon as he'd begun. "Come, Lanlin, we have work to do. Excellence is only projecting."

He did his best to usher her back out of the room. "And, er, I apologize for my little joke a moment ago. Please do not ask Kraghammer about Buttletes. Bulettes, on the other hand, I do know. They are sluggish and cowardly creatures who grub about under the surface, lying in wait for unsuspecting prey. It is strange that anyone should think of using one for entertainment, and stranger still that it should cause this mess. I wish to get to the bottom of this business. Expend your anger on the investigation now, but I promise you" -- and here Suthri's voice lowered to a whisper, or at least the closest he could manage -- "we shall see about Excellence one day, you and I, together. Perhaps a curse of vermins, eh?"

Master Waldo
2017-02-06, 09:52 AM
Captain Mordechai Kraghammer isa bit of a rarity around these parts. Unlike most Raven Guard members, he wants little to do with the intrigue and action, instead preferring to analyze and hypothesize. He is as much at home behind his desk with his maps and charts as most agents are at masquerade balls and dark dungeons.

Also, he isa silver dragonborn.

Cpt. Kraghammer looked up as the party shuffled in through his doorway.
"Ah good, Malachite squad. I just finished putting together your orders. The Commander tells me that several of you seem to have the inquisitive senses about, and a good thing too! While the Keep Guard claims to have investigated the issue already, we feel that they came to their decision awfully fast. As such, you lucky few will be in charge of investigating the so called 'accident'.

I recommend inspecting the scene, and finding out who was in charge of building that grand stand. Bulettes are heafty creatures, but it seems fishy to me that it would have collapsed quite so easily. You are also authorized to pursue any other avenues of investigation that you feel are necessary.

Additionally, that horrible creature is still at large. And it does have a bounty of its head. I'd like to see the look on Sir Highbridge's face if one of us Ravens managed to claim it rather than his Keep boys." A sly grin momentarily appears on his face before it returns to its normal strict features.

"Finally, it's not officially part of your assignment, but all Raven members are being tasked with the safety of the young Lord Karlsson, as well as the Princesses. We aren't ruling out the possibility that this was an attempt on the royal family, and if so the assailants may attempt to finish the job. If you notice anything, report to Captain Maplehelm, in charge of Topaz Squad. There's the ones taking point on that task, but all squads are to consider it a concern.

I believe that's all I have for you, so unless there's any questions, I recommend you head to the arena."

2017-02-06, 10:41 AM
Tanis nods, thinking for a few moments if she has any questions, and decides to ask Do the heirs know we're in charge of their safety? Or must we do so subtly?

Master Waldo
2017-02-06, 11:26 AM
"To the general public's knowledge, the Keep Guard is in charge of the protection of the royal family, as is usual. The family, the council, and the Keep leadership are aware that Ravens are also on the task. So, don't be too overt about it in public, but if you need to discuss plans or concerns with that group, you can do so."

2017-02-06, 12:23 PM
The dwarf waves a dismissive hand. "Normally I would jump at such an opportunity, but unless this bulette is considered a further threat to the royal family, then I say let the rat-catchers do their rat-catching. We have more important troubles to focus on. If there is a plot against the king and the family, we must move swiftly."

2017-02-06, 01:45 PM
Jak lead the way to the office and stepped to the side as the others followed him in. As the Captain lays out the tasks at hand, Jak considers his own strengths and experience. He's wouldn't be his own first choice for interrogating builders or investigating the scene of the incident, but he knew a few things about the beast in question. "The landshark is a danger to any that walk in this city, not just those highest from the ground. I'll focus on taking the beast down before it harms too many more. Just in case, I'd request at least one healer to join me on this." He looks to the group for volunteers, and asks the Captain, "Do we have any reports on the beast's direction? It's a burrower and so we'll only know when it surfaces to attack or if it causes damage below street level."

Here's a roll for Knowledge on Sir Highbridge: [roll0]

And I volunteer for the Bulette Team.

2017-02-06, 01:49 PM
"You will need my skills, then, to take on the Bulette. We may also be able to determine some clues about its training from the body, or its actions if we take it alive." During the briefing, Excellence had slipped in the back of the room. Punctality was not a strong suit of hers.

2017-02-06, 02:21 PM
"I'll go with the investigation team. I can hold my own in a fight, but mental tasks have always been more my strong suit."


2017-02-06, 03:10 PM
I suppose I should stick with the royalty, then, Tanis says, not sounding all too displeased with that. Having a healer nearby can't hurt, especially one who can also fight.


Tanis may have a minor infatuation with the royal family. One can tell that she won't let it get in the way of her duties, and she probably doesn't even know the family that well-but for some, the thought of becoming royalty and the handsome/beautiful visages of the prince and princess...

