View Full Version : Optimization Help me with equipment and resources management

2017-02-07, 09:51 PM
Hi everyone

I started a gestalt campaign as a player and I'm playing a level 6 artificer//psion.
I'm facing a little problem since every night we enter in a dream in wich we have to defeat a boss to get out while doing other tasks. The problem is originated by the fact that while in the dream we can't recover spells, power point, infusions and the like, but we regain daily uses of class features and items charges. This is problematic since I am relying on my psion side for buffs (and we usually spend a few days in the dream) and I don't have a lot of great offensive options which are important since the PC that kills the boss gains a feat or ability score point when he wakes up.
So my question is: is it better to have wands/scrolls to shot the boss or keep pp to do so? In that case what would you craft? I currently have a talisman of undying fortitude, 2 healing belts, gloves of balanced hand (to acccess double wand wielder) and a cloak of resistance.
Which are the best options I have available to shot the boss (ray of stupidity and similar things don't count since they technically don't kill the enemy)?
