View Full Version : Epic feats worth taking

2017-02-08, 06:23 PM
...besides Epic Spellcasting and the X Deflection series, that is.

2017-02-08, 06:37 PM
Multi-spell for more spells per round? Other then that I don't really pay attaention to epic feats.

2017-02-08, 06:45 PM
Personally most Epic Feats are really things you should be getting at level 8-16 at the latest. There are a few gems but the only ones that are REALLY epic are things like: Automatic Meta Magic, Epic Spell-casting, Additional Magic Item Space, Improved Meta-Magic and Epic Crafting feats.

Pretty much: Does it grant Meta-Magic, Spellcasting or Item Creation? If no then it's rather crap. I mean they thought stuff like "Improved Favoured Enemy" (+1 to a few skills vs 1 type of creature) or "Epic Weapon Spec" (+4 Damage with ONE weapon to things within 30ft!) was equal to -1 spell level to all meta-magic costs, or EPIC SPELLCASTING.

Uncle Pine
2017-02-08, 06:49 PM
Automatic Silent/Still Spell can be decent if you have a few leftovers feats to DCS.
Distant Shot allows you to throw people into the sun without recurring to magic.
Epic Leadership has easy requirements to meet pre-epic by most Cha-focused old Dragons or older. It's also Leadership, therefore easily exploitable.
Familiar Spell (although subpar compared to other options) can come in handy, especially if you're a Pokémon master sort of character with multiple familiars.
Ignore Material Component is AWESOME.
Legendary Commander makes breaking Leadership easier, not that it's needed.
Master Staff can be used to add a lot of versatility to prepared casters by acquiring loads of partially charged staves with many spells in them. It's even better if you can nab it pre-epic.
Permanent Emanation (Planar Bubble).

EDIT: Additional Magic Items is virtually useless considering the rules for stacking magic items.

2017-02-08, 07:18 PM
Permanent Emanation (Consumptive Field) is pretty nasty, especially with Sudden Leap, Brutal Throw, and/or any of the Setting Sun throws where distance is based on the check result.

2017-02-08, 07:24 PM
Most of the Warlock and Binder Epic Feats are pretty sweet.

2017-02-08, 07:39 PM
Improved spell capacity can become ridiculous if you can take it enough times to then be able to take innate spell with a 9th level spell like miracle. Which then gets even more ridiculous with body outside body. This basically requires your to use a prestige class that has a good epic feat progression, like incantatrix or hathran.

Doctor Despair
2017-02-08, 07:52 PM
Music of the Gods lets Bards do some cool tricks -- see my sig ;)

2017-02-08, 09:08 PM
I'd think improved elemental wild shape was good if you didn't necessarily already have shapechange. It still does good things. Just things that you can absolutely already do. Definitely more interesting if you're doing the dragonwrought thing to pick it up early.

2017-02-08, 10:24 PM
Only including what others have not yet mentioned:

Improved Combat Reflexes
Sneak Attack of Opportunity
Lingering Damage
Perfect Two-Weapon/Multiweapon Fighting
Magic Beast Wild Shape
Gargantuan Wild Shape

2017-02-08, 10:36 PM
Gargantuan Wild Shape
Honestly, still mostly not sure what this one gets you. Maybe there are more forms when you start working with really high levels and thus really high HD, but I feel like there's just a smaller number of gargantuan forms to work with.

2017-02-08, 10:58 PM
Honestly, still mostly not sure what this one gets you. Maybe there are more forms when you start working with really high levels and thus really high HD, but I feel like there's just a smaller number of gargantuan forms to work with.

I probably wouldn't take it on a Wild Shape build. It's just one of those feats that probably deserves to be [Epic], unlike something like Blinding Speed or Epic Reflexes. You're much more knowledgeable when it comes to Druids than I so I'll take your word on it.

2017-02-09, 12:46 AM
Most of the Warlock and Binder Epic Feats are pretty sweet.

I 2nd warlock epic feats:

2017-02-09, 02:07 AM
I 2nd warlock epic feats:

Oh, those. I must admit that they're some of the few non-caster epic feat that are actually worth of the name.

Btw, how come nobody mentioned Open Soul Chakra?

