View Full Version : 3.5 Domain-only spells

2017-02-06, 05:45 AM
Is there a list anywhere of spells that are only available through domains?

I am planning spells for a chameleon, and while the handbook's list is useful, I don't think it complete.

(I am sure I found a spell that capped at +8 deflection bonus which was a domain-only spell and probably 4th level - not in the handbook list so far as I can see.)

2017-02-06, 06:02 AM
I'm guessing the spell you're looking for is Armor of Darkness, from the Darkness domain. I don't know of any domain-only spell lists, but an Archivist handbook would probably have some.

2017-02-06, 08:25 AM
The list should be accurate.
Note that Pain from BoVD is the only 3.0 Domain in this list, I was going to delete it but BoVD is still quite used, so I kept it.

Also, down in the thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?514373-3-5-Domain-only-spells#8) you can find a list of Initiate feats with unique spells.

Balance (Und, SC)
3- Clarity of Mind
9- Weighed in the Balance

Blackwater (SW)
7- Dark Tide

Cavern (SC)
7- Maw of Stone

Celestial (BoED)
5- Heavenly Lightning
7- Heavenly Lightning Storm

Chaos (PHB)
4- Chaos Hammer

City (RoD)
4- Commune with City
5- Skyline Runner
7- Urban Shield
8- City's Might
9- Animate City

Cold (CD, Fr, PGtF, SC)
9- Obedient Avalanche

Courage (CW, SC)
5- Valiant Fury
9- Greater Cloak of Bravery

Craft (SC)
6- Fantastic Machine
9- Greater Fantastic Machine

Creation (CD, SC)
8- True Creation
9- Pavillon of Grandeur

Darkness (SC)
4- Armor of Darkness
5- Darkbolt

Deathbound (LM, SC)
1- Chill of the Grave
4- Wither Limb

Deathless (ECS)
3- Halt Deathless
4- Spirit Steed
6- Create Deathless
7- Control Deathless
8- Create Greater Deathless
9- Hero's Blade

Destiny (RoD)
6- Warp Destiny
9- Choose Destiny

Diabolic (FC2)
1- Devil's Tail
3- Devil's Ego
4- Hellfire
7- Hellfire Storm

Domination (CD, Dr, SC)
8- True Domination
9- Monstrous Thrall

Dream (CD, SC)
6- Dream Sight

Drow (SC)
1- Cloak of Dark Power
5- Spiderform

Evil (PHB)
4- Unholy Blight

Feast (ECS)
8- Detoxify

Glory (BoED, CD, Dr, SC)
4- Holy Smite
8- Crown of Glory

Gnome (SC)
2- Gembomb
6- Fantastic Machine

Good (PHB)
4- Holy Smite

Herald (BoED)
8- Crown of Glory

Hunger (LM, SC)
1- Ghoul Light
3- Ghoul Gesture
6- Eyes of the King
7- Field of Ghouls
8- Bite of the King

Law (PHB)
4- Order's Wrath

Madness (CD, LoM, SC)
2- Touch of Madness

Pain (BoVD)
9- Eternity of Torture

Pestilence (CD, SC)
5- Plague of Rats
6- Curse of Lycanthropy
7- Scourge
9- Otyugh Swarm

Portal (Und)
1- Portal Stabilization
5- Portal Barricade
6- Portal to Portal Redirect
8- Portal Reformat

Repose (PGtF, Sa)
8- Surelife

Sky (RotW)
8- Mastery of the Sky
9- Summon Devoted Roc

Spell (SC)
3- Anyspell
6- Greater Anyspell

Spider (SC)
6- Spider Curse
7- Stone Spiders
9- Spider Shapes

Trade (SC)
2- Gembomb

Transformation (RoE)
7- Doppelganger Transformation

Truth (RoE)
6- Force Shapechange
9- Mass True Seeing

1st level
Chill of the Grave (Deathbound)
Cloak of Dark Power (Drow)
Devil's Tail (Diabolic)
Ghoul Light (Hunger)
Portal Stabilization (Portal)

2nd level
Gembomb (Gnome, Trade)
Touch of Madness (Madness)

3rd level
Anyspell (Spell)
Clarity of Mind (Balance)
Devil's Ego (Diabolic)
Ghoul Gesture (Hunger)
Halt Deathless (Deathless)

4th level
Armor of Darkness (Darkness)
Chaos Hammer (Chaos)
Commune with City (City)
Hellfire (Diabolic)
Holy Smite (Glory, Good)
Order's Wrath (Law)
Spirit Steed (Deathless)
Unholy Blight (Evil)
Wiher Limb (Deathbound)

5th level
Darkbolt (Darkness)
Heavenly Lightning (Celestial)
Plague of Rats (Pestilence)
Portal Barricade (Portal)
Skyline Runner (City)
Spiderform (Drow)
Valiant Fury (Courage)

6th level
Create Deathless (Deathless)
Curse of Lycanthropy (Pestilence)
Dream Sight (Dream)
Eyes of the King (Hunger)
Fantastic Machine (Craft, Gnome)
Force Shapechange (Truth)
Greater Anyspell (Spell)
Portal to Portal Redirect (Portal)
Spider Curse (Spider)
Warp Destiny (Destiny)