2017-02-06, 06:56 PM
The creases in Suthri's face deepen and curl as he looks toward Excellence and Jak. "Bah! I say again that the animal is a distraction! Your pursuit of glory and your pride will do us no good. But if you must pursue the monster, at the very least please do not forget to make a thorough inspection of the creature once it is vanquished. And please, for Ebenssakes," he adds, "do not get caught in an ambush."

Seizing his belt flask, Suthri swings it deep. He takes a breath, and another swig, and several more deep breaths. Almost (but not quite) glancing apologetically toward the performer and the hunter, he turns back to Captain Kraghammer. "Know you whether the groundsmen, trainers, and hired help have been dismissed? Or are they being held somewhere? We ought question them as soon as possible. Memories fade."

2017-02-06, 07:25 PM
Charlie noticed that Tanis seemed rather eager to get near the royals, but decided it best to simply file that knowledge away for later. Responding to Suthri, he said "I disagree with you on the bulette. While it might end up being trivial to the overall case, having such a dangerous creature loose in the capital could be... very bad."

2017-02-06, 07:34 PM
"I agree, Charlie, but so long as our lords are in danger, I should think that there be more...appropriate resources to expend on that problem than the Raven Guards."

2017-02-06, 07:39 PM

"The Bulette is a threat as well as a lead. Our investigations might not be delayed by pursuing the creature.

I would not leave the Bulette to the Keep Guard. It must be stopped quickly with few casualties. It must also be defeated while preserving it in as good a condition as possible. It would be better for some of us to handle the beast."

2017-02-06, 07:58 PM
Suthri ponders a moment. "You all may be right. Argh, of course you are. I am sorry. I will still investigate the circus myself, but forgive me my outbursts."

With that, Suthri falls silent.

2017-02-06, 08:39 PM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Lanlin_zps7g0xecnj.png Lanlin

Lanlin followed Almstedt's away from the in-fighting. A redness still stung her cheeks though it begun to fade as the master dwarf spoke of the task at hand and a sweet revenge. She agreed with a series of nods and an affirmative, "Yes, she'll regret this."
Her bread treat long since devoured. She speaks up, "I'll be joining you Master Almstedt." Bitey, her owl, hoots. "I'll be following my own passion like most others here. We need to put forth our best." She moves over to the information side.

Master Waldo
2017-02-06, 09:41 PM
As the party discusses their plans and prepares their gear, the melancholy sound of a large iron bell tolls across the land. The captain looks towards the Keep, breath baited as the bell continues its mournful song. After sounding out five times, it falls silent, and the captain slumps down on to his chair.

"Five times. Then the King is dead."

Composing himself, he holds up the mug on his desk and looks toward you all.

"It is vital now that you get to the bottom of this quickly. Whether or not this was an accident, there are forces pulling this nation from all directions. The council, and young Fredrich...the country as a whole really, needs the Raven Guard now more than it ever has. I wish you all best of luck."

Raising his glass he continues "To the King! May his spirit find rest in the halls of his ancestors." After downing his glass, he walks out the door, saying "Please, take what time you need to prepare yourselves. I must go consult with the Commander. There is much to be done."

Feel free to continue planning and talking. I'll give everyone a bit to rebuild their sheets before we get stuck in too much.

2017-02-07, 08:54 AM
Charlie pulled a simple flask from his coat pocket and joined in with the captain's toast.

"To the King. May he find more peace in death than he did in life."

2017-02-07, 10:04 PM
Jak pulls a flask from an inside pocket and hoists it to meet Charlies. "Hear hear," he says solemnly. He takes a long pull and returns the container to it's home. Looking at the others he asks, "What are we waiting for?"

Master Waldo
2017-02-08, 04:53 PM
As the party prepares their gear, a courier comes up.
"From the Captain." he says, and puts a bundle of papers on the table.

1 - Eben Keep
2 - Inner Keep
3 - Outer Keep/ Noble District
4 - High District (Star = Keep Guard HQ)
5 - Upper Entertainment District
6 - Upper Market District
7 - Opal District (residential)
8 - Granite District (residential)
9 - Temple District
10 - Academic District
11 - Emerald District (residential)
12 - Lower Market District
13 - Lower Entertainment District
14 - Slums
15 - Outer suburbs
Investigation team: The workers of the festival are all local men and women. They were hired by Councillor Marco, he should know their whereabouts.
Hunter team: The creature is known to not be in the inner keep anymore. Tracks seem to point that it was headed southeast after the incident.

2017-02-09, 12:33 AM
"The Southeast? That's Eben Forest, isn't it?" Sokhan shakes his head, "That explains why the beast has not already captured or slain. We had best hurry, then. I don't like our chances once night falls."

