View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Who wants to help build some NPCs?

2017-02-09, 11:25 AM
Short version:
I need 3 NPC characters for one of my players to duel (individually). This is a scenario of all good aligned (human) characters vying for leadership. My player has already been granted the title of authority the NPCs want, but is being challenged to defend his position with martial combat, true duel style. I need combat ready NPCs by this Saturday and there is a LOT of other stuff that I have to prepare for this campaign (each of the three players at my table is doing personal sidequests simultaneously :smallsigh:).

So I thought maybe some giants around here might be pleased to help me make a few duel opponents I can stick into the story to save me some time so I can focus on other details in my campaign that need more of specifically my own attention.

The details I need:

I need three fully functional NPCs with stats.
The heroes are Gestalt, the NPCs are allowed to be, but do not have to be.
The PC is a level 5 Vow of Poverty Monk type character (I don't have specifics on his stats).
Any 1st party resources allowed, including dragon magazines if you like, but remember this isn't meant to outshine the PC. Straight levels in one class will probably be fine.
I would prefer if these three NPCs had archetypical differences and martial builds, like one of them being a Knight using Sword&Board, one of them being a paladin with some exotic weapon or otherwise unique flavor, etc.
I want the PC to work for it, but not necessarily to have a strong chance of failure. (This is a side. quest.)
This player has been plagued with bad dice rolls in the past. Bonus points if you can incorporate a "weakness" in the NPC that I can reveal to be exploited in case the battle is going poorly due to miserable luck striking again. Only constraint is that exploiting the weakness still has to be honorable.

Long Version: The Story
Custom Campaign Setting. I will spoiler tag campaign setting details so you can skip to the relevant bits or read further as needed.
Humans are kind of a capitalism-centric society that worships a pelor/heironeous blend deity (I call him, "Norio") predominantly, so social alignment is strongly good with a mix of lawful and chaotic throughout and an emphasis on personal work ethic... so yeah, like medieval america. The nation of humanity is known as the "Dominion of Free Enterprise."

Humans and Elveses are racial cousins, both having descended from the "half-elves" that were like the children race of their shared deity of holy righteousness, smiting, fire, and compassion.

The humans have been commanded by their god to help the elves as they embark against war with the Illithid.
The Illithid, in this setting, were a creation of the Aboleth who were playing and experimenting with drowned humaniods lost at sea. They live at the bottom of the ocean in the deepest, darkest corners of the planet. The Aboleth screwed up, the Illithid deceived them and became too powerful to control and usurped the Aboleth empire below the sea. They took over the experiments with drowned humanoids and crafted the Drow. The Elves were tightly enough linked to their kin that the torturous process of the creation of the Drow was felt across the world (yes, the creation of the Illithid was felt as well, but it took a while before the Elves realized why they were all having the same nightmares). Hence, being children of the smiting god of fire, their response was to go kill the Illithid with fire. But they need help from their human cousins.

The church has been going throughout the Dominion on a campaign to drum up support for the war and get the population invested in supporting the war both in enlisted servicemen and in at home financial support (those enchanted submersible galleons won't build themselves).

Enter the Party. They began this adventure in a west coast town where the traveling church sponsored tournament was held to showcase a few of the great combatants to be found in the Dominion. Regular townspeople were encouraged to participate if they felt so inclined.

The PCs participated in a few events, but mostly they got sidetracked by an unexpected undercurrent where they discovered a criminal kidnapping ring that was picking up undesirable peasants no one would miss. In the course of the investigation, the party tracked the kidnappers back to a rich noble's manor to discover that the noble was an accursed Vampire using clerical knowledge of this world's only evil deity to contact Illithid and Aboleth to create abominable machines to optimize his Lifedrinker class features.

In the process, Marcus, the PC in question who will be contested in the duels, cleared the name of Hollowyf, a tournament champion who was discovered to be a Half-Orc and subsequently blamed for the kidnappings based on his genes. The church Bishop, at the end of the tournament, announced that their god had selected Marcus to go out as a pseudo avatar and lead the human armies of the western portion of the Dominion (as a result of him establishing true justice, uprooting the schemes of the evil deity, and rescuing an innocent soul).

Now, the Dukes (who normally serve as generals in the army) were upset because it was highly expected that one of them, who were already in command of nearly a quarter of the armies of the westerlands, would receive this honor of being the pseudo avatar and thus be elevated over the other three Dukes.

One of these four Dukes is honorable and is pleased with the election of Marcus (largely because he was sick of the bickering between the other three), so he's not going to duel Marcus.

The other three, however, will contest Marcus for his title.