2017-02-09, 02:32 AM
Wow. Thats Epic feats done right. Next game I play that goes Epic I am so playing a Warlock. THAT is how it done designers of ELH.

On topic, anything involving spellcasting is pretty good. Anything not is mostly meh. Blinding speed is nice if yer not persistomancing haste already, same with superior initiative. The fast healing and DR feats are very junk but if you can take a bunch there aren't absolutely horrid, but you need to invest a lot to make a noticeable difference, and make sure you are safe vs. save or suck first, but hey fast healing 100 and DR 50 is nice. Gotta do something for epic martials that is well within the purveyance of what one should be expected to do.

Not that they matter at all next to epic spellcasting, but hey for a bit they might feel powerful.

Uncle Pine
2017-02-09, 03:02 AM
Permanent Emanation (Consumptive Field) is pretty nasty, especially with Sudden Leap, Brutal Throw, and/or any of the Setting Sun throws where distance is based on the check result.
Permanent Emanation (Consumptive Field) is strictly worse than repeated castings of Consumptive Field and Greater Consumptive Field.
On one hand, if you had for example a starting CL of 25 you could get to CL 37. On the other, CL 37, then CL 54, then CL 71, then CL 106, etc.

2017-02-09, 03:18 AM
Judgement on the 3.0 stuff on the SRD. Asterisks indicate it's placement on a 1-5 scale:

Red*: Cow dung.
Orange**: Low side of mediocre.
Green***: Decent enough at what it does.
Blue****: A fantastic feat.
Purple*****: You'd have to be either crazy or super-feat starved to not take this on a build that could legally take it.

Additional Magic Item Space*

You can combine items for either 2*lower item's cost, 1.5*lower item's cost, or just the lower item's cost, depending on the method you're using. I have no idea what item is so weird that you'd need the 2*normal cost option, nor what item this would be that it's so expensive that wasting an epic feat is more worth it. If you're really worried about this kind of thing, take Craft Epic Wondrous Item, that probably solves your problem in a much better way.

Armored Skin*

If you have enough feats that you ran out of better things than this to take, you probably stopped caring about petty things like "AC" a long time ago. Skip this and move on with your life.

Augmented Alchemy**

On its own, this feat isn't worth very much, unless your DM decides to let you stack the DC/cost/damage increase with itself indefinitely (in which case you can abuse standard skill-op to get some powerful alchemical items). The most useful thing this feat does is establish the rarity and cost of alchemical items that are more capable than normal, which is useful in a non-epic game where you want to make heavy use of purchased alchemical items...but that's about it.

Automatic Quicken Spell*/***

The 3.0 version is decent enough that, unless you're heavily abusing metamagic in other ways, it's probably worth taking at least once over Improved Metamagic, although taking it more than that is probably worse than spending those feat slots on Improved Metamagic. The 3.5 version applies to one spell level at a time, and is pretty garbage, especially compared to Improved Metamagic.

Automatic Silent Spell*/***

Most methods of decreasing metamagic across the board are either limited application (Arcane Thesis applies to one spell, Metamagic School Focus is 3/day and limited to one school) or have a minimum increase of +1 they can't reduce below (Easy Metamagic, Practical Metamagic, Improved Metamagic, etc). This is decent enough if you don't have a way to reduce Silent Spell to +0 and want tons of Silent Spells, but if you've got such a method, this is a waste of a feat.

Automatic Still Spell*/***

Literally everything I just said about Automatic Silent Spell applies here as well.

Bane Of Enemies***

The actual mechanical aspect of this feat isn't super-great (it's better than a lot of martial non-epic feats, but that's not saying much). The advantage here is that it's a single feat that gets better as you level up, and saves you the boatload of money it would cost to get a similar effect on your actual weapons (not to mention that it applies to unarmed strikes and can't be disarmed/dispelled). I'll elaborate on this if asked, but I expect people will have an understanding of what I'm talking about.

Blinding Speed*

Behold, an item that's the equivalent of two epic feats! (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bootsofSpeed) Not enough Haste for you? Get an item of Continuous Haste for 120000 (or an item of Continuous Swift Haste for 48000 if you're feeling cheesy), and now you have an item that's the equivalent of 2880 epic feats! Yeah, this feat is pretty garbage compared to existing items and spells. If you don't wanna spend the cash, just get your epic wizard friend (who might be you) to cast Persistent Haste on you (or Persistent Swift Haste if you're feeling cheesy).