2017-02-09, 01:16 AM
"Alright, let's get to the grounds and split up once there. Time's now working against us," Jak says as he points to the spot on the map. "From there some of us will start tracking the beast, the others will start tracking investigative leads. It's likely we'll take different directions so let's meet back here about two hours after sunrise." He looks to the others for any objections and makes for the stables, intending to start the momentum needed to get a crowd moving.

Let's decide whether or not we're taking mounts and if we are, what to do with them should we not be able to take them into places. I suggest that we don't take them and so they aren't lost or damaged for any reasons on this mission.

2017-02-09, 11:08 AM
Suthri stumps off after Jak, motioning for Lanlin to follow.

Master Waldo
2017-02-09, 05:27 PM
About an hour later...
The party leaves their mounts at the city stables, and heads to the Keep. On the way in you all pass a camp, just outside of the courtyard walls. There is a large group of people making up the camp, and you are informed that it is where the laborer's for the festival are living while they work. Builders, trainers, entertainment, they should all be found in that camp.

Continuing on to the courtyard, the laborers have largely cleared away the wreckage, and are now mostly just milling about, under the eyes of bored looking guards and an impatient looking nobleman. The carnage left by the bulette is obvious, as grass and shrubs have been strewn about where it finally burrowed away, in the south-eastern corner of the courtyard.

Lord Dureen Hoftstad, a stout, brawny man with a commanding persona, is shouting at one of the foremen of the workers through the smoldering stick squeezed between his lips.
"You'd best get these bloody lazy cows working again, or by the Hells I'll see your hide hanging on my door! What do you think this is! Where do you think we are! This is the King's courtyard you dolt! If it's not completely cleared out by the time I get back here, I swear I'll..."
At that point he seems to take notice of the party approaching.
"Oh for gods' sake. Oi! You there! No onlookers, get yer asses out of here right now. Courtyard's closed, festival is over." He beckons to a pair of Keep guards, who quickly move over to block your path.

2017-02-10, 12:52 PM
Suthri surveys the scene, taking in the chaos. The trampled ground, the torn wreckage, more damage from the clean-up than from the accident. At Hoftstad's dismissal, Suthri intones, "ἐννοίας ἐπιγνώσομαι" and advances.

"Oy!" he shouts, "Stop! Halt! Stop touching things!"

Holding up his raven crest to the oncoming Keep Guards, Suthri storms toward the nobleman, in his best attempt to look intimidating. "We act on royal authority to continue investigating the accident, and you will not hinder us."

As he is speaking, Suthri attempts to maintain eye contact with the nobleman, and maintain concentration long enough not only to read the his reactions, but to probe deeper.

Real life ancient Greek for "I shall look upon thoughts." :)

If I get close enough before the royal guards intervene, and if I maintain concentration long enough to probe past Hoftstad's surface thoughts, the spell DC is 16.

What do I remember?
If I've met him before, do I have insight into his character?

2017-02-10, 01:11 PM
Excellence, oddly, did not join the toast to the fallen king. She merely stood silently in the corner, and followed the others out. It was very unusual for her to be silent for this long, but her silence continued into the courtyard.

She quickly found a piece of the grandstands, a barrel, or a chair left undamaged by the attack and the cleaning up, and carefully sat upon it, the end of her tail twitching pensively. Carefully removing her Lyre from its case, and checking the strings were in tune, she strummed it idly.

"Greystone has many rhymes, but what path to take on the lyrics. Sing of the valor of the King's campaigns? Or the peace under his rule....no....no peace there....squabbles and an assassination by landshark. Would have been a better song if he had slain the thing with his bare hands before he died....why not? Once we kill the thing, I can spin the tale however I like....better yet two landsharks....one killed by the king in single combat, unarmed....the other fled. The king, having to be restrained by his entire guard, and died, not of wounds suffered in battle, but of his broken heart at the death of the queen." Excellence was largely muttering to herself, but anyone who tried to listen could hear the whole thing clearly.

For fun, perform on the Lyre [roll0]

2017-02-10, 01:50 PM
Looking to Excellence, Charlie remarked "How romantic. But you'll have time to write propaganda later, we have things to do at the moment."

Do I know anything particularly interesting about Lord Hoftstad through my network?

2017-02-10, 02:07 PM
Jak rides up with the group and leads right to the courtyard but shortens his steps as to let Suthri handle Lord Hoftstad. Flashing his own crest to anyone in his way, he walks towards the wreckage around the burrow. "Hmm... There's an idea..." he mutters to himself as he better examines the hole in the ground.

