View Full Version : E6 Dragon Shaman

2017-02-09, 03:40 PM
Is there any PrC that's really good for a Dragon Shaman in and E6 game?

2017-02-09, 04:09 PM
I mean, I don't think anything particularly goes with Dragon Shaman, which is, ultimately, a pretty mediocre class. Then again, Dragon Shaman 6 is a pretty solid level, getting +1 to BAB and saves, +1d6 breath weapon, and Touch of Vitality. So I'm not sure if you really want to lose it...

But if you do, maybe Chameleon? It's not hard to get the skills, either as a Silverbrow Human or with the Silver Dragon totem, and that single level will get you second level spells all in one go.

2017-02-09, 04:13 PM
What do you want this build to be able to do?

What is the optimization level?

What are the other people playing?

2017-02-09, 04:32 PM
What do you want this build to be able to do?

What is the optimization level?

What are the other people playing?

I'm not sure I've call him optimized per se. He's definitely the tank of the group though.

He's a dragonborn human with wings, with a red dragon totem. Toughness and high con, lots of HP. I built him as a meat shield that buffs the party with auras. I didn't think to hard beyond that concept.

2017-02-10, 12:04 AM
I'd recommend looking at Dragonfire Adept instead of Dragon Shaman, especially as a support character.

You'll contribute by breathing fire right from level 1, and you'll get a Lesser Invocation at level 6 which is a great capstone.

You can take Draconic Aura as a feat to buff your party in that way starting at level 3. Since you're playing E6, you will accumulate more feats as you play past level 6, so you can pick up a variety of auras and Least Invocations through feats.

The really nice thing, though, is that a Dragonfire Adept can start the game with two utterly unfair advantages:
- Entangling Exhalation (a feat in Races of the Dragon)
- Endure Exposure (a Least Invocation in Dragon Magic)

With these, you can breathe with impunity even when your party members are in the area of effect (because you don't harm them), and everyone you do harm gets Engangled so you're throwing down a nasty BFC.

Doctor Despair
2017-02-10, 07:38 AM
Marshal 1 synergizes for auras and such, but makes you more MAD