Bonus Domain***

Varies wildly based on which domains you have and which ones you have left to choose from, so I figured I'd just rank it in the middle and call it a day. If you want more details on which domains are worth taking, I'm sure the Cleric Handbook covers it well.

Bulwark Of Defense*

Making a terrible thing a bit better doesn't make it less of a terrible thing.

Chaotic Rage**

Decent-ish for similar reasons to Bane Of Enemies, but far less so because it's only granting a single weapon property for free, and only while raging - although it's admittedly a more applicable weapon property (at least until the ranger picks up a ton of favored enemies, but that's a ways down the road probably).

Colossal Wild Shape**

If, for some reason, you wanted the ability to turn into a whale, but you didn't want to waste a spell slot on Shapechange to do so...well, here you go. There's advantages to using Wild Shape for such things instead of Shapechange, I guess (longer duration, mostly), so I don't feel right putting this at 1 star, but...it's not great. At all. This gets a lot better when combined with Dragon/Improved Elemental Wild Shape.

Combat Archery**

An item of Continuous Arrow Mind does this for 4000 gp. An "Order Of The Bow Initiate" gets an ability like this for free. There's probably other options as well (such as Point Blank Master if PF content is allowed), but if none of those are available, this does the job well enough - it just comes online too late, IMO.

Craft Epic Magic Arms & Armor***

The only reason it's not 4 stars is that you're getting into the part of the game where attack, damage, and armor class are becoming a lot less important. It's still awesome, though, especially when combined with other crafting reduction cheese.

Craft Epic Rod****

Amazing as expected, but not an automatic feat...if only because there's spell stuff that's better for casters than crafting.

Craft Epic Staff****

Amazing as expected, but not an automatic feat...if only because there's spell stuff that's better for casters than crafting.

Craft Epic Wondrous Item*****

The vast majority of items you'll have are Wondrous. The vast majority of items your friends will have are Wondrous. This feat will save you tons of money, assuming you find a way around the time and XP costs.

Damage Reduction***

The amount of DR is decent enough, and the fact that it's un-bypass-able is pretty awesome, enough to push it to the top ranking of martial feats.

Deafening Song**

An extra capability is nice usually, but you have better things to do.

Death Of Enemies***

Oh hey, a purely martial Save-Or-Die! This is great, it gets better the more favored enemies you pick up, and if you can convince your DM to allow Swift Hunter to let you bypass the crit immunity for this as well, it goes up to an absolutely fantastic ability. The Save DC probably isn't great, but you'll probably be provoking at least one save a round.

Devastating Critical***

Exactly as above, except it doesn't really get better over time (although it starts out at the most widely applicable level that Death Of Enemies could ever reach). If you have both of these and you're dual-crit-fishing, you're probably provoking lots of these saves.

Dextrous Fortitude***

I think this is a pretty good way to cover a weak Fort save, but the 1/round limitation means that, past a certain point, it's only helping out a little.

Dextrous Will***

Same benefits and issues as Dextrous Fortitude.

Diminutive Wild Shape**

What possible reason could you have for turning into a mouse? Bah, just putting this at low 2 for the same reason as the others: extra capabilities.

Dire Charge*

Anybody who wanted this either took it forever ago with a Barbarian dip, or they suck whether they have it or not.

Distant Shot**

A major upgrade for ranged combat that many ranged combatants probably won't ever both using. The only ones I can definitively say really want this for the range are Hulking Hurlers.

Dragon Wild Shape****

Behold, basically the only reason I can think of to take Gargantuan/Colossal Wild Shape! Who cares if it's optimal, you can turn into a mother****ing dragon! Sure, Shapechange already did that, but this makes it a Wild Shape option!

Efficient Item Creation***

A great way to get around the ridiculous time it would take to craft most epic items.

Energy Resistance*/***

Decent in low-epic when you can't afford the items or spells (or spell-replicating items) to be immune/30 resist to all elements, but if you can afford such things, it's worthless in comparison.

