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View Full Version : What are the archetypal subclasses of the archetypal party?

2017-02-05, 03:53 PM
Ignoring race for the time being, we all know that the long running "typical" party example is fighter, rogue, cleric, wizard. But which sub class should each belong to? While I think it's fairly obvious the archetypal cleric would be life domain, and I lean toward thief over assassin for rogue (with AT nowhere in the running), what about wizard? In days gone by, they would be blasters. But now that's not necessarily the case. Divination, perhaps? And with fighter, I lean toward champion, but could be convinced to go battlemaster instead.

2017-02-05, 04:01 PM
On the DnD Basic Rules, the only classes are Fighter, Cleric, Rogue and Wizard, the only available subclasses for them being Champion, Life Domain, Thief and Evocation School, respectively, so I'd say they'd be the archetypal subclasses.

2017-02-05, 08:14 PM
I agree that the most archetypal subclasses are:
Cleric (Life Domain)
Fighter (Champion)
Rogue (Thief)
Wizard (Evocation)

2017-02-05, 08:23 PM
I agree that the most archetypal subclasses are:
Cleric (Life Domain)
Fighter (Champion)
Rogue (Thief)
Wizard (Evocation)
Ironically, good class choices for the four Gensai types to make an elemental superhero team

2017-02-05, 08:27 PM
Ironically, good class choices for the four Gensai types to make an elemental superhero team

Throw in a Bard with Charm Person and you've got the Planeteers.

2017-02-05, 11:38 PM
Probably Evocation Wizard, Champion Fighter, Thief Rogue, and Life domain Cleric.

2017-02-05, 11:44 PM
Ironically, good class choices for the four Gensai types to make an elemental superhero team

Which genasi would you pick as what and why?

2017-02-06, 12:15 AM
Which genasi would you pick as what and why?

Quite obviously:
Air = Rogue (racial +1 to Dexterity)
Earth = Fighter (racial +1 to Strength)
Fire = Wizard (racial +1 to Intelligence)
Water = Cleric (racial +1 to Wisdom)

Throw in a Bard with Charm Person and you've got the Planeteers.

But what race? Maybe Aasimar, with Planetar fluff :smalltongue:

2017-02-06, 12:16 AM
Which genasi would you pick as what and why?
Oh, just straight down the stat bonuses really for an archetypical party...

-Earth - Champion Fighter, could be GWM or sword + board; max both STR and CON in the end. Try to pick up stealth proficiency in backgrounds for Pass w/Out Trace use

-Air - Thief Rogue, levitate to support B+E, probably use a bow as primary attack method

-Water - Life Cleric, 'water of life' schtick, consider Magic Initiate: shillelagh if you want to swing some driftwood around

-Fire - Evocation Wizard, play up the 'burn it down' warwizard mentality

2017-02-06, 07:25 AM
Thanks for all the advice, everyone.

Reason why I'm asking:

My campaign is approaching its end. The fourth-to-last battle will be in under a castle wall, barred on either side by a closed portcullis. The enemy party will be these archetypes (all level 20), though I've gone primarily with races from Volo's to show my players what they can do if they pick one next campaign. They'll each have a magic item or two:

Life cleric - firbolg. Notable magic item: +3 full plate (which the party will grit their teeth at - full plate has to be smithed for each specific individual in my campaign).

Champion fighter - bugbear. Notable items: +2 halberd; +3 half plate. Has PAM, GWM and MAM feats.

Thief rogue - tabaxi. Here's where I really have fun with the party. Notable magic item: bag of devouring. *Evil DM grin*.

Divination wizard - stout halfling. While I agree archetypally that the answer is evocation, I instead opted for divination (but taking a bunch of evocation spells) as it was too fun to pass up - even if it's only one combat. Has the lucky feat. Notable magic item: luck blade. Will never use it in melee; just there for the luckiness overkill.

The thief serves the purpose of robbing the characters of material resources. They'll get a long rest after this combat, but only a short one between the next two, so that will prevent them from refreshing their long rest-dependent abilities. As a side note, they'll get about a(n in-game) minute between the last two combats, which will prevent the party from refreshing ANY rest-dependent abilities. It will also make the final boss challenging, as he's gonna be solo, and usually solos get totally owned by parties.