Perception to find anything suspicious: [roll0]
If Investigation works better: [roll1]

Nature(?) to determine whether or not I think following through the hole would be a good idea. [roll2]

2017-02-10, 06:21 PM
Presenting his crest to any who objected, Charlie began to investigate what remained of the king's grandstand.


2017-02-10, 08:11 PM
Excellence puts away her Lyre, and stands up off her seat. Stretching for a moment, she walks over to Lord Dureen Hoftstad, placing her hand daintily on the Lord's shoulder. "Forgive Suthri, he never cultivated any manners, just skills in research. However, he is correct that we have been ordered to investigate this site, and search for the missing landshark. Were any of these laborers involved in the construction of the royal grandstands? Have you seen anything unusual in taking them down? Have you seen any sign of where the bulette went?"

Persuasion to try to get the information I want.

Master Waldo
2017-02-10, 09:48 PM
As the Keep Guard move to stop you, they see the Raven crests several of the party pull out, and stop in their tracks. Looking uncertainly towards each other, they decide to move out of the way as fast as possible.

Lord Hoftstad looks visibly upset as he sees several Raven crests flashed in front of him. Addressing Suthri, he says with a bit of a snarl, "Alright, if the king's boot shiners want to look over the scene, be my guest. I doubt you'll find anything those imbeciles of Keep haven't already seen." He turns around and walks towards his workers. Looking over his shoulder he shouts "And fancy crest or not, next time you try playing with my mind, master dwarf, I'll string you up by your beard and feed you to a manticore."

The appearance of the group intimidates the guards, but Lord Hoftstad is unimpressed.
You manage to pick up on his impatience and annoyance with your spell, but he notices what you're doing, and manages to shut you out.
If you have met him before, it was a passing encounter, and didn't give you much insight.
You notice as you walk up to the nobleman that his clothes and hands seem to be rough and dirty, as if he'd been digging around in the wreckage. Not something your typical nobleman will stoop to.
You've never met the man personally, but you remember hearing about him. Dureen Hoftstad is the third son of a somewhat minor southern family. He mostly runs the family's shipping business, though he spends a lot of time in Ebenhold rather than the family offices. An ambitious man, those who know him talk about his frequent scheming to see his family rise up the social ladder. Additionally, you know that most of the fighters in the festival bouts were his family's men.

Meanwhile, Charlie and Jak walk over towards the ruined grandstand, sending the few workers away with a flash of their crests. Charlie begins picking through the wreckage while Jak follows the destruction left by the monster over to the hole it left in the field. The strumming of Excellence's lyre fills the air in the background as they investigate.

You only know rumors about Lord Hoftstad through your network. Supposedly he lets a few of the southern crime lords bring their illegal materials in to the city via his shipping routes, in exchange for his family paying less attention to their operations in Hoftstad lands.
You carefully look around at the wreckage, though it's difficult to pick up on anything important after all the work the laborers have done. The actual site of the accident has mostly been cleared away already, though the wood used is all in a large pile nearby. You are about to give up when you notice that there's a particularly large beam, probably one of the main supports, that's broken in half. Upon closer inspection, it appears that the wood used for that beam is quite rotten.

As you follow the beasts tracks from the wreckage, there are 3 things that catch your notice.
1. There is a lot of blood. A bit odd, as bulettes are known for their tough shells, you're not sure what might have wounded it.
2. Judging by the tracks, the creature is actually quite a bit smaller than you initially imagined.
3. There is a separate track that seems to be following alongside it as it raced for the wall.
Two of these questions are answered when you get to the burrow, as just outside of it, logged in a shrub, is a large splinter of rotten wood, very sharp, and covered in blood.
The splinter answers another question you had - why did the bulette flee instead of feasting on the bystanders. They are typically brutal creatures, that don't let prey get away. The wound it received must have convinced it to retreat.
You consider following it into the whole momentarily, but dismiss it as a poor idea. Most likely it has collapsed behind the creature at some point, and running into the creature in its tunnel would not end well.

Eyeing Lord Hoftstad as he argues with her compatriot, Excellence waits for him to walk by, sets down her lyre, and walks over to the irate nobleman. He seems to calm down a little as Excellence skillfully speaks her piece. "Hmmph. Well I'd recommend he learn some manners when dealing with his betters. *sigh* Alright, I'll help out if it will get you out of my hair. No, these are my men. We helped set up the arena, but the grandstands were Councillor Marco's area. I believe you'll find his men at the laborer's camp, as they're being held for questioning by the Keep Guard. I volunteered my men to clear out the courtyard for whenever the queen's funeral is held. And the king's too, I suppose." He looks visibly upset for a moment before regaining his demeanor. "That was a nasty way to go. I hope you find the creature. Not sure if anyone has seen it since it escaped, looks like your friends are dealing with that." he says, as he points over towards Jak near the wall.
As you play, a couple guards come over and throw some coins into your lyre case. It totals up to [roll0] gp.
He seems to be annoyed by Suthri's treatment, but is calming down and willing to help.