Enhance Spell****

This is decent without metamagic reduction - which is really sad, because you'd think that an amped up Fireball wouldn't be all that much better than 8th lvl blasting spells, but there you go. With metamagic reduction, this becomes an amazing way to amp up your blasting prowess.

Epic Dodge**

The only reason it's not 3 stars is because it's tied to the crappy "single target" of the Dodge feat; if you're using the PF version of Dodge, this gets a lot better.

Epic Endurance*

What a waste of an epic feat. Without checking, I'm sure there's a low-level spell out there that makes this completely useless.

Epic Expanded Knowledge***

Not familiar enough with psionics to know for sure this is great, but I'm sure it's on par with the similar feats for spellcasting.

Epic Fortitude**

I guess it's a decent enough bonus, but slightly higher numbers isn't impressive.

Epic Inspiration**

Decent if you're optimizing for this, but higher numbers is getting pretty meh.

Epic Leadership**/*****

If your DM ignores the maximum cohort level, and just has them level with you eternally, this isn't great. If they cap non-epic Leadership at lvl 17, this will upgrade your cohort...and increase your follower numbers vastly.

Epic Prowess*

What a waste of a feat. Alright, listen: take Knowledge Devotion instead, even if you have no more than 5 ranks in a single Knowledge skill, you have a minimum of +1 to attack and damage no matter what your result is. It is objectively better than Epic Prowess even if you have the absolute minimum number of ranks necessary to take it...and even if you have minimum ranks, you can pull off a +2 once in a while. It also goes up to +5, and you can reach that bonus easily with epic skills.

Epic Psionic Focus***

I assume this is a significant upgrade to Psionic Focus, although I admit my knowledge of such things is limited.

Epic Reflexes**

See Epic Fortitude.

Epic Reputation**

It's only two stars instead of 1 because it's another Diplomacy bonus, but Diplomancers probably have everything they already need anyway.

Epic Skill Focus**

The bonus is decent enough and flexible enough to make this decent.

Epic Speed***

I like going faster, but I'm probably biased. This is probably a high 2 at best.

Epic Spell Focus***

More Save DC is great, but it's a minor boost.

Epic Spell Penetration**

A minor bonus is helpful, but you're reaching the point where SR is pointless for most people, making investing resources in penetrating it equally pointless.

Epic Spellcasting*****

Is this allowed? Then congratulations on winning the game.

Epic Toughness*

Take "Great Constitution" twice, and marvel at how much better that is past lvl 30.

Epic Trapfinding*/**

Pointless for elves, but nice little bonus for non-elf trapmonkeys.

Epic Weapon Focus*

Only slightly less pointless than Epic Prowess, but still pointless.

Weapon Weapon Specialization*

As Epic Weapon Focus.

Epic Will**

See Epic Fortitude.

Exceptional Deflection***

A nice upgrade for deflectors, giving a decent defense against some spells.

Extended Life Span*

There's a feat available at lvl 1 that gives immortality. There's a handbook full of other ways to get immortality. This particular method of increased life span isn't as good as any of those,

Familiar Spell****

With the right spell, this can be amazing.

Fast Healing***

Free healing is always awesome, although it's probably not enough to cover in-combat healing.

Fine Wild Shape**

As pointless as the others.

Forge Epic Ring****

As awesome as the other craft feats.

Gargantuan Wild Shape**

Not great, unless paired with Dragon/Improved Elemental Wild Shape.

Great Charisma****

Awesome if you're SAD.

Great Constitution****

Awesome if you're SAD.

Great Dexterity****

Awesome if you're SAD.

Great Intelligence****

Awesome if you're SAD.

Great Smiting***

A nice sizable damage bonus, worth taking if you can smite (although smiting isn't great by default).

Great Strength****

Awesome if you're SAD.

Great Wisdom****

Awesome if you're SAD.

Group Inspiration**

The ability to inspire more people doesn't stop inspiration from getting less important as time goes on. Still, a nice upgrade.

Hindering Song*

Concentration is too easy to optimize as a skill, even with that penalty. That it requires Deafening Song doesn't make it better.

Holy Strike**

As Anarchic Rage.

