View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] vow of non-magic? ? for occult slayer

2017-02-07, 06:57 AM
Greetings forum (summary in bold if you don't wish to read the circumstances),

i would like some help on a new version of the vow of poverty feat, regarding occult slayers. Occult slayers say that magic should only be left to the gods, and the class is thus anti-spellcaster based. I felt this could fit in the campaign i'm starting off with some one-shots, where many years ago an apocalypse happened and the people now live in the last surviving city (attack on titan was main inspiration, though the concept of last city in apocalypse is not very new).
Anyway, rough idea for the campaign: there would be a group of people blaming the apocalypse on magic (not completely untrue) and thus become occult slayers to kill spellcasters. But then again, if occult slayers don't think magic is for us, wouldn't they hate magic items as well? AKA using them would make them all hypocrites (you can role with this, but i rather go with avoiding magic items). So the first thing that popped in my head was the vow of poverty. I could make a new version, call it vow of non-magic and use that. I know most of you would say 'do not use vow of poverty for it is bad!', but it's for NPC, so that is no real concern. Anyway, the feat gives access to exhalted feats.
Now, my occult slayers won't be necessarily evil. They want to revolt against all magic users as they blame them for what happened, so perhaps not good either, so exhalted feats don't seem to fit. At most i would call their action misguided. Anyway, if i were to go with vow of non-magic, i need a type of feat i could give them instead of exhalted feats, and use the rest of the feat as it is.
So, the sum up, i want to refluff the vow of poverty in a fow of non-magic for NPCs hating all magic and thus magic items, which type of feat could i use instead of exhalted feat? Anyone suggestions of a type of feat or just a list of feat that won't make this too much?

update: how about luck feats? What is your opinion on luck feats for the feat?

All advice is welcome! Or perhaps another way of avoiding magic items also welcome!

Uncle Pine
2017-02-07, 09:58 AM
You'll truly need the [Luck] tag on a feat that prevents you from using magic items and spell when your purpose is specifically to defeat spellcasters.

I think the best way to read the Occult Slayer lore is that arcane and divine spellcasters that haven't been introduced to the Occult Slayers' teachings need to be trimmed from this world as much as possible because they're too irresponsible to use it, otherwise the class becomes dysfunctional as it's based on defeating spellcasters while nullifying your chances to actually do so.
Think of magic as firearms and Occult Slayers as an organization of people who want to make firearms possession illegal. Except in this hypothetical society shooting your political opponents isn't illegal. You see firearms users are extremely favored in this scenario. Occult Slayers are way better off aiming to restrict access to firearms only to those that are on their side because theoretically speaking they won't abuse it, fighting fire(arms) with fire(arms).

2017-02-07, 10:44 AM
You'll truly need the [Luck] tag on a feat that prevents you from using magic items and spell when your purpose is specifically to defeat spellcasters.
You have a good point there.

I think the best way to read the Occult Slayer lore is that arcane and divine spellcasters that haven't been introduced to the Occult Slayers' teachings need to be trimmed from this world as much as possible because they're too irresponsible to use it, otherwise the class becomes dysfunctional as it's based on defeating spellcasters while nullifying your chances to actually do so.
Think of magic as firearms and Occult Slayers as an organization of people who want to make firearms possession illegal. Except in this hypothetical society shooting your political opponents isn't illegal. You see firearms users are extremely favored in this scenario. Occult Slayers are way better off aiming to restrict access to firearms only to those that are on their side because theoretically speaking they won't abuse it, fighting fire(arms) with fire(arms).

This is something i could work with. I would have to rethink a lot of things in my world, but this could certainly be achieved, thanks. If there are people with ideas to expand on this, or suggestions for my original thought, please, by all means.

2017-02-07, 10:57 AM
Take a look at the Forsaker, from Masters of the Wild. It's 3.0 but it really fits.

Also, Doomlord from Planar Handbook. Fluff wise he just wants to destroy things, including magical ones.
It advances casting but doesn't require to be a caster.

2017-02-07, 11:42 AM
Take a look at the Forsaker, from Masters of the Wild. It's 3.0 but it really fits.

Also, Doomlord from Planar Handbook. Fluff wise he just wants to destroy things, including magical ones.
It advances casting but doesn't require to be a caster.

awesome, thanks! This fits perfectly!