2017-02-10, 10:02 PM
"I tried teaching him manners when we first met....I was trained by a dwarf that is some distant relation to his and figured he'd be as well mannered as his relation, but alas...." Excellence flashes the Lord a wry grin. "I think I'll leave the interrogating to some of the others. I'm only doing this Raven thing for a chance to fight interesting things. My skills are more suited to slaying that beast....do you know who chose to have a landshark be one of the main bits of entertainment? They aren't very exciting...more of a long slog of a fight than anything grand. Now...some Gricks.....that would be good. Tunnel snakes are creepy and I know dwarves have a special spot in their hearts for murdering the little creeps."

Digging for a little different information.
Persuasion to keep him talking [roll0]
Insight in case it matters [roll1]
and in case deception is needed (since I'm lying about my motivations for the Raven guard) [roll2]
Gold added to my sheet :) Thank you random soldiers.

2017-02-10, 11:29 PM
Lord Hoftstad looks visibly upset as he sees several Raven crests flashed in front of him. Addressing Suthri, he says with a bit of a snarl, "Alright, if the king's boot shiners want to look over the scene, be my guest. I doubt you'll find anything those imbeciles of Keep haven't already seen."

You only know rumors about Lord Hoftstad through your network. Supposedly he lets a few of the southern crime lords bring their illegal materials in to the city via his shipping routes, in exchange for his family paying less attention to their operations in Hoftstad lands.
You carefully look around at the wreckage, though it's difficult to pick up on anything important after all the work the laborers have done. The actual site of the accident has mostly been cleared away already, though the wood used is all in a large pile nearby. You are about to give up when you notice that there's a particularly large beam, probably one of the main supports, that's broken in half. Upon closer inspection, it appears that the wood used for that beam is quite rotten.

Charlie's eyebrow raised inquisitively as he found the rotten support. No way it could have been an accident, not a piece this large. Wiping his expression clean, Charlie turned to face Lord Hofstad. "Well of course we won't find anything. Your buffoons have quite thoroughly mucked up whatever evidence there might have been. He kicked an errant piece of wood back into the pile in apparent frustration.

I'm trying to convince him that I didn't notice the rotten support beam.
Here's a Deception check, if necessary: [roll0]

2017-02-11, 02:35 AM
Jak reaches over and picks up the splinter of wood. He sees Excellence working her charms on the Lord Hoftstad and Charlie nearby. Choosing to collaborate, he approaches the half elf and whispers in Elven, "Got something here. Looks like the little guy's wounded. Wounded animals tend to return home to rest up, so we'll be walking into a bad time if we're not ready. Anything on your end?"

2017-02-11, 05:47 AM
Sokhan takes in the scene of destruction about him before walking over to the south-eastern corner of the courtyard where the Bulette was spotted burrowing away. Glancing into the dark pit, Sokhan picks up a piece of rubble lying about and throws in inside, hoping to guess the depth of it.

Passive Perception 22 to scan the surroundings for anything obvious around the scene and the burrow. In addition to that, Sokhan will try to perceive anything around/within the burrow. Perception: .

After studying the burrow hole, Sokhan follows Jak and heads towards where Lord Hoftstad is. He overhears snippets of the ongoing conversation between Charlie and Lord Hofstad; "Well of course we won't find anything. Your buffoons have quite thoroughly mucked up whatever evidence there might have been".

Sokhan taps Charlie on the shoulder, and says "My friend, let us not be harsh on Lord Hoftstad." He then turns to Lord Hofstad. "Greets, Lord Hofstad. I am Brother Sokhan, currently working on behalf of the Raven Guard. First, I must commend you for your excellent leadership. The cleanup efforts by your men seem to have gone quickly, under your instruction no doubt."

Sokhan then turns to Charlie. "As I was saying, you shouldn't be so harsh on Lord Hoftstad. After all, I am certain he has many findings to share with us. It would be unwise to command such a hasty cleanup unless he has already found much evidence! You would not doubt his priorities, no?"

Finally, Sokhan looks at Lord Hoftstad. "Would you be so kind as to share what you have found?"

Sokhan will use insight on Lord Hoftstad while he is answering to determine if he is helpful or suspicious. [roll][1d20+7

2017-02-11, 11:26 PM
"Yeah," whispered Charlie in response to Jak. The half-elf chose to disguise his Elvish even further by mixing in Thieves' Cant. "One of the grandstand's main support beams was rotten all to hell."