Ignore Material Components****

Hell yeah, ignore those costly components! There's other ways around it, but this is a great way. I'm probably overrating this, but eh.

Improved Alignment-Based Casting***

A nice little CL bonus, which is useful.

Improved Arrow Of Death*

As with Bulwark Of Defense, making a terrible thing better doesn't make it good.

Improved Aura Of Courage*

Everybody should be immune to fear at this point, if not to mind-affecting effects across the board.

Improved Aura Of Dispair*

Interesting idea, but ultimately not very useful at this level.

Improved Combat Casting**

It's nice enough, I guess, but I think any epic caster who provokes AoOs (or is worried about them) has bigger problems.

Improved Combat Reflexes***

A major upgrade to any focused AoO build.

Improved Darkvision*

Too meh for my tastes.

Improved Death Attack*

A small upgrade to a meh ability.

Improved Elemental Wild Shape***

Not as awesome as being a dragon, but still awesome.

Improved Favored Enemy*

Too small a bonus to be worth a feat slot.

Improved Heighten Spell***

A nice improvement for epic, if you use Heighten often.

Improved Ki Strike**

A good upgrade for unarmed strike, but it only avoids the "upgrade to a terrible thing" because there's lots of upgrades to unarmed strikes out there, unlike things like "Arrow Of Death" and "Defensive Stance".

Improved Low-Light Vision*

Too meh for my tastes.

Improved Manifestation***

Moar powa!!!!

Improved Manyshot***

A good upgrade to Manyshot, a great upgrade to Greater Manyshot, especially for a build where Manyshot is already useful.

Improved Metamagic*****

It's like the Incantatrix capstone, as a feat, and available to any caster. It can't reduce things below +1, but it's still great...especially when taken multiple times.

Improved Metapsionics*****

On par with Improved Metamagic (I think).

Improved Sneak Attack**

Decent, but I'd prefer spending feats on new capabilities. Nice enough bonus if your SA is a focus for you.

Improved Spell Capacity****

The only reason this isn't a 5 is because it only upgrades you one spell level at a time. Still, great for a build that wants to use a lot of high-level metamagic.

Improved Spell Resistance*

Not as much of a waste of a feat as Epic Toughness or Improved Darkvision...but still not great.

Improved Stunning Fist*

Save DCs can't really advance as fast as save bonuses, and monks are too feat-starved as it is.

Improved Whirlwind Attack*

A nice enough improvement on the original, but Whirlwind Attack is the end of a terrible feat chain; this is worth an epic feat, but it's not worth the handful of crap feats you have to take to get to this point.

Incite Rage*

Some decent untyped bonuses, but being a mind-affecting effect means you won't get to use it basically ever...or if you do, your team has bigger problems.

Infinite Deflection***

A must-have for deflectors, and a solid upgrade to your ranged defenses.

Inspire Excellence**

A nice additional ability, but mind-affecting makes it less useful.

Instant Reload***

A nice way to get iteratives with your crossbows, which is normally difficult compared to other ranged weapons.

Intensify Spell****

I don't think it's worth the existing increase, but it gets good with metamagic reduction.

Keen Strike**

A nice upgrade to unarmed strike, although you'll wanna check with your DM on how this interacts with Improved Critical.

Lasting Inspiration***

Greatly extends your performance duration.

Legendary Climber*

Climb checks? Meh, I'd rather use my climb speed...or a fly speed, for that matter. Or teleport.

Legendary Commander***

The power of followers is strong with you: this vastly increases your number of followers, as well as increasing the highest level followers available. If you care about Leadership, this is great.

Legendary Leaper*

Even in epic, you can't have a monk leap hundreds of feat into the air without at least a tiny bit of a running start...well, you can, but not with this. Screw this noise.

Legendary Rider*

Ride checks aren't that difficult, and the only significant upgrade is to epic riders riding mounts not trained for combat - so basically, epic riders who are going out of their way to make their epic riding skills suck more.

Legendary Tracker**

Doesn't let you track teleports or plane shifts, but this is still some solid upgrades to tracking. I like it, high end of 2.

Legendary Wrestler*

Grappling became a trap option around 8th lvl or so. It's not any less of a trap option now. You're better off just punching them.

