View Full Version : DM Help Homebrew Deity Help

2017-02-09, 06:32 PM
Tldr: Shal'Regus, my homebrew god of the forgotten (divine rank 16) got found out by Boccob (divine rank 17), and is trying to get Boccob to forget his existence while Boccob is actively searching for and is loosely aware of him. Need Shal'Regus to remain an elusive and unknown figure without resorting to dm magic. Help.

Explanation of Shal'Regus:

In my campaign, I have created a homebrew deity named Shal'Regus, lord of the Forgotten. He rules over knowledge, forgotten knowledge, secrets, and lost people. He is not known to exist, even to other gods. Every now and then Shal'Regus will reach out to cast-outs and those who have been betrayed, offering them to become Forgotten. He grants these beings much power and the ability to start anew.

Once a devout follower of Boccob, Regus was cast out when he began to look too far into knowledge and secrets that were beyond him. Boccob even removed knowledge of one instrumental secret Regus had found, for he was trying to grasp magic that was more powerful than epic level spells, which was forbidden by Mystra after the Fall of Netheril. Infuriated, Regus set out to train himself to become stronger, eventually claiming godhood.

Knowing he'd need incredible power to find out long forgotten secrets, and so that Boccob could not overpower him again, Regus took on the title of the god of the forgotten. His portfolio features forgotten, a portfolio element that has conveniently and ironically been forgotten itself. To continue his studies in secret and to protect himself from the interference of other gods, Shal'Regus found a way to remove himself from existence, learning of Vecna's god-blooded gift. Regus himself tracked down Vecna after long preparation, forging a powerful weapon to destroy him. After slaying the god and bathing in his blood, Regus's entire history was wiped from the face of Oerth. Many centuries later, Regus has risen to the power of a greater god, continuing to remain unknown to the world except for his own followers. His divine rank is 16.

Explanation of the situation:

In my campaign, the party has been hunting down Morgath'Khal, a powerful lich who is secretly the reincarnation of Vecna, who is also no longer a god and has been cursed by Shal'Regus(See above). After seeing Morgath'Khal for the first time, and seeing an uncanny resemblance to the god Vecna, the party was understandably alarmed. Discussing strategy amongst each other and with trusted NPCs, they had a powerful sorcerer ally contact Boccob through Contact Other Plane, asking about this matter. Boccob, after looking into the matter due to a slightly piqued interest, found that the god of secrets Vecna was dead, and that there was no current known god of secrets that had replaced him (as Shal'Regus is unknown and deals primarily with forgotten knowledge over secrets). This caused Boccob to try and uncover what had happened, keeping a close eye out for anything major happening within his domains.

It just so happened that that night, Shal'Regus appeared before one of the players characters, as they themselvees had been deeply betrayed and forgotten in the past. =When Shal'Regus made the offer for her to join him, extending a hand and preparing to use his divine magic to erase her past, Boccob sensed this happening and interrupted the deal, Sending Shal'Regus running before Boccob got a good look at the mysterious entity through his divination.

Now, since Shal'Regus has been mostly found out by Boccob, as Boccob has already uncovered that the mysterious entity (Shal'Regus)was the one that slew Vecna, Shal'Regus is trying to find a way to make Boccob forget again, even while Boccob has set up protective magic to guard against any attacks from this powerful being that seems to have come out of nowhere.

In the past, Shal'Regus had used alter reality to cast a custom epic variant of modify memory, one whose effect was instantaneous instead of permanent, and which was able to manipulate more memories than normal. As alter reality is a universal spell, using it to cast the modify memory variant would affect even those immune to mind affecting effects, like gods, undead, constructs, etc. However, it is also arguable that he would simply use the ability he inherited from Vecna's divinity as part of the Vecna-blooded template, in which knowledge of you is purged from history. What tactic would likely work best? If at all possible I'd like to avoid direct combat between the two beings as Sha;'Regus is instrumental to the endgame of my campaign and I need him to continue to remain elusive, I just want to do it as legally as I can without saying OP DM powers.

I figure there will probably be some discourse and rule lawyering on this. I'm fine with that, but hopefully it's constructive, allowing me to fix elements of the situation instead of scrapping them because I did something in the past I wasn't supposed to.

2017-02-09, 08:19 PM
Well, there are a few areas of the multiverse that even greater deities may have trouble interacting with: the Far Realm, the Mists of Ravenloft, the Lady of Pain in Sigil and the spire at the center of the Outlands.

Perhaps he could fake his own death somehow and lay low in one of these places until the heat was off.

2017-02-10, 08:32 PM
Well, there are a few areas of the multiverse that even greater deities may have trouble interacting with: the Far Realm, the Mists of Ravenloft, the Lady of Pain in Sigil and the spire at the center of the Outlands.

Perhaps he could fake his own death somehow and lay low in one of these places until the heat was off.

I suppose he could certainly hide there, though Boccob knows he exists now which puts a bit of a wrench in his plans. Might employ that though I guess.

2017-02-10, 08:38 PM
What about making a copy of himself as he entered, then keeping this copy outside and allowing it to be destroyed?

Alternately, having himself destroyed and eventually reincarnated as a different deity: one that Boccob knows nothing about. Shedding all attachment to his former identity.