7th level
Control Deathless (Deathless)
Dark Tide (Blackwater)
Doppelganger Transformation (Transformation)
Field of Ghouls (Hunger)
Heavenly Lightning Storm (Celestial)
Hellfire Storm (Diabolic)
Maw of Stone (Cavern)
Scourge (Pestilence)
Stone Spiders (Spider)
Urban Shield (City)

8th level
Bite of the King (Hunger)
City's Might (City)
Create Greater Deathless (Deathless)
Crown of Glory (Glory, Herald)
Detoxify (Feast)
Mastery of the Sky (Sky)
Portal Reformat (Portal)
Surelife (Repose)
True Creation (Creation)
True Domination (Domination)

9th level
Animate City (City)
Choose Destiny (Destiny)
Eternity of Torture (Pain)
Greater Cloak of Bravery (Courage)
Greater Fantastic Machine (Craft)
Hero's Blade (Deathless)
Mass True Seeing (Truth)
Monstrous Thrall (Domination)
Obedient Avalanche (Cold)
Otyugh Swarm (Pestilence)
Pavillon of Grandeur (Creation)
Spider Shapes (Spider)
Summon Devoted Roc (Sky)
Weighed in the Balance (Balance)

BoED - Book of Exalted Deeds
BoVD - Book of Vile Darkness
CD - Complete Divine
CW - Complete Warrior
Dr - Draconomicon
ECS - Eberron Campaign Setting
FC2 - Fiendish Codex II
Fr - Frostburn
LM - Liber Mortis (Libris Mortis)
LoM - Lords of Madness
PGtF - Player's Guide to Faerun
PHB - Player's Handbook
RoD - Races of Destiny
RoE - Races of Eberron
RoTW - Races of the Wild
Sa - Sandstorm
SC - Spell Compendium
SW - Stormwrack
Und - Underdark

2017-02-06, 12:08 PM
Thank-you both. :smallbiggrin:

Edit: noce - Mass Sanctuary is a normal cleric spell.

2017-02-06, 12:42 PM
Spoilers for groupings that small are unnecessary, a giant list should be readable as a giant list. Would be more useful with sources for each domain. I checked a few spells which check out, but obviously one can't verify if anything's missing without building the whole thing from scratch.

I don't suppose anyone has a similar list for the unique Initiate feat spells? Only in a few books but I've never gotten around to them.

2017-02-06, 01:07 PM
Spoilers for groupings that small are unnecessary, a giant list should be readable as a giant list. Would be more useful with sources for each domain. I checked a few spells which check out, but obviously one can't verify if anything's missing without building the whole thing from scratch.

I don't suppose anyone has a similar list for the unique Initiate feat spells? Only in a few books but I've never gotten around to them.

Edited for readability. I could also make a list of Initiate feat spells, but not at the moment.

2017-02-06, 03:18 PM
Thanks noce, that's a very useful list. Bookmarked.

2017-02-07, 06:32 AM
Added sources to Domain-only spells.

This is the list of Initiate-only spells.
I also included Initiate of Shar, since those spells can only be taken with the Darkness Domain.

Initiate of Horus-Re (CoV)
1- Disk of Solar Vengeance
2- Stormvoice

Initiate of Ilmater (PGtF)
4- Glory of the Martyr
4- Pact of Martyrdom

Initiate of Lathander (PGtF)
1- Rosemantle
3- Sunrise
5- Shield of Lathander
7- Shield of Lathander, Greater
9- Undeath's Eternal Foe

Initiate of Loviatar (Cor, ShS)
3- Mystic Lash

Initiate of Malar (PGtF)
2- Spectral Stag
3- Possess Animal
4- Strength of the Beast

Initiate of Milil (CoV)
2- Dispel Silence

Initiate of Shar (CoR, CoSW)
4- Armor of Darkness
5- Darkbolt

Initiate of Selune (PGtF)
1- Handfire
4- Strength of the Beast
4- Wall of Moonlight
5- Moonweb

Initiate of the Holy Realm (CoV)
1- Handfire
1- Rosemantle
2- Love Bite
2- Warning

Initiate of Torm (CoV)
4- Hand of Torm

Initiate of Tymora (CoV)
1- Fleeting Fortune
2- Favor of Tymora

Initiate of Tyr (PGtF)
4- Sword and Hammer
6- Sword and Hammer, Greater

CoR - Champions of Ruin
CoSW - City of Splendor: Waterdeep
CoV - Champions of Valor
ECS - Eberron Campaign Setting
PGtF - Player's Guide to Faerun
ShS - Shining South

2017-02-07, 10:14 AM
Ah, thanks, and for the reformatting (some people just refuse to listen to that). I shall also bookmark it.

2017-02-07, 10:15 AM
This is pretty awesome. Thanks for that noce

2017-02-07, 04:14 PM
If you know how to sort lists with excel, there is a google docs I can PM you with all the spells in the game.