Lingering Damage****

A fantastic epic feat for an epic rogue, since this basically doubles your SA. And it gets better as you level up, that's something you don't see often with feats!

Magical Beast Companion**

I'm not super-impressed by a quick glance, but it's probably got something abusable there.

Magical Beast Wild Shape**

Not as cool as Dragon Wild Shape, but still nice to have.

Master Staff***

Blends the line between spellcasting and items, a nice option.

Master Wand***

As Master Staff above.

Mighty Rage*

This is so meh they made it a Barbarian capstone instead of an epic feat when they changed to 3.5.

Mobile Defense*

As with Mighty Rage, this was just made a basic capability of the non-epic class.


This is amazing. Anything that lets you further abuse the action economy is awesome.

Multiweapon Rend**

Pretty meh, but some bonus damage is nice enough. Low end of 2.

Music Of The Gods*****

Behold, basically the only way in the game to ignore immunity to mind-affecting on a large scale! Amazing.

Negative Energy Burst***

A nice new thing you can do with your turn attempts, but it's got some stiff non-epic competition.

Overwhelming Critical*

Small damage bonus to crits is pretty meh.

Penetrate Damage Reduction**

Only applies to melee weapons, only treated as one special material...it's nice, but it's not great.

Perfect Health*

Disease ceased being an issue in low non-epic (at least for PCs), and low-DC poisons? Well, if you have +13 base from level (epic good save), Con 25, and Great Fortitude, you have +21, meaning you're basically immune to poisons with DC 25 already. I guess this protects you from those nat 1s?

Perfect Multiweapon Fighting***

This can get ridiculous with enough arms.

Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting**

Not as awesome as the above, but more attacks is neat.

Permanent Emanation***

Really nice with the right spell.

Planar Turning***

A nice extra capability, although as usual it's got some stiff competition.

Plant Wild Shape***

Good thematically, and there's probably a couple useful plant forms available.


Is there a particular reason Continuous Tongues wasn't doing it for you? Why did you waste a feat on this?

Positive Energy Aura***

Auto-turn undead. A great new ability for those clerics that have better things to do with their turn attempts (so all of them, basically).

Power Knowledge***

Presumably on-par with the spellcasting equivalents.

Psicrystal Power****

Presumably on-par with Familiar Spell.

Ranged Inspiration**

Decent enough if you need to affect lots of people, but that's more "fluff useful" than "mechanics useful".

Rapid Inspiration*

No longer does anything, since this is a basic capability now, so meh.

Reactive Countersong**

Nice improvement on an existing capability.

Reflect Arrows***

Works on non-arrows as well, if you can deflect those. Everybody knows the three Deflect feats are great if you can spare the feats for them.

Righteous Strike**

About as awesome as Anarchic Rage, and for similar reasons.

Ruinous Rage*

Behold! An epic barbarian who can win a fight with an inanimate object! What's that you say? They could already do that? Well now they can do it slightly better! I mean, theoretically. They're probably dealing enough damage that Hardness doesn't really factor in very much, but...meh.

Scribe Epic Scroll****

Awesome as always for crafting feats.


Self-stacking Ex continuous miss chance; sure, it doesn't apply while FF, but that's probably never if you're the kind of person taking this feat.

Shattering Strike*

Behold! An epic monk who can win a fight win an inanimate...

Sneak Attack Of Opportunity***

AoOs no longer have to meet the technical requirements for SA to get the damage bonus. This gives Rogues good reason to make AoO builds in epic.

Spectral Strike**

A good way around incorporeal for non-casters that doesn't cost a ton of money.

Spell Knowledge***

Always awesome! More spells to choose from.

Spell Stowaway**

Taking advantage of enemies casting these kinds of spells can be tricky. Taking advantage of your group caster casting this spell on themselves (and saving you the slot for it) is much easier to pull off.

Spellcasting Harrier**

Nice, as long as the caster doesn't have Improved Combat Casting.

Spontaneous Domain Access***

This is decent enough, assuming you're not using the ACF that does the same thing. Just make sure you didn't take the Healing domain...

Spontaneous Spell***

A great way for a prepared caster to increase their capabilities. Best used on generically useful spells, preferably combat ones.