2017-02-12, 12:10 AM
"Hmm," Jak responds with the coded phrases of Thieve's Cant translated through the elven language. "Inspect inspectors. We'll follow what trail we can." He passes the large splinter to the half elf and walks over to Excellence. In common, he quietly says, "We may have a trail to follow that's gonna lead somewhere nasty. You ready?"

Master Waldo
2017-02-12, 09:02 AM
Over by the burrow you notice the same things Jak does - the creature is smaller than expected, and definitely wounded.
Hoftstad doesn't seem to be paying attention as he walks by you, your actions/deception goes unnoticed.

Lord Hoftstad greets Sokhan when he approaches. "Well met, I suppose. Yes, my men have been working since the Keep finished their investigation to get this place cleared out. They work to impress the highborn when we're around, though I suspect they laze around when I'm not watching them, the lazy good for nothings." He throws a contemptuous glare toward the nearest group of workers, who hurry off to be anywhere else.

He continues "I'm afraid I don't have much to share with you. I wasn't much involved with the actual investigation, only with the cleanup after the fact. You'd be better off talking with Captain Grimbeard or Sir Highbridge." It's fairly hard to miss the sneer on his face as he says the honorific. "They're the ones who led it. As for the landshark," he turns toward Excellence, "I'm not sure who decided it would make a good spectacle, but you may want to seek out Lord or Lady Greenfield. Rumor has it they keep one of the nasties as a pet. Can't imagine they make good companions, but that's elves for you I suppose."

Hoftstad seems to be uncomfortable speaking with you. You don't get the sense that he's lying per se, but he is definitely trying to end the conversation.

2017-02-13, 10:34 AM
Suthri listens intently as Lord Hoftstad answers him, giving no visible indication of his surprise, frustration, or annoyance. Failing to read the Lord, he switches his focus for the remaining seconds of the spell to the nearest worker. Even as Excellence speaks with Lord Hoftstad, Suthri maintains his concentration, though he feels like he's drinking a sour brew.

Overhearing Charlie is what breaks Suthri's focus. He bustles over to the wreckage of supports, and begins digging around carefully and methodically. "I have always said we need more stonework projects," he mutters quietly.

Investigation: [roll0]

2017-02-13, 01:21 PM
"When we are done here, I am sure to go speak to them. I can't understand the desire to keep such a pet, but then again I've met beast keepers who have grown close to just about everything."

Excellence turns to Jak. "The sooner we find the beast the better." She follows him.

2017-02-13, 01:58 PM
Jak turns from Excellence and taps Sokhan on the shoulder, whispering in elven, "The beast is wounded and possibly heading home. If you can learn from where it was taken we won't need to follow it's tracks." With Lord Hoftstad's comment hanging in the air not a moment before, Jak gives the nobleman an impassive look and tilts his head slightly to the side.

So... Is Tanis still around? Because they never did volunteer for beast hunting and JNAProductions hasn't fixed their sheet since the incident. It could be just us three going to a Bullette's Den.

Master Waldo
2017-02-14, 08:35 AM
You switch your spell over to a nearby worker to try and avoid suspicion. His mind is much less refined than the Lords' and his surface thoughts are much easier to read: guilt, loud and upfront. As the spell ends, you look at the man, who is obviously looking over his shoulder nervously at the group.

A page runs up to Lord Hoftsatd and hands him a note, then runs off. Glancing at the paper in his hand, the Lord turns back to the group and says "If you'll excuse me, I have some...family business to attend to. I believe you'll find the Greenfields in their manor in the High District. They usually are there when they aren't at Mossy Keep. And I believe Councillor Marco is visiting the worker's camp today. Now, if you'll excuse me..." He begins to walk away.

Anyone talking with Lord Hoftstad is pretty confident that he's hiding something. He looks visibly uncomfortable talking with you. Additionally, his face went a bit pale when he received his letter.
You notice a worker doing his best to look busy while (not very) secretly watching the group over his shoulder.

2017-02-14, 08:56 AM
Suthri continues digging into the wreckage, but especially looking for any support posts or cross beams of the king's dais.

"Oy, Lanlin!" he calls out, "think you could squeeze into some of these holes and help me out? These are too big for me ta lift."

Suthri also keeps half an eye on the worker whose thoughts he had read. He wants to question him, but not until Lord Hoft-ass is gone.

2017-02-14, 09:45 AM
Once Lord Hoftsatd is out of earshot, Sokhan turns to Jak and says, "Lord Hoftsatd suggests for us to visit the Greenfields' residence. If we are fortunate, we might find something there, or at least learn something about Bulettes to aid us in our tracking. Though, it might seem a gamble compared to following the tracks, no?"

Sokhan continues in a hushed voice, "Because he is very suspicious, no?"

