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2017-02-05, 09:55 PM

It is early in the day, the sun yet low in the morning sky as the party assembles in ones and twos, coming together in a rough knot in the shadow of the Town Hall's splendid tower with your new companions. Perhaps last night you were well into your pints, or maybe you just were drawn to the siren song of adventure. Whatever the reasons each holds in their heart, here you all meet as agreed in the square before Torch's Town hall. Mounting an expedition into the unknown depths of the caves below is an undertaking that perhaps requires more complete information. Or, at the very least, solid confirmation of a reward.

A pair of dogs in the key of terrier gambol and play on the other side of the square, barking and tumbling with effusive energy. A scattering of Missing Persons posters are tacked to the message board next to the Hall's front door; three of them are for members of the prior adventurer parties to brave the hazardous caves. The remainder are your typical citizens of a small, frontier city; a butcher, two lumberjacks and a shepherd, each missing for at least a week. Minor rewards are posted for information regarding their current locations. Movement is visible within one of the pristine picture windows on the Town Hall's engraved stone front.

Lt Gravemind
2017-02-06, 12:10 AM
Loria scanned the Town square as the group arrived, and couldn't help but crack a smile at the pair of dogs playing. For a moment she imagined herself as a little girl playing with her pup in the grasslands around her hometown. Her expression hardened again though when she saw the missing persons posters. There were always too many of those. Maybe she'd even been the cause of some. Loria shook her head. She'd hopefully end up taking down some of those signs.

Glancing over the group she was with, she noted they weren't the usual suspects. Some philosophical construct of the area with a similarly inclined half-elf, a preserver of dead history, a halfling that she'd probably be keeping an eye on, a mind armorist of sorts, and of course the local girl. She didn't like locals getting themselves into dangerous situations that she and others could handle, but at least the girl was well armed.

Letting out a sigh, Loria patiently tapped her arm with a cross armed claw whilst the party sorted out going into the Town Hall.

2017-02-06, 02:30 AM
Kyria is the second to arrive, having left home shortly after dawn. She hadn't spoken with her mother before leaving; they disagreed on what was necessary for the good of the town, and Kyria felt another argument about the matter wouldn't help anyone. Once she's proven that she can take care of herself she'll return for a more productive discussion. When she arrives at the town square she is more than a little surprised to see Loria there before her, having expected to spend some time waiting for the rest of the group to arrive after such a late night. She nods a greeting to her newfound ally, sword at her shoulder and scale armour jingling with the curt motion, not bothering to speak unless the other woman addresses her first. Kyria has never been much for words when she can avoid them, and Loria seems nearly as comfortable with the silence as she is.

She takes a brief moment to look at the message board again. People she knows, at least somewhat. The butcher particularly; Kyria had visited his shop weekly for almost her entire life. Yet another reminder that someone needs to do something about whatever is affecting the city before something even worse happens. She settles down into a crouch beside the hall, setting her heavy sword to rest on the cobblestones nearby while she withdraws her new mirror from her belt pouch. The dark metal glimmers faintly in the daylight, nothing like the way it nearly glows in the starlight. She settles in to ponder the mystery behind the Starmetal while she waits for the rest of the group to arrive.

2017-02-06, 04:46 AM
Damian woke himself and carried out his morning routine in his usual stupor. The distillation of magic through mental discipline was hardly new to him at this point, and while it was never easy it was routine. After finishing his morning preparations, he forced down the flavorless breakfast fit for a man pinching every copper piece. What little thought he allowed himself was reserved for the matter of technical spell details he had been discussing with Xxark earlier the previous day. Transmutation may have been his specialty, but simple answers were a rare commodity in conversations with that mechanical mind. He didn't see Xxark anywhere in the tavern, and decided to begin walking towards the town hall to meet the rest of his new associates.

Moments after walking out the door Damian felt the familiar pinch of talons clutching his shoulder. Sal cooed gently as Damian meandered through the market, and Damian gave little heed to anything other than his own thoughts. It was nice to have that quiet and peaceful time. Upon arriving in the town square, Damian was disappointed to see Xxark was not yet present. Only the two women from last night - the scary one and the other half-elf - were there. Small-talk with them would only be awkward. Damian rested his back against a wall and kept an eye and ear open for whenever Xxark arrived.

2017-02-06, 12:55 PM
Wandering just around the square while taking notes on human behavior observed from a safe distance, Xxark chronicled the myriad actions of the people of Torch thinking, "They HAVE progressed during my repose. The subtlety of their responses. Inferences. Their wandering consciousness is quite bird-like. Curious, speculative, cautious. Their glances suggest an aggressive learning trait and rightly so. Interesting."

Xxark wandered to the 'missing persons' postings and took further notes, scratching down names, occupations and any descriptions or last known locations. The journal was filling quickly and upon completing its documentation, Xxark counts the remaining blank pages. It turns to observe the square once more then after a reflective pause, begins walking to the position of this most-curious new companion. The demi-elven psychophysicist, Damian Tadriel. Xxark could not have encounter a better travel-mate, despite his natural elven social-conservatism. The 'mage' was remarkably intelligent, even by the racial standards of his long-lived cousins. Was it not the wise human scientist, Mordenkainen, who wrote, 'It is always in season for old men to learn.'