Storm Of Throws***

Lots of attacks, but being surrounded enough for this to be useful means tons of probably-not super threatening enemies.

Superior Initiative**

A nice enough bonus, although undercut by it not stacking with Improved Initiative.

Swarm Of Arrows***

As with Storm Of Throws, so it is here.

Tenacious Magic**

A nice way around dispelling, although there's probably better ways, like "don't get dispelled".

Terrifying Rage**

Fear effect, mind-affecting...well, skill vs save is a nice roll-off, and it doesn't take an action, so that's something.

Thundering Rage**

As Anarchic Rage.

Trap Sense*/**

This is just Epic Trapfinding with a new name. Not sure why this is still there. Weird...

Two-Weapon Rend**

Not great, not terrible.

Uncanny Accuracy**

A nice upgrade to archery, although there's other ways around this.

Undead Mastery***

Necromancers probably love this. Better minionmancy is always nice.

Unholy Strike**

As Anarchic Rage.

Vermin Wild Shape**

Now you can turn into bugs. Decent enough.

Vorpal Strike***

A powerful improvement to unarmed strike, equivalent to a huge pile of money.

Widen Aura Of Courage**

Great for inspiring a battlefield, but probably not mechanically worth it. Still, nice for fluff.

Widen Aura Of Despair**

Nice for combat against an army, but that probably doesn't happen very often since they likely weren't a threat anyway.

Zone Of Animation***

A nice new capability for your turn attempts, although it's got some stiff competition as usual.

5 Star Feats
Craft Epic Wondrous Item
Epic Leadership
Epic Spellcasting
Improved Metamagic
Improved Metapsionics
Music Of The Gods

4 Star Feats
Craft Epic Rod
Craft Epic Staff
Dragon Wild Shape
Enhance Spell
Familiar Spell
Forge Epic Ring
Great Charisma
Great Constitution
Great Dexterity
Great Intelligence
Great Strength
Great Wisdom
Ignore Material Components
Improved Spell Capacity
Intensify Spell
Lingering Damage
Psicrystal Power
Scribe Epic Scroll

It's worth noting that there's only two feats on these two lists that aren't caster or caster-adjacent: one is Lingering Damage (which doubles your SA essentially, and is awesome), and the other one is Epic Leadership.

2017-02-09, 03:39 AM
Epic Destinies (http://web.archive.org/web/20100916093852/http://www.wizards.com/DnD/Article.aspx?x=dnd/drfe/20080428)

2017-02-09, 03:47 AM
Permanent Emanation (Selective Antimagic Field) is another pretty great one.

Multispell doesn't work under 3.5 rules without a little updating, as you only have one swift action. That it would be updated to work as intended is reasonable to assume, however, as 3.0 Quicken was a 1/round free action.

Btw, how come nobody mentioned Open Soul Chakra?Open Soul Chakra isn't bad. You can get Gate for a feat and an epic feat, so that's cool. A few other Soul chakra binds are alright as well, but that's the one that stands out.

2017-02-09, 03:57 AM
Permanent Emanation (Selective Antimagic Field) is another pretty great one.

Multispell doesn't work under 3.5 rules without a little updating, as you only have one swift action. That it would be updated to work as intended is reasonable to assume, however, as 3.0 Quicken was a 1/round free action.

Open Soul Chakra isn't bad. You can get Gate for a feat and an epic feat, so that's cool. A few other Soul chakra binds are alright as well, but that's the one that stands out.

Epic level handbook is 3.0/early 3.5 material when it was a free action wasn't it? Thats why it doesn't work with new rules I believe.

2017-02-09, 04:22 AM
Regarding open soul chakra, I don't think you miss much without it. If you're lawfully aligned (I don't think there's a way to fool the chakra if you're not), you can pick up daze immunity, which is rare but not otherwise impossible. The 1/week gate doesn't impress me at all due to it still charging exp for calling.

2017-02-09, 08:14 AM
Master Staff can be used to add a lot of versatility to prepared casters by acquiring loads of partially charged staves with many spells in them. It's even better if you can nab it pre-epic.

"Channel Charge" (Lost empires of Faerun) is something like a nonepic version of Master Staff + Master Wand that requires an additional UMD check and an additional spell level.

