View Full Version : Pigsmoke IC Thread

2017-02-05, 10:39 PM
It's a new academic year at Pigsmoke's University (which confuses the American students to no end, but the Dean is old-fashioned like that). The leaves on the Treants are just starting to color, despite their best efforts at hiding it with green dye. The caves under the football fields have finally grown quiet, as the furious Troll mating season comes to an end. The sweet smell of apple pie wafts from a small cottage on campus-the janitorial staff have a bet going on how many students will fall for the cafeteria witch's trap this year.

Students will be coming in from across the country, eager to start their magical academic careers, eyes filled with optimism and foolishness of the youth. About half of them will stop coming to class in a week.

And the teachers? Well, our brave academics...haven't left home yet.

What's your routine at home before going to Pigsmoke? Describe who you live with.

2017-02-06, 12:16 AM
Melissa Dao awakes with a muffled groan. Her head slightly throbbing she dares to open one eye to peer at her surroundings. There's a blonde woman lying in front of her still asleep with her head pillowed on Melissa's arm. So then who did the arm caressing her breast belong to? Trying to shift as subtlety as possible she peers around to get a glimpse of the dark haired man behind her. Michael Sarejo, which would make the blond head his wife Christine. Well at least she didn't go home with complete strangers even if she did probably drink more than was really necessary at the end of break celebrations. Still Melissa does need to get home as soon as possible if she wants to get ready and catch her ride.

Screw waking them up. Huh "screw" Melissa chuckles internally because in some ways she is still 12. Melissa slides out of bed without worrying about trying not to wake them up and begins collecting last night's clothing. You were both really great. Really but I have class before too long so I have to run. You have my number right? Text me sometime! She babbles as she dresses and runs for the door.

A short run later and Melissa's own tiny apartment greets her with its familiar mess and piles of papers. Someday she'll get around to cleaning up she tells herself; she's been saying the same thing for nearly 3 years and it hasn't happened yet. Probably won't happen until she moves out and recruits someone else to help her clean up and try to get some of the deposit back. A few minutes to get changed into something the department will think is "respectable" for the first day of classes and to heat up water for a some tea to take with her with only a sidelong glance at the pouches and bottles of more exotic herbs for relaxation and recreation. She can save those for when the semester really starts stressing her out. Some of them are not easy to refill.

She's out the door with two thermoses of tea for Gary and herself and seconds to spare when she finally realizes that she grabbed Christine's underwear instead of her own. Well this is an auspicious start.

2017-02-07, 05:54 AM
Well for Girogio it wasn't about threesomes and lolipops this morning.
Or ever.
He slept on the couch in front of the TV. News about some terrible civil war at distant country- some horrors to distract him from the horror which were his life.
But his slumber was disturbed this morning- (he never bothered with alarm clocks.)

'GIROGIOOOOOO!!!! Oink!!!!!!" His ex mother in law snored, enraged.
The Giorgio startled mewed and fell from the couch ungracefully on his head. The hog looked at him from above- looking even fatter and more sweaty and disgusting then yesterday. He was amazed it was possible, he was amazed and sad she was still mobile.

"The toilet is clogged again!!!! Oink!' She snored at her angerly. " And we are out of butter!"
You would think that person that is so upset for turning into a hog, wouldn't adjust so easily to live as one- Giorgio felt how drops of sweat smothered with butter fell on him.
He fought off an urge to puke- mostly because he will have to clean it himself.

"Why I have to fix it? You are the one who clogging it every day!" Giorgio hissed at her.

The hog, frowned making her face fat fold look like a swollen worm. "Oink! It's your food! You are poisoning me! Oink!'

Giorgio groaned. 'No. It's from the food you are eating from the trash, and anyone who eat four family sized pizzas as dinner will end up like that!"
"Don't push it Girogio! It's all YOUR fault, no matter from whlich angle you look at it! Oink!" The hog barked.
,Giorgio sighed. Sometimes, he had the feeling she wasn't so gluttonose and disgusting she just did everything in her power to make him miserable.
"Fine.' He mewed with a groan.
The stench was overwhelming and made his eyes water.

"Daddy!!!!" He has heard the sickingly sweet voice of his daughter whining.
"The toilet is all icky again!"
Girogoo grumbled. "Good morning to you too, leech princess."
"Daddy!" Luarna stomped in a way, which probably made her adorable in the eyes of others.
For me, it was like looking at an oozing leech.
"It's your toilet too daddy! You should be more responsible!" She scolded me in a way which made me miss her mom.