2017-02-14, 04:18 PM
Tvane slinks into the ruined arena, late, and dishevelled. He glances around, checking whether to see if any of the other Ravens have marked his arrival, then tries to slip nonchalantly up behind Charlie.

He clears his throat unnecessarily, a habit of announcing himself picked up around sometimes skittish Ravens, then casts a routine spell, staring around the arena intently, inspecting the wreckage, and then the bulette's path of destruction.

Why was Tvane late? He separated from the investigation party when they set off, and took a detour to the Lower Market District, where he hit a couple of contacts to ask about large low-grade meat orders.

He knows that the arena staff were caring for the Bulette in the run up to the Festival of Years, but he's interested in finding out if there were any large food orders before the preparation period officially started, i.e. was someone keeping a large beast long before it was needed.

Cha to find relevant people: [roll0]
Investigation: [roll1]

And the spell he's casting in the arena is Detect Magic.

Master Waldo
2017-02-15, 11:19 AM
Anyone who had noticed the jumpy worker earlier, or anyone who has a passive perception of at least 11, notices that the same worker jumps at Tvane's throat clearing, and seems to be glancing around as if looking for a way to get out of here.

Also, if no one else stops him, Lord Hoftstad heads away, seemingly towards the High District.

You have a tough time finding anyone to get the info you're after. Many shops were closed today for the festival, and as the news of what happens spreads, most people you talk to are in a sort of shocked daze as they process the tragedy. That said, you do manage to glean a bit of info.
- The Greenfield estate commonly orders bulk meat orders of the type you're looking for, delivered to their Keep on the border of the forest. They are rumored to have a fairly large private zoo, so that's not particularly surprising.
- There was of course a lot of orders for the festival, the bulette was not the only entertainment planned (though it was the largest).
- You do manage to find out about a large order placed a few days before the event, but can't place a name to it. The delivery man you spoke to said that it was taken to an address on the outskirts of town, and the request was to just leave the cart.

Detect Magic:
As you walk around, you do pick up some traces of magic, most of which aren't that interesting - Suthri has a strong aura of divination about him, he must have cast something recently. There's fading illusion and evocation auras near the stage where the court magicians put on a show. As the spell is about to end however, you do sense something that stands out - there's a very faint touch of conjuration magic near the arena floor, that you can faintly feel as you follow the bulette's tracks.

2017-02-15, 03:35 PM
Spotting the nervous worker, Excellence saunters over to him after putting her Lyre carefully back in its case. "No need to be scared by Tvane, he's mostly harmless. You should relax sometime, I imagine being a laborer is hard enough without being so....jumpy." Excellence smiles in a threatening way. "Unless you have something to be jumpy about....have you seen anything unusual during your work? Don't lie to me, or I will let Tvane ask, and he is not as forgiving as I am."

Not sure if this is deception, persuasion or Intimidation, since I am using someone else as a threat, but I will roll deception/persuasion as one roll (since they have the same bonus) and intimidation as another and let you decide. Insight here as well.

Deception/Persuasion [roll0]
Intimidation (if needed) [roll1]
Insight [roll2]

2017-02-15, 04:00 PM
Tvane pulls a sheet of paper from his pack and starts scribbling notes of the various magical residues and rough layout of the broken arena.

He glances up occasionally to glare threateningly at the worker.

2017-02-15, 04:38 PM
Since Lanlin is not coming to help, once Lord Hoftstad disappears, Suthri gives up on his investigation of the rubble, and heads over to the guilty worker. He opens his mouth to growl something sinister, but is interrupted as Excellence slides in front of him. "No need to be scared," she says, "unless you have something to be jumpy about."

Suthri thinks for a moment, and then slowly reaches for his flask. Handing it over to the worker, he says, "Don't listen to her. We're all on edge tonight. Here, some liquid courage -- my own brew. What's your name?"

Did I find anything in the rubble?

[roll0] Can my proficiency in brewing help? :-D

2017-02-17, 03:51 PM
Jak takes a long moment to think over Sokhan's comment and finally nods. "We have two routes to take and few bodies to spare. Let's go to these Greenfields and learn what we can and hopefully reach the wounded beast before it hurts any others," he says. "Let's take Excellence with us, she seems to have a way with conversational arts and I don't think being an elf will smooth my words enough to glean anything useful." Jak walks up behind Excellence and Suthri as they question the laborer, waiting for a moment to take the tiefling to the High District.

Master Waldo
2017-02-17, 08:29 PM
"I don't want no trouble with no Ravens, miss. I don't want no trouble with nobody, rightly. It's just, well..." he glances around, then moves in close and drops his voice to a whisper. It's just that something doesn't sit right when a man like Lord Hoftstad gets his hands dirty, know what I mean? One minute, we're standing there pulling out wreckage and such, then the lord comes by and orders a bunch of us to work him him on one area. We was working there for a bit, then he grabbed something off the ground and looked right pleased with himself. He went over to the tent, for a while, then was about to head out. That's when you all showed up. It smelled like trouble to me, it did".