2017-02-09, 10:15 AM
Oh, those. I must admit that they're some of the few non-caster epic feat that are actually worth of the name.

Btw, how come nobody mentioned Open Soul Chakra?

a few mentionable (imho):

- As a full-round action, you can summon a single creature from the summon monster I-IX list that is an elemental or has the air, earth, fire, or water subtype. The monster serves you for a number of rounds equal to your caster level. Activating this ability requires a standard action ( summon 1 Elemental / round. ever wanted an army of elementals?).

- dominate monster on elementals and creatures with the air, earth, fire, or water subtype

- gain energy resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic. If you have energy resistance from the warlock class, your resistance to those two elements increases by 10

-Elementals and creatures with the earth, air, fire, or water subtype view you as one of their kind. These creatures react to you as if their attitude is two steps better than the situation otherwise warrants.

-You can use power word blind, power word kill, or power word stun. Activating this ability requires a standard action.

-When you use your warlock's call ability, you no longer suffer the chance of taking 1d10 points of damage from the recipient. In addition, you can imbue your sending with a suggestion (as demand). The casting time of warlock's call is 1 minute. Using this ability is part of the casting of the warlock's call invocation. (spam this until the enemy fails his save & hf^^)

-You can communicate as if under the effects of a constant tongues spell. This is a supernatural ability. (now you can use suggestion on everybody who has a language)

-When you use your beguiling influence invocation, the bonus granted on your Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks is equal to double your Charisma bonus or +6, whichever is greater. Using this ability is part of the casting of the beguiling influence invocation. It is an extraordinary ability.

- You can see through illusions, magical darkness, shapechangers, and other effects (as true seeing). This is a supernatural ability.

- You are automatically aware of all spells or magical effects you see. Simply by looking at a creature, you can determine if it is a divine or arcane caster, whether it has any spell-like abilities, and the highest spell or spell-like abilities it knows. This is a supernatural ability. (You don't need any divination spells like other casters to fight casters. You just look at the enemy caster and know everything that you need to know. And you can't be faked by any magic at all. You know even all active magic buffs & contingent spells the enemy has.)

- When you use the voidsense invocation, you gain blindsight 60 feet. (completes the true seeing)

- You receive a bonus on all Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks equal to double your Wisdom modifier or +6, whichever is greater. This is an extraordinary ability.

- You can create streaking masses of shadow around your form, providing you with a 50% miss chance against all attacks (as displacement). Activating this ability requires a standard action. (always nice)

- You can use material from the Plane of Shadows to create quasireal illusions, mimicking sorcerer and wizard conjuration spells of 8th level or lower (as shades). The illusions deal 80% damage to nonbelievers, and nondamaging effects are 80% likely to work against nonbelievers. Activating this ability requires a standard action. (makes every conjuration focused sorcerer/wizard jealous^^. combine with Shadowcraft Mage for extra fun)

- You are immune to all spells with the shadow subtype and to effects that involve the use of shadows (such as the breath weapon of a shadow dragon). This is an extraordinary ability. (now you just need a shadow dragon company somehow^^)

- You can summon ten swarms of centipedes (as creeping doom). You add your Charisma modifier to the poison save DC of the swarm. The attacks of any centipede swarms summoned are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. They also bypass damage reduction based on your alignment. If you are a chaotic good warlock, your swarms bypass chaotic, good, and magic damage reduction. Activating this ability requires a standard action. (I guess the feat name says it all, Verminlord. If like the theme take it)

- When you use the summon swarm and tenacious plague invocations, the summoned creatures bypass damage reduction in the way listed above. Using this ability is part of the casting of those invocations.

- You can also control the actions of vermin creatures. This functions as dominate monster, but it affects vermin only. This lasts for a number of days equal to your caster level. Activating this ability requires a standard action.

- Vermin view you as one of their kind. A vermin will never attack you willingly, unless you provoke it or its kin. This is an extraordinary ability.

@Open Soul Chakra:
Haven't played with Soulmeld so far and I think it ain't that popular and thus the reason why it didn't got mentioned. And the ability to bind a magic item isn't worth the epic feat. Better buy a slotless custom magic item instead for extra money.