View Full Version : Pathfinder Godclaw Mystery: Building a Better Capstone

2017-02-09, 09:18 AM
So, one of my players in a 1-20 game is playing a Godclaw mystery Oracle. Unfortunately, the final revelation is somewhat... underwhelming.

Upon reaching 20th level, you can cast detect chaos, detect law, and discern lies at will as spell-like abilities, using your oracle level as your caster level.

You no longer take armor check penalties for wearing armor, and your armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 5. Once per day, you can cast crushing hand as a spell-like ability without requiring a focus component, treating your oracle level as your caster level. This hand manifests as a massive, spiked gauntlet.
So, they get three low-level at-wills that they might have been able to cast anyway, one of the worst level 9 spells in the game once a day, and they are slightly less encumbered by wearing armor? Where's the flourish, the strength? There's nothing inspiring or "level 20" about this ability. How can we make a better capstone for this mystery?