"Actually no." I grumbled, and turned my tail. "I" ll remind you, that you forbade me from using g the toilet, because I making it "smell of cats" whatever it means... So if you don't like it, you cab use the litter box just like I do."
Eventually I'll have to clean the hog's mess, but that a problem of the future Giorgio.

I didn't wanted to give Juan LA Cracia reasons to scold me.
He struggled with the I Paw, which have bought from E bay. He didn't questioned why some Japanese dude has decided to devolp a smartphone functional with a paw touch.
First he has texted an excuse for Juan. Than, he has texted Chad.
Chad:"Dude, I am skipping today, I don't feel like it."
Girogo only managed to send a hissing emotoicon before he has heard Laurana again. "Dadddddy! I am hungry!"
He grumbled. "Then make something to eat!"
Laurana stood behind him and stomped. "I dooooont knoooow how!!!"

Giorgio looked at her. "First dress up!"
- "But I am dressed up!"

All what Giorgio seen on her was a big shirt of her Bradfriend. Eugh. Boybrad.
HIM. It covered slightly her hips.
"You are not." Giorgio argued trying to avoid cooking.
"Yes I am! I have shirt and pants!" Luarna insisted, lifting the shirt a bit, exposing extra mini jeans.

Giorgio defeated went to the kitchen. It had to be tasty and shut her mouth. Giorgio will make then the "secret breakfast' which Laurna loved so much, since she has turned into a neko girl- fried cat food. (He told her it's oaf meat)
Of course as cat, it was Terrible and burned himself few times.

When he were done, he finally checked the IPaw again to see Chad's message.
" Lol, dude. I am just messing with you. I am waiting in the car outside."
Giorgio head slammed, furiouse.
He gave Laurna her food, sneaked around his Hog In Law, who has slumbered right infronf of the door.

Another terrible day at Girogio's life.

2017-02-07, 01:54 PM
Reina yawns and stretches as her alarm goes off in her apartment, then immediately hits the snooze button and lays down for another luxurious 15 minutes before finally getting up as her skeleton cat jumps up on her bed and starts kneading her belly. "Yowch!" Stumbling out into the living room, Reina sees that Todd, her best-preserved and best smelling zombie, has laid out a breakfast of granola and extra-strong coffee. "Alright, Todd, one of these days we're going to shell out for that espresso machine, right?" Todd issues a faint moan in reply. She sniffs and goes to the cupboard and sprinkles some cloves and cardamom on him, then pours a shot of formaldehyde down down his throat, taking a moment to dab a bit on her wrists and neck. A necromancer who didn't smell of something was no necromancer at all.

Reina reads the newspaper bleary-eyed before the dark chemical sorcery of the caffeine starts to thrum in her veins and coax her into full wakefulness. Some things magic just couldn't do (although the Alchemy department would probably argue. Looking over at the coffee table in front of the caffeine, she lets out a wordless moan of her own at the papers strewn about there, some unmarked and all disorganized. Looking at the wall clock, she curses. Guess she knows what she'll be doing on the bus ride to school.

2017-02-07, 02:56 PM
Xue chan pulled himself up out of the haze as system shock set in, crap to many stims! He grabbed a bottle from the nightstand knocking over a picture as muscles locked up quickly but he was able to ingest the cold spicy brew. Tasted like something his mom fed him and his father would speak ill of, silly folk alchemy. With the pain subsiding he rolled to the bedside table fixing the picture, it was of his class and the three mistakes. Three girls who consumed feline poly potions and became anime trope nekomatas. Behind them all stood the son of Walker, he has to pass or else Xues source of X would be depleted in days especially with how close he thought the stone was in his reach in a more cost effective method.

Out of bed and into the shower to wash the machine oil off and back into the lab gear. Check the mail, sort the bills, drink the brewing earl gray tea, and pull the bike from the messy garage nearly avoiding a scalding pipe coming from the boiler. He wasnt more important then the other teachers, just didn't have time for the wild crazy debauchery he was told went down. Advancement was his goal! He pushed down on the peddle kickstarting the small alchemical engine as the bike took off with a jump and a shout, "ONWARD TO DISCOVERY!"