Xxark, while no man, was indeed old.

Drawing near his companion, Xxark drew another series of inquiries, "Did you find nourishment, Damian Tadriel? There are numerous food collectives here to meet your needs, yes? They call them 'restaurants' or 'inns'. Humans have such a way with linguistics. How they coil their words as snakes would for both comfort and capture, but nothing like the Elven community who have mastered the deeper codex of language easily speaking in the terminology of what is called 'magic'. You, Damian, are the hybrid of both and perhaps this defines my interest in your grand company. When you speak, it is words woven in a quadruple of dialects that only a genius such as yours could generate. What is your initial summation of Torch?"

2017-02-06, 07:47 PM
The immediate thought of his rather unpalatable breakfast distracted Damian from the conversation at hand. The aftertaste was still there, and the fresh reminder brought it into new focus. The distraction lasted several moments, until he realized he should probably be listening to what Xxark was saying. His mind replayed what he had just heard but not listened to; he found the smug overtones of elven supremacy somewhat surprising coming from a non-elf, but that was not a matter to be addressed head on. Right now, there was a specific question to answer

It reminds me of several of the towns I lived in as a child, which doesn't do it any favors. I can't say I've had much time or inclination to take in the local culture, and my inquiries into the missing Master Baine and the Torch have been less than productive.

2017-02-06, 09:04 PM
Walking through the busy streets on his way to meet his companions, Xandak looked around at the crowd in apprehension. Despite knowing intellectually that he had been unimportant and likely had barely even been missed, he couldn't get rid of the raw fear in his gut that he'd be snatched up by the Technic League at any minute. This was one of the reasons he had fallen in with this particular group: for the most part they all had issue with the League and it felt safer to be in such company. Even with the hood of his cloak pulled down low, there was always the possibility of being recognized as an Android, and in some places that could be dangerous. Having friends who could handle themselves in a fight felt good.

As he comes into the square, he sees the others and joins them, nodding companionably. "Hello there. I see I am almost the last to arrive. Are we ready to begin?" He nods toward the door of the Town Hall. "I believe they would have more information for us, would they not?"

2017-02-07, 02:35 AM
Nerfel had been observing the front of the town hall for a few hours, waiting for the rest of the group to gather. He was still observing the behaviour of his fellow party members.

After most of the group was assembled, he slowly emerged from his position behind some crates and sauntered over to the small band of adventurers near the entrance to the town hall. He noted the message board and the posters regarding missing persons. The only interesting ones were those for the previous adventurers. There could be some use in knowing more about their preparation and their experience, to better understand why they had failed. Which in turn would help this new group to succeed.

He casually nodded in the general direction of the group and stood almost near the rest of the adventurers, half-turned away, looking out for the arrival of the final member of the group.

Lt Gravemind
2017-02-12, 03:14 PM
With everyone having finally crawled out of the woodwork and assembled together, the android spoke up.

As he comes into the square, he sees the others and joins them, nodding companionably. "Hello there. I see I am almost the last to arrive. Are we ready to begin?" He nods toward the door of the Town Hall. "I believe they would have more information for us, would they not?"

"Aye, no point wasting time." Loria replied, uncrossing her arms and moving swiftly to the door of the town hall building. The sooner they actually accepted the job, the faster things would get done. She wondered if they would actually find the people they were looking for: there was a good chance the people were already dead if it was by violent means. She certainly hoped they were alive, but Loria was more certain that this was going to turn into a mission to kill whatever was causing the problem than a rescue.

2017-02-12, 10:48 PM
Kyria is clearly somewhat discomforted by Xxark's comments on Elven culture. Certainly the people of Torch have never had any particular regard for Elves, and she's been mocked for her Elven heritage more often than praised for it. It's certainly unusual to see a non-Elf espouse such ideals.

Nonetheless, when Loria speaks Kyria nods in agreement and rises, pocketing her mirror and shouldering her sword, and speaks for the first time in a quiet but brusque tone. "Agreed. The town's problems won't disappear while we sit here waiting. I'm certain I already know the answer to most of your questions, but it won't hurt to speak with someone in authority to get the facts and let them know what we're doing." Wasting no more time, she turns and starts to move towards the door to the town hall, giving the others no time to object.

2017-02-13, 10:03 PM
Confident and decisive. These people continue to impress me with their competence. I believe we may yet accomplish this task, dangerous as it seems.

Xandak quickly falls in behind Loria and Kyria as they head inside. He adjusts his cloak's hood a little as they cross the square, trying to cover his face enough that his android nature is hard to see without making it obvious that he is hiding his face. It's a fine line to walk, but he does the best he can.

2017-02-14, 01:55 AM
Nerfel casually follows the others into the city hall. He wondered what they would be able to learn from the authorities. It was unlikely that much was to be told, as no one had ever returned (except for the town's wizard, after his first venture into the depths, and who knows how much he had told anyone).

At the very least, the meeting might shed some further light on the likely reward and possible helpful equipment they might receive in advance.

2017-02-15, 03:28 PM
Out of the corner of his eye Damian notices the rest of the group entering the town hall. Engrossed with his conversation with Xxark he hadn't spotted them assembling. He gestures to his non-biological companion "we should join the others", then with a brisk pace hurries to catch up.