He takes a swig from the flask offered to him.

"An the fact that creature ain't caught yet has us all a bit jumpy. Landsharks are known for not stopping till their prey is in their gullets."

Insight result: You're fairly certain that he's not lying to you. However, you don't think he necessarily told you everything.
You look around the approximate area where the King's dias was, but it's largely been cleared away already. You do see a large splinter of rotted wood, but nothing else that catches your eyes.
This guy isn't of particularly refined tastes, so doesn't really appreciate the fine job you've done. It may come in handy some other time though ;)
As you're sitting there scribbling, there's something gnawing at your mind about the auras you sensed in the arena. You can't quite place your finger on it until a worker walks by carrying a bit of rotted wood.
Necromancy. There's a very faint aura of necromancy coming off the rotten wood, as well as a strong aura of illusion that was masking it at first.

2017-02-17, 10:39 PM
"That does sound like trouble. Good thing you told me about it. We Ravens like to keep the common folk out of such troubles." Excellence fished idly into her belt pouch and retrieved a gold crown. Twirling it between her fingers, she continued. "Though, if you hide anything from us, that would be very unfortunate....the wrath of the Ravens is even more terrible than the wrath of any mere noble....why, we could even have the Royal Regent wrap you up in legal trouble for....oh the rest of your natural life.....that would be unpleasant."

"But, you have nothing to fear....if you've told us everything you know." Excellence flips the coin in the air and catches it, before handing it to the worker with a toothy grin.

Note for me: already subtracted the coin

Persuasion [roll0]
Insight [roll1]

Well, natural 1 bites.

Master Waldo
2017-02-19, 08:41 AM
The worker's eyes go wide as Excellence hands him the coin. "Aye, that's everything I know. Except...well... so I don't know this for certain, but...whatever it was that his lordship pulled out of the wreckage, it was about yeh big", he says, holding his hands about 4 inches apart, "and I think, I just think mind you, could a been a trick of the light you see, I think that it had the royal crest on it. That's all I know, I swear."
He lets out a large breath and seems a bit calmer after all that.

You're pretty sure he's told you everything he knows now (he rolled an 8 to resist your persuade, and if he was lying or withholding anything, he rolled a total of 2 on his deception :D

2017-02-21, 01:48 PM
Suthri smiles at the worker, and retrieves his flask at once. Stepping away from the wreckage, he waits expectantly, looking for Lanlin, Charlie, and Tvane. "Well, for those of us looking not hunting the beast, where should we head next? I say we follow after Lord Hofstadt and find out what this object is. Tvane, did you find anything interesting?"

Master Waldo
2017-02-24, 07:21 PM
As the party gathers and plans on where to go, there is a sudden bright light to the south. As the light slowly strobes, the Keep Guard in the area begin grabbing their gear and rushing off toward the signal.

2017-02-27, 11:07 AM
Suthri hikes it to the south.

2017-02-27, 10:51 PM
Excellence majes sure she has all her belongings and heads South.

Master Waldo
2017-02-28, 09:55 AM
As the party begins gathering up, a guardsman comes riding up on a horse, and starts shouting to the guards still standing around. "Get yer lazy asses moving you louts! The creature, it's been spotted in the southern quarter. It's made nasty work of the men that found it, and now the Captain wants all hands hunting it."
He looks over at the group, and hesitates for a second. "An' I suppose if the Ravens were able to lend a hand, it'd be appreciated." he says with a bit of a pained look on his face.

2017-02-28, 06:26 PM
Jak was following the others as they started towards the sparks in the distance, intent on corralling at least one more person to join him at the Greenfields' Manor, when the guard rode up. His plans changed immediately and he put the Greenfields out of mind as he followed the horsed guard quickly towards the beast. There was still a chance he could stop it from hurting anyone else.

2017-03-01, 08:45 AM
"I guess we don't have to do much searching then." Excellence said with a grin. She broke into a run in the direction of the monster, deftly dodging around people, vaulting over carts and impediments, and doing everything she can to get there first.

Master Waldo
2017-03-03, 08:31 PM
It is quite obvious when you've arrived. You follow the guard members to a market area that has been thoroughly trashed. Several stalls have been torn to splinters, and there is blood all over. There is a good sized hole where the creature likely emerged, and cobblestones are torn up all over the place.
In the middle of the carnage is a tall man with a strong voice, directing aid and sending groups of guards off in different directions. He seems to notice you approach, but doesn't appear to pay any particular attention to you.