2017-02-08, 01:50 AM
Gary rises with the first ring of his alarm clock, a smile on his face. The smile flickers a moment, as he runs his hands across his mouth, nose, ears, and the top of his head, but the smile returns full force at finding nothing inhuman. Courtesy of a spell he'd engineered in grad school, the good Dr. Hart had a lovely dream about how well the day was going to go and things are right on track. It puts a spring in his step as he crosses the marble tile of his expansive room to the curtains. So much so he not only opens them, but beams a grin right back at the sun. He then strolls through a nearby door onto the balcony, grabbing his phone as he goes, and proceeds to catch up on social media -- and catch social media up on his overall positivity.

Also out there, Gary refreshes himself on his schedule. Mostly by skipping past work to the date he has at the end of it, with the delightful Gloria Sato. He sighs dreamily. There had been a few schedule conflicts, but he has a good feeling about tonight. As he does with the rest of the day.

The good doctor makes for his closet to dress, primp and admire his reflection, ready his briefcase, and otherwise ready himself to face first breakfast and then the day. As he does so, readers should know that the window to place bets on how long until something goes awry is now closed.


"Morning." The prettyboy turns back to his paper, but then darts his attention back to Gary. "My, someone's in a good mood."
"And a good morning to you, too," Gary greets his roommate. He starts grabbing a few things from the fridge and the pantry and then begins to prepare breakfast for himself. "And what can I say? I have a good feeling about today."
"Mm, that makes two of us," Comus answers, donning his trademark smile.

The fae takes a sip of his mimosa and watches the mortal's ears begin to grow points. "So, how are you starting your day?"
"Oh, just some oatmeal. Don't know why, but I had a craving when I walked in here." Gary gets some apple slices ready to add to his bowl. "Probably for the best, anyway: I hear it's good for concentration."
"Yes," the fey agrees, as the ears grow several inches longer and pick up a coat of gray fur. "Good to have your wits about you on the first of the semester. If you don't, you might wind up the Bottom of a joke."
"Agreed." The professor reaches the table as his hair begins its transition into a spiky mane and the fur begins colonizing his face. "Though, if I may, I think the usual phrase is 'butt of a joke.'"
"Ah, thank you. There's little worse than looking like an ass."
"I hear you."
"Yes, you certainly do."

The banter and changes continue through the rest of breakfast, with a lovely harp playing itself in the background -- even louder and clearer than Dr. Hart recalls. At last, though, the oatmeal is gone, the bowl cleaned and put away, Gary's head fully a donkey's, and his obliviousness cheerily intact. He makes sure he's grabbed his phone, keys, and briefcase and makes for the stairs.

"Alright, gotta head out for the carpool. Have a good one!"
"Thank you! I hope you get a kick out of today, too."

In fairness to Gary, fae magic is highly adept at deceit. The spell afflicting him is probably working overtime to hide itself -- and Comus's hurricane of puns. Probably. All that misplaced euphoria might have greased the tracks.


A short drive later, Gary pulls up to the designated spot, with Dr. Dao already waiting for him. He pops the door open for her and extends a cheery smile -- albeit one with bigger, blockier teeth than usual. "Good morning, Melissa!"

2017-02-16, 10:43 PM
Uhm Gary? You do realize that you- Melissa pauses not quite sure how to put this or if it's even intentional. Did Comus try and prank you again this morning? Also can you drink from a cup like this? I mean kudos to you if this is some new teaching technique.

2017-02-16, 11:42 PM
Gary tilts his inhuman head at an angle, not unlike a perplexed animal might, as his eyes drift upward. "Prank? Hmm. Not that I recall? It seemed a pretty normal morning. And drink--?" He spies the thermos. "Ah, thank you! Very thoughtful." He accepts the offering and manages a... Well, a sip isn't exactly possible, but he does manage to pour some into his mouth without spilling or dribbling any. Not too surprising, since Gary apparently hadn't noticed his mouth changing while he was eating, but hadn't gotten oatmeal everywhere. "Ahh~ You have such fine taste in tea."

"And new technique...?" Dr. Hart smirks as well as his new face permits. "Well, I was thinking mostly standard first-day stuff, but I will be wowing the class with some illusions. Good to make a strong impression, right?" He intends to run a hand through his hair, but winds up just sort of jostling his mane, an ear flicking away from his arm as it goes. "Why do you ask?"